Esempio n. 1
def test_from_nulity_matroid(nulity_matroid, expected):
    E, _ = nulity_matroid
    cl1 = from_nulity_matroid(nulity_matroid)
    cl2 = expected
    for X in powset(E):
        print(cl1(X), cl2(X))
    assert all(cl1(X) == cl2(X) for X in powset(E))
Esempio n. 2
def from_hyperplanes_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """COnstruct flats from a matroid defined by hyperplanes.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by hyperplanes.

        list[set[T]]: The flats of a given matroid.
    E, Hs = matroid
    # Fs is a group generated by Hs under the intersection.
    all_intersection = lambda Xs: [
        X for X in powset(E)
        if X in [A & B for A, B in combinations_with_replacement(Xs, 2)]

    tmp = all_intersection(Hs)
    # Repeat unless the set is closed under the intersection.
    # This loop must be stopped because E is finite, and E includes any intersection.
    while True:
        next_tmp = all_intersection(tmp)
        if len(tmp) == len(next_tmp):
            return tmp
        tmp = next_tmp
Esempio n. 3
 def cocircuits(self) -> list[set[int]]:
     # Cs*(U_{0,n}) = ∅
     if self.k == 0:
         return []
     # Cs*(U_{k,n}) = { C* ⊆ E : |C*| = n - k + 1 } (k ≠ 0)
     return [
         C_ast for C_ast in powset(self.E)
         if len(C_ast) == self.n - self.k + 1
def from_dependent_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct independent sets from a matroid defined by dependent sets

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set]]): A matroid defined by dependent sets

        list[set[T]]: The independent sets of a given matroid.
    E, Ds = matroid
    return [I for I in powset(E) if I not in Ds]
def from_bases_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct independent sets from a matroid defined by bases.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): Matroid defined by bases.

        list[set[T]]: The bases of a given matroid.
    E, Bs = matroid
    return [I for I in powset(E) if any(map(lambda B: I <= B, Bs))]
Esempio n. 6
def from_circuits_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct dependent sets from a matroid defined by circuits.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by circuits.

        list[set[T]]: The dependent sets of a matroid.
    E, Cs = matroid
    return [D for D in powset(E) if any(map(lambda C: C <= D, Cs))]
Esempio n. 7
def from_nulity_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construnct dependent sets from a matroid defined by a nulity function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a rank function.

        list[set[T]]: The dependent sets of a matroid.
    E, n = matroid
    # Cs = { C ⊆ E : n(C) ≠ 0 }
    return [C for C in powset(E) if n(C) != 0]
Esempio n. 8
def from_rank_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construnct dependent sets from a matroid defined by a rank function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a rank function.

        list[set[T]]: The dependent sets of a matroid.
    E, r = matroid
    # Cs = {C ⊆ E : r(C) ≠ |C|}
    return [C for C in powset(E) if r(C) != len(C)]
Esempio n. 9
def from_independent_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct dependent sets from a matroid defined by dependent sets.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by independent sets.

        list[set[T]]: The dependent sets of a given matroid.
    E, Is = matroid
    # Ds = {D ⊆ E : D ∉ Is}
    return [D for D in powset(E) if D not in Is]
Esempio n. 10
def from_bases_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct dependent sets from a matroid defined by bases.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by bases.

        list[set[T]]: The dependent sets of a given matroid.
    E, Bs = matroid
    # Ds = { D ⊆ E : D - B ≠ ∅,∀B ∈ Bs}
    return [D for D in powset(E) if all(map(lambda B: D - B, Bs)) ]
Esempio n. 11
def from_closure_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]]) -> Callable[[set[T]], int]:
    """Construct a nulity function from a matroid defined by a closure function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]]): A matroid defined by a closure function

        Callable[[set[T]], int]: The nulity function of a given matroid.
    E, cl = matroid
    # n(X) = |X| - min{ |I| : X ⊆ cl(I) }.
    return lambda X: len(X) - min(len(I) for I in powset(E) if X <= cl(I))
Esempio n. 12
def from_nulity_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct bases from a matroid defined by a nulity function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]]], int]): A matroid defined by a nulity function.

        list[set[T]]: The bases of a given matroid.
    E, n = matroid
    # Bs = { B ⊆ E : n(B) = 0 and n(E) = |E| - |B| }
    return [B for B in powset(E) if (n(B) == 0) and (n(E) == len(E) - len(B))]
Esempio n. 13
def from_nulity_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct spanning sets from a matroid defined by a nulity function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a nulity function

        list[set[T]]: The spanning set of a given matroid.
    E, n = matroid
    # Ss = { S ⊆ E : n(E) - n(S) = |E| - |S| }
    return [S for S in powset(E) if n(E) - n(S) == len(E) - len(S)]
Esempio n. 14
def from_rank_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct bases from a matroid defined by a rank function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]]], int]): A matroid defined by a rank function.

        list[set[T]]: The bases of a given matroid.
    E, r = matroid
    # Bs = { B ⊆ E : |B| = r(B) = r(E) }
    return [B for B in powset(E) if (len(B) == r(B)) and (len(B) == r(E))]
Esempio n. 15
def from_rank_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct spanning sets from a matroid defined by a rank function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a rank function

        list[set[T]]: The spanning set of a given matroid.
    E, r = matroid
    # Ss = { S ⊆ E : r(S) = r(E) }
    return [S for S in powset(E) if r(S) == r(E)]
Esempio n. 16
def from_rank_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct independent sets from a matroid defined by a rank function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a rank function.

        list[set[T]]: The independent sets of a given matroid.
    E, r = matroid
    # Is = { I ⊆ E : r(I) = |I| }
    return [I for I in powset(E) if r(I) == len(I)]
Esempio n. 17
def from_nulity_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct independent sets from a matroid defined by a nulity function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a nulity function.

        list[set[T]]: The independent sets of a given matroid.
    E, n = matroid
    # Is = { I ⊆ E : n(I) = 0 }
    return [I for I in powset(E) if n(I) == 0]
Esempio n. 18
def from_circuits_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct independent sets from a matroid defined by circuits.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by circuits.

        tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]: The independent sets of a given matroid.
    E, Cs = matroid
    # Is = {I ⊆ E : C ⊈ I, ∀C ∈ Cs}
    return [I for I in powset(E) if all(map(lambda C: not (C <= I), Cs))]
Esempio n. 19
def from_closure_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct flats from a matroid defined by a closure function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]]): A matroid defined by a closure function.

        list[set[T]]: The flats of a given matroid.
    E, cl = matroid
    # Fs = { F ⊆ E | cl(F) = F }
    return [F for F in powset(E) if cl(F) == F]
Esempio n. 20
def from_rank_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct hyperplanes from a matroid defined by a rank function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a rank function.

        list[set[T]]: The hyperplanes of a given matroid.
    E, r = matroid
    # Hs: maximal set of { H ⊆ E : r(H) = r(E) - 1 }
    Hs_ = [H for H in powset(E) if r(H) == r(E) - 1]
    return [H for H in Hs_ if all(map(lambda H_: not H < H_, Hs_))]
Esempio n. 21
def from_nulity_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct hyperplanes from a matroid defined by a nulity function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a nulity function.

        list[set[T]]: The hyperplanes of a given matroid.
    E, n = matroid
    # Hs: maximal set of { H ⊆ E : n(E) - n(H) = |E| - |H| - 1 }
    Hs_ = [H for H in powset(E) if n(E) - n(H) == len(E) - len(H) - 1]
    return [H for H in Hs_ if all(map(lambda H_: not H < H_, Hs_))]
Esempio n. 22
    def union(self, matroid: Matroid) -> Matroid:
        """Calculate the union of this and another matroids.

            matroid (Matroid): A matroid.

            Matroid: The union of this and the other matroids.
        r1 = self.rank_function
        r2 = matroid.rank_function
        # r(X) = min{ r1(Y) + r2(Y) + |X - Y| : Y ⊆ X }
        r = lambda X: min(r1(Y) + r2(Y) + len(X - Y) for Y in powset(X))
        return Matroid((self.ground_set | matroid.ground_set, r), axiom=MatroidAxiom.RANK_FUNCTION, axiom_check=False)
Esempio n. 23
def from_closure_matroid(
    matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]],
                                    set[T]]]) -> Callable[[set[T]], int]:
    """Construct a rank function from a matroid defined by a closure function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]]): A matroid defined by a closure function.

        Callable[[set[T]], int]: The rank function of a given matroid.
    E, cl = matroid
    # r(X) = min{ |I| : X ⊆ cl(I) }, ∀X ⊆ E.
    return lambda X: min(len(I) for I in powset(E) if X <= cl(I))
Esempio n. 24
def from_closure_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct independent sets from a matroid defined by a closure function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], set[T]]): A matroid defined by a closure function.

        list[set[T]]: The independent sets of a given matroid.
    E, cl = matroid
    # Is = { I ⊆ E : i ∉ cl(I\{i}), ∀i ∈ I }
    return [
        I for I in powset(E) if all(map(lambda i: i not in cl(I - {i}), I))
Esempio n. 25
def from_rank_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct flats from a matroid defined by a rank function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a rank function.

        list[set[T]]: The flats of a given matroid.
    E, r = matroid
    # Fs = { F ⊆ E : r(F ∪ {e}) = r(F) + 1, ∀e ∈ E\F }
    return [
        F for F in powset(E)
        if all(map(lambda e: r(F | {e}) == r(F) + 1, E - F))
Esempio n. 26
def from_nulity_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct flats from a matroid defined by a nulity function.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], Callable[[set[T]], int]]): A matroid defined by a nulity function.

        list[set[T]]: The flats of a given matroid.
    E, n = matroid
    # Fs = { F ⊆ E : n(F ∪ {e}) - n(F) = |F ∪ {e}| - |F| + 1, ∀e ∈ E\F }
    return [
        F for F in powset(E) if all(
            map(lambda e: n(F | {e}) - n(F) == len(F | {e}) - len(F) - 1, E -
Esempio n. 27
def from_spanning_matroid(
        matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct hyperplanes from a matroid defined by spanning sets.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by spanning sets.

        list[set[T]]: The hyperplanes of a given matroid.
    E, Ss = matroid
    # Hs is the maximal set of the non-spanning sets { N ⊆ E : N ∉ Ss }
    non_spannings = [N for N in powset(E) if N not in Ss]
    # Maximalization
    return [
        H for H in non_spannings
        if all(map(lambda X: not (H < X), non_spannings))
Esempio n. 28
def from_bases_matroid(matroid: tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]) -> list[set[T]]:
    """Construct hyperplanes from a matroid defined by bases.

        matroid (tuple[set[T], list[set[T]]]): A matroid defined by bases.

        list[set[T]]: The hyperplanes of a given matroid.
    E, Bs = matroid
    # Hs is the maximal set in { H ⊆ E : B ⊈ H, ∀B ∈ Bs }
    set_containing_no_bases = [
        X for X in powset(E) if all(map(lambda B: not (B <= X), Bs))
    # Maximalization
    return [
        H for H in set_containing_no_bases
        if all(map(lambda X: not (H < X), set_containing_no_bases))
Esempio n. 29
 def cobases(self) -> list[set[int]]:
     # Bs*(U_{k,n}) = { B* ⊆ E : |B*| = n - k }
     return [
         B_ast for B_ast in powset(self.E) if len(B_ast) == self.n - self.k
Esempio n. 30
 def codependent_sets(self) -> list[set[int]]:
     # Ds*(U_{k,n}) = { D* ⊆ E : |D*| > n - k }
     return [
         D_ast for D_ast in powset(self.E) if len(D_ast) > self.n - self.k