def _filterMultipleVersions(self, artifactList):
        logging.debug("Filtering multi-version artifacts to have just a single version.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(self.config.multiVersionGAs, False)

        for ga in sorted(artifactList.keys()):
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, ga):

            # Gather all priorities
            priorities = sorted(artifactList[ga].keys())
            priority = priorities[0]
            # Gather all versions
            versions = list(artifactList[ga][priority].keys())

            if len(versions) > 1:  # list of 1 is sorted by definition
                versions = maven_repo_util._sortVersionsWithAtlas(versions)

            # Remove version, priorities and gats from artifactList as necessary
            for version in versions[1:]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because only single version is allowed.", ga,
                              version, priority)
                del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
            for p in priorities[1:]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s from priority %i because of no version left.", ga, p)
                del artifactList[ga][p]
            if not artifactList[ga]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s because of no priority left.", ga)
                del artifactList[ga]

        return artifactList
    def _filterExcludedTypes(self, artifactList):
        Filter artifactList removing GAVs with specified main types only, otherwise keeping GAVs with
        not-excluded artifact types only.

        :param artifactList: artifactList to be filtered.
        :param exclTypes: list of excluded types
        :returns: artifactList without artifacts that matched specified types and had no other main types.
        logging.debug("Filtering artifacts with excluded types.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(self.config.gatcvWhitelist)
        exclTypes = self.config.excludedTypes
        for ga in artifactList.keys():
            for priority in artifactList[ga].keys():
                for version in artifactList[ga][priority].keys():
                    artSpec = artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                    for artType in list(artSpec.artTypes.keys()):
                        if artType in exclTypes:
                            artTypeObj = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                            classifiers = artTypeObj.classifiers
                            (groupId, artifactId) = ga.split(':')
                            for classifier in list(classifiers):
                                art = MavenArtifact(groupId, artifactId, artType, version, classifier)
                                gatcv = art.getGATCV()
                                if not maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, gatcv):
                                    logging.debug("Dropping classifier \"%s\" of %s:%s:%s from priority %i because of "
                                                  "excluded type.", classifier, ga, artType, version, priority)
                                    logging.debug("Skipping drop of %s:%s:%s:%s from priority %i because it matches a "
                                                  "whitelist pattern.", ga, artType, classifier, version, priority)
                            if not classifiers:
                                logging.debug("Dropping %s:%s:%s from priority %i because of no classifier left.", ga,
                                              artType, version, priority)
                    noMain = True
                    for artType in artSpec.artTypes.keys():
                        artTypeObj = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                        if artTypeObj.mainType:
                            noMain = False
                    if not artSpec.artTypes or noMain:
                        if noMain:
                            logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because of no main artifact left.",
                                          ga, version, priority)
                            logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because of no artifact type left.",
                                          ga, version, priority)
                        del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                if not artifactList[ga][priority]:
                    logging.debug("Dropping GA %s from priority %i because of no version left.", ga, priority)
                    del artifactList[ga][priority]
            if not artifactList[ga]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s because of no priority left.", ga)
                del artifactList[ga]
        return artifactList
    def _filterArtifactsByPatterns(self, artifacts, gavPatterns):
        if not gavPatterns:
            return artifacts

        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(gavPatterns)
        includedArtifacts = {}
        for artifact in artifacts:
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, artifact.getGAV()):
                includedArtifacts[artifact] = artifacts[artifact]
        return includedArtifacts
    def _filterArtifactsByPatterns(self, artifacts, gavPatterns):
        if not gavPatterns:
            return artifacts

        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(gavPatterns)
        includedArtifacts = {}
        for artifact in artifacts:
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, artifact.getGAV()):
                includedArtifacts[artifact] = artifacts[artifact]
        return includedArtifacts
    def _filterExcludedGAVs(self, artifactList):
        Filter artifactList removing specified GAVs.

        :param artifactList: artifactList to be filtered.
        :returns: artifactList without artifacts that matched specified GAVs.

        logging.debug("Filtering artifacts with excluded GAVs.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(self.config.excludedGAVs)
        gavRegExps = []
        gatcvRegExps = []
        for regExp in regExps:
            if regExp.pattern.count(":") > 2:
        for ga in artifactList.keys():
            for priority in artifactList[ga].keys():
                for version in artifactList[ga][priority].keys():
                    gav = "%s:%s" % (ga, version)
                    if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gavRegExps, gav):
                        logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because it matches an excluded "
                                      "GAV pattern.", ga, version, priority)
                        del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                        artSpec = artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                        for artType in copy.deepcopy(artSpec.artTypes.keys()):
                            at = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                            for classifier in copy.deepcopy(at.classifiers):
                                if classifier:
                                    gatcv = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, classifier, version)
                                    gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, version)
                                if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gatcvRegExps, gatcv):
                                    logging.debug("Dropping GATCV %s from priority %i because it matches an excluded "
                                                  "GAV pattern.", gatcv, priority)
                            if not at.classifiers:
                                logging.debug("Dropping GATV %s:%s:%s from priority %i because of no classifiers left.",
                                              ga, artType, version, priority)
                                del artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                        if not artSpec.containsMain():
                            logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because of no main artifact left.",
                                          ga, version, priority)
                            del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                if not artifactList[ga][priority]:
                    logging.debug("Dropping GA %s from priority %i because of no version left.", ga, priority)
                    del artifactList[ga][priority]
            if not artifactList[ga]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s because of no priority left.", ga)
                del artifactList[ga]
        return artifactList
    def _filterArtifactsByPatterns(self, artifacts, gavPatterns, gatcvs):
        if not gavPatterns and not gatcvs:
            return artifacts

        includedArtifacts = {}
        if gatcvs:
            for artifact in artifacts.keys():
                artSpec = artifacts[artifact]
                artTypes = {}
                extContainsMain = False
                for ext in artSpec.artTypes.keys():
                    if ext == "pom":
                        main = len(artSpec.artTypes.keys()) == 1
                        if not main:
                            gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (artifact.getGA(), ext, artifact.version)
                            if gatcv in gatcvs:
                                main = True
                        extContainsMain = extContainsMain or main

                        pomType = ArtifactType(ext, main, set(['']))
                        artTypes[ext] = pomType
                        main = False
                        classifiers = set()
                        for classifier in artSpec.artTypes[ext].classifiers:
                            if classifier:
                                gatcv = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (artifact.getGA(), ext, classifier, artifact.version)
                                gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (artifact.getGA(), ext, artifact.version)

                            if gatcv in gatcvs:
                                main = True
                                if self._containedInAddClassifiers(ext, classifier):

                        extContainsMain = extContainsMain or main

                        artType = ArtifactType(ext, main, classifiers)
                        artTypes[ext] = artType
                if extContainsMain:
                    artSpecToAdd = ArtifactSpec(artSpec.url, artTypes)
                    includedArtifacts[artifact] = artSpecToAdd
            regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(gavPatterns)
            for artifact in artifacts.keys():
                if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, artifact.getGAV()):
                    includedArtifacts[artifact] = artifacts[artifact]
        return includedArtifacts
Esempio n. 7
    def _filterArtifactsByPatterns(self, artifacts, gavPatterns, gatcvs):
        if not gavPatterns and not gatcvs:
            return artifacts

        includedArtifacts = {}
        if gatcvs:
            for artifact in artifacts.keys():
                artSpec = artifacts[artifact]
                artTypes = {}
                extContainsMain = False
                for ext in artSpec.artTypes.keys():
                    if ext == "pom":
                        main = len(artSpec.artTypes.keys()) == 1
                        if not main:
                            gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (artifact.getGA(), ext, artifact.version)
                            if gatcv in gatcvs:
                                main = True
                        extContainsMain = extContainsMain or main

                        pomType = ArtifactType(ext, main, set(['']))
                        artTypes[ext] = pomType
                        main = False
                        classifiers = set()
                        for classifier in artSpec.artTypes[ext].classifiers:
                            if classifier:
                                gatcv = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (artifact.getGA(), ext, classifier, artifact.version)
                                gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (artifact.getGA(), ext, artifact.version)

                            if gatcv in gatcvs:
                                main = True
                                if self._containedInAddClassifiers(ext, classifier):

                        extContainsMain = extContainsMain or main

                        artType = ArtifactType(ext, main, classifiers)
                        artTypes[ext] = artType
                if extContainsMain:
                    artSpecToAdd = ArtifactSpec(artSpec.url, artTypes)
                    includedArtifacts[artifact] = artSpecToAdd
            regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(gavPatterns)
            for artifact in artifacts.keys():
                if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, artifact.getGAV()):
                    includedArtifacts[artifact] = artifacts[artifact]
        return includedArtifacts
    def _filterExcludedGAVs(self, artifacts, excludedGAVs, priority):
        Filter artifactList removing specified GAVs.

        :param artifacts: artifact list to be filtered.
        :param excludedGAVs: list of excluded GAVs patterns
        :param priority: artifact source priority
        :returns: artifact list without artifacts that matched specified GAVs.
        logging.debug("Filtering excluded GAVs from partial result (priority %i).", priority)
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(excludedGAVs)
        gavRegExps = []
        gatcvRegExps = []
        for regExp in regExps:
            if regExp.pattern.count(":") > 2:
        for artifact in copy.copy(artifacts):
            gav = artifact.getGAV()
            artSpec = artifacts[artifact]
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gavRegExps, gav):
                del artifacts[artifact]
                for artType in copy.deepcopy(artSpec.artTypes.keys()):
                    at = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                    for classifier in copy.deepcopy(at.classifiers):
                        ga = artifact.getGA()
                        if classifier:
                            gatcv = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, classifier, artifact.version)
                            gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, artifact.version)
                        if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gatcvRegExps, gatcv):
                            logging.debug("Dropping GATCV %s because it matches an excluded GAV pattern.", gatcv)
                    if not at.classifiers:
                        logging.debug("Dropping GATV %s:%s:%s because of no classifiers left.", ga, artType,
                        del artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                if not artSpec.containsMain():
                    logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s because of no main artifact left.", gav)
                    del artifacts[artifact]
        return artifacts
Esempio n. 9
    def _filterExcludedGAVs(self, artifacts, excludedGAVs, priority):
        Filter artifactList removing specified GAVs.

        :param artifacts: artifact list to be filtered.
        :param excludedGAVs: list of excluded GAVs patterns
        :param priority: artifact source priority
        :returns: artifact list without artifacts that matched specified GAVs.
        logging.debug("Filtering excluded GAVs from partial result (priority %i).", priority)
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(excludedGAVs)
        gavRegExps = []
        gatcvRegExps = []
        for regExp in regExps:
            if regExp.pattern.count(":") > 2:
        for artifact in copy.copy(artifacts):
            gav = artifact.getGAV()
            artSpec = artifacts[artifact]
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gavRegExps, gav):
                del artifacts[artifact]
                for artType in copy.deepcopy(artSpec.artTypes.keys()):
                    at = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                    for classifier in copy.deepcopy(at.classifiers):
                        ga = artifact.getGA()
                        if classifier:
                            gatcv = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, classifier, artifact.version)
                            gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, artifact.version)
                        if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gatcvRegExps, gatcv):
                            logging.debug("Dropping GATCV %s because it matches an excluded GAV pattern.", gatcv)
                    if not at.classifiers:
                        logging.debug("Dropping GATV %s:%s:%s because of no classifiers left.", ga, artType,
                        del artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                if not artSpec.containsMain():
                    logging.debug("Dropping GAV %s because of no main artifact left.", gav)
                    del artifacts[artifact]
        return artifacts
    def _filterExcludedGAVs(self, artifactList):
        Filter artifactList removing specified GAVs.

        :param artifactList: artifactList to be filtered.
        :returns: artifactList without arifacts that matched specified GAVs.

        logging.debug("Filtering artifacts with excluded GAVs.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(self.config.excludedGAVs)
        for gat in artifactList.keys():
            ga = gat.rpartition(':')[0]
            for priority in artifactList[gat].keys():
                for version in artifactList[gat][priority].keys():
                    gav = ga + ":" + version
                    if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, gav):
                        del artifactList[gat][priority][version]
                if not artifactList[gat][priority]:
                    del artifactList[gat][priority]
            if not artifactList[gat]:
                del artifactList[gat]
        return artifactList
    def _filterMultipleVersions(self, artifactList):
        logging.debug("Filtering multi-version artifacts to have just a single version.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(self.config.multiVersionGAs, False)

        removeT = lambda gat: re.sub('\:[^:]+$', '', gat)
        for ga, gats in groupby(sorted(artifactList.keys()), removeT):
            gats = list(gats)
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, ga):

            # Gather all priorities from all types
            priorities = set()
            for gat in gats:
            priorities = sorted(priorities)
            priority = priorities[0]
            # Gather all versions from all types
            versions = set()
            for gat in gats:
                # update versions only if this gat contains highest priority
                versions.update(artifactList[gat].get(priority, {}).keys())
            versions = list(versions)

            if len(versions) > 1:  # list of 1 is sorted by definition
                versions = maven_repo_util._sortVersionsWithAtlas(versions)

            # Remove version, priorities and gats from artifactList as necessary
            for gat in gats:
                for version in versions[1:]:
                    artifactList[gat].get(priority, {}).pop(version, None)
                for p in priorities[1:]:
                    artifactList[gat].pop(p, None)

                if not artifactList[gat] or not artifactList[gat][priority]:
                    del artifactList[gat]  # all versions or priorities were removed
        return artifactList
    def _filterMultipleVersions(self, artifactList):
            "Filtering multi-version artifacts to have just a single version.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(
            self.config.multiVersionGAs, False)

        for ga in sorted(artifactList.keys()):
            if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(regExps, ga):

            # Gather all priorities
            priorities = sorted(artifactList[ga].keys())
            priority = priorities[0]
            # Gather all versions
            versions = list(artifactList[ga][priority].keys())

            if len(versions) > 1:  # list of 1 is sorted by definition
                versions = maven_repo_util._sortVersionsWithAtlas(versions)

            # Remove version, priorities and gats from artifactList as necessary
            for version in versions[1:]:
                    "Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because only single version is allowed.",
                    ga, version, priority)
                del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
            for p in priorities[1:]:
                    "Dropping GA %s from priority %i because of no version left.",
                    ga, p)
                del artifactList[ga][p]
            if not artifactList[ga]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s because of no priority left.",
                del artifactList[ga]

        return artifactList
    def _filterExcludedGAVs(self, artifactList):
        Filter artifactList removing specified GAVs.

        :param artifactList: artifactList to be filtered.
        :returns: artifactList without artifacts that matched specified GAVs.

        logging.debug("Filtering artifacts with excluded GAVs.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(
        gavRegExps = []
        gatcvRegExps = []
        for regExp in regExps:
            if regExp.pattern.count(":") > 2:
        for ga in artifactList.keys():
            for priority in artifactList[ga].keys():
                for version in artifactList[ga][priority].keys():
                    gav = "%s:%s" % (ga, version)
                    if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(gavRegExps, gav):
                            "Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because it matches an excluded "
                            "GAV pattern.", ga, version, priority)
                        del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                        artSpec = artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                        for artType in copy.deepcopy(artSpec.artTypes.keys()):
                            at = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                            for classifier in copy.deepcopy(at.classifiers):
                                if classifier:
                                    gatcv = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (
                                        ga, artType, classifier, version)
                                    gatcv = "%s:%s:%s" % (ga, artType, version)
                                if maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(
                                        gatcvRegExps, gatcv):
                                        "Dropping GATCV %s from priority %i because it matches an excluded "
                                        "GAV pattern.", gatcv, priority)
                            if not at.classifiers:
                                    "Dropping GATV %s:%s:%s from priority %i because of no classifiers left.",
                                    ga, artType, version, priority)
                                del artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                        if not artSpec.containsMain():
                                "Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because of no main artifact left.",
                                ga, version, priority)
                            del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                if not artifactList[ga][priority]:
                        "Dropping GA %s from priority %i because of no version left.",
                        ga, priority)
                    del artifactList[ga][priority]
            if not artifactList[ga]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s because of no priority left.",
                del artifactList[ga]
        return artifactList
    def _filterExcludedTypes(self, artifactList):
        Filter artifactList removing GAVs with specified main types only, otherwise keeping GAVs with
        not-excluded artifact types only.

        :param artifactList: artifactList to be filtered.
        :param exclTypes: list of excluded types
        :returns: artifactList without artifacts that matched specified types and had no other main types.
        logging.debug("Filtering artifacts with excluded types.")
        regExps = maven_repo_util.getRegExpsFromStrings(
        exclTypes = self.config.excludedTypes
        for ga in artifactList.keys():
            for priority in artifactList[ga].keys():
                for version in artifactList[ga][priority].keys():
                    artSpec = artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                    for artType in list(artSpec.artTypes.keys()):
                        if artType in exclTypes:
                            artTypeObj = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                            classifiers = artTypeObj.classifiers
                            (groupId, artifactId) = ga.split(':')
                            for classifier in list(classifiers):
                                art = MavenArtifact(groupId, artifactId,
                                                    artType, version,
                                gatcv = art.getGATCV()
                                if not maven_repo_util.somethingMatch(
                                        regExps, gatcv):
                                        "Dropping classifier \"%s\" of %s:%s:%s from priority %i because of "
                                        "excluded type.", classifier, ga,
                                        artType, version, priority)
                                        "Skipping drop of %s:%s:%s:%s from priority %i because it matches a "
                                        "whitelist pattern.", ga, artType,
                                        classifier, version, priority)
                            if not classifiers:
                                    "Dropping %s:%s:%s from priority %i because of no classifier left.",
                                    ga, artType, version, priority)
                                del (artSpec.artTypes[artType])
                    noMain = True
                    for artType in artSpec.artTypes.keys():
                        artTypeObj = artSpec.artTypes[artType]
                        if artTypeObj.mainType:
                            noMain = False
                    if not artSpec.artTypes or noMain:
                        if noMain:
                                "Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because of no main artifact left.",
                                ga, version, priority)
                                "Dropping GAV %s:%s from priority %i because of no artifact type left.",
                                ga, version, priority)
                        del artifactList[ga][priority][version]
                if not artifactList[ga][priority]:
                        "Dropping GA %s from priority %i because of no version left.",
                        ga, priority)
                    del artifactList[ga][priority]
            if not artifactList[ga]:
                logging.debug("Dropping GA %s because of no priority left.",
                del artifactList[ga]
        return artifactList