def createImpactHelper(self): ''' Creates IS Sphere Helper ''' mImpact = cmds.sphere(r = 0.00001, n = 'IS_Impact') mImpactShape = cmds.listRelatives(mImpact[0])[0] self._mVoroImpactTrs = mImpact[0] self._mVoroImpactShape = mImpact[1] cmds.setAttr(mImpact[0] + '.visibility', False) cmds.setAttr(mImpact[0] + '.overrideEnabled', True) cmds.setAttr(mImpact[0] + '.overrideColor', 14) cmds.setAttr(mImpact[1] + '.sections', 2) cmds.setAttr(mImpact[1] + '.spans', 2) cmds.setAttr(mImpactShape + '.curvePrecisionShaded', 20) self._mVoroImpactShader = cmds.shadingNode('lambert', name = 'IS_ImpactMat', asShader = True) cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactShader + '.diffuse', 0.0) cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactShader + '.translucence', 0.3) cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactShader + '.translucenceDepth', 0.75) cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactShader + '.color', 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, type = 'double3') cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactShader + '.incandescence', 0.0, 0.15, 0.0, type = 'double3') cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactShader + '.transparency', 0.55, 0.55, 0.55, type = 'double3'), replace = True) cmds.hyperShade(assign = self._mVoroImpactShader) mel.eval('hyperShadePanelMenuCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "deleteUnusedNodes")') if (cmds.attributeQuery('hiddenInOutliner', node = self._mVoroImpactTrs, exists = True)): cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroImpactTrs + '.hiddenInOutliner', True) = True) cmds.scriptEditorInfo (clearHistory = True)
def switch(self, side, rigmodule, mode): """Switches the given module to the given mode. @param side: the side @param rigmodule: the name of the rigmodule @param mode: the mode to switch to """ warnings = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, suppressWarnings=True) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(e=True, suppressWarnings=True) default_length_a, default_length_b = self._get_default_length(side, rigmodule) current_length_a, current_length_b = self._get_current_length(side, rigmodule) length_a_factor = current_length_a / default_length_a length_b_factor = current_length_b / default_length_b rot_a, rot_b, rot_c = self._get_snap_rotation(side, rigmodule) if mode == 0: ctl_a, ctl_b, ctl_c, settings, gimbal = self._get_ctls(side, rigmodule, mode) cmds.setAttr('%s.length' % ctl_a, length_a_factor) cmds.setAttr('%s.length' % ctl_b, length_b_factor) cmds.setAttr('%s.rotate' % gimbal, 0, 0, 0) cmds.xform(ctl_a, ws=True, ro=rot_a) cmds.xform(ctl_b, ws=True, ro=rot_b) cmds.xform(ctl_c, ws=True, ro=rot_c) elif mode == 1: snap_a, ctl_a, snap_b, ctl_b, settings = self._get_ctls(side, rigmodule, mode) self.c.snap_a_to_b(ctl_a, snap_a) self.c.snap_a_to_b(ctl_b, snap_b) # END if cmds.setAttr('%s.FK_IK_Blend' % settings, mode) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(e=True, suppressWarnings=warnings)
def restore_output(cls): """Restores the script editor output settings to their original values.""" if None not in {cls.suppress_results, cls.suppress_errors, cls.suppress_warnings, cls.suppress_info}: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(e=True, suppressResults=cls.suppress_results, suppressInfo=cls.suppress_info, suppressWarnings=cls.suppress_warnings, suppressErrors=cls.suppress_errors)
def deleteIShatterCtx(self): ''' Delete IShatter Context Tool ''' cmds.deleteUI(self._mContext) cmds.modelEditor('modelPanel4', edit = True, grid = True) cmds.scriptEditorInfo (clearHistory = True) cmds.flushUndo()
def modify_lite_scene(filepath): #Use the maya.cmds module to manipulate Maya cmds.scriptEditorInfo( suppressInfo=True, suppressResults=True, suppressErrors=True, suppressWarnings=True) cmds.file(filepath, open=True, force=True) cmds.polyCube(name="my_cuber2") cmds.file(save=True, force=True)
def create_lite_scene(filepath): #Create a new scene file cmds.scriptEditorInfo( suppressInfo=True, suppressResults=True, suppressErrors=True, suppressWarnings=True) cmds.file(new=True, force=True) #Perform some actions in the new scene pcube = cmds.polyCube(name='my_cuber1') cmds.xform(pcube, ws=True, t=(0.5, 0, 0)) #Name the scene file and save cmds.file(rename=filepath) cmds.file(save=True, force=True)
def show(self): ''' ''' # First close the IShatter Window if it exists self.close() # clear selection = True) # make the window global LJ_IShatterWin LJ_IShatterWin = cmds.window(title = self._windowTitle, sizeable = False, mnb = False, mxb = False) # create main layout self.addShatterOptions() # display the Window cmds.showWindow(LJ_IShatterWin) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(clearHistory = True)
def setupHotkeys(): cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressWarnings=True) # supress annoying warnings #from JR_hk_map import * # import user_hotkeys script import JR_hk_map # import user_hotkeys script JR_hk_map.Map.globalHotkeys() # init global hotkeys JR_hk_map.Map.setCategory('frostbite') # init category hotkeys # hide icon menu hideIconMenu() # SET SCENE DEFAULTS cmds.setAttr ("defaultResolution.height", 720) # Frame Height cmds.setAttr ("defaultResolution.width", 1280) # Frame Width cmds.setAttr ("defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio", 1.777) # Aspect Ratio cmds.setAttr ("defaultResolution.pixelAspect", 1) # Pixel Aspect cmds.currentUnit( time='ntsc') # Time - NTSC # SET CAMERA PLANES TO FAR AWAY:: # FAR PLANE cmds.setAttr("perspShape.farClipPlane", 1000000 ) cmds.setAttr("sideShape.farClipPlane", 1000000 ) cmds.setAttr("topShape.farClipPlane", 1000000 ) cmds.setAttr("frontShape.farClipPlane", 1000000 ) # NEAR PLANE #cmds.setAttr("perspShape.nearClipPlane", 0.01 ) #cmds.setAttr("sideShape.nearClipPlane", 0.01 ) #cmds.setAttr("topShape.nearClipPlane", 0.01 ) #cmds.setAttr("frontShape.nearClipPlane", 0.01 ) # turn current frame off to start with mel.eval( "setCurrentFrameVisibility (0) ;" ) mel.eval( "setSceneTimecodeVisibility (0) ;" ) mel.eval( "setFocalLengthVisibility (0) ;" ) # Set all of the defaults to what they should be. mel.eval( "setFrameRateVisibility (0) ; " ) mel.eval( "setSelectDetailsVisibility (0) ; " ) mel.eval( "setObjectDetailsVisibility (0) ; " ) mel.eval( "setParticleCountVisibility (0) ; " ) mel.eval( "setPolyCountVisibility (0) ; " ) #- maybe set this one to 1 if we go to modeling but 0 for the rest? mel.eval( "setSubdDetailsVisibility (0) ; " ) #- maybe set this one to 1 if we go to modeling but 0 for the rest? mel.eval( "setAnimationDetailsVisibility (0) ; " ) #- maybe set this to 1 for animation? mel.eval( "setHikDetailsVisibility (0) ; " ) #- maybe set this to 1 for animation? mel.eval( "setCurrentContainerVisibility (0) ; " ) mel.eval( "setCameraNamesVisibility (0) ; " )
def finalizeCtx(self): ''' called when we exit the context ''' if cmds.objExists(self._mVoroImpactTrs): cmds.delete(self._mVoroImpactTrs) ; self._mVoroImpactTrs = None if cmds.objExists(self._mVoroDisplay[0]): cmds.delete(self._mVoroDisplay) ; self._mVoroDisplay = None if cmds.objExists(self._mVoroObject): cmds.setAttr(self._mVoroObject + '.visibility', True) mBreakNode = cmds.listConnections(self._mVoroObject, sh = True, type = 'fxBreakGeometry') if len(mBreakNode) > 0: if self._mVoroPoints.length() > 0: cmds.setAttr(mBreakNode[0] + '.numPoints', self._mVoroPoints.length()) if len(self._mObjectsToHide): cmds.showHidden(self._mObjectsToHide) self._mVoroPoints.clear() ; self._mVoroPoints = None self._mObjectsToHide = None = True) mel.eval('hyperShadePanelMenuCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "deleteUnusedNodes")') cmds.scriptEditorInfo (clearHistory = True) if self._mInViewMessage: cmds.inViewMessage(amg = '<hl> IShatter Completed </hl>', dragKill = True, fade = True, pos = 'topCenter') else: cmds.headsUpMessage('IShatter Completed', verticalOffset = (cmds.control('modelPanel4', q = True, h = True) / 2.5)) cmds.scriptJob(event = ("idle", self.deleteIShatterCtx), runOnce = True) #****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************# #****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************# # CLASS END DEFINITION # #****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************# #****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************#
def finishSetup(arg): global doProfiling, frameRange, voxelSize, cubeSize, siState, srState, swState frameRange = cmds.floatFieldGrp('frameRangeText', query=True, value=True) if not useVoxCtrl: voxelSize = cmds.floatFieldGrp('voxSizeText', q=True, value=1)[0] if not useCubeCtrl: cubeSize = cmds.floatFieldGrp('cubeSizeText', q=True, value=1)[0] # store script editor message settings siState = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, si=True) srState = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, sr=True) swState = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, sw=True) killVoxWindow(0) if doProfiling: import cProfile'doit()', 'results') import pstats p = pstats.Stats('results') p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(10) else: doit()
def suppress_output(cls): """Hides all script editor output.""" if Settings.buffer_output: cls.suppress_results = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, suppressResults=True) cls.suppress_errors = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, suppressErrors=True) cls.suppress_warnings = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, suppressWarnings=True) cls.suppress_info = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(q=True, suppressInfo=True) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(e=True, suppressResults=True, suppressInfo=True, suppressWarnings=True, suppressErrors=True)
cmds.delete(chr_grp) # Add reset clusters position def set_random(*args): for o in random_objects: cmds.xform(o, t=get_random_tr(), a=True) def process(*args): set_template() save_generated(get_commands()) # gui if cmds.window('Generate', exists=True): print 'got to existing' cmds.deleteUI('Generate') # Supress warnings cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sw=True) cmds.window('Generate', width=250) cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn=True) cmds.button(label='Set Random', command=set_random, ann='Mix controls position') cmds.button(label='Process', command=process, ann='Export mesh with blendshapes and construction file') cmds.showWindow()
def bakeTextureTool(obj, xRes, yRes, imFormat, alpha=True): '''{'del_path':'Rendering/Render/bakeTextureTool()ONLYSE', 'usage':'$fun([0], 512, 512, "iff", alpha=True)', } ''' #if str(type(objects)) == "<type 'str'>" or str(type(objects)) == "<type 'unicode'>": #objects = [objects] #obj =[0] #xRes=1024 #yRes=1024 #imFormat = "tif" #alpha=True imFormatV = ["tif", "iff", "jpg", "rgb", "rla", "tga", "bmp", "hdr" ].index(imFormat) + 1 cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sr=True, suppressWarnings=True) #set path prj = cmds.workspace(q=True, rd=True) if not os.path.exists(prj + "sourceimages"): os.mkdir(prj + "sourceimages") os.chdir(prj + "sourceimages") if os.path.exists("lightMap"): os.rename("lightMap", "lightMapOrig") os.mkdir("lightMap") #create and set textureBakeSet if cmds.objExists("tempBakeSet*"): cmds.delete("tempBakeSet*") tempBakeSet = mel.eval(r'createBakeSet( "tempBakeSet", "textureBakeSet")') cmds.setAttr("%s.colorMode" % tempBakeSet, 0) cmds.setAttr("%s.xResolution" % tempBakeSet, xRes) cmds.setAttr("%s.yResolution" % tempBakeSet, yRes) cmds.setAttr("%s.fileFormat" % tempBakeSet, imFormatV) if alpha: cmds.setAttr("%s.bakeAlpha" % tempBakeSet, 1) #copy new renderLayer for bake bakeSetRL = cmds.createRenderLayer(g=True, n="tempBakeSetL") #get shape and shadingEngine if not cmds.objectType(obj, i="mesh"): obj = cmds.listRelatives(obj, f=True, type="mesh") if obj != None: obj = obj[0] sE = cmds.listConnections(obj, type="shadingEngine") if sE != None: sE = sE[0] #print obj,sE if obj != None and sE != None: mel.eval('assignBakeSet( "%s", "%s")' % (tempBakeSet, obj)) startF = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True) endF = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True) for curF in range(startF, endF + 1): cmds.currentTime(curF, e=True) mapName = cmds.convertLightmap(sE, obj, camera="persp", prj=prj + "sourceimages")[0] if os.path.exists("lightMap/%s.%04d.%s" % (mapName, curF, imFormat)): os.remove("lightMap/%s.%04d.%s" % (mapName, curF, imFormat)) os.rename("lightMap/%s.%s" % (mapName, imFormat), "lightMap/%s.%04d.%s" % (mapName, curF, imFormat)) print "saved image %s.%04d.%s" % (mapName, curF, imFormat) if os.path.exists(mapName): shutil.rmtree(mapName) print "saved images squeuence to %s\%s" % (os.getcwd(), mapName) os.rename("lightMap", mapName) os.rename("lightMapOrig", "lightMap") cmds.delete(tempBakeSet) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sr=False, suppressWarnings=False)
def doit(): global voxelSize, cubeSize, cubeDict, allLights, amb, useAmbient, useShadows, disableUndos, showCommands, useVoxCtrl, useCubeCtrl, frameRange, verboseOutput, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, xLocs, yLocs, zLocs cubeDict = {} shaderDict = {} SGDict = {} if useAmbient: # disable and store all existing lights allLights = cmds.sets("defaultLightSet", q=1) cmds.sets(clear="defaultLightSet") # make an ambient light amb = cmds.ambientLight(i=True, ambientShade=0) else: allLights = None # identify control objects sel = if len(sel) > 0: # filter for polymeshes ctrl = cmds.filterExpand(sel, fullPath=0, selectionMask=12) sel = [] if ctrl == None: print "No meshes found in selection, checking scene..." # check for object or group named "voxelGeo" if cmds.objExists("voxelGeo"):"voxelGeo") sel = if len(sel) == 0: # select all dag objects sel = if sel == None or sel == []: cmds.confirmDialog( title='Mesh selection', message= 'No meshes found in scene.', button=['OK']) return 0 else: # filter for polymeshes ctrl = cmds.filterExpand(sel, fullPath=0, selectionMask=12) if ctrl == None: cmds.confirmDialog( title='Mesh selection', message= 'No meshes found in scene.', button=['OK']) return 0 if disableUndos: cmds.undoInfo(state=False) if not showCommands: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sr=True, sw=True, si=True) firstFrame = frameRange[0] lastFrame = frameRange[1] duration = abs(int(lastFrame-firstFrame))+1 # deal with backwards frame ranges if lastFrame < firstFrame: lastFrame -= 1 frameStep = -1 else: lastFrame += 1 frameStep = 1 startTime= cmds.timerX() makeProgBar(duration*len(ctrl)) cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, beginProgress=True) s = "s" if duration > 1 else "" print "Voxelizer animating over", duration, "frame%s..."%s print "Press ESC to cancel" resetList = [] directions = [(-1.0, 0.0, 0,0), (0.0, -1.0, 0,0), (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)] cubegroup =, n='cubes') #for f in range(firstFrame,lastFrame,frameStep): # for each frame for f in range(int(firstFrame),int(lastFrame),int(frameStep)): # for each frame stepTime= cmds.timerX() if cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True ): return docancel() cmds.currentTime(f, edit=True, update=True) # get sizes from control objects, if available if useVoxCtrl: voxelSize = round(cmds.getAttr('voxelScaleCtrl.scaleX'), 3) if useCubeCtrl: cubeSize = round(cmds.getAttr('cubeScaleCtrl.scaleX'), 3) # hide visible cubes for x in resetList: cmds.setKeyframe(x, at="scale", v=0, t=f) resetList = [] # for every target control object: for c in ctrl: if cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, query=True, isCancelled=True ): return docancel() cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, step=True) # if ctrl object is invisible, skip to the next one if objIsVisible(c) == 0: continue # bake textures into verts cmds.polyGeoSampler(sampleByFace=True, computeShadows=useShadows, rs=useShadows) # set ray starting points setLocs(c) locArrays = [xLocs, yLocs, zLocs] # for each axis: for i in range(3): # for every gridpoint: for loc in locArrays[i]: hits = [] # zap a ray through the object rayInt = rayIntersect(c, loc, directions[i]) hits = rayInt[0] hfaces = rayInt[1] for j, x in enumerate(hits): # snap hit locations to cubegrid x = (roundToFraction(x[0], voxelSize), roundToFraction(x[1], voxelSize), roundToFraction(x[2], voxelSize) ) # if location isn't in cubeDict: make a new cube if x not in cubeDict: # add location and new cube to cubeDict cubeDict[x] = cmds.polyCube(sz=1, sy=1, sx=1, cuv=4, d=1, h=1, w=1, ch=1)[0] cube = cubeDict[x] if useShadows: # prevent cubes from casting shadows onto the ctrl objs cmds.setAttr(cube+".castsShadows", 0) cmds.parent(cube, cubegroup) # move cube to location cmds.xform(cube, t=x) # shader coloring method: uses one shader per cube shader = cmds.shadingNode("lambert", asShader=1) # create a shading group shaderSG = cmds.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=shader+"SG") # connect the shader to the shading group cmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor'%shader, '%s.surfaceShader'%shaderSG, f=True) # add cube to the shaderSG shape = cmds.listRelatives(cube, shapes=1)[0] cmds.sets('%s'%shape, e=True, fe='%s'%shaderSG) shaderDict[cube] = shader SGDict[cube] = shaderSG # set scale key of 0 on the previous frame cmds.setKeyframe(cube, at="scale", v=0, t=(f-1)) cube = cubeDict[x] cubeshape = cmds.listRelatives(cube, shapes=1)[0] # add cube to resetList resetList.append(cube) if len(hfaces) > 0: # check the alpha of the face alpha = cmds.polyColorPerVertex(c+'.f['+str(hfaces[j])+']', q=True, a=True, cdo=True) if alpha[0] > 0.5: # if more than half opaque # get the color of the face fcolor = cmds.polyColorPerVertex(c+'.f['+str(hfaces[j])+']', q=True, rgb=True, cdo=True, nun=True) cmds.setKeyframe(shaderDict[cube]+'.colorR', v=fcolor[0]) cmds.setKeyframe(shaderDict[cube]+'.colorG', v=fcolor[1]) cmds.setKeyframe(shaderDict[cube]+'.colorB', v=fcolor[2]) # set a scale key cmds.setKeyframe(cube, at="scale", v=cubeSize, t=f, breakdown=0, hierarchy="none", controlPoints=0, shape=0) # if previous frame didn't have a scale key, set it to 0 tempCurTime = cmds.currentTime(q=True)-1 lastKey = cmds.keyframe(cube, at="scale", q=True, t=(tempCurTime,tempCurTime), valueChange=True) if lastKey == None: cmds.setKeyframe(cube, at="scale", v=0, t=(f-1)) if verboseOutput: stepTime = cmds.timerX(st=stepTime) totalTime = cmds.timerX(st=startTime) print "frame:", cmds.currentTime(q=True), "\tkeyed cubes:", len(resetList), "\ttotal cubes:", len(cubeDict) cps = "inf" if stepTime == 0 else round(len(resetList)/stepTime, 2) if useVoxCtrl or useCubeCtrl: print "\t\tvoxelSize:", voxelSize, "\tcubeSize: ", cubeSize print "\t\tstepTime:", round(stepTime, 2), "\ttotal time:", round(totalTime, 2), "\tcubes per second:", cps # restore scene state if useAmbient: if cmds.objExists(amb): cmds.delete(cmds.listRelatives(amb, parent=True)[0]) cmds.sets(allLights, add="defaultLightSet") elif useShadows: # turn the cubes' shadows back on for x in cubeDict: cmds.setAttr(cubeDict[x]+".castsShadows", 1) if not showCommands: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sr=srState, sw=swState, si=siState) if disableUndos: cmds.undoInfo(state=True) cmds.progressBar(gMainProgressBar, edit=True, endProgress=True) totalTime = cmds.timerX(st=startTime) print("Voxelizer finished: "+str(round(totalTime, 2))+ " seconds ("+str(round(totalTime/60, 2)) + " minutes)") #promptSetup() ### End Voxelizer 1.0 ###
def bendy_proc(): cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressWarnings=True) global globalScale globalScale = cmds.textField( "textField", q = True, tx = True ) #get the selected objects and add them tsl = [] tsl = cmds.textScrollList( "tsList", q = True, ai = True ) cmds.textScrollList( "tsList", e = True, di = ("(only works on joints)") ) #select the textScrollList if ( len(tsl) > 0 ): list = ('' ) for item in tsl: list += ('"' + item ) list += '", ' list = list[:-2] list = list.replace("(only works on joints)", "") list = list[4:] list = ('' + list + ', r = True )' ) eval(list) #list and count only the joints in tsList joints = [] joints = sl = True, type = 'joint' ) num = len(joints) #isolates the bottom most child joints in tsList i = 0 #a = 0 children = [] while (i < num): pod = joints[i], hi = True ) pods = sl = True, type = 'joint' ) hi = len(pods) f = 0 b = 1 while( f == 0 ):[hi-b], r = True) bottom = sl = True ) if any( ch in bottom for ch in joints): f = 1 b += 1 bottom, r = True ) cmds.pickWalk( d = 'down' ) bottom = sl = True ) children.append(str(bottom)[3:][:-2]) i += 1 #Babies!? Babies are childless. global babies babies = [] for b in children: if b not in babies: babies.append(b) num = len(babies) i = 0 while (i < num): babies[i] = str(babies[i]) i += 1 joints, r = True ) babies, d = True ) parents = sl = True ) n = len(parents) i = 0 while( i < n ): child = cmds.pickWalk( parents[i], d = 'down' ) parents[i], child, r = True ) split() getBent() i += 1 #organizes end controls that are not at root i = 0 while( i < n ): '%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i] ) seg = [] seg = sl = True ) segNum = len(seg) parents[i], r = True ) pick = sl = True ) cmds.pickWalk( d = 'up' ) check = sl = True ) endSeg = str(check[0]) jointName = seg[0][:-16] if( pick != check ): if any( pa in check for pa in parents): cmds.parent( '%s_segment_%d_curve_tipClusterHandle_grp' % ( endSeg, segNum - 1 ), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % ( endSeg, segNum - 1 ), '%s_ctrl' % jointName ) i += 1 #create ik/cluster groups i = 0 while( i < n ): q = 0 '%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i] ) segLen = ( len( sl = True ) ) - 1 ) while( q < segLen - 1): global s s = cmds.intSliderGrp( "seg", q = True, v = True ) tac = 1 '%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i] ) segs = [] segs = sl = True ) tac = 0 if(q >= 9): tac = 1 jointName = segs[q][:-16 - tac] '%s_segment_%d_curve_tipClusterHandle_grp' % ( jointName, (q + 1) ), '%s_segment_%d_curve_baseClusterHandle_grp' % ( jointName, (q + 2) ), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % ( jointName, (q + 1) ), r = True ) groupSpecial() q += 1 x = ( s/2 ) - 1 d = 0 #create constraints that control bend: #upper segment while ( d < ( s/2 ) - 1): y = (s / x) - 1 W0 = ( 1 / y ) W1 = 1 - W0 '%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i] ) tac = 0 j = [] j = sl = True ) j = str(j[1]) tx = abs(cmds.getAttr( '%s.tx' % j )) ty = abs(cmds.getAttr( '%s.ty' % j )) tz = abs(cmds.getAttr( '' % j )) if( tx > .001 ): prim = 'X' if( ty > .001): prim = 'Y' if( tz > .001 ): prim = 'Z' if(s > 9): tac = 1 segs = [] segs = sl = True ) jointName = segs[q][:-16 - tac] #translate cmds.parentConstraint( '%s_upper_ctrl_const_grp' % jointName, '%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grp' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (jointName, d + 1 ), mo = True, sr = ('x','y','z') ) ###Make sr = xyz - primary axis cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_upper_ctrl_const_grpW0' % (jointName, d + 1, jointName ), W0 ) cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grpW1' % (jointName, d + 1, jointName ), W1 ) #twist '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (d + 1)), r = True ) cmds.rename( groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % ( jointName, (d + 1)) ) '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (d + 1)), r = True ) nm_alignLRAs() cmds.createNode ('multiplyDivide', n = '%s_segment_%d_md' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.createNode ('addDoubleLinear', n = '%s_segment_%d_adl' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.createNode ('multDoubleLinear', n = '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2X' % (jointName, (d + 1)), W1 ) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2Y' % (jointName, (d + 1)), W0 ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_bendy_ctrl.rotate%s' % (jointName, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1X' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_ctrl.rotate%s' % (jointName, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1Y' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputX' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input1' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputY' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input2' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_twist_mdl.output' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input1' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_adl.output' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input2' % (jointName, (d + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.output' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp.rotate%s' % (jointName, (d + 1), prim) ) x -= 1 d += 1 #lower segment x = ( s/2 ) - 1 m = d + x while( d >= 1): y = (s / x) - 1 W0 = ( 1 / y ) W1 = 1 - W0 '%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i] ) if(s > 8): tac = 1 segs = [] segs = sl = True ) jointName = segs[q+1][:-16 - tac] jointName, r = True ) cmds.pickWalk( d = 'down' ) joint2Name = sl = True ) joint2Name = str(joint2Name)[3:][:-2] #translate cmds.parentConstraint( '%s_lower_ctrl_const_grp' % joint2Name, '%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grp' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (jointName, m + 1 ), mo = True, sr = ('x','y','z') ) cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_lower_ctrl_const_grpW0' % (jointName, m + 1, joint2Name ), W0 ) cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grpW1' % (jointName, m + 1, jointName ), W1 ) #twist '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (m + 1)), r = True ) cmds.rename( groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % ( jointName, (m + 1)) ) '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (m + 1)), r = True ) nm_alignLRAs() cmds.createNode ('multiplyDivide', n = '%s_segment_%d_md' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.createNode ('addDoubleLinear', n = '%s_segment_%d_adl' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.createNode ('multDoubleLinear', n = '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2X' % (jointName, (m + 1)), W1 ) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2Y' % (jointName, (m + 1)), W0 ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_bendy_ctrl.rotate%s' % (jointName, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1X' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_ctrl.rotate%s' % (joint2Name, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1Y' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputX' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input1' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputY' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input2' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_twist_mdl.output' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input1' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_adl.output' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input2' % (jointName, (m + 1)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.output' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp.rotate%s' % (jointName, (m + 1), prim) ) d -= 1 m -= 1 x -= 1 i += 1 #group cluster and ikh for the last ctrl i = 0 while( i < num ): babies[i], r = True ) cmds.pickWalk( d = 'up' ) babyMama = str( sl = True ))[3:][:-2] '%s_segment_%d_curve_tipClusterHandle_grp' % (babyMama, s), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (babyMama, s), r = True ) groupSpecial() cmds.parentConstraint( '%s_ctrl' % (babies[i]), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (babyMama, s), mo = True, sr = ('x','y','z') ) i += 1 #middle segment i = 0 if( s%2 == 0 ): joints, r = True ) babies, d = True ) parents = sl = True ) while ( i < n ): parent = parents[i] '%s_segment_*_joint' % parent ) j = [] j = sl = True ) j = str(j[1]) tx = abs(cmds.getAttr( '%s.tx' % j )) ty = abs(cmds.getAttr( '%s.ty' % j )) tz = abs(cmds.getAttr( '' % j )) if( tx > .001 ): prim = 'X' if( ty > .001): prim = 'Y' if( tz > .001 ): prim = 'Z' #translate cmds.parentConstraint( '%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grp' % parent, '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % ( parent, (s/2)), mo = True, sr = ('x','y','z') ) #twist '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % ( parent, (s/2)), r = True ) cmds.rename( groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % ( parent, (s/2)) ) '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % ( parent, (s/2)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % ( parent, (s/2)), r = True ) nm_alignLRAs() cmds.createNode ('multDoubleLinear', n = '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl' % ( parent, (s/2)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_twist_mdl.output' % parent, '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input1' % ( parent, (s/2)) ) cmds.connectAttr('%s_bendy_ctrl.rotate%s' % (parent, prim), '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input2' % ( parent, (s/2))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.output' % ( parent, (s/2)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp.rotate%s' % ( parent, (s/2), prim) ) i += 1 "*_segment_*_curve", r = True ) curves = [] curves = sl = True ) curveNum = len(curves) i = 0 while( i < curveNum ): cmds.setAttr( '%s.inheritsTransform' % curves[i], 0 ) i += 1 if cmds.objExists( 'curve_segment_dnt_grp' ): cmds.parent( sl = True ), 'curve_segment_dnt_grp' ) else: n = 'curve_segment_dnt_grp' ) #make joint_segment_grps i = 0 while( i < n ): '%s_segment_*_ikh_grp' % parents[i], '%s_bendy_ctrl_orientPad' % parents[i], '%s_ctrl_orientPad' % parents[i], r = True ) '%s_segment_1_ikh_grp' % parents[i], add = True ) cmds.rename( groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_grp' % parents[i] ) cmds.parentConstraint( parents[i], '%s_segment_grp' % parents[i], mo = True ) i += 1 i = 0 while( i < num ): babies[i], r = True ) cmds.pickWalk( d = 'up' ) babyMama = str( sl = True ))[3:][:-2] cmds.parent( '%s_ctrl_orientPad' % babies[i], '%s_segment_grp' % babyMama ) i += 1 if cmds.objExists( 'main_ctrl_const_grp' ): cmds.parent( '**_ctrl_const_grp_orientPad', 'main_ctrl_const_grp' ) else: '**_ctrl_const_grp_orientPad', r = True ) ( n = 'main_ctrl_const_grp' ) if cmds.objExists( 'main_segment_grp' ):'**_segment_grp', r = True ) 'main_segment_grp', d = True ) grps = = True) cmds.parent( grps, 'main_segment_grp' ) else: '**_segment_grp', r = True ) n = 'main_segment_grp' ) i = 0 elders = [] while( i < n ): parents[i], r = True ) b = 0 while( b == 0 ): gp = sl = True ) cmds.pickWalk( d = 'up' ) root = sl = True ) if( gp == root ): b = 1 elders.append(root) i += 1 roots = [] for eld in elders: if eld not in roots: roots.append(eld) num = len(roots) i = 0 while (i < num): roots[i] = str(roots[i])[3:][:-2] i += 1 if( globalScale != '' ): gs, sep, tail = globalScale.partition('.') gsPos = cmds.xform( gs, q = True, piv = True, ws = True ) if cmds.objExists( 'joint_scale_grp' ): cmds.parent( roots, 'joint_scale_grp' ) 'joint_scale_grp', r = True ) cmds.xform( os = True, piv = gsPos[0:3] ) else: em = True, n = 'joint_scale_grp' ) cmds.parent( roots, 'joint_scale_grp' ) 'joint_scale_grp', r = True ) cmds.xform( os = True, piv = gsPos[0:3] ) cmds.parent( 'main_ctrl_const_grp', 'main_segment_grp', gs ) cmds.scaleConstraint( gs, 'joint_scale_grp', mo = True ) seg = cmds.intSliderGrp( "seg", q = True, v = True ) + 1 '*_segment_*_joint', r = True ) '*_segment_%d_joint' % seg, d = True ) if cmds.objExists( 'segmentBindSet' ): cmds.delete( 'segmentBindSet' ) cmds.sets( n = 'segmentBindSet') else: cmds.sets( n = 'segmentBindSet' ) print 'huzzah!'
def pStopCallback(*pArgs): print 'Stopped Recording.' mc.scriptEditorInfo(writeHistory=False) outputField(enable=False)
def pRecordCallback(*pArgs): print 'Recording...' fileHistDir = mc.fileDialog2(fileMode=0) savingDir = fileHistDir[0] userHist = mc.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=savingDir, writeHistory=True)
def dynamicTab(*arg): cmds.frameLayout(label='FX', cll=1, cl=0, w=290) cmds.columnLayout() cmds.button() cmds.setParent('..') cmds.setParent('..') #UI try: if cmds.window(mainwindow, ex=True): cmds.deleteUI(mainwindow, wnd=True) cmds.deleteUI(checkTools, wnd=True) except: #print 'Nothing mainWindow' cmds.scriptEditorInfo(clearHistory=True) mainwindow = cmds.window(title="WoHeYun", mnb=True, mxb=False, sizeable=0) mainLayout = cmds.columnLayout(w=250, h=340) cmds.columnLayout(h=90, bgc=(0, 0, 0)) cmds.symbolButton(enable=1, command=visitHomePage, image="icons/woheyunlogo.png", ann='') cmds.setParent('..') cmds.text(l='', h=15, w=289, fn='boldLabelFont', bgc=(0.15, 0.15, 0.15)) #
def loadUsingCmdsAndReturnInfoDict(self, uiFile): ## Remember where stuff was printing before seFile = 'c:/users/joe/mmmmScriptEditorHistory.txt' oldStatusOfHistoryFilename = cmds.scriptEditorInfo( query=True, historyFilename=True ) oldStatusOfWriteHistory = cmds.scriptEditorInfo( query=True, writeHistory=True ) ## Redirect printing cmds.scriptEditorInfo( historyFilename=seFile ) cmds.scriptEditorInfo( writeHistory=1 ) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(clearHistoryFile=True) design = cmds.loadUI( uiFile=uiFile, v=True ) ## Restore remembered old print location cmds.scriptEditorInfo( historyFilename=oldStatusOfHistoryFilename ) cmds.scriptEditorInfo( writeHistory=oldStatusOfWriteHistory ) fh = open(seFile,'r') printed = fh.close() uiElements = self.splitUiPrintout( printed ) result = { 'design':design, 'elements':uiElements } return result
def IMPORTFILE(outputReference, listImportWidget, batchMode, home): py.scriptEditorInfo(suppressWarnings=1, e=1) validSelection = 0 animationSelection = True if (str(listImportWidget) != "none" and ("." not in str(listImportWidget) or "<" in str(listImportWidget))): #IF FILE NAME ISN'T PROVIDED BY OUTSIDE SOURCES, GET IT FROM LIBRARY try: selectedAnimation = listImportWidget.currentItem().text() except: animationSelection = False customFile = home + "CUSTOM.json" if (".json" not in home.split("/")[-1]) else home customFileCheck = py.file(customFile, q=1, ex=1) if (customFileCheck == 1): with open(customFile, 'r') as f: line = json.load(f) if (outputReference == "none" and animationSelection == True): outputReference = line['IMPORT FILE (PATH)'] + selectedAnimation #GET RIG PATH FROM CUSTOM (USE "LITE" PATH IF IN BATCH MODE) rigPath = line['RIG (FULL NAME)'] rigLitePath = rigPath.replace("CHAR_", "LITE_") if (py.file(rigLitePath, q=1, ex=1) == 1 and line['EXPORT AS .MA'] == 0 and batchMode == 1 and animationSelection == True): rigPath = rigLitePath inputNameSpace = "inputFile" outputNameSpace = "outputFile" i = 1 while (py.namespace(exists=outputNameSpace) == 1): outputNameSpace = outputNameSpace + str(i) i += 1 i = 1 while (py.namespace(exists=inputNameSpace) == 1): inputNameSpace = inputNameSpace + str(i) i += 1 #IF SELECTED, CHECK NAMESPACE IF CONTROLLER IS VALID selections = if (selections != [] and animationSelection == True): i = 0 while (i < len(selections)): RiGGiE = py.listAttr(selections[i], st=["RiGGiE"], r=1) if (isinstance(RiGGiE, list) == 1): selections = selections[i] try: filePath = py.referenceQuery(selections, filename=1) if (":" in selections): name = selections.split(":")[-1] else: name = selections if (len(selections) > len(name)): nameSpace = selections[0:(len(selections) - len(name))] else: nameSpace = "" if ("_" in nameSpace): correctedName = nameSpace.replace("_", "") py.file(filePath, referenceNode="nameSpace", namespace=correctedName, e=1) inputNameSpace = correctedName else: inputNameSpace = nameSpace except: inputNameSpace = "none" validSelection = 1 break if (i == len(selections) - 1): selections = [] py.headsUpMessage( '"No valid controllers selected..." - HiGGiE', t=2) print '"No valid controllers selected..." - HiGGiE' i += 1 #REFERENCE IN THE INPUT RIG (TARGET) AND output RIG (ANIMATED) if ((py.file(rigPath, q=1, ex=1) == 1 or inputNameSpace == "none") and py.file(outputReference, q=1, ex=1) == 1 and animationSelection == True): #try:#IF FAILS, THEN USER IS IMPORTING THE SAME FILE INTO ITSELF py.file(outputReference, namespace=outputNameSpace, prompt=0, mnp=1, iv=1, gr=1, r=1) referenceGroup =[0] py.setAttr(referenceGroup + ".v", 0) try: firstItem = py.listRelatives(referenceGroup, type="joint", c=1, s=0)[-1] except: firstItem = py.listRelatives(referenceGroup, type="joint", ad=1, s=0)[-1] nameSpaceBreakdown = firstItem.split(":")[:-1] officialOutputNameSpace = "" i = 0 while (i < len(nameSpaceBreakdown)): officialOutputNameSpace = officialOutputNameSpace + nameSpaceBreakdown[ i] + ":" i += 1 outputNameSpace = officialOutputNameSpace[:-1] #IMPORT INPUT RIG IF NO RIG IS SELECTED if (inputNameSpace != "none" and validSelection == 0): initialObjects ="transform", o=1) py.file(rigPath, namespace=inputNameSpace, prompt=0, mnp=1, iv=1, r=1) #FIND OFFICIAL NAMESPACE OF INPUT RIG if (selections == []): allObjects ="transform", o=1) allTransforms = list(set(allObjects) - set(initialObjects)) i = 0 while (i < len(allTransforms)): if ("_" in allTransforms[i]): if (allTransforms[i].split("_")[-1] == "CTRL"): rigController = allTransforms[i] break i += 1 if (":" in rigController): name = rigController.split(":")[-1] inputNameSpace = rigController[0:(len(rigController) - len(name))] else: inputNameSpace = "none" selections = rigController joints = + ":*", type="joint") if (joints != []):, r=1) animationTransfer.ANIMATIONTRANSFER(inputNameSpace, outputNameSpace, outputReference, home) else: py.headsUpMessage('"No joints found in animated file..." - HiGGiE', t=2) print '"No joints found in animated file..." - HiGGiE' #except: # py.headsUpMessage('"Can not reference the same file into itself." - HiGGiE', t=2); # print '"Can not reference the same file into itself." - HiGGiE'; elif (animationSelection == False): py.headsUpMessage( '"You must select a valid animation in the library." - HiGGiE', t=2) print '"You must select a valid animation in the library." - HiGGiE' else: py.headsUpMessage('"Import file(s) do not exist..." - HiGGiE', t=2) print '"Import file(s) do not exist..." - HiGGiE'
def loadUsingCmdsAndReturnInfoDict(self, uiFile): ## Remember where stuff was printing before seFile = 'c:/users/joe/mmmmScriptEditorHistory.txt' oldStatusOfHistoryFilename = cmds.scriptEditorInfo( query=True, historyFilename=True) oldStatusOfWriteHistory = cmds.scriptEditorInfo(query=True, writeHistory=True) ## Redirect printing cmds.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=seFile) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(writeHistory=1) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(clearHistoryFile=True) design = cmds.loadUI(uiFile=uiFile, v=True) ## Restore remembered old print location cmds.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=oldStatusOfHistoryFilename) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(writeHistory=oldStatusOfWriteHistory) fh = open(seFile, 'r') printed = fh.close() uiElements = self.splitUiPrintout(printed) result = {'design': design, 'elements': uiElements} return result
def createUI(pWindowTitle): windowID = 'myWindowID' if mc.window(windowID, exists=True): mc.deleteUI(windowID) mc.window(windowID, title=pWindowTitle, sizeable=True, resizeToFitChildren=True, width=200) # OPENING ANS SAVING WINDOWS def pOpenFileCallback(*pArgs): fileOutput = pm.fileDialog2(fileMode=1) #fileOutput[0] myFile = "X:/Documents/SchoolWork/LMU/Fall2016/PipelineCS/FinalTools/history.txt" #string $filePath = myFile; #$fileId = "`mm.fopen $filePath "r"`"; def pSaveFileCallback(*pArgs): pm.fileDialog2(fileMode=0) def pPastaCallback(*pArgs): mm.eval("sphere -radius 3;") mc.menuBarLayout('Meun')'File') mc.menuItem('Open', command=pOpenFileCallback) mc.menuItem('Save As...', command=pSaveFileCallback) mc.menuItem('CloseMM')'Edit') mc.menuItem('Copy') mc.menuItem('Pasta', command=pPastaCallback) mc.rowColumnLayout(numberOfColumns=1, columnWidth=(1, 400), columnOffset=(1, 'left', 3)) # MENUBAR LAYOUT def pRecordCallback(*pArgs): print 'Record button pressed.' fileHistDir = "X:/Documents/SchoolWork/LMU/Fall2016/PipelineCS/FinalTools/history.txt" userHist = mc.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=fileHistDir, writeHistory=True) def pExecuteCallback(*pArgs): mc.scriptEditorInfo(writeHistory=False) print 'Execute button pressed.' def pClearCallback(*pArgs): print 'Clear button pressed.' outputField(clear=True) mc.separator(h=10, style="none") mc.rowLayout(numberOfColumns=3) mc.button(label='Record', width=195, backgroundColor=(50, 0, 0), command=pRecordCallback) mc.button(label='Execute', width=195, backgroundColor=(0, 50, 0), command=pExecuteCallback) mc.setParent("..") mc.separator(h=10, style="none") mc.text(label='SELECTED STEPS') output = 'test test test' def pUpdateOutputField(*pArgs): #outputField = mc.cmdScrollFieldExecuter(width= 395, height=400, showLineNumbers=True, sw=True, text= output) outputField = mc.cmdScrollFieldReporter(width=395, height=400, echoAllCommands=True) pUpdateOutputField() mc.separator(h=10, style="none") #mc.button(label= 'Execute', width=395, backgroundColor=(0, 50, 0), command=pExecuteCallback) mc.button(label='Clear', width=395, command=pClearCallback) #mc.textScrollList(append=['']) mc.scriptEditorInfo(input="") mc.separator(h=10, style='none') mc.showWindow()
def pExecuteCallback(*pArgs): mc.scriptEditorInfo(writeHistory=False) print 'Execute button pressed.'
def pRecordCallback(*pArgs): print 'Record button pressed.' fileHistDir = "X:/Documents/SchoolWork/LMU/Fall2016/PipelineCS/FinalTools/history.txt" userHist = mc.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=fileHistDir, writeHistory=True)
def fileWithLog(*args): """ open file, create log and report number of errors and warnings returns (False, None) if no problems were encountered """ result = False batch = cmds.about(batch=True) err = None Lrequires = [] Lwarnings = [] Lerrors = [] try: cmds.file(new=True, force=True) except RuntimeError: scenefilename = cmds.file(sn=True) print '%s is not a new scene, has unsaved changes' % scenefilename pass # save the log file to a temp directory scriptEditorLog = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'scriptEditor.log') # scriptEditorLog = ''.join([cmds.internalVar(userTmpDir=True), 'scriptEditor.log']) # delete the log file if it exists try: os.remove(scriptEditorLog) # ignore errors if the file does not exist except OSError: pass # if we're in GUI mode write the outut of the script editor to a log file if batch: print 'we\'re soooo... in batch mode' # sys.stderr = open(scriptEditorLog, w) cmds.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=scriptEditorLog, writeHistory=True) # open a scene file, if a file name is provided, use it try: scenefilename = args[0] except IndexError: multipleFilters = "Maya Files (*.ma *.mb);;Maya ASCII (*.ma);;Maya Binary (*.mb);;All Files (*.*)" scenefilename = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=multipleFilters, fileMode=1, okCaption='Open',caption='Open a Maya scene file for certification') # open the scene file cmds.file(scenefilename[0],open=True, force=True) # turn off the file logging cmds.scriptEditorInfo(historyFilename=scriptEditorLog, writeHistory=False) openfile = open(scriptEditorLog, 'r') lines = openfile.readlines() # check for requires statements in the log requires = map((lambda x: 'requires' in x), lines) if True in requires: # find all True in requires append the lines with corresponding index to list i = -1 try: while True: i = requires.index(True, i+1) Lrequires.append(lines[i]) #print '\t', lines[i] # stop when we reach the end of the list except ValueError: pass warnings = map((lambda x: 'Warning:' in x), lines) if True in warnings: result = True i = -1 try: while True: i = warnings.index(True, i+1) Lwarnings.append(lines[i]) #print '\t', lines[i] # stop when we reach the end of the list except ValueError: pass errors = map((lambda x: '# Error:' in x), lines) if True in errors: result = True i = -1 try: while True: i = errors.index(True, i+1) Lerrors.append(lines[i]) except ValueError: pass # close the log file openfile.close() return result, Lrequires, Lwarnings, Lerrors
def _suppressWarn(sw): """ """ if exc == 'mayapy.exe': cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sw=sw)
def clear_nodes(*args): cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sw=True, si=True, sr=True, ssw=True, se=True) mel.eval( 'hyperShadePanelMenuCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "deleteUnusedNodes");') cmds.scriptEditorInfo(sw=False, si=False, sr=False, ssw=False, se=False)
def pStopCallback(*pArgs): mc.scriptEditorInfo(writeHistory=False) print 'Stopped Recording.'
def bendy_proc(): cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressWarnings=True) global globalScale globalScale = cmds.textField("textField", q=True, tx=True) #get the selected objects and add them tsl = [] tsl = cmds.textScrollList("tsList", q=True, ai=True) cmds.textScrollList("tsList", e=True, di=("(only works on joints)")) #select the textScrollList if (len(tsl) > 0): list = ('') for item in tsl: list += ('"' + item) list += '", ' list = list[:-2] list = list.replace("(only works on joints)", "") list = list[4:] list = ('' + list + ', r = True )') eval(list) #list and count only the joints in tsList joints = [] joints =, type='joint') num = len(joints) #isolates the bottom most child joints in tsList i = 0 #a = 0 children = [] while (i < num): pod =[i], hi=True) pods =, type='joint') hi = len(pods) f = 0 b = 1 while (f == 0):[hi - b], r=True) bottom = if any(ch in bottom for ch in joints): f = 1 b += 1, r=True) cmds.pickWalk(d='down') bottom = children.append(str(bottom)[3:][:-2]) i += 1 #Babies!? Babies are childless. global babies babies = [] for b in children: if b not in babies: babies.append(b) num = len(babies) i = 0 while (i < num): babies[i] = str(babies[i]) i += 1, r=True), d=True) parents = n = len(parents) i = 0 while (i < n): child = cmds.pickWalk(parents[i], d='down')[i], child, r=True) split() getBent() i += 1 #organizes end controls that are not at root i = 0 while (i < n):'%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i]) seg = [] seg = segNum = len(seg)[i], r=True) pick = cmds.pickWalk(d='up') check = endSeg = str(check[0]) jointName = seg[0][:-16] if (pick != check): if any(pa in check for pa in parents): cmds.parent( '%s_segment_%d_curve_tipClusterHandle_grp' % (endSeg, segNum - 1), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (endSeg, segNum - 1), '%s_ctrl' % jointName) i += 1 #create ik/cluster groups i = 0 while (i < n): q = 0'%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i]) segLen = (len( - 1) while (q < segLen - 1): global s s = cmds.intSliderGrp("seg", q=True, v=True) tac = 1'%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i]) segs = [] segs = tac = 0 if (q >= 9): tac = 1 jointName = segs[q][:-16 - tac] '%s_segment_%d_curve_tipClusterHandle_grp' % (jointName, (q + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_curve_baseClusterHandle_grp' % (jointName, (q + 2)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (q + 1)), r=True) groupSpecial() q += 1 x = (s / 2) - 1 d = 0 #create constraints that control bend: #upper segment while (d < (s / 2) - 1): y = (s / x) - 1 W0 = (1 / y) W1 = 1 - W0'%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i]) tac = 0 j = [] j = j = str(j[1]) tx = abs(cmds.getAttr('%s.tx' % j)) ty = abs(cmds.getAttr('%s.ty' % j)) tz = abs(cmds.getAttr('' % j)) if (tx > .001): prim = 'X' if (ty > .001): prim = 'Y' if (tz > .001): prim = 'Z' if (s > 9): tac = 1 segs = [] segs = jointName = segs[q][:-16 - tac] #translate cmds.parentConstraint('%s_upper_ctrl_const_grp' % jointName, '%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grp' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (jointName, d + 1), mo=True, sr=('x', 'y', 'z')) ###Make sr = xyz - primary axis cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_upper_ctrl_const_grpW0' % (jointName, d + 1, jointName), W0) cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grpW1' % (jointName, d + 1, jointName), W1) #twist'%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (d + 1)), r=True) cmds.rename(groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (jointName, (d + 1)))'%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (d + 1)), r=True) nm_alignLRAs() cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', n='%s_segment_%d_md' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.createNode('addDoubleLinear', n='%s_segment_%d_adl' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', n='%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2X' % (jointName, (d + 1)), W1) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2Y' % (jointName, (d + 1)), W0) cmds.connectAttr('%s_bendy_ctrl.rotate%s' % (jointName, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1X' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_ctrl.rotate%s' % (jointName, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1Y' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputX' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input1' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputY' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input2' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_twist_mdl.output' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input1' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_segment_%d_adl.output' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input2' % (jointName, (d + 1))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.output' % (jointName, (d + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp.rotate%s' % (jointName, (d + 1), prim)) x -= 1 d += 1 #lower segment x = (s / 2) - 1 m = d + x while (d >= 1): y = (s / x) - 1 W0 = (1 / y) W1 = 1 - W0'%s_segment_*_joint' % parents[i]) if (s > 8): tac = 1 segs = [] segs = jointName = segs[q + 1][:-16 - tac], r=True) cmds.pickWalk(d='down') joint2Name = joint2Name = str(joint2Name)[3:][:-2] #translate cmds.parentConstraint('%s_lower_ctrl_const_grp' % joint2Name, '%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grp' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (jointName, m + 1), mo=True, sr=('x', 'y', 'z')) cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_lower_ctrl_const_grpW0' % (jointName, m + 1, joint2Name), W0) cmds.setAttr( '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp_parentConstraint1.%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grpW1' % (jointName, m + 1, jointName), W1) #twist'%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (m + 1)), r=True) cmds.rename(groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (jointName, (m + 1)))'%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (jointName, (m + 1)), r=True) nm_alignLRAs() cmds.createNode('multiplyDivide', n='%s_segment_%d_md' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.createNode('addDoubleLinear', n='%s_segment_%d_adl' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', n='%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2X' % (jointName, (m + 1)), W1) cmds.setAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.input2Y' % (jointName, (m + 1)), W0) cmds.connectAttr('%s_bendy_ctrl.rotate%s' % (jointName, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1X' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_ctrl.rotate%s' % (joint2Name, prim), '%s_segment_%d_md.input1Y' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputX' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input1' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.connectAttr('%s_segment_%d_md.outputY' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_adl.input2' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_twist_mdl.output' % jointName, '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input1' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_segment_%d_adl.output' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input2' % (jointName, (m + 1))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.output' % (jointName, (m + 1)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp.rotate%s' % (jointName, (m + 1), prim)) d -= 1 m -= 1 x -= 1 i += 1 #group cluster and ikh for the last ctrl i = 0 while (i < num):[i], r=True) cmds.pickWalk(d='up') babyMama = str([3:][:-2]'%s_segment_%d_curve_tipClusterHandle_grp' % (babyMama, s), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (babyMama, s), r=True) groupSpecial() cmds.parentConstraint('%s_ctrl' % (babies[i]), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (babyMama, s), mo=True, sr=('x', 'y', 'z')) i += 1 #middle segment i = 0 if (s % 2 == 0):, r=True), d=True) parents = while (i < n): parent = parents[i]'%s_segment_*_joint' % parent) j = [] j = j = str(j[1]) tx = abs(cmds.getAttr('%s.tx' % j)) ty = abs(cmds.getAttr('%s.ty' % j)) tz = abs(cmds.getAttr('' % j)) if (tx > .001): prim = 'X' if (ty > .001): prim = 'Y' if (tz > .001): prim = 'Z' #translate cmds.parentConstraint('%s_bendy_ctrl_const_grp' % parent, '%s_segment_%d_ikh_grp' % (parent, (s / 2)), mo=True, sr=('x', 'y', 'z')) #twist'%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (parent, (s / 2)), r=True) cmds.rename(groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (parent, (s / 2)))'%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp' % (parent, (s / 2)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh' % (parent, (s / 2)), r=True) nm_alignLRAs() cmds.createNode('multDoubleLinear', n='%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl' % (parent, (s / 2))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_twist_mdl.output' % parent, '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input1' % (parent, (s / 2))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_bendy_ctrl.rotate%s' % (parent, prim), '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.input2' % (parent, (s / 2))) cmds.connectAttr( '%s_segment_%d_twist_mdl.output' % (parent, (s / 2)), '%s_segment_%d_ikh_rot_grp.rotate%s' % (parent, (s / 2), prim)) i += 1"*_segment_*_curve", r=True) curves = [] curves = curveNum = len(curves) i = 0 while (i < curveNum): cmds.setAttr('%s.inheritsTransform' % curves[i], 0) i += 1 if cmds.objExists('curve_segment_dnt_grp'): cmds.parent(, 'curve_segment_dnt_grp') else:'curve_segment_dnt_grp') #make joint_segment_grps i = 0 while (i < n):'%s_segment_*_ikh_grp' % parents[i], '%s_bendy_ctrl_orientPad' % parents[i], '%s_ctrl_orientPad' % parents[i], r=True)'%s_segment_1_ikh_grp' % parents[i], add=True) cmds.rename(groupSpecial(), '%s_segment_grp' % parents[i]) cmds.parentConstraint(parents[i], '%s_segment_grp' % parents[i], mo=True) i += 1 i = 0 while (i < num):[i], r=True) cmds.pickWalk(d='up') babyMama = str([3:][:-2] cmds.parent('%s_ctrl_orientPad' % babies[i], '%s_segment_grp' % babyMama) i += 1 if cmds.objExists('main_ctrl_const_grp'): cmds.parent('**_ctrl_const_grp_orientPad', 'main_ctrl_const_grp') else:'**_ctrl_const_grp_orientPad', r=True)'main_ctrl_const_grp') if cmds.objExists('main_segment_grp'):'**_segment_grp', r=True)'main_segment_grp', d=True) grps = cmds.parent(grps, 'main_segment_grp') else:'**_segment_grp', r=True)'main_segment_grp') i = 0 elders = [] while (i < n):[i], r=True) b = 0 while (b == 0): gp = cmds.pickWalk(d='up') root = if (gp == root): b = 1 elders.append(root) i += 1 roots = [] for eld in elders: if eld not in roots: roots.append(eld) num = len(roots) i = 0 while (i < num): roots[i] = str(roots[i])[3:][:-2] i += 1 if (globalScale != ''): gs, sep, tail = globalScale.partition('.') gsPos = cmds.xform(gs, q=True, piv=True, ws=True) if cmds.objExists('joint_scale_grp'): cmds.parent(roots, 'joint_scale_grp')'joint_scale_grp', r=True) cmds.xform(os=True, piv=gsPos[0:3]) else:, n='joint_scale_grp') cmds.parent(roots, 'joint_scale_grp')'joint_scale_grp', r=True) cmds.xform(os=True, piv=gsPos[0:3]) cmds.parent('main_ctrl_const_grp', 'main_segment_grp', gs) cmds.scaleConstraint(gs, 'joint_scale_grp', mo=True) seg = cmds.intSliderGrp("seg", q=True, v=True) + 1'*_segment_*_joint', r=True)'*_segment_%d_joint' % seg, d=True) if cmds.objExists('segmentBindSet'): cmds.delete('segmentBindSet') cmds.sets(n='segmentBindSet') else: cmds.sets(n='segmentBindSet') print 'huzzah!'
def playblastOnFarm(mayaScene, fileout='/tmp/playblast.tif', format='tif', width=640, height=480, start=None, end=None, panel=None): ''' The method that gets called from a farm machine to perform a playblast. ''' # Set up logging logLevel = logging.DEBUG logFormat = "[playblastOnFarm] %(asctime)-15s %(levelname)s -- %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logLevel, format=logFormat) try: # Pipe script editor output to log cmds.scriptEditorInfo(wh=True, hfn='/dev/stderr') # Read Scene'Maya is opening file: ' + mayaScene) cmds.file(mayaScene, open=True, force=True)'File opened succesfully.') # Might be unecessary, but ensure the desired UI panel for playblasting if panel: cmds.setFocus(panel) # else: # # Create a new window in case for whatever reason there isn't one # window = cmds.window(title='playblastWindow') # layout = cmds.paneLayout() # panel = cmds.modelPanel() # editor = cmds.modelPanel(panel, q=True, modelEditor=True) # cmds.showWindow(window) # cmds.setFocus(window) # Check/set framerange if not start: start = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, minTime=True) else: cmds.playbackOptions(e=True, minTime=float(start)) if not end: end = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, maxTime=True) else: cmds.playbackOptions(e=True, maxTime=float(end))'Frame range is %s-%s.' % (start, end)) assert start < end, "End frame is not greater than start frame." # Set renderglobal imageformat cmds.setAttr('defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat', IMAGE_FORMAT_DICT[format])'Image format: %s' % format) playblastArgs = { 'filename': fileout, 'startTime': start, 'endTime': end, 'format': 'image', 'widthHeight': [int(width), int(height)], 'percent': 100, 'viewer': False, 'offScreen': True, 'forceOverwrite': True } #'sequenceTime' = True #'framePadding' = 4 (default) #'rawFrameNumbers' = True (maybe)'Playblasting with arguments: %s' % playblastArgs) logging.debug('Playblasting with arguments: %s' % playblastArgs) cmds.playblast(**playblastArgs)'Playblast completed succesfully.') except Exception, e: logging.error(e)
def dpMoveAttr(self, mode, objList=None, attrList=None, verbose=False, *args): """ Change order of attributes in order to move it to up or down in the list position. """ # do ScriptEditor do not print Undo messages: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressInfo=False) if not objList: # get current selected objects: objList = cmds.channelBox('mainChannelBox', query=True, mainObjectList=True) if objList: if not attrList: # get selected attributes from channelBox attrList = cmds.channelBox('mainChannelBox', query=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) if attrList: for obj in objList: userDefAttrList = cmds.listAttr(obj, userDefined=True) if userDefAttrList: if not attrList[0] in userDefAttrList: if verbose: mel.eval( "warning \"Selected attribute " + str(attrList) + " is static and can not be moved, sorry.\";" ) else: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressInfo=True) # unlock all user defined attibutes before start the changing position: lockAttrList = cmds.listAttr(obj, userDefined=True, locked=True) if lockAttrList: for lockAttr in lockAttrList: cmds.setAttr(obj + "." + lockAttr, lock=False) # start moving attributes if mode == 0: #down if len(attrList) > 1: attrList.reverse() sortedList = attrList if len(attrList) == 1: sortedList = attrList for i in sortedList: attrLs = cmds.listAttr(obj, userDefined=True) attrSize = len(attrLs) attrPos = attrLs.index(i) cmds.deleteAttr(obj, at=attrLs[attrPos]) cmds.undo() for x in range(attrPos + 2, attrSize, 1): cmds.deleteAttr(obj, at=attrLs[x]) cmds.undo() elif mode == 1: #up for i in attrList: attrLs = cmds.listAttr(obj, userDefined=True) attrSize = len(attrLs) attrPos = attrLs.index(i) if attrLs[attrPos - 1]: cmds.deleteAttr(obj, at=attrLs[attrPos - 1]) cmds.undo() for x in range(attrPos + 1, attrSize, 1): cmds.deleteAttr(obj, at=attrLs[x]) cmds.undo() # lock all user defined attibutes after the changing position: if lockAttrList: for lockAttr in lockAttrList: cmds.setAttr(obj + "." + lockAttr, lock=True) else: if verbose: mel.eval( "warning \"We can only reorder added attributes by user.\";" ) else: if verbose: mel.eval( "warning \"Select one or more attributes in the Channel Box, please.\";" ) else: if verbose: mel.eval( "warning \"Select one or more transform nodes to reorder attributes, please.\";" ) # back ScritpEditor to show info: cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressInfo=True)
def importMatrix(): # autoKeyFrameが有効だと処理が重くなるため、autoKeyFrameをオフにする # あとで状態を復元するためにautoKeyFrameが有効かどうかを保存しておく isAutoKeyFrame = cmds.autoKeyframe(query=True, state=True) cmds.autoKeyframe(state=False) # ジョイントを選択"|Hips1", add=True)"|Spine", add=True)"|Spine1", add=True)"|Spine2", add=True)"|Spine3", add=True)"|Neck", add=True)"|Neck1", add=True)"|Head", add=True)"|RightShoulder", add=True)"|RightArm", add=True)"|RightForeArm", add=True)"|RightHand", add=True)"|LeftShoulder", add=True)"|LeftArm", add=True)"|LeftForeArm", add=True)"|LeftHand", add=True)"|RightUpLeg", add=True)"|RightLeg", add=True)"|RightForeFoot", add=True)"|RightToeBase", add=True)"|LeftUpLeg", add=True)"|LeftLeg", add=True)"|LeftForeFoot", add=True)"|LeftToeBase", add=True) selectedItem =, long=1) sList = om.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList() # 先に全ジョイントのMFnTransformをリスト化しとく lsFnTrs = list() iter = om.MItSelectionList(sList) while not iter.isDone(): dagPath = iter.getDagPath() fnTrs = om.MFnTransform(dagPath) lsFnTrs.append(fnTrs) # csvを読み込む o_file = open("C:/Users/0300091280/Desktop/predict.csv", 'r') reader = csv.reader(o_file) setFrame = int(cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)) # scriptEditorへの出力を抑制 cmds.scriptEditorInfo(suppressInfo=True, suppressResults=True) for row in reader: offset = 0 for i, c_fnTrs in enumerate(lsFnTrs): mat = om.MMatrix([float(row[offset+0]), float(row[offset+1]), float(row[offset+2]), 0.0, float(row[offset+3]), float(row[offset+4]), float(row[offset+5]), 0.0, float(row[offset+6]), float(row[offset+7]), float(row[offset+8]), 0.0, float(row[offset+9]), float(row[offset+10]), float(row[offset+11]), 1.0]) mat = om.MTransformationMatrix(mat) c_fnTrs.setTransformation(mat) cmds.setKeyframe(selectedItem[i], time=(setFrame, setFrame)) offset += 12 setFrame += 1 o_file.close() if isAutoKeyFrame: cmds.autoKeyframe(state=True)