def __init__(self): ompx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) self.logger = logging_util.SporeLogger(__name__) self.dag_mod_instancer = om.MDagModifier() self.dag_mod_spore = om.MDagModifier() self.dag_mod_transform = om.MDagModifier() self.spore = om.MObject() self.instancer = om.MObject() = om.MObject() self.source = om.MObjectArray() = ''
def remove(mo_node, b_force=False): """ !@Brief Remove given node @type mo_node: OpenMaya.MObject @param mo_node: Maya object node. @type b_force: bool @param b_force: Delete locked node. """ if isinstance(mo_node, OpenMaya.MObject) is False: raise TypeError("Argument must be a MObject not {0}".format(type(mo_node))) if mo_node.hasFn(OpenMaya.MFn.kDagNode) is False and mo_node.hasFn(OpenMaya.MFn.kDependencyNode) is False: raise TypeError("Object must be a DagNode or DependencyNode not {0}".format(mo_node.apyTypeStr())) moh_node = OpenMaya.MObjectHandle(mo_node) if mo_node.isNull() or not moh_node.isValid() or not moh_node.isAlive(): cmds.debug('Node given does not exists !') return mfn_node = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode(mo_node) if mfn_node.isLocked() and b_force is False: raise TypeError('Node "{0}" is locked. Set b_force to True for remove it'.format(name(mo_node))) if b_force: mfn_node.setLocked(False) mdg_mod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() if mo_node.hasFn(OpenMaya.MFn.kDagNode) else OpenMaya.MDGModifier() mdg_mod.deleteNode(mo_node) mdg_mod.doIt() del mdg_mod
def doIt(self, pArguments): ''' Command Execution. ''' # Parse the passed arguments. self.parseArgs(pArguments) # Create an instance of an MDagModifier to keep track of the created objects, # and to undo their creation in our undoIt() function. self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() # Create the joint MObjects we will be manipulating. self.jointObjects = [] for i in range(0, self.length): if i == 0: # The first joint has no parent. newJointObj = self.dagModifier.createNode('joint') else: # Assign the new joint as a child to the previous joint. newJointObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'joint', self.jointObjects[i - 1]) # Keep track of all the joints created. self.jointObjects.append(newJointObj) # Create the inverse kinematic effector MObject. The effector is a child of the last joint object. # The [-1] index is a Python-specific way of referring to the last item in a list. self.effectorObj = self.dagModifier.createNode('ikEffector', self.jointObjects[-1]) # Invoke the command's redoIt() function to actually create and manipulate these objects. self.redoIt()
def SwitchFromReferenceToAss2(refFile, assFile): refedNodes = GetReferenceNodes(refFile) it = om.MItSelectionList(refedNodes) item = om.MDagPath() it.getDagPath(item) (t, r, s) = GetDagTransform(item) print 'remove reference ', refFile om.MFileIO.removeReference(refFile) print 'standin ', assFile mod = om.MDagModifier() standin = mod.createNode('aiStandIn') mod.doIt() path = om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(standin) SetTransform(path, t, r, s) path.extendToShape() fstandin = om.MFnDependencyNode(path.node()) print 'created ', print 'set ', fstandin.findPlug('dso').name() c = 'setAttr -type "string" "'+ fstandin.findPlug('dso').name() +'" "'+assFile+'"' om.MGlobal.executeCommand(c) return True
def __init__(self): OMMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) self.__isQueryUsed = True # initialize to True so command is not added to queue if argument parsing fails self.__isEditUsed = False self.__ribbonNodeFn = OM.MFnDependencyNode( ) # the am_ribbon node selected for edit and query modes self.__selectedCurves = OM.MSelectionList( ) # selection list containing only nurbs curves in the object list self.__baseNameArg = '' # base name for the newly created ribbon meshes self.__widthArg = None # width of the ribbon in centimeters self.__divisionsArg = None # divisions along the ribbon self.__divisionsPerUnitArg = None # optional parameter to specify a rate of divisions to get similar-sized faces when multiple curves are selected self.__taperArg = None # scale at the end of the ribbon self.__twistBaseArg = None # rotation around the curve at the start of the ribbon self.__twistLengthArg = None # rotation around the curve at the end of the ribbon self.__upVectorArg = None # base up-vector at the start of the ribbon self.__uvScaleArg = None # scale factor of new uvs self.__uvScaleGroupArg = None # scaling method to apply to the whole group of newly-created ribbons--only in create mode self.__uvPinArg = None # uv pinning location self.__dagModify = OM.MDagModifier( ) # Dag modifier used to create new shapes/transforms self.__dgModify = OM.MDGModifier( ) # DG modifier used to create and modify new ribbon nodes
def undoIt(self): print 'undo' MDagMod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() #need to delete parent Node mDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(self.mObj_particle) MDagMod.deleteNode(mDagNode.parent(0)) MDagMod.doIt() return
def LoaderAddObject(arg): p = cmds.textScrollList('packages', query=True, selectItem=True) s = cmds.textScrollList('metascripts', query=True, selectItem=True) print "Loading script:", s[0], "from package:", p[0] d = PyClient.assetmanagercommon.runMetaScript(p[0], s[0]) pathFilename = PyClient.assetmanagercommon.appendPathToAssetsIn( d['t']['mayaRep']).replace('\\', '/') mFileIO = OpenMaya.MFileIO() print mFileIO.importFile(pathFilename, None, 0, "PEObject0") lastTransformAdded = None maxId = -1 lastPath = None itDag = OpenMaya.MItDag(OpenMaya.MItDag.kDepthFirst, OpenMaya.MFn.kTransform) while not itDag.isDone(): path = OpenMaya.MDagPath() itDag.getPath(path) fnTransform = OpenMaya.MFnTransform(path.node()) name = fnTransform.partialPathName() if name.startswith("PEObject"): id = int(name[len('PEObject'):name.find(':')]) print "PEObject Detected: ", name, 'ID:', id if id > maxId: maxId = id lastTransformAdded = fnTransform lastPath = path if maxId == -1 or not lastTransformAdded: print "Error: Could not find PEObject that was added last" return print "Adding notes to the last transform" dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() print dagModifier #notes = dagModifier.createNode('notes') if cmds.objExists(name): print "Dbg: Object exists. Adding attribute metaScript" cmds.addAttr(shortName='metaScript', dt='string') cmds.setAttr('%s.%s' % (name, 'metaScript'), d['t']['callerScript'], type='string') script = cmds.getAttr('%s.%s' % (name, 'metaScript')) print repr(script) cmds.addAttr(shortName='peuuidStr', dt='string') peuuidStr = peuuid.conv.regisrtyTo4UInt32() if peuuidStr.endswith(','): peuuidStr = peuuidStr[:-1] cmds.setAttr('%s.%s' % (name, 'peuuidStr'), peuuidStr, type='string') peuuidStr = cmds.getAttr('%s.%s' % (name, 'peuuidStr')) print repr(peuuidStr) else: print "Error: object %s does not exist" % name
def __init__(self): super(SplitShape, self).__init__() self.baseGeo = None self.targetGeo = None self.numOfDivision = 2 self.dgMod = OpenMaya.MDGModifier() self.dagMod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() self.createdNodes = OpenMaya.MObjectArray()
def undoIt(self): print 'undo' # we have the particle but not the transform node in mFnDagNode mFnDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(self.mObj_particle) # so we create an object to delete the particle system mDagMod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() # and use the .parent fn to find the transform node mDagMod.deleteNode(mFnDagNode.parent(0)) mDagMod.doIt()
def __init__(self): OMMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) self.__selection = OM.MSelectionList() self.__prefix = '' self.__suffix = '_xForm' self.__scale = OM.MVector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) self.__pickedObjects = OM.MDagPathArray() # all valid transform nodes in the selection self.__newLocators = OM.MDagPathArray() # any new locators created by the command self.__dagModify = OM.MDagModifier() # modifier to create and modify the new nodes
def redoIt(self): # clear out the modifier and arrays so they don't store old object names self.__oldTransformationMatrices = [] self.__newLocators = OM.MDagPathArray() self.__pickedObjects = OM.MDagPathArray() self.__dagModify = OM.MDagModifier() # iterate through the list of selected transform nodes and create a locator for each one iter = OM.MItSelectionList(self.__selection, OM.MFn.kTransform) # containers for use inside the iterator currentObject = OM.MObject() currentObjectFn = OM.MFnDagNode() currentDagPath = OM.MDagPath() currentPlug = OM.MPlug() currentParent = OM.MObject() currentObjectFn = OM.MFnTransform() newLocator = OM.MObject() newLocFn = OM.MFnTransform() newLocatorPath = OM.MDagPath() while not iter.isDone(): # append the current object to the array of picked objects iter.getDagPath(currentDagPath) self.__pickedObjects.append(currentDagPath) # create the new locator newLocator = self.__dagModify.createNode('locator') # insert the locator sibling to the object currentObjectFn.setObject(currentDagPath) currentParent = currentObjectFn.parent(0) self.__dagModify.reparentNode(newLocator, currentParent) # move the new locator to the same location as its corresponding object, parent, and name appropriately newLocFn.setObject(newLocator) newLocFn.set(currentObjectFn.transformation()) # align the new locator to the object self.__dagModify.reparentNode(currentDagPath.node(), newLocator) # the object is now a child of the new locator currentObjectFn.set(OM.MTransformationMatrix()) # set the object's local matrix to identity self.__dagModify.renameNode(newLocator, self.__prefix + currentObjectFn.partialPathName() + self.__suffix) # append the new locator to the array newLocFn.getPath(newLocatorPath) self.__newLocators.append(newLocatorPath) # WARNING: must tell the MDagModifier to doIt() now in order to let Maya's auto-rename kick in and ensure the names are unique # otherwise attempts to use setAttr below may end up using some other object self.__dagModify.doIt() # now set the attributes and reparent the selected objects selectionString = '' # the selection list needs to be formatted for MEL for i in range(0, self.__newLocators.length()): newLocFn.setObject(self.__newLocators[i]) selectionString += ' %s' % newLocFn.fullPathName() # resize the new locator self.__dagModify.commandToExecute('setAttr %s.localScaleX %f' % (newLocFn.fullPathName(), self.__scale.x)) self.__dagModify.commandToExecute('setAttr %s.localScaleY %f' % (newLocFn.fullPathName(), self.__scale.y)) self.__dagModify.commandToExecute('setAttr %s.localScaleZ %f' % (newLocFn.fullPathName(), self.__scale.z)) # select the new locators self.__dagModify.commandToExecute('select%s' % selectionString) self.__dagModify.doIt()
def undoIt(self): print "Undo" # we can use DAG_NODE_FUNCTION_SET or Dag Path mFnDagNode = openmaya.MFnDagNode(self.mObj_particle) mDagMod = openmaya.MDagModifier() # delete the transform node mDagMod.deleteNode(mFnDagNode.parent(0)) mDagMod.doIt()
def plugin_loaded(self, pluginName): """Retrieve plugin information from a plugin named ``pluginName``, which is assumed to be loaded. Currently the nodetypes found are added to the node-type tree to make them available. The plugin author is free to add specialized types to the tree afterwards, overwriting the default ones. We loosely determine the inheritance by differentiating them into types suggested by MFn::kPlugin<Name>Node""" import base # needs late import, TODO: reorganize modules self.log.debug("plugin '%s' loaded" % pluginName) type_names = cmds.pluginInfo(pluginName, q=1, dependNode=1) or list() self[pluginName] = type_names # register types in the system if possible dgmod = api.MDGModifier() dagmod = api.MDagModifier() transobj = None nt = globals() for tn in type_names: tnc = capitalize(tn) if tnc in nt: self.log.debug("Skipped type %s as it did already exist in module" % tnc) continue # END skip existing node types ( probably user created ) # get the type id- first try depend node, then dag node. Never actually # create the nodes in the scene, created MObjects will be discarded # once the modifiers go out of scope apitype = None try: apitype = dgmod.createNode(tn).apiType() except RuntimeError: try: # most plugin dag nodes require a transform to be created # We create a dummy for the dagmod, otherwise it would create # it for us and return the parent transform instead, which # has no child officially yet as its not part of the dag # ( so we cannot query the child from there ). if transobj is None: transobj = dagmod.createNode("transform") # END assure we have parent apitype = dagmod.createNode(tn, transobj).apiType() except RuntimeError: self.log.error("Failed to retrieve apitype of node type %s - skipped" % tnc) continue # END dag exception handling # END dg exception handling parentclsname = base._plugin_type_to_node_type_name.get(apitype, 'Unknown') typ._addCustomType( nt, parentclsname, tnc, force_creation=True )
def rayCallback(*args): callbackType, callbackPlug, _, thisNode = args dependNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(thisNode.thisMObject()) debugPlug = dependNode.findPlug("debugRay", False) if callbackPlug != debugPlug: return if debugPlug.asBool(): dgMod = om.MDagModifier() drawVector = dgMod.createNode("drawVector") dgMod.doIt() sourcePlug = dependNode.findPlug("sourcePoint", False) aimPlug = dependNode.findPlug("hitPoint", False) messagePlug = dependNode.findPlug('message', False) drawVectorTrnDag = om.MFnDagNode(drawVector) drawVectorTrnDag.setLocked(True) drawVectorDepend = om.MFnDependencyNode(drawVectorTrnDag.child(0)) sourceDestPlug = drawVectorDepend.findPlug("sourcePoint", False) aimDestPlug = drawVectorDepend.findPlug("aimPoint", False) messageDestPlug = drawVectorDepend.findPlug("drawMessage", False) dgMod = om.MDGModifier() dgMod.connect(sourcePlug, sourceDestPlug) dgMod.connect(aimPlug, aimDestPlug) dgMod.connect(messagePlug, messageDestPlug) dgMod.doIt() else: #Delete draw vector node connected through message sourcePlug = dependNode.findPlug("message", False) plugArray = om.MPlugArray() sourcePlug.connectedTo(plugArray, False, True) drawVectorTrn = om.MFnDagNode(plugArray[0].node()).parent(0) drawVectorTrnDag = om.MFnDagNode(drawVectorTrn) drawVectorTrnDag.setLocked(0) dgMod = om.MDagModifier() dgMod.deleteNode(drawVectorTrn) dgMod.doIt()
def _createTmpNode(nodetype): """Return tuple(mobject, modifier) for the nodetype or raise RuntimeError doIt has not yet been called on the modifier, hence the mobject is temporary""" try: mod = api.MDGModifier() obj = mod.createNode(nodetype) return (obj, mod) except RuntimeError: mod = api.MDagModifier() tmpparent = mod.createNode("transform") obj = mod.createNode(nodetype, tmpparent) return (obj, mod)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments to define additional attributes. """ self.dg = OpenMaya.MDGModifier() self.dag = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() self.transforms = [] self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
def rename(self, new_name, force=False): if self.dependency_node.isLocked() and force: self.dependency_node.setLocked(False) try: dagMod = om.MDagModifier() dagMod.renameNode(self.mobject, new_name) dagMod.doIt() finally: self.dependency_node.setLocked(True) else: cmds.rename(, new_name)
def getAllExtraAttributes(obj): m_result = [] m_obj = get_mObject(obj) m_workMFnDep = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode() m_workMDagMod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() m_objFn = OpenMaya.MFnDependencyNode() m_objFn.setObject(m_obj) # get function set from MObject m_objRef = m_workMFnDep.create( m_objFn.typeName()) # Create reference MObject of the given type # -- get the list -- m_result = getAttrListDifference(m_obj, m_objRef) # -- m_workMDagMod.deleteNode(m_objRef) # set node to delete m_workMDagMod.doIt() # execute delete operation return m_result
def __processUpstreamNode(data, meshDagPath, dgModifier): if __hasHistory(meshDagPath): # Just swap the connections around tempPlugArray = OpenMaya.MPlugArray() data.meshNodeDestPlug.connectedTo(tempPlugArray, True, False) assert (tempPlugArray.length() == 1) data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = OpenMaya.MPlug(tempPlugArray[0]) data.upstreamNodeShape = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.node() data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug.attribute() dgModifier.disconnect(data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug, data.meshNodeDestPlug) dgModifier.doIt() else: # Duplicate mesh, mark as "intermediate", and reconnect in the DAG dagNodeFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(data.meshNodeShape) meshNodeShapeName = data.upstreamNodeTransform = dagNodeFn.duplicate(False, False) dagNodeFn.setObject(data.upstreamNodeTransform) fDagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() if dagNodeFn.childCount() < 1: raise RuntimeError("Duplicated mesh has no shape") data.upstreamNodeShape = dagNodeFn.child(0) fDagModifier.reparentNode(data.upstreamNodeShape, data.meshNodeTransform) fDagModifier.renameNode(data.upstreamNodeShape, meshNodeShapeName + "Orig") fDagModifier.doIt() dagNodeFn.setObject(data.upstreamNodeShape) dagNodeFn.setIntermediateObject(True) data.upstreamNodeSrcAttr = dagNodeFn.attribute("outMesh") data.upstreamNodeSrcPlug = dagNodeFn.findPlug("outMesh") fDagModifier.deleteNode(data.upstreamNodeTransform) fDagModifier.doIt()
def connect_to_instancer(transform_node, spore_node): """ connect a transform's matrix attribute to a instancer node that is connected to the given spore node """ # get instancer's inputHierarchy plug instancer_node = get_instancer(spore_node, False) dg_fn = om.MFnDependencyNode(instancer_node) in_plug = dg_fn.findPlug('inputHierarchy') # get transform's matrix plug transform_node = get_mobject_from_name(transform_node) dag_fn = om.MFnDagNode(transform_node) matrix_plug = dag_fn.findPlug('matrix') # get first free plug and connect plug_id = in_plug.numElements() + 1 dag_mod = om.MDagModifier() dag_mod.connect(matrix_plug, in_plug.elementByLogicalIndex(plug_id)) dag_mod.doIt()
def __init__(self): OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) # Asignando un nombre unico a la instancia self.instanceName = commandName + str(Plug1Command.instanceId) Plug1Command.instanceId += 1 # Instanciando variables al sistema de particulas self.particleSystemName = self.instanceName + '_Particles' self.numParticles = Plug1Command.default_numParticles self.particlesPositions = OpenMaya.MPointArray() # Instanciando variables al campo de turbulencia self.turbulenceFieldName = self.instanceName + '_Turbulence' self.size_x = Plug1Command.default_dimmensions[0] self.size_y = Plug1Command.default_dimmensions[1] self.size_z = Plug1Command.default_dimmensions[2] self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
def get_dynamic_attributes(mObject): """ return all dynamic attributes of a node """ result = [] mFnDep = om.MFnDependencyNode() objFn = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObject) refObj = mFnDep.create(objFn.typeName()) refFn = om.MFnDependencyNode(refObj) if (objFn.attributeCount() > refFn.attributeCount()): for i in range(refFn.attributeCount(), objFn.attributeCount()): attr = objFn.attribute(i) attrFn = om.MFnAttribute(attr) result.append( mDagMod = om.MDagModifier() mDagMod.deleteNode(refObj) return result
def __init__(self): #constructor OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) #give a unique name to this command instance. self.instancename = cmd + str( swarm_cmd.instanceid) #if more tha one exist!! swarm_cmd.instanceid += 1 #particle system instance variables self.particle_system_name = self.instancename + '_Particles' self.numParticles = 50 self.particlePositions = OpenMaya.MPointArray() #turbulence field instance variables self.tur_field_name = self.instancename + '_Turbulence' self.size_x = 5 self.size_y = 5 self.size_z = 5 self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() self.volShapeNum = 1 #TEST!
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor. ''' OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) # Give a unique name to this command instance. self.instanceName = commandName + str(SwarmCommand.instanceId) SwarmCommand.instanceId += 1 # Particle system instance variables self.particleSystemName = self.instanceName + '_Particles' self.numParticles = SwarmCommand.default_numParticles self.particlePositions = OpenMaya.MPointArray() # Turbulence field instance variables self.turbulenceFieldName = self.instanceName + '_Turbulence' self.size_x = SwarmCommand.default_dimensions[0] self.size_y = SwarmCommand.default_dimensions[1] self.size_z = SwarmCommand.default_dimensions[2] self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
def doIt(self, args): ''' doIt() is called once when the command is first executed. ''' # This MDagModifier object will allow us to undo and redo the creation # of DAG nodes in our command. self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() # Create the camera transform node. self.cameraTransformObj = self.dagModifier.createNode('transform') self.dagModifier.renameNode(self.cameraTransformObj, 'myCameraTransform') # Create the camera shape node as a child of the camera transform node. self.cameraShapeObj = self.dagModifier.createNode( 'camera', self.cameraTransformObj) self.dagModifier.renameNode(self.cameraShapeObj, 'myCameraShape') # Call self.redoIt() to perform the command's actual work. This function call flow # is useful for code re-use. self.redoIt()
def __init__(self): super(polyModifierCmd, self).__init__() # polymesh self._fDagPathInitialized = False self._fDagPath = om.MDagPath() self._fDuplicateDagPath = om.MDagPath() # modifier node type self._fModifierNodeTypeInitialized = False self._fModifierNodeNameInitialized = False self._fModifierNodeType = om.MTypeId() self._fModifierNodeName = "" # node state self._fHasHistory = False self._fHasTweaks = False self._fHasRecordHistory = False # cached tweak data self._fTweakIndexArray = om.MIntArray() self._fTweakVectorArray = om.MFloatVectorArray() # cached mesh data self._fMeshData = om.MObject() # dg and dag modifier self._fDGModifier = om.MDGModifier() self._fDagModifier = om.MDagModifier() # manual shape management self._manual_redo_queue = [] numDataFn = om.MFnNumericData() numDataFn.create(om.MFnNumericData.k3Float) numDataFn.setData3Float(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.__class__.NULL_VECTOR = numDataFn.object()
def __init__(self): OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) # Asignando un nombre unico a la instancia self.instanceName = commandName + str(Waterfall.instanceId) Waterfall.instanceId += 1 # Nombres de sistema de particulas de gotas, espuma y agua self.dewSystemName = self.instanceName + '_Dew' self.spumeSystemName = self.instanceName + '_Spume' self.waterSystemName = self.instanceName + '_water' self.dewSystemShapeName = self.dewSystemName + 'Shape' self.spumeSystemShapeName = self.spumeSystemName + 'Shape' self.waterSystemShapeName = self.waterSystemName + 'Shape' # Nombres de emisores de particulas de gotas, espuma y agua self.dewEmitterName = self.instanceName + '_DewEmiter' self.spumeEmitterName = self.instanceName + '_SpumeEmiter' self.waterEmitterName = self.instanceName + '_WaterEmiter' # Campos de fuerzas self.gravityName = self.instanceName + '_Gravity' self.turbulenceLowName = self.instanceName + '_TurbulenceLow' self.turbulenceHighName = self.instanceName + '_TurbulenceHigh' # Values self.numTurbulence = Waterfall.default_numTurbulence self.dewRate = Waterfall.default_dewRate self.spumeRate = Waterfall.default_spumeRate self.waterRate = Waterfall.default_waterRate self.floor = Waterfall.default_floor self.turbulenceLow = Waterfall.default_turbulence_low self.turbulenceHigh = Waterfall.default_turbulence_high self.gravity = Waterfall.default_gravity # Control self.controllerName = self.instanceName + '_Control' self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
def __init__(self): super(polyModifierCmd, self).__init__() # polymesh self._fDagPathInitialized = False self._fDagPath = om.MDagPath() self._fDuplicateDagPath = om.MDagPath() # modifier node type self._fModifierNodeTypeInitialized = False self._fModifierNodeNameInitialized = False self._fModifierNodeType = om.MTypeId() self._fModifierNodeName = "" # node state self._fHasHistory = False self._fHasTweaks = False self._fHasRecordHistory = False # cached tweak data self._fTweakIndexArray = om.MIntArray() self._fTweakVectorArray = om.MFloatVectorArray() # cached mesh data self._fMeshData = om.MObject() # dg and dag modifier self._fDGModifier = om.MDGModifier() self._fDagModifier = om.MDagModifier() # manual shape management self._manual_redo_queue = []
def redoIt(self): print "redoIt()" self.dagModifier = OpenMaya.MDagModifier() selectionList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList() OpenMaya.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList(selectionList) dagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath() selectionList.getDagPath(0, dagPath) m = MayaMesh(dag=dagPath, vertices=1, faces=1, edges=1, normals=1, build=1) edgeIt = OpenMaya.MItMeshEdge(dagPath) selection = [] while not edgeIt.isDone(): if selectionList.hasItem(dagPath, edgeIt.currentItem()): selection += [edgeIt.index()] m.selectionType = kGeotype.edge m.flowLoop(selection)
def __init__(self): ompx.MPxCommand.__init__(self) self.__fDGMod = om.MDGModifier() self.__dagMod = om.MDagModifier() self.__dagFn = om.MFnDagNode() self.__dpFn = om.MFnDependencyNode()