Esempio n. 1
def getObjectWorldOrientation(node):
    if(node is None):
        return None
    jointRot = getJointWorldOrientation(node) if isJoint(node) else om.MEulerRotation()
    rot = cmds.xform(node, query=True, translation=False, rotation=True, absolute=True)
    rotOrder = mayaMathUtil.nodeRotOrderToEulerRotOrder(cmds.xform(node, query=True, rotateOrder=True, absolute=True))
    objRot = om.MEulerRotation(math.radians(rot[0]), math.radians(rot[1]), math.radians(rot[2]), rotOrder)
    return objRot * jointRot
Esempio n. 2
def getJointWorldOrientation(joint):
    if(joint is None):
        return None

    #small hack to create a duplicate joint so we don't mess with the original to get its world orientation
    #TODO: turns out I might not need to do this?  Since world orientation is object world transformed by joint orientation.  Investigate later...
    dupJoint = cmds.duplicate(joint, upstreamNodes=False, inputConnections=False, parentOnly=True)

    if(getObjectParent(dupJoint) is not None):
        cmds.parent(dupJoint, world=True)

    jointRot = cmds.joint(dupJoint, query=True, position=False, orientation=True)
    jointRotOrder = mayaMathUtil.nodeRotOrderToEulerRotOrder(cmds.joint(dupJoint, query=True, rotationOrder=True, absolute=True))


    return om.MEulerRotation(math.radians(jointRot[0]), math.radians(jointRot[1]), math.radians(jointRot[2]), jointRotOrder)