def __init__(self, model, os = 2, temp = 25, asbin = 0, eps_aqu = 0, eps_ph = 0, scr_output = 1, \ cb_offset = 0, smse = ['pH', 'pe'], mine = [], ie = [], surf = [], mobkin = [], minkin = [], surfkin = [], imobkin = [], extension='phc'): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'PHC', 38) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.os = os self.temp = temp self.asbin = asbin self.eps_aqu = eps_aqu self.eps_ph = eps_ph self.scr_output = scr_output self.cb_offset = cb_offset self.smse = smse self.nsmse = len(self.smse) self.mine = mine self.nmine = len(self.mine) = ie self.nie = len( = surf self.nsurf = len( self.mobkin = mobkin self.nmobkin = len(self.mobkin) self.minkin = minkin[0] self.nminkin = len(self.minkin) self.minkin_parms = minkin[1] self.surfkin = surfkin self.nsurfkin = len(self.surfkin) self.imobkin = imobkin self.nimobkin = len(self.imobkin) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, npln=1, istrat=1, iswizt=53, nprn=1, toeslope=0.05, tipslope=0.05, \ zetamin=0.005, delzeta=0.05, nu=0.025, zeta=[], ssz=[], isource=0, extension='swi', fname_output='swi.zta'): package.__init__(self, model) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper self.unit_number = [29,53] self.extension = extension self.file_name = [ + '.' + self.extension, fname_output ] = [ 'SWI', 'DATA(BINARY)' ] self.heading = '# Salt Water Intrusion package file for MODFLOW-2000, generated by Flopy.' self.npln = npln self.istrat = istrat self.iswizt = iswizt self.nprn = nprn self.toeslope = toeslope self.tipslope = tipslope self.zetamin = zetamin self.delzeta = delzeta # Create arrays so that they have the correct size if self.istrat == 1: = empty( self.npln+1 ) else: = empty( self.npln+2 ) self.zeta = [] for i in range(nlay): self.zeta.append( empty((nrow, ncol, self.npln)) ) self.ssz = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.isource = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay),dtype='int32') # Set values of arrays self.assignarray(, nu ) for i in range(nlay): self.assignarray( self.zeta[i], zeta[i] ) self.assignarray( self.ssz, ssz ) self.assignarray( self.isource, isource ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, ibcfcb = 0, intercellt=0,laycon=3, trpy=1.0, hdry=-1E+30, iwdflg=0, wetfct=0.1, iwetit=1, ihdwet=0, \ tran=1.0, hy=1.0, vcont=1.0, sf1=1e-5, sf2=0.15, wetdry=-0.01, extension='bcf', unitnumber=15): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'BCF6', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'bcf.htm' nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.intercellt = np.empty(nlay, dtype='int32') # Specifies how to compute intercell conductance self.laycon = np.empty(nlay, dtype='int32') # Specifies the layer type (LAYCON) self.trpy = np.ones(nlay) # Horizontal anisotropy factor for each layer # Set values of all parameters self.assignarray( self.intercellt, intercellt ) self.assignarray( self.laycon, laycon ) self.assignarray( self.trpy, trpy ) self.ibcfcb = ibcfcb # Unit number for file with cell-by-cell flow terms self.hdry = hdry # Head in cells that are converted to dry during a simulation self.iwdflg = iwdflg # Flag that determines if the wetting capability is active self.wetfct = wetfct # Factor that is included in the calculation of the head when a cell is converted from dry to wet self.iwetit = iwetit # Iteration interval for attempting to wet cells self.ihdwet = ihdwet # Flag that determines which equation is used to define the initial head at cells that become wet self.tran = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.hy = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.vcont = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay - 1)) self.sf1 = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.sf2 = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.wetdry = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.tran = self.assignarray( self.tran, tran,load=True) self.hy = self.assignarray( self.hy, hy, load=True ) self.vcont = self.assignarray( self.vcont, vcont,load=True ) self.sf1 = self.assignarray( self.sf1, sf1, load=True ) self.sf2 = self.assignarray( self.sf2, sf2,load=True ) self.wetdry = self.assignarray( self.wetdry, wetdry,load=True ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, nrchop=3, irchcb=0, rech=1e-3, irch=1, extension ='rch', unitnumber=19,external=True): ''' external flag is used to control writing external arrays of constant values since this package has the potential to create a lot of external arrays ''' package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'RCH', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper self.heading = '# RCH for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'rch.htm' self.nrchop = nrchop self.irchcb = irchcb self.external = external if self.external is False: load = True else: load = model.load self.rech = [] self.irch = [] if (not isinstance(rech, list)): rech = [rech] for a in rech: b = empty((nrow, ncol)) b = self.assignarray(b , a,load=load ) #print self.rech, b self.rech = self.rech + [b] if (not isinstance(irch, list)): irch = [irch] for a in irch: b = ones((nrow, ncol), dtype='int32') b = self.assignarray(b , a, load=load ) self.irch = self.irch + [b] = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, isothm=0, ireact=0, igetsc=1, rhob=1.8e3, prsity2=0.1, srconc=0.0, sp1=0.0, sp2=0.0, rc1=0.0, rc2=0.0, extension='rct'): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'RCT', 36) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.heading1 = '# RCT for MT3DMS, generated by Flopy.' self.isothm = isothm self.ireact = ireact self.irctop = 2 # All reaction variables are specified as 3-D arrays on a cell-by-cell basis self.igetsc = igetsc # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.rhob = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.prsity2 = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.srconc = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.sp1 = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.sp2 = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.rc1 = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.rc2 = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) # Set values of all parameters self.assignarray(self.rhob , rhob ) self.assignarray(self.prsity2 , prsity2 ) self.assignarray(self.srconc , srconc ) self.assignarray(self.sp1 , sp1 ) self.assignarray(self.sp2 , sp2 ) self.assignarray(self.rc1 , rc1 ) self.assignarray(self.rc2 , rc2 ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, layer_row_column_shead_ehead=None, cosines=None, extension ='chd', unitnumber=24): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'CHD', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'chd.htm' self.heading = '# CHD for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.mxactc, self.layer_row_column_shead_ehead = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(layer_row_column_shead_ehead, 5) = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, al=0.01, trpt=0.1, trpv=0.01, dmcoef=1e-9, extension='dsp',multiDiff=False): ''' if dmcoef is passed as a list of (nrow,ncol,nlay) arrays, then the multicomponent diffusion is activated ''' package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'DSP', 33) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = ncomp = self.parent.get_ncomp() if multiDiff: assert isinstance(dmcoef,list),'using multicomponent diffusion requires dmcoef is list of length ncomp' if len(dmcoef) != ncomp: raise TypeError,'using multicomponent diffusion requires dmcoef is list of length ncomp' self.multiDiff = multiDiff # First create arrays so that they have the correct size = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.trpt = empty((nlay)) self.trpv = empty((nlay)) if self.multiDiff: self.dmcoef = [] for c in range(ncomp): self.dmcoef.append(empty((nrow,ncol,nlay))) else: self.dmcoef = empty((nlay)) # Set values of all parameters = self.assignarray(, al,load=model.load ) self.trpt = self.assignarray( self.trpt, trpt,load=model.load ) self.trpv = self.assignarray( self.trpv, trpv,load=model.load ) if self.multiDiff: for c in range(ncomp): self.dmcoef[c] = self.assignarray( self.dmcoef[c], dmcoef[c],load=model.load ) else: self.dmcoef = self.assignarray( self.dmcoef, dmcoef,load=model.load ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, idrncb = 0, layer_row_column_elevation_cond=None, extension ='drn', unitnumber=21): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'DRN', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# DRN for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'drn.htm' self.idrncb = idrncb # 0: no cell by cell terms are written self.mxactd, self.layer_row_column_elevation_cond = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(layer_row_column_elevation_cond, 5) = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, output_file_name='mt3d_link.ftl', output_file_unit=54, output_file_header='extended', output_file_format='unformatted', extension ='lmt6', unitnumber=30): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'LMT6', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# Lmt input file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'lmt.htm' self.output_file_name='mt3d_link.ftl' self.output_file_unit=54 self.output_file_header='extended' self.output_file_format='unformatted' self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, iwelcb=0, layer_row_column_Q=None, extension ='wel', unitnumber=20): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'WEL', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# Well file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'wel.htm' self.iwelcb = iwelcb # no cell by cell terms are written self.mxactw = 0 self.mxactw, self.layer_row_column_Q = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(layer_row_column_Q, 4) = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, ighbcb=0, layer_row_column_head_cond=None, no_print=False, extension='ghb', unitnumber=23): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'GHB', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# GHB for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'ghb.htm' self.ighbcb = ighbcb # no cell by cell terms are written self.mxactb, self.layer_row_column_head_cond = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(layer_row_column_head_cond, 5) self.no_print = no_print = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, mxiter=200, \ accl=1, hclose=1e-5, iprsor=0, extension='sor', unitnumber=26): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'sor', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'sor.htm' self.mxiter = mxiter self.accl= accl self.hclose = hclose self.iprsor = iprsor self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, irivcb=0, layer_row_column_Q=None, extension ='riv', unitnumber=18): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'RIV', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# RIV for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'riv.htm' self.irivcb = irivcb self.mxactr = 0 self.mxactr, self.layer_row_column_Q = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(layer_row_column_Q, 6) = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, mxiter=200, nparm=5, \ accl=1, hclose=1e-5, ipcalc=1, wseed=0, iprsip=0, extension='sip', unitnumber=25): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'SIP', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'sip.htm' self.mxiter = mxiter self.nparm = nparm self.accl = accl self.hclose = hclose self.ipcalc = ipcalc self.wseed = wseed self.iprsip = iprsip self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, ncomp=1, mcomp=1, tunit='D', lunit='M', munit='KG', prsity=0.30, icbund=1, sconc=0.0, \ cinact=1e30, thkmin=0.01, ifmtcn=0, ifmtnp=0, ifmtrf=0, ifmtdp=0, savucn=True, nprs=0, timprs=None, obs=None, nprobs=1, chkmas=True, nprmas=1, dt0=0, mxstrn=50000, ttsmult=1.0, ttsmax=0, species_names = [], extension='btn'): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'BTN', 31) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.heading1 = '# BTN for MT3DMS, generated by Flopy.' self.heading2 = '#' self.mcomp = mcomp self.tunit = tunit self.lunit = lunit self.munit = munit self.cinact = cinact self.thkmin = thkmin self.ifmtcn = ifmtcn self.ifmtnp = ifmtnp self.ifmtrf = ifmtrf self.ifmtdp = ifmtdp self.savucn = savucn self.nprs = nprs self.timprs = timprs self.obs = obs self.nprobs = nprobs self.chkmas = chkmas self.nprmas = nprmas self.species_names = species_names # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.dt0 = empty(nper) self.mxstrn = empty(nper, 'int') self.ttsmult = empty(nper) self.ttsmax = empty(nper) self.prsity = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) # Porosity self.icbund = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay), dtype='int32') # ICBUND array # Set values of all parameters self.prsity = self.assignarray( self.prsity, prsity,load=model.load ) self.icbund = self.assignarray( self.icbund, icbund ,load=True) # Starting concentrations self.ncomp = 0 self.sconc = [] if (sconc != None): if (not isinstance(sconc, list)): sconc = [sconc] for s in sconc: new_sconc = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) new_sconc = self.assignarray( new_sconc, s,load=model.load ) self.sconc.append(new_sconc) self.ncomp = self.ncomp + 1 #assert self.ncomp >= self.mcomp, 'NCOMP must be equal to or larger than MCOMP' self.assignarray( self.dt0, dt0 ) self.assignarray( self.mxstrn, mxstrn ) self.assignarray( self.ttsmult, ttsmult ) self.assignarray( self.ttsmax, ttsmax ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, npln=1, istrat=1, nobs=0, iswizt=55, iswibd=56, iswiobs=0, fsssopt=False, adaptive=False, \ nsolver=1, iprsol=0, mutsol=3, \ solver2params = {'mxiter':100, 'iter1':20, 'npcond':1, 'zclose':1e-3, 'rclose':1e-4, 'relax':1.0, 'nbpol':2, 'damp':1.0, 'dampt':1.0}, \ toeslope=0.05, tipslope=0.05, alpha=None, beta=0.1, nadptmx=1, nadptmn=1, adptfct=1.0, \ nu=0.025, zeta=[], ssz=[], isource=0, \ obsnam=[], obslrc=[], extension=['swi','zta','swb'], unit_number=29): name = ['SWI', 'DATA(BINARY)', 'DATA(BINARY)'] units = [unit_number,iswizt,iswibd] extra = ['','REPLACE','REPLACE'] if nobs > 0: extension = name.append('zobs') name = name.append('DATA') units = units.append(iswiobs) extra = extra.append('') #package.__init__(self, model, ) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent #package.__init__(self, model, extension, ['SWI', 'DATA(BINARY)', 'DATA(BINARY)'], [unit_number,iswizt,iswibd], extra=['','REPLACE','REPLACE']) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number package.__init__(self, model, extension=extension, name=name, unit_number=units, extra=extra) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper self.heading = '# Salt Water Intrusion package file for MODFLOW-2005, generated by Flopy.' # self.fsssopt, self.adaptive = fsssopt, adaptive # self.npln, self.istrat, self.nobs, self.iswizt, self.iswibd, self.iswiobs = npln, istrat, nobs, iswizt, iswibd, iswiobs # self.nsolver, self.iprsol, self.mutsol = nsolver, iprsol, mutsol # self.solver2params = solver2params # self.toeslope, self.tipslope, self.alpha, self.beta = toeslope, tipslope, alpha, beta self.nadptmx, self.nadptmn, self.adptfct = nadptmx, nadptmn, adptfct # Create arrays so that they have the correct size if self.istrat == 1: = empty( self.npln+1 ) else: = empty( self.npln+2 ) self.zeta = [] for i in range(nlay): self.zeta.append( empty((nrow, ncol, self.npln)) ) self.ssz = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.isource = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay),dtype='int32') # Set values of arrays self.assignarray(, nu ) for i in range(nlay): self.assignarray( self.zeta[i], zeta[i] ) self.assignarray( self.ssz, ssz ) self.assignarray( self.isource, isource ) # self.obsnam = obsnam self.obslrc = obslrc # self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, headtol = 1E-4, fluxtol = 500, maxiterout = 100, \ thickfact = 1E-5, linmeth = 1, iprnwt = 0, ibotav = 0, options = 'COMPLEX', \ extension='nwt', unitnumber = 32): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'NWT', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# NWT for MODFLOW-NWT, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'nwt_newton_solver.htm' self.headtol = headtol self.fluxtol = fluxtol self.maxiterout = maxiterout self.thickfact = thickfact self.linmeth = linmeth self.iprnwt = iprnwt self.ibotav = ibotav self.options = options self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, laytyp=0, layavg=0, chani=1.0, layvka=0, laywet=0, ilpfcb = 53, hdry=-1E+30, iwdflg=0, wetfct=0.1, iwetit=1, ihdwet=0, \ hk=1.0, hani=1.0, vka=1.0, ss=1e-5, sy=0.15, vkcb=0.0, wetdry=-0.01, storagecoefficient=False, constantcv=False, \ thickstrt=False, nocvcorrection=False, novfc=False, extension='lpf', unitnumber=15): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'LPF', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# LPF for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'lpf.htm' nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper # item 1 self.ilpfcb = ilpfcb # Unit number for file with cell-by-cell flow terms self.hdry = hdry # Head in cells that are converted to dry during a simulation self.nplpf = 0 # number of LPF parameters # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.laytyp = np.empty(nlay, dtype='int32') # Specifies both the layer type (LAYCON) and the method of computing interblock conductance self.layavg = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # Interblock transmissivity flag for each layer self.chani = np.ones(nlay) # Horizontal anisotropy flag for each layer self.layvka = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # vertical hydraulic conductivity flag for each layer self.laywet = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # wet dry flag for each layer #self.laycbd = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # confining bed flag for each layer # Set values of all parameters self.assignarray( self.laytyp, laytyp ) self.assignarray( self.layavg, layavg ) self.assignarray( self.chani, chani ) self.assignarray( self.layvka, layvka ) self.assignarray( self.laywet, laywet ) self.wetfct = wetfct # Factor that is included in the calculation of the head when a cell is converted from dry to wet self.iwetit = iwetit # Iteration interval for attempting to wet cells self.ihdwet = ihdwet # Flag that determines which equation is used to define the initial head at cells that become wet = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.hani = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.vka = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.vkcb = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.wetdry = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.options = ' ' if storagecoefficient: self.options = self.options + 'STORAGECOEFFICIENT ' if constantcv: self.options = self.options + 'CONSTANTCV ' if thickstrt: self.options = self.options + 'THICKSTRT ' if nocvcorrection: self.options = self.options + 'NOCVCORRECTION ' if novfc: self.options = self.options + 'NOVFC ' = self.assignarray(, hk,load=True ) self.hani = self.assignarray( self.hani, hani,load=True ) self.vka = self.assignarray( self.vka, vka,load=True ) = self.assignarray(, ss,load=True ) = self.assignarray(, sy,load=True ) self.vkcb = self.assignarray( self.vkcb, vkcb,load=True ) self.wetdry = self.assignarray( self.wetdry, wetdry,load=True ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, mxiter=50, iter1=30, npcond=1, \ hclose=1e-5, rclose=1e-5, relax=1.0, nbpol=0, iprpcg=0, mutpcg=3, damp=1.0, extension='pcg', unitnumber=27): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'PCG', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# PCG for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'pcg.htm' self.mxiter = mxiter self.iter1 = iter1 self.npcond = npcond self.hclose = hclose self.rclose = rclose self.relax = relax self.nbpol = nbpol self.iprpcg = iprpcg self.mutpcg = mutpcg self.damp = damp self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, nevtop=3, ievtcb=0, surf=0., evtr=1e-3, exdp=1., ievt=1, extension ='evt', unitnumber=22,external=True): ''' external flag is used to control writing external arrays of constant value since this package has the potential to create a lot of external arrays ''' package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'EVT', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper self.heading = '# EVT for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'evt.htm' self.nevtop = nevtop self.ievtcb = ievtcb = [] self.evtr = [] self.exdp = [] self.ievt = [] self.external = external if self.external is False: load = True else: load = model.load if (not isinstance(surf, list)): surf = [surf] for a in surf: b = empty((nrow, ncol)) b = self.assignarray(b , a, load=load ) = + [b] if (not isinstance(evtr, list)): evtr = [evtr] for a in evtr: b = empty((nrow, ncol)) b = self.assignarray(b , a,load=load ) self.evtr = self.evtr + [b] if (not isinstance(exdp, list)): exdp = [exdp] for a in exdp: b = empty((nrow, ncol)) b = self.assignarray(b , a,load=load ) self.exdp = self.exdp + [b] if (not isinstance(ievt, list)): ievt = [ievt] for a in ievt: b = ones((nrow, ncol), dtype='int32') b = self.assignarray(b , a,load=load ) self.ievt = self.ievt + [b] = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, ibound=1, strt=1.0, ixsec=False, ichflg=False, hnoflo=-999.99, extension='bas', unitnumber=13): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'BAS6', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'bas6.htm' nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.__ibound = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay), dtype='int32') # IBOUND array self.strt = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) # Starting heads # Set values of all parameters self.assignarray( self.__ibound, ibound,load=True ) self.strt = self.assignarray( self.strt, strt,load=model.load ) self.heading = '# Basic package file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.options = '' # Can be either or a combination of XSECTION, CHTOCH or FREE self.ixsec = ixsec # Flag for use of cross-section option self.ichflg = ichflg # Flag for calculation of flow between constant head cells self.ifrefm = True # Free format specifier is set to True, as other packages depend on that self.hnoflo = hnoflo # Head in no-flow cells self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, layer_row_column_shead_ehead=None, cosines=None, extension ='pbc', unitnumber=30): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'PBC', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# PBC for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.mxactp = 0 self.mxactp, self.layer_row_column_shead_ehead = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(layer_row_column_shead_ehead, 5) self.mxcos, self.cosines = self.assign_layer_row_column_data(cosines, 3) '''self.mxcos = 0 if (cosines != None): error_message = 'cosines must have 3 columns' if (not isinstance(cosines, list)): cosines = [cosines] for a in cosines: a = np.atleast_2d(a) nr, nc = a.shape assert nc == 3, error_message if (nr > self.mxcos): self.mxcos = nr self.cosines = cosines''' = 0 self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__( self, model, wel1flag=1, qsumflag=1, byndflag=1, mnwobs=1, wellid_unit_qndflag_qhbflag_concflag=None, extension='mnwi', unitnumber=58 ): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'MNWI', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name, and unit number self.url = 'mnwi.htm' self.heading = '# Multi-node well information (MNWI) file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy' self.wel1flag = wel1flag #-integer flag indicating output to be written for each MNW node at the end of each stress period self.qsumflag = qsumflag #-integer flag indicating output to be written for each multi-node well self.byndflag = byndflag #-integer flag indicating output to be written for each MNW node self.mnwobs = mnwobs #-number of multi-node wells for which detailed flow, head, and solute data re to be saved self.wellid_unit_qndflag_qhbflag_concflag = wellid_unit_qndflag_qhbflag_concflag #-list of lists containing wells and related information to be output (length = [MNWOBS][4or5]) #-input format checks: assert self.wel1flag >= 0, 'WEL1flag must be greater than or equal to zero.' assert self.qsumflag >= 0, 'QSUMflag must be greater than or equal to zero.' assert self.byndflag >= 0, 'BYNDflag must be greater than or equal to zero.' if len(self.wellid_unit_qndflag_qhbflag_concflag) != self.mnwobs: print 'WARNING: number of listed well ids to be monitored does not match MNWOBS.' self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, laytyp=0, layavg=0, chani=1.0, layvka=0, laywet=0, iupwcb = 53, hdry=-1E+30, iphdry = 0,\ hk=1.0, hani=1.0, vka=1.0, ss=1e-5, sy=0.15, vkcb=0.0, wetdry=-0.01, storagecoefficient=False, constantcv=False, \ extension='upw', unitnumber = 31): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'UPW', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# UPW for MODFLOW-NWT, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'upw_upstream_weighting_package.htm' nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper # item 1 self.iupwcb = iupwcb # Unit number for file with cell-by-cell flow terms self.hdry = hdry # Head in cells that are converted to dry during a simulation self.npupw = 0 # number of LPF parameters self.iphdry = iphdry # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.laytyp = np.empty(nlay, dtype='int32') # Specifies both the layer type (LAYCON) and the method of computing interblock conductance self.layavg = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # Interblock transmissivity flag for each layer self.chani = np.ones(nlay) # Horizontal anisotropy flag for each layer self.layvka = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # vertical hydraulic conductivity flag for each layer self.laywet = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # wet dry flag for each layer #self.laycbd = np.ones(nlay, dtype='int32') # confining bed flag for each layer # Set values of all parameters self.assignarray( self.laytyp, laytyp ) self.assignarray( self.layavg, layavg ) self.assignarray( self.chani, chani ) self.assignarray( self.layvka, layvka ) self.assignarray( self.laywet, laywet ) = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.hani = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.vka = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.vkcb = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.assignarray(, hk ) self.assignarray( self.hani, hani ) self.assignarray( self.vka, vka ) self.assignarray(, ss ) self.assignarray(, sy ) self.assignarray( self.vkcb, vkcb ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, mtdnconc=1, mfnadvfd=1, nswtcpl=1, iwtable=1, \ densemin=1.000, densemax=1.025, \ dnscrit=1e-2, \ denseref=1.000, denseslp=.025, \ firstdt=0.001, indense=0, dense=1.000, extension='vdf'): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'VDF', 37) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.mtdnconc = mtdnconc self.mfnadvfd = mfnadvfd self.nswtcpl = nswtcpl self.iwtable = iwtable self.densemin = densemin self.densemax = densemax self.dnscrit = dnscrit self.denseref = denseref self.denseslp = denseslp self.firstdt = firstdt self.indense = indense self.dense = empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) self.assignarray( self.dense, dense ) self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, mixelm=3, percel=0.75, mxpart=800000, nadvfd=1, \ itrack=3, wd=0.5, \ dceps=1e-5, nplane=2, npl=10, nph=40, npmin=5, npmax=80, \ nlsink=0, npsink=15, dchmoc=0.0001, extension='adv'): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'ADV', 32) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.mixelm = mixelm self.percel = percel self.mxpart = mxpart self.nadvfd = nadvfd self.mixelm = mixelm self.itrack = itrack self.wd = wd self.dceps = dceps self.nplane = nplane self.npl = npl self.nph = nph self. npmin = npmin self.npmax = npmax self.interp = 1 # Command-line 'interp' might once be needed if MT3DMS is updated to include other interpolation method self.nlsink = nlsink self.npsink = npsink self.dchmoc = dchmoc self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__( self, model, mxmnw=0, iwl2cb=0, iwelpt=0, nomoiter=0, kspref=1, wel1_bynode_qsum=None, itmp=0, lay_row_col_qdes_mn_multi=None, mnwname=None, extension='mnw1', unitnumber=33 ): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'MNW1', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name, and unit number self.url = 'mnw1.htm' self.nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper[-1] self.heading = '# Multi-node well 1 (MNW1) file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy' self.mxmnw = mxmnw #-maximum number of multi-node wells to be simulated self.iwl2cb = iwl2cb #-flag and unit number self.iwelpt = iwelpt #-verbosity flag self.nomoiter = nomoiter #-integer indicating the number of iterations for which flow in MNW wells is calculated self.kspref = kspref #-alphanumeric key indicating which set of water levels are to be used as reference values for calculating drawdown self.losstype = 'SKIN' #-string indicating head loss type for each well self.wel1_bynode_qsum = wel1_bynode_qsum #-nested list containing file names, unit numbers, and ALLTIME flag for auxilary output, e.g. [['test.ByNode',92,'ALLTIME']] self.itmp = itmp #-array containing # of wells to be simulated for each stress period (shape = (NPER)) self.lay_row_col_qdes_mn_multi = lay_row_col_qdes_mn_multi #-list of arrays containing lay, row, col, qdes, and MN or MULTI flag for all well nodes (length = NPER) self.mnwname = mnwname #-string prefix name of file for outputting time series data from MNW1 #-create empty arrays of the correct size self.itmp = zeros( self.nper,dtype='int32' ) #-assign values to arrays self.assignarray( self.itmp, itmp ) #-input format checks: lossTypes = ['SKIN','LINEAR'] assert self.losstype in lossTypes, 'LOSSTYPE (%s) must be one of the following: "%s" or "%s"' % ( self.losstype, lossTypes[0], lossTypes[1] ) auxFileExtensions = ['wl1','ByNode','Qsum'] for each in self.wel1_bynode_qsum: assert each[0].split('.')[1] in auxFileExtensions, 'File extensions in "wel1_bynode_qsum" must be one of the following: ".wl1", ".ByNode", or ".Qsum".' assert self.itmp.max() <= self.mxmnw, 'ITMP cannot exceed maximum number of wells to be simulated.' self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, extension='list', unitnumber=2): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'LIST', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
def __init__(self, model, extension='glo'): package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'GLOBAL', 1) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
def __init__(self, model, extension="list"): package.__init__( self, model, extension, "LIST", 7 ) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number