Esempio n. 1
 def test_rotations(self):
     assert_aae(rotations(('z', pi / 2)),
                [[0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
     # Work these two examples out by hand: apply the rotations in
     # turn about the updated axes, and see where the body axes end
     # up pointing.
     assert_aae(rotations(('z', pi / 2), ('x', pi / 2)),
                [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
     assert_aae(rotations(('z', pi / 2), ('x', pi / 2), ('z', pi / 2)),
                [[0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
     assert_aae(rotations(('x', pi / 2), ('z', pi / 2)),
                [[0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]])
Esempio n. 2
    def test_three_rigid_elements_as_disc_have_ends_in_right_place(self):
        length = 20.0
        offset = 5.0

        # Make 3 elements spaced by 120 deg about z axis
        system = System()
        elements = []
        for i in range(3):
            rotmat = rotations(('z', i * 2*pi/3))
            offset_vector = dot(rotmat, [offset, 0, 0])
            conn = RigidConnection('offset%d' % i, offset_vector, rotmat)
            element = RigidConnection('element%d' % i, [length, 0, 0])

        r = offset
        R = offset + length
        assert_aae(elements[0].rp, [r,     0,           0])
        assert_aae(elements[1].rp, [-r/2,  r*sqrt(3)/2, 0])
        assert_aae(elements[2].rp, [-r/2, -r*sqrt(3)/2, 0])
        assert_aae(elements[0].rd, [R,     0,           0])
        assert_aae(elements[1].rd, [-R/2,  R*sqrt(3)/2, 0])
        assert_aae(elements[2].rd, [-R/2, -R*sqrt(3)/2, 0])
Esempio n. 3
 def test_rotations(self):
     assert_aae(rotations(('z', pi/2)),
                [[0, -1, 0],
                 [1,  0, 0],
                 [0,  0, 1]])
     # Work these two examples out by hand: apply the rotations in
     # turn about the updated axes, and see where the body axes end
     # up pointing.
     assert_aae(rotations(('z', pi/2), ('x', pi/2)),
                [[0, 0, 1],
                 [1, 0, 0],
                 [0, 1, 0]])
     assert_aae(rotations(('z', pi/2), ('x', pi/2), ('z', pi/2)),
                [[0,  0, 1],
                 [0, -1, 0],
                 [1,  0, 0]])
     assert_aae(rotations(('x', pi/2), ('z', pi/2)),
                [[0, -1,  0],
                 [0,  0, -1],
                 [1,  0,  0]])
Esempio n. 4
    def test_three_elements_forming_a_disc_about_X_have_correct_inertia(self):
        density = 5
        length = 20.0
        offset = 1.25
        m = density * length  # mass of one beam

        joint = FreeJoint('joint')

        # Make 3 elements spaced by 120 deg about z axis
        for i in range(3):
            # Rotation of -pi/2 about y aligns local x axis of ModalElement
            rotmat = rotations(('x', i * 2*pi/3), ('y', -pi/2))
            offset_vector = dot(rotmat, [offset, 0, 0])  # offset // local x
            conn = RigidConnection('offset%d' % i, offset_vector, rotmat)
            element = _mock_rigid_uniform_beam(density, length,
                                               'element%d' % i)

        system = System()

        # Calculate reduced system to get rigid body matrices
        rsys = ReducedSystem(system)

        # Expected values: perp inertia using projected lengths of beams
        Iy = m * (length**2 / 12 + (length/2 + offset)**2)
        Iperp = Iy + Iy/4 + Iy/4
        Iaxial = 3 * Iy
        expected_mass = 3 * m * eye(3)
        expected_inertia = diag([Iaxial, Iperp, Iperp])
        expected_offdiag = zeros((3, 3))

        assert_aae(rsys.M[:3, :3], expected_mass)
        assert_aae(rsys.M[3:, 3:], expected_inertia)
        assert_aae(rsys.M[3:, :3], expected_offdiag)
        assert_aae(rsys.M[:3, 3:], expected_offdiag.T)