Esempio n. 1
def eval_rvalue_approx_step(r, context):
    assert isinstance(r, CDP.ApproxStepRes)

    resource = eval_rvalue(r.rvalue, context)
    step = eval_constant(r.step, context)
    R = context.get_rtype(resource)
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(step.unit, R)
    except NotLeq:
        msg = ('The step is specified in a unit (%s), which is not compatible '
               'with the resource (%s).' % (step.unit, R))
        raise_desc(DPSemanticError, msg)

    stepu = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(S1=step.unit, s1=step.value, S2=R)

    if not isinstance(R, (RcompUnits)):
        msg = 'approx() not implemented for %s.'%R
        raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, msg)
    dp = makeLinearCeilDP(R, stepu)

    return create_operation(context, dp=dp, resources=[resource],
                               name_prefix='_approx', op_prefix='_toapprox',
Esempio n. 2
def eval_rvalue_approx_step(r, context):
    assert isinstance(r, CDP.ApproxStepRes)

    resource = eval_rvalue(r.rvalue, context)
    step = eval_constant(r.step, context)
    R = context.get_rtype(resource)
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(step.unit, R)
    except NotLeq:
        msg = ('The step is specified in a unit (%s), which is not compatible '
               'with the resource (%s).' % (step.unit, R))
        raise_desc(DPSemanticError, msg)

    stepu = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(S1=step.unit, s1=step.value, S2=R)

    if not isinstance(R, (RcompUnits)):
        msg = 'approx() not implemented for %s.'%R
        raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, msg)
    dp = makeLinearCeilDP(R, stepu)

    return create_operation(context, dp=dp, resources=[resource],
                               name_prefix='_approx', op_prefix='_toapprox',
Esempio n. 3
def get_resource_possibly_converted(r, P, context):
    """ Returns a resource possibly converted to the space P """
    assert isinstance(r, CResource)

    R = context.get_rtype(r)
    tu = get_types_universe()

    if tu.equal(R, P):
        return r
            tu.get_super_conversion(R, P)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'Cannot convert %s to %s.' % (R, P)

        conversion = get_conversion(R, P)
        if conversion is None:
            return r
            r2 = create_operation(context,
                                  conversion, [r],
            return r2
Esempio n. 4
def get_common(ua, ub):
    Pa = ua.P
    Pb = ub.P

    if not isinstance(Pa, PosetProduct) or not isinstance(Pb, PosetProduct):
        raise NotImplementedError((Pa, Pb))

    # first, it might be that they have different spaces

    # let's find out how to match them

    tu = get_types_universe()
    # for each i in Pa, we will match it to the first
    matches1 = []
    for i, P in enumerate(Pa.subs):
        for j, Q in enumerate(Pb.subs):
            if ('B', j) in matches1: continue
            if tu.leq(P, Q):
                matches1.append(('B', j))
            matches1.append(('A', i))
    matches2 = []
    for j, Q in enumerate(Pb.subs):
        if ('B', j) in matches1:
            # used by somebody
            matches2.append(('B', j))
            for i, P in enumerate(Pa.subs):
                if matches1[i] is not None: continue
                if tu.leq(Q, P):
                    matches2.append(('A', i))
                matches2.append(('B', j))

    print('matches1:  %s' % matches1)
    print('matches2: %s' % matches2)

    used = sorted(set(matches1 + matches2))

    def get_P(_):
        (which, index) = _
        if which == 'A': return Pa.subs[index]
        if which == 'B': return Pb.subs[index]
        assert False

    Ps = PosetProduct(tuple(map(get_P, used)))
    print('used: %s' % used)
    print('Ps: %s' % Ps)

    # now we need to complete the first
    Ps_a = get(matches1, used, Ps, get_P, Pa, ua)
    Ps_b = get(matches2, used, Ps, get_P, Pb, ub)

    print('Ps_a: %s' % Ps_a)
    print('Ps_b: %s' % Ps_b)

    S = UpperSets(Ps)
    return S, Ps_a, Ps_b
Esempio n. 5
def eval_solve_r(op, context):
    check_isinstance(op, CDP.SolveRModel)
    from .eval_ndp_imp import eval_ndp
    ndp = eval_ndp(op.model, context)
    dp = ndp.get_dp()
    r0 = eval_constant(op.r, context)
    F = dp.get_fun_space()
    R = dp.get_res_space()

    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(r0.unit, R)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = 'Input not correct.'
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)
    r = r0.cast_value(R)
    res = dp.solve_r(r)
        LF = LowerSets(F)
        return ValueWithUnits(res, LF)
    except NotBelongs as e:
        msg = 'Invalid result of solve_r().'
        raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, res=res, dp=dp.repr_long())
Esempio n. 6
def eval_lfunction_invplus_ops(fs, context):
    if len(fs) == 1:
        raise DPInternalError(fs)
    elif len(fs) > 2: # pragma: no cover
        mcdp_dev_warning('Maybe this should be smarter?')    
        rest = eval_lfunction_invplus_ops(fs[1:], context)
        return eval_lfunction_invplus_ops([fs[0], rest], context) 
        Fs = map(context.get_ftype, fs)
        R = Fs[0]
        if all(isinstance(_, RcompUnits) for _ in Fs):
            tu = get_types_universe()
            if not tu.leq(Fs[1], Fs[0]):
                msg = 'Inconsistent units %s and %s.' % (Fs[1], Fs[0])
                raise_desc(DPSemanticError, msg, Fs0=Fs[0], Fs1=Fs[1])
            if not tu.equal(Fs[1], Fs[0]):
                msg = 'This case was not implemented yet. Differing units %s and %s.' % (Fs[1], Fs[0])
                raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, msg, Fs0=Fs[0], Fs1=Fs[1])
            dp = InvPlus2(R, tuple(Fs))            
        elif all(isinstance(_, Rcomp) for _ in Fs):
            dp = InvPlus2(R, tuple(Fs))
        elif all(isinstance(_, Nat) for _ in Fs):
            dp = InvPlus2Nat(R, tuple(Fs))
        else: # pragma: no cover
            msg = 'Cannot find operator for these types.'
            raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, Fs=Fs)
        return create_operation_lf(context, dp=dp, functions=fs,
                               name_prefix='_invplus', op_prefix='_',
Esempio n. 7
def get_function_possibly_converted(cf, P, context):
    """ Returns a resource possibly converted to the space P """
    check_isinstance(cf, CFunction)

    F = context.get_ftype(cf)
    tu = get_types_universe()
    if tu.equal(F, P):
        return cf
            tu.check_leq(P, F)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'Cannot convert %s to %s.' % (P, F)
            raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg,P=P, F=F)

        conversion = get_conversion(P, F)
        if conversion is None:
            return cf
            cf2 = create_operation_lf(context, dp=conversion, 
                                      op_prefix='_op', res_prefix='_res')
            return cf2
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, dps):
        check_isinstance(dps, tuple)
        tu = get_types_universe()

        F1 = dps[0].get_fun_space()
        R1 = dps[0].get_res_space()

        for dp in dps:
            Fj = dp.get_fun_space()
            Rj = dp.get_res_space()

                tu.check_equal(F1, Fj)
                tu.check_equal(R1, Rj)
            except NotEqual:
                msg = 'Cannot form the co-product.'
                raise_desc(ValueError, msg, dps=dps)

        F = F1
        R = R1
        Ms = [dp.get_imp_space() for dp in dps]

        self.dps = dps
        self.M = Coproduct1(tuple(Ms))
        PrimitiveDP.__init__(self, F=F, R=R, I=self.M)
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, dps):
        check_isinstance(dps, tuple)
        tu = get_types_universe()

        F1 = dps[0].get_fun_space()
        R1 = dps[0].get_res_space()

        for dp in dps:
            Fj = dp.get_fun_space()
            Rj = dp.get_res_space()

                tu.check_equal(F1, Fj)
                tu.check_equal(R1, Rj)
            except NotEqual:
                msg = 'Cannot form the co-product.'
                raise_desc(ValueError, msg, dps=dps)

        F = F1
        R = R1
        Ms = [dp.get_imp_space() for dp in dps]

        self.dps = dps
        self.M = Coproduct1(tuple(Ms))
        PrimitiveDP.__init__(self, F=F, R=R, I=self.M)
Esempio n. 10
def eval_solve_r(op, context):
    check_isinstance(op, CDP.SolveRModel)
    from .eval_ndp_imp import eval_ndp

    ndp = eval_ndp(op.model, context)
    dp = ndp.get_dp()
    r0 = eval_constant(op.r, context)
    F = dp.get_fun_space()
    R = dp.get_res_space()

    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(r0.unit, R)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = 'Input not correct.'
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)
    r = r0.cast_value(R)

    res = dp.solve_r(r)
        LF = LowerSets(F)
        return ValueWithUnits(res, LF)
    except NotBelongs as e:
        msg = 'Invalid result of solve_r().'
        raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, res=res, dp=dp.repr_long())
Esempio n. 11
def create_operation_lf(context, dp, functions, name_prefix, 
                        op_prefix='_op', res_prefix='_res', allow_conversion=True):
    name = context.new_name(name_prefix)
    name_result = context.new_res_name(res_prefix)
    rnames = []
    for i, f in enumerate(functions):
        ni = context.new_fun_name('%s%s' % (op_prefix, i))
    _rnames = rnames[0] if len(rnames) == 1 else rnames
    ndp = dpwrap(dp, name_result, _rnames)

    connections = []
    tu = get_types_universe()
    for i, f in enumerate(functions):
        # source resource
        Fi = context.get_ftype(f)
        # function
        Fhave = ndp.get_rtype(rnames[i])

#         print('------- argu %d' % i)
#         print('I need to connect function %s of type %s to resource %s of new NDP with type %s'%
#               (f, Fi, rnames[i], Fhave))
#         print('Fi: %s' % Fi)
#         print('Fhave: %s' % Fhave)
        if not tu.equal(Fi, Fhave):
            if not allow_conversion:
                msg = ('The types are %s and %s are not equal, and '
                       'allow_conversion is False' % (Fi, Fhave))
                raise DPInternalError(msg)
#             print('creating conversion')
            conversion = get_conversion(Fhave, Fi)
            if conversion is None:
                msg = 'I need a conversion from %s to %s' % (Fi, Fhave)
                raise DPInternalError(msg)
#                 print('Conversion: %s' % conversion.repr_long())
#                 print('Creating recursive...')
                f = create_operation_lf(context, conversion, [f],
                                        name_prefix='_conversion_for_%s' % name_result, 

        c = Connection(dp2=f.dp, s2=f.s, dp1=name, s1=rnames[i])


    context.add_ndp(name, ndp)

    for c in connections:

    res = context.make_function(name, name_result)
    return res
Esempio n. 12
def convert_string_query(ndp, query, context):
        Converts a string query to a value that can be passed to the DP.
            f = bind(ndp, dict(power='100mW'))
            f == 0.1
    # first: make sure the names are the same

    fnames = ndp.get_fnames()
    fnames2 = set(query)
    if set(fnames) != fnames2:
        msg = 'Missing values in query or too many values.'
        raise_desc(ValueError, msg, fnames=fnames, query=query)

    fds = []
    Fds = []

    tu = get_types_universe()

    for fname in fnames:
        q = query[fname]
        vu = parse_constant(q, context)


        F0 = ndp.get_ftype(fname)
        if not tu.leq(vu.unit, F0):
            msg = 'Invalid value for %r: %s does not cast to %s.' % (fname, vu,
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg)

    Fd = PosetProduct(tuple(Fds))
    fd = tuple(fds)

    if len(fnames) == 1:
        Fd = Fd[0]
        fd = fd[0]
        Fd = Fd
        fd = fd

    F = ndp.get_ftypes(fnames)
    if len(fnames) == 1:
        F = F[0]

    tu.check_leq(Fd, F)
    A_to_B, _ = tu.get_embedding(Fd, F)
    fg = A_to_B(fd)

    #print('Fd: %s' % Fd.format(fd))
    #print('F: %s' % F.format(fg))
    return fg
Esempio n. 13
def convert_string_query(ndp, query, context):
        Converts a string query to a value that can be passed to the DP.
            f = bind(ndp, dict(power='100mW'))
            f == 0.1
    # first: make sure the names are the same

    fnames = ndp.get_fnames()
    fnames2 = set(query)
    if set(fnames) != fnames2:
        msg = 'Missing values in query or too many values.'
        raise_desc(ValueError, msg, fnames=fnames, query=query)

    fds = []
    Fds = []

    tu = get_types_universe()

    for fname in fnames:
        q = query[fname]
        vu = parse_constant(q, context)


        F0 = ndp.get_ftype(fname)
        if not tu.leq(vu.unit, F0):
            msg = 'Invalid value for %r: %s does not cast to %s.' % (fname, vu, F0)
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg)

    Fd = PosetProduct(tuple(Fds))
    fd = tuple(fds)

    if len(fnames) == 1:
        Fd = Fd[0]
        fd = fd[0]
        Fd = Fd
        fd = fd

    F = ndp.get_ftypes(fnames)
    if len(fnames) == 1:
        F = F[0]

    tu.check_leq(Fd, F)
    A_to_B, _ = tu.get_embedding(Fd, F)
    fg = A_to_B(fd)

    #print('Fd: %s' % Fd.format(fd))
    #print('F: %s' % F.format(fg))
    return fg
Esempio n. 14
def eval_PlusN_ops_multi(resources, context):
    resources_types = [context.get_rtype(_) for _ in resources]
    target_int = Int()
    tu = get_types_universe()

    def castable_to_int(_):
        return tu.leq(_, target_int)

    def exactly_Rcomp_or_Nat(x):
        return exactly_Rcomp(x) or isinstance(x, Nat)

    def exactly_Rcomp(x):
        return isinstance(x, Rcomp)

    if all(exactly_Rcomp(_) for _ in resources_types):
        n = len(resources_types)
        dp = SumNRcompDP(n)
    elif all(isinstance(_, RcompUnits) for _ in resources_types):
        # addition between floats
        R = resources_types[0]
        Fs = tuple(resources_types)
            sum_dimensionality_works(Fs, R)
        except ValueError:
            msg = ''
            for r, rt in zip(resources, resources_types):
                msg += '- %s has type %s\n' % (r, rt)
            raise_desc(DPSemanticError, 'Incompatible units:\n%s' % msg)

        dp = SumNDP(Fs, R)
    elif all(isinstance(_, Nat) for _ in resources_types):
        # natural number
        dp = SumNNatDP(len(resources))
    elif all(castable_to_int(_) for _ in resources_types):
        # XXX cast
        dp = SumNIntDP(len(resources))
    elif all(exactly_Rcomp_or_Nat(_) for _ in resources_types):
        resources = [
            get_resource_possibly_converted(_, Rcomp(), context)
            for _ in resources
        dp = SumNRcompDP(len(resources))
        msg = 'Cannot find sum operator for combination of types.'
        raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, msg, resources_types=resources_types)

    r = create_operation(context,
    return r
Esempio n. 15
 def get_providers_for_type(self, R):
     options = []
     tu = get_types_universe()
     for id_ndp in self.options:
         ndp = self.load_ndp(id_ndp)
         fnames = ndp.get_fnames()
         ftypes = ndp.get_ftypes(fnames)
         for fname, F in zip(fnames, ftypes):
             if tu.leq(R, F):
                 options.append((id_ndp, fname))
                 mcdp_dev_warning("assume that it is symmetric")
     return options
Esempio n. 16
    def check_plot_space(self, space):
        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not (isinstance(space, PosetProduct) and len(space.subs) == 2):
            msg = 'I can only plot 2-tuples of upper sets.'
            raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)

        tu.check_equal(space[0], space[1])

        except NotPlottable as e:
            msg = 'It is a 2-tuple, but cannot plot inside. '
            raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)
Esempio n. 17
    def check_plot_space(self, space):
        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not (isinstance(space, PosetProduct) and len(space.subs) == 2):
            msg = 'I can only plot 2-tuples of upper sets.'
            raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)

        tu.check_equal(space[0], space[1])

        except NotPlottable as e:
            msg = 'It is a 2-tuple, but cannot plot inside. '
            raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)
Esempio n. 18
def check_coproduct_embedding2():
    """ A + B == A + B """
    A = FinitePoset(set(['a1', 'a2', 'a3']), [])
    B = FinitePoset(set(['b1', 'b2']), [])

    P1 = PosetCoproduct((A, B))
    P2 = PosetCoproduct((A, B))

    tu = get_types_universe()
    tu.check_equal(P1, P2)

    tu.check_leq(P1, P2)
    tu.check_leq(P2, P1)
Esempio n. 19
def interpret_params_1string(p, F, context=None):
    if context is None:
        context = Context()
    res = parse_wrap(Syntax.constant_value, p)[0]
    vu = eval_constant(res, context)

    Fd = vu.unit
    fd = vu.value

    tu = get_types_universe()
    tu.check_leq(Fd, F)
    A_to_B, _ = tu.get_embedding(Fd, F)
    fg = A_to_B(fd)
    return fg
Esempio n. 20
    def __init__(self, F, Rs):
        for _ in Rs:
            check_isinstance(_, (Rcomp, RcompUnits))
        check_isinstance(F, (Rcomp, RcompUnits))
        self.Rs = Rs
        R = PosetProduct(Rs)

        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not tu.equal(Rs[0], Rs[1]) or not tu.equal(F, Rs[0]):
            msg = 'InvPlus only available for consistent units.'
            raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, F=F, Rs=Rs)

        M = PosetProduct((F, R))
        PrimitiveDP.__init__(self, F=F, R=R, I=M)
Esempio n. 21
    def __init__(self, Fs, R):
        dom = PosetProduct(Fs)
        cod = R
        Map.__init__(self, dom=dom, cod=cod)

        tu = get_types_universe()
        self.subs = []
        target = Int()
        for F in Fs:
            # need F to be cast to Int
            F_to_Int, _ = tu.get_embedding(F, target)

        self.to_R, _ = tu.get_embedding(target, R)
Esempio n. 22
    def __init__(self, F, Rs):
        for _ in Rs:
            check_isinstance(_, (Rcomp, RcompUnits))
        check_isinstance(F, (Rcomp, RcompUnits))
        self.Rs = Rs
        R = PosetProduct(Rs)

        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not tu.equal(Rs[0], Rs[1]) or not tu.equal(F, Rs[0]):
            msg = 'InvPlus only available for consistent units.'
            raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, F=F, Rs=Rs)

        M = PosetProduct((F, R))
        PrimitiveDP.__init__(self, F=F, R=R, I=M)
Esempio n. 23
def check_coproduct_embedding3():
    """ A + B != B + A, but A + B ~= B + A """
    A = FinitePoset(set(['a1', 'a2', 'a3']), [])
    B = FinitePoset(set(['b1', 'b2']), [])

    P1 = PosetCoproduct((A, B))
    P2 = PosetCoproduct((B, A))

    tu = get_types_universe()
    tu.check_leq(P1, P2)
    tu.check_leq(P2, P1)

    A_to_B1, B_to_A1 = tu.get_embedding(A, B)  # @UnusedVariable
    B_to_A2, A_to_B2 = tu.get_embedding(B, A)  # @UnusedVariable
Esempio n. 24
    def __init__(self, Fs, R):
        dom = PosetProduct(Fs)
        cod = R
        Map.__init__(self, dom=dom, cod=cod)

        tu = get_types_universe()
        self.subs = []
        target = Int()
        for F in Fs:
            # need F to be cast to Int
            F_to_Int, _ = tu.get_embedding(F, target)

        self.to_R, _ = tu.get_embedding(target, R)
Esempio n. 25
def interpret_params_1string(p, F, context=None):
    if context is None:
        context = Context()
    res = parse_wrap(Syntax.constant_value, p)[0]
    vu = eval_constant(res, context)

    Fd = vu.unit
    fd = vu.value

    tu = get_types_universe()
    tu.check_leq(Fd, F)
    A_to_B, _ = tu.get_embedding(Fd, F)
    fg = A_to_B(fd)
    return fg 
Esempio n. 26
def get_conversion(A, B):
    """ Returns None if there is no need for a Conversion Map.
        Otherwise returns a Conversion (< WrapAMap). """
    tu = get_types_universe()

    if tu.equal(A, B):
        conversion = None
            A_to_B, B_to_A = tu.get_super_conversion(A, B)
            mcdp_dev_warning('not really sure of the semantics of this')
            conversion = Conversion(A_to_B, B_to_A)
        except NotLeq:

    return conversion
Esempio n. 27
def eval_PlusN_ops_multi(resources, context):
    resources_types = [context.get_rtype(_) for _ in resources]
    target_int = Int()
    tu = get_types_universe()
    def castable_to_int(_):
        return tu.leq(_, target_int)

    def exactly_Rcomp_or_Nat(x):
        return exactly_Rcomp(x) or isinstance(x, Nat)
    def exactly_Rcomp(x):
        return isinstance(x, Rcomp)

    if all(exactly_Rcomp(_) for _ in resources_types):
        n = len(resources_types)
        dp = SumNRcompDP(n)
    elif all(isinstance(_, RcompUnits) for _ in resources_types):
        # addition between floats
        R = resources_types[0]
        Fs = tuple(resources_types)
            sum_dimensionality_works(Fs, R)
        except ValueError:
            msg = ''
            for r, rt in zip(resources, resources_types):
                msg += '- %s has type %s\n' % (r, rt)
            raise_desc(DPSemanticError, 'Incompatible units:\n%s' % msg)

        dp = SumNDP(Fs, R)
    elif all(isinstance(_, Nat) for _ in resources_types):
        # natural number
        dp = SumNNatDP(len(resources))
    elif all(castable_to_int(_) for _ in resources_types):
        # XXX cast
        dp = SumNIntDP(len(resources))
    elif all(exactly_Rcomp_or_Nat(_) for _ in resources_types):
        resources = [get_resource_possibly_converted(_, Rcomp(), context)
                     for _ in resources]
        dp = SumNRcompDP(len(resources))
        msg = 'Cannot find sum operator for combination of types.'
        raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, resources_types=resources_types)

    r = create_operation(context, dp, resources,
                         name_prefix='_sum', op_prefix='_term',
    return r
Esempio n. 28
def adv_embed_1():
    """ PosetProduct does not take into account permutations. """
    P1 = parse_poset('m x J')
    P2 = parse_poset('J x m')
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(P1, P2)
    except NotLeq:
        assert False
        tu.check_leq(P2, P1)
    except NotLeq:
        assert False
Esempio n. 29
    def __init__(self, opt, options, context, executed, forbidden,
                 lower_bounds, ur, creation_order):

        print('CREATED %s' % creation_order)
        self.opt = opt
        self.options = options

        self.context = context
        self.executed = executed
        self.forbidden = forbidden
        self.lower_bounds = lower_bounds
        self.ur = ur

        if do_extra_checks():
            tu = get_types_universe()
            # We expect that for each unconnected resource, we have a lower bound
            _unconnected_fun, unconnected_res = get_missing_connections(
            for dp, s in unconnected_res:
                r = CResource(dp, s)
                if not r in lower_bounds:
                    msg = 'There is no lower bound for this resource.'
                    raise_desc(ValueError, msg, r=r, lower_bounds=lower_bounds)
                r_ur = lower_bounds[r]
                R = self.context.get_rtype(r)
                tu.check_equal(r_ur.P, R)

            # make sure we don't have extra
            for r in lower_bounds:
                assert isinstance(r, CResource), r
                R = self.context.get_rtype(r)
                assert (r.dp, r.s) in unconnected_res, (r, unconnected_res)

        self.num_connection_options = self._compute_connection_options()

        self.hash = self._compute_hash()

        self._msg = ""

        for r, lb in lower_bounds.items():
            R = self.context.get_rtype(r)
  'lb %s >= %s' % (r, lb), quiet=True)

        self.num_resources_need_connecting = self.compute_num_resources_need_connecting(
        self.creation_order = creation_order
Esempio n. 30
def adv_embed_1():
    """ PosetProduct does not take into account permutations. """
    P1 = parse_poset("m x J")
    P2 = parse_poset("J x m")
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(P1, P2)
    except NotLeq:
        assert False
        tu.check_leq(P2, P1)
    except NotLeq:
        assert False
Esempio n. 31
def get_conversion(A, B):
    """ Returns None if there is no need for a Conversion Map.
        Otherwise returns a Conversion (< WrapAMap). """
    tu = get_types_universe() 

    if tu.equal(A, B):
        conversion = None
            A_to_B, B_to_A = tu.get_super_conversion(A, B)
            mcdp_dev_warning('not really sure of the semantics of this')
            conversion = Conversion(A_to_B, B_to_A)
        except NotLeq as e:
#             msg = 'Wrapping with incompatible units.'
#             raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, A=A, B=B)

    return conversion
Esempio n. 32
    def check_plot_space(self, space):
        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not isinstance(space, UpperSets):
            msg = 'I can only plot upper sets of R.'
            raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)

        R = Rcomp()
        P = space.P
        if isinstance(P, RcompBase):
            self.P_to_S = lambda x: x
                tu.check_leq(P, R)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = ('cannot convert to R^2 from %s' % space)
                raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)

            self.P_to_S, _ = tu.get_embedding(P, R)
Esempio n. 33
    def check_plot_space(self, space):
        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not isinstance(space, UpperSets):
            msg = "I can only plot upper sets of R."
            raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)

        R = Rcomp()
        P = space.P
        if isinstance(P, RcompBase):
            self.P_to_S = lambda x: x
                tu.check_leq(P, R)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = "cannot convert to R^2 from %s" % space
                raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)

            self.P_to_S, _ = tu.get_embedding(P, R)
Esempio n. 34
    def __init__(self, opt, options, context, executed, forbidden, lower_bounds, ur,

        print('CREATED %s' % creation_order)
        self.opt = opt
        self.options = options

        self.context = context
        self.executed = executed
        self.forbidden = forbidden
        self.lower_bounds = lower_bounds
        self.ur = ur

        if do_extra_checks():
            tu = get_types_universe()
            # We expect that for each unconnected resource, we have a lower bound
            _unconnected_fun, unconnected_res = get_missing_connections(self.context)
            for dp, s in unconnected_res:
                r = CResource(dp, s)
                if not r in lower_bounds:
                    msg = 'There is no lower bound for this resource.'
                    raise_desc(ValueError, msg, r=r, lower_bounds=lower_bounds)
                r_ur = lower_bounds[r]
                R = self.context.get_rtype(r)
                tu.check_equal(r_ur.P, R)

            # make sure we don't have extra
            for r in lower_bounds:
                assert isinstance(r, CResource), r
                R = self.context.get_rtype(r)
                assert (r.dp, r.s) in unconnected_res, (r, unconnected_res)

        self.num_connection_options = self._compute_connection_options()

        self.hash = self._compute_hash()

        self._msg = ""

        for r, lb in lower_bounds.items():
            R = self.context.get_rtype(r)
  'lb %s >= %s' % (r, lb), quiet=True)

        self.num_resources_need_connecting = self.compute_num_resources_need_connecting()
        self.creation_order = creation_order
Esempio n. 35
def eval_rvalue_approx_u(r, context):
    assert isinstance(r, CDP.ApproxURes)

    #  r1-approx-r2----------------- Uncertainty gate
    #          |____(+ step)--[r3]|

    r1 = eval_rvalue(r.rvalue, context)
    step = eval_constant(r.step, context)

    R = context.get_rtype(r1)
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(step.unit, R)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = ('The step is specified in a unit (%s), which is not compatible '
               'with the resource (%s).' % (step.unit, R))
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)

    stepu = step.cast_value(R)
    if stepu == 0.0:
        return r1

    dp = makeLinearFloor0DP(R, stepu)

    r2 = create_operation(context,

    dpsum = PlusValueDP(R, c_value=step.value, c_space=step.unit)
    r3 = create_operation(context,

    dpu = UncertainGate(R)

    return create_operation(context,
                            resources=[r2, r3],
Esempio n. 36
def less_resources2(ua, ub):
        ua must be <= ub
    Pa = ua.P
    Pb = ub.P

    if not isinstance(Pa, PosetProduct) or not isinstance(Pb, PosetProduct):
        raise NotImplementedError((Pa, Pb))

    tu = get_types_universe()

    matches = []
    for i, P in enumerate(Pa.subs):
        for j, Q in enumerate(Pb.subs):
            if j in matches: continue
            if tu.leq(P, Q):
            # msg = 'Could not find match.'
            return False

    # now we have found an embedding

    # first we create a projection for Pb
    m1 = MuxMap(F=Pb, coords=matches)

    ub2 = upperset_project_map(ub, m1)
    Pb2 = ub2.P
    UPb2 = UpperSets(Pb2)

    # now we create the embedding
    A_to_B, _ = tu.get_embedding(Pa, Pb2)
    ua2 = upperset_project_map(ua, A_to_B)

    print('Pa: %s' % Pa)
    print('Pb2:  %s' % Pb2)
    print('ua2: %s' % ua2)
    print('ub2: %s' % ub2)

    return UPb2.leq(ua2, ub2)
Esempio n. 37
def eval_solve_f(op, context):
    check_isinstance(op, CDP.SolveModel)
    from .eval_ndp_imp import eval_ndp
    ndp = eval_ndp(op.model, context)
    dp = ndp.get_dp()
    f0 = eval_constant(op.f, context)
    F = dp.get_fun_space()
    R = dp.get_res_space()

    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(f0.unit, F)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = 'Input not correct.'
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)
    f = f0.cast_value(F)
    res = dp.solve(f)
    UR = UpperSets(R)
    return ValueWithUnits(res, UR)
Esempio n. 38
 def check_plot_space(self, space):
     tu = get_types_universe()
     if not isinstance(space, UpperSets):
         msg = 'I can only plot upper sets.'
         raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)
     P = space.P
     if isinstance(P, PosetProduct) and len(P) == 2 and \
         isinstance(P[0], PosetProduct) and len(P[0]) == 2:
         self.P_to_S = lambda x: x
             tu.check_leq(P, self.S)
         except NotLeq as e:
             msg = ('cannot convert from %s to %s' % (P, self.S))
             raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)
         self.P_to_S, _f2 = tu.get_embedding(P, self.S)
Esempio n. 39
    def check_plot_space(self, space):
        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not isinstance(space, UpperSets):
            msg = 'I can only plot upper sets.'
            raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)

        P = space.P

        if isinstance(P, PosetProduct) and len(P) == 2 and \
            isinstance(P[0], PosetProduct) and len(P[0]) == 2:
            self.P_to_S = lambda x: x
                tu.check_leq(P, self.S)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = ('cannot convert from %s to %s' % (P, self.S))
                raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)

            self.P_to_S, _f2 = tu.get_embedding(P, self.S)
Esempio n. 40
def eval_solve_f(op, context):
    check_isinstance(op, CDP.SolveModel)
    from .eval_ndp_imp import eval_ndp
    ndp = eval_ndp(op.model, context)
    dp = ndp.get_dp()
    f0 = eval_constant(op.f, context)
    F = dp.get_fun_space()
    R = dp.get_res_space()

    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(f0.unit, F)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = 'Input not correct.'
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)
    f = f0.cast_value(F)
    res = dp.solve(f)
    UR = UpperSets(R)
    return ValueWithUnits(res, UR)
Esempio n. 41
def check_same_interface(interface, ndp):
    """ Raises DifferentInterface """
    fi = set(interface.get_fnames())
    ri = set(interface.get_rnames())
    fn = set(ndp.get_fnames())
    rn = set(ndp.get_rnames())
    extra_functions = fn - fi
    extra_resources = rn - ri
    missing_functions = fi - fn
    missing_resources = ri - rn
    problems = (extra_functions 
                 or extra_resources 
                 or missing_functions 
                 or missing_resources)
    if problems:
        msg = 'Different number of functions and resources.'
        raise_desc(DifferentInterface, msg)

    tu = get_types_universe()

    for f in ndp.get_fnames():
        F1 = ndp.get_ftype(f)
        F2 = interface.get_ftype(f)
            tu.check_leq(F1, F2)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'A port is not compatible.'
            raise_desc(DPSemanticError, e, msg, f=f, F1=F1, F2=F2)

    for r in ndp.get_rnames():
        R1 = ndp.get_rtype(r)
        R2 = interface.get_rtype(r)
            tu.check_leq(R1, R2)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'A port is not compatible.'
            raise_desc(DPSemanticError, e, msg, r=r, R1=R1, R2=R2)
Esempio n. 42
def check_same_interface(interface, ndp):
    """ Raises DifferentInterface """
    fi = set(interface.get_fnames())
    ri = set(interface.get_rnames())
    fn = set(ndp.get_fnames())
    rn = set(ndp.get_rnames())
    extra_functions = fn - fi
    extra_resources = rn - ri
    missing_functions = fi - fn
    missing_resources = ri - rn
    problems = (extra_functions 
                 or extra_resources 
                 or missing_functions 
                 or missing_resources)
    if problems:
        msg = 'Different number of functions and resources.'
        raise_desc(DifferentInterface, msg)

    tu = get_types_universe()

    for f in ndp.get_fnames():
        F1 = ndp.get_ftype(f)
        F2 = interface.get_ftype(f)
            tu.check_leq(F1, F2)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'A port is not compatible.'
            raise_desc(DPSemanticError, e, msg, f=f, F1=F1, F2=F2)

    for r in ndp.get_rnames():
        R1 = ndp.get_rtype(r)
        R2 = interface.get_rtype(r)
            tu.check_leq(R1, R2)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'A port is not compatible.'
            raise_desc(DPSemanticError, e, msg, r=r, R1=R1, R2=R2)
Esempio n. 43
    def check_plot_space(self, space):
        tu = get_types_universe()
        if not isinstance(space, UpperSets):
            msg = 'I can only plot upper sets of something isomorphic to R2.'
            raise_desc(NotPlottable, msg, space=space)
        P = space.P
        self.R2 = PosetProduct((Rcomp(), Rcomp()))

        if isinstance(space.P, PosetProduct) and len(space.P) == 2 and \
            isinstance(space.P[0], RcompUnits) and isinstance(space.P[1], RcompUnits):
            self.P_to_S = lambda x: x
            #logger.debug('space = %s ; P = %s; R2 = %s' % (space,space.P,R2))
                tu.check_leq(P, self.R2)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = ('cannot convert to R^2 from %s' % space)
                raise_wrapped(NotPlottable, e, msg, compact=True)

            self.P_to_S, _f2 = tu.get_embedding(P, self.R2)
Esempio n. 44
def get_compatible_unconnected_functions(R, context, unconnected_fun,
    tu = get_types_universe()
    res = []
    used_dps = set()
    for dp1, fname in unconnected_fun:
        # skip if we already used it
        # TODO: maybe only allow this for numbered options?
        if only_one_per_dp:
            if dp1 in used_dps:

        f = CFunction(dp1, fname)
        F = context.get_ftype(f)
        if tu.leq(R, F):

#     print('get_compatible_unconnected_functions(): %s -> %s ' % (R, res))
    return res
Esempio n. 45
    def __init__(self, dp1):
        self.dp1 = dp1

        F0 = self.dp1.get_fun_space()
        R0 = self.dp1.get_res_space()
        I0 = self.dp1.get_imp_space()

        if not isinstance(F0, PosetProduct) or len(F0.subs) != 2:
            msg = 'The function space must be a product of length 2.'
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, F0=F0)

        if not isinstance(R0, PosetProduct) or len(R0.subs) != 2:
            msg = 'The resource space must be a product of length 2.'
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, R0=R0)

        F1, F2 = F0[0], F0[1]
        R1, R2 = R0[0], R0[1]

        tu = get_types_universe()

            tu.check_equal(F2, R2)
        except NotEqual as e:
            msg = ('The second component of function and resource space '
                   'must be equal.')
            raise_wrapped(ValueError, e, msg, F2=F2, R2=R2)

        F = F1
        R = R1

        from mcdp_dp.dp_series import get_product_compact
        M, _, _ = get_product_compact(I0, F2, R2)
        self.M0 = I0
        self.F1 = F1
        self.F2 = F2
        self.R1 = R1
        self.R2 = R2

        self._solve_cache = {}
        PrimitiveDP.__init__(self, F=F, R=R, I=M)
Esempio n. 46
def add_constraint(context, resource, function):
    check_isinstance(resource, CResource)
    check_isinstance(function, CFunction)

    R1 = context.get_rtype(resource)
    F2 = context.get_ftype(function)

    tu = get_types_universe()

        if tu.equal(R1, F2):
            c = Connection(dp1=resource.dp, s1=resource.s,
                           dp2=function.dp, s2=function.s)
            # F2    ---- (<=) ----   becomes  ----(<=)--- [R1_to_F2] ----
            # |     R1       F2                R1      R1             F2
            # R1
                R1_to_F2, F2_to_R1 = tu.get_super_conversion(R1, F2)
                conversion = Conversion(R1_to_F2, F2_to_R1)
                assert tu.equal(R1, conversion.get_fun_space())
                assert tu.equal(F2, conversion.get_res_space())
                resource2 = create_operation(context=context, dp=conversion,
                                             resources=[resource], name_prefix='_conversion')
                c = Connection(dp1=resource2.dp, s1=resource2.s,
                               dp2=function.dp, s2=function.s)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = 'Constraint between incompatible spaces.'
                msg += '\n  %s can be embedded in %s: %s ' % (
                    R1, F2, tu.leq(R1, F2))
                msg += '\n  %s can be embedded in %s: %s ' % (
                    F2, R1, tu.leq(F2, R1))
                    DPSemanticError, e, msg, R1=R1, F2=F2, compact=True)
    except NotImplementedError as e:  # pragma: no cover
        msg = 'Problem while creating embedding.'
        raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, msg, resource=resource, function=function,
                      R1=R1, F2=F2)
Esempio n. 47
    def __init__(self, dp1):
        self.dp1 = dp1

        F0 = self.dp1.get_fun_space()
        R0 = self.dp1.get_res_space()
        I0 = self.dp1.get_imp_space()

        if not isinstance(F0, PosetProduct) or len(F0.subs) != 2:
            msg = 'The function space must be a product of length 2.'
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, F0=F0)

        if not isinstance(R0, PosetProduct) or len(R0.subs) != 2:
            msg = 'The resource space must be a product of length 2.'
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, R0=R0)
        F1, F2 = F0[0], F0[1]
        R1, R2 = R0[0], R0[1]
        tu = get_types_universe()
            tu.check_equal(F2, R2)
        except NotEqual as e:
            msg = ('The second component of function and resource space '
                   'must be equal.')
            raise_wrapped(ValueError, e, msg, F2=F2, R2=R2)

        F = F1
        R = R1

        from mcdp_dp.dp_series import get_product_compact
        M, _, _ = get_product_compact(I0, F2, R2)
        self.M0 = I0
        self.F1 = F1
        self.F2 = F2
        self.R1 = R1
        self.R2 = R2

        self._solve_cache = {}
        PrimitiveDP.__init__(self, F=F, R=R, I=M)
Esempio n. 48
def assert_generic(r, context, which):
    """ a : v1 < v2
        b : v1 = v2
        b : v1 = v2
    from .eval_constant_imp import eval_constant

    v1 = eval_constant(r.v1, context)
    v2 = eval_constant(r.v2, context)
    # put v2 in v1's space
    P = v1.unit
    value1 = v1.value
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(v2.unit, v1.unit)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = 'Cannot cast %s to %s.' % (v2.unit, v1.unit)
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)
    value2 = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(v2.unit, v2.value, v1.unit)
    t = {}
    t['equal'] = P.equal(value1, value2)
    t['leq'] = P.leq(value1, value2)
    t['geq'] = P.leq(value2, value1)
    t['lt'] = t['leq'] and not t['equal']
    t['gt'] = t['geq'] and not t['equal']
    if not which in t:
        raise ValueError(t)
    result = t[which]
    if result:
        return passed_value()
    else: # assertion
        msg = 'Assertion %r failed.' % which
        raise_desc(DPUserAssertion, msg, expected=v1, obtained=v2)
Esempio n. 49
def assert_generic(r, context, which):
    """ a : v1 < v2
        b : v1 = v2
        b : v1 = v2
    from .eval_constant_imp import eval_constant

    v1 = eval_constant(r.v1, context)
    v2 = eval_constant(r.v2, context)
    # put v2 in v1's space
    P = v1.unit
    value1 = v1.value
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(v2.unit, v1.unit)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = 'Cannot cast %s to %s.' % (v2.unit, v1.unit)
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)
    value2 = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(v2.unit, v2.value, v1.unit)
    t = {}
    t['equal'] = P.equal(value1, value2)
    t['leq'] = P.leq(value1, value2)
    t['geq'] = P.leq(value2, value1)
    t['lt'] = t['leq'] and not t['equal']
    t['gt'] = t['geq'] and not t['equal']
    if not which in t:
        raise ValueError(t)
    result = t[which]
    if result:
        return passed_value()
    else: # assertion
        msg = 'Assertion %r failed.' % which
        raise_desc(DPUserAssertion, msg, expected=v1, obtained=v2)
Esempio n. 50
def eval_lfunction_invplus_ops(fs, context):
    if len(fs) == 1:
        raise DPInternalError(fs)
    elif len(fs) > 2:  # pragma: no cover
        mcdp_dev_warning('Maybe this should be smarter?')
        rest = eval_lfunction_invplus_ops(fs[1:], context)
        return eval_lfunction_invplus_ops([fs[0], rest], context)
        Fs = map(context.get_ftype, fs)
        R = Fs[0]

        if all(isinstance(_, RcompUnits) for _ in Fs):
            tu = get_types_universe()
            if not tu.leq(Fs[1], Fs[0]):
                msg = 'Inconsistent units %s and %s.' % (Fs[1], Fs[0])
                raise_desc(DPSemanticError, msg, Fs0=Fs[0], Fs1=Fs[1])

            if not tu.equal(Fs[1], Fs[0]):
                msg = 'This case was not implemented yet. Differing units %s and %s.' % (
                    Fs[1], Fs[0])
                raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, msg, Fs0=Fs[0], Fs1=Fs[1])

            dp = InvPlus2(R, tuple(Fs))
        elif all(isinstance(_, Rcomp) for _ in Fs):
            dp = InvPlus2(R, tuple(Fs))
        elif all(isinstance(_, Nat) for _ in Fs):
            dp = InvPlus2Nat(R, tuple(Fs))

        else:  # pragma: no cover
            msg = 'Cannot find operator for these types.'
            raise_desc(DPInternalError, msg, Fs=Fs)

        return create_operation_lf(context,
Esempio n. 51
def eval_rvalue_approx_u(r, context):
    assert isinstance(r, CDP.ApproxURes)

    #  r1-approx-r2----------------- Uncertainty gate
    #          |____(+ step)--[r3]|

    r1 = eval_rvalue(r.rvalue, context)
    step = eval_constant(r.step, context)

    R = context.get_rtype(r1)
    tu = get_types_universe()
        tu.check_leq(step.unit, R)
    except NotLeq as e:
        msg = ('The step is specified in a unit (%s), which is not compatible '
               'with the resource (%s).' % (step.unit, R))
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, compact=True)

    stepu = step.cast_value(R)
    if stepu == 0.0:
        return r1

    dp = makeLinearFloor0DP(R, stepu)

    r2 = create_operation(context, dp=dp, resources=[r1],
                               name_prefix='_approx', op_prefix='_toapprox',

    dpsum = PlusValueDP(R, c_value=step.value, c_space=step.unit)
    r3 = create_operation(context, dp=dpsum, resources=[r2],

    dpu = UncertainGate(R)

    return create_operation(context, dp=dpu, resources=[r2, r3],
Esempio n. 52
def check_mult_mixed2(): 
    tu = get_types_universe()

    dimensionless = parse_poset('dimensionless')
    Nat = parse_poset('Nat')
    # m * s
    ndp = parse_ndp(""" 
    mcdp {
        provides a [m]
        provides b [s]
        requires x = provided a * provided b
    M = ndp.get_rtype('x')
    tu.check_equal(M, parse_poset('m*s'))

    # Nat * Nat
    ndp = parse_ndp(""" 
    mcdp {
        provides a [Nat]
        provides b [Nat]
        requires x = provided a * provided b
    M = ndp.get_rtype('x')
    tu.check_equal(M, Nat)

    # Nat * []
    ndp = parse_ndp(""" 
    mcdp {
        provides a [Nat]
        provides b [dimensionless]
        requires x = provided a * provided b
    M = ndp.get_rtype('x')
    tu.check_equal(M, dimensionless)
Esempio n. 53
def add_constraint(context, resource, function):
    check_isinstance(resource, CResource)
    check_isinstance(function, CFunction)
    R1 = context.get_rtype(resource)
    F2 = context.get_ftype(function)

    tu = get_types_universe()

        if tu.equal(R1, F2):
            c = Connection(dp1=resource.dp, s1=resource.s,
                           dp2=function.dp, s2=function.s)
            ##  F2    ---- (<=) ----   becomes  ----(<=)--- [R1_to_F2] ----
            ##   |     R1       F2                R1      R1             F2
            ##  R1
                R1_to_F2, F2_to_R1 = tu.get_super_conversion(R1, F2)
                conversion = Conversion(R1_to_F2, F2_to_R1)
                assert tu.equal(R1, conversion.get_fun_space())
                assert tu.equal(F2, conversion.get_res_space())
                resource2 = create_operation(context=context, dp=conversion,
                                            resources=[resource], name_prefix='_conversion')
                c = Connection(dp1=resource2.dp, s1=resource2.s,
                               dp2=function.dp, s2=function.s)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = 'Constraint between incompatible spaces.'
                msg += '\n  %s can be embedded in %s: %s ' % (R1, F2, tu.leq(R1, F2))
                msg += '\n  %s can be embedded in %s: %s ' % (F2, R1, tu.leq(F2, R1))
                raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, R1=R1, F2=F2, compact=True)
    except NotImplementedError as e: # pragma: no cover
        msg = 'Problem while creating embedding.'
        raise_wrapped(DPInternalError, e, msg, resource=resource, function=function,
                      R1=R1, F2=F2)
Esempio n. 54
def check_mult_mixed2():
    tu = get_types_universe()

    dimensionless = parse_poset('dimensionless')
    Nat = parse_poset('Nat')
    # m * s
    ndp = parse_ndp("""
    mcdp {
        provides a [m]
        provides b [s]
        requires x = provided a * provided b
    M = ndp.get_rtype('x')
    tu.check_equal(M, parse_poset('m*s'))

    # Nat * Nat
    ndp = parse_ndp("""
    mcdp {
        provides a [Nat]
        provides b [Nat]
        requires x = provided a * provided b
    M = ndp.get_rtype('x')
    tu.check_equal(M, Nat)

    # Nat * []
    ndp = parse_ndp("""
    mcdp {
        provides a [Nat]
        provides b [dimensionless]
        requires x = provided a * provided b
    M = ndp.get_rtype('x')
    tu.check_equal(M, dimensionless)
Esempio n. 55
def get_resource_possibly_converted(r, P, context):
    """ Returns a resource possibly converted to the space P """
    assert isinstance(r, CResource)

    R = context.get_rtype(r)
    tu = get_types_universe()
    if tu.equal(R, P):
        return r
            tu.check_leq(R, P)
        except NotLeq as e:
            msg = 'Cannot convert %s to %s.' % (R, P)
            raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg, R=R, P=P)

        conversion = get_conversion(R, P)
        if conversion is None:
            return r
            r2 = create_operation(context, conversion, [r],
                                 name_prefix='_conv_grpc', op_prefix='_op',
            return r2
Esempio n. 56
def eval_ndp_catalogue(r, context):
    check_isinstance(r, CDP.FromCatalogue)
    # FIXME:need to check for re-ordering
    statements = unwrap_list(r.funres)
    fun = [x for x in statements if isinstance(x, CDP.FunStatement)]
    res = [x for x in statements if isinstance(x, CDP.ResStatement)]
    Fs = [eval_space(_.unit, context) for _ in fun]
    Rs = [eval_space(_.unit, context) for _ in res]

    assert len(fun) + len(res) == len(statements), statements
    tu = get_types_universe()
    table = r.table
    rows = unwrap_list(table.rows)
    entries = []
    for row in rows:
        items = unwrap_list(row)
        name = items[0].value
        expected = 1 + len(fun) + len(res)
        if len(items) != expected:
            msg = 'Row with %d elements does not match expected of elements (%s fun, %s res)' % (len(items), len(fun), len(res))
            # msg += ' items: %s' % str(items)
            raise DPSemanticError(msg, where=items[-1].where)
        fvalues0 = items[1:1 + len(fun)]
        rvalues0 = items[1 + len(fun):1 + len(fun) + len(res)]

        fvalues = [eval_constant(_, context) for _ in fvalues0]
        rvalues = [eval_constant(_, context) for _ in rvalues0]

        for cell, Fhave, F in zip(fvalues0, fvalues, Fs):
                tu.check_leq(Fhave.unit, F)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = 'Dimensionality problem: cannot convert %s to %s.' % (Fhave.unit, F)
                ex = lambda msg: DPSemanticError(msg, where=cell.where)
                raise_wrapped(ex, e, msg, compact=True)

        for cell, Rhave, R in zip(rvalues0, rvalues, Rs):
                tu.check_leq(Rhave.unit, R)
            except NotLeq as e:
                msg = 'Dimensionality problem: cannot convert %s to %s.' % (Rhave.unit, R)
                ex = lambda msg: DPSemanticError(msg, where=cell.where)
                raise_wrapped(ex, e, msg, compact=True)

        fvalues_ = [_.cast_value(F) for (_, F) in zip(fvalues, Fs)]
        rvalues_ = [_.cast_value(R)for (_, R) in zip(rvalues, Rs)]

        assert len(fvalues_) == len(fun)
        assert len(rvalues_) == len(res)

        entries.append((name, tuple(fvalues_), tuple(rvalues_)))

    names = set([name for (name, _, _) in entries])
    M = FiniteCollectionAsSpace(names)
    # use integers
    # entries = [(float(i), b, c) for i, (_, b, c) in enumerate(entries)]

    fnames = [_.fname.value for  _ in fun]
    rnames = [_.rname.value for  _ in res]

    if len(Fs) == 1:
        F = Fs[0]
        fnames = fnames[0]
        entries = [(a, b[0], c) for (a, b, c) in entries]
        F = PosetProduct(tuple(Fs))

    if len(Rs) == 1:
        R = Rs[0]
        rnames = rnames[0]
        entries = [(a, b, c[0]) for (a, b, c) in entries]
        R = PosetProduct(tuple(Rs))

    dp = CatalogueDP(F=F, R=R, I=M, entries=tuple(entries))
    ndp = dpwrap(dp, fnames=fnames, rnames=rnames)
    return ndp
Esempio n. 57
def eval_ndp_dpwrap(r, context):
    tu = get_types_universe()

    statements = unwrap_list(r.statements)
    fun = [x for x in statements if isinstance(x, CDP.FunStatement)]
    res = [x for x in statements if isinstance(x, CDP.ResStatement)]

    assert len(fun) + len(res) == len(statements), statements
    impl = r.impl

    from .eval_primitivedp_imp import eval_primitivedp
    dp = eval_primitivedp(impl, context)

    fnames = [f.fname.value for f in fun]
    rnames = [r.rname.value for r in res]

    if len(fnames) == 1:
        use_fnames = fnames[0]
        use_fnames = fnames
    if len(rnames) == 1:
        use_rnames = rnames[0]
        use_rnames = rnames

    dp_F = dp.get_fun_space()
    dp_R = dp.get_res_space()

    # Check that the functions are the same
    want_Fs = tuple([eval_space(f.unit, context) for f in fun])
    if len(want_Fs) == 1:
        want_F = want_Fs[0]
        want_F = PosetProduct(want_Fs)

    want_Rs = tuple([eval_space(r.unit, context) for r in res])
    if len(want_Rs) == 1:
        want_R = want_Rs[0]
        want_R = PosetProduct(want_Rs)

    mcdp_dev_warning('Not sure about this')
    dp_prefix = get_conversion(want_F, dp_F)
    dp_postfix = get_conversion(dp_R, want_R)

    if dp_prefix is not None:
        dp = make_series(dp_prefix, dp)

    if dp_postfix is not None:
        dp = make_series(dp, dp_postfix)

        w = SimpleWrap(dp=dp, fnames=use_fnames, rnames=use_rnames)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise DPSemanticError(str(e), r.where)

    ftypes = w.get_ftypes(fnames)
    rtypes = w.get_rtypes(rnames)
    ftypes_expected = PosetProduct(tuple([eval_space(f.unit, context) for f in fun]))
    rtypes_expected = PosetProduct(tuple([eval_space(r.unit, context) for r in res]))

        tu.check_equal(ftypes, ftypes_expected)
        tu.check_equal(rtypes, rtypes_expected)
    except NotEqual as e:
        msg = 'The types in the description do not match.'
        raise_wrapped(DPSemanticError, e, msg,
                   rtypes_expected=rtypes_expected, compact=True)

    return w