def show_posmarks(dec, setname, ylim=None, win=None, singles=False, baseFN=None): MTHR = 0.001 # how much smaller is mixture compared to maximum for nt in xrange(dec.nTets): if not singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) for k in xrange(1, dec.mdim+1): if singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k) """ for l in xrange(dec.tt0, dec.tt1): if (dec.marks[l, nt] is not None): x.append(dec.pos[l]) y.append(dec.marks[l, nt][0][k-1]) """ if dec.marksObserved[nt] > 0: _plt.scatter(dec.tr_pos[nt], dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k-1], color="black", s=2) #_plt.scatter(dec.mvNrm[nt].us[:, 0], dec.mvNrm[nt].us[:, k], color="red", s=30) mThr = MTHR * _N.max(dec.mvNrm[nt].ms) for m in xrange(dec.M): if dec.mvNrm[nt].ms[m, 0] >= mThr: ux = dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, 0] # position uy = dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, k] ex_x = _N.sqrt(dec.mvNrm[nt].covs[m, 0, 0]) ex_y = _N.sqrt(dec.mvNrm[nt].covs[m, k, k]) _plt.plot([ux-ex_x, ux+ex_x], [uy, uy], color="red", lw=2) _plt.plot([ux, ux], [uy-ex_y, uy+ex_y], color="red", lw=2) _plt.scatter(dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, 0], dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, k], color="red", s=30) _plt.xlim(-6, 6) if ylim is not None: _plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if singles: _plt.suptitle("k=%(k)d t0=%(2).2fs : t1=%(3).2fs" % {"2" : (dec.tt0/1000.), "3" : (dec.tt1/1000.), "k" : k}) fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(bf)s_tet%(t)s" % {"bf" : baseFN, "t" : dec.usetets[nt]} mF.arbitraryAxes(ax) mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="position", ylabel="mark", xtickFntSz=14, ytickFntSz=14, xlabFntSz=16, ylabFntSz=16) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.85) _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname), transparent=True) _plt.close() if not singles: _plt.suptitle("t0=%(2)d,t1=%(3)d" % {"2" : dec.tt0, "3" : dec.tt1}) fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(bf)s_tet%(t)s" % {"bf" : baseFN, "t" : dec.usetets[nt]} _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname, create=True), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def show_posmarksCNTR(dec, setname, mvNrm, ylim=None, win=None, singles=False, showScatter=True, baseFN="look", scatskip=1): for nt in xrange(dec.nTets): if not singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) for k in xrange(1, dec.mdim+1): if singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k) """ for l in xrange(dec.tt0, dec.tt1): if (dec.marks[l, nt] is not None): x.append(dec.pos[l]) y.append(dec.marks[l, nt][0][k-1]) """ _plt.xlim(-6, 6) if ylim is not None: _plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) else: ylim = _N.empty(2) ylim[0] = _N.min(dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k-1]) ylim[1] = _N.max(dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k-1]) yAMP = ylim[1] - ylim[0] ylim[0] -= 0.1*yAMP ylim[1] += 0.1*yAMP if showScatter and dec.marksObserved[nt] > 0: _plt.scatter(dec.tr_pos[nt][::scatskip], dec.tr_marks[nt][::scatskip, k-1], color="grey", s=1) img = mvNrm.evalAll(1000, k-1, ylim=ylim) _plt.imshow(img, origin="lower", extent=(-6, 6, ylim[0], ylim[1]), cmap=_plt.get_cmap("Reds")) if singles: _plt.suptitle("k=%(k)d t0=%(2).2fs : t1=%(3).2fs" % {"2" : (dec.tt0/1000.), "3" : (dec.tt1/1000.), "k" : k}) fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(fn)s_tet%(tets)s" % {"fn" : baseFN, "tets" : dec.usetets[nt]} mF.arbitraryAxes(ax) mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="position", ylabel="mark", xtickFntSz=14, ytickFntSz=14, xlabFntSz=16, ylabFntSz=16) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.85) _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname), transparent=True) _plt.close() if not singles: _plt.suptitle("t0=%(2)d,t1=%(3)d" % {"2" : dec.tt0, "3" : dec.tt1}) fn= baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(fn)s_tet%(tets)s" % {"fn" : baseFN, "tets" : dec.usetets[nt]} _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % {"1" : fn, "w" : win}, dir=setname, create=True), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def pos_timeline(bfn, datfn, itvfn, outfn="timeline", ch1=0, ch2=1, xL=0, xH=3, yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3], yticksD=[0, 1, 2, 3], thin=1, t0=None, t1=None, skp=1, maze=_mkd.mz_CRCL): d = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % datfn)) # marks t0 = 0 if (t0 is None) else t0 t1 = d.shape[0] if (t1 is None) else t1 itv = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % itvfn)) N = d.shape[0] epochs = itv.shape[0] - 1 ch1 += 2 # because this is data col ch2 += 2 _sts = _N.where(d[t0:t1, 1] == 1)[0] + t0 if thin == 1: sts = _sts else: sts = _sts[::thin] wvfmMin = _N.min(d[t0:t1, 2:], axis=0) wvfmMax = _N.max(d[t0:t1, 2:], axis=0) #fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 2.2)) fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2.2)) ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(_N.arange(d[t0:t1:100].shape[0], dtype=_N.float) / 10., d[t0:t1:100, 0], s=9, color="black") _plt.scatter(sts[::skp] / 1000., d[sts[::skp], 0], s=1, color="orange") if maze == _mkd.mz_W: _plt.axhline(y=-6, ls="--", lw=1, color="black") _plt.axhline(y=-3, ls=":", lw=1, color="black") _plt.axhline(y=0, ls="--", lw=1, color="black") _plt.axhline(y=3, ls=":", lw=1, color="black") _plt.axhline(y=6, ls="--", lw=1, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") #itv[-1] = 0.97 for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="-.") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="position", xticks=None, yticks=yticks, xticksD=None, yticksD=yticksD, xlim=[t0 / 1000., t1 / 1000.], ylim=[xL - 0.3, xH + 0.3], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) choutfn = "%(of)s_%(1)d,%(2)d" % { "of": outfn, "1": (ch1 - 1), "2": (ch2 - 1) } fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.28, left=0.1, top=0.96, right=0.99) _plt.savefig(resFN("%s.pdf" % choutfn, dir=bfn), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def timeline_v2(bfn, datfn, itvfn, outfn="timeline", ch1=0, ch2=1, xL=0, xH=3, yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3], thin=1, allFR=None, tcksz=19, lblsz=21, t0=None, t1=None, figw=10, figh=10, ytpos="left"): # 25Hz d = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % datfn)) # marks N = d.shape[0] # ALL spikes itv = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % itvfn)) epochs = itv.shape[0] - 1 ch1 += 2 # because this is data col ch2 += 2 wvfmMin = _N.min(d[:, 2:], axis=0) print(wvfmMin) wvfmMax = _N.max(d[:, 2:], axis=0) print(wvfmMax) Aint = _N.array(itv * N, Asts = _N.where(d[Aint[0]:Aint[1], 1] == 1)[0] N1 = len(Asts) # num spikes in 1st epoch _x = _N.empty((N1, 5)) _x[:, 0] = d[Asts, 0] _x[:, 1:] = d[Asts, 2:] T1 = Aint[1] - Aint[0] hz = _x.shape[0] / float(T1 * 0.001) if allFR is not None: unonhash, hashsp, hashthresh = sepHash(_x, BINS=20, blksz=5, xlo=xL, xhi=xH) rh = len(hashsp) / float(N1) rnh = len(unonhash) / float(N1) #(m x rh + rnh)*hz = allFR #allFR - rnh x hz = m x rh x hz # m = (rnh x hz - allFR) / (rh x hz) m = (allFR - rnh * hz) / (rh * hz) # ((m*len(hashsp) + len(unonhash)) / (T1*0.001)) == allFR (target FR) # how much of hashsp should we remove? # Find lowest (1 - m) _x[:, 1:].sort(axis=0) chmins = channelMins(_x, 100, 4, int((1 - m) * len(hashsp))) #spk_n, chs = _N.where(_x[:, 1:] > chmins) #unique, counts = _N.unique(spk_n, return_counts=True) #print len(_N.where(counts > 0)[0]) # at least 1 channel above #print (len(_N.where(counts > 0)[0]) / float(T1*0.001)) _sts = _N.where(d[:, 1] == 1)[0] # ALL spikes in ALL epochs spk_n, chs = _N.where(d[_sts, 2:] > chmins) unique_spk_IDs, counts = _N.unique(spk_n, return_counts=True) sts = _sts[unique_spk_IDs[_N.where(counts > 0)[0]]] if allFR is None: _sts = _N.where(d[:, 1] == 1)[0] if thin == 1: sts = _sts else: sts = _sts[::thin] fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(figw, figh)) ####################### #ax =_plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3) ax = _plt.subplot2grid((33, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=5) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, 0], s=2, color="black") if ytpos == "left": mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="position", yticks=[-6, -5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6], xticks=None, yticksD=[ "H ", "C", "L ", "C", "H ", "C", "R ", "C", "H " ], xticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[xL - 0.3, xH + 0.3], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) else: mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, True, True, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="right") mF.setTicksAndLims( xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="position", yticks=[-6, -5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6], xticks=None, yticksD=["H", " C", "L", " C", "H", " C", "R", " C", "H"], xticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[xL - 0.3, xH + 0.3], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### #ax = _plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3) ax = _plt.subplot2grid((33, 3), (10, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=5) print(len(sts)) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, 2], s=2, color="black") if ytpos == "left": mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=None, ylabel="channel 1\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) else: mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, True, True, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="right") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=None, ylabel="channel 1\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((33, 3), (16, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=5) #ax = _plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (2, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, 3], s=2, color="black") if ytpos == "left": mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=None, ylabel="channel 2\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) else: mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, True, True, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="right") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=None, ylabel="channel 2\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### #ax = _plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (3, 0), colspan=3) ax = _plt.subplot2grid((33, 3), (22, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=5) print(len(sts)) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, 4], s=2, color="black") if ytpos == "left": mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=None, ylabel="channel 3\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[2], wvfmMax[2]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) else: mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, True, True, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="right") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=None, ylabel="channel 3\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[2], wvfmMax[2]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((33, 3), (28, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=5) #ax = _plt.subplot2grid((5, 3), (4, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, 5], s=2, color="black") if ytpos == "left": mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="channel 4\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[3], wvfmMax[3]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) else: mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, True, True, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="right") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="channel 4\nmark (mV)", xticks=None, yticks=[], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[3], wvfmMax[3]], tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=lblsz) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") #fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, bottom=0.08, right=0.95, top=0.95, wspace=0.9, hspace=0.9) if ytpos == "left": fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.16, bottom=0.08, right=0.98, top=0.95, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) if ytpos == "right": fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.08, right=0.84, top=0.95, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) epochs = len(itv) - 1 for fmt in ["eps"]: choutfn = "%(of)s.%(fmt)s" % {"of": outfn, "fmt": fmt} _plt.savefig(resFN(choutfn, dir=bfn), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def timeline(bfn, datfn, itvfn, outfn="timeline", ch1=0, ch2=1, xL=0, xH=3, yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3], thin=1, allFR=None): # 25Hz d = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % datfn)) # marks itv = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % itvfn)) N = d.shape[0] # ALL spikes epochs = itv.shape[0] - 1 ch1 += 2 # because this is data col ch2 += 2 wvfmMin = _N.min(d[:, 2:], axis=0) wvfmMax = _N.max(d[:, 2:], axis=0) Aint = _N.array(itv * N, Asts = _N.where(d[Aint[0]:Aint[1], 1] == 1)[0] N1 = len(Asts) # num spikes in 1st epoch _x = _N.empty((N1, 5)) _x[:, 0] = d[Asts, 0] _x[:, 1:] = d[Asts, 2:] T1 = Aint[1] - Aint[0] hz = _x.shape[0] / float(T1 * 0.001) if allFR is not None: unonhash, hashsp, hashthresh = sepHash(_x, BINS=20, blksz=5, xlo=xL, xhi=xH) rh = len(hashsp) / float(N1) rnh = len(unonhash) / float(N1) #(m x rh + rnh)*hz = allFR #allFR - rnh x hz = m x rh x hz # m = (rnh x hz - allFR) / (rh x hz) m = (allFR - rnh * hz) / (rh * hz) # ((m*len(hashsp) + len(unonhash)) / (T1*0.001)) == allFR (target FR) # how much of hashsp should we remove? # Find lowest (1 - m) _x[:, 1:].sort(axis=0) chmins = channelMins(_x, 100, 4, int((1 - m) * len(hashsp))) #spk_n, chs = _N.where(_x[:, 1:] > chmins) #unique, counts = _N.unique(spk_n, return_counts=True) #print len(_N.where(counts > 0)[0]) # at least 1 channel above #print (len(_N.where(counts > 0)[0]) / float(T1*0.001)) _sts = _N.where(d[:, 1] == 1)[0] # ALL spikes in ALL epochs spk_n, chs = _N.where(d[_sts, 2:] > chmins) unique_spk_IDs, counts = _N.unique(spk_n, return_counts=True) sts = _sts[unique_spk_IDs[_N.where(counts > 0)[0]]] if allFR is None: _sts = _N.where(d[:, 1] == 1)[0] if thin == 1: sts = _sts else: sts = _sts[::thin] fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12)) ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, 0], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="position", xticks=None, yticks=yticks, xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[xL - 0.3, xH + 0.3], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3) print(len(sts)) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, ch1], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel=("mk elctrd %d" % (ch1 - 1)), xticks=None, yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (2, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts / 1000., d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel=("mk elctrd %d" % (ch2 - 1)), xticks=None, yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N / 1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) for ep in range(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep + 1] * N / 1000.), color="red", ls="--") ############## ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 0), colspan=1) _plt.scatter(d[sts, ch1], d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=("mk elctrd %d" % (ch1 - 1)), ylabel=("mk elctrd %d" % (ch2 - 1)), xticks=[0, 3, 6], yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) ############## ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 1), colspan=1) _plt.scatter(d[sts, 0], d[sts, ch1], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="pos", ylabel=("mk elctrd %d" % (ch1 - 1)), xticks=_N.linspace(xL, xH, 3), yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[xL, xH], ylim=None, tickFS=15, labelFS=18) ############## ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 2), colspan=1) _plt.scatter(d[sts, 0], d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="pos", ylabel=("mk elctrd %d" % (ch2 - 1)), xticks=_N.linspace(xL, xH, 3), yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[xL, xH], ylim=None, tickFS=15, labelFS=18) ############## fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.38, hspace=0.38) epochs = len(itv) - 1 choutfn = "%(of)s_%(1)d,%(2)d" % { "of": outfn, "1": (ch1 - 1), "2": (ch2 - 1) } _plt.savefig(resFN(choutfn, dir=bfn), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def show_posmarksCNTR(dec, setname, mvNrm, ylim=None, win=None, singles=False, showScatter=True, baseFN="look", scatskip=1): for nt in range(dec.nTets): if not singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) for k in range(1, dec.mdim + 1): if singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k) """ for l in range(dec.tt0, dec.tt1): if (dec.marks[l, nt] is not None): x.append(dec.pos[l]) y.append(dec.marks[l, nt][0][k-1]) """ _plt.xlim(-6, 6) if ylim is not None: _plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) else: ylim = _N.empty(2) ylim[0] = _N.min(dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k - 1]) ylim[1] = _N.max(dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k - 1]) yAMP = ylim[1] - ylim[0] ylim[0] -= 0.1 * yAMP ylim[1] += 0.1 * yAMP if showScatter and dec.marksObserved[nt] > 0: _plt.scatter(dec.tr_pos[nt][::scatskip], dec.tr_marks[nt][::scatskip, k - 1], color="grey", s=1) img = mvNrm.evalAll(1000, k - 1, ylim=ylim) _plt.imshow(img, origin="lower", extent=(-6, 6, ylim[0], ylim[1]), cmap=_plt.get_cmap("Reds")) if singles: _plt.suptitle("k=%(k)d t0=%(2).2fs : t1=%(3).2fs" % { "2": (dec.tt0 / 1000.), "3": (dec.tt1 / 1000.), "k": k }) fn = baseFN if ( dec.usetets is None) else "%(fn)s_tet%(tets)s" % { "fn": baseFN, "tets": dec.usetets[nt] } mF.arbitraryAxes(ax) mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="position", ylabel="mark", xtickFntSz=14, ytickFntSz=14, xlabFntSz=16, ylabFntSz=16) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.85) _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % { "1": fn, "w": win }, dir=setname), transparent=True) _plt.close() if not singles: _plt.suptitle("t0=%(2)d,t1=%(3)d" % {"2": dec.tt0, "3": dec.tt1}) fn = baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(fn)s_tet%(tets)s" % { "fn": baseFN, "tets": dec.usetets[nt] } _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % { "1": fn, "w": win }, dir=setname, create=True), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def show_posmarks(dec, setname, ylim=None, win=None, singles=False, baseFN=None): MTHR = 0.001 # how much smaller is mixture compared to maximum for nt in range(dec.nTets): if not singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) for k in range(1, dec.mdim + 1): if singles: fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, k) """ for l in range(dec.tt0, dec.tt1): if (dec.marks[l, nt] is not None): x.append(dec.pos[l]) y.append(dec.marks[l, nt][0][k-1]) """ if dec.marksObserved[nt] > 0: _plt.scatter(dec.tr_pos[nt], dec.tr_marks[nt][:, k - 1], color="black", s=2) #_plt.scatter(dec.mvNrm[nt].us[:, 0], dec.mvNrm[nt].us[:, k], color="red", s=30) mThr = MTHR * _N.max(dec.mvNrm[nt].ms) for m in range(dec.M): if dec.mvNrm[nt].ms[m, 0] >= mThr: ux = dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, 0] # position uy = dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, k] ex_x = _N.sqrt(dec.mvNrm[nt].covs[m, 0, 0]) ex_y = _N.sqrt(dec.mvNrm[nt].covs[m, k, k]) _plt.plot([ux - ex_x, ux + ex_x], [uy, uy], color="red", lw=2) _plt.plot([ux, ux], [uy - ex_y, uy + ex_y], color="red", lw=2) _plt.scatter(dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, 0], dec.mvNrm[nt].us[m, k], color="red", s=30) _plt.xlim(-6, 6) if ylim is not None: _plt.ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) if singles: _plt.suptitle("k=%(k)d t0=%(2).2fs : t1=%(3).2fs" % { "2": (dec.tt0 / 1000.), "3": (dec.tt1 / 1000.), "k": k }) fn = baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(bf)s_tet%(t)s" % { "bf": baseFN, "t": dec.usetets[nt] } mF.arbitraryAxes(ax) mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, xlabel="position", ylabel="mark", xtickFntSz=14, ytickFntSz=14, xlabFntSz=16, ylabFntSz=16) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, top=0.85) _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % { "1": fn, "w": win }, dir=setname), transparent=True) _plt.close() if not singles: _plt.suptitle("t0=%(2)d,t1=%(3)d" % {"2": dec.tt0, "3": dec.tt1}) fn = baseFN if (dec.usetets is None) else "%(bf)s_tet%(t)s" % { "bf": baseFN, "t": dec.usetets[nt] } _plt.savefig(resFN("%(1)s_win=%(w)d.png" % { "1": fn, "w": win }, dir=setname, create=True), transparent=True) _plt.close()
def compareWF(mARp, ests, Xs, spkHists, oscMn, dat, gkW=20, useRefr=True, dspW=None): """ instead of subplots, plot 3 different things with 3 largely separated y-values """ glmsets = len(ests) # horrible hack TR = oscMn.shape[0] infrdAll = _N.zeros((TR, mARp.N + 1)) dt = 0.001 gk = _flt.gauKer(gkW) gk /= _N.sum(gk) paramss = [] ocifss = [] stTs = [] for gs in xrange(glmsets): # for the 2 glm conditions params = _N.array(ests[gs].params) X = Xs[gs] spkHist = spkHists[gs] stTs.append(spkHist.LHbin * (spkHist.nLHBins + 1)) # first stT spikes used for initial history ocifss.append( _N.empty((spkHist.endTR - spkHist.startTR, spkHist.t1 - spkHist.t0 - stTs[gs]))) for tr in xrange(spkHist.endTR - spkHist.startTR): ocifss[gs][tr] = _N.exp([tr], params)) / dt stT = min(stTs) #cglmAll = _N.zeros((TR, mARp.N+1)) xt = _N.arange(stT, mARp.N + 1) xts = [_N.arange(stTs[0], mARp.N + 1), _N.arange(stTs[1], mARp.N + 1)] lss = [":", "-"] lws = [3.8, 2] cls = [myC.infrdM] for tr in xrange(spkHist.startTR, TR): _gt = dat[stT:, tr * 3] gt = _N.convolve(_gt, gk, mode="same") gt /= _N.std(gt) infrd = oscMn[tr, stT:] / _N.std(oscMn[tr, stT:]) infrd /= _N.std(infrd) infrdAll[tr, stT:] = infrd fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) _plt.plot(xt, gt, color=myC.grndTruth, lw=4) #_plt.plot(xt, infrd, color="brown", lw=4) up1 = _N.max(gt) - _N.min(gt) ## mirror _plt.plot(xt, gt + up1 * 1.25, color=myC.grndTruth, lw=4) _plt.plot(xt, infrd + up1 * 1.25, color=myC.infrdM, lw=2) for gs in xrange(glmsets): ocifs = ocifss[gs] glm = (ocifs[tr] - _N.mean(ocifs[tr])) / _N.std(ocifs[tr]) cglm = _N.convolve(glm, gk, mode="same") cglm /= _N.std(cglm) _plt.plot(xts[gs], cglm, color=myC.infrdM, lw=lws[gs], ls=lss[gs]) MINx = _N.min(infrd) #MAXx = _N.max(infrd) MAXx = _N.max(gt) + up1 * 1.35 AMP = MAXx - MINx ht = 0.08 * AMP ys1 = MINx - 0.5 * ht ys2 = MINx - 3 * ht for n in xrange(stT, mARp.N + 1): if mARp.y[tr, n] == 1: _plt.plot([n, n], [ys1, ys2], lw=2.5, color="black") _plt.ylim(ys2 - 0.05 * AMP, MAXx + 0.05 * AMP) if dspW is None: _plt.xlim(stT, mARp.N + 1) else: _plt.xlim(dspW[0], dspW[1]) mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, False, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="none") mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, yticks=[], yticksDsp=None, xlabel="time (ms)", ylabel=None, xtickFntSz=24, xlabFntSz=26) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.2, top=0.85) _plt.savefig("cmpGLMAR_%(tr)d.eps" % {"tr": tr}, transparent=True) _plt.close()
def compare(mARp, est, X, spkHist, oscMn, dat, gkW=20, useRefr=True): dt = 0.001 gk = _flt.gauKer(gkW) gk /= _N.sum(gk) TR = oscMn.shape[0] # params, stT params = _N.array(est.params) stT = spkHist.LHbin * (spkHist.nLHBins + 1 ) # first stT spikes used for initial history ocifs = _N.empty( (spkHist.endTR - spkHist.startTR, spkHist.t1 - spkHist.t0 - stT)) ## sur = "refr" if not useRefr: params[spkHist.endTR:spkHist.endTR + spkHist.LHbin] = params[spkHist.endTR + spkHist.LHbin] sur = "NOrefr" for tr in xrange(spkHist.endTR - spkHist.startTR): ocifs[tr] = _N.exp([tr], params)) / dt cglmAll = _N.zeros((TR, mARp.N + 1)) infrdAll = _N.zeros((TR, mARp.N + 1)) xt = _N.arange(stT, mARp.N + 1) for tr in xrange(spkHist.startTR, TR): _gt = dat[stT:, tr * 3] gt = _N.convolve(_gt, gk, mode="same") gt /= _N.std(gt) glm = (ocifs[tr] - _N.mean(ocifs[tr])) / _N.std(ocifs[tr]) cglm = _N.convolve(glm, gk, mode="same") cglm /= _N.std(cglm) infrd = oscMn[tr, stT:] / _N.std(oscMn[tr, stT:]) infrd /= _N.std(infrd) pc1, pv1 = _ss.pearsonr(glm, gt) pc1c, pv1c = _ss.pearsonr(cglm, gt) pc2, pv2 = _ss.pearsonr(infrd, gt) cglmAll[tr, stT:] = cglm infrdAll[tr, stT:] = infrd fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) _plt.plot(xt, infrd, color=myC.infrdM, lw=2) _plt.plot(xt, cglm, color=myC.infrdM, lw=2., ls="--") #_plt.plot(xt, glm, color=myC.infrdM, lw=2., ls="-.") _plt.plot(xt, gt, color=myC.grndTruth, lw=4) MINx = _N.min(infrd) MAXx = _N.max(infrd) AMP = MAXx - MINx ht = 0.08 * AMP ys1 = MINx - 0.5 * ht ys2 = MINx - 3 * ht for n in xrange(stT, mARp.N + 1): if mARp.y[tr, n] == 1: _plt.plot([n, n], [ys1, ys2], lw=2.5, color="black") _plt.ylim(ys2 - 0.05 * AMP, MAXx + 0.05 * AMP) _plt.xlim(stT, mARp.N + 1) mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[False, False, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="none") mF.setLabelTicks(_plt, yticks=[], yticksDsp=None, xlabel="time (ms)", ylabel=None, xtickFntSz=24, xlabFntSz=26) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.2, top=0.85) _plt.savefig("cmpGLMAR_%(ur)s_%(tr)d.eps" % {"tr": tr, "ur": sur}) _plt.close() corrs[tr] = pc1, pc1c, pc2 mF.histPhase0_phaseInfrd(mARp, cglmAll, t0=stT, t1=(mARp.N + 1), bRealDat=False, normed=True, maxY=1.8, fn="smthdGLMPhaseGLM%s" % sur) mF.histPhase0_phaseInfrd(mARp, infrdAll, t0=stT, t1=(mARp.N + 1), bRealDat=False, normed=True, maxY=1.8, fn="smthdGLMPhaseInfrd") print _N.mean(corrs[:, 0]) print _N.mean(corrs[:, 1]) print _N.mean(corrs[:, 2]) fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) _plt.hist(corrs[:, 1], bins=_N.linspace(-0.5, max(corrs[:, 2]) * 1.05, 30), color=myC.hist1) mF.bottomLeftAxes(ax) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) _plt.hist(corrs[:, 2], bins=_N.linspace(-0.5, max(corrs[:, 2]) * 1.05, 30), color=myC.hist1) mF.bottomLeftAxes(ax) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, bottom=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.88, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) _plt.savefig("cmpGLMAR_hist") _plt.close()
# the parts of the model in which making a proposal distribution is # difficult. #us = -1 us = 0 std= 1.3#.5 tcksz=15 labsz=17 us = us + std*_N.random.randn(20000) ps = 1/(1 + _N.exp(-us)) fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(5, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1) _plt.hist(ps, bins=_N.linspace(0, 1, 1001)) mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="ps", ylabel="prob", xticks=None, yticks=None, xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=labsz) ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) _plt.hist(1-ps, bins=_N.linspace(0, 1, 1001)) mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="ps", ylabel="prob", xticks=None, yticks=None, xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=labsz) ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) _plt.hist(1/(1-ps), bins=_N.linspace(1, 5, 1001)) mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="ps", ylabel="prob", xticks=None, yticks=None, xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, tickFS=tcksz, labelFS=labsz) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)
def timeline(bfn, datfn, itvfn, outfn="timeline", ch1=0, ch2=1, xL=0, xH=3, yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3], thin=1): d = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % datfn)) # marks itv = _N.loadtxt(datFN("%s.dat" % itvfn)) N = d.shape[0] epochs = itv.shape[0]-1 ch1 += 2 # because this is data col ch2 += 2 _sts = _N.where(d[:, 1] == 1)[0] if thin == 1: sts = _sts else: sts = _sts[::thin] wvfmMin = _N.min(d[:, 2:], axis=0) wvfmMax = _N.max(d[:, 2:], axis=0) fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12)) ####################### ax =_plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts/1000., d[sts, 0], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel="position", xticks=None, yticks=yticks, xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N/1000.], ylim=[xL-0.3, xH+0.3], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) for ep in xrange(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep+1]*N/1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (1, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts/1000., d[sts, ch1], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch1-1)), xticks=None, yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N/1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) for ep in xrange(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep+1]*N/1000.), color="red", ls="--") ####################### ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (2, 0), colspan=3) _plt.scatter(sts/1000., d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="time (s)", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch2-1)), xticks=None, yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[0, N/1000.], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) for ep in xrange(epochs): _plt.axvline(x=(itv[ep+1]*N/1000.), color="red", ls="--") ############## ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 0), colspan=1) _plt.scatter(d[sts, ch1], d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch1-1)), ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch2-1)), xticks=[0, 3, 6], yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[wvfmMin[0], wvfmMax[0]], ylim=[wvfmMin[1], wvfmMax[1]], tickFS=15, labelFS=18) ############## ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 1), colspan=1) _plt.scatter(d[sts, 0], d[sts, ch1], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="pos", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch1-1)), xticks=_N.linspace(xL, xH, 3), yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[xL, xH], ylim=None, tickFS=15, labelFS=18) ############## ax = _plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (3, 2), colspan=1) _plt.scatter(d[sts, 0], d[sts, ch2], s=2, color="black") mF.arbitraryAxes(ax, axesVis=[True, True, False, False], xtpos="bottom", ytpos="left") mF.setTicksAndLims(xlabel="pos", ylabel=("mk tet%d" % (ch2-1)), xticks=_N.linspace(xL, xH, 3), yticks=[0, 3, 6], xticksD=None, yticksD=None, xlim=[xL, xH], ylim=None, tickFS=15, labelFS=18) ############## fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, wspace=0.38, hspace=0.38) epochs = len(itv)-1 choutfn = "%(of)s_%(1)d,%(2)d" % {"of" : outfn, "1" : (ch1-1), "2" : (ch2-1)} _plt.savefig(resFN(choutfn, dir=bfn), transparent=True) _plt.close()