Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: mcvine/dgsres
def resolution(E, Ei, E0, a, b, R, sigma=5., t0=0., geom=None):
    """compute reoslution function given energy transfer axis (E)
    and other parameters.
    The resolution function calculated should be centered around E0,
    the nominal energy transfer.

    E: energy transfer axis
    Ei: incident energy
    E0: nominal energy transfer
    a,b,R Ikeda Carpenter function parameters
    sigma: additional gaussian broadening
    t0: emission time
    geom: instrument geometry. Geom instance
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v, SE2V
    source = Source()
    source.a = a
    source.b = b
    source.R = R
    icg = ICG(source, sigma, geom, t0)
    Ef = Ei - E0
    vf = e2v(Ef)
    vi = e2v(Ei)
    l3 = geom.l3
    t = -l3 / vf + l3 / np.sqrt(vi**2 - SE2V**2 * E)
    t *= 1e6
    r = icg.ICG(t)
    r[r != r] = 0  # t may overflow, for them r should be 0
    return r
    def _configure(self):
        velocity = self.inventory.velocity
        assert len(velocity) == 3
        self.velocity = velocity

        energy =
        if energy:
            from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
            v = e2v(energy)
            import numpy.linalg as nl, numpy as np
            norm = nl.norm(velocity)
            velocity = np.array(velocity)
            velocity *= v / norm
            self.velocity = velocity

        energy_width = self.inventory.energy_width
        if energy_width < 0:
            raise ValueError, "energy width must be not negative"
        self.energy_width = energy_width

        position = self.inventory.position
        assert len(position) == 3
        self.position = position

        self.width = self.inventory.width
        self.height = self.inventory.height

        self.time = self.inventory.time
        self.probability = self.inventory.probability
    def test(self):
        E_Q = "Q*Q/3."
        S_Q = "1"
        Qmin = 0; Qmax = 10
        absorption_coefficient = scattering_coefficient = 1.
        kernel = mccomponentsbp.create_E_Q_Kernel(
            E_Q, S_Q,
            Qmin, Qmax,

        ei = 500 # meV
        from mcni.utils import conversion
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0,0,vil)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        for i in range(10):
            event = mcni.neutron( 
                r = (0,0,0), v = vi, 
                prob = 1, time = 0 )
            kernel.scatter( event );
            vf = np.array(event.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            Q = conversion.v2k(nl.norm(diffv))
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            # print E, Q, event
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E1)

Esempio n. 4
 def make_neutrons(N):
     neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N)
     # randomly select E, the energy transfer
     E = core.Emin + np.random.random(N) * (core.Emax-core.Emin)
     # the final energy
     Ef = core.Ei - E
     # the final velocity
     vf = conversion.e2v(Ef)
     # choose cos(theta) between -1 and 1
     cos_t = np.random.random(N) * 2 - 1
     # theta
     theta = np.arccos(cos_t)
     # sin(theta)
     sin_t = np.sin(theta)
     # phi: 0 - 2pi
     phi = np.random.random(N) * 2 * np.pi
     # compute final velocity vector
     vx,vy,vz = vf*sin_t*np.cos(phi), vf*sin_t*np.sin(phi), vf*cos_t
     # neutron position, spin, tof are set to zero
     x = y = z = sx = sy = t = np.zeros(N, dtype="float64")
     # probability
     prob = np.ones(N, dtype="float64") * (vf/vi)
     # XXX: this assumes a specific data layout of neutron struct
     n_arr = np.array([x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, sx,sy, t, prob]).T.copy()
     return neutrons
Esempio n. 5
def runMonitorsAtSample(E, LMS, m2sout, out):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    L = LMM + LMS
    t = L/v
    neutronfile = os.path.join(m2sout, 'neutrons')
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    n = count(neutronfile)
    cmd = ['mcvine_analyze_beam']
    cmd += ['--output-dir=%s' % out]
    cmd += ['--ncount=%s' % n]
    cmd += ['--buffer_size=%s' % min(n, 1e6)]
    # XXX: -0.15 comes from the fact that the in hyspec_moderator2sample
    # XXX: the neutron storage is 0.15 before the sample position
    cmd += ['--geometer.source="((0,0,-0.15),(0,0,0))"']
    cmd += ['--source.path=%s' % neutronfile]
    # fix monitor params that depend on incident energy
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s' % (t*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s' % (t*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s' % (E*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s' % (E*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    print('Running beam monitors...')
    def _configure(self):
        velocity =  self.inventory.velocity
        assert len(velocity)==3
        self.velocity = velocity

        energy =
        if energy:
            from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
            v = e2v(energy)
            import numpy.linalg as nl, numpy as np
            norm = nl.norm(velocity)
            velocity = np.array(velocity)
            velocity *= v/norm
            self.velocity = velocity

        energy_width = self.inventory.energy_width
        if energy_width < 0:
            raise ValueError, "energy width must be not negative"
        self.energy_width = energy_width
        position = self.inventory.position
        assert len(position)==3
        self.position = position
        self.width = self.inventory.width
        self.height = self.inventory.height

        self.time = self.inventory.time
        self.probability = self.inventory.probability
Esempio n. 7
def run(m2sout, out, Ei, LSAMPLE):
    """this is the main function for arcs beam postprocessing
    it calls several sub-routines to perform a series of postprocesing
    # compute flux at sample position and make sure flux is nonzero
    flux = computeFlux(m2sout)
    # simulate spectra for fake monitors at sample position
    runMonitorsAtSample(Ei, m2sout, out, LSAMPLE)
    # copy neutrons to output dir
    copyNeutronsToOutputDir(m2sout, out)
    # compute average incident energy at sample
    energy = computeAverageEnergy(out)
    # compute average tof at sample
    tof = computeAverageTof(out)
    # compute emission time
    from mcni.utils import conversion
    vi = conversion.e2v(energy)
    t0 = tof - LSAMPLE / vi
    # compute fwhm of energy spetrum at sample
    fwhm = computeFWHM(out)
    fwhm *= 1e6  # convert to microsecond
    props = {
        'flux': '%s counts per 34kJ pulse' % flux,
        'average energy': '%s meV' % energy,
        'tof fwhm': '%s microsecond' % fwhm,
        "emission time": '%s microsecond' % (t0 * 1e6),
        'average tof': '%s microsecond' % (tof * 1e6),
    open(os.path.join(out, 'props.json'), 'w').write(str(props))
Esempio n. 8
def runMonitorsAtSample(E, m2sout, out, L=LSAMPLE, instrument='arcs'):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    t = L/v

    neutronfile = os.path.join(m2sout, 'neutrons')
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    n = count(neutronfile)

    cmd = ['mcvine instruments %s analyze_beam' % instrument]
    cmd += ['--output-dir=%s' % out]
    cmd += ['--ncount=%s' % n]
    cmd += ['--buffer_size=%s' % min(n, int(1e6))]
    cmd += ['--source.path=%s' % neutronfile]
    # fix monitor params that depend on incident energy
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s' % (t*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s' % (t*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s' % (E*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s' % (E*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    print('Running beam monitors...')
Esempio n. 9
def computeFocusedSpectraForRealMonitors(E, m2sout, out):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v

    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    import histogram.hdf as hh, histogram as H

    m1 = hh.load(os.path.join(m2sout, "mon1-tof.h5"), "I(tof)")
    L1 = 11.831
    t1 = L1 / v  # * second
    m1p = m1[(t1 * 0.9, t1 * 1.1)]
    m1pc = H.histogram("I(tof)", m1p.axes(), data=m1p.I, errors=m1p.E2)
    m1pc.setAttribute("title", "Monitor 1 I(tof)")

    hh.dump(m1pc, os.path.join(out, "mon1-itof-focused.h5"), "/", "c")

    m2 = hh.load(os.path.join(m2sout, "mon2-tof.h5"), "I(tof)")
    L2 = 18.5
    t2 = L2 / v  # * second
    m2p = m2[(t2 * 0.9, t2 * 1.1)]
    m2pc = H.histogram("I(tof)", m2p.axes(), data=m2p.I, errors=m2p.E2)
    m2pc.setAttribute("title", "Monitor 2 I(tof)")

    hh.dump(m2pc, os.path.join(out, "mon2-itof-focused.h5"), "/", "c")
Esempio n. 10
def runMonitorsAtSample(E, m2sout, out):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    L = 13.6
    t = L/v

    neutronfile = os.path.join(m2sout, 'neutrons')
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    n = count(neutronfile)

    cmd = ['arcs_analyze_beam']
    cmd += ['--output-dir=%s' % out]
    cmd += ['--ncount=%s' % n]
    cmd += ['--buffer_size=%s' % min(n, 1e6)]
    cmd += ['--source.path=%s' % neutronfile]
    # fix monitor params that depend on incident energy
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s' % (t*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s' % (t*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s' % (E*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s' % (E*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    print 'Running beam monitors...'
    print 'done.'
Esempio n. 11
 def make_neutrons(N):
     neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N)
     # randomly select E, the energy transfer
     E = core.Emin + np.random.random(N) * (core.Emax - core.Emin)
     # the final energy
     Ef = core.Ei - E
     # the final velocity
     vf = conversion.e2v(Ef)
     # choose cos(theta) between -1 and 1
     cos_t = np.random.random(N) * 2 - 1
     # theta
     theta = np.arccos(cos_t)
     # sin(theta)
     sin_t = np.sin(theta)
     # phi: 0 - 2pi
     phi = np.random.random(N) * 2 * np.pi
     # compute final velocity vector
     vx, vy, vz = vf * sin_t * np.cos(phi), vf * sin_t * np.sin(
         phi), vf * cos_t
     # neutron position, spin, tof are set to zero
     x = y = z = sx = sy = t = np.zeros(N, dtype="float64")
     # probability
     prob = np.ones(N, dtype="float64") * (vf / vi)
     # XXX: this assumes a specific data layout of neutron struct
     n_arr = np.array([x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, sx, sy, t, prob]).T.copy()
     return neutrons
Esempio n. 12
 def test1(self):
     "conversion: e2v"
     e = 100
     v = conversion.e2v(e)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(v, 4373.9331, 3)
     e1 = conversion.v2e(v)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(e1, e, 3)
    def test2(self):
        "mccomponents.sample.samplecomponent: E_vQ_Kernel - discontinued dispersion surface"
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 60
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0, 0, vil)
        neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=vi, time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource

        component1 = MonochromaticSource("source", neutron)

        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent

        component2 = samplecomponent("Al", "sampleassemblies/Al-E_vQ_withdiscontinuity-kernel/sampleassembly.xml")
        E_Q = "np.where(Qx*Qx+Qy*Qy+Qz*Qz>30, 25, 15)"  # in sampleassemblies/Al-E_vQ-kernel/Al-scatterer.xml

        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))

        N0 = 10000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        from math import sin

        N_noscatt = 0
        for i in range(N):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            # no scattering is fine
            if np.linalg.norm(diffv) < 1e-12:
                N_noscatt += 1
            Q = conversion.V2K * diffv
            Qx, Qy, Qz = Q
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            # print E, Q, neutron
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E1)
        print "\n* percentage of no scattering (Q happen to be at a singular point):", N_noscatt * 100.0 / N, "%"
Esempio n. 14
def computeEi_and_t0(beampath, instrument):
    """use Ei saved in props.json. use saved neutrons information to compute t0
    Ei = getEi(beampath)
    tof = getTof(beampath)
    from mcni.utils import conversion as Conv
    vi = Conv.e2v(Ei)
    L_m2s = mcvine.units.parse(instrument.L_m2s) / mcvine.units.meter
    t0 = tof - L_m2s / vi
    # print Ei, t0*1e6
    return Ei, t0 * 1e6
    def test1(self):
        'mccomponents.sample: ConstantQEKernel'
        # momentum and energy transfer. defined in the scatterer xml file
        Q0 = 3
        E0 = 30

        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 60
        vi = conversion.e2v(ei)
        Vi = (0, 0, vi)
        neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=Vi, time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)

        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent(
            'Al', 'sampleassemblies/Al-constantqekernel/sampleassembly.xml')
        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl, numpy as np
        for i in range(10):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            Vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            print Vf

            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(Vf))
            E = ei - ef

            dV = np.array(Vf) - np.array(Vi)
            qasv = nl.norm(dV)
            Q = conversion.v2k(qasv)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E0, 7)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(Q, Q0, 7)

    def test1(self):
        "mccomponents.sample.samplecomponent: E_vQ_Kernel"
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 60
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0, 0, vil)
        neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=vi, time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource

        component1 = MonochromaticSource("source", neutron)

        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent

        component2 = samplecomponent("Al", "sampleassemblies/Al-E_vQ-kernel/sampleassembly.xml")
        E_Q = "20 + 5 * sin(Qx+Qy+Qz)"  # in sampleassemblies/Al-E_vQ-kernel/Al-scatterer.xml

        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))

        N0 = 10000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        from math import sin

        for i in range(N):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            Q = conversion.V2K * diffv
            Qx, Qy, Qz = Q
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            # print E, Q, neutron
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E1)

    def test1(self):
        'mccomponents.sample: ConstantvQEKernel'
        # momentum and energy transfer. defined in the scatterer xml file
        Q0 = 2,0,2
        E0 = 28
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion
        ei = 60
        vi = conversion.e2v(ei)
        Vi = (0,0,vi)
        neutron = mcni.neutron( r = (0,0,0), v = Vi, time = 0, prob = 1 )
        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)
        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent( 'Al', 'sampleassemblies/Al-constantvqekernel/sampleassembly.xml' )
        instrument = mcni.instrument( [component1, component2] )
        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register( component1, (0,0,0), (0,0,0) )
        geometer.register( component2, (0,0,1), (0,0,0) )

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)
        mcni.simulate( instrument, geometer, neutrons )
        N = len(neutrons)
        import numpy.linalg as nl, numpy as np
        for i in range(10):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            Vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            # print Vf

            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(Vf))
            E = ei-ef
            dV = np.array(Vi) - np.array(Vf)
            Q = dV * conversion.V2K
            print E, Q, neutron.probability
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E0, 1)
            for i in range(3):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(Q[i], Q0[i], 7)

Esempio n. 18
    def test2(self):
        "SNS_source_r1: angling"
        from mcstas2 import componentfactory

        factory = componentfactory(category, componentname)
        Emin = 59.99
        Emax = 60.01
        component = factory(

        import mcni

        N = 100
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N)
        for i in range(N):
            neutrons[i] = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, -1), v=(0, 0, 3000), time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.utils import conversion as Conv

        expected_vlen = Conv.e2v((Emin + Emax) / 2)

        import numpy as np

        for i in range(N):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            state = neutron.state
            r = state.position
            assert abs(r[0]) < 0.001
            assert abs(r[1]) < 0.001
            assert abs(r[2]) < 0.001
            v = np.array(state.velocity)
            vlen = np.linalg.norm(v)
            # print v, expected_vlen, vlen
            assert abs(vlen - expected_vlen) / expected_vlen < 0.01
            assert abs(-v[0] - expected_vlen / 2.0) / expected_vlen < 0.01
            assert abs(v[2] - expected_vlen * np.sqrt(3) / 2.0) / expected_vlen < 0.01
    def test1(self):
        'mccomponents.sample.samplecomponent: E_vQ_Kernel'
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 60
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0, 0, vil)
        neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=vi, time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)

        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent(
            'Al', 'sampleassemblies/Al-E_vQ-kernel/sampleassembly.xml')
        E_Q = '20 + 5 * sin(Qx+Qy+Qz)'  # in sampleassemblies/Al-E_vQ-kernel/Al-scatterer.xml

        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        from math import sin
        for i in range(N):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            Q = conversion.V2K * diffv
            Qx, Qy, Qz = Q
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            # print E, Q, neutron
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E1)

    def test1(self):
        'mccomponents.sample.samplecomponent: Broadened_E_Q_Kernel'
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 600
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0, 0, vil)
        neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=vi, time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)

        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent(
        E_Q = 'Q*Q/3.5'  # in sampleassemblies/Al-broadened-E_Q-kernel/Al-scatterer.xml

        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        for i in range(10):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            Q = conversion.v2k(nl.norm(diffv))
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            print E, Q, neutron, E - E1

    def test1(self):
        'mccomponents.sample.samplecomponent: Broadened_E_Q_Kernel'
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 600
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0,0,vil)
        neutron = mcni.neutron( 
            r = (0,0,0), v = vi, 
            time = 0, prob = 1 )
        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)
        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent( 'Al', 'sampleassemblies/Al-broadened-E_Q-kernel/sampleassembly.xml' )
        E_Q = 'Q*Q/3.5' # in sampleassemblies/Al-broadened-E_Q-kernel/Al-scatterer.xml

        instrument = mcni.instrument( [component1, component2] )
        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register( component1, (0,0,0), (0,0,0) )
        geometer.register( component2, (0,0,1), (0,0,0) )

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate( instrument, geometer, neutrons )

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        for i in range(10):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = np.array(neutron.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            Q = conversion.v2k(nl.norm(diffv))
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            print E, Q, neutron, E-E1

    def test(self):
        "wrap IQE_monitor"
        from mcstas2 import componentfactory
        factory = componentfactory( category, componentname )

        Ei = 70
        Qmin=0; Qmax=13.; nQ=130
        Emin=-50; Emax=50.; nE=100
        component = factory(
            Qmin=Qmin, Qmax=Qmax, nQ=nQ,
            Emin=Emin, Emax=Emax, nE=nE,
            max_angle_out_of_plane=30, min_angle_out_of_plane=-30,
            max_angle_in_plane=120, min_angle_in_plane=-30,
        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion as C
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer( nQ*nE )
        import numpy as N
        count = 0
        for Q in N.arange(Qmin, Qmax, (Qmax-Qmin)/nQ):
            for E in N.arange(Emin,Emax,(Emax-Emin)/nE):
                Ef = Ei-E
                cosphi = (Ei+Ef-C.k2e(Q))/(2*N.sqrt(Ei)*N.sqrt(Ef))
                vf = C.e2v(Ef)
                vfz = vf*cosphi
                sinphi = N.sqrt(1-cosphi*cosphi)
                vfx = vf*sinphi
                neutrons[count] = mcni.neutron(r=(0,0,0), v=(vfx,0,vfz), time = 0, prob = 1)
                count += 1
        component.process( neutrons )
        from mcstas2.pyre_support._component_interfaces.monitors.IQE_monitor import get_histogram
        hist = get_histogram(component)

        if interactive:
            from histogram.plotter import defaultPlotter
Esempio n. 23
def runMonitorsAtSample(E, m2sout, out, L):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    t = L / v

    neutronfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(m2sout, 'neutrons'))
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    n = count(neutronfile)

    # cmd = ['mcvine instruments %s analyze_beam' % instrument]
    app = os.path.join(here, '')
    # create a temp dir to run the simulation
    import tempfile
    tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def copy2tmpd(fn):
        src = os.path.join(here, fn)
        dest = os.path.join(tmpd, fn)
        shutil.copyfile(src, dest)

    cmd = ['python {}'.format(app)]
    cmd += ['--output-dir=%s' % os.path.abspath(out)]
    cmd += ['--ncount=%s' % n]
    cmd += ['--buffer_size=%s' % min(n, int(1e6))]
    cmd += ['--source.path=%s' % neutronfile]
    # fix monitor params that depend on incident energy
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s' % (t * 0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s' % (t * 1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s' % (E * 0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s' % (E * 1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    print('Running beam monitors...')
    from mcvine.run_script import _exec
    print(cmd, tmpd)
    _exec(cmd, cwd=tmpd)
    # shutil.rmtree(tmpd)
Esempio n. 24
    def test1(self):
        # energy transfer. defined in the scatterer xml file
        E0 = 10

        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion

        ei = 60
        vi = conversion.e2v(ei)
        neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=(0, 0, vi), time=0, prob=1)

        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)

        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent(
        instrument = mcni.instrument([component1, component2])

        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register(component1, (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
        geometer.register(component2, (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0))

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate(instrument, geometer, neutrons)

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        for i in range(10):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = nl.norm(neutron.state.velocity)
            ef = conversion.v2e(vf)
            E = ei - ef
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E0, 7)

Esempio n. 25
def runMonitorsAtSample(E, LMS, m2sout, out):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v

    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second

    # this is copied from hyspec_moderator2sample.instr
    # XXX: duplicate code. will need to change this
    # XXX: if the instrument changes.
    L1 = 9.93
    L2 = 48.0 * 0.501
    L3 = 5.0
    LMM = L1 + L2 + L3
    L = LMM + LMS
    t = L / v

    neutronfile = os.path.join(m2sout, "neutrons")
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count

    n = count(neutronfile)

    cmd = ["mcvine_analyze_beam"]
    cmd += ["--output-dir=%s" % out]
    cmd += ["--ncount=%s" % n]
    cmd += ["--buffer_size=%s" % min(n, 1e6)]
    # XXX: -0.15 comes from the fact that the in hyspec_moderator2sample
    # XXX: the neutron storage is 0.15 before the sample position
    cmd += ['--geometer.source="((0,0,-0.15),(0,0,0))"']
    cmd += ["--source.path=%s" % neutronfile]
    # fix monitor params that depend on incident energy
    cmd += ["--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s" % (t * 0.9)]
    cmd += ["--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s" % (t * 1.1)]
    cmd += ["--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s" % (1000)]
    cmd += ["--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s" % (E * 0.9)]
    cmd += ["--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s" % (E * 1.1)]
    cmd += ["--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s" % (1000)]
    cmd = " ".join(cmd)
    print "Running beam monitors..."
    print "done."
    def test(self):
        E = 10  #meV
        kernel = mccomponentsbp.ConstantEnergyTransferKernel(E, 1, 1)

        ei = 100  # meV
        from mcni.utils import conversion
        vi = conversion.e2v(ei)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        for i in range(10):
            event = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=(0, 0, vi), prob=1, time=0)
            vf = event.state.velocity
            vf = nl.norm(vf)
            ef = conversion.v2e(vf)
            # print ef
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ei - ef, E, 5)

    def test(self):
        E=10 #meV
        kernel = mccomponentsbp.ConstantEnergyTransferKernel(E, 1,1)

        ei = 100 # meV
        from mcni.utils import conversion
        vi = conversion.e2v(ei)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        for i in range(10):
            event = mcni.neutron( r = (0,0,0), v = (0,0,vi), prob = 1, time = 0 )
            kernel.scatter( event );
            vf = event.state.velocity
            vf = nl.norm(vf)
            ef = conversion.v2e(vf)
            # print ef
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ei-ef, E, 5)

Esempio n. 28
def getEiToffset(mod2sample):
    from histogram.hdf import load
    import os

    # I(energy)
    ie = load(os.path.join(mod2sample, 'out-analyzer/ienergy.h5'), 'ienergy')
    # average energy
    e = (ie.I * / ie.I.sum()

    # I(tof)
    itof = load(os.path.join(mod2sample, 'out-analyzer/itof.h5'), 'itof')
    # average tof
    tof = (itof.I * itof.tof).sum() / itof.I.sum()

    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(e)

    L = mod2sample_distance
    toffset = tof - (L / v)
    # energy: meV, toffset: microsecond
    return e, toffset * 1e6
    def test1(self):
        # energy transfer. defined in the scatterer xml file
        E0 = 10

        import mcni
        from mcni.utils import conversion
        ei = 60
        vi = conversion.e2v(ei)
        neutron = mcni.neutron( r = (0,0,0), v = (0,0,vi), time = 0, prob = 1 )
        from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
        component1 = MonochromaticSource('source', neutron)
        from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
        component2 = samplecomponent( 'Al', 'sampleassemblies/Al-constantenergytransfer/sampleassembly.xml' )
        instrument = mcni.instrument( [component1, component2] )
        geometer = mcni.geometer()
        geometer.register( component1, (0,0,0), (0,0,0) )
        geometer.register( component2, (0,0,1), (0,0,0) )

        N0 = 1000
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N0)

        mcni.simulate( instrument, geometer, neutrons )

        N = len(neutrons)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        for i in range(10):
            neutron = neutrons[i]
            vf = nl.norm(neutron.state.velocity)
            ef = conversion.v2e(vf)
            E = ei-ef
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E0, 7)

Esempio n. 30
def computeFocusedSpectraForRealMonitors(E, m2sout, out):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    import histogram.hdf as hh, histogram as H

    m1 = hh.load(os.path.join(m2sout, 'mon1-tof.h5'), 'I(tof)')
    t1 = LM1/v #* second
    m1p = m1[(t1*0.9, t1*1.1)]
    m1pc = H.histogram('I(tof)', m1p.axes(), data=m1p.I, errors=m1p.E2)
    m1pc.setAttribute('title', 'Monitor 1 I(tof)')

    hh.dump(m1pc, os.path.join(out, 'mon1-itof-focused.h5'), '/', 'c')

    m2 = hh.load(os.path.join(m2sout, 'mon2-tof.h5'), 'I(tof)')
    t2 = LM2/v #* second
    m2p = m2[(t2*0.9, t2*1.1)]
    m2pc = H.histogram('I(tof)', m2p.axes(), data=m2p.I, errors=m2p.E2)
    m2pc.setAttribute('title', 'Monitor 2 I(tof)')

    hh.dump(m2pc, os.path.join(out, 'mon2-itof-focused.h5'), '/', 'c')
Esempio n. 31
def computeFocusedSpectraForRealMonitors(E, m2sout, out, LM1=LM1, LM2=LM2):
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(E)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    import histogram.hdf as hh, histogram as H

    m1 = hh.load(os.path.join(m2sout, 'mon1-tof.h5'), 'I(tof)')
    t1 = LM1/v #* second
    m1p = m1[(t1*0.9, t1*1.1)]
    m1pc = H.histogram('I(tof)', m1p.axes(), data=m1p.I, errors=m1p.E2)
    m1pc.setAttribute('title', 'Monitor 1 I(tof)')
    hh.dump(m1pc, os.path.join(out, 'mon1-itof-focused.h5'), '/', 'c')
    m2 = hh.load(os.path.join(m2sout, 'mon2-tof.h5'), 'I(tof)')
    t2 = LM2/v #* second
    m2p = m2[(t2*0.9, t2*1.1)]
    m2pc = H.histogram('I(tof)', m2p.axes(), data=m2p.I, errors=m2p.E2)
    m2pc.setAttribute('title', 'Monitor 2 I(tof)')

    hh.dump(m2pc, os.path.join(out, 'mon2-itof-focused.h5'), '/', 'c')
Esempio n. 32
def getEiToffset(mod2sample):
    from histogram.hdf import load
    import os

    # I(energy)
    ie = load(os.path.join(mod2sample, 'out-analyzer/ienergy.h5'),
    # average energy
    e = (ie.I *
    # I(tof)
    itof = load(os.path.join(mod2sample, 'out-analyzer/itof.h5'),
    # average tof
    tof = (itof.I*itof.tof).sum()/itof.I.sum()
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(e)
    L = mod2sample_distance
    toffset = tof - (L/v)
    # energy: meV, toffset: microsecond
    return e, toffset * 1e6
Esempio n. 33
 def test1(self):
     'kernel orientation'
     # source
     from mcni.components.MonochromaticSource import MonochromaticSource
     import mcni, numpy as np
     Ei = 100
     from mcni.utils import conversion as Conv
     ki = Conv.e2k(Ei)
     vi = Conv.e2v(Ei)
     Qdir = np.array([np.sqrt(3)/2, 0, -1./2])
     Q = Qdir * 2
     kf = np.array([0,0,ki]) - Q
     Ef = Conv.k2e(np.linalg.norm(kf))
     E  = Ei-Ef
     dv = Qdir * Conv.k2v(Q)
     vf = np.array([0,0,vi]) - dv
     # print ki, Q, kf
     # print Ei, Ef, E
     neutron = mcni.neutron(r=(0,0,-1), v=(0,0,vi), prob=1)
     source = MonochromaticSource('s', neutron, dx=0.001, dy=0.001, dE=0)
     # sample
     from mccomponents.sample import samplecomponent
     scatterer = samplecomponent('sa', 'cyl/sampleassembly.xml' )
     # incident
     N = 1000
     neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N)
     neutrons = source.process(neutrons)
     # print neutrons
     # scatter
     # print neutrons
     self.assertEqual(len(neutrons), N)
     for neutron in neutrons:
         np.allclose(neutron.state.velocity, vf)
         self.assert_(neutron.probability > 0)
Esempio n. 34
    def test(self):
        E_Q = "Q*Q/3."
        S_Q = "1"
        Qmin = 0
        Qmax = 10
        absorption_coefficient = scattering_coefficient = 1.
        kernel = mccomponentsbp.create_E_Q_Kernel(

        ei = 500  # meV
        from mcni.utils import conversion
        vil = conversion.e2v(ei)
        vi = (0, 0, vil)

        import numpy.linalg as nl
        import numpy as np
        for i in range(10):
            event = mcni.neutron(r=(0, 0, 0), v=vi, prob=1, time=0)
            vf = np.array(event.state.velocity)
            diffv = vi - vf
            Q = conversion.v2k(nl.norm(diffv))
            ef = conversion.v2e(nl.norm(vf))
            E = ei - ef
            # print E, Q, event
            E1 = eval(E_Q)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(E, E1)

Esempio n. 35
        from mcstas2.pyre_support._component_interfaces.monitors.IQE_monitor import get_histogram
        hist = get_histogram(component)

        if interactive:
            from histogram.plotter import defaultPlotter

    pass  # end of TestCase

mass = 50
temperature = 300
Ei = 70
from mcni.utils import conversion as C
vi = C.e2v(Ei)

def makeKernel():
    max_omega = 50
    max_Q = 13
    nMCsteps_to_calc_RARV = 1000
    return b.phonon_coherentinelastic_polyxtal_kernel(

Esempio n. 36
#!/usr/bin/env python

compute phase (degree) of fermi chopper at t=0

Ei = 686.62
freq = 600.
dist = 11.61 # mod to fc
t_emission = 3.8 * 1e-6

from mcni.utils import conversion as Conv
vi = Conv.e2v(Ei)

t_fc = dist/vi + t_emission
phase = -t_fc * freq * 360.
print phase
Esempio n. 37
def getNormalization(monitor, N=None, epsilon=1e-7):
    # randomly shoot neutrons to monitor in 4pi solid angle
    print "* start computing normalizer..."
    core = monitor.core()
    if N is None:
        N = core.nQ * core.nE * 10000

    import mcni, random, mcni.utils.conversion as conversion, math, os
    import numpy as np

    # incident velocity
    vi = conversion.e2v(core.Ei)

    # 1. create neutrons
    def make_neutrons(N):
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N)
        # randomly select E, the energy transfer
        E = core.Emin + np.random.random(N) * (core.Emax - core.Emin)
        # the final energy
        Ef = core.Ei - E
        # the final velocity
        vf = conversion.e2v(Ef)
        # choose cos(theta) between -1 and 1
        cos_t = np.random.random(N) * 2 - 1
        # theta
        theta = np.arccos(cos_t)
        # sin(theta)
        sin_t = np.sin(theta)
        # phi: 0 - 2pi
        phi = np.random.random(N) * 2 * np.pi
        # compute final velocity vector
        vx, vy, vz = vf * sin_t * np.cos(phi), vf * sin_t * np.sin(
            phi), vf * cos_t
        # neutron position, spin, tof are set to zero
        x = y = z = sx = sy = t = np.zeros(N, dtype="float64")
        # probability
        prob = np.ones(N, dtype="float64") * (vf / vi)
        # XXX: this assumes a specific data layout of neutron struct
        n_arr = np.array([x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, sx, sy, t, prob]).T.copy()
        return neutrons

    # 2. create a copy of the original monitor
    from mcstas2 import componentfactory
    cf = componentfactory(type='IQE_monitor', category='monitors')
    props = [
    kwds = {}
    for p in props:
        kwds[p] = getattr(core, p)
    import tempfile
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    outfilename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mon.dat')
    kwds['filename'] = outfilename
    monitorcopy = cf('monitor', **kwds)

    # 3. send neutrons to monitor copy
    N1 = 0
    dN = int(1e6)
    print "  - total neutrons needed :", N
    while N1 < N:
        n = min(N - N1, dN)
        neutrons = make_neutrons(n)
        N1 += n
        print "  - processed %s" % N1
    h = get_histogram(monitorcopy)
    # for debug
    # import histogram.hdf as hh
    # hh.dump(h, 'tmp.h5', '/', 'c')
    h.I[h.I < epsilon] = 1
    print "  - done computing normalizer"
    return h
Esempio n. 38
def run(Ei,
    fermichopper = fermichopper or "100-1.5-SMI"
    emission_time = emission_time or -1
    fermi_nu = fermi_nu or 600
    T0_nu = T0_nu or 120
    # generate configration
    cmd = """
    arcs-m2s \
        --fermi_nu=%(fermi_nu)s \
        --T0_nu=%(T0_nu)s \
        --E=%(Ei)s \
        --emission_time=%(emission_time)s \
        --fermi_chopper=%(fermichopper)s \
        --- \
    """ % locals()

    # fine tune configuraiton
    cmd = ["arcs_moderator2sample --overwrite-datafiles"]
    Emin, Emax = moderator_erange
    cmd.append('--moderator.Emin=%s' % Emin)
    cmd.append('--moderator.Emax=%s' % Emax)
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)

    # run simulation
    import os, shutil
    if os.path.exists('out'):
    cmd = "arcs_moderator2sample -ncount=%(ncount)s " % locals()
    # ... moderator data file
    moddat = os.path.join(
    cmd += ' -moderator.S_filename=%s ' % moddat
    cmd += ' -mpirun.nodes=%s' % nodes
    cmd += '> m2s.log 2> m2s.err'
    if dry_run:
        print cmd

    # analyze output
    # ... number of neutrons left
    neutronfile = os.path.join('out', 'neutrons')
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    if dry_run:
        ncountatsample = 1000
        ncountatsample = count(neutronfile)

    if ncountatsample == 0:
        raise RuntimeError, "no neutrons at sample. need to increase mc samples at mod2sample simulation"

    cmd = [
        '-source.path=%(neutronfile)s' % locals(),
        '-ncount=%(ncountatsample)s' % locals(),
    # ... compute enegy range
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(Ei)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    L = 13.6
    t = L / v
    # ... build command line with monitor parameters
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s' % (t * 0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s' % (t * 1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s' % (Ei * 0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s' % (Ei * 1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s' % (1000)]
    # ... run
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    if dry_run:
        print cmd
Esempio n. 39
    """source neutrons come from (x,y) going to direction z
    import os, shutil
    if os.path.exists('out'):
    # run main sim
    cmd = './sss --source.position="%s,%s,0"' % (x,y,)

mod2sample_distance = 13.6
Ei = 687
from mcni.utils import conversion
vi = conversion.e2v(Ei)

def createScatteringKernel(E_Q,S_Q, Qmin, Qmax):
    import os
    tf = os.path.join('sampleassembly', 'He4-scatterer.xml.template')
    t = open(tf).read()
    t = t.replace('$E_Q$', E_Q)
    t = t.replace('$S_Q$', S_Q)
    t = t.replace('$Qmin$', str(Qmin))
    t = t.replace('$Qmax$', str(Qmax))
    f = os.path.join('sampleassembly', 'He4-scatterer.xml')
    open(f, 'w').write(t)
Esempio n. 40
def run(Ei, ncount, nodes,
        moderator_erange = None,
        fermichopper=None, fermi_nu=None, 
        T0_nu = None,
        emission_time = None,
    fermichopper = fermichopper or "100-1.5-SMI"
    emission_time = emission_time or -1
    fermi_nu = fermi_nu or 600
    T0_nu = T0_nu or 120
    # generate configration
    cmd = """
    arcs-m2s \
        --fermi_nu=%(fermi_nu)s \
        --T0_nu=%(T0_nu)s \
        --E=%(Ei)s \
        --emission_time=%(emission_time)s \
        --fermi_chopper=%(fermichopper)s \
        --- \
    """ % locals()

    # fine tune configuraiton
    cmd = ["arcs_moderator2sample --overwrite-datafiles"]
    Emin, Emax = moderator_erange
    cmd.append('--moderator.Emin=%s' % Emin)
    cmd.append('--moderator.Emax=%s' % Emax)
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)

    # run simulation
    import os, shutil
    if os.path.exists('out'):
    cmd = "arcs_moderator2sample -ncount=%(ncount)s " % locals()
    # ... moderator data file
    moddat = os.path.join(
        os.environ['MCVINE_DIR'], 'share', 'mcvine',
        'instruments', 'ARCS', 'source_sct521_bu_17_1.dat',
    cmd += ' -moderator.S_filename=%s ' % moddat
    cmd += ' -mpirun.nodes=%s' % nodes
    cmd += '> m2s.log 2> m2s.err'
    if dry_run:
        print cmd

    # analyze output
    # ... number of neutrons left
    neutronfile = os.path.join('out', 'neutrons')
    from mcni.neutron_storage.idf_usenumpy import count
    if dry_run:
        ncountatsample = 1000
        ncountatsample = count(neutronfile)

    if ncountatsample == 0:
        raise RuntimeError, "no neutrons at sample. need to increase mc samples at mod2sample simulation"
    cmd = [
        '-source.path=%(neutronfile)s' % locals(),
        '-ncount=%(ncountatsample)s' % locals(),
    # ... compute enegy range
    from mcni.utils.conversion import e2v
    v = e2v(Ei)
    from pyre.units.time import second
    L = 13.6
    t = L/v
    # ... build command line with monitor parameters
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmin=%s' % (t*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.tofmax=%s' % (t*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.mtof.ntof=%s' % (1000)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymin=%s' % (Ei*0.9)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.energymax=%s' % (Ei*1.1)]
    cmd += ['--monitor.menergy.nenergy=%s' % (1000)]
    # ... run
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
    if dry_run:
        print cmd
Esempio n. 41
def setup(outdir, sampleyml, beam, E, hkl, hkl_projection, psi_axis, instrument, pixel, log=None):
    """setup the simulation directory and scripts and input files

    - outdir: output dir
    - sampleyml: path. should contain
      * name
      * chemical_formula
      * lattice
      * orientation
      * shape
    - beam: mcvine beam simulation path
    - E: energy transfer
    - hkl: momentum transfer
    - hkl_projection: hkl projection axis for slice
    - psi_axis: psi scan
    - instrument: instrument object with geometry data such as L1 and L2
    - pixel: pixel object with pixe, height, pressure. and position
    - log: logger object
    if log is None:
        import sys
        log = sys.stdout
    # load beam
    from ._beam import computeEi_and_t0
    Ei, t0 = computeEi_and_t0(beam, instrument)
    log.write( "Ei=%s, t0=%s\n" % (Ei, t0) )
    # load sample
    from mcvine.workflow.sample import loadSampleYml
    sample = loadSampleYml(sampleyml)
    # the sample kernel need information of E and hkl
    Q, hkl2Qmat, psi = calcQ(sampleyml, Ei, E, hkl, psi_axis, Npsisegments=10)
    log.write( "Computed:\n" )
    log.write( "* psi=%s degree\n" % (psi/np.pi*180,) )
    log.write( "* Q=%s\n" % (Q,) )
    log.write( "* hkl2Qmat=%s\n" % (hkl2Qmat,) )
    kfv, Ef = computeKf(Ei, E, Q, log)
    log.write( "* Ef=%s\n" % (Ef,))
    pixel_position, pixel_orientation = computePixelPositionOrientation(kfv, instrument, log)
    # at this point the coordinates have convention of z vertical up
    # ** coordinate system for calculated position: z is vertical **
    # this pixel_position is in the instrument coordinate system.
    # we need, however, the pixel_position in the instrument
    # coordinate system rorated psi angle.
    from numpy import sin, cos
    x2,y2,z2 = x*cos(psi)+y*sin(psi), -x*sin(psi)+y*cos(psi), z
    # convert to z along beam
    pixel_position3 = y2, z2, x2
    # compute nominal tof from mod to sample
    vi = Conv.e2v(Ei)
    L_m2s = mcvine.units.parse(instrument.L_m2s)/mcvine.units.meter
    t_m2s = L_m2s/vi + t0*1e-6
    # nominal tof from mod to pixel
    vf = Conv.e2v(Ef)
    t_s2p = np.linalg.norm(pixel_position)/vf
    t_m2p = t_m2s + t_s2p
    log.write( "t_m2s=%s, t_s2p=%s, t_m2p=%s\n" % (t_m2s, t_s2p, t_m2p))
    # tof passing through the pixel
    r = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.radius)/mcvine.units.meter
    h = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.height)/mcvine.units.meter
    dtof = np.sqrt(4*r*r+h*h)*1.1/vf
    # decorate the sample kernel
    kernel = sample.excitations[0]
    kernel.target_position = "%s*meter,%s*meter,%s*meter" % pixel_position3
    kernel.target_radius = "%s*meter" % (np.sqrt(r*r+h*h/4)*1.1,)
    kernel.tof_at_target = "%s*microsecond" % (t_m2p*1e6)
    kernel.dtof = "%s*microsecond" % (dtof*1e6,)
    # create sample assembly
    from mcvine.workflow.singlextal.scaffolding import createSampleAssembly
    sampledir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outdir, 'sample'))
    createSampleAssembly(sampledir, sample, add_elastic_line=False)
    # save instrument object
    ofstream = tpf.NamedTemporaryFile(
        dir=outdir, prefix='instrument', suffix='.pkl', delete=False)
    pkl.dump(instrument, ofstream)
    instr_fn = os.path.abspath(
    # save pixel object
    pixel.position = pixel_position
    pixel.orientation = pixel_orientation
    ofstream = tpf.NamedTemporaryFile(
        dir=outdir, prefix='pixel', suffix='.pkl', delete=False)
    pkl.dump(pixel, ofstream)
    pixel_fn = os.path.abspath(
    # create sim script
    params = dict(
        beam_neutrons_path = os.path.join(beam, 'out', 'neutrons'),
        instr_fn = instr_fn, pixel_fn = pixel_fn,
        samplexmlpath = os.path.join(sampledir, "sampleassembly.xml"),
        psi = psi,
        hkl2Q = hkl2Qmat,
        t_m2p = t_m2p,
        Q = Q,
        E = E,
        hkl_projection = hkl_projection,
    script = sim_script_template % params
    open(os.path.join(outdir, ''), 'wt').write(script)
Esempio n. 42
def compute(sample_yml,
    # should P be the T0 chopper?
    L_PM = mcvine.units.parse(
    ) / mcvine.units.meter  # P chopper to M chopper distance
    L_PS = mcvine.units.parse(
        instrument.L_m2s) / mcvine.units.meter  # P chopper to sample
    L_MS = L_PS - L_PM
    R = mcvine.units.parse(instrument.detsys_radius) / mcvine.units.meter  #

    hkl0 = dynamics.hkl0
    hkl_dir = dynamics.hkl_dir  # projection
    psimin = psi_scan.min
    psimax = psi_scan.max
    dpsi = psi_scan.step

    # dynamics calculations
    E = dynamics.E
    dq = dynamics.dq
    hkl = hkl0 + dq * hkl_dir

    from mcni.utils import conversion as Conv
    vi = Conv.e2v(Ei)

    ti = L_PM / vi * 1e6  # microsecond
    Ef = Ei - E
    vf = Conv.e2v(Ef)

    # find the psi angle
    from import loadXtalOriFromSampleYml
    xtalori = loadXtalOriFromSampleYml(sample_yml)
    from mcvine.workflow.singlextal.solve_psi import solve
    results = solve(xtalori,
    from mcvine.workflow.singlextal.coords_transform import hkl2Q
    for r in results:
        xtalori.psi = r * np.pi / 180
        print("psi=%s, Q=%s" % (r, hkl2Q(hkl, xtalori)))
        print("hkl2Q=%r\n(Q = hkl dot hkl2Q)" %
              (xtalori.hkl2cartesian_mat(), ))
    # these are the psi angles that the particular point of interest will be measured
    # print results
    assert len(results)
    # only select the first one. this is OK for most cases but there are cases where more than
    # one psi angles satisfy the condition
    psi = results[0]
    xtalori.psi = psi * np.pi / 180
    Q = hkl2Q(hkl, xtalori)
    hkl2Q_mat = xtalori.hkl2cartesian_mat()
    # print Q
    # print hkl2Q_mat
    Q_len = np.linalg.norm(Q)
    # print Q_len
    ki = Conv.e2k(Ei)
    # print ki
    kiv = np.array([ki, 0, 0])
    kfv = kiv - Q
    # print kfv
    # ** Verify the momentum and energy transfers **
    # print Ei-Conv.k2e(np.linalg.norm(kfv))
    # print Ei-Ef
    assert np.isclose(Ei - Ef, E)

    # ** Compute detector pixel position **
    z = kfv[2] / (kfv[0]**2 + kfv[1]**2)**.5 * R
    L_SD = (z**2 + R**2)**.5
    # print z, L_SD

    # ### Constants
    eV = 1.60218e-19
    meV = eV * 1e-3
    mus = 1.e-6
    hbar = 1.0545718e-34
    AA = 1e-10
    m = 1.6750e-24 * 1e-3  #kg
    from numpy import sin, cos

    # dE calcuation starts here
    # ## Differentials
    pE_pt = -m * (vi**3 / L_PM + vf**3 / L_SD * L_MS / L_PM)
    # convert to eV/microsecond
    pE_pt /= meV / mus
    # print pE_pt

    pE_ptMD = m * vf**3 / L_SD
    pE_ptMD /= meV / mus
    # print pE_ptMD

    pE_pLPM = m / L_PM * (vi**2 + vf**3 / vi * L_MS / L_SD)
    pE_pLPM /= meV
    # print pE_pLPM

    pE_pLMS = -m / L_SD * (vf**3 / vi)
    pE_pLMS /= meV
    # print pE_pLMS

    pE_pLSD = -m * vf * vf / L_SD
    pE_pLSD /= meV
    # print pE_pLSD

    # we don't need pE_pLSD, instead we need pE_pR and pE_pz. R and z are cylinder radius and z coordinate
    pE_pR = pE_pLSD * (R / L_SD)
    pE_pz = pE_pLSD * (z / L_SD)
    # print pE_pR, pE_pz

    # ## ** Paramters: Estimate of standard deviations
    # tau_P = 10 # microsecond
    # tau_M = 8 # microsecond
    tau_P = tofwidths.P
    tau_M = tofwidths.M
    # tau_D = 10 # microsecond
    tau_D = mcvine.units.parse(
        pixel.radius) / mcvine.units.meter * 2 / vf * 1e6  # microsecond

    # ## Calculations
    pE_p_vec = [pE_pt, pE_ptMD, pE_pLPM, pE_pLMS, pE_pR, pE_pz]
    pE_p_vec = np.array(pE_p_vec)
    J_E = pE_p_vec / E

    # print J_E
    sigma_t = (tau_P**2 + tau_M**2)**.5
    sigma_tMD = (tau_M**2 + tau_D**2)**.5
    div = (beamdivs.theta**2 + beamdivs.phi**2)**.5  # a crude approx
    sigma_LPM = L_PM * div * div

    # mainly due to sample size
    sigma_LMS = samplethickness

    # mainly due to det tube diameter
    sigma_R = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.radius) / mcvine.units.meter * 2

    # pixel size
    sigma_z = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.height) / mcvine.units.meter

    sigma = np.array(
        [sigma_t, sigma_tMD, sigma_LPM, sigma_LMS, sigma_R, sigma_z])
    # print sigma
    sigma2 = sigma * sigma
    # print sigma2
    sigma2 = np.diag(sigma2)

    # print J_E
    # print, J_E)
    cov =,, J_E))

    # print cov, np.sqrt(cov)
    sigma_E = E * np.sqrt(cov)
    # print sigma_E

    # Not sure if this is right:
    # * ** Note: this may be more like FWHM than sigma_E because of the approx I made **
    # * ** FWHM is 2.355 sigma **

    # ## Include Q
    # print "ti=",ti
    tf = L_SD / vf * 1e6
    # print "tf=",tf
    thetai = 0
    phii = 0
    # print "R=", R
    # print "Q=", Q

    eeta = np.arctan2(kfv[1], kfv[0])
    # print "eeta=", eeta

    pQx_pt = -m / hbar * (L_PM / ti / ti / mus / mus * cos(thetai) * cos(phii)
                          + R / tf / tf / mus / mus * L_MS / L_PM * cos(eeta))
    pQx_pt /= 1. / AA / mus
    # print pQx_pt

    pQx_ptMD = m / hbar * R / tf / tf * cos(eeta) / mus / mus
    pQx_ptMD /= 1. / AA / mus
    # print pQx_ptMD

    pQx_pLPM = m / hbar * (cos(thetai) * cos(phii) / ti + ti / tf / tf * R *
                           L_MS / L_PM / L_PM * cos(eeta)) / mus
    pQx_pLPM /= 1. / AA
    # print pQx_pLPM

    pQx_pLMS = -m / hbar * R / tf / tf * ti / L_PM * cos(eeta) / mus
    pQx_pLMS /= 1. / AA
    # print pQx_pLMS

    pQx_pR = -m / hbar / tf * cos(eeta) / mus
    pQx_pR /= 1. / AA
    # print pQx_pR

    pQx_peeta = m / hbar * R / tf * sin(eeta) / mus
    pQx_peeta /= 1. / AA
    # print pQx_peeta

    pQx_pthetai = -m / hbar * L_PM / ti * sin(thetai) * cos(phii) / mus
    pQx_pthetai /= 1. / AA
    # print pQx_pthetai

    pQx_pphii = -m / hbar * L_PM / ti * cos(thetai) * sin(phii) / mus
    pQx_pphii /= 1. / AA
    # print pQx_pphii

    pQx_p_vec = [
        pQx_pt, pQx_ptMD, pQx_pLPM, pQx_pLMS, pQx_pR, 0, pQx_peeta,
        pQx_pthetai, pQx_pphii
    pQx_p_vec = np.array(pQx_p_vec)
    J_Qx = pQx_p_vec / Q_len

    # **Qy**
    pQy_pt = -m / hbar * (L_PM / ti / ti * sin(thetai) * cos(phii) +
                          R / tf / tf * L_MS / L_PM * sin(eeta)) / mus / mus
    pQy_pt /= 1. / AA / mus
    # print pQy_pt

    pQy_ptMD = m / hbar * R / tf / tf * sin(eeta) / mus / mus
    pQy_ptMD /= 1. / AA / mus
    # print pQy_ptMD

    pQy_pLPM = m / hbar * (sin(thetai) * cos(phii) / ti + ti / tf / tf * R *
                           L_MS / L_PM / L_PM * sin(eeta)) / mus
    pQy_pLPM /= 1. / AA
    # print pQy_pLPM

    pQy_pLMS = -m / hbar * R / tf / tf * ti / L_PM * sin(eeta) / mus
    pQy_pLMS /= 1. / AA
    # print pQy_pLMS

    pQy_pR = -m / hbar / tf * sin(eeta) / mus
    pQy_pR /= 1. / AA
    # print pQy_pR

    pQy_peeta = -m / hbar * R / tf * cos(eeta) / mus
    pQy_peeta /= 1. / AA
    # print pQy_peeta

    pQy_pthetai = m / hbar * L_PM / ti * cos(thetai) * cos(phii) / mus
    pQy_pthetai /= 1. / AA
    # print pQy_pthetai

    pQy_pphii = -m / hbar * L_PM / ti * sin(thetai) * sin(phii) / mus
    pQy_pphii /= 1. / AA
    # print pQy_pphii

    pQy_p_vec = [
        pQy_pt, pQy_ptMD, pQy_pLPM, pQy_pLMS, pQy_pR, 0, pQy_peeta,
        pQy_pthetai, pQy_pphii
    pQy_p_vec = np.array(pQy_p_vec)
    J_Qy = pQy_p_vec / Q_len

    # ** Qz **
    pQz_pt = -m / hbar * (L_PM / ti / ti * sin(phii) +
                          z / tf / tf * L_MS / L_PM) / mus / mus
    pQz_pt /= 1. / AA / mus
    # print pQz_pt

    pQz_ptMD = m / hbar * z / tf / tf / mus / mus
    pQz_ptMD /= 1. / AA / mus
    # print pQz_ptMD

    pQz_pLPM = m / hbar * (sin(phii) / ti +
                           ti / tf / tf * z * L_MS / L_PM / L_PM) / mus
    pQz_pLPM /= 1. / AA
    # print pQz_pLPM

    pQz_pLMS = -m / hbar * z / tf / tf * ti / L_PM / mus
    pQz_pLMS /= 1. / AA
    # print pQz_pLMS

    pQz_pz = -m / hbar / tf / mus
    pQz_pz /= 1. / AA
    # print pQz_pz

    pQz_pphii = m / hbar * L_PM / ti * cos(phii) / mus
    pQz_pphii /= 1. / AA
    # print pQz_pphii

    pQz_p_vec = [
        pQz_pt, pQz_ptMD, pQz_pLPM, pQz_pLMS, 0, pQz_pz, 0, 0, pQz_pphii
    pQz_p_vec = np.array(pQz_p_vec)
    J_Qz = pQz_p_vec / Q_len

    # ** Here we need to extend the J vector for E to include the additional variables eeta, thetai, and phii **
    pE_p_vec = [pE_pt, pE_ptMD, pE_pLPM, pE_pLMS, pE_pR, pE_pz, 0, 0, 0]
    pE_p_vec = np.array(pE_p_vec)
    J_E = pE_p_vec / E
    J = np.array((J_Qx, J_Qy, J_Qz, J_E))

    # ## ** Parameters
    sigma_eeta = mcvine.units.parse(pixel.radius) / mcvine.units.parse(
    # sigma_thetai = 0.01
    sigma_thetai = beamdivs.theta
    # sigma_phii = 0.01
    sigma_phii = beamdivs.phi
    sigma = np.array([
        sigma_t, sigma_tMD, sigma_LPM, sigma_LMS, sigma_R, sigma_z, sigma_eeta,
        sigma_thetai, sigma_phii
    sigma2 = sigma**2
    sigma2 = np.diag(sigma2)

    # print J.shape, sigma2.shape
    cov =,, J.T))
    # print cov

    M = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    # print M

    # ## Ellipsoid
    # hkl = hkl0+hkl_dir*x
    # dh,dk,dl = dx2dhkl*dx
    dx2dhkl = np.array(hkl_dir)

    # dQ = dx * dx2dhkl dot hkl2Q
    # so dx2dQ = dx2dhkl * hkl2Q
    # dQ = dx * dx2dQ
    dx2dQ =, hkl2Q_mat)
    # print dx2dQ

    # [dQx,dQy,dQz,dE] = [dx dE] dot dxdE2dQdE
    L = dxdE2dQdE = np.array([list(dx2dQ) + [0], [0., 0., 0., 1]])

    #[1,1], dxdE2dQdE)

    # $ [dX1,\; dX2,\; dX3,\; dX4]\; M\; [dX1,\; dX2,\; dX3,\; dX4 ]^T = 2ln(2)$
    # $ dX_i = \frac{dQ_i}{|Q|}$ for i = 1,2,3
    # $ dX_4 = \frac{dE}{E}$
    # Let
    # $ U = diag\big( \frac{1}{|Q|},\; \frac{1}{|Q|},\; \frac{1}{|Q|},\; 1/E \big) $
    # $ [dx,\; dE]\; L U MU^TL^T [dx,\; dE ]^T = 2ln(2)$
    # Let $N=L U MU^TL^T $
    # print Q_len, E
    U = np.diag([1. / Q_len, 1. / Q_len, 1. / Q_len, 1. / E])
    N = LUMUTLT =,,,, L.T))))
    # print N
    # print 2*np.log(2)
    r = np.linalg.eig(N)
    mR = r[1]
    lambdas = r[0]
    # print, mR.T)
    # print, N), mR)

    # Make 4-D inverse covariance matrix:
    InvCov4D = UMUT =,, U.T))
    hklE2QE = scipy.linalg.block_diag(hkl2Q_mat, 1.)
    InvCov4D =, InvCov4D), hklE2QE.T)
    # print, M) # should be Eye

    # $ u = [dx,\;dE]$
    # $ u N u^T = 2ln(2)$        .... (1)
    # Find eigen values ($\lambda_1$, $\lambda_2$) and eigne vectors ($e_1$, $e_2$, column vectors) of N,
    # and let
    # $ R = [e_1,\;e_2] $
    # Then
    # $ N' = R^T N R = diag([\lambda_1, \lambda_2]) $
    # or
    # $ N = R N' R^T $
    # With $N'$ we can rewrite (1) as
    # $ u'N'{u'}^T = 2ln2 = \lambda_1 {u'}_1^2 + \lambda_2 {u'}_2^2 $
    # where
    # $ u' = u . R $

    # ${u'}_1 = \sqrt{2ln2/\lambda_1}*cos(\theta)$
    # ${u'}_2 = \sqrt{2ln2/\lambda_2}*sin(\theta)$

    # In[ ]:

    RR = 2 * np.log(2)
    theta = np.arange(0, 360, 1.) * np.pi / 180
    u1p = np.sqrt(RR / lambdas[0]) * np.cos(theta)
    u2p = np.sqrt(RR / lambdas[1]) * np.sin(theta)
    up = np.array([u1p, u2p]).T

    # print up.shape
    u =, mR.T)

    if plot:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
        plt.plot(u[:, 0], u[:, 1], '.')
        # plt.xlim(-.35, .1)
        # plt.ylim(-5., 5.)
    # u: 2D ellipsoid coordinates
    # mR: 2D eigen vectors
    # lambdas: and 2D eigen values of the scaled inverse covariance
    # QxQyQzE_cov: 4D covariance matrix for Qx,Qy,Qz,E in instrument coordinate system
    # hklE_inv_cov: inverse 4D covariance matrix for hklE
    return dict(u=u,
        hist = get_histogram(component)
        if self.interactive:
            from histogram.plotter import defaultPlotter

    pass  # end of TestCase

mass = 50
temperature = 300
Ei = 70
from mcni.utils import conversion as C
vi = C.e2v(Ei)
dispersion_dir = 'phonon-dispersion-fccNi-cubic-reciprocal-unitcell'

def makeKernel():
    max_omega = 50
    max_Q = 13
    nMCsteps_to_calc_RARV = 1000
    return b.phonon_coherentinelastic_polyxtal_kernel(
        makeDispersion(), makeDW(),
        temperature=temperature, Ei=Ei, max_omega=max_omega, max_Q=max_Q,

def makeUnitcell():
Esempio n. 44
def getNormalization(monitor, N=None, epsilon=1e-7):
    # randomly shoot neutrons to monitor in 4pi solid angle
    print "* start computing normalizer..."
    core = monitor.core()
    if N is None:
        N = core.nQ * core.nE * 10000
    import mcni, random, mcni.utils.conversion as conversion, math, os
    import numpy as np

    # incident velocity
    vi = conversion.e2v(core.Ei)
    # 1. create neutrons
    def make_neutrons(N):
        neutrons = mcni.neutron_buffer(N)
        # randomly select E, the energy transfer
        E = core.Emin + np.random.random(N) * (core.Emax-core.Emin)
        # the final energy
        Ef = core.Ei - E
        # the final velocity
        vf = conversion.e2v(Ef)
        # choose cos(theta) between -1 and 1
        cos_t = np.random.random(N) * 2 - 1
        # theta
        theta = np.arccos(cos_t)
        # sin(theta)
        sin_t = np.sin(theta)
        # phi: 0 - 2pi
        phi = np.random.random(N) * 2 * np.pi
        # compute final velocity vector
        vx,vy,vz = vf*sin_t*np.cos(phi), vf*sin_t*np.sin(phi), vf*cos_t
        # neutron position, spin, tof are set to zero
        x = y = z = sx = sy = t = np.zeros(N, dtype="float64")
        # probability
        prob = np.ones(N, dtype="float64") * (vf/vi)
        # XXX: this assumes a specific data layout of neutron struct
        n_arr = np.array([x,y,z,vx,vy,vz, sx,sy, t, prob]).T.copy()
        return neutrons
    # 2. create a copy of the original monitor
    from mcstas2 import componentfactory
    cf = componentfactory(type='IQE_monitor', category='monitors')
    props = [
        'Emin', 'Emax', 'nE',
        'Qmin', 'Qmax', 'nQ',
        'max_angle_out_of_plane', 'min_angle_out_of_plane',
        'max_angle_in_plane', 'min_angle_in_plane',
    kwds = {}
    for p in props: kwds[p] = getattr(core, p)
    import tempfile
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    outfilename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'mon.dat')
    kwds['filename'] = outfilename
    monitorcopy = cf('monitor', **kwds)
    # 3. send neutrons to monitor copy
    N1 = 0; dN = int(1e6)
    print "  - total neutrons needed :", N
    while N1 < N:
        n = min(N-N1, dN)
        neutrons = make_neutrons(n)
        N1 += n
        print "  - processed %s" % N1
    h = get_histogram(monitorcopy)
    # for debug
    # import histogram.hdf as hh
    # hh.dump(h, 'tmp.h5', '/', 'c')
    h.I[h.I<epsilon] = 1
    print "  - done computing normalizer"
    return h