def make_plots(self): """ Produces posterior plots """ if hasattr(self, 'outp') or os.path.exists(self.fsavefile): if not hasattr(self, 'outp'): self.outp = np.load(self.fsavefile) mcp.trace(self.outp, parname=self.pnames[self.pstep > 0], thinning=self.thinning, sep=np.size(self.outp[0] // self.nchains), savefile=os.path.join(self.outputdir, "trace" + self.fext), truepars=self.truepars) mcp.histogram(self.outp, parname=self.pnames[self.pstep > 0], thinning=self.thinning, savefile=os.path.join(self.outputdir, "posterior" + self.fext), truepars=self.truepars, density=True) mcp.pairwise(self.outp, parname=self.pnames[self.pstep > 0], thinning=self.thinning, savefile=os.path.join(self.outputdir, "pairwise" + self.fext), truepars=self.truepars) else: print("Attempted to produce posterior plots, but the " + \ "inference has not yet successfully executed.") print("Execute the run() method and try again.")
plt.plot(x, y0, "-g", label='Initial guess') plt.plot(x, y1, "-r", label='MCMC best fit') plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("quad(x)") # The module mcplots provides helpful plotting functions: # Plot trace plot: parname = ["constant", "linear", "quadratic"] mp.trace(allp, title="Fitting-parameter Trace Plots", parname=parname) # Plot pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allp, title="Pairwise posteriors", parname=parname) # Plot marginal posterior histograms: mp.histogram(allp, title="Marginal posterior histograms", parname=parname) # ::::: Multi-core Markov-chain Monte Carlo ::::::::::::::::::::::::: # A multi-process MCMC will use one CPU for each MCMC-chain # to calculate the model for the set of parameters in that chain. # To use MPI set the mpi argument to True, and run mc3.mcmc as usual: mpi = True allp, bp = mc3.mcmc(data, uncert, func, indparams, params, pmin, pmax, stepsize, numit=numit,
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', grtest=True, burnin=0, thinning=1, plots=False, savefile=None, mpi=False): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters: ----------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with mpi: Boolean If True run under MPI multiprocessing protocol (not available in interactive mode). Returns: -------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes: ------ 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. Examples: --------- >>> # See examples in: Modification History: --------------------- 2008-05-02 Written by: Kevin Stevenson, UCF [email protected] 2008-06-21 kevin Finished updating 2009-11-01 kevin Updated for multi events: 2010-06-09 kevin Updated for ipspline, nnint & bilinint 2011-07-06 kevin Updated for Gelman-Rubin statistic 2011-07-22 kevin Added principal component analysis 2011-10-11 kevin Added priors 2012-09-03 patricio Added Differential Evolution MC. Documented. [email protected], UCF 2013-01-31 patricio Modified for general purposes. 2013-02-21 patricio Added support distribution for DEMC. 2014-03-31 patricio Modified to be completely agnostic of the fitting function, updated documentation. 2014-04-17 patricio Revamped use of 'func': no longer requires a wrapper. Alternatively, can take a string list with the function, module, and path names. 2014-04-19 patricio Added savefile, thinning, plots, and mpi arguments. 2014-05-04 patricio Added Summary print out. """ # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func' % (func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.exit( message="'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.") ndata = len(data) if np.ndim(params) == 1: nparams = len(params) # Number of model params else: nparams = np.shape(params)[0] # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior or priorup or priorlow) is None: iprior = np.array([]) # Empty array else: iprior = np.where(priorup > 0)[0] nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainlen = int(np.ceil(numit / nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report intsteps = chainlen / 10 numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainlen)) # Parameter's record if mpi: # Send sizes info to other processes: array1 = np.asarray([nparams, ndata, chainlen], mu.comm_gather(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2 * nfree) gamma2 = 0.01 # Jump scale factor of support distribution # Make params 2D shaped (nchains, nparams): if np.ndim(params) == 1: params = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(params), nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains - 1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s]) - 1] # Calculate chi-squared for model type using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Gather (send) parameters to hub: mu.comm_gather(comm, params.flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Scatter (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains * ndata, np.double) mu.comm_scatter(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [params[c]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chi square for each chain: currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) for c in np.arange(nchains): currchisq[c] = np.sum(((models[c] - data) / uncert)**2.0) # Apply prior, if exists: if len(iprior) > 0: pdiff = params[c] - prior # prior difference psigma = np.zeros(nparams) # prior standard deviation # Determine psigma based on which side of the prior is the param: psigma[np.where(pdiff > 0)] = priorup[np.where(pdiff > 0)] psigma[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] = priorlow[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] currchisq[c] += np.sum((pdiff / psigma)[iprior]**2.0) # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(currchisq) bestp = params[np.argmin(currchisq)] # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains - 1, (nchains, chainlen)) r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains - 1, (nchains, chainlen)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c] == c)] = nchains - 1 r2[c][np.where(r2[c] == c)] = nchains - 1 # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainlen, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Start loop: for i in np.arange(chainlen): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": jump = (gamma * (params[r1[:, i]] - params[r2[:, i]])[:, ifree] + gamma2 * support[i]) # Propose next point: nextp[:, ifree] = params[:, ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:, ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s]) - 1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_gather(comm, nextp.flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_scatter(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [nextp[c]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chisq: for c in np.arange(nchains): nextchisq[c] = np.sum(((models[c] - data) / uncert)**2.0) # Apply prior: if len(iprior) > 0: pdiff = nextp[c] - prior # prior difference psigma = np.zeros(nparams) # prior standard deviation # Determine psigma based on which side of the prior is nextp: psigma[np.where(pdiff > 0)] = priorup[np.where(pdiff > 0)] psigma[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] = priorlow[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] nextchisq[c] += np.sum((pdiff / psigma)[iprior]**2.0) # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values: accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params[accepted] = nextp[accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(currchisq) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(currchisq)]) bestchisq = np.amin(currchisq) # Store current iteration values: allparams[:, :, i] = params[:, ifree] # Print intermediate info: if ((i + 1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i + 1.0) / chainlen) print("Out-of-bound Trials: ") print(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)) print("Best Parameters:\n%s (chisq=%.4f)" % (str(bestp), bestchisq)) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and i > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, ifree, burnin:i + 1:thinning]) print("Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n" + str(psrf)) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): print( "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.") # Stack together the chains: allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:])) # Print out Summary: print("\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n" "------------------") # Evaluate model for best fitting parameters: fargs = [bestp] + indparams bestmodel = func(*fargs) nsample = (chainlen - burnin) * nchains BIC = bestchisq + nfree * np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq / (ndata - nfree - 1) sdr = np.std(bestmodel - data) fmtlen = len(str(nsample)) print(" Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}".format(burnin, fmtlen)) print(" Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}".format(chainlen, fmtlen)) print(" MCMC sample size: {:{}d}".format(nsample, fmtlen)) print(" Acceptance rate: %.2f%%\n" % (np.sum(numaccept) * 100.0 / nsample)) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation print(" Best-fit params Uncertainties Signal/Noise Sample Mean") for i in np.arange(nfree): print(" {: 15.7e} {: 15.7e} {:12.6g} {: 15.7e}".format( bestp[i], uncertp[i], np.abs(bestp[i]) / uncertp[i], meanp[i])) fmtlen = len("%.4f" % BIC) print("\n Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}".format( bestchisq, fmtlen)) print(" Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}".format(BIC, fmtlen)) print(" Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}".format(redchisq, fmtlen)) print(" Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}\n".format(sdr)) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/") + 1:] else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/") + 1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname + "_trace.pdf") # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname + "_pairwise.pdf") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname + "_posterior.pdf") if savefile is not None: outfile = open(savefile, 'w'), allstack) outfile.close() return allstack, bestp
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', wlike=False, leastsq=True, chisqscale=False, grtest=True, grexit=False, burnin=0, thinning=1, plots=False, savefile=None, savemodel=None, comm=None, resume=False, log=None, rms=False): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters ---------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. wlike: Boolean If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base. This requires three additional parameters (See Note 3). leastsq: Boolean Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run. chisqscale: Boolean Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. grexit: Boolean Exit the MCMC loop if the MCMC satisfies GR two consecutive times. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with savemodel: String If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function (with comm: MPI Communicator A communicator object to transfer data through MPI. resume: Boolean If True resume a previous run. log: FILE pointer File object to write log into. Returns ------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes ----- 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. 3.- FINDME WAVELET LIKELIHOOD Examples -------- >>> # See examples: Previous (uncredited) developers -------------------------------- Kevin Stevenson UCF [email protected] """ mu.msg(1, "{:s}\n Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n" " Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n" " Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n" " MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license " "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n". format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV, mu.sep), log) # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if func[0] != 'hack': if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.", log) if np.ndim(params) == 1: # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain) params = np.atleast_2d(params) nparams = len(params[0]) # Number of model params ndata = len(data) # Number of data values # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0]) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None): prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams) # Zero arrays iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0] ilog = np.where(priorlow < 0)[0] # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries: if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin): mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are smaller " "than their lower boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmin)), log) if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax): mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are greater " "than their higher boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmax)), log) nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainsize = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters): if wlike: mpars = nparams - 3 else: mpars = nparams if chainsize < burnin: mu.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than " "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).". format(burnin, chainsize), log) # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report: intsteps = chainsize / 10 # Allocate arrays with variables: numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainsize)) # Parameter's record if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainsize)) # Fit model if resume: oldparams = np.load(savefile) nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams)) if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel)) # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1] else: nold = 0 # Set MPI flag: mpi = comm is not None if mpi: from mpi4py import MPI # Send sizes info to other processes: array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize], mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree) gamma2 = 0.001 # Jump scale factor of support distribution # Least-squares minimization: if leastsq: fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup) fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs) fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree]) mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n". format(str(fitbestp)), log) # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams): if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Scatter (send) parameters to func: mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Gather (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [params[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chi-squared for each chain: currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) c2 = np.zeros(nchains) # No-Jeffrey's chisq for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1: if chisqscale: chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree)) uncert *= chifactor # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties: for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) if leastsq: fitchisq = currchisq[0] # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(c2) bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) if savemodel is not None: allmodel[:,:,0] = models # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize)) r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1 r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1 # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Gelman-Rubin exit flag: grflag = False # :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # Start loop: mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log) for i in np.arange(chainsize): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": jump = (gamma * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] + gamma2 * support[i] ) # Propose next point: nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]) outflag = np.any(outpars, axis=1) outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chisq: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Reject out-of-bound jumps: nextchisq[np.where(outflag)] = np.inf # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values: accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params [accepted] = nextp [accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) bestchisq = np.amin(c2) # Store current iteration values: allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree] if savemodel is not None: models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1] allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models # Print intermediate info: if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainsize, log) mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {:s}". format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log) mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}". format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning]) mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}". format(psrf), log) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log) # End the MCMC if all parameters satisfy GR two consecutive times: if grexit and grflag: # Let the workers know that the MCMC is stopping: if mpi: endflag = np.tile(np.inf, nchains*mpars) mu.comm_scatter(comm, endflag, MPI.DOUBLE) break grflag = True else: grflag = False # Save current results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold]) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold]) # Stack together the chains: chainlen = nold + i+1 allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:chainlen] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:chainlen])) # And the models: if savemodel is not None: modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:chainlen] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:chainlen])) # Print out Summary: mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log) nsample = (i+1-burnin)*nchains ntotal = np.size(allstack[0]) BIC = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree) sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data) fmtlen = len(str(ntotal)) mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(burnin, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(i+1, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(nsample, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate: {:.2f}%\n ". format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params Uncertainties Signal/Noise Sample " "Mean", log, 1) for i in np.arange(nfree): mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e} {: 15.7e} {:12.2f} {: 15.7e}". format(bestp[ifree][i], uncertp[i], np.abs(bestp[ifree][i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i]), log, 1) if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08): np.set_printoptions(precision=8) mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n" " MCMC best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n {:s}\n" " Minimizer best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n" " {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq, str(fitbestp)), log) fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC) # Length of string formatting mu.msg(1, " ", log) if chisqscale: mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}". format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}". format(BIC, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(redchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 1) if rms: rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention. else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png", sep=np.size(allstack[0])/nchains) # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png") # RMS vs bin size: if rms: mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1, savefile=fname+"_RMS.png") if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata: mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel, savefile=fname+"_model.png") # Save definitive results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,:chainlen]) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel [:,:,:chainlen]) return allstack, bestp
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', wlike=False, leastsq=True, chisqscale=False, grtest=True, burnin=0, thinning=1, plots=False, savefile=None, savemodel=None, comm=None, resume=False, log=None, rms=False): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters: ----------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. wlike: Boolean If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base. This requires three additional parameters (See Note 3). leastsq: Boolean Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run. chisqscale: Boolean Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with savemodel: String If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function (with comm: MPI Communicator A communicator object to transfer data through MPI. resume: Boolean If True resume a previous run. log: FILE pointer File object to write log into. Returns: -------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes: ------ 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. 3.- FINDME WAVELET LIKELIHOOD Examples: --------- >>> # See examples: Developers: ----------- Kevin Stevenson UCF [email protected] Patricio Cubillos UCF [email protected] Modification History: --------------------- 2008-05-02 kevin Initial implementation 2008-06-21 kevin Finished updating 2009-11-01 kevin Updated for multi events: 2010-06-09 kevin Updated for ipspline, nnint & bilinint 2011-07-06 kevin Updated for Gelman-Rubin statistic 2011-07-22 kevin Added principal component analysis 2011-10-11 kevin Added priors 2012-09-03 patricio Added Differential Evolution MC. Documented. 2013-01-31 patricio Modified for general purposes. 2013-02-21 patricio Added support distribution for DEMC. 2014-03-31 patricio Modified to be completely agnostic of the fitting function, updated documentation. 2014-04-17 patricio Revamped use of 'func': no longer requires a wrapper. Alternatively, can take a string list with the function, module, and path names. 2014-04-19 patricio Added savefile, thinning, plots, and mpi arguments. 2014-05-04 patricio Added Summary print out. 2014-05-09 patricio Added Wavelet-likelihood calculation. 2014-05-09 patricio Changed figure types from pdf to png, because it's much faster. 2014-05-26 patricio Changed mpi bool argument by comm. Re-engineered MPI communications to make direct calls to func. 2014-06-09 patricio Fixed glitch with leastsq+informative priors. 2014-10-17 patricio Added savemodel argument. 2014-10-23 patricio Added support for func hack. 2015-02-04 patricio Added resume argument. 2015-05-15 patricio Added log argument. """ # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if func[0] != 'hack': if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.", log) if np.ndim(params) == 1: # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain) params = np.atleast_2d(params) nparams = len(params[0]) # Number of model params ndata = len(data) # Number of data values # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0]) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None): prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams) # Zero arrays iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0] ilog = np.where(priorlow < 0)[0] nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainlen = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters): if wlike: mpars = nparams - 3 else: mpars = nparams # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report: intsteps = chainlen / 10 # Allocate arrays with variables: numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainlen)) # Parameter's record if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainlen)) # Fit model if resume: oldparams = np.load(savefile) nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams)) if savemodel is not None: allmodel = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel)) # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1] else: nold = 0 # Set MPI flag: mpi = comm is not None if mpi: from mpi4py import MPI # Send sizes info to other processes: array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainlen], mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree) gamma2 = 0.001 # Jump scale factor of support distribution # Least-squares minimization: if leastsq: fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup) fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs) fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree]) mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n". format(str(fitbestp)), log) # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams): if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains: params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Scatter (send) parameters to func: mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Gather (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [params[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chi-squared for each chain: currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) c2 = np.zeros(nchains) # No-Jeffrey's chisq for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1: if chisqscale: chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree)) uncert *= chifactor # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties: for c in np.arange(nchains): if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) if leastsq: fitchisq = currchisq[0] # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(c2) bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) if savemodel is not None: allmodel[:,:,0] = models # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen)) r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1 r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1 # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainlen, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Start loop: mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log) for i in np.arange(chainlen): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": jump = (gamma * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] + gamma2 * support[i] ) # Propose next point: nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]) outflag = np.any(outpars, axis=1) outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chisq: for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]: if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually) nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) else: nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert, (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior]) # Reject out-of-bound jumps: nextchisq[np.where(outflag)] = np.inf # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values: accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params [accepted] = nextp [accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)]) bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)]) bestchisq = np.amin(c2) # Store current iteration values: allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree] if savemodel is not None: models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1] allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models # Print intermediate info: if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainlen, log) mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {:s}". format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log) mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}". format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning]) mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}". format(psrf), log) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log) # Save current results: if savefile is not None:, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold]) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold]) # Stack together the chains: allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:])) # And the models: if savemodel is not None: modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:])) # Print out Summary: mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log) nsample = (chainlen-burnin)*nchains # This sample ntotal = (nold+chainlen-burnin)*nchains BIC = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree) sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data) fmtlen = len(str(ntotal)) mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(burnin, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}". format(chainlen, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(nsample, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size: {:{}d}". format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate: {:.2f}%\n ". format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params Uncertainties Signal/Noise Sample " "Mean", log, 1) for i in np.arange(nfree): mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e} {: 15.7e} {:12.2f} {: 15.7e}". format(bestp[ifree][i], uncertp[i], np.abs(bestp[ifree][i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i]), log, 1) if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08): np.set_printoptions(precision=8) mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n" " MCMC best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n {:s}\n" " Minimizer best-fitting parameters: (chisq={:.8g})\n" " {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq, str(fitbestp)), log) fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC) # Length of string formatting mu.msg(1, " ", log) if chisqscale: mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}". format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}". format(BIC, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}". format(redchisq, fmtl), log, 1) mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 1) if rms: rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention. else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png", sep=np.size(allstack[0])/nchains) # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png") # RMS vs bin size: if rms: mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1, savefile=fname+"_RMS.png") if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata: mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel, savefile=fname+"_model.png") # Save definitive results: if savefile is not None:, allparams) if savemodel is not None:, allmodel) return allstack, bestp
plt.plot(x, y0, "-g", label='Initial guess') plt.plot(x, y1, "-r", label='MCMC best fit') plt.legend(loc="best") plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("quad(x)") # The module mcplots provides helpful plotting functions: # Plot trace plot: parname = ["constant", "linear", "quadratic"] mp.trace(allp, title="Fitting-parameter Trace Plots", parname=parname) # Plot pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allp, title="Pairwise posteriors", parname=parname) # Plot marginal posterior histograms: mp.histogram(allp, title="Marginal posterior histograms", parname=parname) # ::::: Multi-core Markov-chain Monte Carlo ::::::::::::::::::::::::: # A multi-process MCMC will use one CPU for each MCMC-chain # to calculate the model for the set of parameters in that chain. # To use MPI set the mpi argument to True, and run mc3.mcmc as usual: mpi=True allp, bp = mc3.mcmc(data, uncert, func, indparams, params, pmin, pmax, stepsize, numit=numit, nchains=nchains, walk=walk, grtest=grtest, burnin=burnin, plots=plots, savefile=savefile, mpi=mpi) # ::::::: Arguments as files :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # As said in the help description, the data, uncert, indparams, params,
def mcmc(data, uncert=None, func=None, indparams=[], params=None, pmin=None, pmax=None, stepsize=None, prior=None, priorlow=None, priorup=None, numit=10, nchains=10, walk='demc', grtest=True, burnin=0, thinning=1, plots=False, savefile=None, mpi=False): """ This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm. Parameters: ----------- data: 1D ndarray Dependent data fitted by func. uncert: 1D ndarray Uncertainty of data. func: callable or string-iterable The callable function that models data as: model = func(params, *indparams) Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings: (funcname, modulename, path) that specify the function name, function module, and module path. If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted. indparams: tuple Additional arguments required by func. params: 1D or 2D ndarray Set of initial fitting parameters for func. If 2D, of shape (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain. pmin: 1D ndarray Lower boundaries of the posteriors. pmax: 1D ndarray Upper boundaries of the posteriors. stepsize: 1D ndarray Proposal jump scale. If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed. Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1). prior: 1D ndarray Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2). priorlow: 1D ndarray Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). priorup: 1D ndarray Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2). numit: Scalar Total number of iterations. nchains: Scalar Number of simultaneous chains to run. walk: String Random walk algorithm: - 'mrw': Metropolis random walk. - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain. grtest: Boolean Run Gelman & Rubin test. burnin: Scalar Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning of the chains. thinning: Integer Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used in the GR test and plots. plots: Boolean If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior histograms. savefile: String If not None, filename to store allparams (with mpi: Boolean If True run under MPI multiprocessing protocol (not available in interactive mode). Returns: -------- allparams: 2D ndarray An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC posterior distribution of the fitting parameters. bestp: 1D ndarray Array of the best fitting parameters. Notes: ------ 1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1. 2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g., param[i] = p0 +up/-low, with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties. This information can be considered in the MCMC run by setting: prior[i] = p0 priorup[i] = up priorlow[i] = low All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore, priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior. Examples: --------- >>> # See examples in: Modification History: --------------------- 2008-05-02 Written by: Kevin Stevenson, UCF [email protected] 2008-06-21 kevin Finished updating 2009-11-01 kevin Updated for multi events: 2010-06-09 kevin Updated for ipspline, nnint & bilinint 2011-07-06 kevin Updated for Gelman-Rubin statistic 2011-07-22 kevin Added principal component analysis 2011-10-11 kevin Added priors 2012-09-03 patricio Added Differential Evolution MC. Documented. [email protected], UCF 2013-01-31 patricio Modified for general purposes. 2013-02-21 patricio Added support distribution for DEMC. 2014-03-31 patricio Modified to be completely agnostic of the fitting function, updated documentation. 2014-04-17 patricio Revamped use of 'func': no longer requires a wrapper. Alternatively, can take a string list with the function, module, and path names. 2014-04-19 patricio Added savefile, thinning, plots, and mpi arguments. 2014-05-04 patricio Added Summary print out. """ # Import the model function: if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]: if len(func) == 3: sys.path.append(func[2]) exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0])) elif not callable(func): mu.exit(message="'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, " "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, " "and path names.") ndata = len(data) if np.ndim(params) == 1: nparams = len(params) # Number of model params else: nparams = np.shape(params)[0] # Set default uncertainties: if uncert is None: uncert = np.ones(ndata) # Set default boundaries: if pmin is None: pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf if pmax is None: pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf # Set default stepsize: if stepsize is None: stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params) # Set prior parameter indices: if (prior or priorup or priorlow) is None: iprior = np.array([]) # Empty array else: iprior = np.where(priorup > 0)[0] nfree = np.sum(stepsize > 0) # Number of free parameters chainlen = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0] # Free parameter indices ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0] # Shared parameter indices # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report intsteps = chainlen / 10 numaccept = np.zeros(nchains) # Number of accepted proposal jumps outbounds = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), # Out of bounds proposals allparams = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainlen)) # Parameter's record if mpi: # Send sizes info to other processes: array1 = np.asarray([nparams, ndata, chainlen], mu.comm_gather(comm, array1, MPI.INT) # DEMC parameters: gamma = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree) gamma2 = 0.01 # Jump scale factor of support distribution # Make params 2D shaped (nchains, nparams): if np.ndim(params) == 1: params = np.repeat(np.atleast_2d(params), nchains, 0) # Start chains with an initial jump: for p in ifree: # For each free param, use a normal distribution: params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1) # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries: params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Calculate chi-squared for model type using current params: models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata)) if mpi: # Gather (send) parameters to hub: mu.comm_gather(comm, params.flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) # Scatter (receive) evaluated models: mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double) mu.comm_scatter(comm, mpimodels) # Store them in models variable: models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [params[c]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chi square for each chain: currchisq = np.zeros(nchains) for c in np.arange(nchains): currchisq[c] = np.sum( ((models[c]-data)/uncert)**2.0 ) # Apply prior, if exists: if len(iprior) > 0: pdiff = params[c] - prior # prior difference psigma = np.zeros(nparams) # prior standard deviation # Determine psigma based on which side of the prior is the param: psigma[np.where(pdiff > 0)] = priorup [np.where(pdiff > 0)] psigma[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] = priorlow[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] currchisq[c] += np.sum((pdiff/psigma)[iprior]**2.0) # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters: bestchisq = np.amin(currchisq) bestp = params[np.argmin(currchisq)] # Set up the random walks: if walk == "mrw": # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW: mstep = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) elif walk == "demc": # Support random distribution: support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree)) # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c: r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen)) r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen)) for c in np.arange(nchains): r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1 r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1 # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule: unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainlen, nchains)) # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain): nextp = np.copy(params) # Proposed parameters nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains) # Chi square of nextp # Start loop: for i in np.arange(chainlen): # Proposal jump: if walk == "mrw": jump = mstep[i] elif walk == "demc": jump = (gamma * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] + gamma2 * support[i] ) # Propose next point: nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump # Check it's within boundaries: outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree] for p in ifree: nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p] nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p] # Update shared parameters: for s in ishare: nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1] # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters: if mpi: mu.comm_gather(comm, nextp.flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE) mu.comm_scatter(comm, mpimodels) models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata)) else: for c in np.arange(nchains): fargs = [nextp[c]] + indparams # List of function's arguments models[c] = func(*fargs) # Calculate chisq: for c in np.arange(nchains): nextchisq[c] = np.sum(((models[c]-data)/uncert)**2.0) # Apply prior: if len(iprior) > 0: pdiff = nextp[c] - prior # prior difference psigma = np.zeros(nparams) # prior standard deviation # Determine psigma based on which side of the prior is nextp: psigma[np.where(pdiff > 0)] = priorup [np.where(pdiff > 0)] psigma[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] = priorlow[np.where(pdiff <= 0)] nextchisq[c] += np.sum((pdiff/psigma)[iprior]**2.0) # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values: accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) accepted = accept >= unif[i] if i >= burnin: numaccept += accepted # Update params and chi square: params [accepted] = nextp [accepted] currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted] # Check lowest chi-square: if np.amin(currchisq) < bestchisq: bestp = np.copy(params[np.argmin(currchisq)]) bestchisq = np.amin(currchisq) # Store current iteration values: allparams[:,:,i] = params[:, ifree] # Print intermediate info: if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0): mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainlen) print("Out-of-bound Trials: ") print(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)) print("Best Parameters:\n%s (chisq=%.4f)"%(str(bestp), bestchisq)) # Gelman-Rubin statistic: if grtest and i > burnin: psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, ifree, burnin:i+1:thinning]) print("Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n" + str(psrf)) if np.all(psrf < 1.01): print("All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.") # Stack together the chains: allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, nchains): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:])) # Print out Summary: print("\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n" "------------------") # Evaluate model for best fitting parameters: fargs = [bestp] + indparams bestmodel = func(*fargs) nsample = (chainlen-burnin)*nchains BIC = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata) redchisq = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree-1) sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data) fmtlen = len(str(nsample)) print(" Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}".format(burnin, fmtlen)) print(" Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}".format(chainlen, fmtlen)) print(" MCMC sample size: {:{}d}".format(nsample, fmtlen)) print(" Acceptance rate: %.2f%%\n"%(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample)) meanp = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean uncertp = np.std(allstack, axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation print(" Best-fit params Uncertainties Signal/Noise Sample Mean") for i in np.arange(nfree): print(" {: 15.7e} {: 15.7e} {:12.6g} {: 15.7e}".format( bestp[i], uncertp[i], np.abs(bestp[i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i])) fmtlen = len("%.4f"%BIC) print("\n Best-parameter's chi-squared: {:{}.4f}".format(bestchisq, fmtlen)) print( " Bayesian Information Criterion: {:{}.4f}".format(BIC, fmtlen)) print( " Reduced chi-squared: {:{}.4f}".format(redchisq, fmtlen)) print( " Standard deviation of residuals: {:.6g}\n".format(sdr)) if plots: print("Plotting figures ...") # Extract filename from savefile: if savefile is not None: if savefile.rfind(".") == -1: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] else: fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")] else: fname = "MCMC" # Trace plot: mp.trace(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.pdf") # Pairwise posteriors: mp.pairwise(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.pdf") # Histograms: mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.pdf") if savefile is not None: outfile = open(savefile, 'w'), allstack) outfile.close() return allstack, bestp
def mc3plots(output, burnin, thinning, nchains, uniform, molfit, out_spec, parnames, stepsize, date_dir, fnames): """ Reformats the MC3 output file so that the log(abundance) factor is with respect to molar fraction, rather than the initial values (as MC3 does). Calls trace(), pairwise(), and histogram() using these values. Parameters ---------- output : string. Path to MC3 output.npy file. burnin : int. Number of burn-in iterations. thinning: int. Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used for plotting. uniform : array-like. If not None, set uniform abundances with the specified values for each species. nchains : int. Number of parallel chains in MCMC. molfit : list, strings. Molecules to be fit by the MCMC. out_spec: list, strings. Molecules included in atmospheric file. parnames: list, strings. Parameter names. stepsize: array, floats. Initial stepsizes of MCMC parameters. date_dir: string. Path to directory where plots are to be saved. fnames : list, strings. File names for the trace, pairwise, and histogram plots, in that order. """ # Load and stack results, excluding burn-in allparams = np.load(date_dir + output) allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:] for c in np.arange(1, allparams.shape[0]): allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:])) # Subtract initial abundances if uniform, so that plots are log(abundance) if uniform is not None: molind = [] for imol in range(len(molfit)): for j in range(len(out_spec.split())): if molfit[imol]+'_' in out_spec.split()[j] and \ stepsize[-len(molfit):][imol] > 0: molind.append(j) allstack[-len(molfit):, :] += \ np.log10(uniform[molind]).reshape(len(molind),1) # Slice only params that are varied (remove static params) ipar = stepsize != 0 # Note 'parnames' is a list, so cannot index using an array/list parnames = [parnames[i] for i in range(len(parnames)) if ipar[i]] # Trace plot: trace(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning, savefile=date_dir + fnames[0], sep=np.size(allstack[0]) / nchains) # Pairwise posteriors: pairwise(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning, savefile=date_dir + fnames[1]) # Histograms: histogram(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning, savefile=date_dir + fnames[2])
def HOMER(cfile): """ Main driver for the software. Inputs ------ cfile : path/to/configuration file. Examples -------- See config.cfg in the top-level directory. Run it from a terminal like user@machine:~/dir/to/HOMER$ ./ config.cfg """ # Load configuration file config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) config.read_file(open(cfile, 'r')) # Run everything specified in config file for section in config: if section != "DEFAULT": conf = config[section] ### Unpack the variables ### # Top-level params alg = conf["alg"] onlyplot = conf.getboolean("onlyplot") compost = conf.getboolean("compost") normalize = conf.getboolean("normalize") scale = conf.getboolean("scale") plot_PT = conf.getboolean("plot_PT") if "fext" in conf.keys(): fext = conf["fext"] else: fext = ".png" quantiles = conf.getboolean("quantiles") try: title = conf.getboolean("title") except: title = False if "ndec" in conf.keys(): ndec = [int(val) for val in conf["ndec"].split()] else: ndec = None # Directories inputdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(conf["inputdir"]), '') outputdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(conf["outputdir"]), '') # Create the output directory if it does not exist U.make_dir(outputdir) # Data & model info if conf["data"][-4:] == '.npy': if os.path.isabs(conf["data"]): data = np.load(conf["data"]) else: data = np.load(inputdir + conf["data"]) else: data = np.array([float(num) \ for num in conf["data"].split()]) if conf["uncert"][-4:] == '.npy': if os.path.isabs(conf["uncert"]): uncert = np.load(conf["uncert"]) else: uncert = np.load(inputdir + conf["uncert"]) else: uncert = np.array([float(num) \ for num in conf["uncert"].split()]) if "filters" not in conf.keys(): filters = None filtconv = 1 elif conf["filters"] == 'None': filters = None filtconv = 1 else: filters = conf["filters"].split() filtconv = float(conf["filtconv"]) if conf["starspec"] != 'None': if not os.path.isabs(conf["starspec"]): starspec = inputdir + conf["starspec"] else: starspec = conf["starspec"] else: starspec = None if conf["starspec"] != 'None': if not os.path.isabs(conf["starspec"]): starspec = np.load(inputdir + conf["starspec"]) else: starspec = np.load(conf["starspec"]) else: starspec = None if conf["factor"] != 'None': if conf["factor"][-4:] == '.npy': if os.path.isabs(conf["factor"]): factor = np.load(conf["factor"]) else: factor = np.load(inputdir + conf["factor"]) else: try: factor = float(conf["factor"]) except: factor = 1. else: factor = None if conf["PTargs"] == 'None' or conf["PTargs"] == '': PTargs = [] else: if conf["PTargs"][-4:] == '.txt': if os.path.isabs(conf["PTargs"]): PTargs = np.loadtxt(conf["PTargs"]) else: PTargs = np.loadtxt(inputdir + conf["PTargs"]) elif conf["PTargs"][-4:] == '.npy': if os.path.isabs(conf["PTargs"]): PTargs = np.load(conf["PTargs"]) else: PTargs = np.load(inputdir + conf["PTargs"]) else: PTargs = [float(num) for num in conf["PTargs"].split()] if not os.path.isabs(conf["weight_file"]): weight_file = inputdir + conf["weight_file"] else: weight_file = conf["weight_file"] inD = conf.getint("inD") outD = conf.getint("outD") if conf["ilog"] in ["True", "true", "T", "False", "false", "F"]: ilog = conf.getboolean("ilog") elif conf["ilog"] in ["None", "none", ""]: ilog = False elif conf["ilog"].isdigit(): ilog = int(conf["ilog"]) elif any(pun in conf["ilog"] for pun in [",", " ", "\n"]): if "," in conf["ilog"]: ilog = [int(num) for num in conf["ilog"].split(',')] else: ilog = [int(num) for num in conf["ilog"].split()] if any(num >= inD for num in ilog): raise ValueError("One or more ilog indices exceed the " + \ "specified number of inputs.") else: raise ValueError("ilog specification not understood.") if conf["olog"] in ["True", "true", "T", "False", "false", "F"]: olog = conf.getboolean("olog") elif conf["olog"] in ["None", "none", ""]: olog = False elif conf["olog"].isdigit(): olog = int(conf["olog"]) elif any(pun in conf["olog"] for pun in [",", " ", "\n"]): if "," in conf["olog"]: olog = [int(num) for num in conf["olog"].split(',')] else: olog = [int(num) for num in conf["olog"].split()] if any(num >= outD for num in olog): raise ValueError("One or more olog indices exceed the " + \ "specified number of outputs.") else: raise ValueError("olog specification not understood.") if os.path.isabs(conf["xvals"]): xvals = np.load(conf["xvals"]) else: xvals = np.load(inputdir + conf["xvals"]) if "wn" in conf.keys(): wn = conf.getboolean("wn") else: wn = True if "wnfact" in conf.keys(): wnfact = float(conf["wnfact"]) else: wnfact = 1. xlabel = conf["xlabel"] ylabel = conf["ylabel"] fmean = conf["fmean"] fstdev = conf["fstdev"] fmin = conf["fmin"] fmax = conf["fmax"] if plot_PT: fpress = conf["fpress"] # Plotting parameters if conf['pnames'] == '': pnames = None else: pnames = conf['pnames'].split() if 'postshift' not in conf.keys(): postshift = None elif conf['postshift'] in [ '', 'None', 'none', 'False', 'false', 'F' ]: postshift = None elif 'norm' in conf['postshift']: postshift = conf['postshift'] else: try: postshift = np.array( [float(val) for val in conf['postshift'].split()]) except: raise ValueError("Invalid specification for postshift.") if "savefile" in conf.keys(): savefile = conf['savefile'] if savefile != '': savefile = savefile + '_' else: savefile = '' # MCMC params if conf['flog'] != '' and conf['flog'] != 'None': if os.path.isabs(conf['flog']): flog = conf['flog'] else: flog = outputdir + conf['flog'] else: flog = None f = conf["func"].split() if len(f) == 3: sys.path.append(f[2]) elif len(f) > 3: raise ValueError("The 'func' parameter can have 3 elements " \ + "at most. Given "+str(len(f))+" elements:\n" \ + str(f)) func = importlib.import_module(f[1]).__getattribute__(f[0]) pinit = np.array([float(val) for val in conf["pinit"].split()]) pmin = np.array([float(val) for val in conf["pmin"].split()]) pmax = np.array([float(val) for val in conf["pmax"].split()]) pstep = np.array([float(val) for val in conf["pstep"].split()]) niter = int(conf.getfloat("niter")) if "burnin" in conf.keys(): burnin = conf.getint("burnin") else: burnin = 0 if "nchains" in conf.keys(): nchains = conf.getint("nchains") else: nchains = 1 if "thinning" not in conf.keys(): thinning = 1 elif conf["thinning"] in ["", "None", "none", "False", "false"]: thinning = 1 else: thinning = conf.getint("thinning") if thinning < 1: print("Nonphysical thinning value provided (<1). " + \ "Setting to 1.") thinning = 1 try: perc = np.array([float(val) for val in conf["perc"].split()]) except: perc = np.array([0.6827, 0.9545, 0.9973]) # Get the true parameters, if given if "truepars" not in conf.keys(): truepars = None elif conf["truepars"] in ["", "None", "none", "False", "false"]: truepars = None else: if '.npy' in conf["truepars"]: truepars = np.load(conf["truepars"]) else: truepars = np.array( [float(val) for val in conf["truepars"].split()]) if len(truepars) != inD: raise ValueError("Number of true parameter values " + \ "given does not match the number of " + \ "inputs.") if ilog: truepars[ilog] = np.log10(truepars[ilog]) truepars = truepars[pstep > 0] # Check sizes if np.any( np.array([len(pinit), len(pstep), len(pmin), len(pmax)]) != inD): print("One or more MCMC parameters (inital, min, max, step) ") print("do not match the dimensionality of the input for " + \ "the model.") print("Fix this and try again.") print('Input dimensionality:', inD) print('Lengths:') print(' pinit:', len(pinit)) print(' pstep:', len(pstep)) print(' pmin :', len(pmin)) print(' pmax :', len(pmax)) sys.exit() # Get stats about data for normalization/scaling if normalize: try: mean = np.load(inputdir + fmean) stdev = np.load(inputdir + fstdev) x_mean = mean[:inD] x_std = stdev[:inD] y_mean = mean[inD:] y_std = stdev[inD:] except: print("HOMER requires the mean and standard deviation ") print("of the training set used to train the ML model.") print("These should be 1D arrays of the inputs followed " + \ "by the outputs.") print("Update the path(s) and try again.") sys.exit() else: x_mean = 0. x_std = 1. y_mean = 0. y_std = 1. if scale: try: datmin = np.load(inputdir + fmin) datmax = np.load(inputdir + fmax) x_min = datmin[:inD] x_max = datmax[:inD] y_min = datmin[inD:] y_max = datmax[inD:] scalelims = [ int(num) for num in conf["scalelims"].split(',') ] # Check that the MCMC min/max are within the data set range if np.any(x_min > pmin): print("One or more minimum values for MCMC params " + \ "are less than the corresponding") print("training data minimum.") print("Fix this and try again.") print("Indices:", np.where(x_min > pmin)[0]) sys.exit() if np.any(x_max < pmax): print("One or more maximum values for MCMC params " + \ "are more than the corresponding") print("training data maximum.") print("Fix this and try again.") print("Indices:", np.where(x_max < pmax)[0]) sys.exit() if normalize: x_min = U.normalize(x_min, x_mean, x_std) x_max = U.normalize(x_max, x_mean, x_std) y_min = U.normalize(y_min, y_mean, y_std) y_max = U.normalize(y_max, y_mean, y_std) except: print("Error loading the training set min/max arrays.") print("In the config file, scaling was indicated.") print("Update the path(s) or change `scale` to False " + \ "and try again.") sys.exit() else: x_min = 0. x_max = 1. y_min = 0. y_max = 1. scalelims = [0., 1.] if filters is not None: # Load filters filttran = [] ifilt = np.zeros((len(filters), 2), dtype=int) meanwn = [] if wn: xwn = xvals else: xwn = wnfact / (filtconv * xvals) for i in range(len(filters)): datfilt = np.loadtxt(filters[i]) if wn: finterp = si.interp1d(datfilt[:, 0], datfilt[:, 1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) else: # Convert filter x-values, then convert to inverse space finterp = si.interp1d(wnfact / (filtconv * datfilt[:, 0]), datfilt[:, 1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) # Interpolate and normalize tranfilt = finterp(xwn) tranfilt = tranfilt / np.trapz(tranfilt, xwn) meanwn.append(np.sum(xwn * tranfilt) / sum(tranfilt)) # Find non-zero indices for faster integration nonzero = np.where(tranfilt != 0) ifilt[i, 0] = max(nonzero[0][0] - 1, 0) ifilt[i, 1] = min(nonzero[0][-1] + 2, len(xwn) - 1) filttran.append( tranfilt[ifilt[i, 0]:ifilt[i, 1]]) # Store filter meanwave = np.asarray(meanwn) if not wn: meanwave = 10000. / meanwave else: ifilt = None filttran = None meanwave = None xwn = xvals ### Check if datasketches is available ### if ds and quantiles: # FINDME Hard-coded 1000 for accuracy. Change to config option? kll = ds.vector_of_kll_floats_sketches(1000, outD) else: kll = None # Save file names fsavefile = outputdir + savefile + 'output.npy' fsavemodel = outputdir + savefile + 'output_model.npy' fsavesks = outputdir + 'sketches.pickle' fposterior = outputdir + 'output_posterior.npy' fbestp = outputdir + 'output_bestp.npy' # Instantiate model print('\nBuilding model...\n') nn = NN.NNModel(weight_file) # Pack the parameters if alg in ['snooker', 'demc']: model = functools.partial(func, nn=nn, ilog=ilog, olog=olog, x_mean=x_mean, x_std=x_std, y_mean=y_mean, y_std=y_std, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, scalelims=scalelims, xvals=xwn, filters=filttran, ifilt=ifilt, starspec=starspec, factor=factor) count = np.array([0]) # to determine when to update sketches indparams = [ nn, x_mean, x_std, y_mean, y_std, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, scalelims, xwn, starspec, factor, filttran, ifilt, ilog, olog, kll, count, burnin ] params = { "data": data, "uncert": uncert, "func": func, "indparams": indparams, "pnames": pnames, "pinit": pinit, "pmin": pmin, "pmax": pmax, "pstep": pstep, "niter": niter, "burnin": burnin, "thinning": thinning, "nchains": nchains, "hsize": 4 * nchains, "savefile": savefile, "outputdir": outputdir, "fsavefile": fsavefile, "fsavemodel": fsavemodel, "flog": flog } elif alg in ['multinest', 'ultranest']: burnin = 0 nchains = 1 # Set static variables for `func` model = functools.partial(func, nn=nn, inD=inD, pstep=pstep, pinit=pinit, ilog=ilog, olog=olog, x_mean=x_mean, x_std=x_std, y_mean=y_mean, y_std=y_std, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, scalelims=scalelims, xvals=xwn, filters=filttran, ifilt=ifilt, starspec=starspec, factor=factor) pr = importlib.import_module(f[1]).__getattribute__('prior') ll = importlib.import_module( f[1]).__getattribute__('loglikelihood') prior = functools.partial(pr, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, pstep=pstep) loglike = functools.partial(ll, data=data, uncert=uncert, nn=nn, inD=inD, pstep=pstep, pinit=pinit, ilog=ilog, olog=olog, x_mean=x_mean, x_std=x_std, y_mean=y_mean, y_std=y_std, x_min=x_min, x_max=x_max, y_min=y_min, y_max=y_max, scalelims=scalelims, xvals=xwn, filters=filttran, ifilt=ifilt) prior.__name__ = 'prior' loglike.__name__ = 'loglike' params = { "prior": prior, "loglike": loglike, "pnames": pnames, "pstep": pstep, "outputdir": outputdir, "kll": kll, "model": model } if not onlyplot: # Call LISA outp, bestp =, params) # Save out the arrays, outp), bestp) # Serialize and save the sketches, in case needing to replot if kll is not None: sers = kll.serialize() pickle.dump(sers, open(fsavesks, 'wb')) else: print('Remaking plots...') if kll is not None: try: desers = pickle.load(open(fsavesks, 'rb')) for i in range(len(desers)): kll.deserialize(desers[i], i) except: print( "No sketch file found. Will not plot quantiles.") outp = np.load(fposterior) bestp = np.load(fbestp) bestfit = model(bestp) # Plot best-fit model print("\nPlotting best-fit model...\n") BF.plot_bestfit(outputdir, xvals, data, uncert, meanwave, ifilt, bestfit, xlabel, ylabel, kll=kll, bestpars=bestp, truepars=truepars, title=title, ndec=ndec, fext=fext) # Shift posterior params, if needed (e.g., for units) if postshift is not None: if type(postshift) == str: if 'norm' in postshift: # Get indices to normalize ibeg = int(postshift.split('_')[-1].split('-')[0]) iend = int(postshift.split('_')[-1].split('-')[1]) + 1 # Adjust if there are static params istatic = np.arange(len(pnames))[pstep == 0] for val in istatic: if val < ibeg: ibeg -= 1 if val < iend: iend -= 1 # Adjust posterior outp[ibeg:iend] = np.log10(10**outp[ibeg:iend] / \ np.sum(10**outp[ibeg:iend], axis=0)) else: raise Exception("Unknown postshift specification.") else: outp += np.expand_dims(postshift, -1) # Make plots of posterior print('Making plots of the posterior...\n') pnames = np.asarray(pnames) mcp.trace(outp, parname=pnames[pstep > 0], thinning=thinning, sep=np.size(outp[0] // nchains), savefile=outputdir + savefile + "LISA_trace" + fext, truepars=truepars) mcp.histogram(outp, parname=pnames[pstep > 0], thinning=thinning, savefile=outputdir + savefile + "LISA_posterior" + fext, truepars=truepars, credreg=True, ptitle=title) mcp.pairwise(outp, parname=pnames[pstep > 0], thinning=thinning, savefile=outputdir + savefile + "LISA_pairwise" + fext, truepars=truepars, credreg=True, ptitle=title, ndec=ndec) # PT profiles if plot_PT: print("Plotting PT profiles...\n") pressure = np.loadtxt(inputdir + fpress, skiprows=1)[:, 1] presspost = np.zeros((nPT, outp.shape[-1])) ifixd = np.arange(nPT)[(pstep <= 0)[:nPT]] istep = np.arange(nPT)[(pstep > 0)[:nPT]] #"none" expands axis, ensures it works if no params are fixed presspost[ifixd] = pinit[ifixd, None] presspost[istep] = outp[istep] P.pt_post(presspost, pressure, PTargs, savefile=outputdir + savefile + "LISA_PT" + fext) # Format parameter names, and find maximum length parname = [] pnlen = 0 for i in range(len(pnames)): if pstep[i] <= 0: continue parname.append(pnames[i].replace('$', '').replace('\\', '').\ replace('_', '').replace('^' , '').\ replace('{', '').replace('}' , '')) pnlen = max(pnlen, len(parname[-1])) # Compare the posterior to another result if compost: print('Making comparison plots of posteriors...\n') compfile = conf["compfile"] compname = conf["compname"] if "compburn" not in conf.keys(): compburn = 0 else: compburn = conf.getint("compburn") if not os.path.isabs(conf["compsave"]): compsave = outputdir + conf["compsave"] else: compsave = conf["compsave"] if "compshift" not in conf.keys(): compshift = None elif conf["compshift"] in [ '', 'None', 'none', 'False', 'false' ]: compshift = None else: compshift = np.array( [float(val) for val in conf["compshift"].split()]) # Load posterior and stack chains cpost = np.load(compfile) cstack = cpost[0, :, compburn:] for c in np.arange(1, cpost.shape[0]): cstack = np.hstack((cstack, cpost[c, :, compburn:])) if compshift is not None: cstack += np.expand_dims(compshift, -1) # Make comparison plot C.comp_histogram(outp, cstack, 'HOMER', compname, np.asarray(pnames)[pstep > 0], savefile=compsave + "_hist" + fext) print('Bhattacharyya coefficients:') bhatchar = np.zeros(sum(pstep > 0)) for n in range(sum(pstep > 0)): rng = min(outp[n].min(), cstack[n].min()), \ max(outp[n].max(), cstack[n].max()) hist1 = np.histogram( outp[n], density=False, bins=60, range=rng)[0] / outp[n].shape[0] hist2 = np.histogram( cstack[n], density=False, bins=60, range=rng)[0] / cstack[n].shape[0] bhatchar[n] = np.sum(np.sqrt(hist1 * hist2)) print(' '+parname[n].ljust(pnlen, ' ') + ': ' + \ str(bhatchar[n])) n += 1 print(' ' + 'Mean'.ljust(pnlen, ' ') + ':', np.mean(bhatchar)) + 'bhatchar.npy', bhatchar) if plot_PT: if 'cinit' not in conf.keys() and \ np.amin(np.arange(len(pinit))[pstep<=0]) < nPT: print("To plot a comparison of T(p) posteriors with " +\ "fixed values, `cinit` must be\n" +\ "specified in the configuration file.") elif len(istep) == nPT: # No fixed T(p) parameters C.comp_PT(pressure, presspost, cstack[:nPT], 'HOMER', compname, PTargs, savefile=compsave + "_PT" + fext) else: cinit = np.array( [float(val) for val in conf["cinit"].split()]) cprespost = np.zeros((nPT, cstack.shape[-1])) cprespost[ifixd] = cinit[ifixd] cprespost[istep] = cstack[istep] C.comp_PT(pressure, presspost, cprespost, 'HOMER', compname, PTargs, savefile=compsave + "_PT" + fext) C.comp_pairwise(outp, cstack, 'HOMER', compname, np.asarray(pnames)[pstep > 0], savefile=compsave + "_pair" + fext) return