Esempio n. 1
def read_img(path, img_size=None, no_process=False, only_resize=False):
    Read image and process 
    proc_img = m_preprocess.get_transform()
    if no_process:
        img =
        width, height = img.size
        if img_size is not None:
            img ='RGB')
            img = img.resize(img_size, PIL.Image.BICUBIC)
            img ='RGB')
        width, height = img.size
        if not only_resize:
            img = proc_img(img)

    raw_sz = (width, height)
    return img, raw_sz
Esempio n. 2
def _read_img(p_data, indx, img_size = None, no_process= False, only_resize = False):
    Read image and process 
    proc_img = m_preprocess.get_transform()
    if no_process:
        img = p_data.get_cam2(indx)
        width, height = img.size
        if img_size is not None:
            img = p_data.get_cam2(indx)
            img = img.resize( img_size, PIL.Image.BICUBIC )
            img = p_data.get_cam2(indx)

        width, height = img.size
        if not only_resize:
            img = proc_img(img)

    raw_sz = (width, height)
    return img,  raw_sz
Esempio n. 3
    def __getitem__(self, indx):
        {'img': img.unsqueeze_(0), 'img_gray': img_gray.unsqueeze_(0), 'scene_path': scene_path, 'img_path': img_path }

        img_path = self.img_seq_paths[indx]
        proc_normalize = m_preprocess.get_transform()
        proc_totensor = m_preprocess.to_tensor()
        img = read_img(img_path , no_process = True)[0]
        img = img.resize(self.img_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST) 
        img_gray = self.to_gray(img) 

        if self.if_preprocess:
            img = proc_normalize(img)
            proc_totensor = tfv_transform.ToTensor()
            img = proc_totensor(img) 

        # image path #
        scene_path = os.path.split(img_path)[0]
        return { 'img': img.unsqueeze_(0), 'img_gray': img_gray.unsqueeze_(0), 'scene_path': scene_path, 'img_path': img_path, }
Esempio n. 4
    def __getitem__(self, indx):
        img, dmap, extM, scene_path , as entries in a dic.

        dmap_path = self.dmap_seq_paths[indx] 
        proc_normalize = m_preprocess.get_transform()
        proc_totensor = m_preprocess.to_tensor()

        # read rgb image #
        img = _read_img(self.p_data, indx, no_process = True)[0]
        img = img.resize(self.img_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST) 
        if self.resize_dmap is not None:
            img_dw = img.resize(
                    [int(self.img_size[0]* self.resize_dmap), int(self.img_size[1]* self.resize_dmap)],
            img_dw = None
        img_gray = self.to_gray(img) 

        # read GT depth map (if available) #
        dmap_raw = _read_dimg(dmap_path, no_process = True)[0]
        if dmap_raw is not -1:
            dmap_mask_imgsize = np.array(dmap_raw, dtype=int).astype(np.float32) < 0.01
            dmap_mask_imgsize = PIL.Image.fromarray(
                    dmap_mask_imgsize.astype(np.uint8) * 255).resize([self.img_size[0], 
                        self.img_size[1]], PIL.Image.NEAREST )
            if self.resize_dmap is not None:
                dmap_imgsize = dmap_raw.resize([self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1]], PIL.Image.NEAREST)
                dmap_imgsize = proc_totensor(dmap_imgsize)[0, :, :].float() / 256.
                dmap_rawsize = proc_totensor(dmap_raw)[0,:,:].float()  / 256.
                # resize the depth map #
                dmap_size = [ int(float(self.img_size[0]) * self.resize_dmap), 
                        int(float(self.img_size[1]) * self.resize_dmap)] 

                dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw.resize(dmap_size, PIL.Image.BILINEAR) 
                dmap_raw = dmap_raw.resize(dmap_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST)
                dmap_mask = dmap_mask_imgsize.resize(dmap_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST)
            dmap_raw = proc_totensor(dmap_raw)[0,:,:] # single-channel for depth map
            dmap_raw = dmap_raw.float() / 256. # scale to meter
            dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = proc_totensor(dmap_raw_bilinear_dw)[0,:,:]
            dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw_bilinear_dw.float() / 256.
            if self.resize_dmap is None:
                dmap_rawsize = dmap_raw
            dmap_mask = 1 - (proc_totensor(dmap_mask) > 0 )
            dmap_mask_imgsize = 1-( proc_totensor( dmap_mask_imgsize ) >0)
            dmap_raw = dmap_raw * dmap_mask.squeeze().type_as(dmap_raw)
            dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw_bilinear_dw * dmap_mask.squeeze().type_as(dmap_raw)
            dmap_imgsize = dmap_imgsize * dmap_mask_imgsize.squeeze().type_as(dmap_imgsize)
            if self.digitize:
                # digitize the depth map #
                dmap = mloader_misc.dMap_to_indxMap( dmap_raw, self.d_candi )
                dmap[dmap >= self.label_max] = self.label_max
                dmap[dmap <= self.label_min] = self.label_min
                dmap = torch.from_numpy(dmap)

                dmap_imgsize_digit = mloader_misc.dMap_to_indxMap(dmap_imgsize, self.d_candi)
                dmap_imgsize_digit[dmap_imgsize_digit >= self.label_max] = self.label_max
                dmap_imgsize_digit[dmap_imgsize_digit<= self.label_min] = self.label_min
                dmap_imgsize_digit = torch.from_numpy(dmap_imgsize_digit) 

                dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = mloader_misc.dMap_to_indxMap(dmap_imgsize, self.dup4_candi)
                dmap_up4_imgsize_digit[dmap_up4_imgsize_digit >= self.dup4_label_max] = self.dup4_label_max
                dmap_up4_imgsize_digit[dmap_up4_imgsize_digit <= self.dup4_label_min] = self.dup4_label_min
                dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = torch.from_numpy(dmap_up4_imgsize_digit) 

                dmap = dmap_raw
                dmap_imgsize_digit = dmap_imgsize
                dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = dmap_imgsize

        if self.if_preprocess:
            img = proc_normalize(img)
            if self.resize_dmap is not None:
                img_dw = proc_normalize(img_dw)
            proc_totensor = tfv_transform.ToTensor()
            img = proc_totensor(img) 
            if self.resize_dmap is not None:
                img_dw = proc_totensor(img_dw)

#        extM = self.poses[indx]
        if self.crop_w is not None:
            side_crop = int( (self.img_size[0] - self.crop_w )/2 ) 
            side_crop_dw = int( side_crop * self.resize_dmap )

            img_size = self.img_size
            img = img[:, :, side_crop: img_size[0]-side_crop]
            img_dw = img_dw[:, :, side_crop_dw: img_dw.shape[-1]-side_crop_dw]

            img_gray = img_gray[:, :, side_crop: img_size[0]-side_crop] 

            if dmap_raw is not -1:
                dmap = dmap[ :, side_crop_dw: (dmap.shape[1] - side_crop_dw) ] 
                dmap_raw = dmap_raw[ :, side_crop_dw: (dmap_raw.shape[1] - side_crop_dw) ]
                dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw_bilinear_dw[ 
                        :, side_crop_dw: (dmap_raw_bilinear_dw.shape[1] - side_crop_dw) ] 
                dmap_rawsize = dmap_rawsize[ :,  side_crop : (dmap_rawsize.shape[1] - side_crop ) ]
                dmap_imgsize = dmap_imgsize[ :,  side_crop : (dmap_imgsize.shape[1] - side_crop ) ]

                dmap_imgsize_digit = dmap_imgsize_digit[ 
                        :,  side_crop : (dmap_imgsize_digit.shape[1] - side_crop ) ] 

                dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = dmap_up4_imgsize_digit[ :,  side_crop : (dmap_up4_imgsize_digit.shape[1] - side_crop ) ] 

                dmap_mask = dmap_mask[:,  :, side_crop_dw: (dmap_mask.shape[-1] - side_crop_dw) ]
                dmap_mask_imgsize = dmap_mask_imgsize[
                        :,  :, side_crop: (dmap_mask_imgsize.shape[-1] - side_crop) ] 

        # read extrinsics #
        # IMU to camera #
        M_imu2cam = self.p_data.calib.T_cam2_imu
        extM = np.matmul( M_imu2cam, np.linalg.inv(self.poses[indx]) ) 
        # image path #
        scene_path = self.p_data.calib_path
        img_path = self.p_data.cam2_files[indx]

        return {'img': img.unsqueeze_(0), 
                'img_dw': img_dw.unsqueeze_(0),
                'dmap': dmap.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1, 
                'dmap_raw':dmap_raw.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1, 
                'dmap_raw_bilinear_dw':dmap_raw_bilinear_dw.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1, 
                'dmap_rawsize': dmap_rawsize.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1,
                'dmap_imgsize': dmap_imgsize.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1,
                'dmap_imgsize_digit': dmap_imgsize_digit.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1,
                'dmap_up4_imgsize_digit': dmap_up4_imgsize_digit.unsqueeze_(0) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1,
                'dmap_mask': dmap_mask.unsqueeze_(0).type_as(dmap) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1, 
                'dmap_mask_imgsize': dmap_mask_imgsize.unsqueeze_(0).type_as(dmap) if dmap_raw is not -1 else -1, 
                'img_gray': img_gray.unsqueeze_(0),
                'extM': extM, 
                'scene_path': scene_path, 
                'img_path': img_path, }
Esempio n. 5
    def __getitem__(self, indx):
        img, dmap, extM, scene_path , as entries in a dic.
        img_path = self.img_seq_paths[indx]
        dmap_path = self.dmap_seq_paths[indx]
        cam_pose_path = self.cam_pose_seq_paths[indx]
        proc_normalize = m_preprocess.get_transform()
        proc_totensor = m_preprocess.to_tensor()
        img = read_img(img_path, no_process=True)[0]
        img = img.resize(self.img_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST)
        img_gray = self.to_gray(img)

        dmap_raw = read_img(dmap_path, no_process=True)[0]
        dmap_mask_imgsize = np.asarray(dmap_raw) < 0.01
        dmap_mask_imgsize = PIL.Image.fromarray(
            dmap_mask_imgsize.astype(np.uint8) * 255).resize(
                [self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1]], PIL.Image.NEAREST)

        if self.resize_dmap is not None:
            dmap_imgsize = dmap_raw.resize(
                [self.img_size[0], self.img_size[1]], PIL.Image.NEAREST)
            dmap_imgsize = proc_totensor(dmap_imgsize)[0, :, :].float() * .001
            dmap_rawsize = proc_totensor(dmap_raw)[0, :, :].float() * .001

            # resize the depth map #
            dmap_size = [
                int(float(self.img_size[0]) * self.resize_dmap),
                int(float(self.img_size[1]) * self.resize_dmap)

            dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw.resize(dmap_size,
            dmap_raw = dmap_raw.resize(dmap_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST)
            dmap_mask = dmap_mask_imgsize.resize(dmap_size, PIL.Image.NEAREST)

        dmap_raw = proc_totensor(dmap_raw)[
            0, :, :]  # single-channel for depth map
        dmap_raw = dmap_raw.float() * .001  # scale to meter

        dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = proc_totensor(dmap_raw_bilinear_dw)[0, :, :]
        dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw_bilinear_dw.float() * .001

        if self.resize_dmap is None:
            dmap_rawsize = dmap_raw

        dmap_mask = 1 - (proc_totensor(dmap_mask) > 0)
        dmap_mask_imgsize = 1 - (proc_totensor(dmap_mask_imgsize) > 0)

        dmap_raw = dmap_raw * dmap_mask.squeeze().type_as(dmap_raw)
        dmap_raw_bilinear_dw = dmap_raw_bilinear_dw * dmap_mask.squeeze(
        dmap_imgsize = dmap_imgsize * dmap_mask_imgsize.squeeze().type_as(

        if self.digitize:
            # digitize the depth map #
            dmap = mloader_misc.dMap_to_indxMap(dmap_raw, self.d_candi)
            dmap[dmap >= self.label_max] = self.label_max
            dmap[dmap <= self.label_min] = self.label_min
            dmap = torch.from_numpy(dmap)

            dmap_imgsize_digit = mloader_misc.dMap_to_indxMap(
                dmap_imgsize, self.d_candi)
                dmap_imgsize_digit >= self.label_max] = self.label_max
                dmap_imgsize_digit <= self.label_min] = self.label_min
            dmap_imgsize_digit = torch.from_numpy(dmap_imgsize_digit)

            dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = mloader_misc.dMap_to_indxMap(
                dmap_imgsize, self.dup4_candi)
            dmap_up4_imgsize_digit[dmap_up4_imgsize_digit >=
                                   self.dup4_label_max] = self.dup4_label_max
            dmap_up4_imgsize_digit[dmap_up4_imgsize_digit <=
                                   self.dup4_label_min] = self.dup4_label_min
            dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = torch.from_numpy(dmap_up4_imgsize_digit)

            dmap = dmap_raw
            dmap_imgsize_digit = dmap_imgsize
            dmap_up4_imgsize_digit = dmap_imgsize

        if self.if_preprocess:
            img = proc_normalize(img)
            proc_totensor = tfv_transform.ToTensor()
            img = proc_totensor(img)

        # extrinsics #
        extM = read_ExtM_from_txt(cam_pose_path)
        # image path #
        scene_path = os.path.split(img_path)[0]

        return {
            'img': img.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap': dmap.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_raw': dmap_raw.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_raw_bilinear_dw': dmap_raw_bilinear_dw.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_rawsize': dmap_rawsize.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_imgsize': dmap_imgsize.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_imgsize_digit': dmap_imgsize_digit.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_up4_imgsize_digit': dmap_up4_imgsize_digit.unsqueeze_(0),
            'img_gray': img_gray.unsqueeze_(0),
            'dmap_mask': dmap_mask.unsqueeze_(0).type_as(dmap),
            'dmap_mask_imgsize': dmap_mask_imgsize.unsqueeze_(0).type_as(dmap),
            'extM': extM,
            'scene_path': scene_path,
            'img_path': img_path,