Esempio n. 1
    def mdf_advance(self, parameter_s=""):
        Advance the current context one timestep (see %mdf_timestep).

        %mdf_advance [nodes...]

        If node is specified the value of node after the time has
        been advanced is returned.

        eg: %mdf_advance
        args = tokenize(parameter_s)

        nodes = []
        if args:
            nodes = map(
                lambda x: eval(x,,
                               ), args)
            for node in nodes:
                assert isinstance(node, MDFNode)

        cur_ctx = _get_current_context()
        root_ctx = cur_ctx.get_parent() or cur_ctx
        root_ctx.set_date(root_ctx.get_date() + self.__timestep)

        if len(nodes) > 0:
            if len(nodes) == 1:
                return cur_ctx[nodes[0]]
            return [cur_ctx[node] for node in nodes]
Esempio n. 2
    def mdf_advance(self, parameter_s=""):
        Advance the current context one timestep (see %mdf_timestep).

        %mdf_advance [nodes...]

        If node is specified the value of node after the time has
        been advanced is returned.

        eg: %mdf_advance
        args = tokenize(parameter_s)

        nodes = []
        if args:
            nodes = map(lambda x: eval(x,,, args)
            for node in nodes:
                assert isinstance(node, MDFNode)

        cur_ctx = _get_current_context()
        root_ctx = cur_ctx.get_parent() or cur_ctx
        root_ctx.set_date(root_ctx.get_date() + self.__timestep)

        if len(nodes) > 0:
            if len(nodes) == 1:
                return cur_ctx[nodes[0]]
            return [cur_ctx[node] for node in nodes]
Esempio n. 3
    def mdf_xl(self, parameter_s=""):
        Export to excel a list of nodes evaluated over a date range, or DataFrames.

        %mdf_xl <start_date> <end_date> [nodes...]

        If no nodes are specified and the viewer is active
        the currently selected nodes are used.
        Alternatively, export one or more DataFrames directly:
        %mdf_xl df1 [, dfN ...]

        args = tokenize(parameter_s)
        args = [_try_eval(x,, for x in args]
        if not args:
            raise AssertionError("Usage: %mdf_xl <start> <end> nodes...")

        dfs = []
        # if there is at least one DataFrame at the beginning, export them directly
        if args and isinstance(args[0], pd.DataFrame):
            dfs.extend((x for x in args if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame)))

            # create one DataFrame of nodes evaluated over a date range
            dfs.append(self.mdf_df(self, parameter_s))


        # return the DataFrame if there is only 1, the complete list otherwise. can be [].
        if len(dfs) == 1:
            return dfs[0]
        return dfs
Esempio n. 4
    def mdf_evalto(self, parameter_s=""):
        Advances the current context to the end date and return a pandas
        dataframe of nodes evaluated on each timestep.

        %mdf_evalto <end_date> [nodes...]

        eg: %mdf_evalto 2020-01-01 <my node 1> <my node 2>
        args = tokenize(parameter_s)

        cur_ctx = _get_current_context()
        root_ctx = cur_ctx.get_parent() or cur_ctx
        end_date, nodes = args[0], args[1:]
        end_date = _parse_datetime(end_date,,
        nodes = map(lambda x: eval(x,,, nodes)

        df_ctx = root_ctx
        if len(nodes) > 0 and isinstance(nodes[-1], (dict, list, tuple)):
            shift_sets = _get_shift_sets(args[-1], nodes.pop())
            assert len(shift_sets) <= 1, "Only one shift set allowed for %mdf_evalto"
            if shift_sets:
                unused, shift_set = shift_sets[0]
                df_ctx = df_ctx.shift(shift_set=shift_set)

        df_builder = DataFrameBuilder(nodes, filter=True)
        date_range = pd.DateRange(cur_ctx.get_date(), end_date, offset=self.__timestep)
        for dt in date_range:
            df_builder(dt, df_ctx)
        return df_builder.get_dataframe(df_ctx)
Esempio n. 5
def _get_shift_sets(arg_name, shifts):
    takes a string passed to a magic function,
        eg "[shift_set_1,shift_set_2,{a:2}"

    and it's evaluated form and returns a list of
    shift sets: (name, shift_dict)
    if not isinstance(shifts, (dict, tuple, list)):
        raise Exception("Couldn't convert %s to a shift set" % arg_name)

    shift_sets = []

    if isinstance(shifts, dict):
        # the shifts parameter can be a single dict
        shift_sets.append((_clean_varname(arg_name), shifts))
        return shift_sets

    # or a collection of dicts

    # try and get the names of the shifts
    shift_names = [None] * len(shifts)
    if arg_name.startswith("[") and arg_name.endswith("]"):
        tokens = tokenize(arg_name.strip("[]"))
        if len(tokens) == len(shift_names):
            shift_names = map(_clean_varname, tokens)

    for shift_name, shift in zip(shift_names, shifts):
        # normally the shifts are a list of dicts
        if isinstance(shift, dict):
            if shift_name is None:
                shift_name = "_%d" % len(shift_sets)
            shift_sets.append((shift_name, shift))

        # but we also allow lists of lists of dicts
        elif isinstance(shift, (list, tuple)):
            for i, x in enumerate(shift):
                inner_shift_name = shift_name
                if inner_shift_name is None:
                    inner_shift_name = "_%d" % len(shift_sets)
                    inner_shift_name = "%s_%d" % (shift_name, i)

                if not isinstance(x, dict):
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "shift %s was expected to be a dict, " "but it's a %s (%s)" % (inner_shift_name, type(x), x)

                shift_sets.append((inner_shift_name, x))

        # anything else we can't deal with
            if shift_name is None:
                shift_name = "_%d" % len(shift_sets)
            raise AssertionError(
                "shift %s was expected to be a dict, but it's a %s (%s)" % (shift_name, type(shift), shift)

    return shift_sets
Esempio n. 6
def _get_shift_sets(arg_name, shifts):
    takes a string passed to a magic function,
        eg "[shift_set_1,shift_set_2,{a:2}"

    and it's evaluated form and returns a list of
    shift sets: (name, shift_dict)
    if not isinstance(shifts, (dict, tuple, list)):
        raise Exception("Couldn't convert %s to a shift set" % arg_name)

    shift_sets = []

    if isinstance(shifts, dict):
        # the shifts parameter can be a single dict
        shift_sets.append((_clean_varname(arg_name), shifts))
        return shift_sets

    # or a collection of dicts

    # try and get the names of the shifts
    shift_names = [None] * len(shifts)
    if arg_name.startswith("[") and arg_name.endswith("]"):
        tokens = tokenize(arg_name.strip("[]"))
        if len(tokens) == len(shift_names):
            shift_names = map(_clean_varname, tokens)

    for shift_name, shift in zip(shift_names, shifts):
        # normally the shifts are a list of dicts
        if isinstance(shift, dict):
            if shift_name is None:
                shift_name = "_%d" % len(shift_sets)
            shift_sets.append((shift_name, shift))

        # but we also allow lists of lists of dicts
        elif isinstance(shift, (list, tuple)):
            for i, x in enumerate(shift):
                inner_shift_name = shift_name
                if inner_shift_name is None:
                    inner_shift_name = "_%d" % len(shift_sets)
                    inner_shift_name = "%s_%d" % (shift_name, i)

                if not isinstance(x, dict):
                    raise AssertionError("shift %s was expected to be a dict, "
                                         "but it's a %s (%s)" %
                                         (inner_shift_name, type(x), x))

                shift_sets.append((inner_shift_name, x))

        # anything else we can't deal with
            if shift_name is None:
                shift_name = "_%d" % len(shift_sets)
            raise AssertionError(
                "shift %s was expected to be a dict, but it's a %s (%s)" %
                (shift_name, type(shift), shift))

    return shift_sets
Esempio n. 7
    def mdf_show(self, parameter_s=""):
        Opens a new mdf viewer and adds nodes to it, or adds the nodes
        to an existing viewer if one is open.

        %mdf_show [nodes...]
        args = tokenize(parameter_s)
        nodes = map(lambda x: eval(x,,, args)
        ctx = _get_current_context(), ctx=ctx)
Esempio n. 8
    def mdf_show(self, parameter_s=""):
        Opens a new mdf viewer and adds nodes to it, or adds the nodes
        to an existing viewer if one is open.

        %mdf_show [nodes...]
        args = tokenize(parameter_s)
        nodes = map(
            lambda x: eval(x,,,
        ctx = _get_current_context(), ctx=ctx)
Esempio n. 9
    def mdf_evalto(self, parameter_s=""):
        Advances the current context to the end date and return a pandas
        dataframe of nodes evaluated on each timestep.

        %mdf_evalto <end_date> [nodes...]

        eg: %mdf_evalto 2020-01-01 <my node 1> <my node 2>
        args = tokenize(parameter_s)

        cur_ctx = _get_current_context()
        root_ctx = cur_ctx.get_parent() or cur_ctx
        end_date, nodes = args[0], args[1:]
        end_date = _parse_datetime(end_date,,
        nodes = map(
            lambda x: eval(x,,,

        df_ctx = root_ctx
        if len(nodes) > 0 and isinstance(nodes[-1], (dict, list, tuple)):
            shift_sets = _get_shift_sets(args[-1], nodes.pop())
            assert len(
                shift_sets) <= 1, "Only one shift set allowed for %mdf_evalto"
            if shift_sets:
                unused, shift_set = shift_sets[0]
                df_ctx = df_ctx.shift(shift_set=shift_set)

        df_builder = DataFrameBuilder(nodes, filter=True)
        date_range = pd.DateRange(cur_ctx.get_date(),
        for dt in date_range:
            df_builder(dt, df_ctx)
        return df_builder.get_dataframe(df_ctx)
Esempio n. 10
    def mdf_xl(self, parameter_s=""):
        Export to excel a list of nodes evaluated over a date range, or DataFrames.

        %mdf_xl <start_date> <end_date> [nodes...]

        If no nodes are specified and the viewer is active
        the currently selected nodes are used.
        Alternatively, export one or more DataFrames directly:
        %mdf_xl df1 [, dfN ...]

        args = tokenize(parameter_s)
        args = [
            for x in args
        if not args:
            raise AssertionError("Usage: %mdf_xl <start> <end> nodes...")

        dfs = []
        # if there is at least one DataFrame at the beginning, export them directly
        if args and isinstance(args[0], pd.DataFrame):
            dfs.extend((x for x in args if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame)))

            # create one DataFrame of nodes evaluated over a date range
            dfs.append(self.mdf_df(self, parameter_s))


        # return the DataFrame if there is only 1, the complete list otherwise. can be [].
        if len(dfs) == 1:
            return dfs[0]
        return dfs
Esempio n. 11
    def _magic_dataframe(self, parameter_s, widepanel=False, single_df=True):
        """Implementation for magic_dataframe and magic_widepanel"""
        # the first two arguments are dates, and after that it's a list of nodes
        # with some optional keyword args, ie %mdf_df <start> <end> node, node, node, shifts=[{x:1}, {x:2}]
        args = arg_names = tokenize(parameter_s)
        args = [
            for x in args
        args = list(zip(arg_names, args))

        start = None
        if len(args) > 0:
            arg_name, arg = args.pop(0)
            start = _parse_datetime(arg_name,,

        end = None
        if len(args) > 0:
            arg_name, arg = args.pop(0)
            end = _parse_datetime(arg_name,,

        # the final argument can be the number of processes to use
        num_processes = 0
        if len(args) > 0:
            arg_name, arg = args[-1]
            if isinstance(arg, basestring) and arg.startswith("||"):
                arg_name, arg = args.pop()
                num_processes = int(arg[2:])

        # the next to last parameter may be a shift set or list of
        # shift sets.
        has_shifts = False
        shift_sets = [{}]  # always have at least one empty shift set
        shift_names = ["_0"]
        arg_name, arg = args[-1] if len(args) > 0 else (None, None)
        if not isinstance(arg, MDFNode):
            arg_name, arg = args.pop()
            named_shift_sets = _get_shift_sets(arg_name, arg)
            if named_shift_sets:
                shift_names, shift_sets = zip(*named_shift_sets)
                has_shifts = True

        # any remaining arguments are the nodes
        nodes = []
        node_var_names = []
        for arg_name, node in args:
            assert isinstance(node, MDFNode), "%s is not a node" % arg_name

        curr_ctx = _get_current_context()
        ctxs = [None] * len(nodes)

        if not nodes:
            # get the selected nodes from the viewer
            if _viewer_imported:
                selected = viewer.get_selected()
                ctxs, nodes = zip(*selected)
                for i, (ctx, node) in enumerate(selected):
                    assert ctx.is_shift_of(curr_ctx), \
                        "selected node '%s' is not in the current context" %

                    # replace any contexts that are simply the current context with None
                    # so that shifting works correctly
                    if ctx is curr_ctx:
                        ctxs[i] = None

        # if there are shifts then all the contexts have to be None otherwise the
        # shifts won't work correctly. This could be relaxed later if it causes problems,
        # but for now this makes the code simpler.
        if has_shifts:
            assert np.array([x is None for x in ctxs]).all(), \
                "Can't apply shifts when contexts are explicitly specified"

        # list df_builders, one per node or group of nodes
        callbacks = []
        df_builders = []
        if widepanel or not single_df:
            # build multiple dataframes
            for node, ctx in zip(nodes, ctxs):
                if ctx is None:
                    df_builder = DataFrameBuilder([node], filter=True)
                    df_builder = DataFrameBuilder([node],
            # build a single dataframe
            if np.array([x is None for x in ctxs]).all():
                df_builder = DataFrameBuilder(nodes, filter=True)
                df_builder = DataFrameBuilder(nodes,

        # add all the dataframe builders to the callbacks

        root_ctx = curr_ctx.get_parent() or curr_ctx
        date_range = pd.DateRange(start, end, offset=self.__timestep)

        # Add a progress bar to the callbacks
        callbacks.append(ProgressBar(date_range[0], date_range[-1]))

        shifted_ctxs = run(date_range,

        if not has_shifts:
            shifted_ctxs = [root_ctx]

        # when returning a list of results because multiple shifts have been specified
        # use a named tuple with the items being the names of the shifts
        tuple_ctr = tuple
        if has_shifts:
            # Currying hell yeah
            tuple_ctr = partial(ShiftedResultsTuple, shift_names)

        if widepanel:
            wps = []
            for shift_name, shift_set, shifted_ctx in zip(
                    shift_names, shift_sets, shifted_ctxs):
                wp_dict = {}
                for node_var_name, df_builder in zip(node_var_names,
                    wp_dict[node_var_name] = df_builder.get_dataframe(
                wp = pd.WidePanel.from_dict(wp_dict)

                if has_shifts:
                    wp = WidePanelWithShiftSet(wp, shift_name, shift_set)

            if len(wps) == 1:
                return wps[0]
            return tuple_ctr(*wps)

        # list a list of lists of dataframes
        # [[dfs for one shift set], [dfs for next shift set], ...]
        df_lists = []
        for shift_name, shift_set, shifted_ctx in zip(shift_names, shift_sets,
            dfs = []
            for df_builder in df_builders:
                df = df_builder.get_dataframe(shifted_ctx)
                if has_shifts:
                    df = DataFrameWithShiftSet(df, shift_name, shift_set)

        if single_df:
            # flatten into a single list (there should be one dataframe per shift)
            dfs = reduce(operator.add, df_lists, [])
            if len(dfs) == 1:
                return dfs[0]
            return tuple_ctr(*dfs)

        if len(df_lists) == 1:
            return df_lists[0]
        return tuple_ctr(*df_lists)
Esempio n. 12
 def test_func_index(self):
     test = "2001-01-01 T nodes[0], get_nodes()[0].delaynode(periods=1)"
     expected = ["2001-01-01", "T", "nodes[0]", "get_nodes()[0].delaynode(periods=1)"]
     actual = tokenize(test)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 13
 def test_simple_parse(self):
     test = "2001-01-01 T node_a node_b"
     expected = ["2001-01-01", "T", "node_a", "node_b"]
     actual = tokenize(test)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_multiproc(self):
     test = "2001-01-01 T nodes[0], nodes[1] [a, b, c] || 2"
     expected = ["2001-01-01", "T", "nodes[0]", "nodes[1]", "[a, b, c]", "|| 2"]
     actual = tokenize(test)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 15
 def test_list(self):
     test = "2001-01-01 T nodes[0], nodes[1] [a, b, c]"
     expected = ["2001-01-01", "T", "nodes[0]", "nodes[1]", "[a, b, c]"]
     actual = tokenize(test)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 16
 def test_dict(self):
     test = "2001-01-01 T nodes[0], nodes[1] {a=foo(), b=hello[0], c=100}"
     expected = ["2001-01-01", "T", "nodes[0]", "nodes[1]", "{a=foo(), b=hello[0], c=100}"]
     actual = tokenize(test)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Esempio n. 17
    def _magic_dataframe(self, parameter_s, widepanel=False, single_df=True):
        """Implementation for magic_dataframe and magic_widepanel"""
        # the first two arguments are dates, and after that it's a list of nodes
        # with some optional keyword args, ie %mdf_df <start> <end> node, node, node, shifts=[{x:1}, {x:2}]
        args = arg_names = tokenize(parameter_s)
        args = [_try_eval(x,, for x in args]
        args = list(zip(arg_names, args))

        start = None
        if len(args) > 0:
            arg_name, arg = args.pop(0)
            start = _parse_datetime(arg_name,,

        end = None
        if len(args) > 0:
            arg_name, arg = args.pop(0)
            end = _parse_datetime(arg_name,,

        # the final argument can be the number of processes to use
        num_processes = 0
        if len(args) > 0:
            arg_name, arg = args[-1]
            if isinstance(arg, basestring) and arg.startswith("||"):
                arg_name, arg = args.pop()
                num_processes = int(arg[2:])

        # the next to last parameter may be a shift set or list of
        # shift sets.
        has_shifts = False
        shift_sets = [{}]  # always have at least one empty shift set
        shift_names = ["_0"]
        arg_name, arg = args[-1] if len(args) > 0 else (None, None)
        if not isinstance(arg, MDFNode):
            arg_name, arg = args.pop()
            named_shift_sets = _get_shift_sets(arg_name, arg)
            if named_shift_sets:
                shift_names, shift_sets = zip(*named_shift_sets)
                has_shifts = True

        # any remaining arguments are the nodes
        nodes = []
        node_var_names = []
        for arg_name, node in args:
            assert isinstance(node, MDFNode), "%s is not a node" % arg_name

        curr_ctx = _get_current_context()
        ctxs = [None] * len(nodes)

        if not nodes:
            # get the selected nodes from the viewer
            if _viewer_imported:
                selected = viewer.get_selected()
                ctxs, nodes = zip(*selected)
                for i, (ctx, node) in enumerate(selected):
                    assert ctx.is_shift_of(curr_ctx), "selected node '%s' is not in the current context" %

                    # replace any contexts that are simply the current context with None
                    # so that shifting works correctly
                    if ctx is curr_ctx:
                        ctxs[i] = None

        # if there are shifts then all the contexts have to be None otherwise the
        # shifts won't work correctly. This could be relaxed later if it causes problems,
        # but for now this makes the code simpler.
        if has_shifts:
            assert np.array(
                [x is None for x in ctxs]
            ).all(), "Can't apply shifts when contexts are explicitly specified"

        # list df_builders, one per node or group of nodes
        callbacks = []
        df_builders = []
        if widepanel or not single_df:
            # build multiple dataframes
            for node, ctx in zip(nodes, ctxs):
                if ctx is None:
                    df_builder = DataFrameBuilder([node], filter=True)
                    df_builder = DataFrameBuilder([node], contexts=[ctx], filter=True)
            # build a single dataframe
            if np.array([x is None for x in ctxs]).all():
                df_builder = DataFrameBuilder(nodes, filter=True)
                df_builder = DataFrameBuilder(nodes, contexts=ctxs, filter=True)

        # add all the dataframe builders to the callbacks

        root_ctx = curr_ctx.get_parent() or curr_ctx
        date_range = pd.DateRange(start, end, offset=self.__timestep)

        # Add a progress bar to the callbacks
        callbacks.append(ProgressBar(date_range[0], date_range[-1]))

        shifted_ctxs = run(date_range, callbacks, ctx=root_ctx, shifts=shift_sets, num_processes=num_processes)

        if not has_shifts:
            shifted_ctxs = [root_ctx]

        # when returning a list of results because multiple shifts have been specified
        # use a named tuple with the items being the names of the shifts
        tuple_ctr = tuple
        if has_shifts:
            # Currying hell yeah
            tuple_ctr = partial(ShiftedResultsTuple, shift_names)

        if widepanel:
            wps = []
            for shift_name, shift_set, shifted_ctx in zip(shift_names, shift_sets, shifted_ctxs):
                wp_dict = {}
                for node_var_name, df_builder in zip(node_var_names, df_builders):
                    wp_dict[node_var_name] = df_builder.get_dataframe(shifted_ctx)
                wp = pd.WidePanel.from_dict(wp_dict)

                if has_shifts:
                    wp = WidePanelWithShiftSet(wp, shift_name, shift_set)

            if len(wps) == 1:
                return wps[0]
            return tuple_ctr(*wps)

        # list a list of lists of dataframes
        # [[dfs for one shift set], [dfs for next shift set], ...]
        df_lists = []
        for shift_name, shift_set, shifted_ctx in zip(shift_names, shift_sets, shifted_ctxs):
            dfs = []
            for df_builder in df_builders:
                df = df_builder.get_dataframe(shifted_ctx)
                if has_shifts:
                    df = DataFrameWithShiftSet(df, shift_name, shift_set)

        if single_df:
            # flatten into a single list (there should be one dataframe per shift)
            dfs = reduce(operator.add, df_lists, [])
            if len(dfs) == 1:
                return dfs[0]
            return tuple_ctr(*dfs)

        if len(df_lists) == 1:
            return df_lists[0]
        return tuple_ctr(*df_lists)
Esempio n. 18
 def test_func(self):
     test = "2001-01-01 T node_a node_b.queuenode(a, size=c)"
     expected = ["2001-01-01", "T", "node_a", "node_b.queuenode(a, size=c)"]
     actual = tokenize(test)
     self.assertEqual(actual, expected)