Esempio n. 1
def update_amt_cred(pid):

	global cs_dbhost, cs_dbname
	global ENV

	sqlstmt = "select envkey,envval from CS_globalvars where pid={0}".format(pid)
	con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
	dat = cur.fetchone()
	while dat != None:
		ENV[dat[0]] = dat[1]
		#mdlib.log("* amtreq: key={0}, val={1}".format(dat[0], dat[1]))
		dat = cur.fetchone()
	mdlib.log("* AMT credential has been updated.")
Esempio n. 2
def update_amt_cred(pid):

	global cs_dbhost, cs_dbname
	global ENV

	sqlstmt = "select envkey,envval from CS_globalvars where pid={0}".format(pid)
	con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
	dat = cur.fetchone()
	while dat != None:
		ENV[dat[0]] = dat[1]
		#mdlib.log("* amtreq: key={0}, val={1}".format(dat[0], dat[1]))
		dat = cur.fetchone()
	mdlib.log("* AMT credential has been updated.")
Esempio n. 3
def main():

	dbhost = mdlib.get_dbhost()
	dbname = "medusa"
	print '* starting mdscript_runner, host=%s dbname=%s' % (dbhost, dbname)

	while True:
		# check if there is a new request
		sqlstmt = "select cmd,medscript from CS_cmdqueue order by timestamp desc"
		con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(dbhost, dbname, sqlstmt)
		dat = cur.fetchone()

		i = 0
		while dat != None:
			#dat[0], dat[1]
			cmd = dat[0]
			taskpath = dat[1]

			if cmd == 'start':
				# fork and run medusa program.
				pid = os.fork()
				if pid == 0:
					# child 
					# parent
					#mdlib.log('* created crowd-sensing task id={0}.'.format(pid))
					print '* created crowd-sensing task id={0}.'.format(pid)

			elif cmd == 'stop':
				# for future use.
				os.system('./ {0}'.format(taskpath));

			dat = cur.fetchone()

		sqlstmt = "delete from CS_cmdqueue"
		mdlib.get_single_mysql_data(dbhost, dbname, sqlstmt)

		# polling interval: 3 seconds.
	#mdlib.log('* exits medusa task runner.')
	print '* exits medusa task runner.'
Esempio n. 4
def main():

    dbhost = mdlib.get_dbhost()
    dbname = "medusa"

    print '* starting mdscript_runner, host=%s dbname=%s' % (dbhost, dbname)

    while True:
        # check if there is a new request
        sqlstmt = "select cmd,medscript from CS_cmdqueue order by timestamp desc"
        con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(dbhost, dbname, sqlstmt)
        dat = cur.fetchone()

        i = 0
        while dat != None:
            #dat[0], dat[1]
            cmd = dat[0]
            taskpath = dat[1]

            if cmd == 'start':
                # fork and run medusa program.
                pid = os.fork()
                if pid == 0:
                    # child
                    # parent
                    #mdlib.log('* created crowd-sensing task id={0}.'.format(pid))
                    print '* created crowd-sensing task id={0}.'.format(pid)

            elif cmd == 'stop':
                # for future use.
                os.system('./ {0}'.format(taskpath))

            dat = cur.fetchone()

        sqlstmt = "delete from CS_cmdqueue"
        mdlib.get_single_mysql_data(dbhost, dbname, sqlstmt)

        # polling interval: 3 seconds.

    #mdlib.log('* exits medusa task runner.')
    print '* exits medusa task runner.'
Esempio n. 5
def get_env_values(keys):
    global cs_dbhost, cs_dbname

    keys = keys.split(",")
    sqlstmt = "select medvalue from CS_env where"
    for i in range(len(keys)):
        if i == 0:
            sqlstmt = "{0} medkey='{1}'".format(sqlstmt, keys[i])
            sqlstmt = "{0} or medkey='{1}'".format(sqlstmt, keys[i])

    rdict = dict()
    con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
    dat = cur.fetchone()
    i = 0
    while dat != None:
        rdict[keys[i]] = dat[0]
        i = i + 1
        dat = cur.fetchone()
    return rdict
Esempio n. 6
def get_env_values(keys):
	global cs_dbhost, cs_dbname

	keys = keys.split(",")
	sqlstmt = "select medvalue from CS_env where"
	for i in range(len(keys)):
		if i == 0:
			sqlstmt = "{0} medkey='{1}'".format(sqlstmt, keys[i])
			sqlstmt = "{0} or medkey='{1}'".format(sqlstmt, keys[i])

	rdict = dict()
	con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
	dat = cur.fetchone()
	i = 0
	while dat != None:
		rdict[keys[i]] = dat[0]
		i = i + 1
		dat = cur.fetchone()
	return rdict
Esempio n. 7
def task_main(taskpath):

    global data_base_url, spc_host, spc_urlloc, hit_host, hit_urlloc
    global wait4res_duration, poll4res_interval
    global failover_interval, failover_retrylimit
    global debug, anonymity, clock, ENV
    global soc2, cs_dbhost, cs_dbname
    global task_tracker_id
    mdlib.log("*       Task-Flow Server       *")
    mdlib.log("* starting task-flow server(TFS).")
    pid = os.getpid()
    print "++++pid+++++++" + str(pid)
    msend(soc2, str(pid) + " " + task_tracker_id)
    # 	Program Start

    # load envvars
    vdict = get_env_values(

    # Server configurations.
    data_base_url = vdict["BASE-URL-DATA"]
    spc_host = vdict["SPC-HOST"]
    spc_urlloc = vdict["SPC-URI"]
    hit_host = vdict["HIT-HOST"]
    hit_urlloc = vdict["HIT-URI"]
    # parameters on failover
    wait4res_duration = float(vdict["WAIT-DURATION-FOR-STAGE"])
    poll4res_interval = float(vdict["CHECK-PERIOD-FOR-STAGE-OUTPUT"])
    failover_interval = float(vdict["FAIL-SLEEP-INTERVAL"])
    failover_retrylimit = float(vdict["FAIL-RETRY-CNT"])

    # declare global data structures.
    cur_stages = []
    cur_stage = None

    # parse input arguments
    #fname = parse_args()
    fname = taskpath
    dict_stages, dict_conns, cur_stage = parse_xml(fname)

    mdlib.log('* parsing completed.')

    mdlib.log('* starting parameter type checking.')
    mdchecker.check(dict_stages, dict_conns, cur_stage, ENV)
    mdlib.log("* [overhead] task interpretation delay: {0}".format(
    #mdlib.log("* [overhead] type-checking delay: {0}".format(clock.stop()))
    mdlib.log('* done for type checking.')

    #pid = os.getpid()
    #send back pid

    mdlib.log('* pid={pidval}'.format(pidval=pid))

    # update program state
    if debug:
        mdlib.update_program_state(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, pid, "startTFS",

    # run program
    params_dict = dict()
    newdevice = ""

    if ENV["G_VAR"] != None:
        g_vars = ENV["G_VAR"].split(",")
        for i in range(len(g_vars)):
            g_kv = g_vars[i].split("=")
            params_dict[g_kv[0]] = g_kv[1]
            mdlib.log("Global input var name {0} is {1}".format(
                g_kv[0], g_kv[1]))

    while len(cur_stages) > 0:

        # initialize
        exec_result = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
        qid = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
        respstr = [[]] * len(cur_stages)

        # generate qid
        for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
            exec_result[i] = False
            qid[i] = random.randint(1000, 9999)
            mdlib.log('* qid[{idx}]={qidval}'.format(idx=i, qidval=qid[i]))

        mid = random.randint(1000, 9999)
        cur_stage = cur_stages[
            0]  # assume that all stages in the same level has the same type.

            "* [overhead] task tracker latency amonst stages: {0}".format(

        # Human Intelligence Task
        if cur_stage.type == "HIT":
            mdlib.log('* invoking HIT [' + + ']')

            # process amt credentials.
            if cur_stage.rid == None:
                rid = ENV["R_RID"]
                rkey = ENV["R_RKEY"]
                rid = ENV[cur_stage.rid]
                rkey = ENV[cur_stage.rkey]

            if cur_stage.wid == None:
                wid = ENV["W_WID"]
                wid = ENV[
                    cur_stage.wid] if cur_stage.wid in ENV else cur_stage.wid

            req_params = [[]] * len(cur_stages)

            # set data-owner
            if len(params_dict) > 0:
                dataowner = ENV["W_WID"]
                dataowner = 'None'

            # set data..
            if cur_stage.config_input in params_dict:
                data = params_dict[cur_stage.config_input]
                data = 'None'

            # make requests (aggregated)
            for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
                params = {
                    'pid': pid,
                    'qid': qid[i],
                    'action': 'regHIT',
                    'qtype': cur_stage.stype,
                    'rid': rid,
                    'rkey': rkey,
                    'wid': wid,
                    'query': cur_stage.config_stmt,
                    'expiration': cur_stage.config_expiration,
                    'reward': cur_stage.config_reward,
                    'numusers': cur_stage.config_numusers,
                    'dataowner': dataowner,
                    'data': data

                req_params[i] = params.copy()

            # wait for the response
            for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
                respstr[i], exec_result[i] = wait_for_hit_response(
                    pid, qid[i], cur_stages[i], req_params[i])

            mdlib.log("* [overhead] HIT task execution time: {0}".format(

        # SPC (Sensing, Processing, Communicaion)
        elif cur_stage.type == "SPC":
            rp_dict = [[]] * len(cur_stages)

            # request route
            for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
                mdlib.log('* SPC Task [' + cur_stages[i].name + ']')
                if i > 0:

                rp_dict[i] = dict()
                emails = None
                cnt = 0

                # if <device> tag is set by email address, anonymity will be gone.
                # commanding emails will be delivered to the phones directly.
                if cur_stages[i].device != None:
                    type, addrs = cur_stages[i].device.split("=")
                    mdlib.log("* <device> tag is set, content={0}".format(
                    if type != "EMAIL":
                            "! <device> config error. it should start with either 'EMAIL=' or 'AMT='"
                        emails = addrs.split('|')
                        if len(emails) > 0:
                            anonymity = False
                            userids = emails

                # make requests to mobile users
                uid = ENV["W_WID"]
                req_params = mst_request_params(pid, qid[i], cur_stages[i],
                                                uid, params_dict)
                if len(cur_stages) > 1:
                        'custom'] = "<multi>{0}|{1}/{2}</multi>{3}".format(
                            mid, i, len(cur_stages), req_params['custom'])
                rp_dict[i] = req_params
                if anonymity == True:
                    # case I) req. to AMT
                    resp = mdlib.httpsend(spc_host, spc_urlloc, req_params,
                    if resp[0] == 200:
                        cnt = cnt + 1
                        mdlib.log("! mst_request_http_error code={0}".format(
                    # case II) req. via direct email
                    req_params['custom'] = "<xml><pid>{0}</pid><qid>{1}</qid><amtid>{2}</amtid>{3}</xml>"	\
                           .format(pid, qid[i], uid, req_params['custom'])
                    #print req_params['custom']
                    mdlib.send_email('Medusa commanding message',
                                     req_params['custom'], uid)

            # wait for job completions
            mdlib.log("* sms cmd msg has been sent to userid={0}".format(uid))
            ID = 0
            info = []
            while ID < len(cur_stages):
                msg = mrecv(soc2)
                print "####recieved msg :   " + msg
                info = msg.split(',')
                if info[0] == 'completeTask':
                    ID = ID + 1
                    print "8888" + str(info[2]) + " " + str(qid)
                    if int(info[2]) in qid:
                        print "8888 in if"
                        respstr[i], exec_result[i] = pullout_db(
                            info[1], info[2])
                        print "***" + str(respstr[i]) + " " + str(
                    if (cur_stage.notification != None):
                        print "batched notifcation ++++ : " + cur_stage.notification
                        sqlstmt = "select path,uid,muid from CS_data where pid = {0} and qid = {1}".format(
                            info[1], info[2])
                        con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(
                            cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
                        path = ''
                        row = cur.fetchone()
                        file_ids = row[1] + '=' if row != None else ''
                        while row != None:
                            path = path + row[0] + ","
                            file_ids += row[2] + '|'
                            row = cur.fetchone()

                        path = path[:-1] if len(path) > 0 else path
                        file_ids = file_ids[:-1] if len(
                            file_ids) > 0 else file_ids
                        if file_ids == '':
                            file_ids = ENV["W_WID"]
                        d = [(file_ids, path)]
                        print d
                        req = urllib2.Request(cur_stage.notification,
                        u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
# from here, notification for MediaScope, 20130326
#				elif info[0] == 'file':
#					d= [(info[3], info[4])]
#					print "got single file:" +str(d)
#					if (cur_stage.notification != None):
#						req = urllib2.Request(cur_stage.notification, urllib.urlencode(d))
#						u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
# end of notification for MediaScope, 20130326
                    print "error, find out reason! " + msg

#			if (cur_stage.notification != None):
#				print "notifcation ++++ : "+cur_stage.notification
#				sqlstmt = "select path,uid,muid from CS_data where pid = {0} and qid = {1}"\
#						.format(info[1], info[2])
#				con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
#				path = ''
#				row = cur.fetchone()
#				file_ids = row[1]+'=' if row != None else ''
#				while row != None:
#					path = path + row[0]+","
#					file_ids += row[2]+'|'
#					row = cur.fetchone()
#				con.close()

#				path = path[:-1] if len(path)>0 else path
#				file_ids = file_ids[:-1] if len(file_ids)>0 else file_ids
#dat = cur.fetchall()
#path = ''
#for row in dat:
#	path = path+row[0]+', '
#path = path[:-2]
#				d= [(file_ids, path)]
#				print d
#				req = urllib2.Request(cur_stage.notification, urllib.urlencode(d))
#				u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
#			for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
#				respstr[i], exec_result[i] = wait_for_mst_response(pid, qid[i], rp_dict[i], cur_stages[i].config_output)

            mdlib.log("* [overhead] SPC task execution time: {0}".format(

            mdlib.log("! unknown stage type: " + cur_stage.type)

        # judge if the operation was successful
        exec_resall = True
        for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
            if exec_result[i] == False:
                exec_resall = False

        # augment passing parameter set.
        # { 'amt_wid' : { 'var_name' : 'uidlist', 'var_name' : 'uidlist', ... }, ... }
        if exec_resall == True:
            params_dict = interpret_result(respstr, cur_stages, params_dict)
            params_dict = dict()


        # decide next stage.
        if in dict_conns:
            cstages = []
            for sg in cur_stages:
                for c in dict_conns[]:
                    if exec_resall == True:
                        st = dict_stages[c.dst_success]
                        st = dict_stages[c.dst_failure]

                    if st not in cstages:
            cur_stages = cstages
            cur_stages = []

    # end of while cur_stage:

    mdlib.log("* shutting down task-flow server..")

    # update program state
    if debug:
        mdlib.update_program_state(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, pid, "exitTFS",
Esempio n. 8
def task_main(taskpath):

	global data_base_url, spc_host, spc_urlloc, hit_host, hit_urlloc
	global wait4res_duration, poll4res_interval
	global failover_interval, failover_retrylimit
	global debug, anonymity, clock, ENV
	global soc2, cs_dbhost, cs_dbname
	global task_tracker_id
	mdlib.log("*       Task-Flow Server       *")
	mdlib.log("* starting task-flow server(TFS).")
	pid = os.getpid()
	print "++++pid+++++++" + str(pid)
	msend(soc2, str(pid) + " " + task_tracker_id)
	# 	Program Start
	# load envvars
	# Server configurations.
	data_base_url = vdict["BASE-URL-DATA"]
	spc_host = vdict["SPC-HOST"]
	spc_urlloc = vdict["SPC-URI"] 
	hit_host = vdict["HIT-HOST"] 
	hit_urlloc = vdict["HIT-URI"] 
	# parameters on failover
	wait4res_duration = float(vdict["WAIT-DURATION-FOR-STAGE"])
	poll4res_interval = float(vdict["CHECK-PERIOD-FOR-STAGE-OUTPUT"])
	failover_interval = float(vdict["FAIL-SLEEP-INTERVAL"])
	failover_retrylimit = float(vdict["FAIL-RETRY-CNT"])
	# declare global data structures.
	cur_stages = []
	cur_stage = None
	# parse input arguments
	#fname = parse_args()
	fname = taskpath
	dict_stages, dict_conns, cur_stage = parse_xml(fname)
	mdlib.log('* parsing completed.')
	mdlib.log('* starting parameter type checking.')
	mdchecker.check(dict_stages, dict_conns, cur_stage, ENV)
	mdlib.log("* [overhead] task interpretation delay: {0}".format(clock.stop()))
	#mdlib.log("* [overhead] type-checking delay: {0}".format(clock.stop()))
	mdlib.log('* done for type checking.')
	#pid = os.getpid()
	#send back pid
	mdlib.log('* pid={pidval}'.format(pidval=pid))
	# update program state
	if debug:
		mdlib.update_program_state(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, pid, "startTFS", ENV["APP_NAME"])
	# run program
	params_dict = dict()
	newdevice = ""

	if ENV["G_VAR"] != None:
		g_vars = ENV["G_VAR"].split(",")
		for i in range(len(g_vars)):
			g_kv = g_vars[i].split("=")
			params_dict[g_kv[0]] = g_kv[1]
			mdlib.log("Global input var name {0} is {1}".format(g_kv[0], g_kv[1]))
	while len(cur_stages) > 0:
		# initialize
		exec_result = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
		qid = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
		respstr = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
		# generate qid
		for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
			exec_result[i] = False
			qid[i] = random.randint(1000, 9999)
			mdlib.log('* qid[{idx}]={qidval}'.format(idx=i, qidval=qid[i]))
		mid = random.randint(1000,9999)
		cur_stage = cur_stages[0]	# assume that all stages in the same level has the same type.
		mdlib.log("* [overhead] task tracker latency amonst stages: {0}".format(clock.stop()))
		# Human Intelligence Task
		if cur_stage.type == "HIT":
			mdlib.log('* invoking HIT ['']')
			# process amt credentials.
			if cur_stage.rid == None:
				rid = ENV["R_RID"]
				rkey = ENV["R_RKEY"]
				rid = ENV[cur_stage.rid]
				rkey = ENV[cur_stage.rkey]
			if cur_stage.wid == None:
				wid = ENV["W_WID"]
				wid = ENV[cur_stage.wid] if cur_stage.wid in ENV else cur_stage.wid
			req_params = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
			# set data-owner
			if len(params_dict) > 0:
				dataowner = ENV["W_WID"]
				dataowner = 'None'
			# set data..
			if cur_stage.config_input in params_dict:
				data = params_dict[cur_stage.config_input]
				data = 'None'
			# make requests (aggregated)
			for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
				params = {'pid' : pid, 'qid' : qid[i], 'action' : 'regHIT', 'qtype' : cur_stage.stype
						, 'rid' : rid, 'rkey' : rkey, 'wid' : wid
						, 'query' : cur_stage.config_stmt, 'expiration' : cur_stage.config_expiration
						, 'reward' : cur_stage.config_reward, 'numusers' : cur_stage.config_numusers
						, 'dataowner' : dataowner, 'data' : data }
				req_params[i] = params.copy()
			# wait for the response
			for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
				respstr[i], exec_result[i] = wait_for_hit_response(pid, qid[i], cur_stages[i], req_params[i])
			mdlib.log("* [overhead] HIT task execution time: {0}".format(clock.stop()))
		# SPC (Sensing, Processing, Communicaion)
		elif cur_stage.type == "SPC":
			rp_dict = [[]] * len(cur_stages)
			# request route
			for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
				mdlib.log('* SPC Task [' + cur_stages[i].name + ']')
				if i > 0: 
				rp_dict[i] = dict()
				emails = None
				cnt = 0
				# if <device> tag is set by email address, anonymity will be gone. 
				# commanding emails will be delivered to the phones directly.
				if cur_stages[i].device != None:
					type, addrs = cur_stages[i].device.split("=")
					mdlib.log("* <device> tag is set, content={0}".format(cur_stages[i].device))
					if type != "EMAIL":
						mdlib.log("! <device> config error. it should start with either 'EMAIL=' or 'AMT='")
						emails = addrs.split('|')
						if len(emails) > 0:
							anonymity = False
							userids = emails
				# make requests to mobile users
				uid = ENV["W_WID"]
				req_params = mst_request_params(pid, qid[i], cur_stages[i], uid, params_dict)
				if len(cur_stages) > 1:
					req_params['custom'] = "<multi>{0}|{1}/{2}</multi>{3}".format(mid, i, len(cur_stages), req_params['custom'])
				rp_dict[i] = req_params
				if anonymity == True:
					# case I) req. to AMT
					resp = mdlib.httpsend(spc_host, spc_urlloc, req_params, clock)
					if resp[0] == 200:
						cnt = cnt+1
						mdlib.log("! mst_request_http_error code={0}".format(resp[0]))
					# case II) req. via direct email
					req_params['custom'] = "<xml><pid>{0}</pid><qid>{1}</qid><amtid>{2}</amtid>{3}</xml>"	\
												.format(pid, qid[i], uid, req_params['custom'])
					#print req_params['custom']
					mdlib.send_email('Medusa commanding message', req_params['custom'], uid)
			# wait for job completions
			mdlib.log("* sms cmd msg has been sent to userid={0}".format(uid))
			ID = 0
			info = []
			while ID < len(cur_stages):
				msg = mrecv(soc2)
				print "####recieved msg :   "+msg
				info = msg.split(',')
				if info[0] == 'completeTask':
					ID = ID + 1
					print "8888"+str(info[2])+" "+str(qid)
					if int(info[2]) in qid:
						print "8888 in if"
						respstr[i], exec_result[i] = pullout_db(info[1],info[2])
						print "***"+str(respstr[i])+" "+str(exec_result[i])
					if (cur_stage.notification != None):
						print "batched notifcation ++++ : "+cur_stage.notification
						sqlstmt = "select path,uid,muid from CS_data where pid = {0} and qid = {1}".format(info[1], info[2])
						con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
						path = ''
						row = cur.fetchone()
						file_ids = row[1]+'=' if row != None else ''
						while row != None:
							path = path + row[0]+","
							file_ids += row[2]+'|'
							row = cur.fetchone()
						path = path[:-1] if len(path)>0 else path
						file_ids = file_ids[:-1] if len(file_ids)>0 else file_ids
						if file_ids == '':
							  file_ids = ENV["W_WID"]
						d= [(file_ids, path)]
						print d
						req = urllib2.Request(cur_stage.notification, urllib.urlencode(d))
						u = urllib2.urlopen(req)						
# from here, notification for MediaScope, 20130326
#				elif info[0] == 'file':
#					d= [(info[3], info[4])]
#					print "got single file:" +str(d)
#					if (cur_stage.notification != None):
#						req = urllib2.Request(cur_stage.notification, urllib.urlencode(d))
#						u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
# end of notification for MediaScope, 20130326
					print "error, find out reason! "+msg

#			if (cur_stage.notification != None):
#				print "notifcation ++++ : "+cur_stage.notification
#				sqlstmt = "select path,uid,muid from CS_data where pid = {0} and qid = {1}"\
#						.format(info[1], info[2])
#				con, cur = mdlib.get_raw_mysql_data(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, sqlstmt)
#				path = ''
#				row = cur.fetchone()
#				file_ids = row[1]+'=' if row != None else ''
#				while row != None:
#					path = path + row[0]+","
#					file_ids += row[2]+'|'
#					row = cur.fetchone()
#				con.close()
#				path = path[:-1] if len(path)>0 else path
#				file_ids = file_ids[:-1] if len(file_ids)>0 else file_ids
				#dat = cur.fetchall()
				#path = ''
				#for row in dat:
				#	path = path+row[0]+', '
				#path = path[:-2]
#				d= [(file_ids, path)]
#				print d
#				req = urllib2.Request(cur_stage.notification, urllib.urlencode(d))
#				u = urllib2.urlopen(req)
#			for i in range(len(cur_stages)):	
#				respstr[i], exec_result[i] = wait_for_mst_response(pid, qid[i], rp_dict[i], cur_stages[i].config_output)
			mdlib.log("* [overhead] SPC task execution time: {0}".format(clock.stop()))
			mdlib.log("! unknown stage type: " + cur_stage.type)
		# judge if the operation was successful
		exec_resall = True
		for i in range(len(cur_stages)):
			if exec_result[i] == False:
				exec_resall = False
		# augment passing parameter set.
		# { 'amt_wid' : { 'var_name' : 'uidlist', 'var_name' : 'uidlist', ... }, ... }
		if exec_resall == True:
			params_dict = interpret_result(respstr, cur_stages, params_dict)
			params_dict = dict();
		# decide next stage.
		if in dict_conns:
			cstages = []
			for sg in cur_stages:
				for c in dict_conns[]:
					if exec_resall == True: 
						st = dict_stages[c.dst_success]
						st = dict_stages[c.dst_failure]
					if st not in cstages:
			cur_stages = cstages
			cur_stages = []
	# end of while cur_stage:
	mdlib.log("* shutting down task-flow server..")
	# update program state
	if debug:
		mdlib.update_program_state(cs_dbhost, cs_dbname, pid, "exitTFS", ENV["APP_NAME"])