Esempio n. 1
def listener():
    rospy.init_node('mobile_robot_animator', anonymous=False)

    robot = m439rbt.robot(wheel_width, body_length, wheel_radius)

    rospy.Subscriber('/robot_pose_simulated', Pose2D, set_robot_pose, robot)

    # Call the animation function. This has a loop in it, so it won't exit.
def listener():
    # =============================================================================
    #     # Launch a node called "mobile_robot_animator"
    # =============================================================================
    rospy.init_node('mobile_robot_animator', anonymous=False)

    # =============================================================================
    #     #Create a mobile robot object from the Imported module "me439_mobile_robot_class"
    # =============================================================================
    robot = m439rbt.robot(wheel_width, body_length, wheel_radius)

    sub_robot_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/robot_pose_simulated', Pose2D,
                                      set_robot_pose, robot)

    # Call the animation function. This has a loop in it, so it won't exit.
def simulate(): 
    global t_previous, f, n
# =============================================================================
#     # Launch a node called "mobile_robot_simulator"
# =============================================================================
    rospy.init_node('mobile_robot_simulator', anonymous=False)
    t_previous = rospy.get_rostime()
# =============================================================================
#     #Create a mobile robot object from the Imported module "me439_mobile_robot_class"
# =============================================================================
    robot = m439rbt.robot(wheel_width, body_length, wheel_radius)
#     # Here start a Subscriber to the "wheel_speeds_desired" topic.
    #   NOTE the Callback to the set_wheel_speeds function of the robot class.
    #   This will update  
    #   NOTE also the extra arguments to that callback: the Motor Encoders (both in a list)
    sub_wheel_speeds = rospy.Subscriber('/wheel_speeds_desired', ME439WheelSpeeds, set_wheel_speed_targets,robot)  
    pub_robot_pose = rospy.Publisher('/robot_pose_simulated', Pose2D, queue_size = 1)
    robot_pose_message = Pose2D()
    pub_robot_wheel_angles = rospy.Publisher('/robot_wheel_angles_simulated', ME439WheelAngles, queue_size = 10)
    robot_wheel_angles_message = ME439WheelAngles()
    pub_robot_wheel_displacements = rospy.Publisher('/robot_wheel_displacements_simulated', ME439WheelDisplacements, queue_size = 10)
    robot_wheel_displacements_message = ME439WheelDisplacements()
    # Rate object to set a simulation rate
    r = rospy.Rate(f)
# =============================================================================
#     # Loop to run the simulation
# =============================================================================
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        # Count to n here to prevent publishing too often
        for ii in range(n): 
            t_current = rospy.get_rostime()
            dt = (t_current - t_previous).to_sec()
            t_previous = t_current          # save the current time as the previous time, for the next use. 
            r.sleep()    # keep this node from exiting
# =============================================================================
#         # when it gets here (every n-th simulation step) we want to actually publish the data
# =============================================================================
#        # Maybe log the current position?
#        robot.append_current_position_to_history()
        # Now publish the pose
        robot_pose_message.x = robot.r_center_world[0]
        robot_pose_message.y = robot.r_center_world[1]
        robot_pose_message.theta = robot.theta
        # And the encoder angles
        robot_wheel_angles_message.ang_left = robot.left_wheel_angle
        robot_wheel_angles_message.ang_right = robot.right_wheel_angle
        # And the wheel displacements
        robot_wheel_displacements_message.d_left = robot.left_wheel_distance_traveled
        robot_wheel_displacements_message.d_right = robot.right_wheel_distance_traveled
Esempio n. 4
# =============================================================================
# # NEW: Determine paths by lines, arcs, pivots and pauses, and create a 
# #  "robot" object to plan it for you. 
# =============================================================================

# Get parameters from rosparam
wheel_width = rospy.get_param('/wheel_width_model') # All you have when planning is a model - you never quite know the truth! 
body_length = rospy.get_param('/body_length')
wheel_diameter = rospy.get_param('/wheel_diameter_model')
wheel_radius = wheel_diameter/2.0

# Create a mobile robot object from the Imported module "me439_mobile_robot_class"
# REMEMBER to call the right file (i.e., use the _HWK if needed)
import me439_mobile_robot_class_v00 as m439rbt
robot = m439rbt.robot(wheel_width, body_length, wheel_radius)

# Specify stage_settings as a collections of lines, arcs, pivots and pauses
# Example: Move Forward and Back, 0.3 meters per second:  
# ** NOTE the signs on the backward driving: backward speed and backward distance! 
stage_settings = np.array( [ robot.plan_pause(1.0), robot.plan_line(0.3, 1.5), robot.plan_line(-0.3, -1.5), robot.plan_pause(2.0)] )
# Example: pause, forward, pause, pivot right 180 deg, pause, return to home, pause, turn, pause. 
# ** NOTE the signs on the Omega and Angle for the "plan_pivot" calls! 
stage_settings = np.array( [ robot.plan_pause(1.0), robot.plan_line(0.1, 0.3), robot.plan_pause(1.0), robot.plan_pivot(-1.0, -np.pi), robot.plan_pause(1.0), robot.plan_line(0.1, 0.3), robot.plan_pause(1.0), robot.plan_pivot(1.0, np.pi), robot.plan_pause(1.0)] )

# Convert it into a numpy array
stage_settings_array = np.array(stage_settings)
# Convert the first column to a series of times (elapsed from the beginning) at which to switch settings. 
stage_settings_array[:,0] = np.cumsum(stage_settings_array[:,0],0)  # cumsum = "cumulative sum". The last Zero indicates that it should be summed along the first dimension (down a column). 

# =============================================================================