Esempio n. 1
    def post(self):
        globalStop = int(self.request.get('globalStop'))
        startKey = int(self.request.get('startKey'))
        stopKey = int(self.request.get('stopKey'))
        startCue = meTools.buildTradeCueKey(startKey)
        stopCue = meTools.buildTradeCueKey(stopKey)

        # get last desire for these start stop Keys
        meSchema.desire.all().filter('CueKey IN', [startCue,stopCue]).filter('__key__ <', Key.from_path('desire','1000000_0000_00')).order('-__key__').get()
Esempio n. 2
def doDesires(step, startKey=None, stopKey=None):
    global cvalDict
    if stopKey is None and startKey is None:
        startKey = 1
        stopKey = int(meSchema.tradeCue.all(keys_only=True).order('-__key__').get().name())
    elif stopKey is None or startKey is None:
        raise(BaseException('Must define both startKey and stopKey, or both must be None!'))
    # Check cachepy clock and sync with memcache if necessary.
    # Construct cvalDict for this step.
    for stckID in [1,2,3,4]:
        deltakey = str(stckID) + "_" + str(step)
        cvalDict[deltakey] = calculateDeltas(stckID, step)
    medesires = []
    count = 0
    for i in range(startKey, stopKey + 1):
        cuekey = meTools.buildTradeCueKey(i)
        desires = doDesire(step, cuekey)
        if len(desires) != 0:
    # Remove from global cvalDict since not sure how that will act with same running process.
    for stckID in [1,2,3,4]:
        del cvalDict[str(stckID) + '_' + str(step)]
Esempio n. 3
def syncProcessCache(step,startKey,stopKey):
    clockKey = 'stepclock_' + str(startKey) + '_' + str(stopKey)
    stepclock = cachepy.get(clockKey, priority=1)
    memkeylist = []
    if stepclock not in [step-1, step]:
        for i in range(startKey,stopKey + 1):
            for stckID in [1,2,3,4]:
                cuekey = meTools.buildTradeCueKey(i)
                recency_key = 'desire_' + cuekey + '_' + str(stckID)
        recentDesires = memcache.get_multi(memkeylist)
        cachepy.set_multi(recentDesires, priority = 1)
        for des in recentDesires:
            cachepy.set(des, recentDesires[des], priority=1)
    cachepy.set(clockKey,step,priority=1)   # Set cachepy clockKey to current step since synced with Memcache.