def __init__( self, num_classes=1, metric_key="mAP", output_type="ssd", iou_threshold=0.5, confidence_threshold=0.5, ): """ Args: num_classes (int): Number of classes. Default is ``1``. metric_key (str): name of a metric. Default is ``"mAP"``. output_type (str): model output type. Valid values are ``"ssd"`` or ``"centernet"`` or ``"yolo-x"``. Default is ``"ssd"``. iou_threshold (float): IoU threshold to use in NMS. Default is ``0.5``. confidence_threshold (float): confidence threshold, proposals with lover values than threshold will be ignored. Default is ``0.5``. """ super().__init__(order=CallbackOrder.Metric) assert output_type in ("ssd", "centernet", "yolo-x") self.num_classes = num_classes self.metric_key = metric_key self.output_type = output_type self.iou_threshold = iou_threshold self.confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold self.metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric( "map_2d", async_mode=False, num_classes=num_classes)
def calculate_AP(ovthresh, recs, detpath, classname, imagenames, cal_type='bbox'): # read dets detfile = detpath.format(classname) with open(detfile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if any(lines) == 1: # exchange dets as key-value dic # 1. pred bbox with gt bbox; 2. bbox from pred four corners with gt bbox preds_dic = {} splitlines = [x.strip().split(' ') for x in lines] for x in splitlines: bbox_used = None if cal_type == 'bbox': bbox_used = x[2:6] elif cal_type == 'bbox_from_fc': bbox_used = change_four_corners_to_bbox(x[6:14]) else: assert False, "wrong AP calculation type" if x[0] in preds_dic.keys(): preds_dic[x[0]] = np.vstack( (preds_dic[x[0]], np.append(np.array([float(z) for z in bbox_used]), [int(0), float(x[1])]))) else: preds_dic[x[0]] = np.append( np.array([float(z) for z in bbox_used]), [int(0), float(x[1])]) preds_dic[x[0]] = np.expand_dims(preds_dic[x[0]], axis=0) # create metric metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric("map_2d", async_mode=True, num_classes=1) # extract gt objects for this class for imagename in imagenames: R = [obj for obj in recs[imagename] if obj['name'] == classname] GT_bbox = np.array([x['bbox'] for x in R]) GT_append = np.zeros((GT_bbox.shape[0], 3), GTs = np.hstack((GT_bbox, GT_append)) if imagename not in preds_dic.keys(): preds = np.array([[]]) else: preds = preds_dic[imagename] metric_fn.add(preds, GTs) # metrics = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=ovthresh) # rec = metrics[ovthresh][0]['recall'] # prec = metrics[ovthresh][0]['precision'] # ap = metrics[ovthresh][0]['ap'] metrics = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=np.arange(0.5, 1.0, 0.05), recall_thresholds=np.arange(0., 1.01, 0.01), mpolicy='soft') map = metrics["mAP"] return metrics, map
def __init__( self, model, data_root, img_size=448, conf_thresh=0.001, nms_thresh=0.5, is_07_subset=False, progressbar=False, eval_style='coco', ): super(VOCEvaluator, self).__init__( model=model, img_size=img_size, conf_thresh=conf_thresh, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, ) self.is_07_subset = is_07_subset self.test_file = "test.txt" if not self.is_07_subset else "val.txt" self.val_data_path = data_root img_inds_file = os.path.join( data_root, "ImageSets", "Main", self.test_file ) with open(img_inds_file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() self.img_inds = [line.strip() for line in lines] self.progressbar = progressbar self.eval_style = eval_style self.predictions = {} self.ground_truth_boxes = {} self.class_names = self._parse_gt_boxes() self.metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric("map_2d", async_mode=True, num_classes=len(self.class_names))
def __init__(self, n_classes): self.iou_thresholds = [0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75] self.AP = 0.0 self.n_pictures = 0.0 self.map_calc = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric( "map_2d", async_mode=True, num_classes=n_classes - 1)
def __call__(self, preds, targs, num_classes): if self.remove_background_class: num_classes = num_classes - 1 metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric( "map_2d", async_mode=True, num_classes=num_classes) for sample_preds, sample_targs in self.create_metric_samples( preds, targs): metric_fn.add(sample_preds, sample_targs) metric_batch = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=self.iou_thresholds, recall_thresholds=np.arange( 0., 1.01, 0.01), mpolicy='soft')['mAP'] return metric_batch
import sys, os import keras import cv2 import numpy as np import traceback import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from src.keras_utils import load_model from glob import glob from os.path import splitext, basename from src.utils import im2single from src.keras_utils import load_model, detect_lp from src.label import Shape, writeShapes from mean_average_precision import MetricBuilder print(MetricBuilder.get_metrics_list()) metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric("map_2d", async_mode=False, num_classes=1) is_exibir_gt = True bbox_color_gt = (0, 0, 255) def adjust_pts(pts, lroi): return pts * lroi.wh().reshape((2, 1)) +, 1)) def point_str_to_tuple(point_str): pontos = point_str.split(',') return int(float(pontos[0])), int(float(pontos[1]))
def voc_eval(detpath, annopath, imagesetfile, classname, cachedir, use_12_metric=True): """rec, prec, ap = voc_eval(detpath, annopath, imagesetfile, classname, [use_12_metric]) Top level function that does the PASCAL VOC evaluation. detpath: Path to detections detpath.format(classname) should produce the detection results file. annopath: Path to annotations annopath.format(imagename) should be the xml annotations file. imagesetfile: Text file containing the list of images, one image per line. classname: Category name (duh) cachedir: Directory for caching the annotations [use_12_metric]: Whether to use VOC12's all points AP computation (default True) """ # assumes detections are in detpath.format(classname) # assumes annotations are in annopath.format(imagename) # assumes imagesetfile is a text file with each line an image name # cachedir caches the annotations in a pickle file # first load gt if not os.path.isdir(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) cachefile = os.path.join(cachedir, 'annots.pkl') # read list of images with open(imagesetfile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() imagenames = [x.strip() for x in lines] if not os.path.isfile(cachefile): # load annots recs = {} for i, imagename in enumerate(imagenames): recs[imagename] = parse_rec(annopath % (imagename)) if i % 100 == 0: print('Reading annotation for {:d}/{:d}'.format( i + 1, len(imagenames))) # save print('Saving cached annotations to {:s}'.format(cachefile)) with open(cachefile, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(recs, f) else: # load with open(cachefile, 'rb') as f: recs = pickle.load(f) # create metric_fn metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric("map_2d", async_mode=True, num_classes=1) # read dets detfile = detpath.format(classname) with open(detfile, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if any(lines) == 1: # exchange dets as key-value dic preds_dic = {} splitlines = [x.strip().split(' ') for x in lines] for x in splitlines: if x[0] in preds_dic.keys(): preds_dic[x[0]] = np.vstack( (preds_dic[x[0]], np.append(np.array([float(z) for z in x[2:]]), [int(0), float(x[1])]))) else: preds_dic[x[0]] = np.append( np.array([float(z) for z in x[2:]]), [int(0), float(x[1])]) preds_dic[x[0]] = np.expand_dims(preds_dic[x[0]], axis=0) # extract gt objects for this class for imagename in imagenames: R = [obj for obj in recs[imagename] if obj['name'] == classname] GT_bbox = np.array([x['bbox'] for x in R]) GT_append = np.zeros((GT_bbox.shape[0], 3), GTs = np.hstack((GT_bbox, GT_append)) if imagename not in preds_dic.keys(): preds = np.array([[]]) else: preds = preds_dic[imagename] metric_fn.add(preds, GTs) metrics = metric_fn.value(iou_thresholds=args.iou_thres) ap = metrics[args.iou_thres][0]['ap'] rec = metrics[args.iou_thres][0]['recall'] prec = metrics[args.iou_thres][0]['precision'] else: rec = -1. prec = -1. ap = -1. return rec, prec, ap
def __init__(self, data, model, input_shape=(416, 416), learningrate=1e-3, epoch=1, classes_path='model_data/seabird_classes.txt', anchors_path='model_data/tiny_yolo_anchors.txt', load_pretrained_model=False, pretrained_weights_path=None, data_path=None, data_root_path=None): self.init_epoch = 0 self.epoch = epoch self._data = data self._model = model self.anchors_path = anchors_path self.classes_path = classes_path self.class_names = self._data.get_classes(self.classes_path) self.num_classes = len(self.class_names) self.anchors = self._data.get_anchors(self.anchors_path) self.input_shape = input_shape self.load_pretrained = load_pretrained_model = learningrate if data_path: self.lines_train, self.lines_val = self._data.read_training_data( data_root_path, data_path) else: self.lines_train, self.lines_val = None, None self.log_dir = 'logs/000/' self.logging = TensorBoard(log_dir=self.log_dir) self.checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint( self.log_dir + 'ep{epoch:03d}-loss{loss:.3f}-val_loss{val_loss:.3f}.h5', monitor='val_loss', save_weights_only=True, save_best_only=True, period=3) self.reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1, patience=3, verbose=1) self.early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, patience=10, verbose=1) self.local_model = self._model.build_model( self.anchors, self.num_classes, load_pretrained=self.load_pretrained, weights_path=pretrained_weights_path ) # model created, self._model.current_model self.metric_fn = MetricBuilder.build_evaluation_metric( "map_2d", async_mode=True, num_classes=self.num_classes) self.model_body = self._model.get_model_body() self.input_image_shape = K.placeholder(shape=(2, )) self.sess = K.get_session() self.boxes, self.scores, self.classes = yolo_eval( self.model_body.output, self.anchors, self.num_classes, self.input_image_shape, score_threshold=0.3, iou_threshold=0.5) self.logger = logging.getLogger('FedBird')