def testConstruct(self): request = self.request self.assertEqual(self.URL, request.getUrl()) self.assertIsNotNone(request.getParams()) params = request.getParams() self.assertEqual('key' in params.keys(), True) self.assertEqual(params['key'], self.KEY) self.assertIsNotNone(request.getTimeout()) self.assertEqual(self.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, request.getTimeout()) extraHeaders = ["Accept: application/json"] request2 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, txt=self.text, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders) self.assertIsNotNone(request2.sendReq()) otherparams = {'key2': 'my_key2'} request3 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, txt=self.text, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders, otherparams=otherparams) self.assertIsNotNone('key2' in request3.getParams().keys(), True) self.assertEqual(request3.getParams()['key2'], 'my_key2') url = '' request4 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, url=url, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders, otherparams=otherparams) self.assertIsNotNone('url' in request4.getParams().keys(), True) self.assertEqual(request4.getParams()['url'], url) file = self.RESOURCES_DIR + 'file.txt' request5 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, doc=file, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders, otherparams=otherparams) self.assertIsNotNone('doc' in request5.getParams().keys(), False) doc = request5._file['doc'].read().decode('utf-8') request5._file['doc'].close() aux_doc = open(self.RESOURCES_DIR + 'file.txt', 'rb') aux_conten ='utf-8') aux_doc.close() self.assertEqual(aux_conten, doc) return request
def runMeaningCloud(text, license_key): try: sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='en', txt=text, txtf='plain').sendReq()) # If there are no errors in the request, we print the output if (sentiment_response.isSuccessful()): #print("\nThe request to 'Sentiment Extraction' finished successfully!\n") sentiments = sentiment_response.getResults() if (sentiments): return sentiments else: print("\nOh no! There was the following error: " + topics_response.getStatusMsg() + "\n") else: if (sentiment_response.getResponse() is None): print("\nOh no! The request sent did not return a Json\n") else: print("\nOh no! There was the following error: " + topics_response.getStatusMsg() + "\n") except ValueError: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("\nException: " + str(e))
def getSentimentAnalysis(text): polarity = '' # We are going to make a request to the Sentiment Analysis API print("\tGetting sentiment analysis...") sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse(meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='en', txt=text, txtf='markup').sendReq()) if sentiment_response.isSuccessful(): polarity = sentiment_response.getGlobalScoreTag() else: print("\tOops! Request to sentiment was not succesful: (" + sentiment_response.getStatusCode() + ') ' + sentiment_response.getStatusMsg()) return polarity
def request_tweet_sans_compte(nombreTweet): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( '74kR1Uv1LGw3qllwqyIrIW2WH', 'GyVxV3O4Wks9akUFxRQAmXh1nVvtTnvvLi1nsMdkLt4EjqxIrO') auth.set_access_token('1257599001433706496-HKChl1uTs0M7aHo2B80dk4Yy9mwyh4', 'VE2qcM0lGIY4ux1HGOaz4y2jfuIVZ0qMCMrSbPJkdadRM') api = tweepy.API(auth) page_list = [] tweets = [] n = 0 if (nombreTweet > 200): for page in tweepy.Cursor(api.home_timeline, count=200, tweet_mode="extended").pages( int(nombreTweet / 200)): page_list.append(page) n = n + 1 print(n) for page in page_list: for tweet in page: tweets.append(tweet) else: tweets = api.home_timeline(count=nombreTweet, tweet_mode="extended") liste_tweets = [] liste_ids = [] for tweet in tweets: liste_tweets.append(tweet.full_text) liste_ids.append( model = 'IAB_en' license_key = 'af76f805c5f86590fee318303f3d3ac3' result = [] i = -1 for tweet in liste_tweets: i = i + 1 if len(tweet.split(' ')) >= 10: sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='en', txt=tweet, txtf='plain').sendReq()) score = sentiment_response.getResponse().get('score_tag') if (str(score) == "P"): result.append([tweets[i], tweet, 1]) if (str(score) == "P+"): result.append([tweets[i], tweet, 2]) return result
def request_tweet(): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler( '74kR1Uv1LGw3qllwqyIrIW2WH', 'GyVxV3O4Wks9akUFxRQAmXh1nVvtTnvvLi1nsMdkLt4EjqxIrO') auth.set_access_token('999402738290233344-GB6h7ahayXolXu6MYTMVlc4VKPAbOPN', 'c0wB3SwFjiTpTWnR6fyudBX9Sel7SxUwxKeJ4FLJpaHcV') api = tweepy.API(auth) tweets = api.home_timeline(tweet_mode="extended", include_rts=False, count=50) liste_tweets = [] liste_id = [] for tweet in tweets: liste_tweets.append(tweet.full_text.split('http')[0]) liste_id.append( model = 'IAB_en' license_key = 'af76f805c5f86590fee318303f3d3ac3' i = 0 liste_sentiment = [] for tweet in liste_tweets: sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='en', txt=tweet, txtf='plain').sendReq()) liste_sentiment.append([ str(tweet), liste_id[i], sentiment_response.getResponse().get('score_tag') ]) i = i + 1 df = pandas.DataFrame(liste_sentiment, columns=["tweet", "id", "polarity"]) for i in range(len(df)): print(df.loc[[i], ["tweet"]].values) print(df.loc[[i], ["id"]].values) print(df.loc[[i], ["polarity"]]) id_list = [] for i in range(len(df)): if (str(df.iloc[i]["polarity"]) == "P" or str(df.iloc[i]["polarity"]) == "P+"): id_list.append(id_list(df.iloc[i]["id"])) return id_list
def analyzeText(text, lang): global index_count print("Analyzing sentiment for text #%s" % str(index_count)) # this is where we are going to store our results polarity = "" subjectivity = "" irony = "" agreement = "" confidence = "" try: # We are going to make a request to the Sentiment Analysis API request = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang=lang, txt=text, server=server) setRequestSource(request) response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse(request.sendReq()) if response.isSuccessful(): polarity = response.scoreTagToString(response.getGlobalScoreTag()) subjectivity = response.getSubjectivity() irony = response.getIrony() agreement = response.getGlobalAgreement() confidence = response.getGlobalConfidence() else: if isBlockingErrorType(response.getStatusCode()): raise ValueError( "Something went wrong in the MeaningCloud request!: (" + response.getStatusCode() + ") " + response.getStatusMsg()) else: print("Oops! The request to Sentiment Analysis for text #" + str(index_count) + " was not succesful: (" + response.getStatusCode() + ") " + response.getStatusMsg()) polarity = ("ERROR (" + response.getStatusCode() + "): " + response.getStatusMsg()) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(str(e)) index_count += 1 return pd.Series([polarity, subjectivity, irony, agreement, confidence])
def meaning_sentiment(tupleFiles): rawtweets = tupleFiles[0] license_key = {YOUR_MEANINGCLOUD_LICENSE_KEY} filenameCSV = 'tweets.csv' filepathCSV = '/'+filenameCSV with open(filenameCSV, 'w') as csv_file: fieldnames = ['sentiment', 'tweet'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() with open(rawtweets, 'r') as file_tweets: for line in file_tweets.readlines(): sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse(meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='es', txt=line, txtf='plain').sendReq()) s = sentiment_response.getGlobalScoreTag() writer.writerow({'sentiment': s , 'tweet': line}) tupleFilesCSV = (filenameCSV,filepathCSV) return tupleFilesCSV
def get_sentiment_analysis(self): logger.debug('TextAnalysis.get_sentiment_analysis()') if self.sentiment_analysis is None: logger.debug('sentiment_analysis not set') logger.debug('setting sentiment_analysis') sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest( self.license_key, lang=self.language, txt=self.text, txtf='plain', ).sendReq()) # Save the raw and serialized sentiment analysis self.sentiment_analysis_raw = sentiment_response.getResults() print(self.sentiment_analysis_raw) self.sentiment_analysis = MeaningCloudResponse( self.sentiment_analysis_raw).absa() logger.debug(self.sentiment_analysis) return self.sentiment_analysis
def analisisMeaning(full_text): analisis = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key_MC, lang='es', txt=full_text, txtf='plain').sendReq()) if analisis.getGlobalScoreTag() == 'N+': polaridad = "Negativo" polarity = -1 elif analisis.getGlobalScoreTag() == 'N': polaridad = "Negativo" polarity = -0.5 elif analisis.getGlobalScoreTag() == 'P': polaridad = "Positivo" polarity = 0.5 elif analisis.getGlobalScoreTag() == 'P+': polaridad = "Positivo" polarity = 1 else: polaridad = "Neutro" polarity = 0 return (polaridad, polarity)
def extractFeatures(self): # The language of the tweets tweetLang = 'en' # Tweet counter counter = 0 # List of the IDs of tweets whose requests failed wrongRequestTweetIds = [] # Open the data set file with open(self.dataSetFilePath, 'rb') as f: # Flag to know whether the first line of the file (column names) # has been read headerPassed = False for line in f: line = line.decode(errors='ignore') row = line.split(',') # i.e. if this is the first line of the file if headerPassed == False: headerPassed = True continue # Instantiate a tweet. Assume that the # current CSV file which is being read # already contains the following features # per tweet: # # - text, # - isBot # - joy # - surprise # - fear # - sadness # - anger # t = Tweet(text=row[0], isBot=int(row[1]), joy=float(row[2]), surprise=float(row[3]), fear=float(row[4]), sadness=float(row[5]), anger=float(row[6])) text = t.text sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.apiKey, lang=tweetLang, txt=text, txtf='plain').sendReq()) if (sentiment_response.isSuccessful()): # Populate the remaining fields of this Tweet instance t.score_tag = sentiment_response.getGlobalScoreTag() t.agreement = sentiment_response.getGlobalAgreement() t.subjectivity = sentiment_response.getSubjectivity() t.confidence = sentiment_response.getGlobalConfidence() t.irony = sentiment_response.getIrony() self.tweetList.append(t) else: # Let's see why the request failed requestStatusCode = sentiment_response.getStatusCode() requestStatusMsg = sentiment_response.getStatusMsg() print("Tweet id = " + str(counter) + "; request status code = " + str(requestStatusCode) + "; request status msg = " + str(requestStatusMsg)) # Store this tweet ID for later. Another request will have to be made. wrongRequestTweetIds.append(counter) counter += 1 print("Tweets analyzed so far: " + str(counter)) # Wait for a few seconds before making a new request time.sleep(self.requestIntervalSeconds) print("\nTotal analyzed tweets = " + str(counter)) # If all requests succeeded if len(wrongRequestTweetIds) == 0: print("All " + str(counter) + " requests were successful.") else: print("The requests for the following tweets failed:\n") print(wrongRequestTweetIds)
liste_tweets = [] liste_id = [] for tweet in tweets: liste_tweets.append(tweet.full_text.split('http')[0]) liste_id.append( model = 'IAB_en' license_key = 'af76f805c5f86590fee318303f3d3ac3' i = 0 liste_sentiment = [] for tweet in liste_tweets: sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='en', txt=tweet, txtf='plain').sendReq()) liste_sentiment.append([ str(tweet), liste_id[i], sentiment_response.getResponse().get('score_tag') ]) i = i + 1 df = pandas.DataFrame(liste_sentiment, columns=["tweet", "id", "polarity"]) for i in range(len(df)): print(df.loc[[i], ["tweet"]].values) print(df.loc[[i], ["id"]].values) print(df.loc[[i], ["polarity"]]) for i in range(len(df)):
class SentimentRequestTest(unittest.TestCase): URL = '' KEY = 'MY_KEY' TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 60 RESOURCES_DIR = './resources/' text = 'London is big' lang = 'en' txtf = 'plain' request = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(KEY, lang=lang, txt=text, txtf=txtf) def testConstruct(self): request = self.request self.assertEqual(self.URL, request.getUrl()) self.assertIsNotNone(request.getParams()) params = request.getParams() self.assertEqual('key' in params.keys(), True) self.assertEqual(params['key'], self.KEY) self.assertIsNotNone(request.getTimeout()) self.assertEqual(self.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT, request.getTimeout()) extraHeaders = ["Accept: application/json"] request2 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, txt=self.text, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders) self.assertIsNotNone(request2.sendReq()) otherparams = {'key2': 'my_key2'} request3 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, txt=self.text, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders, otherparams=otherparams) self.assertIsNotNone('key2' in request3.getParams().keys(), True) self.assertEqual(request3.getParams()['key2'], 'my_key2') url = '' request4 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, url=url, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders, otherparams=otherparams) self.assertIsNotNone('url' in request4.getParams().keys(), True) self.assertEqual(request4.getParams()['url'], url) file = self.RESOURCES_DIR + 'file.txt' request5 = meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(self.KEY, lang=self.lang, doc=file, txtf=self.txtf, extraheaders=extraHeaders, otherparams=otherparams) self.assertIsNotNone('doc' in request5.getParams().keys(), False) doc = request5._file['doc'].read().decode('utf-8') request5._file['doc'].close() aux_doc = open(self.RESOURCES_DIR + 'file.txt', 'rb') aux_conten ='utf-8') aux_doc.close() self.assertEqual(aux_conten, doc) return request def testSendReq(self): request = self.request requestRq = request.sendReq() self.assertIsNotNone(requestRq)
def analyzeText(text): global index_count print("Analyzing text " + str(index_count)) # this is where we are going to store our results polarity = '' entities = '' concepts = '' iab2 = '' try: # We are going to make a request to the Sentiment Analysis API print("\tGetting sentiment analysis...") sentiment_response = meaningcloud.SentimentResponse( meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(license_key, lang='en', txt=text, txtf='markup').sendReq()) if sentiment_response.isSuccessful(): polarity = sentiment_response.getGlobalScoreTag() else: print('Request to sentiment was not succesful: ' + sentiment_response.getStatusMsg()) # We are going to make a request to the Topics Extraction API print("\tGetting entities and concepts...") topics_req = meaningcloud.TopicsRequest(license_key, txt=text, lang='en', topicType='ec', otherparams={'txtf': 'markup'}) topics_response = meaningcloud.TopicsResponse(topics_req.sendReq()) # If there are no errors in the request, we extract the entities and concepts if topics_response.isSuccessful(): entities_list = topics_response.getEntities() formatted_entities = [] if entities_list: for entity in entities_list: if int( topics_response.getTopicRelevance(entity) ) >= 100: #we limit the entities to those with relevance higher than 100 formatted_entities.append( topics_response.getTopicForm(entity) + ' (' + topics_response.getTypeLastNode( topics_response.getOntoType(entity)) + ')') entities = ', '.join(formatted_entities) concepts_list = topics_response.getConcepts() formatted_concepts = [] if concepts_list: for concept in concepts_list: if int( topics_response.getTopicRelevance(concept) ) >= 100: #we limit the entities to those with relevance higher than 100 formatted_concepts.append( topics_response.getTopicForm(concept)) concepts = ', '.join(list(dict.fromkeys(formatted_concepts))) else: print('Request to topics was not succesful: ' + topics_response.getStatusMsg()) # We are going to make a request to the Deep Categorization API print("\tGetting IAB 2.0 classification...") deepcat_response = meaningcloud.DeepCategorizationResponse( meaningcloud.DeepCategorizationRequest(license_key, model='IAB_2.0_en', txt=text, otherparams={ 'txtf': 'markup' }).sendReq()) if deepcat_response.isSuccessful(): categories = deepcat_response.getCategories() iab2 = (', '.join( deepcat_response.getCategoryCode(cat) for cat in categories[:1])) if categories else '' else: print('Request to Deep Categorization was not succesful: ' + deepcat_response.getStatusMsg()) except ValueError: e = sys.exc_info()[0] print("\nException: " + str(e)) index_count += 1 return pd.Series([polarity, entities, concepts, iab2])
def sentiment(self, inp): return meaningcloud.SentimentResponse(meaningcloud.SentimentRequest(cred['sent-api2'], lang='en', txt=inp, txtf='plain').sendReq())