Esempio n. 1
    def getMsg(self):
        self.datas = []
        # 1. =======compute the average MAE of methods=========
        print("------1. Compute the average MAE of Methods------")
        aveMAE, gt2rs_mae = compute_ave_MAE_of_methods(self.gt_name_list, self.rs_dir_lists)
        for i in range(0, len(self.rs_dirs)):
                '>>%s: num_rs/num_gt-> %d/%d, aveMAE-> %.4f' % (
                self.rs_dirs[i], gt2rs_mae[i], len(self.gt_name_list), aveMAE[i]))
            data_MAE = str(aveMAE[i])

        # 2. =======compute the Precision, Recall and F-measure of methods=========
        from measures import compute_PRE_REC_FM_of_methods, plot_save_pr_curves, plot_save_fm_curves
        print("------2. Compute the Precision, Recall and F-measure of Methods------")
        PRE, REC, FM, gt2rs_fm = compute_PRE_REC_FM_of_methods(self.gt_name_list, self.rs_dir_lists, beta=0.3)
        for i in range(0, FM.shape[0]):
            print(">>", self.rs_dirs[i], ":", "num_rs/num_gt-> %d/%d," % (int(gt2rs_fm[i][0]), len(self.gt_name_list)),
                  "maxF->%.4f, " % (np.max(FM, 1)[i]), "meanF->%.4f, " % (np.mean(FM, 1)[i]),
                  "PRE->%.4f, " % (np.mean(PRE, 1)[i]), "REC->%.4f, " % (np.mean(REC, 1)[i]))
            data_maxF = np.max(FM, 1)[i]
            data_meanF = np.mean(FM, 1)[i]
            data_PRE = np.mean(PRE, 1)[i]
            data_REC = np.mean(REC, 1)[i]

        # 3. =======Plot and save precision-recall curves=========
        print("------ 3. Plot and save precision-recall curves------")
        plot_save_pr_curves(PRE,  # numpy array (num_rs_dir,255), num_rs_dir curves will be drawn
                            REC,  # numpy array (num_rs_dir,255)
                            # method names, shape (num_rs_dir), will be included in the figure legend
                            lineSylClr=self.lineSylClr,  # curve styles, shape (num_rs_dir)
                            linewidth=self.linewidth,  # curve width, shape (num_rs_dir)
                            xrange=(0.5, 1.0),  # the showing range of x-axis
                            yrange=(0.5, 1.0),  # the showing range of y-axis
                            dataset_name=self.data_name,  # dataset name will be drawn on the bottom center position
                            save_dir=self.data_dir,  # figure save directory
                            save_fmt='png')  # format of the to-be-saved figure

        # 4. =======Plot and save F-measure curves=========
        print("------ 4. Plot and save F-measure curves------")
        plot_save_fm_curves(FM,  # numpy array (num_rs_dir,255), num_rs_dir curves will be drawn
                            mybins=np.arange(0, 256),
                            # method names, shape (num_rs_dir), will be included in the figure legend
                            lineSylClr=self.lineSylClr,  # curve styles, shape (num_rs_dir)
                            linewidth=self.linewidth,  # curve width, shape (num_rs_dir)
                            xrange=(0.0, 1.0),  # the showing range of x-axis
                            yrange=(0.0, 1.0),  # the showing range of y-axis
                            dataset_name=self.data_name,  # dataset name will be drawn on the bottom center position
                            save_dir=self.data_dir,  # figure save directory
                            save_fmt='png')  # format of the to-be-saved figure
        return self.datas
Esempio n. 2
print("------2. Compute the Precision, Recall and F-measure of Methods------")
PRE, REC, FM, gt2rs_fm = compute_PRE_REC_FM_of_methods(gt_name_list,rs_dir_lists,beta=0.3)
for i in range(0,FM.shape[0]):
    print(">>", rs_dirs[i],":", "num_rs/num_gt-> %d/%d,"%(int(gt2rs_fm[i][0]),len(gt_name_list)), "maxF->%.3f, "%(np.max(FM,1)[i]), "meanF->%.3f, "%(np.mean(FM,1)[i]))

## 3. =======Plot and save precision-recall curves=========
print("------ 3. Plot and save precision-recall curves------")
plot_save_pr_curves(PRE, # numpy array (num_rs_dir,255), num_rs_dir curves will be drawn
                    REC, # numpy array (num_rs_dir,255)
                    method_names = rs_dirs, # method names, shape (num_rs_dir), will be included in the figure legend
                    lineSylClr = lineSylClr, # curve styles, shape (num_rs_dir)
                    linewidth = linewidth, # curve width, shape (num_rs_dir)
                    xrange = (0.5,1.0), # the showing range of x-axis
                    yrange = (0.5,1.0), # the showing range of y-axis
                    dataset_name = data_name, # dataset name will be drawn on the bottom center position
                    save_dir = data_dir, # figure save directory
                    save_fmt = 'png') # format of the to-be-saved figure

## 4. =======Plot and save F-measure curves=========
print("------ 4. Plot and save F-measure curves------")
plot_save_fm_curves(FM, # numpy array (num_rs_dir,255), num_rs_dir curves will be drawn
                    mybins = np.arange(0,256),
                    method_names = rs_dirs, # method names, shape (num_rs_dir), will be included in the figure legend
                    lineSylClr = lineSylClr, # curve styles, shape (num_rs_dir)
                    linewidth = linewidth, # curve width, shape (num_rs_dir)
                    xrange = (0.0,1.0), # the showing range of x-axis
                    yrange = (0.0,1.0), # the showing range of y-axis