def siplca_method(wavfile,rank=4,win=60,plotiter=10,printiter=10,niter=200,fullspec=False):
    Compute beats using Dan's code
    Get the fingerprints
    Align landmarks with the beats
    Run SIPLCA method
    Measure errors
    # compute beats
    print 'compute beats'
    x,fs = mlab.wavread(wavfile,nout=2)
    x = np.average(x,axis=1)
    assert x.shape[0] > 2,'bad signal averaging'
    feats,beats = mlab.chrombeatftrs(x,fs,400,1,1,nout=2)
    # get the fingerprints
    print 'compute landmarks,',beats.shape[1],'beats found'
    L,S,T,maxes = LANDMARKS.find_landmarks_from_wav(wavfile)
    if not fullspec:
        # transform them into per beats features
        maxessecs = get_actual_times(maxes)
        print 'get features per beat,',len(maxessecs),'landmarks found'
        beatfeats = get_fingerprint_feats_per_beat(beats,np.max(maxessecs)+.1,
        databeat = np.zeros([256,len(beatfeats)])
        for bf_idx in range(len(beatfeats)):
            bf = beatfeats[bf_idx]
            if bf.shape[1] == 0:
            for k in range(bf.shape[1]):
                databeat[int(bf[1,k]-1),bf_idx] += 1
        print 'number of empty rows:',np.shape(np.where(databeat.sum(1)==0))[1],', removed...'
        databeat = databeat[np.where(databeat.sum(1)>0)[0],:]
        # get time for each pos of the spectrogram, then beat for each pos
        fakemaxes = np.zeros([2,S.shape[1]])
        fakemaxes[0,:] = np.array(range(S.shape[1])).reshape(1,S.shape[1])
        times = get_actual_times(fakemaxes)
        # fill in databeat
        #beats = np.array(beats)[0]
        databeat = np.zeros([S.shape[0],beats.shape[1]])
        for k in range(S.shape[1]):
            t = times[k]
            bs = np.where(np.array(beats)[0] > t)[0]
            if bs.shape[0] == 0: # last beat
                b = databeat.shape[1] - 1
                b = max(0,bs[0]-1)
            databeat[:,b] += np.exp(S[:,k]) # remove the log for NMF
        databeat -= databeat.min()
        print 'full spec, max value:',databeat.max(),', shape =',databeat.shape
    # launch siplca,
    databeat += 1e-16
    print 'launch siplca on',wavfile,', databeat.shape=',databeat.shape
    V = databeat.copy()
    labels, W, Z, H, segfun, norm= SEGMENTER.segment_song(V, rank=rank,win=win,
    #res = SEGMENTER.convert_labels_to_segments(labels, beats[0])
    # transform labels output to actuall startbeat and stopbeat
    startbeats = [0]
    stopbeats = []
    currlabel = labels[0]
    for k in range(1,len(labels)):
        if labels[k] != currlabel:
            currlabel = labels[k]
    # get groundtruth
    relwavfile = os.path.relpath(wavfile,start=_audio_dir)
    labfile = os.path.join(_seglab_dir,relwavfile[:-4]+'.lab')
    segstarts = []
    fIn = open(labfile,'r')
    for line in fIn.readlines():
        if line == '' or line.strip() == '':
        segstarts.append( float(line.strip().split('\t')[0]) )
    refstartbeats = []
    for ss in segstarts: # slow...!
        for k in range(beats.shape[1]-1):
            if beats[0,k] <= ss and beats[0,k+1] > ss:
        if ss > beats[0,-1]:
        elif ss < beats[0,0]:
    refstartbeats = list(np.unique(refstartbeats))
    refstopbeats = list(np.array(refstartbeats[1:]) - 1) + [beats.shape[1]-1]
    # measure error
    prec,rec,f,So,Su = MEASURES.prec_rec_f_So_Su(refstartbeats,
    print 'prec =',prec,', rec =',rec,', f =',f,', So =',So,', Su =',Su
    return prec,rec,f,So,Su
def typical_splits(basedir):
    Read all lab files.
    Find the most common number of segments.
    For that number, find the average proportion of each
    Apply it to every song.
    # get all lab files
    labfiles = get_all_files(basedir, pattern='*.lab')
    # find the typical number of segments
    hist_nsegs = np.zeros(2000)
    for f in labfiles:
        startbs, stopbs, labels = read_lab_file(f)
        hist_nsegs[len(startbs)] += 1
    # most common number of segments
    common_nsegs = np.argmax(hist_nsegs)
    print 'most common number of segments:', common_nsegs
    # for that number, find typical proportion
    proportions = np.zeros(common_nsegs)
    count_common_segmentation = 0
    for f in labfiles:
        startbs, stopbs, labels = read_lab_file(f)
        if len(startbs) != common_nsegs:
        count_common_segmentation += 1
        nbeats = stopbs[-1] + 1
        diffs = np.diff(startbs + [nbeats])
        for k in range(common_nsegs):
            proportions[k] += diffs[k] * 1. / nbeats
    for k in range(common_nsegs):
        proportions[k] *= 1. / count_common_segmentation
    # our typical proportions are:
    print 'typical proportions:', proportions
    # test on all lab files
    allprec = 0
    allrec = 0
    allf = 0
    allSo = 0
    allSu = 0
    for f in labfiles:
        startbs, stopbs, labels = read_lab_file(f)
        # get ideal fake segmentation
        nbeats = stopbs[-1] + 1
        nbeats_per_seg = np.zeros(common_nsegs)
        for k in range(common_nsegs):
            nbeats_per_seg[k] = nbeats * proportions[k]
        # adjust so it fits the number of beats
        while np.sum(nbeats_per_seg) > nbeats:
            nbeats_per_seg[np.argmax(nbeats_per_seg)] -= 1
        while np.sum(nbeats_per_seg) < nbeats:
            nbeats_per_seg[np.argmax(nbeats_per_seg)] += 1
        # create corresponding startbs and stopbs
        startbscand = np.zeros(common_nsegs)
        startbscand[0] = 0
        for k in range(1, common_nsegs):
            startbscand[k] = startbscand[k - 1] + nbeats_per_seg[k - 1]
        startbscand = list(startbscand)
        stopbscand = startbscand[1:] + [nbeats - 1]
        # measure
        prec, rec, f, So, Su = MEASURES.prec_rec_f_So_Su(
            startbs, stopbs, startbscand, stopbscand)
        allprec += prec
        allrec += rec
        allf += f
        allSo += So
        allSu += Su

    # done, average
    allprec *= 1. / len(labfiles)
    allrec *= 1. / len(labfiles)
    allf *= 1. / len(labfiles)
    allSo *= 1. / len(labfiles)
    allSu *= 1. / len(labfiles)
    # print
    print 'average prec =', allprec, ', rec =', allrec, ', f =', allf, ', So =', allSo, ', Su =', allSu
        cuts = get_cuts(dl,dicts)
        for c in cuts:
            count_cuts[c] += 1
        print 'for longest dict',k,', number of cuts =',len(cuts)
        # check possible remaining cuts
        if k == longest_p_len:
            possible_cuts = set(cuts)
            possible_cuts = possible_cuts.intersection(set(cuts))
        print 'number of remaining cuts:',len(possible_cuts)
        # get measures on segmentation
        if labfile != '':
            startbref, stopbref, labels = read_lab_file(labfile)
            startbcand = np.unique([0] + map(lambda x:x-1,possible_cuts))
            stopbcand = np.unique(list(possible_cuts) + [btchroma.shape[1]-1])
            prec,rec,fval,So,Su = MEASURES.prec_rec_f_So_Su(startbref,stopbref,
            print 'prec =',prec,', rec =',rec,', fval =',fval,', So =',So,', Su =',Su
    # iteration done, print
    if len(possible_cuts) > 0:
        print 'remaining possible cuts:',possible_cuts

    # print
    import pylab as P
    pparams = {'interpolation':'nearest','origin':'lower','cmap','aspect':'auto'}
    # add lines
    #for c in possible_cuts:
    #    P.axvline(x=c-.5,ymin=0,ymax=1,color='r')
def typical_splits(basedir):
    Read all lab files.
    Find the most common number of segments.
    For that number, find the average proportion of each
    Apply it to every song.
    # get all lab files
    labfiles = get_all_files(basedir, pattern="*.lab")
    # find the typical number of segments
    hist_nsegs = np.zeros(2000)
    for f in labfiles:
        startbs, stopbs, labels = read_lab_file(f)
        hist_nsegs[len(startbs)] += 1
    # most common number of segments
    common_nsegs = np.argmax(hist_nsegs)
    print "most common number of segments:", common_nsegs
    # for that number, find typical proportion
    proportions = np.zeros(common_nsegs)
    count_common_segmentation = 0
    for f in labfiles:
        startbs, stopbs, labels = read_lab_file(f)
        if len(startbs) != common_nsegs:
        count_common_segmentation += 1
        nbeats = stopbs[-1] + 1
        diffs = np.diff(startbs + [nbeats])
        for k in range(common_nsegs):
            proportions[k] += diffs[k] * 1.0 / nbeats
    for k in range(common_nsegs):
        proportions[k] *= 1.0 / count_common_segmentation
    # our typical proportions are:
    print "typical proportions:", proportions
    # test on all lab files
    allprec = 0
    allrec = 0
    allf = 0
    allSo = 0
    allSu = 0
    for f in labfiles:
        startbs, stopbs, labels = read_lab_file(f)
        # get ideal fake segmentation
        nbeats = stopbs[-1] + 1
        nbeats_per_seg = np.zeros(common_nsegs)
        for k in range(common_nsegs):
            nbeats_per_seg[k] = nbeats * proportions[k]
        # adjust so it fits the number of beats
        while np.sum(nbeats_per_seg) > nbeats:
            nbeats_per_seg[np.argmax(nbeats_per_seg)] -= 1
        while np.sum(nbeats_per_seg) < nbeats:
            nbeats_per_seg[np.argmax(nbeats_per_seg)] += 1
        # create corresponding startbs and stopbs
        startbscand = np.zeros(common_nsegs)
        startbscand[0] = 0
        for k in range(1, common_nsegs):
            startbscand[k] = startbscand[k - 1] + nbeats_per_seg[k - 1]
        startbscand = list(startbscand)
        stopbscand = startbscand[1:] + [nbeats - 1]
        # measure
        prec, rec, f, So, Su = MEASURES.prec_rec_f_So_Su(startbs, stopbs, startbscand, stopbscand)
        allprec += prec
        allrec += rec
        allf += f
        allSo += So
        allSu += Su

    # done, average
    allprec *= 1.0 / len(labfiles)
    allrec *= 1.0 / len(labfiles)
    allf *= 1.0 / len(labfiles)
    allSo *= 1.0 / len(labfiles)
    allSu *= 1.0 / len(labfiles)
    # print
    print "average prec =", allprec, ", rec =", allrec, ", f =", allf, ", So =", allSo, ", Su =", allSu
Esempio n. 5
        for c in cuts:
            count_cuts[c] += 1
        print 'for longest dict', k, ', number of cuts =', len(cuts)
        # check possible remaining cuts
        if k == longest_p_len:
            possible_cuts = set(cuts)
            possible_cuts = possible_cuts.intersection(set(cuts))
        print 'number of remaining cuts:', len(possible_cuts)
        # get measures on segmentation
        if labfile != '':
            startbref, stopbref, labels = read_lab_file(labfile)
            startbcand = np.unique([0] + map(lambda x: x - 1, possible_cuts))
            stopbcand = np.unique(
                list(possible_cuts) + [btchroma.shape[1] - 1])
            prec, rec, fval, So, Su = MEASURES.prec_rec_f_So_Su(
                startbref, stopbref, startbcand, stopbcand)
            print 'prec =', prec, ', rec =', rec, ', fval =', fval, ', So =', So, ', Su =', Su
    # iteration done, print
    if len(possible_cuts) > 0:
        print 'remaining possible cuts:', possible_cuts

    # print
    import pylab as P
    pparams = {
        'interpolation': 'nearest',
        'origin': 'lower',
        'aspect': 'auto'
    P.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    P.imshow(btchroma, **pparams)
def siplca_method(wavfile,
    Compute beats using Dan's code
    Get the fingerprints
    Align landmarks with the beats
    Run SIPLCA method
    Measure errors
    # compute beats
    print 'compute beats'
    x, fs = mlab.wavread(wavfile, nout=2)
    x = np.average(x, axis=1)
    assert x.shape[0] > 2, 'bad signal averaging'
    feats, beats = mlab.chrombeatftrs(x, fs, 400, 1, 1, nout=2)
    # get the fingerprints
    print 'compute landmarks,', beats.shape[1], 'beats found'
    L, S, T, maxes = LANDMARKS.find_landmarks_from_wav(wavfile)
    if not fullspec:
        # transform them into per beats features
        maxessecs = get_actual_times(maxes)
        print 'get features per beat,', len(maxessecs), 'landmarks found'
        beatfeats = get_fingerprint_feats_per_beat(beats,
                                                   np.max(maxessecs) + .1,
                                                   maxes, maxessecs)
        databeat = np.zeros([256, len(beatfeats)])
        for bf_idx in range(len(beatfeats)):
            bf = beatfeats[bf_idx]
            if bf.shape[1] == 0:
            for k in range(bf.shape[1]):
                databeat[int(bf[1, k] - 1), bf_idx] += 1
        print 'number of empty rows:', np.shape(
            np.where(databeat.sum(1) == 0))[1], ', removed...'
        databeat = databeat[np.where(databeat.sum(1) > 0)[0], :]
        # get time for each pos of the spectrogram, then beat for each pos
        fakemaxes = np.zeros([2, S.shape[1]])
        fakemaxes[0, :] = np.array(range(S.shape[1])).reshape(1, S.shape[1])
        times = get_actual_times(fakemaxes)
        # fill in databeat
        #beats = np.array(beats)[0]
        databeat = np.zeros([S.shape[0], beats.shape[1]])
        for k in range(S.shape[1]):
            t = times[k]
            bs = np.where(np.array(beats)[0] > t)[0]
            if bs.shape[0] == 0:  # last beat
                b = databeat.shape[1] - 1
                b = max(0, bs[0] - 1)
            databeat[:, b] += np.exp(S[:, k])  # remove the log for NMF
        databeat -= databeat.min()
        print 'full spec, max value:', databeat.max(
        ), ', shape =', databeat.shape
    # launch siplca,
    databeat += 1e-16
    print 'launch siplca on', wavfile, ', databeat.shape=', databeat.shape
    V = databeat.copy()
    V /= V.sum()
    labels, W, Z, H, segfun, norm = SEGMENTER.segment_song(V,
    #res = SEGMENTER.convert_labels_to_segments(labels, beats[0])
    # transform labels output to actuall startbeat and stopbeat
    startbeats = [0]
    stopbeats = []
    currlabel = labels[0]
    for k in range(1, len(labels)):
        if labels[k] != currlabel:
            currlabel = labels[k]
            stopbeats.append(k - 1)
    stopbeats.append(len(labels) - 1)
    # get groundtruth
    relwavfile = os.path.relpath(wavfile, start=_audio_dir)
    labfile = os.path.join(_seglab_dir, relwavfile[:-4] + '.lab')
    segstarts = []
    fIn = open(labfile, 'r')
    for line in fIn.readlines():
        if line == '' or line.strip() == '':
    refstartbeats = []
    for ss in segstarts:  # slow...!
        for k in range(beats.shape[1] - 1):
            if beats[0, k] <= ss and beats[0, k + 1] > ss:
        if ss > beats[0, -1]:
            refstartbeats.append(beats.shape[1] - 1)
        elif ss < beats[0, 0]:
    refstartbeats = list(np.unique(refstartbeats))
    refstopbeats = list(np.array(refstartbeats[1:]) - 1) + [beats.shape[1] - 1]
    # measure error
    prec, rec, f, So, Su = MEASURES.prec_rec_f_So_Su(refstartbeats,
                                                     refstopbeats, startbeats,
    print 'prec =', prec, ', rec =', rec, ', f =', f, ', So =', So, ', Su =', Su
    return prec, rec, f, So, Su