def check_multiphase_tripleslice(slice_dir, save_dir, phase_names, target_phase_name): def is_eauql(list_1, list_2): if len(list_1) != len(list_2): return False list_1 = sorted(list_1) list_2 = sorted(list_2) for ele_1, ele_2 in zip(list_1, list_2): if ele_1 != ele_2: return False return True total_phase_name = ''.join(phase_names) total_phase_name += '_tripleslice' mhd_images = [] mask_images = [] for phase_name in phase_names: mhd_image_path = os.path.join(slice_dir, 'Image_' + phase_name + '.mhd') mhd_mask_path = os.path.join(slice_dir, 'Mask_' + phase_name + '.mhd') mhd_image = read_mhd_image(mhd_image_path) mask_image = read_mhd_image(mhd_mask_path) mhd_image = np.asarray(np.squeeze(mhd_image), np.float32) mhd_image = np.transpose(mhd_image, axes=[1, 2, 0]) _, _, depth_image = np.shape(mhd_image) if depth_image == 2: mhd_image = np.concatenate([ mhd_image, np.expand_dims( mhd_image[:, :, np.argmax( np.sum(np.sum(mask_image, axis=1), axis=1))], axis=2) ], axis=2) print('Error') mhd_images.append(mhd_image) mask_images.append(mask_image) nc_unique = np.unique(mask_images[0]) art_unique = np.unique(mask_images[1]) pv_unique = np.unique(mask_images[2]) if is_eauql(nc_unique, art_unique) and is_eauql(art_unique, pv_unique): print('OK ', slice_dir) else: print('Error ', slice_dir, nc_unique, art_unique, pv_unique)
def _read_liver_mask(mask_path, size=16): liver_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(mask_path)) min_xs, min_ys, max_xs, max_ys = bounding_box(liver_mask) center_x = min_xs + (max_xs - min_xs) // 2 center_y = min_ys + (max_ys - min_ys) // 2 new_min_xs = center_x - size // 2 new_max_xs = center_x + size // 2 new_min_ys = center_y - size // 2 new_max_ys = center_y + size // 2 return new_min_xs, new_min_ys, new_max_xs, new_max_ys
def convertMHD2NPY(dataset_dir, stage_name): def _get_filled_mask(mask): from medicalImage import fill_region mask = np.asarray(mask == 1, np.uint8) mask = fill_region(mask) xs, ys = np.where(mask == 1) return mask, np.min(xs), np.min(ys), np.max(xs), np.max(ys) stage_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, stage_name) slice_names = os.listdir(stage_dir) labels = [] imgs = [] output_shape = (224, 224) for slice_name in slice_names: if slice_name.startswith('.DS'): continue print slice_name slice_dir = os.path.join(stage_dir, slice_name) nc_img_path = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, 'NC_Image*.mhd'))[0] art_img_path = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, 'ART_Image*.mhd'))[0] pv_img_path = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, 'PV_Image*.mhd'))[0] nc_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_img_path)) art_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_img_path)) pv_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_img_path)) nc_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, 'NC_Mask*.mhd'))[0] art_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, 'ART_Mask*.mhd'))[0] pv_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, 'PV_Mask*.mhd'))[0] nc_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_mask_path)) art_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_mask_path)) pv_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_mask_path)) nc_mask, nc_min_xs, nc_min_ys, nc_max_xs, nc_max_ys = _get_filled_mask( nc_mask) art_mask, art_min_xs, art_min_ys, art_max_xs, art_max_ys = _get_filled_mask( art_mask) pv_mask, pv_min_xs, pv_min_ys, pv_max_xs, pv_max_ys = _get_filled_mask( pv_mask) nc_img[nc_mask != 1] = 0 art_img[art_mask != 1] = 0 pv_img[pv_mask != 1] = 0 nc_img = nc_img[nc_min_xs:nc_max_xs, nc_min_ys:nc_max_ys] art_img = art_img[art_min_xs:art_max_xs, art_min_ys:art_max_ys] pv_img = pv_img[pv_min_xs:pv_max_xs, pv_min_ys:pv_max_ys] nc_img = np.asarray(nc_img, np.float32) art_img = np.asarray(art_img, np.float32) pv_img = np.asarray(pv_img, np.float32) nc_img = cv2.resize(nc_img, output_shape) art_img = cv2.resize(art_img, output_shape) pv_img = cv2.resize(pv_img, output_shape) img = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(nc_img, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_img, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_img, axis=2) ], axis=2) imgs.append(img) labels.append(int(os.path.basename(slice_dir)[-1])) imgs = np.asarray(imgs) labels = np.asarray(labels) print np.shape(imgs), np.shape(labels), stage_name + '_imgs.npy'), imgs), stage_name + '_labels.npy'), labels)
def dicom2jpg_multiphase_tripleslice(slice_dir, save_dir, phase_names, target_phase_name): ''' 前置条件:已经将dicom格式的数据转为成MHD格式,并且已经提出了slice,一个mhd文件只包含了三个slice 针对每个phase提取三个slice(all), 但是mask还是只提取一个 保存的格式是name_nc.jpg, name_art.jpg, name_pv.jpg :param slice_dir: :param save_dir: :param phase_names: :param target_phase_name: :return: ''' total_phase_name = ''.join(phase_names) total_phase_name += '_tripleslice' target_phase_mask = None mhd_images = [] for phase_name in phase_names: mhd_image_path = os.path.join(slice_dir, 'Image_' + phase_name + '.mhd') mhd_mask_path = os.path.join(slice_dir, 'Mask_' + phase_name + '.mhd') mhd_image = read_mhd_image(mhd_image_path) mask_image = read_mhd_image(mhd_mask_path) mhd_image = np.asarray(np.squeeze(mhd_image), np.float32) mhd_image = np.transpose(mhd_image, axes=[1, 2, 0]) if phase_name == target_phase_name: target_phase_mask = mask_image _, _, depth_image = np.shape(mhd_image) if depth_image == 2: mhd_image = np.concatenate([ mhd_image, np.expand_dims( mhd_image[:, :, np.argmax( np.sum(np.sum(mask_image, axis=1), axis=1))], axis=2) ], axis=2) print('Error') mhd_images.append(mhd_image) # mhd_image = np.expand_dims(mhd_image, axis=2) # mhd_image = np.concatenate([mhd_image, mhd_image, mhd_image], axis=2) mhd_image = np.concatenate(mhd_images, axis=-1) mask_image = target_phase_mask mask_image = np.asarray(np.squeeze(mask_image), np.uint8) max_v = 300. min_v = -350. mhd_image[mhd_image > max_v] = max_v mhd_image[mhd_image < min_v] = min_v print(np.mean(mhd_image, dtype=np.float32)) mhd_image -= np.mean(mhd_image) min_v = np.min(mhd_image) max_v = np.max(mhd_image) interv = max_v - min_v mhd_image = (mhd_image - min_v) / interv file_name = os.path.basename(slice_dir) dataset_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(slice_dir)) print('the shape of mhd_image is ', np.shape(mhd_image), np.min(mhd_image), np.max(mhd_image)) print('the shape of mask_image is ', np.shape(mask_image)) min_xs, min_ys, max_xs, max_ys, names, masks = extract_bboxs_from_mask( mask_image, os.path.join(slice_dir, 'tumor_types')) for mask, name in zip(masks, names): print name, np.shape(mask)
def convert2jpg_multiphase_with_liver(slice_dir, stage_name, save_dir): if os.path.basename(slice_dir).startswith('.DS'): return def preprocessing_mhd(image, windows=[-350, 300]): image = np.asarray(image, np.float32) image[image < windows[0]] = windows[0] image[image > windows[1]] = windows[1] # image = image - np.mean(image) min_v = np.min(image) max_v = np.max(image) interv = max_v - min_v image = (image - min_v) / interv return image * 255.0 def bounding_box(mask): xs, ys = np.where(mask == 1) return np.min(xs), np.min(ys), np.max(xs), np.max(ys) def _get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, phase_name): paths = glob( os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, str(phase_name).lower() + '_liver_mask.mhd')) if len(paths) == 1: return paths[0] paths = glob( os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, str(phase_name).upper() + '_Liver_Mask.mhd')) if len(paths) == 1: return paths[0] print('Error ', cur_slice_dir, phase_name) assert False def _read_liver_mask(mask_path, size=16): liver_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(mask_path)) min_xs, min_ys, max_xs, max_ys = bounding_box(liver_mask) center_x = min_xs + (max_xs - min_xs) // 2 center_y = min_ys + (max_ys - min_ys) // 2 new_min_xs = center_x - size // 2 new_max_xs = center_x + size // 2 new_min_ys = center_y - size // 2 new_max_ys = center_y + size // 2 return new_min_xs, new_min_ys, new_max_xs, new_max_ys patient_name = os.path.basename(slice_dir).split('_')[0] cur_save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, stage_name, os.path.basename(slice_dir)) print cur_save_dir window_center_dict = get_window_center_info() if not os.path.exists(cur_save_dir): os.makedirs(cur_save_dir) nc_image_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Image*.mhd' % 'NC')) art_image_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Image*.mhd' % 'ART')) pv_image_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Image*.mhd' % 'PV')) nc_mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Mask*.mhd' % 'NC')) art_mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Mask*.mhd' % 'ART')) pv_mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Mask*.mhd' % 'PV')) # for nc_mask_path in nc_mask_paths: # os.remove(nc_mask_path) # for art_mask_path in art_mask_paths: # os.remove(art_mask_path) # for pv_mask_path in pv_mask_paths: # os.remove(pv_mask_path) # if len(nc_image_paths) == 1 and len(art_image_paths) == 1 and len(pv_image_paths) == 1: # print('OK', slice_dir) # else: # print('Error', slice_dir, len(nc_image_paths), len(art_image_paths), len(pv_image_paths), nc_image_paths) # # if len(nc_mask_paths) == 1 and len(art_mask_paths) == 1 and len(pv_mask_paths) == 1: # print('OK', slice_dir) # else: # print('Error', slice_dir, len(nc_mask_paths), len(art_mask_paths), len(pv_mask_paths), nc_mask_paths) if len(nc_image_paths) == 0: print slice_dir assert False nc_image_path = nc_image_paths[0] art_image_path = art_image_paths[0] pv_image_path = pv_image_paths[0] nc_mask_path = nc_mask_paths[0] art_mask_path = art_mask_paths[0] pv_mask_path = pv_mask_paths[0] nc_liver_mask_path = _get_liver_path(slice_dir, 'nc') art_liver_mask_path = _get_liver_path(slice_dir, 'art') pv_liver_mask_path = _get_liver_path(slice_dir, 'pv') nc_liver_min_xs, nc_liver_min_ys, nc_liver_max_xs, nc_liver_max_ys = _read_liver_mask( nc_liver_mask_path) art_liver_min_xs, art_liver_min_ys, art_liver_max_xs, art_liver_max_ys = _read_liver_mask( art_liver_mask_path) pv_liver_min_xs, pv_liver_min_ys, pv_liver_max_xs, pv_liver_max_ys = _read_liver_mask( pv_liver_mask_path) nc_image = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_image_path)) art_image = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_image_path)) pv_image = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_image_path)) nc_mask = np.asarray( np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_mask_path)) == 1, np.uint8) art_mask = np.asarray( np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_mask_path)) == 1, np.uint8) pv_mask = np.asarray( np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_mask_path)) == 1, np.uint8) height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc, edge_nc = calculate_mask_attributes( nc_mask) with open(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'NC_attributes.txt'), 'w') as nc_attr_file: line = '%d %d %d %d %.6f\n' % (height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc) nc_attr_file.writelines([line]) nc_attr_file.close() height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art, edge_art = calculate_mask_attributes( art_mask) with open(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'ART_attributes.txt'), 'w') as art_attr_file: line = '%d %d %d %d %.6f\n' % (height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art) art_attr_file.writelines([line]) art_attr_file.close() height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv, edge_pv = calculate_mask_attributes( pv_mask) with open(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'PV_attributes.txt'), 'w') as pv_attr_file: line = '%d %d %d %d %.6f\n' % (height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv) pv_attr_file.writelines([line]) pv_attr_file.close() # print('edge_nc: ', np.min(edge_nc), np.max(edge_nc), np.unique(edge_nc)) # print(height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc, cur_save_dir[-1]) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'NC_EDGE.jpg'), edge_nc) if patient_name in window_center_dict.keys(): cur_window_center = window_center_dict[patient_name] else: cur_window_center = [-70, 180, -70, 180, -70, 180] # print('cur_window_center is ', cur_window_center) nc_image = preprocessing_mhd(nc_image, [cur_window_center[0], cur_window_center[1]]) art_image = preprocessing_mhd(art_image, [cur_window_center[2], cur_window_center[3]]) pv_image = preprocessing_mhd(pv_image, [cur_window_center[4], cur_window_center[5]]) nc_min_xs, nc_min_ys, nc_max_xs, nc_max_ys = bounding_box(nc_mask) art_min_xs, art_min_ys, art_max_xs, art_max_ys = bounding_box(art_mask) pv_min_xs, pv_min_ys, pv_max_xs, pv_max_ys = bounding_box(pv_mask) nc_roi = nc_image[nc_min_xs:nc_max_xs, nc_min_ys:nc_max_ys] art_roi = art_image[art_min_xs:art_max_xs, art_min_ys:art_max_ys] pv_roi = pv_image[pv_min_xs:pv_max_xs, pv_min_ys:pv_max_ys] nc_liver = nc_image[nc_liver_min_xs:nc_liver_max_xs, nc_liver_min_ys:nc_liver_max_ys] art_liver = art_image[art_liver_min_xs:art_liver_max_xs, art_liver_min_ys:art_liver_max_ys] pv_liver = pv_image[pv_liver_min_xs:pv_liver_max_xs, pv_liver_min_ys:pv_liver_max_ys] nc_mean_liver = np.mean(nc_liver) art_mean_liver = np.mean(art_liver) pv_mean_liver = np.mean(pv_liver) compared_nc_roi = nc_roi - nc_mean_liver compared_art_roi = art_roi - art_mean_liver compared_pv_roi = pv_roi - pv_mean_liver compared_min = np.min([ np.min(compared_nc_roi), np.min(compared_art_roi), np.min(compared_pv_roi) ]) compared_max = np.max([ np.max(compared_nc_roi), np.max(compared_art_roi), np.max(compared_pv_roi) ]) compared_nc_roi = (compared_nc_roi - compared_min) / (compared_max - compared_min) compared_art_roi = (compared_art_roi - compared_min) / (compared_max - compared_min) compared_pv_roi = (compared_pv_roi - compared_min) / (compared_max - compared_min) compared_nc_roi *= 255.0 compared_art_roi *= 255.0 compared_pv_roi *= 255.0 # compared_nc_roi = np.asarray(compared_nc_roi * 255.0, np.uint8) # compared_art_roi = np.asarray(compared_art_roi * 255.0, np.uint8) # compared_pv_roi = np.asarray(compared_pv_roi * 255.0, np.uint8) # nc_roi = np.concatenate( # [np.expand_dims(nc_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi, axis=2)], axis=2) # art_roi = np.concatenate( # [np.expand_dims(art_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi, axis=2)], axis=2) # pv_roi = np.concatenate( # [np.expand_dims(pv_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi, axis=2)], axis=2) # 将所有的病灶resize到最大的那个病灶上面 nc_h, nc_w = np.shape(nc_roi) art_h, art_w = np.shape(art_roi) pv_h, pv_w = np.shape(pv_roi) nc_size = nc_h * nc_w art_size = art_h * art_w pv_size = pv_h * pv_w if pv_size >= nc_size and pv_size >= art_size: target_h = pv_h target_w = pv_w elif art_size >= nc_size and art_size >= pv_size: target_h = art_h target_w = art_w elif nc_size >= art_size and nc_size >= pv_size: target_h = nc_h target_w = nc_w nc_roi_resized = cv2.resize(nc_roi, (target_h, target_w)) art_roi_resized = cv2.resize(art_roi, (target_h, target_w)) pv_roi_resized = cv2.resize(pv_roi, (target_h, target_w)) nc_liver_resized = cv2.resize(nc_liver, (target_h, target_w)) art_liver_resized = cv2.resize(art_liver, (target_h, target_w)) pv_liver_resized = cv2.resize(pv_liver, (target_h, target_w)) nc_roi_compared_resized = np.asarray( cv2.resize(compared_nc_roi, (target_h, target_w)), np.uint8) art_roi_compared_resized = np.asarray( cv2.resize(compared_art_roi, (target_h, target_w)), np.uint8) pv_roi_compared_resized = np.asarray( cv2.resize(compared_pv_roi, (target_h, target_w)), np.uint8) nc_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(nc_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi_compared_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) art_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(art_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi_compared_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) pv_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(pv_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi_compared_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) patch_size = 5 nc_patches, art_patches, pv_patches = extract_patches( nc_roi_final, art_roi_final, pv_roi_final, patch_size) nc_roi_save_path = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'NC.jpg') art_roi_save_path = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'ART.jpg') pv_roi_save_path = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'PV.jpg') cv2.imwrite(nc_roi_save_path, nc_roi_final) cv2.imwrite(art_roi_save_path, art_roi_final) cv2.imwrite(pv_roi_save_path, pv_roi_final) patch_dir = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, '%dx%d' % (patch_size, patch_size)) if not os.path.exists(patch_dir): os.mkdir(patch_dir) for idx, (nc_patch, art_patch, pv_patch) in enumerate(zip(nc_patches, art_patches, pv_patches)): nc_patch_save_path = os.path.join(patch_dir, '%d_NC.jpg' % idx) art_patch_save_path = os.path.join(patch_dir, '%d_ART.jpg' % idx) pv_patch_save_path = os.path.join(patch_dir, '%d_PV.jpg' % idx) cv2.imwrite(nc_patch_save_path, nc_patch) cv2.imwrite(art_patch_save_path, art_patch) cv2.imwrite(pv_patch_save_path, pv_patch)
def convert2jpg_multiphase(slice_dir, stage_name, save_dir): patient_name = os.path.basename(slice_dir).split('_')[0] cur_save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, stage_name, os.path.basename(slice_dir)) window_center_dict = get_window_center_info() if not os.path.exists(cur_save_dir): os.makedirs(cur_save_dir) nc_image_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Image*.mhd' % 'NC')) art_image_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Image*.mhd' % 'ART')) pv_image_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Image*.mhd' % 'PV')) nc_mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Mask*.mhd' % 'NC')) art_mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Mask*.mhd' % 'ART')) pv_mask_paths = glob(os.path.join(slice_dir, '%s_Mask*.mhd' % 'PV')) # for nc_mask_path in nc_mask_paths: # os.remove(nc_mask_path) # for art_mask_path in art_mask_paths: # os.remove(art_mask_path) # for pv_mask_path in pv_mask_paths: # os.remove(pv_mask_path) # if len(nc_image_paths) == 1 and len(art_image_paths) == 1 and len(pv_image_paths) == 1: # print('OK', slice_dir) # else: # print('Error', slice_dir, len(nc_image_paths), len(art_image_paths), len(pv_image_paths), nc_image_paths) # # if len(nc_mask_paths) == 1 and len(art_mask_paths) == 1 and len(pv_mask_paths) == 1: # print('OK', slice_dir) # else: # print('Error', slice_dir, len(nc_mask_paths), len(art_mask_paths), len(pv_mask_paths), nc_mask_paths) nc_image_path = nc_image_paths[0] art_image_path = art_image_paths[0] pv_image_path = pv_image_paths[0] nc_mask_path = nc_mask_paths[0] art_mask_path = art_mask_paths[0] pv_mask_path = pv_mask_paths[0] nc_image = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_image_path)) art_image = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_image_path)) pv_image = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_image_path)) nc_mask = np.asarray( np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_mask_path)) == 1, np.uint8) art_mask = np.asarray( np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_mask_path)) == 1, np.uint8) pv_mask = np.asarray( np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_mask_path)) == 1, np.uint8) def preprocessing_mhd(image, windows=[-350, 300]): image = np.asarray(image, np.float32) image[image < windows[0]] = windows[0] image[image > windows[1]] = windows[1] # image = image - np.mean(image) min_v = np.min(image) max_v = np.max(image) interv = max_v - min_v image = (image - min_v) / interv return image * 255.0 def bounding_box(mask): xs, ys = np.where(mask == 1) return np.min(xs), np.min(ys), np.max(xs), np.max(ys) def calculate_mask_attributes(mask): min_xs, min_ys, max_xs, max_ys = bounding_box(mask) from medicalImage import fill_region edge = cv2.Canny(mask, 1, 1) perimeter = np.sum(edge >= 200) area = np.sum(fill_region(mask)) * 1.0 circle_metric = 4 * np.pi * area / (perimeter * perimeter * 1.0) return (max_xs - min_xs), (max_ys - min_ys), perimeter, area, circle_metric, edge height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc, edge_nc = calculate_mask_attributes( nc_mask) with open(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'NC_attributes.txt'), 'w') as nc_attr_file: line = '%d %d %d %d %.6f\n' % (height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc) nc_attr_file.writelines([line]) nc_attr_file.close() height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art, edge_art = calculate_mask_attributes( art_mask) with open(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'ART_attributes.txt'), 'w') as art_attr_file: line = '%d %d %d %d %.6f\n' % (height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art) art_attr_file.writelines([line]) art_attr_file.close() height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv, edge_pv = calculate_mask_attributes( pv_mask) with open(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'PV_attributes.txt'), 'w') as pv_attr_file: line = '%d %d %d %d %.6f\n' % (height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv) pv_attr_file.writelines([line]) pv_attr_file.close() # print('edge_nc: ', np.min(edge_nc), np.max(edge_nc), np.unique(edge_nc)) # print(height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc, cur_save_dir[-1]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'NC_EDGE.jpg'), edge_nc) if patient_name in window_center_dict.keys(): cur_window_center = window_center_dict[patient_name] else: cur_window_center = [-70, 180, -70, 180, -70, 180] # print('cur_window_center is ', cur_window_center) nc_image = preprocessing_mhd(nc_image, [cur_window_center[0], cur_window_center[1]]) art_image = preprocessing_mhd(art_image, [cur_window_center[2], cur_window_center[3]]) pv_image = preprocessing_mhd(pv_image, [cur_window_center[4], cur_window_center[5]]) nc_min_xs, nc_min_ys, nc_max_xs, nc_max_ys = bounding_box(nc_mask) art_min_xs, art_min_ys, art_max_xs, art_max_ys = bounding_box(art_mask) pv_min_xs, pv_min_ys, pv_max_xs, pv_max_ys = bounding_box(pv_mask) nc_roi = nc_image[nc_min_xs:nc_max_xs, nc_min_ys:nc_max_ys] art_roi = art_image[art_min_xs:art_max_xs, art_min_ys:art_max_ys] pv_roi = pv_image[pv_min_xs:pv_max_xs, pv_min_ys:pv_max_ys] nc_roi = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(nc_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi, axis=2) ], axis=2) art_roi = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(art_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi, axis=2) ], axis=2) pv_roi = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(pv_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi, axis=2) ], axis=2) # 将所有的病灶resize到最大的那个病灶上面 nc_h, nc_w, _ = np.shape(nc_roi) art_h, art_w, _ = np.shape(art_roi) pv_h, pv_w, _ = np.shape(pv_roi) nc_size = nc_h * nc_w art_size = art_h * art_w pv_size = pv_h * pv_w if pv_size >= nc_size and pv_size >= art_size: target_h = pv_h target_w = pv_w elif art_size >= nc_size and art_size >= pv_size: target_h = art_h target_w = art_w elif nc_size >= art_size and nc_size >= pv_size: target_h = nc_h target_w = nc_w nc_roi_resized = cv2.resize(nc_roi, (target_h, target_w)) art_roi_resized = cv2.resize(art_roi, (target_h, target_w)) pv_roi_resized = cv2.resize(pv_roi, (target_h, target_w)) patch_size = 5 nc_patches, art_patches, pv_patches = extract_patches( nc_roi_resized, art_roi_resized, pv_roi_resized, patch_size) nc_roi_save_path = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'NC.jpg') art_roi_save_path = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'ART.jpg') pv_roi_save_path = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, 'PV.jpg') cv2.imwrite(nc_roi_save_path, nc_roi_resized) cv2.imwrite(art_roi_save_path, art_roi_resized) cv2.imwrite(pv_roi_save_path, pv_roi_resized) patch_dir = os.path.join(cur_save_dir, '%dx%d' % (patch_size, patch_size)) if not os.path.exists(patch_dir): os.mkdir(patch_dir) for idx, (nc_patch, art_patch, pv_patch) in enumerate(zip(nc_patches, art_patches, pv_patches)): nc_patch_save_path = os.path.join(patch_dir, '%d_NC.jpg' % idx) art_patch_save_path = os.path.join(patch_dir, '%d_ART.jpg' % idx) pv_patch_save_path = os.path.join(patch_dir, '%d_PV.jpg' % idx) cv2.imwrite(nc_patch_save_path, nc_patch) cv2.imwrite(art_patch_save_path, art_patch) cv2.imwrite(pv_patch_save_path, pv_patch)
def process_single_file(dataset_dir, slice_name): cur_label = int(slice_name[-1]) cur_slice_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, slice_name) nc_img_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'NC_Image*.mhd'))[0] art_img_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'ART_Image*.mhd'))[0] pv_img_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'PV_Image*.mhd'))[0] print(nc_img_path, art_img_path, pv_img_path) nc_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_img_path)) art_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_img_path)) pv_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_img_path)) nc_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'NC_Mask*.mhd'))[0] art_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'ART_Mask*.mhd'))[0] pv_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'PV_Mask*.mhd'))[0] print(nc_mask_path, art_mask_path, pv_mask_path) nc_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_mask_path)) art_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_mask_path)) pv_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_mask_path)) nc_mask, nc_min_xs, nc_min_ys, nc_max_xs, nc_max_ys = get_filled_mask( nc_mask) art_mask, art_min_xs, art_min_ys, art_max_xs, art_max_ys = get_filled_mask( art_mask) pv_mask, pv_min_xs, pv_min_ys, pv_max_xs, pv_max_ys = get_filled_mask( pv_mask) height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc, edge_nc = calculate_mask_attributes( nc_mask) nc_attr = [height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc] height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art, edge_art = calculate_mask_attributes( art_mask) art_attr = [ height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art ] height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv, edge_pv = calculate_mask_attributes( pv_mask) pv_attr = [height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv] nc_liver_mask_path = get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, 'nc') art_liver_mask_path = get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, 'art') pv_liver_mask_path = get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, 'pv') print(nc_liver_mask_path, art_liver_mask_path, pv_liver_mask_path) nc_liver_min_xs, nc_liver_min_ys, nc_liver_max_xs, nc_liver_max_ys = read_liver_mask( nc_liver_mask_path) art_liver_min_xs, art_liver_min_ys, art_liver_max_xs, art_liver_max_ys = read_liver_mask( art_liver_mask_path) pv_liver_min_xs, pv_liver_min_ys, pv_liver_max_xs, pv_liver_max_ys = read_liver_mask( pv_liver_mask_path) nc_liver = nc_img[nc_liver_min_xs:nc_liver_max_xs, nc_liver_min_ys:nc_liver_max_ys] art_liver = art_img[art_liver_min_xs:art_liver_max_xs, art_liver_min_ys:art_liver_max_ys] pv_liver = pv_img[pv_liver_min_xs:pv_liver_max_xs, pv_liver_min_ys:pv_liver_max_ys] # 非病灶区域置0 nc_roi_img = np.copy(nc_img) art_roi_img = np.copy(art_img) pv_roi_img = np.copy(pv_img) nc_roi_img[nc_mask != 1] = 0 art_roi_img[art_mask != 1] = 0 pv_roi_img[pv_mask != 1] = 0 nc_roi_img = nc_roi_img[nc_min_xs:nc_max_xs, nc_min_ys:nc_max_ys] art_roi_img = art_roi_img[art_min_xs:art_max_xs, art_min_ys:art_max_ys] pv_roi_img = pv_roi_img[pv_min_xs:pv_max_xs, pv_min_ys:pv_max_ys] nc_h, nc_w = np.shape(nc_roi_img) art_h, art_w = np.shape(art_roi_img) pv_h, pv_w = np.shape(pv_roi_img) nc_size = nc_h * nc_w art_size = art_h * art_w pv_size = pv_h * pv_w if pv_size >= nc_size and pv_size >= art_size: target_h = pv_h target_w = pv_w elif art_size >= nc_size and art_size >= pv_size: target_h = art_h target_w = art_w elif nc_size >= art_size and nc_size >= pv_size: target_h = nc_h target_w = nc_w nc_roi_img = np.asarray(nc_roi_img, np.float32) art_roi_img = np.asarray(art_roi_img, np.float32) pv_roi_img = np.asarray(pv_roi_img, np.float32) nc_liver = np.asarray(nc_liver, np.float32) art_liver = np.asarray(art_liver, np.float32) pv_liver = np.asarray(pv_liver, np.float32) nc_roi_resized = cv2.resize(nc_roi_img, (target_h, target_w)) art_roi_resized = cv2.resize(art_roi_img, (target_h, target_w)) pv_roi_resized = cv2.resize(pv_roi_img, (target_h, target_w)) nc_liver_resized = cv2.resize(nc_liver, (target_h, target_w)) art_liver_resized = cv2.resize(art_liver, (target_h, target_w)) pv_liver_resized = cv2.resize(pv_liver, (target_h, target_w)) nc_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(nc_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) art_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(art_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) pv_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(pv_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) print('nc mean is ', nc_roi_final.mean((0, 1))) print('art mean is ', art_roi_final.mean((0, 1))) print('pv mean is ', pv_roi_final.mean((0, 1))) cur_nc_patches, cur_art_patches, cur_pv_patches = extract_patches( nc_roi_final, art_roi_final, pv_roi_final, patch_size=5)
def run(dataset_dir, output_dir, name='voc_train', shuffling=True, stage_name='train'): """Runs the conversion operation. Args: dataset_dir: The dataset directory where the dataset is stored. output_dir: Output directory. """ if not tf.gfile.Exists(dataset_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(dataset_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) # Dataset filenames, and shuffling. cur_dataset_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, stage_name) slice_names = os.listdir(cur_dataset_dir) patch_size = 5 nc_rois = [] art_rois = [] pv_rois = [] nc_patches = [] art_patches = [] pv_patches = [] labels = [] nc_attrs = [] pv_attrs = [] art_attrs = [] for slice_name in slice_names: if slice_name.startswith('.DS'): continue print slice_name cur_label = int(slice_name[-1]) cur_slice_dir = os.path.join(cur_dataset_dir, slice_name) nc_img_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'NC_Image*.mhd'))[0] art_img_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'ART_Image*.mhd'))[0] pv_img_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'PV_Image*.mhd'))[0] nc_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_img_path)) art_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_img_path)) pv_img = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_img_path)) nc_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'NC_Mask*.mhd'))[0] art_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'ART_Mask*.mhd'))[0] pv_mask_path = glob(os.path.join(cur_slice_dir, 'PV_Mask*.mhd'))[0] nc_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(nc_mask_path)) art_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(art_mask_path)) pv_mask = np.squeeze(read_mhd_image(pv_mask_path)) nc_mask, nc_min_xs, nc_min_ys, nc_max_xs, nc_max_ys = get_filled_mask( nc_mask) art_mask, art_min_xs, art_min_ys, art_max_xs, art_max_ys = get_filled_mask( art_mask) pv_mask, pv_min_xs, pv_min_ys, pv_max_xs, pv_max_ys = get_filled_mask( pv_mask) height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc, edge_nc = calculate_mask_attributes( nc_mask) nc_attr = [ height_nc, width_nc, perimeter_nc, area_nc, circle_metric_nc ] height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art, edge_art = calculate_mask_attributes( art_mask) art_attr = [ height_art, width_art, perimeter_art, area_art, circle_metric_art ] height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv, edge_pv = calculate_mask_attributes( pv_mask) pv_attr = [ height_pv, width_pv, perimeter_pv, area_pv, circle_metric_pv ] nc_liver_mask_path = get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, 'nc') art_liver_mask_path = get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, 'art') pv_liver_mask_path = get_liver_path(cur_slice_dir, 'pv') nc_liver_min_xs, nc_liver_min_ys, nc_liver_max_xs, nc_liver_max_ys = read_liver_mask( nc_liver_mask_path) art_liver_min_xs, art_liver_min_ys, art_liver_max_xs, art_liver_max_ys = read_liver_mask( art_liver_mask_path) pv_liver_min_xs, pv_liver_min_ys, pv_liver_max_xs, pv_liver_max_ys = read_liver_mask( pv_liver_mask_path) nc_liver = nc_img[nc_liver_min_xs:nc_liver_max_xs, nc_liver_min_ys:nc_liver_max_ys] art_liver = art_img[art_liver_min_xs:art_liver_max_xs, art_liver_min_ys:art_liver_max_ys] pv_liver = pv_img[pv_liver_min_xs:pv_liver_max_xs, pv_liver_min_ys:pv_liver_max_ys] # 非病灶区域置0 nc_roi_img = np.copy(nc_img) art_roi_img = np.copy(art_img) pv_roi_img = np.copy(pv_img) nc_roi_img[nc_mask != 1] = 0 art_roi_img[art_mask != 1] = 0 pv_roi_img[pv_mask != 1] = 0 nc_roi_img = nc_roi_img[nc_min_xs:nc_max_xs, nc_min_ys:nc_max_ys] art_roi_img = art_roi_img[art_min_xs:art_max_xs, art_min_ys:art_max_ys] pv_roi_img = pv_roi_img[pv_min_xs:pv_max_xs, pv_min_ys:pv_max_ys] nc_h, nc_w = np.shape(nc_roi_img) art_h, art_w = np.shape(art_roi_img) pv_h, pv_w = np.shape(pv_roi_img) nc_size = nc_h * nc_w art_size = art_h * art_w pv_size = pv_h * pv_w if pv_size >= nc_size and pv_size >= art_size: target_h = pv_h target_w = pv_w elif art_size >= nc_size and art_size >= pv_size: target_h = art_h target_w = art_w elif nc_size >= art_size and nc_size >= pv_size: target_h = nc_h target_w = nc_w nc_roi_img = np.asarray(nc_roi_img, np.float32) art_roi_img = np.asarray(art_roi_img, np.float32) pv_roi_img = np.asarray(pv_roi_img, np.float32) nc_liver = np.asarray(nc_liver, np.float32) art_liver = np.asarray(art_liver, np.float32) pv_liver = np.asarray(pv_liver, np.float32) nc_roi_resized = cv2.resize(nc_roi_img, (target_h, target_w)) art_roi_resized = cv2.resize(art_roi_img, (target_h, target_w)) pv_roi_resized = cv2.resize(pv_roi_img, (target_h, target_w)) nc_liver_resized = cv2.resize(nc_liver, (target_h, target_w)) art_liver_resized = cv2.resize(art_liver, (target_h, target_w)) pv_liver_resized = cv2.resize(pv_liver, (target_h, target_w)) nc_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(nc_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(nc_roi_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) art_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(art_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(art_roi_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) pv_roi_final = np.concatenate([ np.expand_dims(pv_roi_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_liver_resized, axis=2), np.expand_dims(pv_roi_resized, axis=2) ], axis=2) print('nc mean is ', nc_roi_final.mean((0, 1))) print('art mean is ', art_roi_final.mean((0, 1))) print('pv mean is ', pv_roi_final.mean((0, 1))) cur_nc_patches, cur_art_patches, cur_pv_patches = extract_patches( nc_roi_final, art_roi_final, pv_roi_final, patch_size=patch_size) nc_patches.extend(cur_nc_patches) art_patches.extend(cur_art_patches) pv_patches.extend(cur_pv_patches) labels.extend([cur_label] * len(cur_pv_patches)) nc_rois.extend([nc_roi_final] * len(cur_nc_patches)) art_rois.extend([art_roi_final] * len(cur_art_patches)) pv_rois.extend([pv_roi_final] * len(cur_pv_patches)) nc_attrs.extend([nc_attr] * len(cur_nc_patches)) art_attrs.extend([art_attr] * len(cur_art_patches)) pv_attrs.extend([pv_attr] * len(cur_pv_patches)) if len(nc_rois) != len(nc_patches) or len(nc_rois) != len( art_patches) or len(nc_patches) != len(art_patches) or len( nc_rois) != len(pv_patches) or len(nc_rois) != len( pv_rois): print('the number is not equal') assert False nc_rois = np.asarray(nc_rois) art_rois = np.asarray(art_rois) pv_rois = np.asarray(pv_rois) nc_patches = np.asarray(nc_patches) art_patches = np.asarray(art_patches) pv_patches = np.asarray(pv_patches) nc_attrs = np.asarray(nc_attrs) art_attrs = np.asarray(art_attrs) pv_attrs = np.asarray(pv_attrs) labels = np.asarray(labels) nc_attrs /= config.MAX_ATTRS art_attrs /= config.MAX_ATTRS pv_attrs /= config.MAX_ATTRS if shuffling: random.seed(RANDOM_SEED) idx = range(len(nc_rois)) random.shuffle(idx) nc_rois = nc_rois[idx] art_rois = art_rois[idx] pv_rois = pv_rois[idx] nc_patches = nc_patches[idx] art_patches = art_patches[idx] pv_patches = pv_patches[idx] nc_attrs = nc_attrs[idx] art_attrs = art_attrs[idx] pv_attrs = pv_attrs[idx] labels = labels[idx] print(len(nc_rois), len(art_rois), len(pv_rois), len(nc_patches), len(art_patches), len(pv_patches), len(nc_attrs), len(art_attrs), len(pv_attrs), len(labels)) attrs = np.concatenate([nc_attrs, art_attrs, pv_attrs], axis=1) print('the shape of nc_roi is ', np.shape(nc_rois)) print('nc_roi mean is ', compute_mean_img(nc_rois)) print('art_roi mean is ', compute_mean_img(art_rois)) print('pv_roi mean is ', compute_mean_img(pv_rois)) print('attrs shape is ', np.shape(attrs)) # Process dataset files. i = 0 fidx = 0 while i < len(nc_rois): # Open new TFRecord file. tf_filename = _get_output_filename(output_dir, name, fidx) with tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tf_filename) as tfrecord_writer: j = 0 while i < len(nc_rois) and j < SAMPLES_PER_FILES: sys.stdout.write('\r>> Converting image %d/%d' % (i + 1, len(nc_rois))) sys.stdout.flush() nc_roi = nc_rois[i] art_roi = art_rois[i] pv_roi = pv_rois[i] nc_patch = nc_patches[i] art_patch = art_patches[i] pv_patch = pv_patches[i] label = labels[i] attr = attrs[i] _add_to_tfrecord(nc_roi, art_roi, pv_roi, nc_patch, art_patch, pv_patch, attr, label, tfrecord_writer) i += 1 j += 1 fidx += 1 # Finally, write the labels file: # labels_to_class_names = dict(zip(range(len(_CLASS_NAMES)), _CLASS_NAMES)) # dataset_utils.write_label_file(labels_to_class_names, dataset_dir) print('\nFinished converting the Pascal VOC dataset!')