def output_component(self, c, h5file=None): if self.fields is None: raise RuntimeError("Fields must be initialized before calling output_component") vol = self.fields.total_volume() if self.output_volume is None else self.output_volume h5 = self.output_append_h5 if h5file is None else h5file append = h5file is None and self.output_append_h5 is not None self.fields.output_hdf5(c, vol, h5, append, self.output_single_precision, self.get_filename_prefix()) if h5file is None: nm = self.fields.h5file_name(mp.component_name(c), self.get_filename_prefix(), True) if c == mp.Dielectric: self.last_eps_filename = nm self.output_h5_hook(nm)
def plot_dft_fields(sim, field_cells=[], field_funcs=None, ff_arrays=None, options=None, nf=0): options = options if options else def_field_options cmap = options['cmap'] edgecolors = options['line_color'] linewidth = options['line_width'] alpha = options['alpha'] fontsize = options['fontsize'] plot_method = options['plot_method'] num_contours = options['num_contours'] shading = 'gouraud' if linewidth==0.0 else 'none' interpolation = 'gaussian' if linewidth==0.0 else 'none' for ncell, cell in enumerate(field_cells): (x,y,z,w,cEH,EH)=unpack_dft_cell(sim,cell,nf=nf) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) if ff_arrays is None: plt.figure() plt.suptitle('DFT cell {}'.format(ncell+1)) if field_funcs==None: ops=['Re', 'Im', 'abs'] field_funcs=[texify(op+'('+mp.component_name(c)+')') for c in cEH for op in ops] rows,cols=len(cEH),len(ops) else: rows,cols=1,len(field_funcs) def op(F,index): return np.real(F) if op=='Re' else np.imag(F) if op=='Im' else np.abs(F) for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): nplot = row*cols + col data = ff_arrays[nplot] if ff_arrays else op(EH[row],ops[col]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, nplot+1) ax=plt.gca() ax.set_title(field_funcs[nplot]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=fontsize, labelpad=0.5*fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', fontsize=fontsize, labelpad=fontsize, rotation=0) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=0.75*fontsize) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.tight_layout() if plot_method=='imshow': img = plt.imshow(np.transpose(data), extent=(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)), cmap=cmap, interpolation=interpolation, alpha=alpha) elif plot_method=='pcolormesh': img = plt.pcolormesh(x,y,np.transpose(data), cmap=cmap, shading=shading, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha) else: img = ax.contourf(X,Y,np.transpose(data),num_contours, cmap=cmap,alpha=alpha) #cb=plt.colorbar(img,shrink=options['colorbar_shrink'], pad=options['colorbar_pad']) cb=happy_cb(img,ax),fontsize=1.5*fontsize,rotation=0,labelpad=0.5*fontsize) cb.locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5) cb.update_ticks() plt.tight_layout() plt.draw() return 0
def fc_name(c,which): name=mp.component_name(c) return name if which=='scattered' else str(name[0].upper())+str(name[1])
def plot_dft_fields(sim, field_cells=[], field_funcs=None, ff_arrays=None, options=None, nf=0): options = options if options else def_field_options cmap = options['cmap'] edgecolors = options['line_color'] linewidth = options['line_width'] alpha = options['alpha'] fontsize = options['fontsize'] plot_method = options['plot_method'] num_contours = options['num_contours'] shading = 'gouraud' if linewidth == 0.0 else 'none' interpolation = 'gaussian' if linewidth == 0.0 else 'none' for ncell, cell in enumerate(field_cells): (x, y, z, w, cEH, EH) = unpack_dft_cell(sim, cell, nf=nf) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) if ff_arrays is None: plt.figure() plt.suptitle('DFT cell {}'.format(ncell + 1)) if field_funcs == None: ops = ['Re', 'Im', 'abs'] field_funcs = [ texify(op + '(' + mp.component_name(c) + ')') for c in cEH for op in ops ] rows, cols = len(cEH), len(ops) else: rows, cols = 1, len(field_funcs) def op(F, index): return np.real(F) if op == 'Re' else np.imag( F) if op == 'Im' else np.abs(F) for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): nplot = row * cols + col data = ff_arrays[nplot] if ff_arrays else op(EH[row], ops[col]) plt.subplot(rows, cols, nplot + 1) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(field_funcs[nplot]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$', fontsize=fontsize, labelpad=0.5 * fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(r'$y$', fontsize=fontsize, labelpad=fontsize, rotation=0) ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=0.75 * fontsize) ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.tight_layout() if plot_method == 'imshow': img = plt.imshow(np.transpose(data), extent=(min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)), cmap=cmap, interpolation=interpolation, alpha=alpha) elif plot_method == 'pcolormesh': img = plt.pcolormesh(x, y, np.transpose(data), cmap=cmap, shading=shading, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha) else: img = ax.contourf(X, Y, np.transpose(data), num_contours, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha) #cb=plt.colorbar(img,shrink=options['colorbar_shrink'], pad=options['colorbar_pad']) cb = happy_cb(img, ax),fontsize=1.5*fontsize,rotation=0,labelpad=0.5*fontsize) cb.locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5) cb.update_ticks() plt.tight_layout() plt.draw() return 0
def fc_name(c, which): name = mp.component_name(c) return name if which == 'scattered' else str(name[0].upper()) + str( name[1])