Esempio n. 1
    def test_cloud_notifier_job_update_existing_file(self, job):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the job update for CloudNotifier when the image exists and is valid"""
        posted_payload = {}

        def fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal posted_payload
            posted_payload = payload

        def fake_upload(image_path, download_link):
            assert image_path == __file__, "Expecting given mock `image_path` to match '{}'".format(
            return "no_upload"

        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, fake_upload)
        cloud_notifier.notify(job, __file__, n_iterations=-1)

        expected_payload = {
            'mutation NotifyJobEvent($in: JobScalarChangesWithImageInput!)'
            ' {notifyJobScalarChangesWithImage(input: $in)}'
        # Verify query structure
        assert 'query' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'query'"
        assert posted_payload['query'] == expected_payload[
            'query'], "GraphQL queries should be identical"
        assert 'variables' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'variables'"
        assert 'in' in posted_payload[
            'variables'], "'variables' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'in'"
        # Verify empty imageUrl
        variables = posted_payload['variables']['in']
        assert 'imageUrl' in variables, "'in' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'imageUrl'"
        assert variables['imageUrl'] == "no_upload", "`imageUrl` value is expected to " \
                                                     "contain hard-coded value `no_upload`"
Esempio n. 2
    def test_notifier_collection_registering_notifiers(self):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the register_notifier method"""
        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(_empty_post, _empty_upload)
        cloud_notifier2 = CloudNotifier(_empty_post,
        collection = NotifierCollection()

        # Sanity check
        assert len(collection._notifiers
                   ) == 0, "Sanity check - empty NotifierCollection"

        # Adding
        assert collection.register_notifier(
            cloud_notifier), "Adding a new notifier should return True"
        assert len(collection._notifiers
                   ) == 1, "A single notifier was added to the collection!"

        # Adding again?
        assert not collection.register_notifier(cloud_notifier), "Trying to add an already-added notifier should " \
                                                                 "return False and not add the notifier to the list"

        # Adding same class, different name
        assert collection.register_notifier(
        ), "Adding a new notifier of the same class should succeed"
        assert len(collection._notifiers
                   ) == 2, "There are now two registered notifiers!"
Esempio n. 3
    def test_cloud_notifier_job_update_no_image(self):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the job update for CloudNotifier when no image is available or image does not exist"""
        posted_payload = {}

        def fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal posted_payload
            posted_payload = payload

        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, _empty_upload)
        for path in ["fake_path", None]:
            cloud_notifier.notify(_get_job(), path, n_iterations=-1)

            expected_payload = {
                'mutation NotifyJobEvent($in: JobScalarChangesWithImageInput!)'
                ' {notifyJobScalarChangesWithImage(input: $in)}'
            # Verify query structure
            assert 'query' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'query'"
            assert posted_payload['query'] == expected_payload[
                'query'], "GraphQL queries should be identical"
            assert 'variables' in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'variables'"
            assert 'in' in posted_payload['variables'], "'variables' dictionary is expected " \
                                                        "to contain a key called 'in'"
            # Verify empty imageUrl
            variables = posted_payload['variables']['in']
            assert 'imageUrl' in variables, "'in' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'imageUrl'"
            assert variables[
                'imageUrl'] == '', "`imageUrl` value is expected to be empty"
Esempio n. 4
    def test_notifier_history(self):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the Notifier's built-in history management via CloudNotifier"""
        should_raise = False

        def _fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal should_raise
            if should_raise:
                raise RuntimeError

        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(_fake_post, _empty_upload)
        job = _get_job()


        # Validate history for notify_job_start
        notifications = cloud_notifier.get_notification_history(
        assert len(
        ) == 1, "Expecting a single notification at this point (JobStart)"
        assert notifications[
            0].type == NotificationType.JOB_START, "Notification type should be Job Start"
        assert notifications[0].status == NotificationStatus.SUCCESS, "Notification is expected to succeed " \
                                                                      "with Mock `post`"

        last_notification = cloud_notifier.get_last_notification_status(
        assert last_notification is not None, "There was a single notification, we expect a concrete value"
        assert last_notification.type == NotificationType.JOB_START, "Notification type should be Job Start"
        assert last_notification.status == NotificationStatus.SUCCESS, "Notification was expected to succeed"

        should_raise = True

        # Validate history for notify_job_end
        notifications = cloud_notifier.get_notification_history(
        assert len(
        ) == 2, "Expecting two notification at this point (JobStart, JobEnd)"
        assert notifications[
            1].type == NotificationType.JOB_END, "Second notification type should be Job End"
        assert notifications[
            1].status == NotificationStatus.FAILED, "Notification has failed here due to set flag"

        last_notification = cloud_notifier.get_last_notification_status(
        assert last_notification is not None, "We expect a concrete value after any event has happened"
        assert last_notification.type == NotificationType.JOB_END, "Last notification type was Job End"
        assert last_notification.status == NotificationStatus.FAILED, "Last notification has failed to due to set flag"
Esempio n. 5
    def test_cloud_notifier_notifies_failed_job_with_correct_payload(self):
        fake_post = MagicMock()
        fake_upload = MagicMock()
        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, fake_upload)

        def get_failed_job():
            job_id = uuid.uuid4()
            resource_dir = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)).joinpath(
                'resources', 'logs')
            job_ = Job(Executable(output_path=resource_dir),
            job_.status = JobStatus.FAILED
            return job_

        failed_job = get_failed_job()

        cloud_notification_status = cloud_notifier.get_last_notification_status(
        assert cloud_notification_status.status == NotificationStatus.SUCCESS, "Notification status should be success"

        # Posted payload
        args, _ = fake_post.call_args
        assert len(
        ) == 1, "Expected mock post to have been called with one argument"

        payload = args[0]
        assert payload is not None, "Expected posted payload to not be None"

        # Query
        assert "query" in payload, "Expected posted payload to have query field"
        query = payload["query"]
        assert query is not None

        # Variables
        assert "variables" in payload, "Expected posted payload to have variables field"
        variables = payload["variables"]
        assert variables is not None

        assert "in" in variables, "Expected variables to have 'in' field"
        inp = variables["in"]

        stderr = inp["stderr"]
        assert stderr is not None
        assert len(stderr) > 50

        assert inp["job_id"] is not None
Esempio n. 6
    def test_cloud_notifier_job_start_end_queries(self, job):  # pylint:disable=redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the job start/end for CloudNotifier"""
        posted_payload = {}

        def fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal posted_payload
            posted_payload = payload

        # Initializations (sanity checks)
        assert posted_payload == {}, "Sanity test - `posted_payload` dictionary should be empty at this point"
        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, _empty_upload)
        expected_payload_start = {
            "mutation NotifyJobStart($in: JobStartInput!) { notifyJobStart(input: $in) }"
        expected_payload_end = {
            "mutation NotifyJobEnd($in: JobDoneInput!) { notifyJobDone(input: $in) }"

        notifications = cloud_notifier.get_notification_history(
        assert len(
        ) == 0, "Expecting no notification at this point as no events have occurred"
        last_notification = cloud_notifier.get_last_notification_status(
        assert last_notification is None, "There is no last notification either, expected `None` value"


        # Validate query for notify_job_start
        assert "query" in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'query'"
        assert posted_payload["query"] == expected_payload_start[
            "query"], "GraphQL queries should be identical"


        # Validate query for notify_job_end
        assert "query" in posted_payload, "Payload is expected to contain the key 'query'"
        assert posted_payload["query"] == expected_payload_end[
            "query"], "GraphQL queries should be identical"

        assert "variables" in posted_payload, "Posted payload is expected to contain a 'variables' key"
        variables = posted_payload["variables"]
        assert "in" in variables, "'variables' dictionary is expected to contain a key called 'in'"
Esempio n. 7
def _build_api(service, cloud_client):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # Cyclic import check is cancelled here; pylint complains about it even though it's only imported in the daemon
    # process, which is a clean one and therefore there are no cyclic imports.
    from meeshkan.core.api import Api  # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
    from meeshkan.notifications.notifiers import CloudNotifier, LoggingNotifier, NotifierCollection
    from meeshkan.core.tasks import TaskPoller
    from meeshkan.core.scheduler import Scheduler, QueueProcessor
    from meeshkan.core.config import ensure_base_dirs as ensure_base_dirs_
    from meeshkan.core.logger import setup_logging as setup_logging_
    from meeshkan.core.sagemaker_monitor import SageMakerJobMonitor


    cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(
        name="Cloud Service",
    logging_notifier = LoggingNotifier(name="Local Service")

    task_poller = TaskPoller(cloud_client.pop_tasks)
    queue_processor = QueueProcessor()

    notifier_collection = NotifierCollection(
        *[cloud_notifier, logging_notifier])

    scheduler = Scheduler(queue_processor=queue_processor,

    sagemaker_job_monitor = SageMakerJobMonitor(

    api = Api(scheduler=scheduler,
    return api
Esempio n. 8
    def test_notifier_collection_notifiers_init(self):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests init with notifiers"""
        assert_msg1 = "Both created notifiers should be found in the `_notifiers` list"
        cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(_empty_post, _empty_upload)
        logging_notifier = LoggingNotifier()

        # Proper init
        collection = NotifierCollection(*[cloud_notifier, logging_notifier])
        assert len(
        ) == 2, "There are two registered notifiers in the collection"
        assert cloud_notifier in collection._notifiers and logging_notifier in collection._notifiers, assert_msg1

        # Empty init
        collection = NotifierCollection()
        assert len(collection._notifiers) == 0, "NotifierCollection was instantiated without any notifiers! " \
                                                "How come there are any registered?"

        # Bad init
        collection = NotifierCollection(*[cloud_notifier, cloud_notifier])
        assert len(collection._notifiers) == 1, "NotifierCollection was instantiated with the same object multiple" \
                                                "times, but only one unique instance of an object can be stored."
Esempio n. 9
    def test_notifier_collection_notifications(self):  # pylint:disable=unused-argument,redefined-outer-name
        """Tests the job notifications are sent to all registered notifiers, along with history management"""
        assert_msg1 = "Last notification type was JobUpdate"
        assert_msg2 = "CloudNotifier is expected to succeed with a fake `post` method"
        assert_msg3 = "LoggingNotifier is expected to fail with non-existing output path"
        assert_msg4 = "History for CloudNotifier from NotifierCollection should match CloudNotifier internal history"
        assert_msg5 = "History for LoggingNotifier from NotifierCollection " \
                      "should match LoggingNotifier internal history"
        cloud_counter = 0
        logging_counter = 0

        def fake_post(payload):
            nonlocal cloud_counter
            cloud_counter += 1

        def fake_log(job_id, message):
            nonlocal logging_counter
            logging_counter += 1

        job = _get_job()
        logging_notifier = LoggingNotifier()
        with mock.patch.object(logging_notifier, 'log', fake_log):
            cloud_notifier = CloudNotifier(fake_post, _empty_upload)

            collection = NotifierCollection(
                *[cloud_notifier, logging_notifier])

            # Test with notify_job_start
            assert cloud_counter == logging_counter == 1, "A single event (JobStart) should be sent to both notifiers"

            # Test with notify_job_end
            assert cloud_counter == logging_counter == 2, "Two events have now been registered to both notifiers " \
                                                          "(JobStart, JobEnd)"

            # Test with notify
            collection.notify(job, "", -1)
            # Validate `notify` via job_history
            last_notification = collection.get_last_notification_status(
            assert len(last_notification) == 2, "There are two notifiers, so we expect two keys " \
                                                "in the last notification"
            assert in last_notification, "CloudNotifier name '{}' should be a " \
            assert in last_notification, "LoggingNotifier name '{}' should be a " \
            assert last_notification[
                name].type == NotificationType.JOB_UPDATE, assert_msg1
            assert last_notification[
                name].type == NotificationType.JOB_UPDATE, assert_msg1
            # Cloud notification is expected to be successful as we emulate the upload and posting process
            assert last_notification[
                name].status == NotificationStatus.SUCCESS, assert_msg2
            # Logging notification is expected to fail as the target directory does not exist
            assert last_notification[
                name].status == NotificationStatus.FAILED, assert_msg3

            # Test history
            history = collection.get_notification_history(
            assert len(
            ) == 2, "The entire history should have two keys - one for each notifier"
            assert in last_notification, "CloudNotifier name '{}' should be a " \
            assert in last_notification, "LoggingNotifier name '{}' should be a " \
            cloud_history = history[]
            logging_history = history[]
            assert cloud_history == cloud_notifier.get_notification_history(
      [], assert_msg4
            assert logging_history == logging_notifier.get_notification_history(
      [], assert_msg5