def beam_search_step(self, input, state, cell, beam_size, attention_construct_fn=None, input_text=None): output, state = cell(input, state) if hasattr(state, 'alignments'): tf.add_to_collection('attention_alignments', state.alignments) tf.add_to_collection('beam_search_alignments', tf.get_collection('attention_alignments')[-1]) #TODO: this step cause.. attenion decode each step after initalization still need input_text feed #will this case attention_keys and attention_values to be recompute(means redo encoding process) each step? #can we avoid this? seems no better method, #if enocding is slow may be feed attention_keys, attention_values each step if not FLAGS.decode_use_alignment: if FLAGS.gen_only: output_fn = self.output_fn logits = output_fn(output) else: indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(input_text)) batch_size = melt.get_batch_size(input) if FLAGS.copy_only: output_fn_ = self.copy_output_fn else: output_fn_ = self.gen_copy_output_fn output_fn = lambda cell_output, cell_state: output_fn_( indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) logits = output_fn(output, state) if FLAGS.gen_copy_switch and FLAGS.switch_after_softmax: logprobs = tf.log(logits) else: logprobs = tf.nn.log_softmax(logits) if FLAGS.decode_copy: logprobs = melt.gather_cols(logprobs, tf.to_int32(input_text)) else: logits = state.alignments logits = scores[:, :tf.shape(input_text)[-1]] logprobs = tf.nn.log_softmax(logits) top_logprobs, top_ids = tf.nn.top_k(logprobs, beam_size) #------too slow... for transfering large data between py and c++ cost a lot! #top_logprobs, top_ids = tf.nn.top_k(logprobs, self.vocab_size) if input_text is not None and FLAGS.decode_copy: top_ids = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(input_text, top_ids) if hasattr(state, 'cell_state'): state = state.cell_state return output, state, top_logprobs, top_ids
def generate_sequence_greedy(self, input, max_words, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, convert_unk=True, input_text=None, emb=None): """ this one is using greedy search method for beam search using generate_sequence_by_beam_search with addditional params like beam_size """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb batch_size = melt.get_batch_size(input) if attention_states is None: cell = self.cell else: cell = self.prepare_attention( attention_states, initial_state=initial_state, score_as_alignment=self.score_as_alignment) initial_state = None state = cell.zero_state( batch_size, tf.float32) if initial_state is None else initial_state helper = melt.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(embedding=emb, first_input=input, end_token=self.end_id) if FLAGS.gen_only: output_fn = self.output_fn else: indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(input_text)) if FLAGS.copy_only: output_fn_ = self.copy_output_fn else: output_fn_ = self.gen_copy_output_fn output_fn = lambda cell_output, cell_state: output_fn_( indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(cell=cell, helper=helper, initial_state=state, vocab_size=self.vocab_size, output_fn=output_fn) outputs, _, _ = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode( my_decoder, maximum_iterations=max_words, scope=self.scope) generated_sequence = outputs.sample_id #------like beam search return sequence, score return generated_sequence, tf.zeros([ batch_size, ])
def words_importance_encode(self, sequence, emb=None, input=None): #[batch_size, emb_dim] argmax_values = self.encode( sequence, emb, input, output_method=melt.rnn.OutputMethod.argmax)[0] indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(argmax_values)) updates = tf.ones_like(argmax_values) shape = tf.shape(sequence) scores = tf.scatter_nd(indices, updates, shape=shape) * tf.to_int64( tf.sequence_mask(self.sequence_length, shape[-1])) return scores
def gen_copy_output_train(time, indices, targets, sampled_values, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state): if self.softmax_loss_function is not None: labels = tf.slice(targets, [0, time], [-1, 1]) sampled, true_expected_count, sampled_expected_count = sampled_values sampled_values = \ sampled, tf.slice(tf.reshape(true_expected_count, [batch_size, -1]), [0, time], [-1, 1]), sampled_expected_count sampled_ids, sampled_logits = melt.nn.compute_sampled_ids_and_logits( weights=self.w_t, biases=self.v, labels=labels, inputs=cell_output, num_sampled=self.num_sampled, num_classes=self.vocab_size, sampled_values=sampled_values, remove_accidental_hits=False) gen_indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices( tf.to_int32(sampled_ids)) gen_logits = tf.scatter_nd(gen_indices, sampled_logits, shape=[batch_size, self.vocab_size]) else: gen_logits = self.output_fn(cell_output) copy_logits = copy_output(indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) if FLAGS.gen_copy_switch: #gen_copy_switch == True. gen_probability = cell_state.gen_probability if FLAGS.switch_after_softmax: return gen_probability * tf.nn.softmax(gen_logits) + ( 1 - gen_probability) * tf.nn.softmax(copy_logits) else: return gen_probability * gen_logits + ( 1 - gen_probability) * copy_logits else: return gen_logits + copy_logits
def decoder_fn(time, cell_state, cell_input, cell_output, context_state): """Decoder function used in the `dynamic_rnn_decoder` for training. Args: time: positive integer constant reflecting the current timestep. cell_state: state of RNNCell. cell_input: input provided by `dynamic_rnn_decoder`. cell_output: output of RNNCell. context_state: context state provided by `dynamic_rnn_decoder`. Returns: A tuple (done, next state, next input, emit output, next context state) where: done: `None`, which is used by the `dynamic_rnn_decoder` to indicate that `sequence_lengths` in `dynamic_rnn_decoder` should be used. next state: `cell_state`, this decoder function does not modify the given state. next input: `cell_input`, this decoder function does not modify the given input. The input could be modified when applying e.g. attention. emit output: `cell_output`, this decoder function does not modify the given output. next context state: `context_state`, this decoder function does not modify the given context state. The context state could be modified when applying e.g. beam search. """ with ops.name_scope( name, "attention_decoder_fn_train", [time, cell_state, cell_input, cell_output, context_state]): #input_text = None if cell_state is None: # first call, return encoder_state cell_state = encoder_state # init attention attention = init_attention(encoder_state) if input_text is not None: #cell_output = array_ops.zeros([vocab_size], dtype=dtypes.float32) context_state = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray( dtype=tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True, infer_shape=False) else: # construct attention attention, scores, alignments = attention_construct_fn( cell_output, attention_keys, attention_values) #attention, scores, alignments = attention_construct_fn(cell_state.h, attention_keys, # attention_values) cell_output = attention if input_text is not None: #encoder_info = nest.flatten(encoder_state)[0] #batch_size = encoder_info.get_shape()[0].value #if batch_size is None: # batch_size = array_ops.shape(encoder_info)[0] ##ref = tf.Variable(array_ops.zeros([batch_size, vocab_size], dtype=dtypes.float32)) ## #with tf.control_dependencies(None): ##TODO... must fix batch_size right now # cell_output_ = tf.Variable(array_ops.zeros([256, vocab_size], dtype=dtypes.float32)) #actually should use tf.scatter_nd, anyway this attention is deprecated! cell_output_ = tf.get_variable( "cell_output_", [256, vocab_size], dtype=dtypes.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) #cell_output_ = tf.get_variable("cell_output_", [256, vocab_size], dtype=dtypes.float32, initializer=tf.ones_initializer()) #cell_output_.assign(array_ops.zeros([256, vocab_size])) cell_output_ = tf.assign( cell_output_, array_ops.zeros([256, vocab_size])) indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices( tf.to_int32(input_text)) updates = scores #updates = alignments cell_output_ = tf.scatter_nd_add(cell_output_, indices, updates) cell_output_ = tf.stop_gradient(cell_output_) ##print(cell_output, vocab_size) ##cell_output = attention ##cell_output = array_ops.zeros([batch_size, vocab_size], dtype=dtypes.float32) ##cell_output = scores #cell_output = tf.convert_to_tensor(cell_output) context_state = context_state.write(time - 1, cell_output_) #context_state = context_state.write(time - 1, scores) # combine cell_input and attention next_input = array_ops.concat([cell_input, attention], 1) #next_input = cell_input return (None, cell_state, next_input, cell_output, context_state)
def take_step(self, i, prev, state): print('-------------i', i) if self.output_fn is not None: #[batch_size * beam_size, num_units] -> [batch_size * beam_size, num_classes] try: output = self.output_fn(prev) except Exception: output = self.output_fn(prev, state) else: output = prev self.output = output #[batch_size * beam_size, num_classes], here use log sofmax if self.need_softmax: logprobs = tf.nn.log_softmax(output) else: logprobs = tf.log(tf.maximum(output, 1e-12)) if self.num_classes is None: self.num_classes = tf.shape(logprobs)[1] #->[batch_size, beam_size, num_classes] logprobs_batched = tf.reshape(logprobs, [-1, self.beam_size, self.num_classes]) logprobs_batched.set_shape((None, self.beam_size, None)) # Note: masking out entries to -inf plays poorly with top_k, so just subtract out a large number. nondone_mask = tf.reshape( tf.cast( tf.equal(tf.range(self.num_classes), self.done_token), tf.float32) * -1e18, [1, 1, self.num_classes]) if self.past_logprobs is None: #[batch_size, beam_size, num_classes] -> [batch_size, num_classes] #-> past_logprobs[batch_size, beam_size], indices[batch_size, beam_size] self.past_logprobs, indices = tf.nn.top_k( (logprobs_batched + nondone_mask)[:, 0, :], self.beam_size) step_logprobs = self.past_logprobs else: #logprobs_batched [batch_size, beam_size, num_classes] -> [batch_size, beam_size, num_classes] #past_logprobs [batch_size, beam_size] -> [batch_size, beam_size, 1] step_logprobs_batched = logprobs_batched logprobs_batched = logprobs_batched + tf.expand_dims(self.past_logprobs, 2) #get [batch_size, beam_size] each self.past_logprobs, indices = tf.nn.top_k( #[batch_size, beam_size * num_classes] tf.reshape(logprobs_batched + nondone_mask, [-1, self.beam_size * self.num_classes]), self.beam_size) #get current step logprobs [batch_size, beam_size] step_logprobs = tf.gather_nd(tf.reshape(step_logprobs_batched, [-1, self.beam_size * self.num_classes]), melt.batch_values_to_indices(indices)) # For continuing to the next symbols [batch_size, beam_size] symbols = indices % self.num_classes #from wich beam it comes [batch_size, beam_size] parent_refs = indices // self.num_classes if self.past_symbols is None: #here when i == 1, when i==0 will not do take step it just do one rnn() get output and use it for i==1 here #here will not need to gather state for inital state of each beam is the same #[batch_size, beam_size] -> [batch_size, beam_size, 1] self.past_symbols = tf.expand_dims(symbols, 2) self.past_step_logprobs = tf.expand_dims(step_logprobs, 2) else: # NOTE: outputing a zero-length sequence is not supported for simplicity reasons #hasky/jupter/tensorflow/beam-search2.ipynb below for mergeing path #here when i >= 2 # tf.reshape( # (tf.range(3 * 5) // 5) * 5, # [3, 5] # ).eval() # array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # [ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], # [10, 10, 10, 10, 10]], dtype=int32) parent_refs_offsets = tf.reshape( (tf.range(self.batch_size * self.beam_size) // self.beam_size) * self.beam_size, [self.batch_size, self.beam_size]) #self.past_symbols [batch_size, beam_size, i - 1] -> past_symbols_batch_major [batch_size * beam_size, i - 1] past_symbols_batch_major = tf.reshape(self.past_symbols, [-1, i-1]) past_step_logprobs_batch_major = tf.reshape(self.past_step_logprobs, [-1, i - 1]) #[batch_size, beam_size] past_indices = parent_refs + parent_refs_offsets #-> [batch_size, beam_size, i - 1] beam_past_symbols = tf.gather(past_symbols_batch_major, #[batch_size * beam_size, i - 1] past_indices #[batch_size, beam_size] ) beam_past_step_logprobs = tf.gather(past_step_logprobs_batch_major, past_indices) #we must also choose corresponding past state as new start past_indices = tf.reshape(past_indices, [-1]) #TODO not support tf.TensorArray right now, can not use aligment_history in attention_wrapper def try_gather(x, indices): #if isinstance(x, tf.Tensor) and x.shape.ndims >= 2: assert isinstance(x, tf.Tensor) if x.shape.ndims >= 2: return tf.gather(x, indices) else: return x state = nest.map_structure(lambda x: try_gather(x, past_indices), state) if hasattr(state, 'alignments'): attention_size = melt.get_shape(state.alignments, -1) alignments = tf.reshape(state.alignments, [-1, self.beam_size, attention_size]) print('alignments', alignments) if not self.fast_greedy: #[batch_size, beam_size, max_len] path = tf.concat([self.past_symbols, tf.ones_like(tf.expand_dims(symbols, 2)) * self.done_token, tf.tile(tf.ones_like(tf.expand_dims(symbols, 2)) * self.pad_token, [1, 1, self.max_len - i])], 2) step_logprobs_path = tf.concat([self.past_step_logprobs, tf.expand_dims(step_logprobs_batched[:, :, self.done_token], 2), tf.tile(tf.ones_like(tf.expand_dims(step_logprobs, 2)) * -float('inf'), [1, 1, self.max_len - i])], 2) #[batch_size, 1, beam_size, max_len] path = tf.expand_dims(path, 1) step_logprobs_path = tf.expand_dims(step_logprobs_path, 1) self.paths_list.append(path) self.step_logprobs_list.append(step_logprobs_path) #[batch_size * beam_size, i - 1] -> [batch_size, bam_size, i] the best beam_size paths until step i self.past_symbols = tf.concat([beam_past_symbols, tf.expand_dims(symbols, 2)], 2) self.past_step_logprobs = tf.concat([beam_past_step_logprobs, tf.expand_dims(step_logprobs, 2)], 2) # For finishing the beam #[batch_size, beam_size] logprobs_done = logprobs_batched[:, :, self.done_token] if not self.fast_greedy: self.logprobs_list.append(logprobs_done / i ** self.length_normalization_factor) else: done_parent_refs = tf.cast(tf.argmax(logprobs_done, 1), tf.int32) done_parent_refs_offsets = tf.range(self.batch_size) * self.beam_size done_past_symbols = tf.gather(past_symbols_batch_major, done_parent_refs + done_parent_refs_offsets) #[batch_size, max_len] symbols_done = tf.concat([done_past_symbols, tf.ones_like(done_past_symbols[:,0:1]) * self.done_token, tf.tile(tf.zeros_like(done_past_symbols[:,0:1]), [1, self.max_len - i]) ], 1) #[batch_size, beam_size] -> [batch_size,] logprobs_done_max = tf.reduce_max(logprobs_done, 1) if self.length_normalization_factor > 0: logprobs_done_max /= i ** self.length_normalization_factor #[batch_size, max_len] self.finished_beams = tf.where(logprobs_done_max > self.logprobs_finished_beams, symbols_done, self.finished_beams) self.logprobs_finished_beams = tf.maximum(logprobs_done_max, self.logprobs_finished_beams) #->[batch_size * beam_size,] symbols_flat = tf.reshape(symbols, [-1]) self.final_state = state return symbols_flat, state
def sequence_loss(self, sequence, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, input=None, input_text=None, exact_prob=False, exact_loss=False, emb=None): """ for general seq2seq input is None, sequence will pad <GO>, inital_state is last state from encoder for img2text/showandtell input is image_embedding, inital_state is None/zero set TODO since exact_porb and exact_loss same value, may remove exact_prob NOTICE! assume sequence to be padded by zero and must have one instance full length(no zero!) """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb is_training = self.is_training batch_size = tf.shape(sequence)[0] sequence, sequence_length = melt.pad(sequence, start_id=self.get_start_id(), end_id=self.get_end_id()) #TODO different init state as show in ptb_word_lm state = self.cell.zero_state( batch_size, tf.float32) if initial_state is None else initial_state #[batch_size, num_steps - 1, emb_dim], remove last col inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(emb, sequence[:, :-1]) if is_training and FLAGS.keep_prob < 1: inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, FLAGS.keep_prob) #inputs[batch_size, num_steps, emb_dim] input([batch_size, emb_dim] -> [batch_size, 1, emb_dim]) before concat if input is not None: #used like showandtell where image_emb is as input, additional to sequence inputs = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(input, 1), inputs], 1) else: #common usage input is None, sequence as input, notice already pad <GO> before using melt.pad sequence_length -= 1 sequence = sequence[:, 1:] if self.is_predict: #---only need when predict, since train input already dynamic length, NOTICE this will improve speed a lot num_steps = tf.to_int32(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)) sequence = sequence[:, :num_steps] inputs = inputs[:, :num_steps, :] tf.add_to_collection('sequence', sequence) tf.add_to_collection('sequence_length', sequence_length) if attention_states is None: outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(self.cell, inputs, initial_state=state, sequence_length=sequence_length, scope=self.scope) self.final_state = state else: attention_keys, attention_values, attention_score_fn, attention_construct_fn = \ self.prepare_attention(attention_states) decoder_fn_train = melt.seq2seq.attention_decoder_fn_train( encoder_state=state, attention_keys=attention_keys, attention_values=attention_values, attention_score_fn=attention_score_fn, attention_construct_fn=attention_construct_fn) decoder_outputs_train, decoder_state_train, _ = \ melt.seq2seq.dynamic_rnn_decoder( cell=self.cell, decoder_fn=decoder_fn_train, inputs=inputs, sequence_length=tf.to_int32(sequence_length), scope=self.scope) outputs = decoder_outputs_train self.final_state = decoder_state_train tf.add_to_collection('outputs', outputs) #[batch_size, num_steps] targets = sequence if FLAGS.copy_only: #TODO now not work! attention_scores = tf.get_collection('attention_scores')[-1] indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(input_text) #logits = ; else: #TODO: hack here add FLAGS.predict_no_sample just for Seq2seqPredictor exact_predict softmax_loss_function = self.softmax_loss_function if self.is_predict and (exact_prob or exact_loss): softmax_loss_function = None if softmax_loss_function is None: #[batch_size, num_steps, num_units] * [num_units, vocab_size] # -> logits [batch_size, num_steps, vocab_size] (if use exact_predict_loss) #or [batch_size * num_steps, vocab_size] by default flatten=True keep_dims = exact_prob or exact_loss logits = melt.batch_matmul_embedding( outputs, self.w, keep_dims=keep_dims) + self.v if not keep_dims: targets = tf.reshape(targets, [-1]) else: logits = outputs mask = tf.cast(tf.sign(targets), dtype=tf.float32) if self.is_predict and exact_prob: #generate real prob for sequence #for 10w vocab textsum seq2seq 20 -> 4 about loss = melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss(logits, targets, mask, num_steps, batch_size) elif self.is_predict and exact_loss: #force no sample softmax loss, the diff with exact_prob is here we just use cross entropy error as result not real prob of seq #NOTICE using time a bit less 55 to 57(prob), same result with exact prob and exact score #but 256 vocab sample will use only about 10ms #TODO check more with softmax loss and sampled somtmax loss, check length normalize loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example(logits, targets, weights=mask) else: #loss [batch_size,] loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( logits, targets, weights=mask, softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function) #mainly for compat with [bach_size, num_losses] loss = tf.reshape(loss, [-1, 1]) if self.is_predict: loss = self.normalize_length(loss, sequence_length, exact_prob) #loss = tf.squeeze(loss) TODO: later will uncomment this with all models rerun return loss
def sequence_loss(self, sequence, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, input=None, input_text=None, exact_prob=False, exact_loss=False, emb=None): """ for general seq2seq input is None, sequence will pad <GO>, inital_state is last state from encoder for img2text/showandtell input is image_embedding, inital_state is None/zero set TODO since exact_porb and exact_loss same value, may remove exact_prob NOTICE! assume sequence to be padded by zero and must have one instance full length(no zero!) """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb is_training = self.is_training batch_size = tf.shape(sequence)[0] sequence, sequence_length = melt.pad(sequence, start_id=self.get_start_id(), end_id=self.get_end_id()) #[batch_size, num_steps - 1, emb_dim], remove last col inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(emb, sequence[:, :-1]) if is_training and FLAGS.keep_prob < 1: inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, FLAGS.keep_prob) #inputs[batch_size, num_steps, emb_dim] input([batch_size, emb_dim] -> [batch_size, 1, emb_dim]) before concat if input is not None: #used like showandtell where image_emb is as input, additional to sequence inputs = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(input, 1), inputs], 1) else: #common usage input is None, sequence as input, notice already pad <GO> before using melt.pad sequence_length -= 1 sequence = sequence[:, 1:] if self.is_predict: #---only need when predict, since train input already dynamic length, NOTICE this will improve speed a lot num_steps = tf.to_int32(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)) sequence = sequence[:, :num_steps] inputs = inputs[:, :num_steps, :] tf.add_to_collection('sequence', sequence) tf.add_to_collection('sequence_length', sequence_length) if attention_states is None: cell = self.cell else: cell = self.prepare_attention(attention_states, initial_state=initial_state) #initial_state = None initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32) state = cell.zero_state( batch_size, tf.float32) if initial_state is None else initial_state #if attention_states is None: #-----TODO using attention_wrapper works now with dynamic_rnn but still slower then old attention method... outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, initial_state=state, sequence_length=sequence_length, dtype=tf.float32, scope=self.scope) #else: # #---below is also ok but slower, above 16+ ,below only 13,14 batch/s, may be due to sample id # #TODO: can we make below code as fast as tf.nn.dyanmic_rnn if not need smaple id remove it ? # #FIXME... AttentionWrapper is only 1/2 speed comapred to old function based attention, why? # #helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) # helper = melt.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) # #my_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( # my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicTrainingDecoder( # cell=cell, # helper=helper, # initial_state=state) # outputs, state, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) # #outputs = outputs.rnn_output self.final_state = state tf.add_to_collection('outputs', outputs) #[batch_size, num_steps] targets = sequence if FLAGS.copy_only: #TODO now not work! attention_scores = tf.get_collection('attention_scores')[-1] indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(input_text) #logits = ; else: #TODO: hack here add FLAGS.predict_no_sample just for Seq2seqPredictor exact_predict softmax_loss_function = self.softmax_loss_function if self.is_predict and (exact_prob or exact_loss): softmax_loss_function = None if softmax_loss_function is None: #[batch_size, num_steps, num_units] * [num_units, vocab_size] # -> logits [batch_size, num_steps, vocab_size] (if use exact_predict_loss) #or [batch_size * num_steps, vocab_size] by default flatten=True keep_dims = exact_prob or exact_loss logits = melt.batch_matmul_embedding( outputs, self.w, keep_dims=keep_dims) + self.v if not keep_dims: targets = tf.reshape(targets, [-1]) else: logits = outputs mask = tf.cast(tf.sign(targets), dtype=tf.float32) if self.is_predict and exact_prob: #generate real prob for sequence #for 10w vocab textsum seq2seq 20 -> 4 about loss = melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss(logits, targets, mask, num_steps, batch_size) elif self.is_predict and exact_loss: #force no sample softmax loss, the diff with exact_prob is here we just use cross entropy error as result not real prob of seq #NOTICE using time a bit less 55 to 57(prob), same result with exact prob and exact score #but 256 vocab sample will use only about 10ms #TODO check more with softmax loss and sampled somtmax loss, check length normalize loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example(logits, targets, weights=mask) else: #loss [batch_size,] loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( logits, targets, weights=mask, softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function) #mainly for compat with [bach_size, num_losses] loss = tf.reshape(loss, [-1, 1]) if self.is_predict: loss = self.normalize_length(loss, sequence_length, exact_prob) #loss = tf.squeeze(loss) TODO: later will uncomment this with all models rerun return loss
def generate_sequence_beam(self, input, max_words, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, beam_size=5, convert_unk=True, length_normalization_factor=0., input_text=None, input_text_length=None, emb=None): """ beam dcode means ingraph beam search return top (path, score) """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb def loop_function(i, prev, state, decoder): prev, state = decoder.take_step(i, prev, state) next_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(emb, prev) return next_input, state batch_size = melt.get_batch_size(input) if initial_state is not None: initial_state = nest.map_structure( lambda x: tf.contrib.seq2seq.tile_batch(x, beam_size), initial_state) if attention_states is None: cell = self.cell else: attention_states = tf.contrib.seq2seq.tile_batch( attention_states, beam_size) #print('tiled_attention_states', attention_states, 'tiled_initial_state', initial_state) cell = self.prepare_attention( attention_states, initial_state=initial_state, score_as_alignment=self.score_as_alignment) initial_state = None state = cell.zero_state(batch_size * beam_size, tf.float32) \ if initial_state is None else initial_state if FLAGS.gen_only: output_fn = self.output_fn else: input_text = tf.contrib.seq2seq.tile_batch(input_text, beam_size) batch_size = batch_size * beam_size indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(input_text)) if FLAGS.copy_only: output_fn_ = self.copy_output_fn else: output_fn_ = self.gen_copy_output_fn output_fn = lambda cell_output, cell_state: output_fn_( indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) ##TODO to be safe make topn the same as beam size return melt.seq2seq.beam_decode( input, max_words, state, cell, loop_function, scope=self.scope, beam_size=beam_size, done_token=vocabulary.vocab.end_id(), output_fn=output_fn, length_normalization_factor=length_normalization_factor, topn=beam_size)
def sequence_loss(self, sequence, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, input=None, input_text=None, exact_prob=False, exact_loss=False, emb=None): """ for general seq2seq input is None, sequence will pad <GO>, inital_state is last state from encoder for img2text/showandtell input is image_embedding, inital_state is None/zero set TODO since exact_porb and exact_loss same value, may remove exact_prob NOTICE! assume sequence to be padded by zero and must have one instance full length(no zero!) """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb is_training = self.is_training batch_size = melt.get_batch_size(sequence) sequence, sequence_length = melt.pad(sequence, start_id=self.get_start_id(), end_id=self.get_end_id()) #[batch_size, num_steps - 1, emb_dim], remove last col inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(emb, sequence[:, :-1]) if is_training and FLAGS.keep_prob < 1: inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, FLAGS.keep_prob) #inputs[batch_size, num_steps, emb_dim] input([batch_size, emb_dim] -> [batch_size, 1, emb_dim]) before concat if input is not None: #used like showandtell where image_emb is as input, additional to sequence inputs = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(input, 1), inputs], 1) else: #common usage input is None, sequence as input, notice already pad <GO> before using melt.pad sequence_length -= 1 sequence = sequence[:, 1:] if self.is_predict: #---only need when predict, since train input already dynamic length, NOTICE this will improve speed a lot num_steps = tf.to_int32(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)) sequence = sequence[:, :num_steps] inputs = inputs[:, :num_steps, :] tf.add_to_collection('sequence', sequence) tf.add_to_collection('sequence_length', sequence_length) #[batch_size, num_steps] targets = sequence if attention_states is None: cell = self.cell else: cell = self.prepare_attention( attention_states, initial_state=initial_state, score_as_alignment=self.score_as_alignment) initial_state = None state = cell.zero_state( batch_size, tf.float32) if initial_state is None else initial_state if FLAGS.gen_only: #gen only mode #for attention wrapper can not use dynamic_rnn if aligments_history=True TODO see pointer_network in application seems ok.. why outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, initial_state=state, sequence_length=sequence_length, dtype=tf.float32, scope=self.scope) #--------below is ok but slower then dynamic_rnn 3.4batch -> 3.1 batch/s #helper = melt.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) ##helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) #my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicTrainingDecoder( ##my_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( ##my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( # cell=cell, # helper=helper, # initial_state=state) ##outputs, state, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) #outputs, state, _ = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) ##outputs = outputs.rnn_output else: #---copy only or gen copy helper = melt.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(input_text)) if FLAGS.copy_only: output_fn = lambda cell_output, cell_state: self.copy_output_fn( indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) else: #gen_copy right now, not use switch sampled_values = None if self.softmax_loss_function is not None: sampled_values = tf.nn.log_uniform_candidate_sampler( true_classes=tf.reshape(targets, [-1, 1]), num_true=1, num_sampled=self.num_sampled, unique=True, range_max=self.vocab_size) #TODO since perf of sampled version here is ok not modify now, but actually in addtional to sampled_values #sampled_w, sampled_b can also be pre embedding lookup, may imporve not much output_fn = lambda time, cell_output, cell_state: self.gen_copy_output_train_fn( time, indices, targets, sampled_values, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicTrainingDecoder( cell=cell, helper=helper, initial_state=state, vocab_size=self.vocab_size, output_fn=output_fn) outputs, state, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode( my_decoder, scope=self.scope) #outputs, state, _ = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) tf.add_to_collection('outputs', outputs) #TODO: hack here add FLAGS.predict_no_sample just for Seq2seqPredictor exact_predict softmax_loss_function = self.softmax_loss_function if self.is_predict and (exact_prob or exact_loss): softmax_loss_function = None if not FLAGS.gen_only: logits = outputs softmax_loss_function = None elif softmax_loss_function is not None: logits = outputs else: #[batch_size, num_steps, num_units] * [num_units, vocab_size] # -> logits [batch_size, num_steps, vocab_size] (if use exact_predict_loss) #or [batch_size * num_steps, vocab_size] by default flatten=True keep_dims = exact_prob or exact_loss logits = melt.batch_matmul_embedding( outputs, self.w, keep_dims=keep_dims) + self.v if not keep_dims: targets = tf.reshape(targets, [-1]) tf.add_to_collection('logits', logits) #if input_text is not None: # logits = outputs mask = tf.cast(tf.sign(targets), dtype=tf.float32) if FLAGS.gen_copy_switch: #TODO why need more gpu mem ? ... do not save logits ? just calc loss in output_fn ? #batch size 256 #File "/home/gezi/mine/hasky/util/melt/seq2seq/", line 154, in body #step_logits = logits[:, i, :] #ResourceExhaustedError (see above for traceback): OOM when allocating tensor with shape[256,21,33470] num_steps = tf.shape(targets)[1] loss = melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss(logits, targets, mask, num_steps, need_softmax=False, need_average=True, batch_size=batch_size) # loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( # logits, # targets, # weights=mask) elif self.is_predict and exact_prob: #generate real prob for sequence #for 10w vocab textsum seq2seq 20 -> 4 about loss = melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss(logits, targets, mask, num_steps, batch_size=batch_size) elif self.is_predict and exact_loss: #force no sample softmax loss, the diff with exact_prob is here we just use cross entropy error as result not real prob of seq #NOTICE using time a bit less 55 to 57(prob), same result with exact prob and exact score #but 256 vocab sample will use only about 10ms loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example(logits, targets, weights=mask) else: #loss [batch_size,] loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( logits, targets, weights=mask, softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function) #mainly for compat with [bach_size, num_losses] loss = tf.reshape(loss, [-1, 1]) if self.is_predict: loss = self.normalize_length(loss, sequence_length, exact_prob) #loss = tf.squeeze(loss) TODO: later will uncomment this with all models rerun return loss
def generate_sequence(self, input, max_words, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, convert_unk=True, input_text=None, Helper=None, emb=None): """ this one is using greedy search method for beam search using generate_sequence_by_beam_search with addditional params like beam_size """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb batch_size = melt.get_batch_size(input) if attention_states is None: cell = self.cell else: cell = self.prepare_attention( attention_states, initial_state=initial_state, score_as_alignment=self.score_as_alignment) initial_state = None state = cell.zero_state( batch_size, tf.float32) if initial_state is None else initial_state need_logprobs = FLAGS.greedy_decode_with_logprobs if Helper is None: if not need_logprobs: helper = melt.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper( embedding=emb, first_input=input, end_token=self.end_id) else: helper = melt.seq2seq.LogProbsGreedyEmbeddingHelper( embedding=emb, first_input=input, end_token=self.end_id, need_softmax=self.need_softmax) else: helper = melt.seq2seq.MultinomialEmbeddingHelper( embedding=emb, first_input=input, end_token=self.end_id, need_softmax=self.need_softmax) if FLAGS.gen_only: output_fn = self.output_fn else: indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(input_text)) if FLAGS.copy_only: output_fn_ = self.copy_output_fn else: output_fn_ = self.gen_copy_output_fn output_fn = lambda cell_output, cell_state: output_fn_( indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) Decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder if not need_logprobs else melt.seq2seq.LogProbsDecoder my_decoder = Decoder(cell=cell, helper=helper, initial_state=state, vocab_size=self.vocab_size, output_fn=output_fn) outputs, final_state, sequence_length = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode( my_decoder, maximum_iterations=max_words, #MUST set to True, other wise will not set zero and sumup tokens past done/end token impute_finished=True, scope=self.scope) sequence = outputs.sample_id if not hasattr(final_state, 'log_probs'): score = tf.zeros([ batch_size, ]) else: score = self.normalize_length(final_state.log_probs, sequence_length, reshape=False) ##below can be verified to be the same # num_steps = tf.to_int32(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)) # score2 = -melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss(outputs.rnn_output, sequence, tf.to_float(tf.sign(sequence)), # num_steps, need_softmax=True, average_across_timesteps=False) # score2 = self.normalize_length(score2, sequence_length, reshape=False) # score -= score2 #score = tf.exp(score) #score = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(score, 1), outputs.log_probs], 1) if FLAGS.predict_use_prob: score = tf.exp(score) tf.add_to_collection('greedy_log_probs_list', outputs.log_probs) #------like beam search return sequence, score return sequence, score
def sequence_loss(self, sequence, initial_state=None, attention_states=None, input=None, input_text=None, exact_prob=False, exact_loss=False, emb=None): """ for general seq2seq input is None, sequence will pad <GO>, inital_state is last state from encoder for showandtell input is image_embedding, inital_state is None/zero set, if use im2txt mode set image_as_init_state=True will do as above, need to PAD <GO> ! TODO since exact_porb and exact_loss same value, may remove exact_prob NOTICE! assume sequence to be padded by zero and must have one instance full length(no zero!) """ if emb is None: emb = self.emb is_training = self.is_training batch_size = melt.get_batch_size(sequence) sequence, sequence_length = melt.pad(sequence, start_id=self.get_start_id(), end_id=self.get_end_id()) #[batch_size, num_steps - 1, emb_dim], remove last col inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(emb, sequence[:, :-1]) if is_training and FLAGS.keep_prob < 1: inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, FLAGS.keep_prob) #inputs[batch_size, num_steps, emb_dim] input([batch_size, emb_dim] -> [batch_size, 1, emb_dim]) before concat if input is not None: #used like showandtell where image_emb is as input, additional to sequence inputs = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(input, 1), inputs], 1) else: #common usage input is None, sequence as input, notice already pad <GO> before using melt.pad sequence_length -= 1 sequence = sequence[:, 1:] if self.is_predict: #---only need when predict, since train input already dynamic length, NOTICE this will improve speed a lot num_steps = tf.to_int32(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length)) sequence = sequence[:, :num_steps] inputs = inputs[:, :num_steps, :] tf.add_to_collection('sequence', sequence) tf.add_to_collection('sequence_length', sequence_length) #[batch_size, num_steps] targets = sequence if attention_states is None: cell = self.cell else: cell = self.prepare_attention( attention_states, initial_state=initial_state, score_as_alignment=self.score_as_alignment) initial_state = None state = cell.zero_state( batch_size, tf.float32) if initial_state is None else initial_state #TODO: hack here add FLAGS.predict_no_sample just for Seq2seqPredictor exact_predict softmax_loss_function = self.softmax_loss_function if self.is_predict and (exact_prob or exact_loss): softmax_loss_function = None scheduled_sampling_probability = FLAGS.scheduled_sampling_probability if self.is_training else 0. if FLAGS.gen_only: #gen only mode #for attention wrapper can not use dynamic_rnn if aligments_history=True TODO see pointer_network in application seems ok.. why if scheduled_sampling_probability > 0.: helper = melt.seq2seq.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper( inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length), emb, tf.constant(FLAGS.scheduled_sampling_probability)) #helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( #my_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( #my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( cell=cell, helper=helper, initial_state=state) outputs, state, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode( my_decoder, scope=self.scope) #outputs, state, _ = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) outputs = outputs.rnn_output else: outputs, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn( cell, inputs, initial_state=state, sequence_length=sequence_length, dtype=tf.float32, scope=self.scope) #--------below is ok but slower then dynamic_rnn 3.4batch -> 3.1 batch/s #helper = melt.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) ##helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) #my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicTrainingDecoder( ##my_decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( ##my_decoder = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder( # cell=cell, # helper=helper, # initial_state=state) ##outputs, state, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) #outputs, state, _ = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) ##outputs = outputs.rnn_output else: #---copy only or gen copy if scheduled_sampling_probability > 0.: #not tested yet TODO helper = melt.seq2seq.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper( inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length), emb, tf.constant(FLAGS.scheduled_sampling_probability)) Decoder_ = melt.seq2seq.BasicDecoder else: #as before helper = melt.seq2seq.TrainingHelper( inputs, tf.to_int32(sequence_length)) Decoder_ = melt.seq2seq.BasicTrainingDecoder indices = melt.batch_values_to_indices(tf.to_int32(input_text)) if FLAGS.copy_only: output_fn = lambda cell_output, cell_state: self.copy_output_fn( indices, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) else: #gen_copy right now, not use switch ? gen_copy and switch? sampled_values = None #TODO CHECK this is it ok? why train and predict not equal and score/exact score same? FIXME #need first debug why score and exact score is same ? score should be the same as train! TODO #sh ./inference/ to reproduce #now just set num_sampled = 0 for safe, may be here train also not correct FIXME if softmax_loss_function is not None: sampled_values = tf.nn.log_uniform_candidate_sampler( true_classes=tf.reshape(targets, [-1, 1]), num_true=1, num_sampled=self.num_sampled, unique=True, range_max=self.vocab_size) #TODO since perf of sampled version here is ok not modify now, but actually in addtional to sampled_values #sampled_w, sampled_b can also be pre embedding lookup, may imporve not much output_fn = lambda time, cell_output, cell_state: self.gen_copy_output_train_fn( time, indices, targets, sampled_values, batch_size, cell_output, cell_state) my_decoder = Decoder_(cell=cell, helper=helper, initial_state=state, vocab_size=self.vocab_size, output_fn=output_fn) outputs, state, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode( my_decoder, scope=self.scope) #outputs, state, _ = melt.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(my_decoder, scope=self.scope) if hasattr(outputs, 'rnn_output'): outputs = outputs.rnn_output tf.add_to_collection('outputs', outputs) if not FLAGS.gen_only: logits = outputs softmax_loss_function = None elif softmax_loss_function is not None: logits = outputs else: #--softmax_loss_function is None means num_sample = 0 or exact_loss or exact_prob #[batch_size, num_steps, num_units] * [num_units, vocab_size] # -> logits [batch_size, num_steps, vocab_size] (if use exact_predict_loss) #or [batch_size * num_steps, vocab_size] by default flatten=True #this will be fine for train [batch_size * num_steps] but not good for eval since we want #get score of each instance also not good for predict #--------only training mode not keep dims, but this will be dangerous, since class call rnn_decoder #need to manully set rnn_decoder.is_training=False! TODO other wise will show incorrect scores in eval mode #but not affect the final model! keep_dims = exact_prob or exact_loss or (not self.is_training) logits = melt.batch_matmul_embedding( outputs, self.w, keep_dims=keep_dims) + self.v if not keep_dims: targets = tf.reshape(targets, [-1]) tf.add_to_collection('logits', logits) mask = tf.cast(tf.sign(targets), dtype=tf.float32) if FLAGS.gen_copy_switch and FLAGS.switch_after_softmax: #TODO why need more gpu mem ? ... do not save logits ? just calc loss in output_fn ? #batch size 256 #File "/home/gezi/mine/hasky/util/melt/seq2seq/", line 154, in body #step_logits = logits[:, i, :] #ResourceExhaustedError (see above for traceback): OOM when allocating tensor with shape[256,21,33470] num_steps = tf.shape(targets)[1] loss = melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss( logits, targets, mask, num_steps, need_softmax=False, average_across_timesteps=not self.is_predict, batch_size=batch_size) elif self.is_predict and exact_prob: #generate real prob for sequence #for 10w vocab textsum seq2seq 20 -> 4 about loss = melt.seq2seq.exact_predict_loss( logits, targets, mask, num_steps, batch_size=batch_size, average_across_timesteps=False) elif self.is_predict and exact_loss: #force no sample softmax loss, the diff with exact_prob is here we just use cross entropy error as result not real prob of seq #NOTICE using time a bit less 55 to 57(prob), same result with exact prob and exact score #but 256 vocab sample will use only about 10ms loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( logits, targets, weights=mask, average_across_timesteps=False) else: #loss [batch_size,] loss = melt.seq2seq.sequence_loss_by_example( logits, targets, weights=mask, average_across_timesteps=not self. is_predict, #train must average, other wise long sentence big loss.. softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function) #mainly for compat with [bach_size, num_losses] here may be [batch_size * num_steps,] if is_training and not exact loss/prob loss = tf.reshape(loss, [-1, 1]) self.ori_loss = loss if self.is_predict: #note use avg_loss not to change loss pointer, avg_loss is same as average time step=True is length_normalize_fator=1.0 avg_loss = self.normalize_length(loss, sequence_length) return avg_loss #if not is_predict loss is averaged per time step else not but avg loss will average it return loss