Esempio n. 1
def outer_eye_corner_49_euclidean_error(shape, gt_shape):
    Computes the Euclidean error based on 49 points normalised with the
    distance between the mean eye points (pupils), i.e.

    .. math::


    .. math::
       \mathcal{F}(s,s^*) = \frac{1}{49}\sum_{i=1}^{49}\sqrt{(s_{i,x}-s^*_{i,x})^2 + (s_{i,y}-s^*_{i,y})^2}

    where :math:`s` and :math:`s^*` are the final and ground truth shapes,
    respectively. :math:`(s_{i,x}, s_{i,y})` are the `x` and `y` coordinates of
    the :math:`i`'th point of the final shape, :math:`(s^*_{i,x}, s^*_{i,y})`
    are the `x` and `y` coordinates of the :math:`i`'th point of the ground
    truth shape. Finally, :math:`\mathcal{N}(s^*)` is the distance between the
    ``19``-th and ``28``-th points.

    shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        The input shape (e.g. the final shape of a fitting procedure). It
        must 68 or 66 or 51 or 49 points.
    gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        The ground truth shape. It must have 68 or 66 or 51 or 49 points.

    normalised_error : `float`
        The computed normalised Euclidean error.

        Final shape must have 68 or 66 or 51 or 49 points
        Ground truth shape must have 68 or 66 or 51 or 49 points
    if shape.n_points not in [68, 66, 51, 49]:
        raise ValueError('Final shape must have 68 or 66 or 51 or 49 points')
    if gt_shape.n_points not in [68, 66, 51, 49]:
        raise ValueError('Ground truth shape must have 68 or 66 or 51 or 49 '
    if shape.n_points == 68:
        shape = _convert_68_to_49(shape)
    elif shape.n_points == 66:
        shape = _convert_66_to_49(shape)
    elif shape.n_points == 51:
        shape = _convert_51_to_49(shape)
    if gt_shape.n_points == 68:
        gt_shape = _convert_68_to_49(gt_shape)
    elif gt_shape.n_points == 66:
        gt_shape = _convert_66_to_49(gt_shape)
    elif gt_shape.n_points == 51:
        gt_shape = _convert_51_to_49(gt_shape)
    return distance_indexed_normalised_error(euclidean_error, 19, 28, shape,
Esempio n. 2
def outer_eye_corner_68_euclidean_error(shape, gt_shape):
    Computes the Euclidean error based on 68 points normalised with the
    distance between the mean eye points (pupils), i.e.

    .. math::


    .. math::
       \mathcal{F}(s,s^*) = \frac{1}{68}\sum_{i=1}^{68}\sqrt{(s_{i,x}-s^*_{i,x})^2 + (s_{i,y}-s^*_{i,y})^2}

    where :math:`s` and :math:`s^*` are the final and ground truth shapes,
    respectively. :math:`(s_{i,x}, s_{i,y})` are the `x` and `y` coordinates of
    the :math:`i`'th point of the final shape, :math:`(s^*_{i,x}, s^*_{i,y})`
    are the `x` and `y` coordinates of the :math:`i`'th point of the ground
    truth shape. Finally, :math:`\mathcal{N}(s^*)` is the distance between the
    ``36``-th and ``45``-th points.

    shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        The input shape (e.g. the final shape of a fitting procedure). It
        must have 68 points.
    gt_shape : `menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        The ground truth shape. It must have 68 points.

    normalised_error : `float`
        The computed normalised Euclidean error.

        Final shape must have 68 points
        Ground truth shape must have 68 points
    if shape.n_points != 68:
        raise ValueError('Final shape must have 68 points')
    if gt_shape.n_points != 68:
        raise ValueError('Ground truth shape must have 68 points')
    return distance_indexed_normalised_error(euclidean_error, 36, 45, shape,