Esempio n. 1
class TestFormationClock:
    def setup_method(self, method):

        # Create FormationClock instance

        if method.__name__ == "test_referenceClock":
            self.clock = FormationClock(time.time())
            self.clock = FormationClock()

    def test_standardClock(self):
        """Test non-referenced clock functionality."""
        startTime = time.time()
        clockTime = self.clock.getTime()
        endTime = time.time()
        assert (clockTime >= startTime and clockTime <= endTime
                )  # Check that returned time is correct

    def test_referenceClock(self):
        """Test referenced clock functionality."""
        assert (self.clock.getTime() <= time.time() - self.clock.referenceTime)

    def test_getOffset(self):
        """Test time offset functionality."""
        offset = self.clock.getOffset()
        assert (offset == None or (isinstance(offset, Real) and offset > 0))
Esempio n. 2
    def setupParams(self):
        self.cmdCounterMax = 255  # DEPRECATED - TODO - DELETE
        self.cmdCounterThreshold = 10  # DEPRECATED - TODO - DELETE
        self.commStartTime = []
        #self.cmdRelayBuffer = []
        self.cmdHistory = deque(
            maxlen=50)  # FIFO list of last commands received

        # Node status
        self.nodeStatus = [
            NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)

        # Formation clock
        self.clock = FormationClock()

        # TDMA Failsafe status
        self.tdmaStatus = TDMAStatus.nominal
        self.frameStartTime = []  # DEPRECATED - REMOVE
        self.tdmaFailsafe = False
        self.timeOffsetTimer = None
        if (self.config.commConfig['fpga'] == True):
            # Setup FPGA failsafe status pin
            self.fpgaFailsafePin = self.config.commConfig['fpgaFailsafePin']
            GPIO.setup(self.fpgaFailsafePin, "in")
            self.fpgaFailsafePin = []
        # Comm link status
        self.linkStatus = [[
            LinkStatus.NoLink for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)
        ] for j in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]
Esempio n. 3
class TestFormationClock:
    def setup_method(self, method):

        # Create FormationClock instance

        if method.__name__ == "test_referenceClock":
            self.clock = FormationClock(time.time())
            self.clock = FormationClock()

    def test_nonreferenceClock(self):
        """Test non-referenced clock functionality."""
        startTime = time.time()
        clockTime = self.clock.getTime()
        endTime = time.time()
        assert (clockTime >= startTime and clockTime <= endTime
                )  # Check that returned time is correct

    def test_referenceClock(self):
        """Test referenced clock functionality."""
        assert (self.clock.getTime() <= time.time() - self.clock.referenceTime)

    def test_getOffset(self):
        """Test time offset functionality."""
        # Test zero offset returned when no time source
        self.clock.timeSource = None
        offset = self.clock.getOffset()
        assert (abs(offset) < 0.00001)
Esempio n. 4
    def setup_method(self, method):

        # Create FormationClock instance

        if method.__name__ == "test_referenceClock":
            self.clock = FormationClock(time.time())
            self.clock = FormationClock()
Esempio n. 5
    def setupParams(self):
        self.configConfirmed = False

        #self.commStartTime = None
        #self.cmdRelayBuffer = []
        self.cmdHistory = deque(
            maxlen=100)  # FIFO list of last commands received

        self.cmdResponse = dict()

        # Initialize node status

        # Formation clock
        self.clock = FormationClock()
Esempio n. 6
    def setupParams(self):
        self.configConfirmed = False

        #self.commStartTime = None
        #self.cmdRelayBuffer = []
        self.cmdHistory = deque(maxlen=100) # FIFO list of last commands received

        # Node status
        self.nodeStatus = [NodeState(node+1) for node in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]
        # Formation clock
        self.clock = FormationClock()

        # Comm link status
        self.linkStatus = [[LinkStatus.NoLink for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)] for j in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]
Esempio n. 7
    def test_processMsgs(self):
        """Test processMsgs method of SerialComm."""
        # Create message parser for testing purposes
        msg = SLIPMsg(self.nodeParams.config.parseMsgMax)
        self.serialComm.msgParser.msg = msg

        # Create and send test messages
        nodeStatus = [NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(5)]
        clock = FormationClock()

        cmdId1 = NodeCmds['NoOp']  # No op command
        cmdMsg1 = Command(cmdId1, None, [cmdId1, 1, 200]).serialize()
        cmdId2 = NodeCmds['GCSCmd']  # GCS command
        cmdMsg2 = Command(cmdId2, {
            'destId': 1,
            'mode': 2
        }, [cmdId2, 1, 201]).serialize()

        # Test processing
                'logFile': [],
                'nav': [],
                'nodeStatus': nodeStatus,
                'clock': clock,
                'comm': self.serialComm

        assert (cmdId1 in self.serialComm.cmdQueue
                )  # Test that correct message added to cmdQueue
        assert (cmdId2 in self.serialComm.cmdQueue
                )  # Test that correct message added to cmdQueue
Esempio n. 8
    def test_processMsg(self):
        """Test processMsg method of SerialComm."""
        # Create message and test processing
        nodeStatus = [NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(5)]
        clock = FormationClock()

        cmdId = NodeCmds['NoOp']
        cmdMsg = Command(cmdId, None, [cmdId, 1, 200]).serialize()
        assert (self.serialComm.processMsg(cmdMsg,
                                               'logFile': [],
                                               'nav': [],
                                               'nodeStatus': nodeStatus,
                                               'clock': clock,
                                               'comm': self.serialComm
                                           }) == True)

        assert (cmdId in self.serialComm.cmdQueue
                )  # Test that correct message added to cmdQueue

        # Confirm proper return when no message processed successfully
        assert (self.serialComm.processMsg(b'12345',
                                               'logFile': [],
                                               'nav': [],
                                               'nodeStatus': nodeStatus,
                                               'clock': clock,
                                               'comm': self.serialComm
                                           }) == False)
Esempio n. 9
    def test_processMsgs(self):
        """Test processMsgs method of NodeComm."""
        # Create messages
        cmdId1 = PixhawkCmds['FormationCmd']
        cmdMsg1 = packHeader(testCmds[cmdId1].header) + testCmds[cmdId1].body
        cmdId2 = PixhawkCmds['GCSCmd']
            'sourceId'] = self.nodeParams.config.gcsNodeId  # reset source Id to 0 so that command will be accepted
        cmdMsg2 = packHeader(testCmds[cmdId2].header) + testCmds[cmdId2].body
        # Send messages

        # Process messages
        nodeStatus = [NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(5)]
        clock = FormationClock()
                'logFile': [],
                'nav': [],
                'nodeStatus': nodeStatus,
                'clock': clock,
                'comm': self.nodeComm
        assert (cmdId1 in self.nodeComm.commProcessor.cmdQueue
                )  # Test that correct message added to cmdQueue
        assert (cmdId2 in self.nodeComm.commProcessor.cmdQueue
                )  # Test that correct message added to cmdQueue
Esempio n. 10
    def setup_monitorNodeUpdates(self):
        # Create nodeStatus to test
        self.nodeStatus = [
            NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(
        clock = FormationClock()

        self.nodeStatus[1].lastStateUpdateTime = time.time()
        self.nodeController.nodeParams.nodeStatus = self.nodeStatus
        self.nodeController.clock = clock
Esempio n. 11
class NodeParams():
    def __init__(self, configFile=[], config=[]):
        if configFile:
            self.config = NodeConfig(configFile)
        elif config:
            self.config = config


    def setupParams(self):
        self.configConfirmed = False

        #self.commStartTime = None
        #self.cmdRelayBuffer = []
        self.cmdHistory = deque(maxlen=100) # FIFO list of last commands received

        # Node status
        self.nodeStatus = [NodeState(node+1) for node in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]
        # Formation clock
        self.clock = FormationClock()

        # Comm link status
        self.linkStatus = [[LinkStatus.NoLink for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)] for j in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]

    def get_cmdCounter(self):
        #if self.commStartTime: # time-based counter
        #    return int((self.clock.getTime() - self.commStartTime)*1000)
        #else: # random counter
            return random.randint(1, 65536)

    def updateStatus(self):
        """Update status information."""
        self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId-1].status = 0
        if (self.configConfirmed == True):
            self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId-1].status += 64 # bit 6

    def checkNodeLinks(self):
        """Checks status of links to other nodes."""
        thisNode = self.config.nodeId - 1
        for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes):
            # Check for direct link
            if (self.nodeStatus[i].present and (self.clock.getTime() - self.nodeStatus[i].lastMsgRcvdTime) < self.config.commConfig['linkTimeout']):
                self.linkStatus[thisNode][i] = LinkStatus.GoodLink
            # Check for indirect link
            elif (self.nodeStatus[i].updating == True): # state data is updating, so at least an indirect link
                self.linkStatus[thisNode][i] = LinkStatus.IndirectLink
            else: # no link
                    self.linkStatus[thisNode][i] = LinkStatus.NoLink
Esempio n. 12
    def test_monitorFormationStatus(self):
        """Test monitorFormationStatus method of NodeController."""
        # Create nodeStatus to test
        nodeStatus = [NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(5)]
        clock = FormationClock()

        nodeStatus[4].lastStateUpdateTime = time.time()
        self.nodeController.nodeParams.nodeStatus = nodeStatus
        self.nodeController.clock = clock
        # Check that updated node shows True while others show False
        for node in nodeStatus[:-1]:
            assert (node.updating == False)
        assert (self.nodeController.nodeParams.nodeStatus[4].updating == True)
Esempio n. 13
    def test_processMsg(self):
        """Test that valid message is processed."""

        nodeStatus = [NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(5)]
        clock = FormationClock()

        cmdId = PixhawkCmds['FormationCmd']
        cmdMsg = packHeader(testCmds[cmdId].header) + testCmds[cmdId].body
                                          'logFile': [],
                                          'nav': [],
                                          'nodeStatus': nodeStatus,
                                          'clock': clock,
                                          'comm': self.serialComm

        assert (cmdId in self.commProcessor.cmdQueue
                )  # Test that correct message added to cmdQueue
Esempio n. 14
class NodeParams():
    def __init__(self, configFile=[], config=[]):
        if configFile:
            self.config = NodeConfig(configFile)
        elif config:
            self.config = config


    def setupParams(self):
        self.cmdCounterMax = 255  # DEPRECATED - TODO - DELETE
        self.cmdCounterThreshold = 10  # DEPRECATED - TODO - DELETE
        self.commStartTime = []
        #self.cmdRelayBuffer = []
        self.cmdHistory = deque(
            maxlen=50)  # FIFO list of last commands received

        # Node status
        self.nodeStatus = [
            NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)

        # Formation clock
        self.clock = FormationClock()

        # TDMA Failsafe status
        self.tdmaStatus = TDMAStatus.nominal
        self.frameStartTime = []  # DEPRECATED - REMOVE
        self.tdmaFailsafe = False
        self.timeOffsetTimer = None
        if (self.config.commConfig['fpga'] == True):
            # Setup FPGA failsafe status pin
            self.fpgaFailsafePin = self.config.commConfig['fpgaFailsafePin']
            GPIO.setup(self.fpgaFailsafePin, "in")
            self.fpgaFailsafePin = []
        # Comm link status
        self.linkStatus = [[
            LinkStatus.NoLink for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)
        ] for j in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]

    def get_cmdCounter(self):
        #if self.commStartTime: # time-based counter
        #    return int((self.clock.getTime() - self.commStartTime)*1000)
        #else: # random counter
        return random.randint(1, 65536)

    def checkTimeOffset(self, offset=None):
        if (self.config.commType == "TDMA"):  # TDMA time offset failsafe
            if self.config.commConfig[
                    'fpga'] and self.fpgaFailsafePin:  # TDMA time controlled by FPGA
                if (GPIO.input(self.fpgaFailsafePin) == 0):  # failsafe not set
                    self.timeOffsetTimer = None  # reset timer
                else:  # failsafe condition set
                    if self.timeOffsetTimer:
                        if self.clock.getTime(
                        ) - self.timeOffsetTimer > self.config.commConfig[
                                'offsetTimeout']:  # No time offset reading for longer than allowed
                            self.tdmaFailsafe = True  # Set TDMA failsafe flag
                            return 3
                    else:  # start timer
                        self.timeOffsetTimer = self.clock.getTime()

                if offset == None:  # offset not provided so attempt to get offset from clock
                    offset = self.clock.getOffset()

                if offset != None:  # time offset available
                    self.timeOffsetTimer = None  # reset time offset timer
                    self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId - 1].timeOffset = offset
                    if abs(self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId - 1].timeOffset
                           ) > self.config.commConfig['operateSyncBound']:
                        return 1
                else:  # no offset available
                    self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId -
                                    1].timeOffset = 127  # Error value
                    # Check time offset timer
                    if self.timeOffsetTimer:
                        #print(self.clock.getTime() - self.timeOffsetTimer)
                        if self.clock.getTime(
                        ) - self.timeOffsetTimer > self.config.commConfig[
                                'offsetTimeout']:  # No time offset reading for longer than allowed
                            self.tdmaFailsafe = True  # Set TDMA failsafe flag
                            return 2
                    else:  # start timer
                        self.timeOffsetTimer = self.clock.getTime()
Esempio n. 15
class NodeParams():
    def __init__(self, configFile=[], config=[]):
        if configFile:
            self.config = NodeConfig(configFile)
        elif config:
            self.config = config

        # Configuration update holder
        self.newConfig = None

        # Mesh status
        self.restartTime = None
        self.restartRequested = False
        self.restartConfirmed = False


    def setupParams(self):
        self.configConfirmed = False

        #self.commStartTime = None
        #self.cmdRelayBuffer = []
        self.cmdHistory = deque(
            maxlen=100)  # FIFO list of last commands received

        self.cmdResponse = dict()

        # Initialize node status

        # Formation clock
        self.clock = FormationClock()

    def initNodeStatus(self):
        # Node status
        self.nodeStatus = [
            NodeState(node + 1) for node in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)

        # Comm link status
        self.linkStatus = [[
            LinkStatus.NoLink for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)
        ] for j in range(self.config.maxNumNodes)]

    def get_cmdCounter(self):
        #if self.commStartTime: # time-based counter
        #    return int((self.clock.getTime() - self.commStartTime)*1000)
        #else: # random counter
        cmdCounter = random.randint(1, 65536)

        # Add counter value to history

        return cmdCounter

    def loadConfig(self, newConfig, hashValue):
        '''Verify and queue new configuration for loading.'''

        # Convert from protobuf to json
        jsonConfig = NodeConfig.fromProtoBuf(newConfig)
            'nodeId'] = self.config.nodeId  # Don't overwrite node id via update

        # Create, verify, and store new configuration
        newConfig = NodeConfig(configData=jsonConfig)

        if (newConfig.calculateHash() == hashValue
                and newConfig.loadSuccess):  # configuration verified
            #self.newConfig = newConfig
            return [True, newConfig]
            #self.newConfig = None
            return [False, None]

    def updateConfig(self):
        retValue = False
        if (self.newConfig and self.newConfig.loadSuccess
            ):  # load pending configuration update
            print("Node " + str(self.config.nodeId) +
                  ": Updating to new configuration")
            self.config = self.newConfig
            retValue = True

        self.newConfig = None

        return retValue

    def updateStatus(self):
        """Update status information."""
        self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId - 1].status = 0
        if (self.configConfirmed == True):
            self.nodeStatus[self.config.nodeId - 1].status += 64  # bit 6

    def checkNodeLinks(self):
        """Checks status of links to other nodes."""
        thisNode = self.config.nodeId - 1
        for i in range(self.config.maxNumNodes):
            # Check for direct link
            if (self.nodeStatus[i].present and
                (self.clock.getTime() - self.nodeStatus[i].lastMsgRcvdTime) <
                self.linkStatus[thisNode][i] = LinkStatus.GoodLink

            # Check for indirect link
            elif (self.nodeStatus[i].updating == True
                  ):  # state data is updating, so at least an indirect link
                self.linkStatus[thisNode][i] = LinkStatus.IndirectLink

            else:  # no link
                self.linkStatus[thisNode][i] = LinkStatus.NoLink

    def addCmdResponse(self, cmdCounter, cmdResponse, sourceId):
        if (cmdCounter in self.cmdResponse):  # update existing responses
            self.cmdResponse[cmdCounter][sourceId] = cmdResponse
        else:  # add new command response
            self.cmdResponse[cmdCounter] = dict()
            self.cmdResponse[cmdCounter][sourceId] = cmdResponse