Esempio n. 1
def areas(self):
    """area of elements

    For surface element the faces' area is returned.
    For volume elements the sum of the faces'areas is returned.


    #In case of quadratic faces, the face's area should be 
    #the area inside the polygon of face vertices or 
    #the area of the equivalent linear face?

    ##this function would require some changes (here proposed inside the function as starting):
    ##create a _default_surfacetype to create quad8 instead of hex8 ?maybe also a _default_volumetype to create tet4 instead of quad4 ?

    def defaultSurfacetype(nplex):
        """Default face type for a surface mesh with given plexitude.

        For the most common cases of plexitudes, we define a default face
        type. The full list of default types can be found in
        return _default_surfacetype.get(nplex,None)
    import geomtools
    nfacperel= len(self.eltype.faces[1])#nfaces per elem
    mf=Mesh(self.coords, self.getFaces())#mesh of all faces
    mf.eltype = elementType(defaultSurfacetype(mf.nplex()))
    ntriperfac=[0]).convert('tri3').nelems()#how many tri per face
    elfacarea = geomtools.areaNormals( mf.convert('tri3').toFormex()[:])[0].reshape(self.nelems(), nfacperel*ntriperfac)#elems'faces'areas
    return elfacarea.sum(axis=1)#elems'areas