Esempio n. 1
def test_time_series():
    # write the data
    filename = "out.xdmf"

    writer = meshio.XdmfTimeSeriesWriter(filename)
    n = helpers.tri_mesh_2d.points.shape[0]

    times = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 5)
    point_data = [{"phi": numpy.full(n, t)} for t in times]
    for t, pd in zip(times, point_data):
                          cell_data={"triangle": {
                              "a": [3.0, 4.2]

    # read it back in
    reader = meshio.XdmfTimeSeriesReader(filename)
    points, cells = reader.read_points_cells()
    for k in range(reader.num_steps):
        t, pd, cd = reader.read_data(k)
        assert numpy.abs(times[k] - t) < 1.0e-12
        for key, value in pd.items():
            assert numpy.all(numpy.abs(value - point_data[k][key]) < 1.0e-12)

Esempio n. 2
def write_time_series(
    filename, points, cells, point_data=None, cell_data=None, time_steps=None,
    Write time series given points and cells data.

    filename : str
        Output file name.
    points : ndarray
        Grid points array.
    cells : list of namedtuple (type, data)
        Grid cell data.
    point_data : list of dict or None, optional, default None
        Data associated to grid points for each time step.
    cell_data : list of dict or None, optional, default None
        Data associated to grid cells for each time step.
    time_steps : array_like, optional, default None
        Time step values.

    from ._common import get_meshio_version, get_old_meshio_cells

    if not isinstance(filename, str):
        raise TypeError()
    if point_data is not None and not isinstance(point_data, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError()
    if cell_data is not None and not isinstance(cell_data, (list, tuple)):
        raise TypeError()
    if time_steps is not None and not isinstance(
        time_steps, (list, tuple, numpy.ndarray)
        raise TypeError()

    if not (point_data or cell_data):
        raise ValueError("Provide at least point_data or cell_data.")
        nt = len(point_data) if point_data else len(cell_data)

    if point_data and len(point_data) != nt:
        raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of point data.")
    if cell_data and len(cell_data) != nt:
        raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of cell data.")
    if time_steps is not None and len(time_steps) != nt:
        raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of time steps.")

    point_data = point_data if point_data else [{}] * nt
    cell_data = cell_data if cell_data else [{}] * nt
    time_steps = time_steps if time_steps is not None else list(range(nt))

    # Split cell data arrays
    sizes = numpy.cumsum([len( for c in cells[:-1]])
    cell_data = [
        {k: numpy.split(v, sizes) for k, v in cdata.items()} for cdata in cell_data

    # Sort data with time steps
    idx = numpy.argsort(time_steps)
    point_data = [point_data[i] for i in idx]
    cell_data = [cell_data[i] for i in idx]
    time_steps = [time_steps[i] for i in idx]

    # Write XDMF
    def write_data(writer, points, cells, point_data, cell_data, time_steps):
        writer.write_points_cells(points, cells)
        for tstep, pdata, cdata in zip(time_steps, point_data, cell_data):
            writer.write_data(tstep, point_data=pdata, cell_data=cdata)

    if get_meshio_version() < (3,):
        writer = meshio.XdmfTimeSeriesWriter(filename)
        tmp = [get_old_meshio_cells(cells, cdata) for cdata in cell_data]
        cells = tmp[0][0]
        cell_data = [cell[1] for cell in tmp]
        write_data(writer, points, cells, point_data, cell_data, time_steps)
        with meshio.xdmf.TimeSeriesWriter(filename) as writer:
            write_data(writer, points, cells, point_data, cell_data, time_steps)