def load_device_by_mnemonic(self, mnemonic, pin, passphrase_protection, label, language, skip_checksum=False): m = Mnemonic('english') if not skip_checksum and not m.check(mnemonic): raise Exception("Invalid mnemonic checksum") # Convert mnemonic to UTF8 NKFD mnemonic = Mnemonic.normalize_string(mnemonic) # Convert mnemonic to ASCII stream mnemonic = unicode(str(bytearray(mnemonic, 'utf-8')), 'utf-8') if self.features.initialized: raise Exception( "Device is initialized already. Call wipe_device() and try again." ) resp = proto.LoadDevice(mnemonic=mnemonic, pin=pin, passphrase_protection=passphrase_protection, language=language, label=label, skip_checksum=skip_checksum)) self.init_device() return resp
def load_device_by_xprv(self, xprv, pin, passphrase_protection, label, language): if self.features.initialized: raise Exception( "Device is initialized already. Call wipe_device() and try again." ) if xprv[0:4] not in ('xprv', 'tprv'): raise Exception("Unknown type of xprv") if len(xprv) < 100 and len(xprv) > 112: raise Exception("Invalid length of xprv") node = types.HDNodeType() data = tools.b58decode(xprv, None).encode('hex') if data[90:92] != '00': raise Exception("Contain invalid private key") checksum = hashlib.sha256( hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify( data[:156])).digest()).hexdigest()[:8] if checksum != data[156:]: raise Exception("Checksum doesn't match") # version 0488ade4 # depth 00 # fingerprint 00000000 # child_num 00000000 # chaincode 873dff81c02f525623fd1fe5167eac3a55a049de3d314bb42ee227ffed37d508 # privkey 00e8f32e723decf4051aefac8e2c93c9c5b214313817cdb01a1494b917c8436b35 # checksum e77e9d71 node.depth = int(data[8:10], 16) node.fingerprint = int(data[10:18], 16) node.child_num = int(data[18:26], 16) node.chain_code = data[26:90].decode('hex') node.private_key = data[92:156].decode( 'hex') # skip 0x00 indicating privkey resp = proto.LoadDevice(node=node, pin=pin, passphrase_protection=passphrase_protection, language=language, label=label)) self.init_device() return resp