def post_telemetry(self, message): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """End point for receiving telemetry readings. Some phones don't support websockets, so just use plain old POST. """ try: message = json.loads(str(message)) if 'latitude_d' in message: TelemetryProducer().gps_reading( message['latitude_d'], message['longitude_d'], message['accuracy_m'], message['heading_d'], message['speed_m_s'], message['timestamp_s'], message['device_id'], ) elif 'compass_d' in message: TelemetryProducer().compass_reading( message['compass_d'], message['confidence'], message['device_id'], ) else: AsyncLogger().error( 'Received unexpected web telemetry message: {}'.format( message)) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except AsyncLogger().error( 'Invalid POST telemetry message "{}": {} {}'.format( message, type(exc), exc)) return {'success': False, 'message': str(exc)} return {'success': True}
def received_message(message): """Handler for receiving a message on the websocket.""" try: if message.is_binary: # TODO(2016-08-13) Log an error return message = json.loads(str(message)) if 'latitude_d' in message: TelemetryProducer().gps_reading( message['latitude_d'], message['longitude_d'], message['accuracy_m'], message['heading_d'], message['speed_m_s'], message['timestamp_s'], message['device_id'], ) elif 'compass_d' in message: TelemetryProducer().compass_reading( message['compass_d'], message['confidence'], message['device_id'], ) else: AsyncLogger().error( 'Received unexpected web telemetry message: "{}"'.format( message)) # We need to catch all exceptions because any that are raised will close # the websocket except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except AsyncLogger().error( 'Error processing web telemetry message "{}": {} {}'.format( message, type(exc), exc))
def __init__(self, serial): """Create the TelemetryData thread.""" super(Sup800fTelemetry, self).__init__() = self.__class__.__name__ self._telemetry = TelemetryProducer() self._serial = serial self._logger = AsyncLogger() self._run = True self._iterations = 0 # These initial measurements are from a calibration observation self._compass_offsets = (-11.87, -5.97) self._magnitude_mean = 353.310 self._magnitude_std_dev = 117.918 self._calibrate_compass_end_time = None self._nmea_mode = True self._last_compass_heading_d = 0.0 self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold = 10 self._hdop = 5.0 def handle_message(message): """Handles command messages. Only cares about calibrate compass; other messages are ignored. """ if message == 'calibrate-compass': self.calibrate_compass(10) consume = lambda: consume_messages(config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE, handle_message) thread = threading.Thread(target=consume) = '{}:consume_messages:{}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE) thread.start()
def __init__(self, serial): """Create the TelemetryData thread.""" super(Sup800fTelemetry, self).__init__() = self.__class__.__name__ self._telemetry = TelemetryProducer() self._serial = serial self._logger = AsyncLogger() self._run = True self._iterations = 0 # These initial measurements are from a calibration observation self._compass_offsets = (-11.87, -5.97) self._magnitude_mean = 353.310 self._magnitude_std_dev = 117.918 self._calibrate_compass_end_time = None self._nmea_mode = True self._last_compass_heading_d = 0.0 self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold = 10 self._hdop = 5.0 def handle_message(message): """Handles command messages. Only cares about calibrate compass; other messages are ignored. """ if message == 'calibrate-compass': self.calibrate_compass(10) consume = lambda: consume_messages( config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE, handle_message ) thread = threading.Thread(target=consume) = '{}:consume_messages:{}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE ) thread.start()
class Sup800fTelemetry(threading.Thread): """Reader of GPS module that implements the TelemetryData interface.""" def __init__(self, serial): """Create the TelemetryData thread.""" super(Sup800fTelemetry, self).__init__() = self.__class__.__name__ self._telemetry = TelemetryProducer() self._serial = serial self._logger = AsyncLogger() self._run = True self._iterations = 0 # These initial measurements are from a calibration observation self._compass_offsets = (-11.87, -5.97) self._magnitude_mean = 353.310 self._magnitude_std_dev = 117.918 self._calibrate_compass_end_time = None self._nmea_mode = True self._last_compass_heading_d = 0.0 self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold = 10 self._hdop = 5.0 def handle_message(message): """Handles command messages. Only cares about calibrate compass; other messages are ignored. """ if message == 'calibrate-compass': self.calibrate_compass(10) consume = lambda: consume_messages(config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE, handle_message) thread = threading.Thread(target=consume) = '{}:consume_messages:{}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE) thread.start() def run(self): """Run in a thread, hands raw telemetry readings to telemetry instance. """ failed_to_switch_mode = False while self._run: try: self._run_inner() except EnvironmentError as env: self._logger.debug('Failed to switch mode: {}'.format(env)) if not failed_to_switch_mode: failed_to_switch_mode = True import traceback self._logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) # Maybe resetting the module mode will help try: if self._nmea_mode: switch_to_nmea_mode(self._serial) else: switch_to_binary_mode(self._serial) except: pass except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._logger.warn( 'Telemetry data caught exception: {}'.format(exc)) def _run_inner(self): """Inner part of run.""" binary_count = 0 while self._run: if self._calibrate_compass_end_time is not None: self._calibrate_compass() # NMEA mode if self._nmea_mode: if self._get_gprc(): switch_to_binary_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = False else: if self._get_binary(): binary_count += 1 if binary_count >= 3: switch_to_nmea_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = True binary_count = 0 def _get_gprc(self): """Gets and processes a single GPRC message.""" # This blocks until a new message is received line = self._serial.readline() try: line = line.decode('utf-8') except: raise EnvironmentError('Not a UTF-8 message') if line.startswith('$GPRMC'): self._handle_gprmc(line) return True elif line.startswith('$GPGSA'): self._handle_gpgsa(line) return True return False def _get_binary(self): """Gets and processes a single binary message.""" try: message = get_message(self._serial, 1000) except ValueError: self._logger.error('No binary message received') return False parsed = parse_binary(message) if parsed is None: return False self._handle_binary(parsed) return True @staticmethod def _timestamp(dt): """Computes the Unix timestamp from a datetime object. This is needed because Python < 3.2 doesn't have .timestamp built in. """ return (dt - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)) \ / datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) def _handle_gprmc(self, gprmc_message): """Handles GPRMC (recommended minimum specific GNSS data) messages.""" parts = gprmc_message.split(',') latitude_str = parts[3] longitude_str = parts[5] decimal_index = latitude_str.find('.') latitude_degrees = float(latitude_str[:decimal_index - 2]) latitude_minutes = float(latitude_str[decimal_index - 2:]) decimal_index = longitude_str.find('.') longitude_degrees = float(longitude_str[:decimal_index - 2]) longitude_minutes = float(longitude_str[decimal_index - 2:]) latitude = latitude_degrees + latitude_minutes / 60.0 longitude = longitude_degrees + longitude_minutes / 60.0 if parts[4] == 'S': latitude = -latitude if parts[6] == 'W': longitude = -longitude speed_knots = float(parts[7]) speed_m_s = speed_knots * 0.514444444 course = float(parts[8]) # Below a certain speed, the module uses the compass to determine # course, which is not calibrated, so we need to use our own value. if speed_m_s < COMPASS_SPEED_CUTOFF_M_S: course = self._last_compass_heading_d time_ = parts[1] hours = int(time_[0:2]) minutes = int(time_[2:4]) seconds = float(time_[4:]) date = parts[9] day = int(date[0:2]) month = int(date[2:4]) year = int(date[4:]) + 2000 # datetime doesn't do float seconds, so we need to fudge it later datetime_ = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hours, minutes, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) timestamp_s = self._timestamp(datetime_) + seconds self._telemetry.gps_reading( latitude, longitude, self._hdop * 5.0, # This is a guess. Smaller HDOP is more precise. course, speed_m_s, timestamp_s, 'sup800f') def _handle_gpgsa(self, gpgsa_message): """Handles GSA (GNSS DOP and active satellites) messages.""" # $GPGSA,A,3,23,03,26,09,27,16,22,31,,,,,1.9,1.1,1.5*31\r\n # type, mode M=manual or A=automatic, fix type 1=N/A 2=2D 3=3D, # satellites used 1-12, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP + checksum parts = gpgsa_message.split(',') #pdop = float(parts[-3]) hdop = float(parts[-2]) #vdop = float(parts[-1].split('*')[0]) self._hdop = hdop def _handle_binary(self, message): """Handles properietary SUP800F binary messages.""" if message is None: return flux_x = float(message.magnetic_flux_ut_x - self._compass_offsets[0]) flux_y = float(message.magnetic_flux_ut_y - self._compass_offsets[1]) if flux_x == 0.0: # TODO: Figure out what to do here return self._last_compass_heading_d = Telemetry.wrap_degrees( 270.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(flux_y, flux_x)) + 8.666 # Boulder declination ) magnitude = flux_x**2 + flux_y**2 std_devs_away = abs(self._magnitude_mean - magnitude) / self._magnitude_std_dev # In a normal distribution, 95% of readings should be within 2 std devs if std_devs_away > 2.0: self._dropped_compass_messages += 1 if self._dropped_compass_messages > self._dropped_threshold: self._logger.warn( 'Dropped {} compass messages in a row, std dev = {}'. format(self._dropped_compass_messages, round(std_devs_away, 3))) self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold += 10 return self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold = 10 if std_devs_away > 1.0: confidence = 2.0 - std_devs_away else: confidence = 1.0 self._telemetry.compass_reading(self._last_compass_heading_d, confidence, 'sup800f') self._telemetry.accelerometer_reading(message.acceleration_g_x, message.acceleration_g_y, message.acceleration_g_z, 'sup800f') def kill(self): """Stops any data collection.""" self._run = False def calibrate_compass(self, seconds): """Requests that the car calibrate the compasss.""" if self._calibrate_compass_end_time is None: self._calibrate_compass_end_time = time.time() + seconds else: self._logger.warn('Compass is already being calibrated') def _calibrate_compass(self): """Calibrates the compass."""'Calibrating compass; setting to binary mode') switch_to_binary_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = False for _ in range(10): self._serial.readline() maxes = [-float('inf')] * 2 mins = [float('inf')] * 2 flux_readings = [] # We should be driving for this long while time.time() < self._calibrate_compass_end_time: data = get_message(self._serial) try: binary = parse_binary(data) except ValueError as ve: 'Unable to parse binary message {}: {}'.format(data, ve)) continue # TODO: This should never be None, see comment in if binary is None: continue flux_values = ( binary.magnetic_flux_ut_x, binary.magnetic_flux_ut_y, ) maxes = [max(a, b) for a, b in zip(maxes, flux_values)] mins = [min(a, b) for a, b in zip(mins, flux_values)] flux_readings.append(flux_values) self._compass_offsets = [(max_ + min_) * 0.5 for max_, min_ in zip(maxes, mins)]'Compass calibrated, offsets are {}'.format( [round(i, 2) for i in self._compass_offsets])) total_magnitudes = numpy.array([(x - self._compass_offsets[0])**2 + (y - self._compass_offsets[1])**2 for x, y in flux_readings]) self._magnitude_mean = total_magnitudes.mean() self._magnitude_std_dev = total_magnitudes.std()'Magnitudes mean: {}, standard deviation: {}'.format( round(self._magnitude_mean, 3), round(self._magnitude_std_dev, 3))) self._calibrate_compass_end_time = None switch_to_nmea_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = True
class Sup800fTelemetry(threading.Thread): """Reader of GPS module that implements the TelemetryData interface.""" def __init__(self, serial): """Create the TelemetryData thread.""" super(Sup800fTelemetry, self).__init__() = self.__class__.__name__ self._telemetry = TelemetryProducer() self._serial = serial self._logger = AsyncLogger() self._run = True self._iterations = 0 # These initial measurements are from a calibration observation self._compass_offsets = (-11.87, -5.97) self._magnitude_mean = 353.310 self._magnitude_std_dev = 117.918 self._calibrate_compass_end_time = None self._nmea_mode = True self._last_compass_heading_d = 0.0 self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold = 10 self._hdop = 5.0 def handle_message(message): """Handles command messages. Only cares about calibrate compass; other messages are ignored. """ if message == 'calibrate-compass': self.calibrate_compass(10) consume = lambda: consume_messages( config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE, handle_message ) thread = threading.Thread(target=consume) = '{}:consume_messages:{}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, config.COMMAND_FORWARDED_EXCHANGE ) thread.start() def run(self): """Run in a thread, hands raw telemetry readings to telemetry instance. """ failed_to_switch_mode = False while self._run: try: self._run_inner() except EnvironmentError as env: self._logger.debug('Failed to switch mode: {}'.format(env)) if not failed_to_switch_mode: failed_to_switch_mode = True import traceback self._logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) # Maybe resetting the module mode will help try: if self._nmea_mode: switch_to_nmea_mode(self._serial) else: switch_to_binary_mode(self._serial) except: pass except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._logger.warn( 'Telemetry data caught exception: {}'.format( exc ) ) def _run_inner(self): """Inner part of run.""" binary_count = 0 while self._run: if self._calibrate_compass_end_time is not None: self._calibrate_compass() # NMEA mode if self._nmea_mode: if self._get_gprc(): switch_to_binary_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = False else: if self._get_binary(): binary_count += 1 if binary_count >= 3: switch_to_nmea_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = True binary_count = 0 def _get_gprc(self): """Gets and processes a single GPRC message.""" # This blocks until a new message is received line = self._serial.readline() try: line = line.decode('utf-8') except: raise EnvironmentError('Not a UTF-8 message') if line.startswith('$GPRMC'): self._handle_gprmc(line) return True elif line.startswith('$GPGSA'): self._handle_gpgsa(line) return True return False def _get_binary(self): """Gets and processes a single binary message.""" try: message = get_message(self._serial, 1000) except ValueError: self._logger.error('No binary message received') return False parsed = parse_binary(message) if parsed is None: return False self._handle_binary(parsed) return True @staticmethod def _timestamp(dt): """Computes the Unix timestamp from a datetime object. This is needed because Python < 3.2 doesn't have .timestamp built in. """ return (dt - datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)) \ / datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) def _handle_gprmc(self, gprmc_message): """Handles GPRMC (recommended minimum specific GNSS data) messages.""" parts = gprmc_message.split(',') latitude_str = parts[3] longitude_str = parts[5] decimal_index = latitude_str.find('.') latitude_degrees = float(latitude_str[:decimal_index - 2]) latitude_minutes = float(latitude_str[decimal_index - 2:]) decimal_index = longitude_str.find('.') longitude_degrees = float(longitude_str[:decimal_index - 2]) longitude_minutes = float(longitude_str[decimal_index - 2:]) latitude = latitude_degrees + latitude_minutes / 60.0 longitude = longitude_degrees + longitude_minutes / 60.0 if parts[4] == 'S': latitude = -latitude if parts[6] == 'W': longitude = -longitude speed_knots = float(parts[7]) speed_m_s = speed_knots * 0.514444444 course = float(parts[8]) # Below a certain speed, the module uses the compass to determine # course, which is not calibrated, so we need to use our own value. if speed_m_s < COMPASS_SPEED_CUTOFF_M_S: course = self._last_compass_heading_d time_ = parts[1] hours = int(time_[0:2]) minutes = int(time_[2:4]) seconds = float(time_[4:]) date = parts[9] day = int(date[0:2]) month = int(date[2:4]) year = int(date[4:]) + 2000 # datetime doesn't do float seconds, so we need to fudge it later datetime_ = datetime.datetime( year, month, day, hours, minutes, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc ) timestamp_s = self._timestamp(datetime_) + seconds self._telemetry.gps_reading( latitude, longitude, self._hdop * 5.0, # This is a guess. Smaller HDOP is more precise. course, speed_m_s, timestamp_s, 'sup800f' ) def _handle_gpgsa(self, gpgsa_message): """Handles GSA (GNSS DOP and active satellites) messages.""" # $GPGSA,A,3,23,03,26,09,27,16,22,31,,,,,1.9,1.1,1.5*31\r\n # type, mode M=manual or A=automatic, fix type 1=N/A 2=2D 3=3D, # satellites used 1-12, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP + checksum parts = gpgsa_message.split(',') #pdop = float(parts[-3]) hdop = float(parts[-2]) #vdop = float(parts[-1].split('*')[0]) self._hdop = hdop def _handle_binary(self, message): """Handles properietary SUP800F binary messages.""" if message is None: return flux_x = float(message.magnetic_flux_ut_x - self._compass_offsets[0]) flux_y = float(message.magnetic_flux_ut_y - self._compass_offsets[1]) if flux_x == 0.0: # TODO: Figure out what to do here return self._last_compass_heading_d = Telemetry.wrap_degrees( 270.0 - math.degrees( math.atan2(flux_y, flux_x) ) + 8.666 # Boulder declination ) magnitude = flux_x ** 2 + flux_y ** 2 std_devs_away = abs( self._magnitude_mean - magnitude ) / self._magnitude_std_dev # In a normal distribution, 95% of readings should be within 2 std devs if std_devs_away > 2.0: self._dropped_compass_messages += 1 if self._dropped_compass_messages > self._dropped_threshold: self._logger.warn( 'Dropped {} compass messages in a row, std dev = {}'.format( self._dropped_compass_messages, round(std_devs_away, 3) ) ) self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold += 10 return self._dropped_compass_messages = 0 self._dropped_threshold = 10 if std_devs_away > 1.0: confidence = 2.0 - std_devs_away else: confidence = 1.0 self._telemetry.compass_reading( self._last_compass_heading_d, confidence, 'sup800f' ) self._telemetry.accelerometer_reading( message.acceleration_g_x, message.acceleration_g_y, message.acceleration_g_z, 'sup800f' ) def kill(self): """Stops any data collection.""" self._run = False def calibrate_compass(self, seconds): """Requests that the car calibrate the compasss.""" if self._calibrate_compass_end_time is None: self._calibrate_compass_end_time = time.time() + seconds else: self._logger.warn('Compass is already being calibrated') def _calibrate_compass(self): """Calibrates the compass."""'Calibrating compass; setting to binary mode') switch_to_binary_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = False for _ in range(10): self._serial.readline() maxes = [-float('inf')] * 2 mins = [float('inf')] * 2 flux_readings = [] # We should be driving for this long while time.time() < self._calibrate_compass_end_time: data = get_message(self._serial) try: binary = parse_binary(data) except ValueError as ve: 'Unable to parse binary message {}: {}'.format( data, ve ) ) continue # TODO: This should never be None, see comment in if binary is None: continue flux_values = ( binary.magnetic_flux_ut_x, binary.magnetic_flux_ut_y, ) maxes = [max(a, b) for a, b in zip(maxes, flux_values)] mins = [min(a, b) for a, b in zip(mins, flux_values)] flux_readings.append(flux_values) self._compass_offsets = [ (max_ + min_) * 0.5 for max_, min_ in zip(maxes, mins) ] 'Compass calibrated, offsets are {}'.format( [round(i, 2) for i in self._compass_offsets] ) ) total_magnitudes = numpy.array([ (x - self._compass_offsets[0]) ** 2 + (y - self._compass_offsets[1]) ** 2 for x, y in flux_readings ]) self._magnitude_mean = total_magnitudes.mean() self._magnitude_std_dev = total_magnitudes.std() 'Magnitudes mean: {}, standard deviation: {}'.format( round(self._magnitude_mean, 3), round(self._magnitude_std_dev, 3) ) ) self._calibrate_compass_end_time = None switch_to_nmea_mode(self._serial) self._nmea_mode = True