Esempio n. 1
def handle(s, nick, ident, host, cmd, data):

	if cmd == "PING":
		meta.send(s, "PONG %s\r\n" % data)
		return True
	elif cmd == "001":
		if meta.conf['pass']:
			print("Sending NickServ Password\n")
			meta.sendMsg(s, "NickServ", "IDENTIFY %s" % meta.conf['pass'])
		print("Joining Channel %s\n" % meta.conf['channel'])
		meta.send(s, "MODE %s +B\r\nJOIN %s\r\nUSERHOST %s\r\n" % (meta.conf['nick'], meta.conf['channel'], meta.conf['ident']))
		return True
	elif cmd == "353":
		# Create our user list on channel join (353: user list)
		listStart = data.find(':')
		cfind = data.find('=')
		if cfind == -1:
			cfind = data.find('*')
			if cfind == -1:
				cfind = data.find('@')
		channel = data[cfind+2 : listStart-1]
		userlist = data[listStart+1 :].split()
		for u in userlist:
			if u[0] == '&':
				user = u[1 :]
				meta.users[channel][user] = meta.User(user, channel, ident, host)
				meta.users[channel][user].protected = True
			elif u[0] == '~':
				user = u[1 :]
				meta.users[channel][user] = meta.User(user, channel, ident, host)
				meta.users[channel][user].owner = True
			elif u[0] == '@':
				user = u[1 :]
				meta.users[channel][user] = meta.User(user, channel, ident, host)
				meta.users[channel][user].op = True
			elif u[0] == '%':
				user = u[1 :]
				meta.users[channel][user] = meta.User(user, channel, ident, host)
				meta.users[channel][user].halfOp = True
			elif u[0] == '+':
				user = u[1 :]
				meta.users[channel][user] = meta.User(user, channel, ident, host)
				meta.users[channel][user].voice = True
				#print("channel:", channel)
				#print("U:", u)
				meta.users[channel][u] = meta.User(u, channel, ident, host)
		meta.parseMuteTimers(s, channel)
	elif cmd == "MODE":
		#return True
		mode = data.split()
		if len(mode) < 3:
			return True
		print(nick, ident, mode)
		channel = mode[0]
		user = mode[2]
		mode = mode[1]
		if not meta.isUser(channel, user):
			return True
		add = True
		for char in mode:
			if char == "+": add = True
			elif char == "-": add = False
			elif char == "v":
				if add: 
					meta.users[channel][user].voice = True
					#clears mute timers
					#take them off the pig watch list (mute until list)
					removePig(user, channel)
					meta.users[channel][user].voice = False
			elif char == "o":
				if add: meta.users[channel][user].op = True
				else: meta.users[channel][user].op = False
			elif char == "a":
				if add: meta.users[channel][user].protected = True
				else: meta.users[channel][user].protected = False
			elif char == "h":
				if add: meta.users[channel][user].halfOp = True
				else: meta.users[channel][user].halfOp = False
			elif char == "q":
				if add: meta.users[channel][user].owner = True
				else: meta.users[channel][user].owner = False
		return True
	elif cmd == "KICK":
		# remove the user from our list when they are kicked
		kick = data.split()
		if meta.isUser(kick[0], kick[1]):
			del meta.users[kick[0]][kick[1]]
		removePig(kick[1], kick[0])
		return True
	elif cmd == "JOIN":
		channel = data[1 :]
		if nick == meta.conf['nick']:
			#:[email protected] JOIN :#joey
			#when jobot joins a channel, add that channel to its list
			meta.users[ channel ] = dict()
			meta.send(s, "WHO {0}\r\n".format(channel))
			#:[email protected] JOIN :#xkcd
			meta.users[channel][nick] = meta.User(nick, channel, ident, host)
			# mute the person if wally has a timer ready and waiting for them
			muted = meta.parseMuteTimers(s, channel, nick)
			# dont autovoice if they are on a mute timer
			if not muted and meta.conf['autovoice']:# and meta.canMute(channel, meta.conf['nick']) and meta.conf['autovoice']:
			if nick not in meta.userInfo:
				meta.userInfo[nick] = {}
			meta.userInfo[nick]["ident"] = ident
			meta.userInfo[nick]["host"] = host
		return True
	elif cmd == "PART":
		meta.delUser(data, nick)
		removePig(nick, data)
		return True
	# WHO #channel reply 352 Joey #xkcd-robotics ~Jobot wally HrB% :0 Joey 352 Joey #xkcd-robotics ~Joey Joey Hr& :0 Joey
	elif cmd == "352":
		x = data.split()
		if x[5] not in meta.userInfo:
			meta.userInfo[x[5]] = {}
		meta.userInfo[x[5]]["ident"] = x[2]
		meta.userInfo[x[5]]["host"] = x[3]
		meta.userInfo[x[5]]["server"] = x[4]
		meta.userInfo[x[5]]["realname"] = x[8]
		return True
	# Handle nick changes. No channel is given because nicks are unique for that server.
	elif cmd == "NICK":
		for channel in meta.users.keys():
			if nick in meta.users[channel]:
				meta.users[channel][data[1:]] = meta.users[channel][nick]
				del meta.users[channel][nick]
				piggy = findPig(nick, channel)
				if piggy:
					removePig(nick, channel)
					groundPig(data[1:], channel, piggy[2], piggy[3])
				m = meta.delMuteTimer(nick, channel)
				if m:
		return True
	elif cmd == "QUIT":
		#:[email protected] QUIT :Ping timeout
		for channel in meta.users.keys():
			if nick in meta.users[channel]:
				del meta.users[channel][nick]
		removePig(nick, channel)
		return True
Esempio n. 2
		def run(self):
			if not meta.conf['autostart']:
				meta.prompt('\nPress Enter to connect.\n')
			print("Connecting to:", HOST, PORT)
			s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
			#ssl_s = ssl.wrap_socket(s)
			s.connect((HOST, PORT))
			meta.send(s, "NICK %s\r\nUSER %s \"%s\" \"%s\" :%s\r\n" % (meta.conf['nick'], meta.conf['ident'], meta.conf['ident'], meta.conf['ident'], meta.conf['realname']))
			meta.send(s, "MODE %s +B\r\n" % meta.conf['nick'])
			# This is for plugins that require objects to be created
			# in the calling thread.
			for plugin in plugins:
				if 'init' in plugin.__dict__:
			while not meta.quit:
				readbuffer = ""
				while True:
					temp = decode(s.recv(4096))#.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
					#temp = decode("utf-8", "ignore")
					readbuffer = readbuffer + temp
					if len(temp) < 4096: break
				# unexpected socket close
				if not readbuffer:
				readbuffer = readbuffer.split("\r\n")
				for line in readbuffer:
					#line = line.rstrip()
					# dont mess with empty lines
					if not line: continue
					parseMsg(s, line)
			# quit was issued
			print("Shutting Down...\n")
			# run all closing module functions
			for plugin in plugins:
				if 'close' not in plugin.__dict__: continue
			meta.send(s, "QUIT :Goodbye\r\n")
				print("Connection closed.")
				print("Connection alread closed.")
				#stdin.stderr.write("Socket already closed!")
			for plugin in plugins:
				if 'shutdown' not in plugin.__dict__: continue
Esempio n. 3
def notice(s, sender, ident, host, channel, text):
	# Don't parse anything from nick or chan server. They wont be telling us
	# to do things.
	senderLower = sender.lower()
	if senderLower == 'chanserv' or senderLower == 'nickserv':
		return True
	authd = meta.isAuthor(sender, ident, host)
	textLower = text.lower()
	if textLower.find('join ') == 0 and authd:
		meta.send(s, "JOIN %s\r\n" % textLower[5:].strip())
		return False
	elif textLower.find('part ') == 0 and authd:
		meta.send(s, "PART %s\r\n" % textLower[5:].strip())
		return False
	elif textLower.find('nick ') == 0 and authd:
		meta.send(s, "NICK %s\r\n" % text[5:].strip())
		meta.conf['nick'] = text[5:].strip()
		return False
	elif textLower.find('nickpass ') == 0 and authd:
		meta.sendMsg(s, "NickServ", "IDENTIFY %s" % textLower[9:].strip())
		return False
	elif textLower.find('reload ') == 0 and authd:
		print("Reloading Module:", textLower[7:].strip())
		return False
	elif textLower.find('test ') == 0 and authd:
		meta.sendMsg(s, "Joey", "asdf1456")
		return False
	elif textLower.find('raw ') == 0 and authd:
		meta.send(s, "%s\r\n" % textLower[4:])
		return False
	elif textLower.find('msg ') == 0 and authd:
		rest = text[4:].strip()
		x = rest.find(' ')
		if not x: return False
		meta.sendMsg(s, rest[:x].rstrip(), rest[x+1:].lstrip())
		return False
		params = text[4:].strip().split()
		if len(params) < 2: return False
		meta.sendMsg(s, params[0], text[4+strlen(params[0]):].strip())
		return False
	elif textLower.find('notice ') == 0 and authd:
		rest = text[4:].strip()
		x = rest.find(' ')
		if not x: return False
		meta.sendMsg(s, rest[:x].rstrip(), rest[x+1:].lstrip())
		return False
		params = text[7:].strip().split()
		if len(params) < 2: return False
		meta.sendMsg(s, params[0], text[4+strlen(params[0]):].strip())
		return False
	elif textLower == 'mode?':
		if meta.conf['autovoice']:
			meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Mode: AutoVoice is On.")
			meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Mode: AutoVoice is Off.")
		# continue through to the other modules.
		# This command should return all the modules state to the requesting
		# user.
		return True
	noBlock = True
	# break down our text into commands to be processed by 
	cmds = text.split()
		if cmds[0] == '-autovoice' and authd:
			if not meta.conf['autovoice']:
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - AutoVoice is already Off.")
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - AutoVoice is now Off.")
				meta.conf['autovoice'] = False
			noBlock = False
		elif cmds[0] == '+autovoice' and authd:
			if meta.conf['autovoice']:
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - AutoVoice is already On.")
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - AutoVoice is now On.")
				meta.conf['autovoice'] = True
			noBlock = False
		elif cmds[0] == '+auth':
			# This command takes 1 parameter that should immediatly follow it.
			# pop off the current command (+auth) so that we can grab the pass
			# grab the pass
			upass = cmds[0]
			if upass == meta.conf['auth']:
				# save the authors exact identity
				meta.setAuthor(sender, ident, host)
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - You are now Authorized.")
				print(sender, "is now authorized.")
				# set the local authorized variable so that the user is
				# authorized for the rest of the commands.
				authd = True
				# no other modules should ever get their hands on the password
				noBlock = False
				print("FAILED AUTHORIZATION BY", sender, ident, host)
		elif cmds[0] == '-auth':
			if authd:
				# un auth the sender
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - Authorization Removed.")
				print(sender, "has been deauthorized.")
				noBlock = False
				print("FAILED DEAUTH BY", sender, ident, host)
		elif cmds[0] == '+loud' and authd:
			if meta.conf['loud']:
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "CONFIRM - I WAS ALREADY REALLY REALLY ANNOYING.")
				meta.conf['loud'] = True
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "CONFIRM - I AM NOW REALLY REALLY ANNOYING.")
		elif cmds[0] == '-loud' and authd:
			if not meta.conf['loud']:
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - Loud was already Off.")
				meta.conf['loud'] = False;
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - Loud is now Off.")
		elif cmds[0] == '+tenso' and authd:
			if meta.conf['tenso']:
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "CONFIRM - TENSO was already On.")
				meta.conf['tenso'] = True
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "CONFIRM - TENSO")
		elif cmds[0] == '-tenso' and authd:
			if not meta.conf['tenso']:
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - TENSO was already Off.")
				meta.conf['tenso'] = False;
				meta.sendNotice(s, sender, "Confirm - TENSO is now Off.")
		#elif cmds[0] == '+reload' and authd:
		#	cmds.pop(0)
		#	print("trying to reload:", cmds[0])
		#	print(__main__.__dict__)
		#	for plugin in __main__.plugins:
		#		print(" plugin:", plugin.__name__)
		#		if plugin.__name__ == cmds[0]:
		#			plugin = imp.reload(plugin)
		#			break
		elif cmds[0] == '-quit' and authd:
			meta.quit = True
			noBlock = False
		elif cmds[0] == '-restart' and authd:
			meta.quit = True
			meta.restart = True
			noBlock = False
		# if the first command fails dont continue trying to process commands
		# This is useful in situations where the notice is something like a 
		# talk command and this module shouldn't process anything in that
		# message.
		if noBlock: return True
		# pop the old command that we just worked on, off the queue
	return noBlock