Esempio n. 1
def test_dump_load(tmpdir):
    """Verify the dumper and loader work as expected."""

    tmpfile = tmpdir.join('test.yaml')
    obj = {'key': ['value', 'value']}
    assert yamlutil.dump(tmpfile.strpath, obj) == obj
    assert yamlutil.load(tmpfile.strpath) == obj
Esempio n. 2
def test_load_nonexistent(tmpdir):
    """Verify the loader silently ignores nonexistent files."""

    tmpfile = tmpdir.join('test.yaml')
    assert yamlutil.load(tmpfile.strpath) is None
Esempio n. 3
def test_load_empty(tmpdir):
    """Verify the loader silently ignores empty files."""

    tmpfile = tmpdir.join('test.yaml')
    assert yamlutil.load(tmpfile.strpath) is None
Esempio n. 4
def test_load_malformed(tmpdir):
    """Verify the loader silently ignores malformed files."""

    tmpfile = tmpdir.join('test.yaml')
    assert yamlutil.load(tmpfile.strpath) is None
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, confdir=None):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        if confdir:  # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
            self.confdir = confdir
            if not os.path.isdir(confdir):
                os.makedirs(confdir, 0o700)  # pragma: no cover
                for fname in os.listdir(confdir):
                    if fname.endswith('.yaml'):
                        self[fname[:-len('.yaml')]] = yamlutil.load(
                            os.path.join(confdir, fname))

            # Schema update: Remove after 2019-03-26 (
            if not self['bots']:
                fname = os.path.join(confdir, 'multibot.json')
                data = jsonutil.load(fname)
                if data:  # pragma: no cover
                    self['bots'] = data
          'Converted %s to %s.', fname,
                                 os.path.join(confdir, 'bots.yaml'))

            # Schema update: Remove after 2019-04-05 (
            for botconf in self['bots'].values():
                for groupid, groupconf in botconf['moderator'].items(
                ):  # pragma: no cover
                    groupid = int(groupid)
                    for k in ('title', 'type', 'username'):
                        if k in groupconf:
                            self['groups'][groupid][k] = groupconf[k]

            # Schema update: Remove after 2019-06-12 (
            for botconf in self['bots'].values():
                if botconf.get('telegram'):  # pragma: no cover
                    for modname in list(botconf):
                        if modname != 'issue37':
                            botconf['issue37'][modname] = botconf[modname]

            # Schema update: Remove after 2019-08-13 (
            for botconf in self['bots'].values():
                for command, message in botconf['issue37']['echo'].items():
                    if not isinstance(message, dict):  # pragma: no cover
                        botconf['issue37']['echo'][command] = {
                            'text': message,
                            'paginate': True,
                            'private': '\n' in message,

            # Schema update: Remove after 2020-06-22 (
            for botconf in self['bots'].values():  # pragma: no cover
                for groupconf in list(
                    dailyconf = groupconf.get('daily')
                    if dailyconf is not None and not isinstance(
                            dailyconf, dict):
                        groupconf['daily'] = {'hour': dailyconf}
                        for key in ('dow', 'text'):
                            value = groupconf.pop('daily' + key)
                            if value is not None:
                                groupconf['daily'][key] = value

        self._fnames = set(self)