Esempio n. 1
 def get_content_item_template(self):
     config = self.get_unconfigured_config()
     controller = ActionController(config)
     sentiment_property = config["content_properties"]["added"][0]
     encoded_property = controller._search_encode_property(sentiment_property)
     return (
         "{{if typeof (" + encoded_property + ") !== 'undefined'}}"
         "    {{if " + encoded_property + ".length > 0 && " + encoded_property + "[0] != '_none' }}"
         "    <li class='action_values tags'>"
         "        <label><img src='"
         + config["image_small"]
         + "' style='position:relative;top:5px;left:-2px;width:16px;height:16px;'/>&nbsp;Tags:</label>&nbsp;"
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"
         "            {{each(index, element) " + encoded_property + "}}"
         "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}"
         "                    <a class='action_inline_filter' data-facet_name='"
         + encoded_property
         + "' data-facet_value='${element}'>${element}</a>"
         "                {{/if}} "
         "                {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"
         "            {{/each}}"
         "        </span>"
         "    </li>"
         "    {{/if}}"
 def parse_actions(self):
     if not self.actions:
         return ''
     return_parts = []
     for raw_action in self.actions:
         ac = ActionController(raw_action)
         filters = ac.get_filters()
         basic_filters = [f for f in filters if f['type'] in ('string', 'location_string')]
         return_parts.append('&'.join(['facet.field=%s&f.%s.facet.mincount=1' % (ac._search_encode_property(f), ac._search_encode_property(f)) for f in basic_filters]))
     return_string = '&'.join(return_parts)
     return return_string
Esempio n. 3
 def get_content_item_template(self):
     config = self.get_unconfigured_config()
     controller = ActionController(config)
     sentiment_property = config['content_properties']['added'][0]
     return ""\
            "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(sentiment_property) + "}}"\
            "    <li class='action_values tags'>"\
            "        <label><img src='" + config['image_small'] + "' style='position:relative;top:5px;left:-2px;width:16px;height:16px;'/>&nbsp;Tags:</label>&nbsp;"\
            "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
            "            {{each(index, element) " + controller._search_encode_property(sentiment_property) + "}}"\
            "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}${element}{{/if}} {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"\
            "            {{/each}}"\
            "        </span>"\
            "    </li>"\
Esempio n. 4
 def get_content_item_template(self):
     config = self.get_unconfigured_config()
     controller = ActionController(config)
     influence_property = config['content_properties']['added'][0]
     encoded_property = controller._search_encode_property(influence_property)
     return ""\
            "{{if typeof(" + encoded_property + ") !== 'undefined' && " + encoded_property + " != '_none'}}"\
            "    <li class='action_values influence'>"\
            "        <label><img src='" + config['image_small'] + "' style='position:relative;top:5px;left:-2px;width:16px;height:16px;'/>&nbsp;Influence:</label>&nbsp;"\
            "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
            "            <a class='action_inline_filter' data-facet_name='" + encoded_property + "' data-facet_value='${" + encoded_property + "}'>"\
            "                ${" + encoded_property + "}"\
            "            </a>"\
            "        </span>"\
            "    </li>"\
def apply_actions_to_content_without_historical_check(content, actions):
    Logger.Info('%s - apply_actions_to_content_without_historical_check - stated' % __name__)
    Logger.Debug('%s - apply_actions_to_content_without_historical_check - stated with content:%s and action:%s' % (__name__, content, actions))
    return_content = content[:]
    for action in actions:
        ac = ActionController(action)
        content_requiring_action = content
        content_with_action_applied = ac.run_action(content_requiring_action)
        for item in content_with_action_applied:
            already_exists = False
            for return_item in return_content:
                if return_item['id'] == item['id']:
                    for key in item.keys():
                        return_item[key] = item[key]
                        already_exists = True
            if not already_exists:
    Logger.Info('%s - apply_actions_to_content_without_historical_check - finished' % __name__)
    return return_content
Esempio n. 6
 def get_content_item_template(self):
     config = self.get_unconfigured_config()
     controller = ActionController(config)
     followers = config["content_properties"]["added"][0]
     sentiment = config["content_properties"]["added"][1]
     return (
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(followers) + "}}"
         "    <li class='action_values'>"
         "        <label><img src='' style='position:relative;top:5px;left:-2px;width:16px;height:16px;'/>&nbsp;Followers:</label>&nbsp;"
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>${" + controller._search_encode_property(followers) + "}</span>"
         "    </li>"
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(sentiment) + "}}"
         "    <li class='action_values'>"
         "        <label><img src='' style='position:relative;top:5px;left:-2px;width:16px;height:16px;'/>&nbsp;Draft FCB Sentiment:</label>&nbsp;"
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>${" + controller._search_encode_property(sentiment) + "}</span>"
         "    </li>"
 solr_data = 'q=*&wt=json&rows=%i&fq=%s' % (len(content_id_query_parts), '%20OR%20'.join(content_id_query_parts))
     request = urllib2.Request(solr_url, data=solr_data)
     response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
     response = json.loads(
 except Exception, e:
     Logger.Error('%s - apply_actions_to_content_with_historical_check - error:%s' % (__name__, e))
     Logger.Info('%s - apply_actions_to_content_with_historical_check - finished' % __name__)
     return content
 content_from_solr = response['response']['docs']
 content_ids_from_solr = [item['id'] for item in content_from_solr]
 content_ids_not_in_solr = [item['id'] for item in content if item['id'] not in content_ids_from_solr]
 content_not_in_solr = [item for item in content if item['id'] in content_ids_not_in_solr]
 return_content = content[:]
 for action in actions:
     ac = ActionController(action)
     content_id_in_solr_requiring_action = ac.extract_ids_of_content_without_action_applied(content_from_solr)
     content_in_solr_requiring_action = [item for item in content_from_solr if item['id'] in content_id_in_solr_requiring_action]
     content_requiring_action = content_not_in_solr + content_in_solr_requiring_action
     content_with_action_applied = ac.run_action(content_requiring_action)
     for item in content_with_action_applied:
         already_exists = False
         for return_item in return_content:
             if return_item['id'] == item['id']:
                 for key in item.keys():
                     return_item[key] = item[key]
                     already_exists = True
         if not already_exists:
 Logger.Info('%s - apply_actions_to_content_with_historical_check - finished' % __name__)
 return return_content
Esempio n. 8
 def get_content_item_template(self):
     config = self.get_unconfigured_config()
     controller = ActionController(config)
     storyid = config['content_properties']['added'][0]
     language = config['content_properties']['added'][1]
     numberofwords = config['content_properties']['added'][2]
     numberofchars = config['content_properties']['added'][3]
     locations = config['content_properties']['added'][4]
     subjects = config['content_properties']['added'][5]
     industries = config['content_properties']['added'][6]
     companies = config['content_properties']['added'][7]
     people = config['content_properties']['added'][8]
     return "" \
         "<li class='action_values' style='padding-top:5px'><label>Language Code:</label> <b>${" + controller._search_encode_property(language) + "}</b></li> " \
         "<li class='action_values'><label>Character Count:</label> <b>${" + controller._search_encode_property(numberofchars) + "}</b></li> " \
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(locations) + "}}"\
         "    <li class='action_values'>"\
         "        <label>locations:</label>&nbsp;"\
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
         "            {{each(index, element) " + controller._search_encode_property(locations) + "}}"\
         "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}${element}{{/if}} {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"\
         "            {{/each}}"\
         "        </span>"\
         "    </li>"\
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(subjects) + "}}"\
         "    <li class='action_values'>"\
         "        <label>subjects:</label>&nbsp;"\
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
         "            {{each(index, element) " + controller._search_encode_property(subjects) + "}}"\
         "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}${element}{{/if}} {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"\
         "            {{/each}}"\
         "        </span>"\
         "    </li>"\
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(industries) + "}}"\
         "    <li class='action_values'>"\
         "        <label>industries:</label>&nbsp;"\
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
         "            {{each(index, element) " + controller._search_encode_property(industries) + "}}"\
         "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}${element}{{/if}} {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"\
         "            {{/each}}"\
         "        </span>"\
         "    </li>"\
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(companies) + "}}"\
         "    <li class='action_values'>"\
         "        <label>companies:</label>&nbsp;"\
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
         "            {{each(index, element) " + controller._search_encode_property(companies) + "}}"\
         "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}${element}{{/if}} {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"\
         "            {{/each}}"\
         "        </span>"\
         "    </li>"\
         "{{if " + controller._search_encode_property(people) + "}}"\
         "    <li class='action_values'>"\
         "        <label>people:</label>&nbsp;"\
         "        <span style='font-weight:bold;'>"\
         "            {{each(index, element) " + controller._search_encode_property(people) + "}}"\
         "                {{if element != '_none' && index < 5}}${element}{{/if}} {{if index == 6}}...{{/if}}"\
         "            {{/each}}"\
         "        </span>"\
         "    </li>"\