def onMenuNew(self, evt): answer = wx.MessageBox( "Any unsaved data will be lost! Are you sure you want to continue?", "Confirm", wx.OK | wx.CANCEL, self) if answer == wx.OK: = metalink.Metalink() self.txtctrl_filename.Clear() self.txtctrl_identity.Clear() self.txtctrl_version.Clear() self.txtctrl_pub_name.Clear() self.txtctrl_pub_url.Clear() self.txtctrl_copy.Clear() self.txtctrl_desc.Clear() self.combo_license_name.SetValue("Unknown") self.txtctrl_license_url.Clear() self.txtctrl_size.Clear() self.txtctrl_md5.Clear() self.txtctrl_sha1.Clear() self.txtctrl_sha256.Clear() self.combo_os.SetValue("Unknown") self.txtctrl_lang.Clear() self.combo_maxconn_total.SetValue("-") self.txtctrl_url.Clear() self.txtctrl_loc.Clear() self.txtctrl_pref.Clear() self.combo_maxconn.SetValue("-") self.init_filelist() self.filename = "" self.new_file = True self.locked = False self.update()
def __init__(self, parent, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title) self.create_gui() self.filename = "" self.new_file = True self.locked = False = metalink.Metalink() self.mlfile = metalink.MetalinkFile(self.filename) self.update()
def run(): # Command line parser options. parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] urls") parser.add_option("--open", dest="open", help="Metalink file to open and modify") parser.add_option("-o", dest="output", help="Binary file name") parser.add_option("-d", dest="download", action="store_true", help="Don't download the file again") parser.add_option("--merge", "-m", dest="merge", action="store_true", help="Use merge mode, urls are .metalink files to merge") parser.add_option("--clear_urls", dest="clear_urls", action="store_true", help="Remove any existing urls when opening a file") parser.add_option("-4", dest="v4", action="store_true", help="Force output to Metalink v4") parser.add_option("-i", dest="identity", help="Identity") parser.add_option("-v", dest="version", help="Version Number") #parser.add_option("--os", dest="os", help="Operating System") parser.add_option("--publisher-name", dest="publisher_name", help="Publisher Name") parser.add_option("--publisher-url", dest="publisher_url", help="Publisher URL") parser.add_option("-c", "--copyright", dest="copyright", help="Copyright") parser.add_option("--description", dest="description", help="Description") parser.add_option("--license-name", dest="license_name", help="License Name") parser.add_option("--license-url", dest="license_url", help="License URL") #parser.add_option("--magnet", dest="magnet", action="store_false", help="Do not add a magnet URL") parser.add_option("--ed2k", dest="ed2k", action="store_false", help="Do not add a ed2k URL") #parser.add_option("-l", "--language", dest="language", help="The language the file is in, per ISO-639/3166. \"en-US\" for Standard American English") #parser.add_option("--maxconn", dest="maxconn_total", help="Maximum number of connections for downloading") parser.add_option( "--origin", dest="origin", help="URL for the finished metalink file to check for updates") #parser.add_option("--logo", dest="logo", help="URL for a related logo") #parser.add_option("-d", dest="pubdate", action="store_true", help="Set publication date to now") #parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="size", help="File size") parser.set_defaults(identity=None, version=None, os=None, publisher_name=None, publisher_url=None, copyright=None, description=None, license_name=None, license_url=None, language=None, maxconn_total=None, origin=None, magnet=False, ed2k=True, v4=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) <= 0: print "ERROR: Specify a URL." parser.print_help() return #if options.pubdate: # RFC 822 format # options.pubdate = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime()) xml = metalink.Metalink() #options.ed2k, options.magnet) if != None: xml = metalink.parsefile( if options.clear_urls: xml.clear_res() for option in dir(options): if not option.startswith("_") and getattr(options, option) != None: try: getattr(xml, option) except AttributeError: continue setattr(xml, option, getattr(options, option)) if options.merge != None: if len(args) < 2: print "ERROR: You should specify at least two files to merge." parser.print_help() return print merge(xml, args, options.v4) return download = True if download = False build(xml, args, None, options.output, download, options.ed2k, options.magnet, options.v4)
def run(self, dl_dir='dl', platform=None, links_fn=None, btlinks_fn=None, get_torrents=False): links = open(links_fn, 'w') if links_fn else None btlinks = open(btlinks_fn, 'w') if btlinks_fn else None if not os.path.exists(dl_dir): os.makedirs(dl_dir) import metalink m = metalink.Metalink() m.files = [] metalink._opts['overwrite'] = True metalink._opts['create_torrent'] = False files = set() import progressbar progress = progressbar.ProgressBar() for gamekey in progress(self.client.get_gamekeys()): order = self.client.get_order(gamekey) #print(order.product.machine_name) if order.subproducts is not None: for subproduct in order.subproducts: #print(subproduct) #print(" " + subproduct.machine_name) for download in subproduct.downloads: #print download.platform if platform is None or platform == download.platform: for struct in download.download_struct: found_link = False if struct.url.bittorrent is not None: found_link = True if btlinks: btlinks.write(struct.url.bittorrent + '\n') torrent_fn = dl_dir + '/' + struct.url.bittorrent.split( "?")[0].split("/")[-1] if get_torrents and not os.path.exists( torrent_fn): import urllib urllib.urlretrieve( struct.url.bittorrent, torrent_fn) if struct.url.web is not None: found_link = True if links: links.write(struct.url.web + '\n') if not found_link: #print(subproduct) #print(download) #print(struct) #print('----------------') continue filename = struct.url.web.split("?")[0].split( "/")[-1] if filename in files: continue files.add(filename) m.add_file() m.file.filename = filename m.file.os = download.platform if struct.file_size is not None: m.file.size = str(struct.file_size) if struct.sha1 and len(struct.sha1) == 40: m.file.hashes['sha1'] = struct.sha1 if struct.md5 and len(struct.md5) == 32: m.file.hashes['md5'] = struct.md5 if struct.url.web is not None: m.file.add_url(struct.url.web) if struct.url.bittorrent is not None: m.file.add_url(struct.url.bittorrent, 'bittorrent') m.generate(dl_dir + '/hb.metalink')