Esempio n. 1
def test_interpolate_to_points(method, test_data):
    r"""Test main grid interpolation function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose() * 10

    with get_test_data('interpolation_test_points.npz') as fobj:
        test_points = np.load(fobj)['points']

    extra_kw = {}
    if method == 'cressman':
        extra_kw['search_radius'] = 200
        extra_kw['minimum_neighbors'] = 1
    elif method == 'barnes':
        extra_kw['search_radius'] = 400
        extra_kw['minimum_neighbors'] = 1
        extra_kw['gamma'] = 1
    elif method == 'shouldraise':
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                obs_points, z, test_points, interp_type=method, **extra_kw)

    img = interpolate_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, interp_type=method, **extra_kw)

    with get_test_data('{0}_test.npz'.format(method)) as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 2
def test_basic():
    """Test reading one specific NEXRAD NIDS file based on the filename."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/Level3_FFC_N0Q_20140407_1805.nids', as_file_obj=False))
    assert f.metadata['prod_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['vol_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['msg_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(2014, 4, 7, 18, 6)
    assert f.filename == get_test_data('nids/Level3_FFC_N0Q_20140407_1805.nids',

    # At this point, really just want to make sure that __str__ is able to run and produce
    # something not empty, the format is still up for grabs.
    assert str(f)
Esempio n. 3
def test_interpolate(method, test_coords, boundary_coords):
    r"""Test deprecated main interpolate function."""
    xp, yp = test_coords

    xp *= 10
    yp *= 10

    z = np.array([0.064, 4.489, 6.241, 0.1, 2.704, 2.809, 9.604, 1.156,
                  0.225, 3.364])

    extra_kw = {}
    if method == 'cressman':
        extra_kw['search_radius'] = 200
        extra_kw['minimum_neighbors'] = 1
    elif method == 'barnes':
        extra_kw['search_radius'] = 400
        extra_kw['minimum_neighbors'] = 1
        extra_kw['gamma'] = 1

    if boundary_coords is not None:
        extra_kw['boundary_coords'] = boundary_coords

    with pytest.warns(MetpyDeprecationWarning):
        _, _, img = interpolate(xp, yp, z, hres=10, interp_type=method, **extra_kw)

    with get_test_data('{0}_test.npz'.format(method)) as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 4
def test_gini_ak_regional():
    'Test reading of AK Regional Gini file'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('AK-REGIONAL_8km_3.9_20160408_1445.gini'))
    pdb = f.prod_desc
    assert pdb.source == 1
    assert pdb.creating_entity == 'GOES-15'
    assert pdb.sector_id == 'Alaska Regional'
    assert == 'IR (3.9 micron)'
    assert pdb.num_records == 408
    assert pdb.record_len == 576
    assert pdb.datetime == datetime(2016, 4, 8, 14, 45, 20)
    assert pdb.projection == GiniProjection.polar_stereographic
    assert pdb.nx == 576
    assert pdb.ny == 408
    assert_almost_equal(pdb.la1, 42.0846, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(pdb.lo1, -175.641, 4)

    proj = f.proj_info
    assert proj.reserved == 0
    assert_almost_equal(proj.lov, 210.0, 1)
    assert_almost_equal(proj.dx, 7.9375, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(proj.dy, 7.9375, 4)
    assert proj.proj_center == 0

    pdb2 = f.prod_desc2
    assert pdb2.scanning_mode == [False, False, False]
    assert_almost_equal(pdb2.lat_in, 0.0, 4)
    assert pdb2.resolution == 8
    assert pdb2.compression == 0
    assert pdb2.version == 1
    assert pdb2.pdb_size == 512
    assert pdb2.nav_cal == 0

    assert, (pdb.num_records == pdb.record_len)
Esempio n. 5
def station_test_data(variable_names, proj_from=None, proj_to=None):
    with get_test_data('station_data.txt') as f:
        all_data = np.loadtxt(f, skiprows=1, delimiter=',',
                              usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17, 18, 19),
                              dtype=np.dtype([('stid', '3S'), ('lat', 'f'), ('lon', 'f'),
                                              ('slp', 'f'), ('air_temperature', 'f'),
                                              ('cloud_fraction', 'f'), ('dewpoint', 'f'),
                                              ('weather', '16S'),
                                              ('wind_dir', 'f'), ('wind_speed', 'f')]))

    all_stids = [s.decode('ascii') for s in all_data['stid']]

    data = np.concatenate([all_data[all_stids.index(site)].reshape(1, ) for site in all_stids])

    value = data[variable_names]
    lon = data['lon']
    lat = data['lat']

    if proj_from is not None and proj_to is not None:


            proj_points = proj_to.transform_points(proj_from, lon, lat)
            return proj_points[:, 0], proj_points[:, 1], value

        except Exception as e:

            return None

    return lon, lat, value
Esempio n. 6
def test_latlon():
    """Test our handling of lat/lon information."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('', as_file_obj=False))

    img = ImagePlot() = data
    img.field = 'Temperature_isobaric'
    img.level = 500 * units.hPa
    img.time = datetime(2017, 9, 5, 15, 0, 0)

    contour = ContourPlot() = data
    contour.field = 'Geopotential_height_isobaric'
    contour.level = img.level
    contour.time = img.time

    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.projection = 'lcc'
    panel.area = 'us'
    panel.plots = [img, contour]

    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.panel = panel

    return pc.figure
Esempio n. 7
def test_raw_gini(filename, pdb, pdb2, proj_info):
    """Test raw GINI parsing."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    assert f.prod_desc == pdb
    assert f.prod_desc2 == pdb2
    assert f.proj_info == proj_info
    assert == (pdb.num_records, pdb.record_len)
Esempio n. 8
    def basic_test():
        'Basic test of GINI reading'
        f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
        pdb = f.prod_desc
        eq_(pdb.source, 1)
        eq_(pdb.creating_entity, 'GOES-15')
        eq_(pdb.sector_id, 'West CONUS')
        eq_(, 'WV (6.5/6.7 micron)')
        eq_(pdb.num_records, 1280)
        eq_(pdb.record_len, 1100)
        eq_(pdb.datetime, datetime(2015, 12, 8, 22, 0, 19, 0))
        eq_(pdb.projection, GiniProjection.lambert_conformal)
        eq_(pdb.nx, 1100)
        eq_(pdb.ny, 1280)
        assert_almost_equal(pdb.la1, 12.19, 4)
        assert_almost_equal(pdb.lo1, -133.4588, 4)

        proj = f.proj_info
        eq_(proj.reserved, 0)
        assert_almost_equal(proj.lov, -95.0, 4)
        assert_almost_equal(proj.dx, 4.0635, 4)
        assert_almost_equal(proj.dy, 4.0635, 4)
        eq_(proj.proj_center, 0)

        pdb2 = f.prod_desc2
        eq_(pdb2.scanning_mode, [False, False, False])
        assert_almost_equal(pdb2.lat_in, 25.0, 4)
        eq_(pdb2.resolution, 4)
        eq_(pdb2.compression, 0)
        eq_(pdb2.version, 1)
        eq_(pdb2.pdb_size, 512)

        eq_(, (pdb.num_records, pdb.record_len))
Esempio n. 9
 def test_tracks(self):
     f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS34_NSTTLX_201305202016'))
     for data in f.sym_block[0]:
         if 'track' in data:
             x, y = np.array(data['track']).T
             assert len(x)
             assert len(y)
Esempio n. 10
def test_gini_mercator():
    'Test reading of GINI file with Mercator projection (from HI)'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('HI-REGIONAL_4km_3.9_20160616_1715.gini'))
    pdb = f.prod_desc
    assert pdb.source == 1
    assert pdb.creating_entity == 'GOES-15'
    assert pdb.sector_id == 'Hawaii Regional'
    assert == 'IR (3.9 micron)'
    assert pdb.num_records == 520
    assert pdb.record_len == 560
    assert pdb.datetime == datetime(2016, 6, 16, 17, 15, 18)

    assert pdb.projection == GiniProjection.mercator
    assert pdb.nx == 560
    assert pdb.ny == 520
    assert_almost_equal(pdb.la1, 9.343, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(pdb.lo1, -167.315, 4)

    proj = f.proj_info
    assert proj.resolution == 0
    assert_almost_equal(proj.la2, 28.0922, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(proj.lo2, -145.878, 4)
    assert proj.di == 0
    assert == 0

    pdb2 = f.prod_desc2
    assert pdb2.scanning_mode == [False, False, False]
    assert_almost_equal(pdb2.lat_in, 20.0, 4)
    assert pdb2.resolution == 4
    assert pdb2.compression == 0
    assert pdb2.version == 1
    assert pdb2.pdb_size == 512
    assert pdb2.nav_cal == 0

    assert, (pdb.num_records == pdb.record_len)
Esempio n. 11
def test_gini_basic():
    'Basic test of GINI reading'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
    pdb = f.prod_desc
    assert pdb.source == 1
    assert pdb.creating_entity == 'GOES-15'
    assert pdb.sector_id == 'West CONUS'
    assert == 'WV (6.5/6.7 micron)'
    assert pdb.num_records == 1280
    assert pdb.record_len == 1100
    assert pdb.datetime == datetime(2015, 12, 8, 22, 0, 19)
    assert pdb.projection == GiniProjection.lambert_conformal
    assert pdb.nx == 1100
    assert pdb.ny == 1280
    assert_almost_equal(pdb.la1, 12.19, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(pdb.lo1, -133.4588, 4)

    proj = f.proj_info
    assert proj.reserved == 0
    assert_almost_equal(proj.lov, -95.0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(proj.dx, 4.0635, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(proj.dy, 4.0635, 4)
    assert proj.proj_center == 0

    pdb2 = f.prod_desc2
    assert pdb2.scanning_mode == [False, False, False]
    assert_almost_equal(pdb2.lat_in, 25.0, 4)
    assert pdb2.resolution == 4
    assert pdb2.compression == 0
    assert pdb2.version == 1
    assert pdb2.pdb_size == 512

    assert, (pdb.num_records == pdb.record_len)
Esempio n. 12
def test_gini_xarray(filename, bounds, data_var, proj_attrs, image, dt):
    """Test that GINIFile can be passed to XArray as a datastore."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data(filename))
    ds = xr.open_dataset(f)

    # Check our calculated x and y arrays
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = bounds
    x = ds.variables['x']
    assert_almost_equal(x[0], x0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(x[-1], x1, 4)

    # Because the actual data raster has the top row first, the maximum y value is y[0],
    # while the minimum y value is y[-1]
    y = ds.variables['y']
    assert_almost_equal(y[-1], y0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(y[0], y1, 4)

    # Check the projection metadata
    proj_name = ds.variables[data_var].attrs['grid_mapping']
    proj_var = ds.variables[proj_name]
    for attr, val in proj_attrs.items():
        assert proj_var.attrs[attr] == val, 'Values mismatch for ' + attr

    # Check the lower left lon/lat corner
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][-1, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)

    # Check a pixel of the image to make sure we're decoding correctly
    x_ind, y_ind, val = image
    assert val == ds.variables[data_var][x_ind, y_ind]

    # Check time decoding
    assert np.asarray(dt, dtype='datetime64[ms]') == ds.variables['time']
Esempio n. 13
def get_upper_air_data(date, station):
    """Get upper air observations from the test data cache.

    time : datetime
          The date and time of the desired observation.
    station : str
         The three letter ICAO identifier of the station for which data should be
        dict : upper air data

    sounding_key = '{0:%Y-%m-%dT%HZ}_{1:}'.format(date, station)
    sounding_files = {'2016-05-22T00Z_DDC': 'may22_sounding.txt',
                      '2013-01-20T12Z_OUN': 'jan20_sounding.txt',
                      '1999-05-04T00Z_OUN': 'may4_sounding.txt',
                      '2002-11-11T00Z_BNA': 'nov11_sounding.txt',
                      '2010-12-09T12Z_BOI': 'dec9_sounding.txt'}

    fname = sounding_files[sounding_key]
    fobj = get_test_data(fname)

    def to_float(s):
        # Remove all whitespace and replace empty values with NaN
        if not s.strip():
            s = 'nan'
        return float(s)

    # Skip dashes, column names, units, and more dashes
    for _ in range(4):

    # Initiate lists for variables
    arr_data = []

    # Read all lines of data and append to lists only if there is some data
    for row in fobj:
        level = to_float(row[0:7])
        values = (to_float(row[7:14]), to_float(row[14:21]), to_float(row[21:28]),
                  to_float(row[42:49]), to_float(row[49:56]))

        if any(np.invert(np.isnan(values[1:]))):
            arr_data.append((level,) + values)

    p, z, t, td, direc, spd = np.array(arr_data).T

    p = p * units.hPa
    z = z * units.meters
    t = t * units.degC
    td = td * units.degC
    direc = direc * units.degrees
    spd = spd * units.knots

    u, v = wind_components(spd, direc)

    return {'pressure': p, 'height': z, 'temperature': t,
            'dewpoint': td, 'direction': direc, 'speed': spd, 'u_wind': u, 'v_wind': v}
Esempio n. 14
def test_inverse_distance_to_points(method, test_data, test_points):
    r"""Test inverse distance interpolation to grid function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()

    extra_kw = {}
    if method == 'cressman':
        extra_kw['r'] = 20
        extra_kw['min_neighbors'] = 1
        test_file = 'cressman_r20_mn1.npz'
    elif method == 'barnes':
        extra_kw['r'] = 40
        extra_kw['kappa'] = 100
        test_file = 'barnes_r40_k100.npz'
    elif method == 'shouldraise':
        extra_kw['r'] = 40
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                obs_points, z, test_points, kind=method, **extra_kw)

    img = inverse_distance_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, kind=method, **extra_kw)

    with get_test_data(test_file) as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 15
def test_basic():
    """Test reading one specific NEXRAD NIDS file based on the filename."""
    f = Level3File(
    assert f.metadata['prod_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(
        2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['vol_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(
        2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['msg_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(
        2014, 4, 7, 18, 6)
    assert f.filename == get_test_data(
        'nids/Level3_FFC_N0Q_20140407_1805.nids', as_file_obj=False)

    # At this point, really just want to make sure that __str__ is able to run and produce
    # something not empty, the format is still up for grabs.
    assert str(f)
Esempio n. 16
def test_parse_file_object():
    """Test the parser reading from a file-like object."""
    input_file = get_test_data('metar_20190701_1200.txt', mode='rt')
    df = parse_metar_file(input_file)
    test = df[df.station_id == 'KOKC']
    assert test.air_temperature.values == 21
    assert test.dew_point_temperature.values == 21
    assert test.altimeter.values == 30.03
Esempio n. 17
 def test_str():
     'Test the str representation of GiniFile'
     f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
     truth = ('GiniFile: GOES-15 West CONUS WV (6.5/6.7 micron)\n'
              '\tTime: 2015-12-08 22:00:19\n\tSize: 1280x1100\n'
              '\tProjection: lambert_conformal\n'
              '\tLower Left Corner (Lon, Lat): (-133.4588, 12.19)\n\tResolution: 4km')
     assert str(f) == truth
Esempio n. 18
def test_gini_str():
    'Test the str representation of GiniFile'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
    truth = ('GiniFile: GOES-15 West CONUS WV (6.5/6.7 micron)\n'
             '\tTime: 2015-12-08 22:00:19\n\tSize: 1280x1100\n'
             '\tProjection: lambert_conformal\n'
             '\tLower Left Corner (Lon, Lat): (-133.4588, 12.19)\n\tResolution: 4km')
    assert str(f) == truth
Esempio n. 19
def test_tracks():
    'Check that tracks are properly decoded'
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS34_NSTTLX_201305202016'))
    for data in f.sym_block[0]:
        if 'track' in data:
            x, y = np.array(data['track']).T
            assert len(x)
            assert len(y)
Esempio n. 20
def test_tracks():
    """Check that tracks are properly decoded."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS34_NSTTLX_201305202016'))
    for data in f.sym_block[0]:
        if 'track' in data:
            x, y = np.array(data['track']).T
            assert len(x)
            assert len(y)
Esempio n. 21
def test_msg15():
    """Check proper decoding of message type 15."""
    f = Level2File(
        get_test_data('KTLX20130520_201643_V06.gz', as_file_obj=False))
    data = f.clutter_filter_map['data']
    assert isinstance(data[0][0], list)
    assert f.clutter_filter_map['datetime'] == datetime(
        2013, 5, 19, 0, 0, 0, 315000)
Esempio n. 22
def test_gini_pathlib():
    """Test that GiniFile works with `pathlib.Path` instances."""
    from pathlib import Path
    src = Path(
    f = GiniFile(src)
    assert f.prod_desc.sector_id == 'West CONUS'
Esempio n. 23
def test_doubled_file():
    """Test for #489 where doubled-up files didn't parse at all."""
    with contextlib.closing(
            get_test_data('Level2_KFTG_20150430_1419.ar2v')) as infile:
        data =
    fobj = BytesIO(data + data)
    f = Level2File(fobj)
    assert len(f.sweeps) == 12
Esempio n. 24
def test_unidata_composite():
    """Test reading radar composites in GINI format made by Unidata."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('Level3_Composite_dhr_1km_20180309_2225.gini'))

    # Check the time stamp
    assert datetime(2018, 3, 9, 22, 25) == f.prod_desc.datetime

    # Check data value
    assert 66 ==[2160, 2130]
Esempio n. 25
def test_unidata_composite():
    """Test reading radar composites in GINI format made by Unidata."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('Level3_Composite_dhr_1km_20180309_2225.gini'))

    # Check the time stamp
    assert datetime(2018, 3, 9, 22, 25) == f.prod_desc.datetime

    # Check data value
    assert 66 ==[2160, 2130]
Esempio n. 26
def test_power_removed_control():
    """Test decoding new PRC product."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KGJX_NXF_20200817_0600.nids'))
    assert f.prod_desc.prod_code == 113
    assert f.metadata['rpg_cut_num'] == 1
    assert f.metadata['cmd_generated'] == 0
    assert f.metadata['el_angle'] == -0.2
    assert f.metadata['clutter_filter_map_dt'] == datetime(2020, 8, 17, 4, 16)
    assert f.metadata['compression'] == 1
    assert f.sym_block[0][0]
Esempio n. 27
def test_no_field_error():
    """Make sure we get a useful error when the field is not set."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('', as_file_obj=False))

    contour = ContourPlot() = data
    contour.level = 700 * units.hPa

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Esempio n. 28
    def _wrapped_urlopen(self, url):
        r"""Method to wrap urlopen and look to see if the request should be redirected."""
        from metpy.cbook import get_test_data

        filename = self.url_map.get(url)

        if filename is None:
            return self._urlopen(url)
            return open(get_test_data(filename, False), 'rb')
Esempio n. 29
    def _wrapped_urlopen(self, url):
        r"""Wrap urlopen and look to see if the request should be redirected."""
        from metpy.cbook import get_test_data

        filename = self.url_map.get(url)

        if filename is None:
            return self._urlopen(url)
            return open(get_test_data(filename, False), 'rb')
Esempio n. 30
def test_no_field_error_barbs():
    """Make sure we get a useful error when the field is not set."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('', as_file_obj=False))

    barbs = BarbPlot() = data
    barbs.level = 700 * units.hPa

    with pytest.raises(TraitError):
Esempio n. 31
def test_natural_neighbor(test_data, test_grid):
    r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    xg, yg = test_grid

    img = natural_neighbor(xp, yp, z, xg, yg)

    truth = np.load(get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz'))['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 32
def test_level2(fname, voltime, num_sweeps, mom_first, mom_last, expected_logs,
    """Test reading NEXRAD level 2 files from the filename."""
    caplog.set_level(logging.WARNING, '')
    f = Level2File(get_test_data(fname, as_file_obj=False))
    assert f.dt == voltime
    assert len(f.sweeps) == num_sweeps
    assert len(f.sweeps[0][0][-1]) == mom_first
    assert len(f.sweeps[-1][0][-1]) == mom_last
    assert len(caplog.records) == expected_logs
Esempio n. 33
 def test_vector_packet(self):
     f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS64_NHITLX_201305202016'))
     for page in f.graph_pages:
         for item in page:
             if 'vectors' in item:
                 x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(item['vectors']).T
                 assert len(x1)
                 assert len(x2)
                 assert len(y1)
                 assert len(y2)
Esempio n. 34
def test_natural_neighbor(test_data, test_grid):
    r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    xg, yg = test_grid

    img = natural_neighbor(xp, yp, z, xg, yg)

    truth = np.load(get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz'))['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 35
def test_no_field_error():
    """Make sure we get a useful error when the field is not set."""
    data = xr.open_dataset(get_test_data('', as_file_obj=False))

    contour = ContourPlot() = data
    contour.level = 700 * units.hPa

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Esempio n. 36
 def test_vector_packet(self):
     f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS64_NHITLX_201305202016'))
     for page in f.graph_pages:
         for item in page:
             if 'vectors' in item:
                 x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(item['vectors']).T
                 assert len(x1)
                 assert len(x2)
                 assert len(y1)
                 assert len(y2)
Esempio n. 37
def test_bad_length(caplog):
    """Test reading a product with too many bytes produces a log message."""
    fname = get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS84_DAATLX_201305202016', as_file_obj=False)
    with open(fname, 'rb') as inf:
        data =
        fobj = BytesIO(data + data)

    with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, ''):
        assert 'This product may not parse correctly' in caplog.records[0].message
Esempio n. 38
def test_interpolate_to_points_invalid(test_data):
    """Test that interpolate_to_points raises when given an invalid method."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose() * 10

    with get_test_data('interpolation_test_points.npz') as fobj:
        test_points = np.load(fobj)['points']

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interpolate_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points, interp_type='shouldraise')
Esempio n. 39
def test_natural_neighbor_to_points(test_data, test_points):
    r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation to grid function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()

    img = natural_neighbor_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points)

    with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 40
def test_gini_dataset():
    "Test the dataset interface for GINI"
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data("WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini"))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    assert "x" in ds.variables
    assert "y" in ds.variables
    assert "WV" in ds.variables
    assert hasattr(ds.variables["WV"], "grid_mapping")
    assert ds.variables["WV"].grid_mapping in ds.variables
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables["lon"][0, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables["lat"][0, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)
Esempio n. 41
def test_vector_packet():
    """Check that vector packets are properly decoded."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS64_NHITLX_201305202016'))
    for page in f.graph_pages:
        for item in page:
            if 'vectors' in item:
                x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(item['vectors']).T
                assert len(x1)
                assert len(x2)
                assert len(y1)
                assert len(y2)
Esempio n. 42
def test_parse_no_pint_objects_in_df():
    """Test that there are no Pint quantities in dataframes created by parser."""
    input_file = get_test_data('metar_20190701_1200.txt', mode='rt')
    metar_str = (
        'KSLK 011151Z AUTO 21005KT 1/4SM FG VV002 14/13 A1013 RMK AO2 SLP151 70043 '
        'T01390133 10139 20094 53002=')

    for df in (parse_metar_file(input_file),
        for column in df:
            assert not isinstance(df[column][0], units.Quantity)
Esempio n. 43
def test_natural_neighbor_to_grid(test_data, test_grid):
    r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation to grid function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    xg, yg = test_grid

    img = natural_neighbor_to_grid(xp, yp, z, xg, yg)

    with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 44
def test_gini_mercator_upper_corner():
    """Test that the upper corner of the Mercator coordinates is correct."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('HI-REGIONAL_4km_3.9_20160616_1715.gini'))
    ds = xr.open_dataset(f)
    lat = ds.variables['lat']
    lon = ds.variables['lon']

    # 2nd corner lat/lon are at the "upper right" corner of the pixel, so need to add one
    # more grid point
    assert_almost_equal(lon[0, -1] + (lon[0, -1] - lon[0, -2]), f.proj_info.lo2, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(lat[0, -1] + (lat[0, -1] - lat[1, -1]), f.proj_info.la2, 4)
Esempio n. 45
 def test_dataset():
     'Test the dataset interface for GINI'
     f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
     ds = f.to_dataset()
     assert 'x' in ds.variables
     assert 'y' in ds.variables
     assert 'WV' in ds.variables
     assert hasattr(ds.variables['WV'], 'grid_mapping')
     assert ds.variables['WV'].grid_mapping in ds.variables
     assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
     assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)
Esempio n. 46
def test_natural_neighbor_to_grid(test_data, test_grid):
    r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation to grid function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    xg, yg = test_grid

    img = natural_neighbor_to_grid(xp, yp, z, xg, yg)

    with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 47
def test_basic():
    """Test reading one specific NEXRAD NIDS file based on the filename."""
    f = Level3File(
    assert f.metadata['prod_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(
        2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['vol_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(
        2014, 4, 7, 18, 5)
    assert f.metadata['msg_time'].replace(second=0) == datetime(
        2014, 4, 7, 18, 6)
Esempio n. 48
def test_vector_packet():
    """Check that vector packets are properly decoded."""
    f = Level3File(get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS64_NHITLX_201305202016'))
    for page in f.graph_pages:
        for item in page:
            if 'vectors' in item:
                x1, x2, y1, y2 = np.array(item['vectors']).T
                assert len(x1)
                assert len(x2)
                assert len(y1)
                assert len(y2)
Esempio n. 49
def test_natural_neighbor_to_points(test_data, test_points):
    r"""Test natural neighbor interpolation to grid function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    obs_points = np.vstack([xp, yp]).transpose()

    img = natural_neighbor_to_points(obs_points, z, test_points)

    with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img'].reshape(-1)

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 50
def test_gini_dataset():
    'Test the dataset interface for GINI'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('WEST-CONUS_4km_WV_20151208_2200.gini'))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    assert 'x' in ds.variables
    assert 'y' in ds.variables
    assert 'WV' in ds.variables
    assert hasattr(ds.variables['WV'], 'grid_mapping')
    assert ds.variables['WV'].grid_mapping in ds.variables
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)
Esempio n. 51
def test_bad_length(caplog):
    """Test reading a product with too many bytes produces a log message."""
    fname = get_test_data('nids/KOUN_SDUS84_DAATLX_201305202016', as_file_obj=False)
    with open(fname, 'rb') as inf:
        data =
        fobj = BytesIO(data + data)

    with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, ''):
        assert len(caplog.records) == 1
        assert 'This product may not parse correctly' in caplog.records[0].message
Esempio n. 52
def test_gini_ak_regional_dataset():
    'Test the dataset interface for GINI of a AK REGIONAL file'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('AK-REGIONAL_8km_3.9_20160408_1445.gini'))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    assert 'x' in ds.variables
    assert 'y' in ds.variables
    assert 'IR' in ds.variables
    assert hasattr(ds.variables['IR'], 'grid_mapping')
    assert ds.variables['IR'].grid_mapping in ds.variables
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)
Esempio n. 53
def test_gini_mercator_upper_corner():
    """Test that the upper corner of the Mercator coordinates is correct."""
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('HI-REGIONAL_4km_3.9_20160616_1715.gini'))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    lat = ds.variables['lat']
    lon = ds.variables['lon']

    # 2nd corner lat/lon are at the "upper right" corner of the pixel, so need to add one
    # more grid point
    assert_almost_equal(lon[0, -1] + (lon[0, -1] - lon[0, -2]), f.proj_info.lo2, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(lat[0, -1] + (lat[0, -1] - lat[1, -1]), f.proj_info.la2, 4)
Esempio n. 54
def test_parse_file():
    """Test the parser on an entire file."""
    input_file = get_test_data('metar_20190701_1200.txt', as_file_obj=False)
    df = parse_metar_file(input_file)

    # Check counts (non-NaN) of various fields
    counts = df.count()
    assert counts.station_id == 8980
    assert counts.latitude == 8968
    assert counts.longitude == 8968
    assert counts.elevation == 8968
    assert counts.date_time == 8980
    assert counts.wind_direction == 8577
    assert counts.wind_speed == 8844
    assert counts.wind_gust == 347
    assert counts.visibility == 8486
    assert counts.current_wx1 == 1090
    assert counts.current_wx2 == 82
    assert counts.current_wx3 == 1
    assert counts.low_cloud_type == 7361
    assert counts.low_cloud_level == 3867
    assert counts.medium_cloud_type == 1646
    assert counts.medium_cloud_level == 1641
    assert counts.high_cloud_type == 632
    assert counts.high_cloud_level == 626
    assert counts.highest_cloud_type == 37
    assert counts.highest_cloud_level == 37
    assert counts.cloud_coverage == 8980
    assert counts.air_temperature == 8779
    assert counts.dew_point_temperature == 8740
    assert counts.altimeter == 8458
    assert counts.remarks == 8980
    assert (df.current_wx1_symbol != 0).sum() == counts.current_wx1
    assert (df.current_wx2_symbol != 0).sum() == counts.current_wx2
    assert (df.current_wx3_symbol != 0).sum() == counts.current_wx3
    assert counts.air_pressure_at_sea_level == 8378
    assert counts.eastward_wind == 8577
    assert counts.northward_wind == 8577

    # KVPZ 011156Z AUTO 27005KT 10SM CLR 23/19 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP166
    test = df[df.station_id == 'KVPZ']
    assert test.air_temperature.values == 23
    assert test.dew_point_temperature.values == 19
    assert test.altimeter.values == 30.04
    assert_almost_equal(test.eastward_wind.values, 5)
    assert_almost_equal(test.northward_wind.values, 0)
    assert test.air_pressure_at_sea_level.values == 1016.76

    # Check that this ob properly gets all lines
    paku = df[df.station_id == 'PAKU']
    assert_almost_equal(paku.air_temperature.values, [9, 12])
    assert_almost_equal(paku.dew_point_temperature.values, [9, 10])
    assert_almost_equal(paku.altimeter.values, [30.02, 30.04])
Esempio n. 55
def test_parse_file_object():
    """Test the parser reading from a file-like object."""
    input_file = get_test_data('metar_20190701_1200.txt', mode='rt')
    # KOKC 011152Z 18006KT 7SM FEW080 FEW250 21/21 A3003 RMK AO2 SLP155 T02060206...
    df = parse_metar_file(input_file)
    test = df[df.station_id == 'KOKC']
    assert_almost_equal(test.visibility.values, 11265.408)
    assert test.air_temperature.values == 21
    assert test.dew_point_temperature.values == 21
    assert test.altimeter.values == 30.03
    assert_almost_equal(test.eastward_wind.values, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(test.northward_wind.values, 6)
Esempio n. 56
def test_natural_neighbor(test_data, test_grid):
    r"""Test deprecated natural neighbor interpolation function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    xg, yg = test_grid

    with pytest.warns(MetpyDeprecationWarning):
        img = natural_neighbor(xp, yp, z, xg, yg)

    with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 57
def test_natural_neighbor(test_data, test_grid):
    r"""Test deprecated natural neighbor interpolation function."""
    xp, yp, z = test_data
    xg, yg = test_grid

    with pytest.warns(MetpyDeprecationWarning):
        img = natural_neighbor(xp, yp, z, xg, yg)

    with get_test_data('nn_bbox0to100.npz') as fobj:
        truth = np.load(fobj)['img']

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, img)
Esempio n. 58
def test_standard_surface():
    """Test to read a standard surface file."""
    def dtparse(string):
        return datetime.strptime(string, '%y%m%d/%H%M')

    skip = ['text']

    gsf = GempakSurface(get_test_data('gem_std.sfc'))
    gstns = gsf.sfjson()

    gempak = pd.read_csv(get_test_data('gem_std.csv'),
                         index_col=['STN', 'YYMMDD/HHMM'],

    for stn in gstns:
        idx_key = (stn['properties']['station_id'],
        gemsfc = gempak.loc[idx_key, :]

        for param, val in stn['values'].items():
            if param not in skip:
                assert val == pytest.approx(gemsfc[param.upper()])
Esempio n. 59
def test_declarative_upa_obs_convert_barb_units():
    """Test making a full upperair observation plot."""
    data = pd.read_csv(get_test_data('UPA_obs.csv', as_file_obj=False))
    data.units = ''
    data.units = {
        'pressure': 'hPa',
        'height': 'meters',
        'temperature': 'degC',
        'dewpoint': 'degC',
        'direction': 'degrees',
        'speed': 'knots',
        'station': None,
        'time': None,
        'u_wind': 'knots',
        'v_wind': 'knots',
        'latitude': 'degrees',
        'longitude': 'degrees'

    obs = PlotObs() = data
    obs.time = datetime(1993, 3, 14, 0)
    obs.level = 500 * units.hPa
    obs.fields = ['temperature', 'dewpoint', 'height']
    obs.locations = ['NW', 'SW', 'NE']
    obs.formats = [None, None, lambda v: format(v, '.0f')[:3]]
    obs.vector_field = ('u_wind', 'v_wind')
    obs.vector_field_length = 7
    obs.vector_plot_units = 'm/s'
    obs.reduce_points = 0

    # Panel for plot with Map features
    panel = MapPanel()
    panel.layout = (1, 1, 1)
    panel.area = (-124, -72, 20, 53)
    panel.projection = 'lcc'
    panel.layers = ['coastline', 'borders', 'states', 'land']
    panel.plots = [obs]

    # Bringing it all together
    pc = PanelContainer()
    pc.size = (15, 10)
    pc.panels = [panel]


    obs.level = 300 * units.hPa

    return pc.figure
Esempio n. 60
def test_gini_ak_regional_dataset():
    'Test the dataset interface for GINI of a AK REGIONAL file'
    f = GiniFile(get_test_data('AK-REGIONAL_8km_3.9_20160408_1445.gini'))
    ds = f.to_dataset()
    assert 'x' in ds.variables
    assert 'y' in ds.variables
    assert 'IR' in ds.variables
    assert hasattr(ds.variables['IR'], 'grid_mapping')
    assert ds.variables['IR'].grid_mapping in ds.variables
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lon'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.lo1, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(ds.variables['lat'][0, 0], f.prod_desc.la1, 4)