def list_vars(path, package): opts = Options() opts['path'] = [path] opts['packages'] = [package.upper()] dtree1 = dirtree_datafiles(opts, modelid=0) filetable1 = basic_filetable(dtree1, opts) dm = diagnostics_menu() vlist = [] for pname in opts['packages']: pclass = dm[pname]() slist = pclass.list_diagnostic_sets() # slist contains "Set 1 - Blah Blah Blah", "Set 2 - Blah Blah Blah", etc # now to get all variables, we need to extract just the integer from the slist entries. snums = [setnum(x) for x in slist.keys()] for s in slist.keys(): vlist.extend(pclass.list_variables(filetable1, None, s)) vlist = list(set(vlist)) return vlist
if verbosity >= 1: print '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' print 'END OF MAKE_PLOTS - rank %d - varid %s fnamebase %s' % ( MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank(), varid, fnamebase) print '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' ### The main driver script. if __name__ == '__main__': # Figure out who we are. comm_world = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm_world.Get_rank() # First, process command line arguments. All ranks get the command line arguments opts = Options() opts.processCmdLine() opts.verifyOptions() if (opts['package'] == None or opts['package'] == '') and rank == 0: print "Please specify a package" quit() package = opts['package'].upper() if package == 'AMWG': from metrics.frontend.amwgmaster import * elif package == 'LMWG': from metrics.frontend.lmwgmaster import * # Now, setup the various communicators - NODEs, core0s, and comm_world
sets['children'].append(var) dataset['children'].append(sets) p['children'].append(dataset) self.tree['children'].append(p) # print self.tree return self.tree def dump(self, filename=None): if filename == None: fname = 'test.json' else: fname = filename f = open(fname, 'w') import json json.dump(self.tree, f, separators=(',', ':'), indent=2) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': o = Options() o.processCmdLine() print o['path'] if type(o['path']) is list and type(o['path'][0]) is str: print 'Creating filetable...' filetable1 = path2filetable(o, path=o['path'][0], filter=None) print 'Done creating filetable...' tree = TreeView() tree.makeTree(o, [filetable1], packages=['LMWG']) # need to make a filetable
class DiagnosticsDockWidget(QtGui.QDockWidget, Ui_DiagnosticDockWidget): dg_menu = metrics.packages.diagnostic_groups.diagnostics_menu( ) # typical item: 'AMWG':AMWG diagnostic_set_name = "Not implemented" # for now. ugly though. needs fixed. opts = Options() observation1 = None observations1 = None observation2 = None observations2 = None obs1_menu = None obs2_menu = None ft1 = None ft2 = None obsft1 = None obsft2 = None useObs1 = 0 useObs2 = 0 useDS1 = 0 useDS2 = 0 ds1path = '' ds2path = '' obs1path = '' obs2path = '' dfiles1 = None dfiles2 = None obsfiles1 = None obsfiles2 = None ds_menu = None region_box = None Types = dg_menu.keys() standard_alltypes = [ "AMWG", "LMWG", "OMWG", "PCWG", "MPAS", "WGNE", "Metrics" ] DisabledTypes = list(set(standard_alltypes) - set(Types)) AllTypes = Types + DisabledTypes def __init__(self, parent=None): super(DiagnosticsDockWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) import metrics.frontend.uvcdat import os # For speed of entry; these will be set to '/' for the real check-in. self.DS1PathLabel.setText('/') self.DS2PathLabel.setText('/') self.obs1PathLabel.setText('/') self.obs2PathLabel.setText('/') self.DiagnosticGroup = None self.diagnostic_set = None self.variables = [ 'N/A', ] self.seasons = None # will be set when DiagnosticGroup is made # some of this is set in the .ui file, but make sure we have a knonw, consistent state anyway self.DS1checkBox.setEnabled(True) self.DS2checkBox.setEnabled(True) self.Obs1checkBox.setEnabled(True) self.Obs2checkBox.setEnabled(True) # self.obs1TranslateCheck.setChecked(False) # self.obs2TranslateCheck.setChecked(False) # disable/hide stuff for now # Presumably ds1 will be used; at least since it starts off checked, it probably should be enabled self.changeState('ds1', True) self.changeState('ds2', False) self.changeState('obs1', False) self.changeState('obs2', False) self.DS2GroupBox.setVisible(False) self.obs1GroupBox.setVisible(False) self.obs2GroupBox.setVisible(False) # only used by a few lmwg sets currently self.RegionLabel.setEnabled(False) self.comboBoxRegion.setEnabled(False) # only used by a few amwg sets currently self.VarOptionsLabel.setEnabled(False) self.comboBoxAux.setEnabled(False) self.checkedItem = None # Add to the top-level menu self.setupDiagnosticsMenu() # Populate the types first. self.comboBoxType.addItems(DiagnosticsDockWidget.Types) # setup signals self.comboBoxType.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.setupDiagnosticTree) self.comboBoxVar.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.variableChanged) self.comboBoxRegion.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.regionChanged) self.treeWidget.itemChanged.connect(self.itemChecked) self.treeWidget.itemActivated.connect(self.itemActivated) self.treeWidget.itemClicked.connect(self.plotsetchanged) self.DS1checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.DS1Changed) self.DS2checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.DS2Changed) self.Obs1checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.obs1Changed) self.Obs2checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.obs2Changed) self.DS1Climos.stateChanged.connect(self.DS1climosChanged) self.DS2Climos.stateChanged.connect(self.DS2climosChanged) self.pickDS1Path.clicked.connect(self.setDS1Path) self.pickDS2Path.clicked.connect(self.setDS2Path) self.pickObs1Path.clicked.connect(self.setObs1Path) self.pickObs2Path.clicked.connect(self.setObs2Path) self.comboBoxObservation1.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.obs1ListChanged) self.comboBoxObservation2.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.obs2ListChanged) # self.obs1TranslateCheck.stateChanged.connect(self.obs1trans) # self.obs2TranslateCheck.stateChanged.connect(self.obs2trans) self.comboBoxSeason.setEnabled(False) self.comboBoxVar.setEnabled(False) self.buttonBox.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) # self.comboBoxSeason.addItems(['Seasons']) # self.comboBoxRegion.addItems(['Regions']) # self.comboBoxVar.addItems(['Variables']) # self.comboBoxAux.addItems(['Var Options']) # that's basically all we can/should do until someone selects some directories, etc # disable some widgets until the metrics code implements the feature. perhaps these should be hidden instead? # self.DS1ShortnameEdit.setEnabled(False)# # self.DS1TimeRangeCheck.setEnabled(False) # self.DS1StartLabel.setEnabled(False) # self.DS1StartEdit.setEnabled(False) # self.DS1EndLabel.setEnabled(False) # self.DS1EndEdit.setEnabled(False) # self.DS2ShortnameEdit.setEnabled(False) # self.DS2TimeRangeCheck.setEnabled(False) # self.DS2StartLabel.setEnabled(False) # self.DS2StartEdit.setEnabled(False) #self.DS2EndLabel.setEnabled(False) # self.DS2EndEdit.setEnabled(False) # self.obs1TranslateCheck.setEnabled(False) # self.obs2TranslateCheck.setEnabled(False) # used for enabling/disabling controls en masse def changeState(self, field, value): if field == 'ds1': self.pickDS1Path.setEnabled(value) self.DS1PathLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS1ShortnameEdit.setEnabled(value)# self.DS1FilterEdit.setEnabled(value) self.DS1FilterLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS1TimeRangeCheck.setEnabled(value) # self.DS1StartLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS1StartEdit.setEnabled(value) # self.DS1EndLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS1EndEdit.setEnabled(value) self.useDS1 = value if field == 'ds2': self.pickDS2Path.setEnabled(value) self.DS2PathLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS2ShortnameEdit.setEnabled(value) self.DS2FilterEdit.setEnabled(value) self.DS2FilterLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS2TimeRangeCheck.setEnabled(value) # self.DS2StartLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS2StartEdit.setEnabled(value) # self.DS2EndLabel.setEnabled(value) # self.DS2EndEdit.setEnabled(value) self.useDS2 = value if field == 'obs1': self.obs1PathLabel.setEnabled(value) self.pickObs1Path.setEnabled(value) # self.obs1TranslateCheck.setEnabled(value) self.comboBoxObservation1.setEnabled(value) self.useObs1 = value if field == 'obs2': self.obs2PathLabel.setEnabled(value) self.pickObs2Path.setEnabled(value) # self.obs2TranslateCheck.setEnabled(value) self.comboBoxObservation2.setEnabled(value) self.useObs2 = value def ds1Enabled(self, state): self.changeState('ds1', button) def ds2Enabled(self, button): self.changeState('ds2', button) def obs1Enabled(self, button): self.changeState('obs1', button) def obs2Enabled(self, button): self.changeState('obs2', button) def regionChanged(self, index): rl = defines.all_regions.keys() rl.sort() if index != -1: self.region_box = defines.all_regions[rl[index]] else: self.region_box = None def obs1trans(self, state): """This is for translating var names between datasets and obs sets""" pass def obs2trans(self, state): """This is for translating var names between datasets and obs sets""" pass def setObs1Path(self, button): pa = None pa = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Observations 1 Path", self.obs1PathLabel.text()) if pa == None or len(pa) == 0: print 'ERROR. BAD/NO PATH SELECTED' return p = str(pa) self.obs1PathLabel.setText(p) if len(self.opts._opts['obs']) == 0: self.opts._opts['obs'].append({}) self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['path'] = p self.prepareObs1() def setObs2Path(self, button): pa = None pa = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Observations 2 Path", self.obs2PathLabel.text()) p = str(pa) if pa == None or len(pa) == 0: print 'ERROR. BAD/NO PATH SELECTED' return self.obs2PathLabel.setText(p) if len(self.opts._opts['obs']) == 0: print 'Please select a first obs set' return if len(self.opts._opts['obs']) == 1: self.opts._opts['obs'].append({}) if len(self.opts._opts['obs']) == 2: self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['path'] = p self.prepareObs2() def setDS1Path(self, button): pa = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Dataset 1 Path", self.DS1PathLabel.text()) p = str(pa) self.DS1PathLabel.setText(p) if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 0: self.opts._opts['model'].append({}) self.opts._opts['model'][0]['path'] = p else: # must already have a model 0, just upate path self.opts._opts['model'][0]['path'] = p if self.DS1Climos.isChecked() == True: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['climos'] = 'yes' else: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['climos'] = 'no' self.prepareDS1() def setDS2Path(self, button): pa = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Dataset 2 Path", self.DS2PathLabel.text()) p = str(pa) self.DS2PathLabel.setText(p) # Do we already have a model 2? If not, add one. if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 0: print 'Please select a model 0 first.' return if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 1: self.opts._opts['model'].append({}) # It should now == 2. if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 2: self.opts._opts['model'][1]['path'] = p if self.DS2Climos.isChecked() == True: self.opts._opts['model'][1]['climos'] = 'yes' else: self.opts._opts['model'][1]['climos'] = 'no' self.prepareDS2() def prepareDS1(self): if len(self.opts._opts['model'] ) == 0 or self.opts._opts['model'][0]['path'] == None: print 'ERROR. No dataset1 path selected' else: self.dsfiles1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, modelid=0) self.ft1 = self.dsfiles1.setup_filetable() # self.ft1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.path2filetable(self.opts, modelid = 0) self.setupDiagnosticTree(self.comboBoxType.currentIndex()) def prepareDS2(self): if len(self.opts._opts['model'] ) < 2 or self.opts._opts['model'][1]['path'] == None: print 'ERROR. No dataset2 path selected' else: self.dsfiles2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, modelid=1) self.ft2 = self.dsfiles2.setup_filetable() # self.ft2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.path2filetable(self.opts, modelid = 1) self.setupDiagnosticTree(self.comboBoxType.currentIndex()) def filefilter_menuitem(self, filefam_menu, widget): if type(filefam_menu) is dict: filefam = str(widget.currentText()) else: # filefam_menu is True or None filefam = '' return filefam def fill_filefilter_menu(self, datafiles, widget): filefams = None filefam_menu = datafiles.check_filespec() if type(filefam_menu) is dict: filefams = filefam_menu.keys() elif type(filefam_menu) is bool: #the following is a total hack to fix a problem with datafiles.check_filespec(). #specifically if there is only one family in the directory it returns a bool #not a dictionary of length 1. The code here was stolen from check_filespec #to create that dictionary. Clearly the right thing to do is change check_filespec #except that would cause other problems. So stop the bleeding here! import metrics.fileio.findfiles as FF famdict = { f: FF.extract_filefamilyname(f) for f in datafiles.files } families = list( set([ famdict[f] for f in datafiles.files if famdict[f] is not None ])) fam = families[0] filefam_menu = { fam: FF.f_and(datafiles._filt, FF.f_startswith(fam)) } filefams = filefam_menu.keys() elif filefam_menu == None: print 'ERROR. No data found in %s' % datafiles if type(filefams) is list: filefams.sort() widget.setDuplicatesEnabled(False) widget.addItems(filefams) # i = widget.findText(default) # widget.setCurrentIndex(max(i,0)) # 0 if findText didn't find text widget.setCurrentIndex(0) filefam = self.filefilter_menuitem(filefam_menu, widget) return filefams, filefam_menu, filefam def obs1ListChanged(self): # Have we already populated the obs1_menu? If so, then just update obsfiles/ft/options. self.observation1 = str(self.comboBoxObservation1.currentText()) if self.obs1_menu != None: self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] = self.obs1_menu[ self.observation1] self.prepareObs1(flag=1) def obs2ListChanged(self): self.observation2 = str(self.comboBoxObservation2.currentText()) if self.obs2_menu != None: self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['filter'] = self.obs2_menu[ self.observation2] self.prepareObs2(flag=1) def prepareObs1(self, flag=None): if len(self.opts._opts['obs'] ) == 0 or self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['path'] == None: print 'ERROR. No observation directory selected' else: if flag == None: #the following is a total kludge to avoid a bug where the list of obs does not #change when the directory is changed. The following gets back to the state #at the very beginning of the gui. There might be a better way of doing this! if 'filter' in self.opts._opts['obs'][0].keys(): del self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] self.comboBoxObservation1.currentIndexChanged.disconnect() self.comboBoxObservation1.clear() self.obsfiles1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=0) # So now we need to see if the user wants a filter. # I believe all we need to do is set up the combobox with a list of # possible filters based on the obs set which has now been selected. # much of that work is done with check_filespec(). # When the user clicks Apply it has to re-fetch the menu item se self.observations1, self.obs1_menu, self.observation1 = \ self.fill_filefilter_menu(self.obsfiles1, self.comboBoxObservation1) if self.obs1_menu is not None: self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] = self.obs1_menu[ self.observation1] #reconnect to the menu of file families self.comboBoxObservation1.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.obs1ListChanged) # If flag is passed just do this stuff. # self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] = str(self.comboBoxObservation1.currentText()) self.obsfiles1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=0) self.obsft1 = self.obsfiles1.setup_filetable() self.updateVarList() # obs should be populated now def prepareObs2(self, flag=None): if len(self.opts._opts['obs'] ) != 2 or self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['path'] == None: print 'ERRROR. No second observation directory selected' else: if flag == None: #the following is a total kludge to avoid a bug where the list of obs does not #change when the directory is changed. The following gets back to the state #at the very beginning of the gui. There might be a better way of doing this! if 'filter' in self.opts._opts['obs'][0].keys(): del self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] self.comboBoxObservation2.currentIndexChanged.disconnect() self.comboBoxObservation2.clear() self.obsfiles2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=1) self.observations2, self.obs2_menu, self.observation2 =\ self.fill_filefilter_menu(self.obsfiles2, self.comboBoxObservation2) self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['filter'] = self.obs2_menu[ self.observation2] #reconnect to the menu of file families self.comboBoxObservation2.currentIndexChanged.connect( self.obs2ListChanged) self.obsfiles2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=1) self.obsft2 = self.obsfiles2.setup_filetable() self.updateVarList() # This adds the main menu field and adds the event handlers for each diagnostic type # selected via the main menu or the combobox def setupDiagnosticsMenu(self): menu = self.parent().menuBar().addMenu('&Diagnostics') def generateCallBack(x): def callBack(): self.diagnosticTriggered(x) return callBack for diagnosticType in DiagnosticsDockWidget.AllTypes: action = QtGui.QAction(diagnosticType, self) action.setEnabled(diagnosticType in DiagnosticsDockWidget.Types) action.setStatusTip(diagnosticType + " Diagnostics") action.triggered.connect(generateCallBack(diagnosticType)) menu.addAction(action) def diagnosticTriggered(self, diagnosticType): index = self.comboBoxType.findText(diagnosticType) self.comboBoxType.setCurrentIndex(index) self.raise_() #### NEXT EDITS HERE FOR DS1 vs DS2 vs OBS.... def plotsetchanged(self, item, column): import metrics.frontend.uvcdat txt = str(item.text(item.columnCount() - 1)) if 'REGIONAL' in txt.upper(): rl = defines.all_regions.keys() rl.sort() for i in range(self.comboBoxRegion.count()): self.comboBoxRegion.removeItem(0) self.comboBoxRegion.addItems(rl) self.RegionLabel.setEnabled(True) self.comboBoxRegion.setEnabled(True) else: self.RegionLabel.setEnabled(False) self.comboBoxRegion.setEnabled(False) for i in range(self.comboBoxRegion.count()): self.comboBoxRegion.removeItem(0) if self.useObs1 == True: if type(self.observations1) is list: self.observation1 = str( self.comboBoxObservation1.currentText()) if type(self.observation1) is str and len( self.observation1) > 0: self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] = self.obs1_menu[ self.observation1] else: self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] = None else: self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] = None self.obsfiles1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=0) #self.obsft1 = metrics.fileio.filetable.basic_filetable(self.obsfiles1, self.opts._opts) self.obsft1 = self.obsfiles1.setup_filetable() if self.useObs2 == True: if type(self.observations2) is list: self.observation2 = str( self.comboBoxObservation2.currentText()) if type(self.observation2) is str and len( self.observation2) > 0 and len( self.opts._opts['obs']) == 2: self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['filter'] = self.obs2_menu[ self.observation2] else: self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['filter'] = None else: if len(self.opts._opts['obs']) == 2: self.opts._opts['obs'][1]['filter'] = None self.obsfiles2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=1) #self.obsft2 = metrics.fileio.filetable.basic_filetable(self.obsfiles2, self.opts._opts) self.obsft2 = setlf.obsfiles2.setup_filetable() self.diagnostic_set_name = str(item.text(column)) varlist = [] model = [] obs = [] if self.useDS1: model.append(self.ft1) if self.useDS2: model.append(self.ft2) if self.useObs1: obs.append(self.obsft1) if self.useObs2: obs.append(self.obsft2) varlist = self.DiagnosticGroup.list_variables( model, obs, diagnostic_set_name=self.diagnostic_set_name) varlist.sort() self.variables = varlist for i in range(self.comboBoxVar.count()): self.comboBoxVar.removeItem(0) self.comboBoxVar.addItems(self.variables) self.comboBoxVar.setEnabled(True) self.comboBoxSeason.setEnabled(True) def updateVarList(self): if self.diagnostic_set_name == "Not implemented": return else: varlist = [] model = [] obs = [] if self.useDS1: model.append(self.ft1) if self.useDS2: model.append(self.ft2) if self.useObs1: obs.append(self.obsft1) if self.useObs2: obs.append(self.obsft2) varlist = self.DiagnosticGroup.list_variables( model, obs, diagnostic_set_name=self.diagnostic_set_name) varlist.sort() self.variables = varlist for i in range(self.comboBoxVar.count()): self.comboBoxVar.removeItem(0) self.comboBoxVar.addItems(self.variables) varlist = self.DiagnosticGroup.list_variables( model, obs, diagnostic_set_name=self.diagnostic_set_name) varlist.sort() self.variables = varlist for i in range(self.comboBoxVar.count()): self.comboBoxVar.removeItem(0) self.comboBoxVar.addItems(self.variables) #### variableChanged needs connected to comboBoxVar changes def variableChanged(self, index): ## populate the aux menu, if appropriate model = [] obs = [] if self.ft1 != None: model.append(self.ft1) if self.ft2 != None: model.append(self.ft2) if self.obsft1 != None: obs.append(self.obsft1) if self.obsft2 != None: obs.append(self.obsft2) self.varmenu = self.DiagnosticGroup.all_variables( model, obs, self.diagnostic_set_name) varname = str(self.comboBoxVar.currentText()) if varname in self.varmenu.keys(): variable = self.varmenu[varname](varname, self.diagnostic_set_name, self.DiagnosticGroup) self.auxmenu = variable.varoptions() else: self.auxmenu = None for i in range(self.comboBoxAux.count()): self.comboBoxAux.removeItem(0) self.comboBoxAux.setEnabled(False) if self.auxmenu is not None: self.comboBoxAux.addItems(sorted(self.auxmenu.keys())) self.comboBoxAux.setEnabled(True) def setupDiagnosticTree(self, index): if index == -1: index = 0 diagnosticType = str(self.comboBoxType.itemText(index)) self.treeWidget.clear() # self.treeWidget.itemChanged.connect(self.plotsetchanged) self.DiagnosticGroup = DiagnosticsDockWidget.dg_menu[diagnosticType]() # ds_menu and seasons depend on self.DiagnosticGroup (only), so they are best # set right after self.DiagnosticGroup is set... self.ds_menu = self.DiagnosticGroup.list_diagnostic_sets() self.seasons = self.DiagnosticGroup.list_seasons() # Note that the following loop calls plotsetchanged() for diagnostic_set in natural_sort(self.ds_menu.keys()): diagnosticItem = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(self.treeWidget, [diagnostic_set]) diagnosticItem.setFlags(diagnosticItem.flags() & (~Qt.ItemIsSelectable)) diagnosticItem.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) for i in range(self.comboBoxSeason.count()): self.comboBoxSeason.removeItem(0) self.comboBoxSeason.addItems(self.seasons) # no variables should be available yet self.comboBoxVar.addItems(['Select Diag Set']) self.comboBoxRegion.addItems(['Region']) self.comboBoxAux.addItems(['Var Options']) self.comboBoxVar.setEnabled(False) self.comboBoxSeason.setEnabled(False) def obs1Changed(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.useObs1 = 1 self.obs1GroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.obs1GroupBox.setVisible(True) self.changeState('obs1', True) else: self.useOBs1 = 0 self.obs1GroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.obs1GroupBox.setVisible(False) self.changeState('obs1', False) def obs2Changed(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.useObs2 = 1 self.obs2GroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.obs2GroupBox.setVisible(True) self.changeState('obs2', True) else: self.useOBs2 = 0 self.obs2GroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.obs2GroupBox.setVisible(False) self.changeState('obs2', False) def DS1climosChanged(self, state): if len(self.opts._opts['model'] ) >= 1: # so we have set up a model already if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['climos'] = 'yes' else: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['climos'] = 'no' else: self.opts._opts['model'].append({}) if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['climos'] = 'yes' else: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['climos'] = 'no' def DS2climosChanged(self, state): if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 0: print 'Please select at least one model.' return if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 1: self.opts._opts['model'].append({}) if len(self.opts._opts['model']) == 2: if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.opts._opts['model'][1]['climos'] = 'yes' else: self.opts._opts['model'][1]['climos'] = 'no' def DS1Changed(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.useDS1 = 1 self.DS1GroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.DS1GroupBox.setVisible(True) self.changeState('ds1', True) else: self.useDS1 = 0 # should we hide DS1 groupbox? self.DS1GroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.changeState('ds1', False) def DS2Changed(self, state): if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.useDS2 = 1 self.DS2GroupBox.setEnabled(True) self.DS2GroupBox.setVisible(True) self.changeState('ds2', True) else: self.useDS2 = 0 self.DS2GroupBox.setEnabled(False) self.DS2GroupBox.setVisible(False) self.changeState('ds2', False) def buttonClicked(self, button): role = self.buttonBox.buttonRole(button) if role == QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.ApplyRole: self.applyClicked() elif role == QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.RejectRole: self.cancelClicked() ### NEEDS EDITED def applyClicked(self): from metrics.frontend.uvcdat import setup_filetable, get_plot_data, diagnostics_template if self.checkedItem is None: msg = "Please choose a diagnostic to plot." mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning, msg, QString(msg)) mbox.exec_() return None # These are two of several cases where we need to get file (or other) information out of # the menus because what we have is stale. The better approach is to update every time the # user does something in the menus, and sometimes there's no alternative. But this was # quicker to code... self.observation1 = str(self.comboBoxObservation1.currentText()) if len(self.observation1) > 0: if self.opts._opts['obs'][0]['filter'] != self.obs1_menu[ self.observation1]: self.observation1 = self.filefilter_menuitem( self.obs1_menu, self.comboBoxObservation1) self.obsfiles1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=0) self.obsft1 = self.obsfiles1.setup_filetable() if self.opts._opts['model'][0].get( 'filter', False) != False and self.DS1FilterEdit.text( ) != self.opts._opts['model'][0]['filter']: self.opts._opts['model'][0]['filter'] = self.DS1FilterEdit.text() self.dfiles1 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, modelid=0) self.ft1 = self.dfiles1.setup_filetable() self.observation2 = str(self.comboBoxObservation2.currentText()) if len(self.observation2) > 0: if len(self.opts._opts['obs']) == 2 and self.opts._opts['obs'][0][ 'filter'] != self.obs2_menu[self.observation2]: self.observation2 = self.filefilter_menuitem( self.obs2_menu, self.comboBoxObservation2) self.obsfiles2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, obsid=1) self.obsft2 = self.obsfiles2.setup_filetable() if len(self.opts. _opts['model']) == 2 and self.opts._opts['model'][1].get( 'filter', False) != False and self.DS2FilterEdit.text( ) != self.opts._opts['model'][1]['filter']: self.opts._opts['model'][1]['filter'] = self.DS2FilterEdit.text() self.dfiles2 = metrics.fileio.findfiles.dirtree_datafiles( self.opts, modelid=1) self.ft2 = self.dfiles2.setup_filetable() diagnostic = str(self.checkedItem.text(0)) #group = str(self.checkedItem.parent().text(0)) #Never name something 'type', it's a reserved word! type = str(self.comboBoxType.currentText()) variable = str(self.comboBoxVar.currentText()) auxname = str(self.comboBoxAux.currentText()) season = str(self.comboBoxSeason.currentText()) # region_box was set when region was clicked. if False: # standard diagnostics prints: print "diagnostic: %s" % diagnostic print "observation1: %s" % self.observation1 print "observation2: %s" % self.observation2 print "variable: %s" % variable print "auxiliary option: %s" % auxname print "region_box: %s" % self.region_box print "season: %s" % season model = [] obs = [] if self.useDS1 == 1: model.append(self.ft1) if self.useDS2 == 1: model.append(self.ft2) if self.useObs1 == 1: obs.append(self.obsft1) if self.useObs2 == 1: obs.append(self.obsft2) if len(model) == 0 and len(obs) == 0: return if self.auxmenu is None: aux = None else: aux = self.auxmenu[auxname] ### ADDED STR() HERE. NOT SURE IF IT WAS NEEDED YET ### self.diagnostic_set_name = str(diagnostic) self.plot_spec = self.ds_menu[diagnostic](model, obs, variable, season, self.region_box, aux) ps = self.plot_spec if ps is None: print "ERROR. Can't plot, plot_set is None!!!!" return None res = ps.results() if res is None: print "ERROR. Can't plot, plot_set results were None!" return None tabcont = self.parent().spreadsheetWindow.get_current_tab_controller() for t in tabcont.tabWidgets: dim = t.getDimension() Nrows = dim[0] Ncolumns = dim[1] if type(res) is not list: res = [res] # I'm keeping this old message as a reminder of scrollable panes, a feature which would be # nice to have in the future (but it doesn't work now)... #mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning,"This diagnostics generated more rows than the number currently disaplyed by your spreadsheet, don't forget to scroll down") if len(res) > Nrows * Ncolumns: msg = "This diagnostics generated a composite of %s simple plots, which is more than your spreadsheet can display." % len( res) mbox = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Warning, msg, QString(msg)) mbox.exec_() ires = 0 for row in range(Nrows): for col in range(Ncolumns): if ires < len(res): res30 = res[ires] else: res30 = None if type(res30) is not tuple: res30 = (res30, ) for plot_number, RES30 in enumerate(res30): self.displayCell(RES30, row, col, dropInfo=(plot_number == 0)) ires += 1 def displayCell(self, res30, row, column, sheet="Sheet 1", dropInfo=True): """Display result into one cell defined by row/col args""" import pdb projectController = self.parent().get_current_project_controller() if dropInfo: projectController.get_sheet_widget(sheet).deleteCell(row, column) projectController.enable_animation = False # I (JfP) don't know why I need this, it didn't # used to be necessary. if res30 is None: return if not hasattr( res30, 'presentation' ) or res30.presentation is None or res30.presentation is "text": return pvars = res30.vars labels = res30.labels title = res30.title presentation = res30.presentation Gtype = res30.type if Gtype == "Taylor": Gtype = "Taylordiagram" pm = projectController.plot_manager VCS_LIST = pm._plot_list["VCS"] gm = res30.presentation from packages.uvcdat_cdms.init import get_canvas, get_gm_attributes, original_gm_attributes from gui.uvcdat.uvcdatCommons import gmInfos if False: # standard diagnostics prints: print "pvars:", [ for p in pvars] print "labels:", labels print "title:", title print "presentation:", presentation print "x min,max:", getattr(presentation, 'datawc_x1', None), getattr(presentation, 'datawc_x2', None) print "y min,max:", getattr(presentation, 'datawc_y1', None), getattr(presentation, 'datawc_y2', None) print "res", res30.type #define where to drag and drop import cdms2 from packages.uvcdat_cdms.init import CDMSVariable from core.utils import InstanceObject from metrics.frontend.uvcdat import diagnostics_template tm = diagnostics_template() # template name is 'diagnostic' if dropInfo: tmplDropInfo = ('diagnostic', sheet, row, column) projectController.template_was_dropped(tmplDropInfo) if Gtype == 'Vector': pvars = pvars[0] for varindex, V in enumerate(pvars): if Gtype != 'Vector': V.title = title # VCS looks the title of the variable, not the plot. V.long_name = V.title # VCS overrides title with long_name! # Until I know better storing vars in tempfile.... f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() filename = f.close() value = 0 cdms2.setNetcdfShuffleFlag(value) ## where value is either 0 or 1 cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateFlag(value) ## where value is either 0 or 1 cdms2.setNetcdfDeflateLevelFlag( value) ## where value is a integer between 0 and 9 included fd =, "w") fd.write(V) fd.close() cdmsFile = #define name of variable to appear in var widget if Gtype == 'Vector': name_in_var_widget = V[0].id else: name_in_var_widget = #get uri if exists url = None if hasattr(cdmsFile, 'uri'): url = cdmsFile.uri #create vistrails module cdmsVar = CDMSVariable(, url=url, name=name_in_var_widget, varNameInFile=name_in_var_widget) #get variable widget and project controller definedVariableWidget = self.parent().dockVariable.widget() #add variable to display widget and controller definedVariableWidget.addVariable(V) projectController.add_defined_variable(cdmsVar) # simulate drop variable varDropInfo = (name_in_var_widget, sheet, row, column) projectController.variable_was_dropped(varDropInfo) # Trying to add method to plot list.... #from gui.application import get_vistrails_application #_app = get_vistrails_application() #d = _app.uvcdatWindow.dockPlot # simulate drop plot G = VCS_LIST[Gtype] if not in G.keys(): G[] = pm._registry.add_plot(, "VCS", None, None, Gtype) G[].varnum = int(gmInfos[Gtype]["nSlabs"]) #add initial attributes to global dict canvas = get_canvas() method_name = "get" + Gtype.lower() attributes = get_gm_attributes(Gtype) attrs = {} for attr in attributes: attrs[attr] = getattr(gm, attr) original_gm_attributes[Gtype][] = InstanceObject(**attrs) if Gtype in ["Scatter", "Vector"] and varindex == 0: #to plot a scatter plot or vector plot, requires both axes passed to plotspec. #so dont plot the 1st one until the 2nd variable is processed. pass else: # simulate drop plot plot = projectController.plot_manager.new_plot( 'VCS', Gtype, #plot = projectController.plot_manager.new_plot('VCS', Gtype, "default" ) plotDropInfo = (plot, sheet, row, column) projectController.plot_was_dropped(plotDropInfo) def cancelClicked(self): self.close() def itemChecked(self, item, column): if item.checkState(column) == Qt.Checked: if self.checkedItem is not None: self.treeWidget.blockSignals(True) self.checkedItem.setCheckState(column, Qt.Unchecked) self.treeWidget.blockSignals(False) self.checkedItem = item else: self.checkedItem = None def itemActivated(self, item): pass
# 2. Look for '' (at end) where nnn is any number>0 of digits. This is a CMIP5 # time-split file. Return the rest of the name. # 3. Look for '' (at end) where nnn is any number>0 of digits. This is a CCSM # history tape file. Return the rest of the name. # I surely will have to adjust this algorithm as I encounter more files. fn = os.path.basename(filename) matchobject = r"\.nc$", fn ) if matchobject is None: return None matchobject = r"_\w\w\w_climo\.nc$", fn ) if matchobject is not None: # climatology file, e.g. return fn[0:matchobject.start()] # e.g. CRU matchobject = r"_\d\d_climo\.nc$", fn ) if matchobject is not None: # climatology file, e.g. return fn[0:matchobject.start()] # e.g. CRU matchobject = r"_\d\d*-\d\d*\.nc$", fn ) if matchobject is not None: # CMIP5 file eg return fn[0:matchobject.start()] # e.g. ts_Amon_bcc-csm1-1_amip_r1i1p1 matchobject = r"\.\d\d*-\d\d*\.nc$", fn ) if matchobject is not None: # CAM file eg return fn[0:matchobject.start()] # e.g. b30.009.cam2.h0 return fn if __name__ == '__main__': o = Options() o.processCmdLine() # modelid 0 is the minimum required to get this far in processCmdLine() datafiles = dirtree_datafiles(o, modelid=0)
# Rank 0 - broadcast IO information to all nodes (process 0 in a node communicator) # Rank 0 - enter work unit sending loop # Core0s - enter work unit receiving loop; open files as needed; broadcast to cores (shared memory would be nicer...) # CoreX - process a given variable, dataset(s), obs, and plot type and generate plots ### NEW COMMAND LINE OPTION: Maximum processes per *node* # Assumes import mpi4py was successful. self.comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD self.size = self.comm.size self.rank = self.comm.rank # Determine how many nodes we have. # Look at hostname I suppose. No good/portable way to do this otherwise. opts = Options() opts.processCmdLine() opts.verifyOptions() if opts['package'] == None or opts['package'] == '': logging.critical('Please specify a package when running metadiags.') quit() package = opts['package'].upper() if package == 'AMWG': from metrics.frontend.amwgmaster import * elif package == 'LMWG': from metrics.frontend.lmwgmaster import *
"/Users/painter1/tmp/diagout/amwg/set5_ANN_LHFLX-combined-20160520_NCEP.png" ) ] row = OutputRow("row title", columns) group = OutputGroup(opt['obs'].get('desc', str( opt['obs']['filter']))) # also need to support opt['obs'][i] page.addGroup(group) obs_index = 0 # actually this should be the group index. The group is the boldface row in the web page. # and thus names the obs set. The obs index is really an index into a list of observations. page.addRow(row, obs_index) index = OutputIndex("UVCMetrics %s" % opt['package'].upper(), version="version/dsname here") index.addPage(page) # normally part of loop over pages index.toJSON( os.path.join(opt['output']['outputdir'], opt['package'].lower(), "index.json")) if __name__ == '__main__': print "UV-CDAT Diagnostics, Experimental Multi-Diags version" print ' '.join(sys.argv) opt = Options(runby='multi') opt.parseCmdLine() #prof = cProfile.Profile() #prof.enable() multidiags(opt) #prof.disable() #prof.dump_stats('results_stats') # >>>> TO DO: need a version which supports multidiags: opt.verifyOptions()
page_columns = ["Description"] + opt['seasons'] coll_def = { 'desc': "verbose description of the diagnostic collection" } page = OutputPage( "Plot collection %s" % collnm, short_name="set_%s" % collnm, columns=page_columns, description=coll_def["desc"], icon="amwg_viewer/img/SET%s.png" % collnm) columns = [ "row description", OutputFile("/Users/painter1/tmp/diagout/amwg/set5_DJF_LHFLX-combined-20160520_NCEP.png"), OutputFile("/Users/painter1/tmp/diagout/amwg/set5_JJA_LHFLX-combined-20160520_NCEP.png"), OutputFile("/Users/painter1/tmp/diagout/amwg/set5_ANN_LHFLX-combined-20160520_NCEP.png") ] row = OutputRow( "row title", columns ) group = OutputGroup(opt['obs'].get('desc',str(opt['obs']['filter']))) # also need to support opt['obs'][i] page.addGroup(group) obs_index = 0 # actually this should be the group index. The group is the boldface row in the web page. # and thus names the obs set. The obs index is really an index into a list of observations. page.addRow( row, obs_index ) index = OutputIndex("UVCMetrics %s" % opt['package'].upper(), version="version/dsname here" ) index.addPage( page ) # normally part of loop over pages index.toJSON(os.path.join(opt['output']['outputdir'], opt['package'].lower(), "index.json")) if __name__ == '__main__': print "UV-CDAT Diagnostics, Experimental Multi-Diags version" print ' '.join(sys.argv) opt = Options(runby='multi') opt.parseCmdLine() #prof = cProfile.Profile() #prof.enable() multidiags( opt ) #prof.disable() #prof.dump_stats('results_stats') # >>>> TO DO: need a version which supports multidiags: opt.verifyOptions()