def ec_gecko_ko(compound, display=False, filename=None): """ GECKO enzyme deletion example. It runs a multi objective optimization for the increased production of a certain compound on E. Coli. The GECKO model is the yeast model companion from the GECKO paper "Improving the phenotype predictions of a yeast genome‐scale metabolic model by incorporating enzymatic constraints" Runs over the MEWpy implementation. :param compound: A target reaction identifier. :param display: Prints the best solution. :param filename: If given, saves the results as csv to filename. """ import os dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PATH = os.path.join(dir_path, '../../../examples/models/gecko') DATA_FILE = os.path.join(PATH, 'eciML1515_batch.xml') from import load_cbmodel m = load_cbmodel(DATA_FILE) model = GeckoModel(m, biomass_reaction_id='R_BIOMASS_Ec_iML1515_core_75p37M', protein_pool_exchange_id='R_prot_pool_exchange', reaction_prefix='R_') model.set_objective({'R_BIOMASS_Ec_iML1515_core_75p37M': 1.0}) envcond = OrderedDict() # the evaluation (objective) functions evaluator_1 = BPCY("R_BIOMASS_Ec_iML1515_core_75p37M", compound, method=SimulationMethod.lMOMA) evaluator_2 = WYIELD("R_BIOMASS_Ec_iML1515_core_75p37M", compound) # The optimization problem problem = GeckoKOProblem(model, fevaluation=[evaluator_1, evaluator_2], envcond=envcond, prot_prefix='R_draw_prot_', candidate_max_size=6) # A new instance of the EA optimizer ea = EA(problem, max_generations=ITERATIONS) # runs the optimization final_pop = # optimization results if display: individual = max(final_pop) best = list(problem.decode(individual.candidate).keys()) print('Best Solution: \n{0}'.format(str(best))) # save final population to file if filename: print("Simplifying and saving solutions to file") population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)
def cb_ou(product, chassis='ec', display=False, filename=None): """Defines and run a gene over/under expression problem. Args: product (str): the ID of the compound reaction exchange to be optimized chassis (str, optional): The chassis, 'ec'(E.coli iJO1366Sl) , 'ec2' (E.coli iML1515) or 'ys' (yeast). Defaults to 'ec'. display (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. filename ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. """ if chassis == 'ec2': conf = load_ec2() elif chassis == 'ys': conf = load_yeast() else: conf = load_ec() BIOMASS_ID = conf['biomass'] PRODUCT_ID = product model = conf['model'] envcond = conf['envcond'] reference = conf['reference'] evaluator_1 = BPCY(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID, method=SimulationMethod.lMOMA) evaluator_2 = WYIELD(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID) # Favors deletion and under expression modifications evaluator_3 = ModificationType() from mewpy.problems import GOUProblem problem = GOUProblem(model, fevaluation=[evaluator_1, evaluator_2, evaluator_3], envcond=envcond, reference=reference, candidate_min_size=4, candidate_max_size=6, operators=("lambda x,y: min(x,y)", "lambda x,y: max(x,y)"), product=PRODUCT_ID) ea = EA(problem, max_generations=ITERATIONS, visualizer=False, algorithm='NSGAIII') final_pop = if display: individual = max(final_pop) best = list(problem.decode(individual.candidate).keys()) print('Best Solution: \n{0}'.format(str(best))) if filename: print("Simplifying and saving solutions to file") population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)
def test1(compound='R_EX_tyr__L_e'): """ AutoPACMEN, "Automatic construction of metabolic models with enzyme constraints" (, is able to construct GECKO like models. This example optimizes the production of a compound using the E. coli autoPACMEN model where enzymes are defined as pseudo reactants. """ DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PATH = os.path.join(DIR, '../models/autopacmen/') DATA_FILE = os.path.join(PATH, "iJO1366_2019_06_25_GECKO.xml") model = SMomentModel(DATA_FILE, enzyme_reaction_prefix='R__TG_ER_') print(model.proteins) sim = get_simulator(model) sim.set_objective("R_BIOMASS_Ec_iJO1366_core_53p95M") solution = sim.simulate() print(solution) print('Wild type tyrosine production :', solution.fluxes['R_EX_tyr__L_e']) from mewpy.optimization.evaluation import BPCY, WYIELD from mewpy.simulation import SimulationMethod from collections import OrderedDict envcond = OrderedDict() envcond.update({'R_EX_glc__D_e': (-10.0, 100000.0)}) # the evaluation (objective) functions evaluator_1 = BPCY("R_BIOMASS_Ec_iJO1366_core_53p95M", compound, method=SimulationMethod.lMOMA) evaluator_2 = WYIELD("R_BIOMASS_Ec_iJO1366_core_53p95M", compound) problem = GeckoOUProblem(model, fevaluation=[evaluator_1, evaluator_2], envcond=envcond, candidate_max_size=6, prot_prefix='R__TG_ER_') # A new instance of the EA optimizer from mewpy.optimization import EA ea = EA(problem, max_generations=500) # runs the optimization final_pop = from import population_to_csv from time import time millis = int(round(time() * 1000)) filename = "sMOMEMT{}_OU_{}.csv".format(compound, millis) population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)
def test(): """ An example on to use OptRAM optimization problems to find regulatory modification for the increased production of tryptophan. """ dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PATH = os.path.join(dir_path, '../../../examples/models/optram/') gene_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'mgene.csv') ft_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'TFnames.csv') matrix_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'regnet.csv') model_file = os.path.join(PATH, 'yeast_7.6-optram.xml') BIOMASS_ID = 'r_2111' PRODUCT_ID = 'r_1912' GLC = 'r_1714' envcond = {GLC: (-10, 0)} # adds the prefix 'G_' to genes. Only for REFRAMED models regnet = load_optram(gene_file, ft_file, matrix_file, gene_prefix='G_') # the general objective is to maximize the target from import load_cbmodel model = load_cbmodel(model_file) model.set_objective({BIOMASS_ID: 1}) evaluator_1 = BPCY(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID, method=SimulationMethod.lMOMA) evaluator_2 = WYIELD(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID, parsimonious=True) # OptRAM problem problem = OptRamProblem(model, [evaluator_1, evaluator_2], regnet, envcond=envcond, candidate_min_size=10, candidate_max_size=30) print('Target List:', problem.target_list) print("\n\n") print('Metabolic Genes', problem.simulator.genes) print("\n\n") ea = EA(problem, max_generations=3, mp=True) final_pop = from import population_to_csv millis = int(round(time() * 1000)) filename = "OPTRAM{}_OU_{}.csv".format('TRP', millis) population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)
def test2(compoud='R_EX_tyr__L_e', filename=None): """ AutoPACMEN, "Automatic construction of metabolic models with enzyme constraints" (, is able to construct GECKO like models. This example optimizes the production of a compound using the E. coli autoPACMEN model where enzymes are defined as pseudo reactants. The model defines a linear constraint over the protein pool as reactant, by adding the protein pool as a metabolite in the stochiometric matrix. Therefore, the model may be treated as a regular GSM. """ DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) PATH = os.path.join(DIR, '../models/autopacmen/') DATA_FILE = os.path.join(PATH, "iJO1366_sMOMENT_2019_06_25.xml") from import load_cbmodel model = load_cbmodel(DATA_FILE) sim = get_simulator(model) s = sim.simulate() print(s) # print(s.fluxes) print('Wildtype tyrosine production :', s.fluxes['R_EX_tyr__L_e']) print('Pool:', s.fluxes['R_ER_pool_TG_']) fva = sim.FVA(reactions=['R_ER_pool_TG_']) print(fva) # implements a knockout over genes that encode enzymes BIOMASS_ID = 'R_BIOMASS_Ec_iJO1366_WT_53p95M' PRODUCT_ID = compoud from mewpy.optimization.evaluation import BPCY, WYIELD from mewpy.simulation import SimulationMethod evaluator_1 = BPCY(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID, method=SimulationMethod.lMOMA) evaluator_2 = WYIELD(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID) # evaluator_3 = TargetFlux(PRODUCT_ID) from mewpy.problems.genes import GOUProblem problem = GOUProblem(model, fevaluation=[evaluator_1, evaluator_2], max_candidate_size=30) print(problem.target_list) from mewpy.optimization import EA ea = EA(problem, max_generations=20, mp=True) final_pop = if filename: print("Simplifying and saving solutions to file") population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)
def cb_ko(product, chassis='ec', display=False, filename=None): """Defines and run a gene deletion problem. Args: product (str): the ID of the compound reaction exchange to be optimized chassis (str, optional): The chassis, 'ec'(E.coli iJO1366Sl) , 'ec2' (E.coli iML1515) or 'ys' (yeast). Defaults to 'ec'. display (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. filename ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. """ if chassis == 'ec': conf = load_ec() elif chassis == 'ys': conf = load_yeast() else: raise ValueError BIOMASS_ID = conf['biomass'] PRODUCT_ID = product model = conf['model'] non_target = conf['non_target'] envcond = conf['envcond'] reference = conf['reference'] evaluator_1 = BPCY(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID, method=SimulationMethod.lMOMA) evaluator_2 = WYIELD(BIOMASS_ID, PRODUCT_ID) from mewpy.problems.genes import GKOProblem problem = GKOProblem(model, fevaluation=[evaluator_1, evaluator_2], non_target=non_target, envcond=envcond, reference=reference) ea = EA(problem, max_generations=ITERATIONS, mp=True) final_pop = if display: individual = max(final_pop) best = list(problem.decode(individual.candidate).keys()) print('Best Solution: \n{0}'.format(str(best))) if filename: print("Simplifying and saving solutions to file") population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)
def yeast_gecko_ou(compound, display=False, filename=None): """ GECKO enzyme deletion example. It runs a multi objective optimization for the increased production of a certain compound on E. Coli. The GECKO model is the yeast model companion from the GECKO paper "Improving the phenotype predictions of a yeast genome‐scale metabolic model by incorporating enzymatic constraints" Runs over the MEWpy implementation. :param compound: A target reaction identifier. :param display: Prints the best solution. :param filename: If given, saves the results as csv to filename. """ model = GeckoModel('single-pool') BIOMASS = 'r_2111' envcond = envcond = {'r_1714_REV': (-10, 100000)} # the evaluation (objective) functions evaluator_1 = BPCY(BIOMASS, compound, method='lMOMA') evaluator_2 = WYIELD(BIOMASS, compound) # The optimization problem problem = GeckoOUProblem(model, fevaluation=[evaluator_1, evaluator_2], envcond=envcond, candidate_max_size=6) # A new instance of the EA optimizer ea = EA(problem, max_generations=ITERATIONS) # runs the optimization final_pop = # optimization results if display: individual = max(final_pop) best = list(problem.decode(individual.candidate).keys()) print('Best Solution: \n{0}'.format(str(best))) # save final population to file if filename: print("Simplifying and saving solutions to file") population_to_csv(problem, final_pop, filename, simplify=False)