Esempio n. 1
    def _set_instrument_parameter(self, command):
        Set a parameter on the instrument.
        We will attempt up to MAX_SET_RETRIES to set the value correctly, according to the following sequence:
        1. send set command
        2. verify error byte, if returned (per Responses)
        3. send query command
        4. verify returned value equals the set value (within tolerance)
        @throws InstrumentParameterException
        response_type = getattr(Responses, command)
        parameter = getattr(Parameter, command)

        # store the configured setting
        old_value = self._param_dict.format(parameter)

        if old_value is None:
            raise exceptions.InstrumentParameterException(
                'Missing required instrument parameter: %s' % parameter)

        log.debug('response_type: %s parameter: %s command: %s', response_type,
                  getattr(Parameter, command), command)
        # attempt to set the value up to MAX_SET_RETRIES times
        for x in xrange(MAX_RETRIES):
            if response_type == STATUS:
                resp = self._do_cmd_resp(command, old_value)
                self._do_cmd_no_resp(command, old_value)

            # query the value from the instrument to load the parameter dictionary

            # if values match, we were successful, return.
            difference = abs(self._param_dict.format(parameter) - old_value)
            if difference < CLOSE_ENOUGH:
                'Set attempt failed. Parameter: %s Set value: %s Returned value: %s difference: %.2f',
                parameter, old_value, self._param_dict.get(parameter),

        # configuring the RGA failed, restore the setting from our configuration and raise an exception
        self._param_dict.set_value(parameter, old_value)
        raise exceptions.InstrumentParameterException(
            'Unable to set instrument parameter: %s, attempted %d times' %
            (parameter, MAX_RETRIES))
Esempio n. 2
    def _set_params(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Set parameters, raise a CONFIG_CHANGE event if necessary.
        @throws InstrumentParameterException
        self._verify_not_readonly(*args, **kwargs)
        params_to_set = args[0]
        old_config = self._param_dict.get_all()

        # check if in range
        constraints = ParameterConstraints.dict()
        parameters = Parameter.reverse_dict()

        # step through the list of parameters
        for key, val in params_to_set.iteritems():
            # if constraint exists, verify we have not violated it
            constraint_key = parameters.get(key)
            if constraint_key in constraints:
                var_type, minimum, maximum = constraints[constraint_key]
                    value = var_type(val)
                except ValueError:
                    raise exceptions.InstrumentParameterException(
                        'Unable to verify type - parameter: %s value: %s' %
                        (key, val))
                if val < minimum or val > maximum:
                    raise exceptions.InstrumentParameterException(
                        'Value out of range - parameter: %s value: %s min: %s max: %s'
                        % (key, val, minimum, maximum))

        # all constraints met or no constraints exist, set the values
        for key, val in params_to_set.iteritems():
            if key in old_config:
                self._param_dict.set_value(key, val)
                raise exceptions.InstrumentParameterException(
                    'Attempted to set unknown parameter: %s value: %s' %
                    (key, val))
        new_config = self._param_dict.get_all()

        # If we changed anything, raise a CONFIG_CHANGE event
        if old_config != new_config: