class GliderParserUnitTestCase(ParserUnitTestCase):
    Glider Parser unit test base class and common tests.
    config = {}

    def state_callback(self, state, file_ingested):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the state callback """
        self.file_ingested = file_ingested

    def pub_callback(self, particle):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the publish callback """

    def error_callback(self, error):
        """ Call back method to watch what comes in via the state callback """

    def setUp(self):

    def set_data(self, *args):
        Accept strings of data in args[] joined together and then a file handle
        to the concatenated string is returned.
        io = StringIO()
        for count, data in enumerate(args):

        #log.debug("Test data file: %s", io.getvalue())
        self.test_data = io

    def set_data_file(self, filename):
        Set test to read from a file.
        self.test_data = open(filename, "r")

    def reset_parser(self, state = {}):
        self.state_callback_values = []
        self.publish_callback_values = []
        self.error_callback_values = []
        self.parser = GliderParser(self.config, state, self.test_data,
                                   self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.error_callback)

    def reset_eng_parser(self, state = {}):
        self.state_callback_values = []
        self.publish_callback_values = []
        self.error_callback_values = []
        self.parser = GliderEngineeringParser(self.config, state, self.test_data,
                                   self.state_callback, self.pub_callback, self.error_callback)

    def get_published_value(self):
        return self.publish_callback_values.pop(0)

    def get_state_value(self):
        return self.state_callback_values.pop(0)

    def assert_state(self, expected_position):
        Verify the state
        state = self.parser._read_state
        log.debug("Current state: %s", state)

        position = state.get(StateKey.POSITION)
        self.assertEqual(position, expected_position)

    def assert_no_more_data(self):
        Verify we don't find any other records in the data file.
        records = self.parser.get_records(1)
        self.assertEqual(len(records), 0)

    def assert_generate_particle(self, particle_type, values_dict = None, expected_position = None):
        Verify that we can generate a particle of the correct type and that
        the state is set properly.
        @param particle_type type of particle we are producing
        @param values_dict key value pairs to test in the particle.
        @param expected_position upon publication of the particle, what should the state position indicate.
        # ensure the callback queues are empty before we start
        self.assertEqual(len(self.publish_callback_values), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.state_callback_values), 0)

        records = self.parser.get_records(1)

        self.assertIsInstance(records, list)
        self.assertEqual(len(records), 1)

        self.assertEqual(len(self.publish_callback_values), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.state_callback_values), 1)

        particles = self.get_published_value()
        self.assertEqual(len(particles), 1)

        # Verify the data
        if values_dict:
            self.assert_particle_values(particles[0], values_dict)

        # Verify the parser state
        state = self.get_state_value()
        log.debug("Published state: %s", state)

        if expected_position:
            position = state.get(StateKey.POSITION)
            self.assertEqual(position, expected_position)

    def assert_particle_values(self, particle, expected_values):
        Verify the data in expected values is the data in the particle
        data_dict = particle.generate_dict()
        log.debug("Data in particle: %s", data_dict)
        log.debug("Expected Data: %s", expected_values)

        for key in expected_values.keys():
            for value in data_dict['values']:
                if value['value_id'] == key:
                    self.assertEqual(value['value'], expected_values[key])

    def assert_type(self, records, particle_type):
        for particle in records:
            str_of_type = particle.type()
            self.assertEqual(particle_type, str_of_type)

    def assert_timestamp(self, ntp_timestamp, unix_timestamp):
        ntp_stamp = ntplib.system_to_ntp_time(unix_timestamp)
        assertion = np.allclose(ntp_timestamp, ntp_stamp)

    def test_init(self):
        Verify we can initialize


    def test_exception(self):
        with self.assertRaises(SampleException):

    def test_chunker(self):
        Verify the chunker is returning values we expect.
        self.set_data(HEADER, CHUNKER_TEST)

        records = CHUNKER_TEST.strip("\n").split("\n")
        log.debug("Expected Records: %s", records)
        self.assertEqual(len(records), 2)

        # Load all data into the chunker

        self.assertEqual(CHUNKER_TEST.strip("\n"), self.parser._chunker.buffer.strip("\n"))

        (timestamp, data_record, start, end) = self.parser._chunker.get_next_data_with_index()
        log.debug("Data Record: %s", data_record)
        self.assertEqual(records[0]+"\n", data_record)

        (timestamp, data_record, start, end) = self.parser._chunker.get_next_data_with_index()
        self.assertEqual(records[1]+"\n", data_record)