def parse_file(self):
        This method will parse a nutnr_b_dcl_full input file and collect the

        # Read the first line in the file
        line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # While a new line in the file exists
        while line:

            # Attempt to create a match for each possible line that should
            # exist in the file
            idle_match = IDLE_TIME_MATCHER.match(line)
            next_wakeup_match = NEXT_WAKEUP_MATCHER.match(line)
            meta_match = META_MESSAGE_MATCHER.match(line)
            inst_match = INST_FULL_DATA_MATCHER.match(line)
            ignore_match = NUTR_B_DCL_IGNORE_MATCHER.match(line)

            # Let's first check to see if we have an ignore match
            if ignore_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found ignore match - line: %s", line)

            # Did the line match an idle line?
            elif idle_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found idle match: %s", line)

                # Process the idle state metadata match

            # Did the line match a next wakeup record?
            elif next_wakeup_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found next wakeup match: %s", line)


            # Did the line match one of the possible metadata possibilities?
            elif meta_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found potential metadata part match: %s", line)

                # Process the metadata record match

            # Did the line match one of the possible instrument lines?
            elif inst_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found potential instrument match: %s", line)

                # process the instrument record match

                # We found a line in the file that was unexpected.  Report a
                # RecoverableSampleException
                message = "Unexpected data in file, line: " + line

            # Read the next line in the file
            line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # Set an indication that the file was fully parsed
        self._file_parsed = True
Esempio n. 2
    def parse_file(self):
        This method will parse a nutnr_b_dcl_full input file and collect the

        # Initialize the instrument data buffer and flag that indicates whether
        # or not to check for an instrument record part match
        inst_buffer = ""
        check_for_inst_part_match = False

        # Read the first line in the file
        line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # While a new line in the file exists
        while line:

            # if we are not checkin for part of an instrument record match
            if not check_for_inst_part_match:

                # Attempt to create a match for each possible line that should
                # exist in the file
                idle_match = IDLE_TIME_MATCHER.match(line)
                next_wakeup_match = NEXT_WAKEUP_MATCHER.match(line)
                meta_match = META_MESSAGE_MATCHER.match(line)
                inst_match = INST_FULL_BASE_DATA_MATCHER.match(line)
                ignore_match = NUTR_B_DCL_IGNORE_MATCHER.match(line)

                # Let's first check to see if we have an ignore match
                if ignore_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found ignore match - line: %s", line)

                # Did the line match an idle line?
                elif idle_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found idle match: %s", line)

                    # Process the idle state metadata match

                # Did the line match a next wakeup record?
                elif next_wakeup_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found next wakeup match: %s", line)


                # Did the line match one of the possible metadata possibilities?
                elif meta_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found potential metadata part match: %s", line)

                    # Process the metadata record match

                # Did the line match one of the possible instrument lines?
                elif inst_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found potential instrument match: %s", line)

                    # Strip carriage and line feeds from the line and set the
                    # instrument data buffer to the result
                    inst_buffer = line.rstrip()

                    # Set an indication that we are now looking for another
                    # part of the instrument data
                    check_for_inst_part_match = True

                    # We found a line in the file that was unexpected.  Report a
                    # RecoverableSampleException
                    message = "Unexpected data in file, line: " + line

            # OK.  We are expecting a line consisting of more instrument data

                # Check for part of an instrument data match
                inst_part_match = INST_PART_OF_FULL_DATA_MATCHER.match(line)

                # Did we find a match
                if inst_part_match:

                    # Strip the whitespace from the end of the line and split the
                    # content by the default whitespace
                    split_fields = line.rstrip().split()

                    # We are expecting the instrument data as the 3rd part
                    # (index 2) of the split data
                    inst_buffer += split_fields[2]

                    # Check for a full instrument data match
                    inst_full_match = INST_FULL_DATA_MATCHER.match(inst_buffer)

                    # Did we find a full match
                    if inst_full_match:

                        # Process the instrument data full match

                        # Clear out the instrument data buffer and flag to check
                        # for part of an instrument match
                        inst_buffer = ""
                        check_for_inst_part_match = False

                # OK.  We found a line in the file we were not expecting.  Let's log a warning
                # and report a unexpected data exception.
                    # If we did not get a match against part of an intrument
                    # data record, we may have a bad file
                    message = "Unexpected data in file, line: " + line

            # Read the next line in the file
            line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # Set an indication that the file was fully parsed
        self._file_parsed = True
Esempio n. 3
    def parse_file(self):
        This method will parse a nutnr_b_dcl_full input file and collect the

        # Initialize the instrument data buffer and flag that indicates whether
        # or not to check for an instrument record part match
        inst_buffer = ""
        check_for_inst_part_match = False

        # Read the first line in the file
        line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # While a new line in the file exists
        while line:

            # if we are not checkin for part of an instrument record match
            if not check_for_inst_part_match:

                # Attempt to create a match for each possible line that should
                # exist in the file
                idle_match = IDLE_TIME_MATCHER.match(line)
                next_wakeup_match = NEXT_WAKEUP_MATCHER.match(line)
                meta_match = META_MESSAGE_MATCHER.match(line)
                inst_match = INST_FULL_BASE_DATA_MATCHER.match(line)
                ignore_match = NUTR_B_DCL_IGNORE_MATCHER.match(line)

                # Let's first check to see if we have an ignore match
                if ignore_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found ignore match - line: %s", line)

                # Did the line match an idle line?
                elif idle_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found idle match: %s", line)

                    # Process the idle state metadata match

                # Did the line match a next wakeup record?
                elif next_wakeup_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found next wakeup match: %s", line)


                # Did the line match one of the possible metadata possibilities?
                elif meta_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found potential metadata part match: %s", line)

                    # Process the metadata record match

                # Did the line match one of the possible instrument lines?
                elif inst_match is not None:

                    log.debug("Found potential instrument match: %s", line)

                    # Strip carriage and line feeds from the line and set the
                    # instrument data buffer to the result
                    inst_buffer = line.rstrip()

                    # Set an indication that we are now looking for another
                    # part of the instrument data
                    check_for_inst_part_match = True

                    # We found a line in the file that was unexpected.  Report a
                    # RecoverableSampleException
                    message = "Unexpected data in file, line: " + line

            # OK.  We are expecting a line consisting of more instrument data

                # Check for part of an instrument data match
                inst_part_match = INST_PART_OF_FULL_DATA_MATCHER.match(line)

                # Did we find a match
                if inst_part_match:

                    # Strip the whitespace from the end of the line and split the
                    # content by the default whitespace
                    split_fields = line.rstrip().split()

                    # We are expecting the instrument data as the 3rd part
                    # (index 2) of the split data
                    inst_buffer += split_fields[2]

                    # Check for a full instrument data match
                    inst_full_match = INST_FULL_DATA_MATCHER.match(inst_buffer)

                    # Did we find a full match
                    if inst_full_match:

                        # Process the instrument data full match

                        # Clear out the instrument data buffer and flag to check
                        # for part of an instrument match
                        inst_buffer = ""
                        check_for_inst_part_match = False

                # OK.  We found a line in the file we were not expecting.  Let's log a warning
                # and report a unexpected data exception.
                    # If we did not get a match against part of an intrument
                    # data record, we may have a bad file
                    message = "Unexpected data in file, line: " + line

            # Read the next line in the file
            line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # Set an indication that the file was fully parsed
        self._file_parsed = True
Esempio n. 4
    def parse_file(self):
        This method will parse a nutnr_b_dcl_full input file and collect the

        # Read the first line in the file
        line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # While a new line in the file exists
        while line:

            # Attempt to create a match for each possible line that should
            # exist in the file
            idle_match = IDLE_TIME_MATCHER.match(line)
            next_wakeup_match = NEXT_WAKEUP_MATCHER.match(line)
            meta_match = META_MESSAGE_MATCHER.match(line)
            inst_match = INST_FULL_DATA_MATCHER.match(line)
            ignore_match = NUTR_B_DCL_IGNORE_MATCHER.match(line)

            # Let's first check to see if we have an ignore match
            if ignore_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found ignore match - line: %s", line)

            # Did the line match an idle line?
            elif idle_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found idle match: %s", line)

                # Process the idle state metadata match

            # Did the line match a next wakeup record?
            elif next_wakeup_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found next wakeup match: %s", line)


            # Did the line match one of the possible metadata possibilities?
            elif meta_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found potential metadata part match: %s", line)

                # Process the metadata record match

            # Did the line match one of the possible instrument lines?
            elif inst_match is not None:

                log.debug("Found potential instrument match: %s", line)

                # process the instrument record match

                # We found a line in the file that was unexpected.  Report a
                # RecoverableSampleException
                message = "Unexpected data in file, line: " + line

            # Read the next line in the file
            line = self._stream_handle.readline()

        # Set an indication that the file was fully parsed
        self._file_parsed = True