def do_connect(self, inp): ''' Connect to Mikrotik ''' # To Do: Support SSH connections # To Do: Support api_ssl connections device_path = Path(Path.cwd() / '.mso_db' / 'devices' / inp) with open(device_path / 'local_config.json', 'r') as json_config: local_config = json.load(json_config) ip_address = local_config['ip_address'] try: s = mikrotik.open_socket(dst=ip_address, port=8728) mtk = Mikrotik(s) mtk.login(username='******', pwd='') except: print('Failed to connect')
def do_login(self, line): """ Connect to device Usage: address user password """ args = line.split() if len(args) < 1: print("Usage: login address [user] [password]") return if len(args) < 2: user = input("Username: "******"Password: "******"Password: ") else: user = args[1] passwd = args[2] self.m = Mikrotik(args[0]) self.m.login(user, passwd) self.prompt = '%s> ' % args[0]
__author__ = 'Dev' from mikrotik import Mikrotik from add_user import User user = User() user.add_user() print user.enter_data print user.sel_device mikrotik = Mikrotik() mikrotik.add_user_mikrotik(user.sel_device, user.enter_data)
class MikrotikCommandLoop(cmd.Cmd): m = None prompt = '> ' def precmd(self, line): if self.m and line.startswith("/"): line = "run %s" % line return cmd.Cmd.precmd(self, line) def do_greet(self, line): print("Welcome to use Mikrotik remote command line tool") def do_EOF(self, line): print("") return True def do_login(self, line): """ Connect to device Usage: address user password """ args = line.split() if len(args) < 1: print("Usage: login address [user] [password]") return if len(args) < 2: user = input("Username: "******"Password: "******"Password: "******""" Run command on remote Mikrotik. """ if not self.m: print("login first!") return args = line.split() if len(args) < 1: print("Usage: run [args]") return command = args[0] arguments = {} queries = {} argument_dict = arguments expect_number = False for i in args[1:]: if i.lower() == 'where': argument_dict = queries continue if i.lower() in ['print', 'add']: command = "%s/%s" % (command, i.lower()) continue if i.lower() in ['set', 'remove']: command = "%s/%s" % (command, i.lower()) expect_number = True continue if i.isdigit() and expect_number: argument_dict['.id'] = '*%s' % i expect_number=False continue expect_number = False try: (a, b) = i.split("=",1) argument_dict[a] = b except ValueError: print("Invalid argument %s" % i) return response =, attributes=arguments, queries=queries) for r in response: if r.status == "done": continue attributes = ' '.join(["%s%s%s=%s%s%s" % (colors.BLUE, k, colors.ENDC, colors.GREEN, v, colors.ENDC) for k, v in r.attributes.items()]) if '.id' in r.attributes: _id = r.attributes['.id'].lstrip("*") print("!%s%s%s %s%s%s %s %s" % (colors.BOLD, colors.MAGENTA, r.status, colors.RED, _id, colors.ENDC, attributes, ' '.join(r.error))) else: print("!%s%s%s%s %s %s" % (colors.BOLD, colors.MAGENTA, r.status, colors.ENDC, attributes, ' '.join(r.error))) def do_logout(self, line): if self.m: self.m.disconnect() self.prompt = "> " else: self.prompt = "> "