Esempio n. 1
def find_2d_index_pt2(haystack, needle):
    if type(haystack[0]) == list:
        newstack = []
        for stack in haystack:
        haystack = merge_sort(newstack)
        haystack = merge_sort(haystack)
    print("looking for ", needle, " in haystack ", haystack)
    was_found = False

    def find_index_help(haystack, needle, low, high):
        if high == low:
            return haystack[low] == needle
        mid = (low + high)//2
        if haystack[mid] == needle:
            print('found at', mid)
            was_found = True
            return was_found
        elif haystack[mid] > needle:
            if low == mid:
                return False
                return find_index_help(haystack, needle, low, mid-1)
            return find_index_help(haystack, needle, mid+1, high)
    while not was_found:
        if len(haystack) == 0:
            return False
            return find_index_help(haystack, needle, 0, len(haystack)-1)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_sort_is_stable(self):
        One of the important features of merge sort is that it is stable. This means that the pre-existing
        order of equal items in the list will be preserved. This can be a desirable feature for some use-
        cases. For example, it allows us to sort a list of persons by first name, and then sort it again
        by last name. The result will be a list sorted by last name, then first name (when last names are
        the same).

        Note: to achieve this, the Person class overrides the comparison operators so we can compare using
        < <= == != >= > operators, and exposes the ability to change whether this compares by first, last,
        or both names via the `Person.comparison_mode` variable. This is a bit of a hack to allow us to use
        our `merge_sort` function as is. For reference, Python's built-in sorting functions achieve this in
        a far more elegant fashion:
        names = [('Jennifer', 'Jones'), ('Jane', 'Doe'), ('Daniel', 'Smith'),
                 ('John', 'Doe'), ('Jason', 'Jones'), ('Andrew', 'Smith'),
                 ('David', 'Adams')]
        persons = [Person(first, last) for (first, last) in names]

        Person.comparison_mode = Person.ComparisonMode.FIRST_NAME
        sorted_persons = merge_sort(persons)

        Person.comparison_mode = Person.ComparisonMode.LAST_NAME
        sorted_persons = merge_sort(sorted_persons)

        expected_names = [('David', 'Adams'), ('Jane', 'Doe'), ('John', 'Doe'),
                          ('Jason', 'Jones'), ('Jennifer', 'Jones'),
                          ('Andrew', 'Smith'), ('Daniel', 'Smith')]
        expected_persons = [
            Person(first, last) for (first, last) in expected_names

        Person.comparison_mode = Person.ComparisonMode.BOTH_NAMES

        self.assertEqual(expected_persons, sorted_persons)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_empty(self):
     self.assertEqual([], merge_sort([]))
Esempio n. 4
 def test_two_items(self):
     self.assertEqual([1, 2], merge_sort([1, 2]))
     self.assertEqual([1, 2], merge_sort([2, 1]))
     self.assertEqual(['x', 'y'], merge_sort(['x', 'y']))
     self.assertEqual(['x', 'y'], merge_sort(['y', 'x']))
Esempio n. 5
 def test_singleton(self):
     self.assertEqual([1], merge_sort([1]))
     self.assertEqual(['x'], merge_sort(['x']))
Esempio n. 6
 def test_sort_first_names(self):
     self.assertEqual(['Batman', 'Harley', 'Joker', 'Robin'],
                      merge_sort(['Joker', 'Harley', 'Batman', 'Robin']))
Esempio n. 7
 def test_strs_with_characters_and_numbers(self):
     self.assertEqual(['!', '3', '@', 'a', 'b', 'x'],
                      merge_sort(['!', '@', '3', 'a', 'b', 'x']))
     self.assertEqual(['!', '#', '$', '@'],
                      merge_sort(['!', '@', '#', '$']))
Esempio n. 8
 def test_type_error_for_diff_data_types_in_list(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             merge_sort([5, 4, 3, 2, 'b'])
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
             merge_sort(['b', 2, 4, 56, 'z'])