class Internet(BaseProvider): """Class for generating data related to the internet.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize attributes. :param args: Arguments. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__file = File(seed=self.seed) self._MAX_IPV4 = (2**32) - 1 self._MAX_IPV6 = (2**128) - 1 class Meta: """Class for metadata.""" name = 'internet' def content_type(self, mime_type: Optional[MimeType] = None) -> str: """Get a random HTTP content type. :return: Content type. :Example: Content-Type: application/json """ fmt = self.__file.mime_type(type_=mime_type) return 'Content-Type: {}'.format(fmt) def http_status_message(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP status message. :return: HTTP status message. :Example: 200 OK """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_MSGS) def http_status_code(self) -> int: """Get a random HTTP status code. :return: HTTP status. :Example: 200 """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_CODES) def http_method(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP method. :return: HTTP method. :Example: POST """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_METHODS) def ip_v4_object(self) -> IPv4Address: """Generate random IPv4Address object. See documentation for module ipaddress: :return: IPv4Address object. """ return IPv4Address(self.random.randint(0, self._MAX_IPV4), ) def ip_v4(self, with_port: bool = False, port_range: PortRange = PortRange.ALL) -> str: """Generate a random IPv4 address as string. :param port_range: PortRange enum object. :param with_port: Add port from PortRange to IP. :return: IPv4 address as string. :Example: or """ ip = str(self.ip_v4_object()) if with_port: port = self.port(port_range=port_range) return '{}:{}'.format(ip, port) return ip def ip_v6_object(self) -> IPv6Address: """Generate random IPv6Address object. See documentation for module ipaddress: :return: IPv6Address object. """ return IPv6Address(self.random.randint( 0, self._MAX_IPV6, ), ) def ip_v6(self) -> str: """Generate a random IPv6 address as string. :return: IPv6 address string. :Example: 2001:c244:cf9d:1fb1:c56d:f52c:8a04:94f3 """ return str(self.ip_v6_object()) def mac_address(self) -> str: """Generate a random MAC address. :return: Random MAC address. :Example: 00:16:3e:25:e7:b1 """ mac_hex = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, self.random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xff), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xff), ] mac = ['{:02x}'.format(x) for x in mac_hex] return ':'.join(mac) def emoji(self) -> str: """Get a random emoji shortcut code. :return: Emoji code. :Example: :kissing: """ return self.random.choice(EMOJI) @staticmethod def image_placeholder(width: Union[int, str] = 1920, height: Union[int, str] = 1080) -> str: """Generate a link to the image placeholder. :param width: Width of image. :param height: Height of image. :return: URL to image placeholder. """ url = '{width}x{height}' return url.format(width=width, height=height) @staticmethod def stock_image(width: Union[int, str] = 1920, height: Union[int, str] = 1080, keywords: Optional[KeywordsType] = None, writable: bool = False) -> Union[str, bytes]: """Generate random stock image (JPG/JPEG) hosted on Unsplash. See «Random search term» on for more details. .. note:: This method required an active HTTP connection if you want to get writable object :param width: Width of the image. :param height: Height of the image. :param keywords: List of search keywords. :param writable: Return image as sequence ob bytes. :return: Link to the image. """ api_url = '{}x{}?{}' if keywords is not None: keywords_str = ','.join(keywords) else: keywords_str = '' url = api_url.format(width, height, keywords_str) if writable: try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) return except urllib.error.URLError: raise urllib.error.URLError( 'Required an active HTTP connection') return url def hashtags(self, quantity: int = 4) -> Union[str, list]: """Generate a list of hashtags. :param quantity: The quantity of hashtags. :return: The list of hashtags. :raises NonEnumerableError: if category is not in Hashtag. :Example: ['#love', '#sky', '#nice'] """ tags = ['#' + self.random.choice(HASHTAGS) for _ in range(quantity)] if int(quantity) == 1: return tags[0] return tags def home_page(self, tld_type: Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Generate a random home page. :param tld_type: TLD type. :return: Random home page. :Example: """ resource = self.random.choice(USERNAMES) domain = self.top_level_domain(tld_type=tld_type, ) return 'https://{}{}'.format(resource, domain) def top_level_domain(self, tld_type: Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Return random top level domain. :param tld_type: Enum object DomainType :return: Top level domain. :raises NonEnumerableError: if tld_type not in DomainType. """ key = self._validate_enum(item=tld_type, enum=TLDType) return self.random.choice(TLD[key]) def user_agent(self) -> str: """Get a random user agent. :return: User agent. :Example: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1 """ return self.random.choice(USER_AGENTS) def network_protocol(self, layer: Optional[Layer] = None) -> str: """Get a random network protocol form OSI model. :param layer: Enum object Layer. :return: Protocol name. :Example: AMQP """ key = self._validate_enum(item=layer, enum=Layer) protocols = NETWORK_PROTOCOLS[key] return self.random.choice(protocols) def port(self, port_range: PortRange = PortRange.ALL) -> int: """Generate random port. :param port_range: PortRange enum object. :return: Port number. :raises NonEnumerableError: if port_range is not in PortRange. :Example: 8080 """ if isinstance(port_range, PortRange): return self.random.randint(*port_range.value) raise NonEnumerableError(PortRange)
class Internet(BaseProvider): """Class for generating data related to the internet.""" _MAX_IPV4: t.Final[int] = (2**32) - 1 _MAX_IPV6: t.Final[int] = (2**128) - 1 def __init__(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: """Initialize attributes. :param args: Arguments. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._file = File(seed=self.seed) self._text = Text(locale=Locale.EN, seed=self.seed) self._datetime = Datetime(locale=Locale.EN) class Meta: """Class for metadata.""" name: t.Final[str] = "internet" def content_type(self, mime_type: t.Optional[MimeType] = None) -> str: """Get a random HTTP content type. :return: Content type. :Example: Content-Type: application/json """ fmt = self._file.mime_type(type_=mime_type) return f"Content-Type: {fmt}" def http_status_message(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP status message. :return: HTTP status message. :Example: 200 OK """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_MSGS) def http_status_code(self) -> int: """Get a random HTTP status code. :return: HTTP status. :Example: 200 """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_CODES) def http_method(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP method. :return: HTTP method. :Example: POST """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_METHODS) def ip_v4_object(self) -> IPv4Address: """Generate random :py:class:`ipaddress.IPv4Address` object. :return: :py:class:`ipaddress.IPv4Address` object. """ return IPv4Address(self.random.randint(0, self._MAX_IPV4), ) def ip_v4_with_port(self, port_range: PortRange = PortRange.ALL) -> str: """Generate a random IPv4 address as string. :param port_range: PortRange enum object. :return: IPv4 address as string. :Example: """ addr = self.ip_v4() port = self.port(port_range) return f"{addr}:{port}" def ip_v4(self) -> str: """Generate a random IPv4 address as string. :Example: """ return str(self.ip_v4_object()) def ip_v6_object(self) -> IPv6Address: """Generate random :py:class:`ipaddress.IPv6Address` object. :return: :py:class:`ipaddress.IPv6Address` object. """ return IPv6Address(self.random.randint( 0, self._MAX_IPV6, ), ) def ip_v6(self) -> str: """Generate a random IPv6 address as string. :return: IPv6 address string. :Example: 2001:c244:cf9d:1fb1:c56d:f52c:8a04:94f3 """ return str(self.ip_v6_object()) def mac_address(self) -> str: """Generate a random MAC address. :return: Random MAC address. :Example: 00:16:3e:25:e7:f1 """ mac_hex = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3E, self.random.randint(0x00, 0x7F), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xFF), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xFF), ] mac = [f"{x:02x}" for x in mac_hex] return ":".join(mac) def emoji(self) -> str: """Get a random emoji shortcut code. :return: Emoji code. :Example: :kissing: """ return self.random.choice(EMOJI) @staticmethod def stock_image( width: t.Union[int, str] = 1920, height: t.Union[int, str] = 1080, keywords: t.Optional[Keywords] = None, writable: bool = False, ) -> t.Union[str, bytes]: """Generate random stock image (JPG/JPEG) hosted on Unsplash. See «Random search term» on for more details. .. note:: This method required an active HTTP connection if you want to get a writable object. :param width: Width of the image. :param height: Height of the image. :param keywords: List of search keywords. :param writable: Return image as sequence ob bytes. :return: Link to the image. """ if keywords is not None: keywords_str = ",".join(keywords) else: keywords_str = "" url = f"{width}x{height}?{keywords_str}" if writable: try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) content: bytes = return content except urllib.error.URLError: raise urllib.error.URLError( "Required an active HTTP connection") return url def hashtags(self, quantity: int = 4) -> t.List[str]: """Generate a list of hashtags. :param quantity: The quantity of hashtags. :return: The list of hashtags. :raises NonEnumerableError: if category is not in Hashtag. :Example: ['#love', '#sky', '#nice'] """ if quantity < 1: raise ValueError("Quantity must be a positive integer.") return ["#" + self._text.word() for _ in range(quantity)] def hostname( self, tld_type: t.Optional[TLDType] = None, subdomains: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Generate a random hostname without scheme. :param tld_type: TLDType. :param subdomains: List of subdomains (make sure they are valid). :return: Hostname. """ tld = self.tld(tld_type=tld_type) host = self.random.choice(USERNAMES) if subdomains: subdomain = self.random.choice(subdomains) host = f"{subdomain}.{host}" return f"{host}{tld}" def url( self, scheme: t.Optional[URLScheme] = URLScheme.HTTPS, port_range: t.Optional[PortRange] = None, tld_type: t.Optional[TLDType] = None, subdomains: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Generate random URL. :param scheme: Scheme. :param port_range: PortRange enum object. :param tld_type: TLDType. :param subdomains: List of subdomains (make sure they are valid). :return: URL. """ host = self.hostname(tld_type, subdomains) url_scheme = self.validate_enum(scheme, URLScheme) url = f"{url_scheme}://{host}" if port_range is not None: url = f"{url}:{self.port(port_range)}" return f"{url}/" def uri( self, scheme: t.Optional[URLScheme] = URLScheme.HTTPS, port_range: t.Optional[PortRange] = None, tld_type: t.Optional[TLDType] = None, subdomains: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, query_params_count: t.Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Generate a random URI. :param scheme: Scheme. :param port_range: PortRange enum object. :param tld_type: TLDType. :param subdomains: List of subdomains (make sure they are valid). :param query_params_count: Query params. :return: URI. """ directory = ( start=2010, end=self._datetime.CURRENT_YEAR).strftime("%Y-%m-%d").replace( "-", "/")) url = self.url(scheme, port_range, tld_type, subdomains) uri = f"{url}{directory}/{self.slug()}" if query_params_count: uri += self.query_string(query_params_count) return uri def query_string(self, length: t.Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Generate arbitrary query string of given length. :param length: Length of query string. :return: Query string. """ return urllib.parse.urlencode(self.query_parameters(length)) def query_parameters(self, length: t.Optional[int] = None) -> t.Dict[str, str]: """Generate arbitrary query parameters as a dict. :param length: Length of query parameters dictionary (maximum is 32). :return: Dict of query parameters. """ def pick_unique_words(quantity: int = 5) -> t.List[str]: words: t.Set[str] = set() while len(words) != quantity: words.add(self._text.word()) return list(words) if not length: length = self.random.randint(1, 10) if length > 32: raise ValueError( "Maximum allowed length of query parameters is 32.") return dict(zip(pick_unique_words(length), self._text.words(length))) def top_level_domain(self, tld_type: t.Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Generates random top level domain. :param tld_type: Enum object :class:`enums.TLDType` :return: Top level domain. :raises NonEnumerableError: if tld_type not in :class:`enums.TLDType`. """ key = self.validate_enum(item=tld_type, enum=TLDType) return self.random.choice(TLD[key]) def tld(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> str: """Generates random top level domain. An alias for :meth:`top_level_domain` """ return self.top_level_domain(*args, **kwargs) def user_agent(self) -> str: """Get a random user agent. :return: User agent. :Example: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1 """ return self.random.choice(USER_AGENTS) def port(self, port_range: PortRange = PortRange.ALL) -> int: """Generate random port. :param port_range: PortRange enum object. :return: Port number. :raises NonEnumerableError: if port_range is not in PortRange. :Example: 8080 """ rng = self.validate_enum(port_range, PortRange) return self.random.randint(*rng) def slug(self, parts_count: t.Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Generate a random slug of given parts count. :param parts_count: Slug's parts count. :return: Slug. """ if not parts_count: parts_count = self.random.randint(2, 12) if parts_count > 12: raise ValueError("Slug's parts count must be <= 12") if parts_count < 2: raise ValueError("Slug must contain more than 2 parts") return "-".join(self._text.words(parts_count))
class Internet(BaseDataProvider): """Class for generating data related to the internet.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize attributes. :param args: Arguments. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__file = File('en', seed=self.seed) def content_type(self, mime_type: Optional[MimeType] = None) -> str: """Get a random HTTP content type. :return: Content type. :Example: Content-Type: application/json """ fmt = self.__file.mime_type(type_=mime_type) return 'Content-Type: {}'.format(fmt) def http_status_message(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP status message. :return: HTTP status message. :Example: 200 OK """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_MSGS) def http_status_code(self) -> int: """Get a random HTTP status code. :return: HTTP status. :Example: 200 """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_CODES) def http_method(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP method. :return: HTTP method. :Example: POST """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_METHODS) def ip_v4(self, with_port: bool = False) -> str: """Generate a random IPv4 address. :param with_port: Add port to IP. :return: Random IPv4 address. :Example: """ ip = '.'.join(str(self.random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(4)) if with_port: ip += ':{}'.format(self.port()) return ip def ip_v6(self) -> str: """Generate a random IPv6 address. :return: Random IPv6 address. :Example: 2001:c244:cf9d:1fb1:c56d:f52c:8a04:94f3 """ ipv6 = IPv6Address( self.random.randint( 0, 2 ** 128 - 1, ), ) return str(ipv6) def mac_address(self) -> str: """Generate a random MAC address. :return: Random MAC address. :Example: 00:16:3e:25:e7:b1 """ mac_hex = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, self.random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xff), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xff), ] mac = map(lambda x: '%02x' % x, mac_hex) return ':'.join(mac) def emoji(self) -> str: """Get a random emoji shortcut code. :return: Emoji code. :Example: :kissing: """ return self.random.choice(EMOJI) def image_placeholder(self, width: Optional[Size] = None, height: Optional[Size] = None) -> str: """Generate a link to the image placeholder. :param width: Width of image. :type width: str or int :param height: Height of image. :type height: str or int :return: URL to image placeholder. """ url = '{width}x{height}' if not width: width = self.random.randint(16, 1024) if not height: height = self.random.randint(16, int(width)) return url.format(width=width, height=height) def stock_image(self, category: str = '', width: Size = 1900, height: Size = 1080) -> str: """Generate random stock image hosted on Unsplash. :param category: Category of images. :param width: Width of the image. :type width: str or int :param height: Height of the image. :type height: str or int :return: An image (Link to image). """ url = '' \ '{category}/{width}x{height}' if not category: categories = [ 'buildings', 'food', 'nature', 'people', 'technology', 'objects', ] category = self.random.choice(categories) return url.format(category=category, width=width, height=height) def image_by_keyword(self, keyword: str = '') -> str: """Generate image by keyword. :param keyword: Keyword. :return: Link to image. """ url = '{keyword}' if not keyword: keywords = [ 'cat', 'girl', 'boy', 'beauty', 'nature', 'woman', 'man', 'tech', 'space', ] keyword = self.random.choice(keywords) return url.format(keyword=keyword) def hashtags(self, quantity: int = 4) -> Union[str, list]: """Generate a list of hashtags. :param quantity: The quantity of hashtags. :return: The list of hashtags. :rtype: str or list :raises NonEnumerableError: if category is not in Hashtag. :Example: ['#love', '#sky', '#nice'] """ tags = ['#' + self.random.choice(HASHTAGS) for _ in range(quantity)] if int(quantity) == 1: return tags[0] return tags def home_page(self, tld_type: Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Generate a random home page. :param tld_type: TLD type. :return: Random home page. :Example: """ resource = self.random.choice(USERNAMES) domain = self.top_level_domain( tld_type=tld_type, ) return 'http://www.{}{}'.format( resource, domain) def top_level_domain(self, tld_type: Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Return random top level domain. :param tld_type: Enum object DomainType :return: Top level domain. :raises NonEnumerableError: if tld_type not in DomainType. """ key = self._validate_enum(item=tld_type, enum=TLDType) return self.random.choice(TLD[key]) def subreddit(self, nsfw: bool = False, full_url: bool = False) -> str: """Get a random subreddit from the list. :param nsfw: NSFW subreddit. :param full_url: Full URL address. :return: Subreddit or URL to subreddit. :Example: """ url = '' if not nsfw: if not full_url: return self.random.choice(SUBREDDITS) else: return url + self.random.choice(SUBREDDITS) nsfw_sr = self.random.choice(SUBREDDITS_NSFW) result = url + nsfw_sr if full_url else nsfw_sr return result def user_agent(self) -> str: """Get a random user agent. :return: User agent. :Example: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1 """ return self.random.choice(USER_AGENTS) def network_protocol(self, layer: Optional[Layer] = None) -> str: """Get a random network protocol form OSI model. :param layer: Enum object Layer. :return: Protocol name. :Example: AMQP """ key = self._validate_enum(item=layer, enum=Layer) protocols = NETWORK_PROTOCOLS[key] return self.random.choice(protocols) def port(self, port_range: PortRange = PortRange.ALL) -> int: """Generate random port. :param port_range: Range enum object. :return: Port number. :raises NonEnumerableError: if port_range is not in PortRange. :Example: 8080 """ if port_range and port_range in PortRange: return self.random.randint(*port_range.value) else: raise NonEnumerableError(PortRange) def category_of_website(self): """Get random category of torrent portal. :return: Category name. :Example: Video/TV shows """ return self.random.choice(TORRENT_CATEGORIES)
class Internet(BaseDataProvider): """Class for generating data related to the internet.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize attributes. :param args: Arguments. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__file = File('en', seed=self.seed) def content_type(self, mime_type: Optional[MimeType] = None) -> str: """Get a random HTTP content type. :return: Content type. :Example: Content-Type: application/json """ fmt = self.__file.mime_type(type_=mime_type) return 'Content-Type: {}'.format(fmt) def http_status_message(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP status message. :return: HTTP status message. :Example: 200 OK """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_MSGS) def http_status_code(self) -> int: """Get a random HTTP status code. :return: HTTP status. :Example: 200 """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_STATUS_CODES) def http_method(self) -> str: """Get a random HTTP method. :return: HTTP method. :Example: POST """ return self.random.choice(HTTP_METHODS) def ip_v4(self, with_port: bool = False) -> str: """Generate a random IPv4 address. :param with_port: Add port to IP. :return: Random IPv4 address. :Example: """ ip = '.'.join(str(self.random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(4)) if with_port: ip += ':{}'.format(self.port()) return ip def ip_v6(self) -> str: """Generate a random IPv6 address. :return: Random IPv6 address. :Example: 2001:c244:cf9d:1fb1:c56d:f52c:8a04:94f3 """ ipv6 = IPv6Address(self.random.randint( 0, 2**128 - 1, ), ) return str(ipv6) def mac_address(self) -> str: """Generate a random MAC address. :return: Random MAC address. :Example: 00:16:3e:25:e7:b1 """ mac_hex = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, self.random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xff), self.random.randint(0x00, 0xff), ] mac = map(lambda x: '%02x' % x, mac_hex) return ':'.join(mac) def emoji(self) -> str: """Get a random emoji shortcut code. :return: Emoji code. :Example: :kissing: """ return self.random.choice(EMOJI) @staticmethod def image_placeholder(width: Union[int, str] = 1920, height: Union[int, str] = 1080) -> str: """Generate a link to the image placeholder. :param width: Width of image. :param height: Height of image. :return: URL to image placeholder. """ url = '{width}x{height}' return url.format(width=width, height=height) @staticmethod def stock_image(width: Union[int, str] = 1920, height: Union[int, str] = 1080, keywords: Optional[List[str]] = None, writable: bool = False) -> Union[str, bytes]: """Generate random stock image (JPEG) hosted on Unsplash. .. note:: This method required an active HTTP connection. :param width: Width of the image. :param height: Height of the image. :param keywords: List of search keywords. :param writable: Return image as sequence ob bytes. :return: Link to the image. """ api = '{}x{}?{}' if keywords is not None: keywords_str = ','.join(keywords) else: keywords_str = '' url = api.format(width, height, keywords_str) try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) if writable: return url = response.geturl() return url except urllib.error.URLError: raise urllib.error.URLError('Required an active HTTP connection') def hashtags(self, quantity: int = 4) -> Union[str, list]: """Generate a list of hashtags. :param quantity: The quantity of hashtags. :return: The list of hashtags. :raises NonEnumerableError: if category is not in Hashtag. :Example: ['#love', '#sky', '#nice'] """ tags = ['#' + self.random.choice(HASHTAGS) for _ in range(quantity)] if int(quantity) == 1: return tags[0] return tags def home_page(self, tld_type: Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Generate a random home page. :param tld_type: TLD type. :return: Random home page. :Example: """ resource = self.random.choice(USERNAMES) domain = self.top_level_domain(tld_type=tld_type, ) return 'http://www.{}{}'.format(resource, domain) def top_level_domain(self, tld_type: Optional[TLDType] = None) -> str: """Return random top level domain. :param tld_type: Enum object DomainType :return: Top level domain. :raises NonEnumerableError: if tld_type not in DomainType. """ key = self._validate_enum(item=tld_type, enum=TLDType) return self.random.choice(TLD[key]) def subreddit(self, nsfw: bool = False, full_url: bool = False) -> str: """Get a random subreddit from the list. :param nsfw: NSFW subreddit. :param full_url: Full URL address. :return: Subreddit or URL to subreddit. :Example: """ url = '' if not nsfw: if not full_url: return self.random.choice(SUBREDDITS) else: return url + self.random.choice(SUBREDDITS) nsfw_sr = self.random.choice(SUBREDDITS_NSFW) result = url + nsfw_sr if full_url else nsfw_sr return result def user_agent(self) -> str: """Get a random user agent. :return: User agent. :Example: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1 """ return self.random.choice(USER_AGENTS) def network_protocol(self, layer: Optional[Layer] = None) -> str: """Get a random network protocol form OSI model. :param layer: Enum object Layer. :return: Protocol name. :Example: AMQP """ key = self._validate_enum(item=layer, enum=Layer) protocols = NETWORK_PROTOCOLS[key] return self.random.choice(protocols) def port(self, port_range: PortRange = PortRange.ALL) -> int: """Generate random port. :param port_range: Range enum object. :return: Port number. :raises NonEnumerableError: if port_range is not in PortRange. :Example: 8080 """ if port_range and port_range in PortRange: return self.random.randint(*port_range.value) else: raise NonEnumerableError(PortRange) def category_of_website(self): """Get random category of torrent portal. :return: Category name. :Example: Video/TV shows """ return self.random.choice(TORRENT_CATEGORIES)