Esempio n. 1
def test2():
    x = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.1)  # start,stop,step
    y = np.sin(x)
    z = np.cos(x)
    c1 = Curve({x[i]: y[i] for i in range(len(x))})
    c2 = Curve({x[i]: z[i] for i in range(len(y))})
    curves = {"sine": c1, "cosine": c2}
    epsintersection1 = ei.get_eps_intersection(1.6, 6.2, c1, c2)
    epsintersection2 = ei.get_eps_intersection(0, 6.2, c1, c2)
    assert (epsintersection1 == 0.8250928589434148)
    assert (epsintersection2 == 0.49978680152075255)
Esempio n. 2
def test2():
    c1 = Curve({0: 0, 1: 2, 4: 5, 5: 1, 7: 10, 10: 7})
    c2 = Curve({0: 0, 3: 2, 6: 4, 10: 5})
    curves = {"1": c1, "2": c2}
    DAG1 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG1 == ([('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'), ('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'),
                      ('1', 'min'), ('2', 'min'),
                      ('2', 'max')], [(0, 5.0), (1, 2.0), (2, 2.0), (3, 5.0),
                                      (4, 1.5), (5, 2.5),
                                      (6, 2.5)], [((0, 1), 2.0), ((0, 2), 2.0),
                                                  ((0, 3), 5.0), ((0, 4), 1.5),
                                                  ((0, 6), 1.0), ((1, 2), 2.0),
                                                  ((1, 3), 2.0), ((1, 4), 1.5),
                                                  ((1, 6), 0.5), ((2, 3), 2.0),
                                                  ((2, 4), 1.5), ((2, 6), 0),
                                                  ((3, 4), 1.5), ((3, 6), 0),
                                                  ((5, 1), 0), ((5, 2), 1.0),
                                                  ((5, 3), 1.0), ((5, 4), 1.5),
                                                  ((5, 6), 2.5)]))

    c1 = Curve({0: .5, 7: 9, 10: 6})
    c2 = Curve({0: 0, 3: 2, 6: 4, 10: 5})
    curves = {"1": c1, "2": c2}
    DAG2 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG2 == ([('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'), ('1', 'min'), ('2', 'min'),
                      ('2', 'max')], [(0, 4.25), (1, 4.25), (2, 1.5), (3, 2.5),
                                      (4, 2.5)], [((0, 1), 4.25),
                                                  ((0, 2), 1.5), ((0, 4), 0),
                                                  ((1, 2), 1.5), ((1, 4), 0),
                                                  ((3, 1), 0), ((3, 2), 1.5),
                                                  ((3, 4), 2.5)]))

    names = ['1', '2']
    supergraph = get_supergraph(names, DAG1, DAG2)
    supergraph_round = (supergraph[0], supergraph[1], round(supergraph[2], 8))
    assert (supergraph_round == ([(('1', 'min'), (5.0, 4.25)),
                                  (('1', 'max'), (2.0, 0)),
                                  (('1', 'min'), (2.0, 0)),
                                  (('1', 'max'), (5.0, 4.25)),
                                  (('1', 'min'), (1.5, 1.5)),
                                  (('2', 'min'), (2.5, 2.5)),
                                  (('2', 'max'), (2.5, 2.5))
                                  ], [((0, 1), (2.0, 0)), ((0, 2), (2.0, 0)),
                                      ((0, 3), (5.0, 4.25)),
                                      ((0, 4), (1.5, 1.5)), ((0, 6), (1.0, 0)),
                                      ((1, 2), (2.0, 0)), ((1, 3), (2.0, 0)),
                                      ((1, 4), (1.5, 0)), ((1, 6), (0.5, 0)),
                                      ((2, 3), (2.0, 0)), ((2, 4), (1.5, 0)),
                                      ((3, 4), (1.5, 1.5)), ((5, 2), (1.0, 0)),
                                      ((5, 3), (1.0, 0)), ((5, 4), (1.5, 1.5)),
                                      ((5, 6), (2.5, 2.5))], 22.75))
Esempio n. 3
def test1():
    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 10, 10: 3})
    c2 = Curve({0: 8, 5: 3, 10: 1})
    curves = {"1": c1, "2": c2}
    DAG1 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG1 == ([('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'), ('1', 'min'), ('2', 'max'),
                      ('2', 'min')], [(0, 4.5), (1, 4.5), (2, 3.5), (3, 3.5),
                                      (4, 3.5)], [((0, 1), 4.5), ((0, 2), 3.5),
                                                  ((0, 4), 0), ((1, 2), 3.5),
                                                  ((1, 4), 0), ((3, 1), 0),
                                                  ((3, 2), 0), ((3, 4), 3.5)]))

    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 7, 9: 1, 10: 2})
    c2 = Curve({0: 10, 5: 2, 10: 0})
    curves = {"1": c1, "2": c2}
    DAG2 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG2 == ([('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'), ('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'),
                      ('2', 'max'),
                      ('2', 'min')], [(0, 3.0), (1, 3.0), (2, 3.0), (3, 0.5),
                                      (4, 5.0), (5, 5.0)], [((0, 1), 3.0),
                                                            ((0, 2), 3.0),
                                                            ((0, 3), 0.5),
                                                            ((0, 5), 0),
                                                            ((1, 2), 3.0),
                                                            ((1, 3), 0.5),
                                                            ((1, 5), 0),
                                                            ((2, 3), 0.5),
                                                            ((2, 5), 0),
                                                            ((4, 1), 0),
                                                            ((4, 2), 0),
                                                            ((4, 3), 0.5),
                                                            ((4, 5), 5.0)]))

    names = ['1', '2']
    supergraph = get_supergraph(names, DAG1, DAG2)
    supergraph_round = (supergraph[0], supergraph[1], round(supergraph[2], 8))
    assert (supergraph_round == ([(('1', 'min'), (4.5, 3.0)),
                                  (('1', 'max'), (4.5, 3.0)),
                                  (('1', 'min'), (3.5, 3.0)),
                                  (('1', 'max'), (0, 0.5)),
                                  (('2', 'max'), (3.5, 5.0)),
                                  (('2', 'min'),
                                   (3.5, 5.0))], [((0, 1), (4.5, 3.0)),
                                                  ((0, 2), (3.5, 3.0)),
                                                  ((0, 3), (0, 0.5)),
                                                  ((1, 2), (3.5, 3.0)),
                                                  ((1, 3), (0, 0.5)),
                                                  ((2, 3), (0, 0.5)),
                                                  ((4, 3), (0, 0.5)),
                                                  ((4, 5), (3.5, 5.0))], 13.0))
Esempio n. 4
def test1():
    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 10, 10: 3})
    c2 = Curve({0: 8, 5: 3, 10: 1})
    epssup1 = ei.get_eps_sup(0, c1, 4.5)
    assert (epssup1 == (0, 5))
    epssup2 = ei.get_eps_sup(0, c1, 4.6)
    assert (epssup2 == (0, 10))
    checkintersection = ei.intervals_intersect(0, 10, c1, c2, 1)
    assert (checkintersection == True)
    epsjumps1 = ei.get_eps_jumps(0, c1.curve)
    assert (epsjumps1 == [0, 4.5])
    epsjumps2 = ei.get_eps_jumps(0, c2.curve)
    assert (epsjumps2 == [0, 2.5, 3.5])
    epsintersection = ei.get_eps_intersection(0, 10, c1, c2)
    assert (epsintersection == 0)
def test1():
    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 10, 10: 3})
    c2 = Curve({0: 8, 5: 3, 10: 1})
    nodesA = ds.get_nodes('A', c1.curve)
    nodesB = ds.get_nodes('B', c2.curve)
    assert (nodesA == [(0, ('A', 'min')), (5, ('A', 'max')),
                       (10, ('A', 'min'))])
    assert (nodesB == [(0, ('B', 'max')), (10, ('B', 'min'))])
    curves = {'A': c1, 'B': c2}
    DAGskeleton = ds.get_DAGskeleton(curves)
    assert (DAGskeleton == ([(0, ('A', 'min')), (5, ('A', 'max')),
                             (10, ('A', 'min')), (0, ('B', 'max')),
                             (10, ('B', 'min'))], [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 4),
                                                   (1, 2), (1, 4), (3, 1),
                                                   (3, 2), (3, 4)]))
def calculate_poset(params, networks):
    Construct partial orders of extrema from time series files
    :param params: A dictionary with the keys
                    'timeseriesfname' : a .csv or .tsv file name
                    'tsfile_is_row_format' : True if time series are in rows, False if they are in columns.
                    "epsilons" : a list of noise values between 0.0 and 0.5

    :param networks: a list of DSGRN network specifications
    :return: (1) A dictionary of partially ordered sets keyed by sets of node names in network files. Any input network
            that has a node name that is not in the time series file will not be analyzed. (2) The list of pruned networks.
            (3) The set of names that were missing from the time series files.
    data, times = readrow(params['timeseriesfname']
                          ) if params['tsfile_is_row_format'] else readcol(
    posets = {}
    new_networks = []
    missing_names = set([])
    for networkspec in networks:
        network = DSGRN.Network(networkspec)
        names = tuple(sorted([ for k in range(network.size())]))
        missing_names = missing_names.union(
            set(name for name in names if name not in data))
        if set(names).intersection(missing_names):
        if names not in posets.keys():
            curves = [Curve(data[name], times, True) for name in names]
            pos = eps_posets(dict(zip(names, curves)), params["epsilons"])
            if pos is None:
                raise ValueError("poset is None!")
            posets[names] = pos
    return posets, new_networks, missing_names
def getcurves(filename, filestyle, names, start_time, end_time):

    :param filename: Name of the time series data file. Include absolute or relative path to file.
    :param filestyle: "row" if the time points lie in a single row, or "col" if they lie in a column
    :param names: list of gene names on which to create curve. If "all" (default), then all genes in the file are used
    :param start_time: front trim for time series in time units
    :param end_time: back trim for time series in time units
    :return: list of curve objects
    if filestyle == "row":
        curves = row(os.path.expanduser(filename))
    elif filestyle == "col":
        curves = col(os.path.expanduser(filename))
        raise ValueError("Filestyle not recognized.")
    subset_curves = deepcopy(curves)
    for name in curves:
        if names != "all" and name not in names:
    if start_time is not None and end_time is not None:
        subset_curves = {
            name: Curve(curve.trim(start_time, end_time))
            for name, curve in subset_curves.items()
    return subset_curves
def row(filename):
    times,data = extractdata(filename)
    times = [float(n) for n in times]
    names = data[:,0]
    curves = [Curve(data[k,1:],times,True) for k in range(data.shape[0])]
    # plt.plot(times,data[0,1:],marker="o")
    return dict(zip(names,curves))
def test4():
    x = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.1)  # start,stop,step
    y = np.sin(x)
    c4 = Curve({x[i]: y[i] for i in range(len(x))})
    nodelives = get_node_lives(c4)
    assert (nodelives == {
        0.0: 0.49978680152075255,
        4.7: 0.999748430302803,
        1.6: 0.999748430302803,
        6.2: 0.4584169273733022
def get_node_lives(curve):
    Calculates the node lives for all the local extrema in curve.
    :param curve: curve object
    :return: dict of node lives for each local extrema in the curve
    curve_max = Curve(curve.reflect())
    min_lives = get_min_lives(curve.curve)
    max_lives = get_min_lives(curve_max.curve)
    node_lives = {**min_lives, **max_lives}
    return (node_lives)
def test2():
    x = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.1)  # start,stop,step
    y = np.sin(x)
    z = np.cos(x)
    c1 = Curve({x[i]: y[i] for i in range(len(x))})
    c2 = Curve({x[i]: z[i] for i in range(len(y))})
    sinnodes = ds.get_nodes('sine', c1.curve)
    cosnodes = ds.get_nodes('cosine', c2.curve)
    assert (sinnodes == [(0.0, ('sine', 'min')), (1.6, ('sine', 'max')),
                         (4.7, ('sine', 'min')), (6.2, ('sine', 'max'))])
    assert (cosnodes == [(0.0, ('cosine', 'max')), (3.1, ('cosine', 'min')),
                         (6.2, ('cosine', 'max'))])
    curves = {'sine': c1, 'cosine': c2}
    DAGskeleton = ds.get_DAGskeleton(curves)
    assert (DAGskeleton == ([
        (0.0, ('sine', 'min')), (1.6, ('sine', 'max')), (4.7, ('sine', 'min')),
        (6.2, ('sine', 'max')), (0.0, ('cosine', 'max')),
        (3.1, ('cosine', 'min')), (6.2, ('cosine', 'max'))
    ], [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 5), (0, 6), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 6),
        (2, 3), (2, 6), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 5), (4, 6), (5, 2), (5, 3),
        (5, 6)]))
def test4():
    x = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.1)  # start,stop,step
    y = np.sin(x)
    c4 = Curve({x[i]: y[i] for i in range(len(x))})
    nodelives = get_node_lives(c4)
    nodelives_round = {u: round(nodelives[u], 8) for u in nodelives.keys()}
    assert (nodelives_round == {
        0.0: 0.4997868,
        4.7: 0.99974843,
        1.6: 0.99974843,
        6.2: 0.45841693
Esempio n. 13
def test3():
    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 10, 10: 3})
    c2 = Curve({0: 8, 5: 3, 10: 1})
    c3 = Curve({0: 2, 5: 9, 10: 4})
    curves = {"1": c1, "2": c2, "3": c3}
    DAG1 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG1 == ([('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'), ('1', 'min'), ('2', 'max'),
                      ('2', 'min'), ('3', 'min'), ('3', 'max'),
                      ('3', 'min')], [(0, 4.5), (1, 4.5), (2, 3.5), (3, 3.5),
                                      (4, 3.5), (5, 3.5), (6, 3.5),
                                      (7, 2.5)], [((0, 1), 4.5), ((0, 2), 3.5),
                                                  ((0, 4), 0), ((0, 6), 0),
                                                  ((0, 7), 0), ((1, 2), 3.5),
                                                  ((1, 4), 0), ((1, 7), 0),
                                                  ((3, 1), 0), ((3, 2), 0),
                                                  ((3, 4), 3.5), ((3, 6), 0),
                                                  ((3, 7), 0), ((5, 1), 0),
                                                  ((5, 2), 0), ((5, 4), 0),
                                                  ((5, 6), 3.5), ((5, 7), 2.5),
                                                  ((6, 2), 0), ((6, 4), 0),
                                                  ((6, 7), 2.5)]))

    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 7, 9: 1, 10: 2})
    c2 = Curve({0: 10, 5: 2, 10: 0})
    c3 = Curve({0: 2.5, 5: 9, 10: 4})
    curves = {"1": c1, "2": c2, "3": c3}
    DAG2 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG2 == ([('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'), ('1', 'min'), ('1', 'max'),
                      ('2', 'max'), ('2', 'min'), ('3', 'min'), ('3', 'max'),
                      ('3', 'min')], [(0, 3.0), (1, 3.0), (2, 3.0), (3, 0.5),
                                      (4, 5.0), (5, 5.0), (6, 3.25), (7, 3.25),
                                      (8, 2.5)], [((0, 1), 3.0), ((0, 2), 3.0),
                                                  ((0, 3), 0.5), ((0, 5), 0),
                                                  ((0, 7), 0), ((0, 8), 0),
                                                  ((1, 2), 3.0), ((1, 3), 0.5),
                                                  ((1, 5), 0), ((1, 8), 0),
                                                  ((2, 3), 0.5), ((2, 5), 0),
                                                  ((2, 8), 0), ((4, 1), 0),
                                                  ((4, 2), 0), ((4, 3), 0.5),
                                                  ((4, 5), 5.0), ((4, 7), 0),
                                                  ((4, 8), 0), ((6, 1), 0),
                                                  ((6, 2), 0), ((6, 3), 0.5),
                                                  ((6, 5), 0), ((6, 7), 3.25),
                                                  ((6, 8), 2.5), ((7, 2), 0),
                                                  ((7, 3), 0), ((7, 5), 0),
                                                  ((7, 8), 2.5)]))

    names = ['1', '2', '3']
    supergraph = get_supergraph(names, DAG1, DAG2)
    assert (supergraph == ([
        (('1', 'min'), (4.5, 3.0)), (('1', 'max'), (4.5, 3.0)),
        (('1', 'min'), (3.5, 3.0)), (('1', 'max'), (0, 0.5)),
        (('2', 'max'), (3.5, 5.0)), (('2', 'min'), (3.5, 5.0)),
        (('3', 'min'), (3.5, 3.25)), (('3', 'max'), (3.5, 3.25)),
        (('3', 'min'), (2.5, 2.5))
    ], [((0, 1), (4.5, 3.0)), ((0, 2), (3.5, 3.0)), ((0, 3), (0, 0.5)),
        ((1, 2), (3.5, 3.0)), ((1, 3), (0, 0.5)), ((2, 3), (0, 0.5)),
        ((4, 3), (0, 0.5)), ((4, 5), (3.5, 5.0)), ((6, 3), (0, 0.5)),
        ((6, 7), (3.5, 3.25)), ((6, 8), (2.5, 2.5)),
        ((7, 8), (2.5, 2.5))], 3.992179855667828))
Esempio n. 14
def test3():
    curve6 = Curve({0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 2, 7: 2})
    curve7 = Curve({0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 2})
    curve8 = Curve({0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 2})
    eps = 0.1

    def part(curve):
        n = curve.normalize()
        r = curve.normalize_reflect()
        merge_tree_mins = tmt.births_only(n)
        merge_tree_maxs = tmt.births_only(r)
        # time_ints_mins = ss.minimal_time_ints(merge_tree_mins,n,eps)
        # time_ints_maxs = ss.minimal_time_ints(merge_tree_maxs,r,eps)
        time_ints_mins = ss.get_sublevel_sets(merge_tree_mins, n, eps)
        time_ints_maxs = ss.get_sublevel_sets(merge_tree_maxs, r, eps)
        labeled_mins = sorted([(v, ("name", "min"))
                               for _, v in time_ints_mins.items()])
        labeled_maxs = sorted([(v, ("name", "max"))
                               for _, v in time_ints_maxs.items()])
        # When eps is close to (b-a)/2 for max b and min a, then the intervals can be identical. Annihilate them.
        all_extrema = labeled_mins + labeled_maxs
        nodes = annihilate(sorted(all_extrema))
        return all_extrema, nodes

    all_extrema, nodes = part(curve6)
    assert (len(all_extrema) == 2)
    assert (len(nodes) == 0)
    all_extrema, nodes = part(curve7)
    assert (len(all_extrema) == 2)
    assert (len(nodes) == 0)
    nodes, edges = get_total_order("name", curve6, eps)
    assert (len(nodes) == 0)
    nodes, edges = get_total_order("name", curve7, eps)
    assert (len(nodes) == 0)
    nodes, edges = get_total_order("name", curve8, eps)
    assert (len(nodes) == 3)
    posets = eps_posets({"curve6": curve6}, [eps])
    assert (posets == [(eps, ([], set()))])
def get_eps_sup(a, curve, eps):
    Computes epsilon support interval for a local extremum.
    :param curve: curve object
    :param eps: float threshold (noise level) For normalized curves, 0 < eps < 1.
    :param a: the x-coordinate of a point in curve
    :return: epsilon support interval if a is a local extremum, otherwise returns FALSE
    ex_type_a = get_extremum_type(a, curve.curve)
    if ex_type_a == 'min':
        births_only_merge_tree = births_only(curve.curve)
        eps_sup_a = gssnr(births_only_merge_tree, curve.curve, eps, eps_restriction=False)
    elif ex_type_a == 'max':
        new_curve = Curve(curve.reflect())
        births_only_merge_tree = births_only(new_curve.curve)
        eps_sup_a = gssnr(births_only_merge_tree, new_curve.curve, eps, eps_restriction=False)
        return False
    return eps_sup_a[a]
def test():
    curve = Curve({0: -2, 1: 2, 2: 0, 3: 1, 4: -2, 5: 1, 6: -7})
    assert (curve.curve == Curve(curve.reflect()).reflect())
    assert (curve.normalize() == Curve(curve.normalize()).normalize())
    assert (curve.normalize_reflect() == Curve(curve.normalize()).reflect())
    assert (min([c for k, c in curve.normalize().items()]) == -0.5)
    assert (max([c for k, c in curve.normalize().items()]) == 0.5)
Esempio n. 17
def test4():
    x = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.1)  # start,stop,step
    y = np.sin(x)
    z = np.cos(x)
    c1 = Curve({x[i]: y[i] for i in range(len(x))})
    c2 = Curve({x[i]: z[i] for i in range(len(y))})
    curves = {"sine": c1, "cosine": c2}
    DAG1 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG1 == ([('sine', 'min'), ('sine', 'max'), ('sine', 'min'),
                      ('sine', 'max'), ('cosine', 'max'), ('cosine', 'min'),
                      ('cosine', 'max')], [(0, 0.49978680152075255),
                                           (1, 0.999748430302803),
                                           (2, 0.999748430302803),
                                           (3, 0.4584169273733022),
                                           (4, 0.9995675751366397),
                                           (5, 0.9995675751366397),
                                           (6, 0.9978386236482485)
                                           ], [((0, 1), 0.49978680152075255),
                                               ((0, 2), 0.49978680152075255),
                                               ((0, 3), 0.4584169273733022),
                                               ((0, 5), 0.4927248649942301),
                                               ((0, 6), 0.49978680152075255),
                                               ((1, 2), 0.999748430302803),
                                               ((1, 3), 0.4584169273733022),
                                               ((1, 5), 0.12693419543239254),
                                               ((1, 6), 0.8250928589434148),
                                               ((2, 3), 0.4584169273733022),
                                               ((2, 6), 0.11357938500405684),
                                               ((4, 1), 0.11757890635775581),
                                               ((4, 2), 0.8331380106399122),
                                               ((4, 3), 0.4584169273733022),
                                               ((4, 5), 0.9995675751366397),
                                               ((4, 6), 0.9978386236482485),
                                               ((5, 2), 0.12156038112808631),
                                               ((5, 3), 0.45653760300917207),
                                               ((5, 6), 0.9978386236482485)]))

    # Adding small noise to curves
    c1.curve[6.0] = 0
    c2.curve[0.4] = 1
    curves = {"sine": c1, "cosine": c2}
    DAG2 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    assert (DAG2 == ([('sine', 'min'), ('sine', 'max'), ('sine', 'min'),
                      ('sine', 'max'), ('sine', 'min'), ('sine', 'max'),
                      ('cosine', 'max'), ('cosine', 'min'), ('cosine', 'max'),
                      ('cosine', 'min'), ('cosine', 'max')], [
                          (0, 0.49978680152075255), (1, 0.999748430302803),
                          (2, 0.999748430302803), (3, 0.4999616287820504),
                          (4, 0.09108125213604751), (5, 0.0495365507272993),
                          (6, 0.9995675751366397), (7, 0.02233175543719701),
                          (8, 0.02233175543719701), (9, 0.9995675751366397),
                          (10, 0.9978386236482485)
                      ], [((0, 1), 0.49978680152075255),
                          ((0, 2), 0.49978680152075255),
                          ((0, 3), 0.49978680152075255),
                          ((0, 4), 0.09108125213604751),
                          ((0, 5), 0.0495365507272993),
                          ((0, 7), 0.012365044357817823),
                          ((0, 8), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((0, 9), 0.4927248649942301),
                          ((0, 10), 0.49978680152075255),
                          ((1, 2), 0.999748430302803),
                          ((1, 3), 0.4999616287820504),
                          ((1, 4), 0.09108125213604751),
                          ((1, 5), 0.0495365507272993),
                          ((1, 9), 0.12693419543239254),
                          ((1, 10), 0.8250928589434148),
                          ((2, 3), 0.4999616287820504),
                          ((2, 4), 0.09108125213604751),
                          ((2, 5), 0.0495365507272993),
                          ((2, 10), 0.11357938500405684),
                          ((3, 4), 0.09108125213604751),
                          ((3, 5), 0.0495365507272993), ((3, 10), 0),
                          ((4, 5), 0.0495365507272993), ((4, 10), 0),
                          ((6, 1), 0.11757890635775581),
                          ((6, 2), 0.8331380106399122),
                          ((6, 3), 0.4999616287820504),
                          ((6, 4), 0.09108125213604751),
                          ((6, 5), 0.0495365507272993),
                          ((6, 7), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((6, 8), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((6, 9), 0.9995675751366397),
                          ((6, 10), 0.9978386236482485),
                          ((7, 1), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 2), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 3), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 4), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 5), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 8), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 9), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((7, 10), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 1), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 2), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 3), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 4), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 5), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 9), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((8, 10), 0.02233175543719701),
                          ((9, 2), 0.12156038112808631),
                          ((9, 3), 0.49337324340519445),
                          ((9, 4), 0.09108125213604751),
                          ((9, 5), 0.0495365507272993),
                          ((9, 10), 0.9978386236482485)]))

    names = ['sine', 'cosine']
    supergraph = get_supergraph(names, DAG1, DAG2)
    assert (supergraph == ([
        (('sine', 'min'), (0.49978680152075255, 0.49978680152075255)),
        (('sine', 'max'), (0.999748430302803, 0.999748430302803)),
        (('sine', 'min'), (0.999748430302803, 0.999748430302803)),
        (('sine', 'max'), (0.4584169273733022, 0.4999616287820504)),
        (('sine', 'min'), (0, 0.09108125213604751)),
        (('sine', 'max'), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        (('cosine', 'max'), (0.9995675751366397, 0.9995675751366397)),
        (('cosine', 'min'), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        (('cosine', 'max'), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        (('cosine', 'min'), (0.9995675751366397, 0.9995675751366397)),
        (('cosine', 'max'), (0.9978386236482485, 0.9978386236482485))
    ], [((0, 1), (0.49978680152075255, 0.49978680152075255)),
        ((0, 2), (0.49978680152075255, 0.49978680152075255)),
        ((0, 3), (0.4584169273733022, 0.49978680152075255)),
        ((0, 4), (0, 0.09108125213604751)), ((0, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((0, 7), (0, 0.012365044357817823)),
        ((0, 8), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((0, 9), (0.4927248649942301, 0.4927248649942301)),
        ((0, 10), (0.49978680152075255, 0.49978680152075255)),
        ((1, 2), (0.999748430302803, 0.999748430302803)),
        ((1, 3), (0.4584169273733022, 0.4999616287820504)),
        ((1, 4), (0, 0.09108125213604751)), ((1, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((1, 9), (0.12693419543239254, 0.12693419543239254)),
        ((1, 10), (0.8250928589434148, 0.8250928589434148)),
        ((2, 3), (0.4584169273733022, 0.4999616287820504)),
        ((2, 4), (0, 0.09108125213604751)), ((2, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((2, 10), (0.11357938500405684, 0.11357938500405684)),
        ((3, 4), (0, 0.09108125213604751)), ((3, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((4, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((6, 1), (0.11757890635775581, 0.11757890635775581)),
        ((6, 2), (0.8331380106399122, 0.8331380106399122)),
        ((6, 3), (0.4584169273733022, 0.4999616287820504)),
        ((6, 4), (0, 0.09108125213604751)), ((6, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((6, 7), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((6, 8), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((6, 9), (0.9995675751366397, 0.9995675751366397)),
        ((6, 10), (0.9978386236482485, 0.9978386236482485)),
        ((7, 1), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((7, 2), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((7, 3), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((7, 4), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((7, 5), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((7, 8), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((7, 9), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((7, 10), (0,
        ((8, 1), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((8, 2), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((8, 3), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((8, 4), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((8, 5), (0, 0.02233175543719701)), ((8, 9), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((8, 10), (0, 0.02233175543719701)),
        ((9, 2), (0.12156038112808631, 0.12156038112808631)),
        ((9, 3), (0.45653760300917207, 0.49337324340519445)),
        ((9, 4), (0, 0.09108125213604751)), ((9, 5), (0, 0.0495365507272993)),
        ((9, 10), (0.9978386236482485, 0.9978386236482485))],
Esempio n. 18
        0.00013, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.47695, 0.96319,
        0.99744, 0.99987, 1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000,
        0.99994, 0.99962, 0.99756, 0.98532, 0.91946, 0.67207, 0.28714,
        0.07560, 0.01584, 0.00308, 0.00058, 0.00013, 0.00000, 0.00000,
       [0.00000, 0.00107, 0.35730, 0.71137, 0.87486, 0.94705, 0.97871,
        0.99257, 0.99857, 1.00000, 0.99171, 0.93604, 0.72910, 0.41881,
        0.20017, 0.08941, 0.03903, 0.01689, 0.00728, 0.00313, 0.00134,
        0.00056, 0.00023, 0.00009, 0.00002, 0.00000, 0.00614, 0.41342,
        0.73857, 0.88694, 0.95236, 0.98103, 0.99359, 0.99898, 0.99978,
        0.98900, 0.92145, 0.69287, 0.38598, 0.18221, 0.08105, 0.03532,
        0.01528, 0.00659, 0.00283, 0.00121, 0.00051, 0.00021, 0.00008,

names = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
curves = [Curve(data[k, :]/sum(data[k, :]), times, True) for k in range(data.shape[0])]
c = dict(zip(names, curves))

def test1():
    eps = 0.05

    solns = {
        "A" : [((0.0, 4.0), ('A', 'min')),((0.0, 8.0), ('A', 'max')), ((24.0, 104.0), ('A', 'min')),((100.0, 108.0), ('A', 'max')), ((120.0, 196.0), ('A', 'min'))], "B" : [((0.0, 4.0), ('B', 'min')), ((4.0, 32.0), ('B', 'max')), ((76.0, 104.0), ('B', 'min')), ((104.0, 132.0), ('B', 'max')), ((176.0, 196.0), ('B', 'min'))], "C" : [((0.0, 4.0), ('C', 'min')), ((4.0, 20.0), ('C','max')), ((28.0, 104.0), ('C', 'min')), ((104.0, 120.0), ('C', 'max')), ((128.0, 196.0), ('C', 'min'))], "D" : [((0.0, 4.0), ('D', 'min')), ((20.0, 36.0), ('D', 'max')), ((56.0, 104.0), ('D', 'min')), ((120.0, 136.0), ('D', 'max')), ((156.0, 196.0), ('D', 'min'))], "E" : [((0.0, 4.0), ('E', 'min')), ((4.0, 60.0), ('E', 'max')), ((64.0, 104.0), ('E', 'min')), ((104.0, 160.0), ('E','max')), ((164.0, 196.0), ('E', 'min'))], "F" : [((0.0, 8.0), ('F', 'min')), ((16.0, 48.0), ('F', 'max')), ((56.0, 108.0), ('F', 'min')), ((116.0, 148.0), ('F', 'max')), ((156.0, 196.0), ('F', 'min'))]

    for k in ["A","B","C","D","E","F"]:
        assert(get_total_order(k,c[k],eps)[0] == solns[k])

    eps = 0.51
Esempio n. 19
def test():

    # integer curve 1
    curve = Curve({0:-2, 1:2, 2:0, 3:3, 4:-4, 5:1, 6:-7})
    tmt = {0:(3,6),1:(1,0),2:(1,0),3:(3,6),4:(5,6),5:(5,6),6:(6,6)}
    assert(tmt == compute_merge_tree(curve.curve))
    assert(tmt == compute_merge_tree(curve.normalize()))
    tMt = {0:(0,3),1:(2,3),2:(2,3),3:(3,3),4:(4,3),5:(4,3),6:(6,3)}
    assert(tMt == compute_merge_tree(curve.reflect()))
    assert(tMt == compute_merge_tree(curve.normalize_reflect()))

    # integer curve 2
    curve2 = Curve({0:0, 1:-1, 2:-2, 3:1, 4:3, 5:6, 6:2})
    tmt2 = {0:(0,2),1:(1,2),2:(2,2),3:(3,2),4:(4,2),5:(5,2),6:(5,2)}
    assert(tmt2 == compute_merge_tree(curve2.curve))
    assert(tmt2 == compute_merge_tree(curve2.normalize()))
    tMt2 = {0:(2,5),1:(1,0),2:(2,5),3:(3,5),4:(4,5),5:(5,5),6:(6,5)}
    assert(tMt2 == compute_merge_tree(curve2.reflect()))
    assert(tMt2 == compute_merge_tree(curve2.normalize_reflect()))

    import numpy as np
    # discretized smooth curve
    # round entries to avoid round-off errors
    x = np.arange(-2.5, 5.01, 0.01)
    y = -0.25 * x ** 4 + 4.0/3 * x ** 3 + 0.5 * x ** 2 - 4.0 * x
    curve = Curve({round(t,2): round(v,10) for (t, v) in zip(x, y)})
    tmt = {-2.5: (-2.5, -2.5), 5.0: (4.0, -2.5), 1.0: (-1.0, -2.5)}
    assert(tmt == births_only(curve.curve))

    # discretized symmetric smooth curve
    # round entries to avoid round-off errors
    # identical depth minima are labeled by first occurrence
    x = np.arange(-0.75,0.76,0.01)
    y = 0.25*x**2*(x**2 - 0.5)
    curve = Curve({round(t,2): round(v,10) for (t, v) in zip(x, y)})
    tmt = {-0.5 : (-0.5,-0.5), 0.5 : (0.0,-0.5)}
    assert(tmt == births_only(curve.curve))
    tMt = {-0.75 : (-0.75,-0.75), 0.0 : (-0.5,-0.75), 0.75 : (0.5,-0.75)}
    assert (tMt == births_only(curve.reflect()))
def test2():
    c2 = Curve({0: 8, 5: 3, 10: 1})
    nodelives = get_node_lives(c2)
    assert (nodelives == {10: 3.5, 0: 3.5})
Esempio n. 21
def test4():
    x = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.1)  # start,stop,step
    y = np.sin(x)
    z = np.cos(x)
    c1 = Curve({x[i]: y[i] for i in range(len(x))})
    c2 = Curve({x[i]: z[i] for i in range(len(y))})
    curves = {"sine": c1, "cosine": c2}
    DAG1 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    DAG1_nodes_round = [(DAG1[1][i][0], round(DAG1[1][i][1], 8))
                        for i in range(len(DAG1[1]))]
    DAG1_edges_round = [(DAG1[2][i][0], round(DAG1[2][i][1], 8))
                        for i in range(len(DAG1[2]))]
    DAG1_round = (DAG1[0], DAG1_nodes_round, DAG1_edges_round)
    assert (DAG1_round == ([('sine', 'min'), ('sine', 'max'), ('sine', 'min'),
                            ('sine', 'max'), ('cosine', 'max'),
                            ('cosine', 'min'), ('cosine', 'max')],
                           [(0, 0.4997868), (1, 0.99974843), (2, 0.99974843),
                            (3, 0.45841693), (4, 0.99956758), (5, 0.99956758),
                            (6, 0.99783862)], [((0, 1), 0.4997868),
                                               ((0, 2), 0.4997868),
                                               ((0, 3), 0.45841693),
                                               ((0, 5), 0.49272486),
                                               ((0, 6), 0.4997868),
                                               ((1, 2), 0.99974843),
                                               ((1, 3), 0.45841693),
                                               ((1, 5), 0.1269342),
                                               ((1, 6), 0.82509286),
                                               ((2, 3), 0.45841693),
                                               ((2, 6), 0.11357939),
                                               ((4, 1), 0.11757891),
                                               ((4, 2), 0.83313801),
                                               ((4, 3), 0.45841693),
                                               ((4, 5), 0.99956758),
                                               ((4, 6), 0.99783862),
                                               ((5, 2), 0.12156038),
                                               ((5, 3), 0.4565376),
                                               ((5, 6), 0.99783862)]))

    # Adding small noise to curves
    c1.curve[6.0] = 0
    c2.curve[0.4] = 1
    curves = {"sine": c1, "cosine": c2}
    DAG2 = get_extremalDAG(curves)
    DAG2_nodes_round = [(DAG2[1][i][0], round(DAG2[1][i][1], 8))
                        for i in range(len(DAG2[1]))]
    DAG2_edges_round = [(DAG2[2][i][0], round(DAG2[2][i][1], 8))
                        for i in range(len(DAG2[2]))]
    DAG2_round = (DAG2[0], DAG2_nodes_round, DAG2_edges_round)
    assert (DAG2_round == ([('sine', 'min'), ('sine', 'max'), ('sine', 'min'),
                            ('sine', 'max'), ('sine', 'min'), ('sine', 'max'),
                            ('cosine', 'max'), ('cosine', 'min'),
                            ('cosine', 'max'), ('cosine', 'min'),
                            ('cosine', 'max')], [(0, 0.4997868),
                                                 (1, 0.99974843),
                                                 (2, 0.99974843),
                                                 (3, 0.49996163),
                                                 (4, 0.09108125),
                                                 (5, 0.04953655),
                                                 (6, 0.99956758),
                                                 (7, 0.02233176),
                                                 (8, 0.02233176),
                                                 (9, 0.99956758),
                                                 (10, 0.99783862)],
                           [((0, 1), 0.4997868), ((0, 2), 0.4997868),
                            ((0, 3), 0.4997868), ((0, 4), 0.09108125),
                            ((0, 5), 0.04953655), ((0, 7), 0.01236504),
                            ((0, 8), 0.02233176), ((0, 9), 0.49272486),
                            ((0, 10), 0.4997868), ((1, 2), 0.99974843),
                            ((1, 3), 0.49996163), ((1, 4), 0.09108125),
                            ((1, 5), 0.04953655), ((1, 9), 0.1269342),
                            ((1, 10), 0.82509286), ((2, 3), 0.49996163),
                            ((2, 4), 0.09108125), ((2, 5), 0.04953655),
                            ((2, 10), 0.11357939), ((3, 4), 0.09108125),
                            ((3, 5), 0.04953655), ((3, 10), 0),
                            ((4, 5), 0.04953655), ((4, 10), 0),
                            ((6, 1), 0.11757891), ((6, 2), 0.83313801),
                            ((6, 3), 0.49996163), ((6, 4), 0.09108125),
                            ((6, 5), 0.04953655), ((6, 7), 0.02233176),
                            ((6, 8), 0.02233176), ((6, 9), 0.99956758),
                            ((6, 10), 0.99783862), ((7, 1), 0.02233176),
                            ((7, 2), 0.02233176), ((7, 3), 0.02233176),
                            ((7, 4), 0.02233176), ((7, 5), 0.02233176),
                            ((7, 8), 0.02233176), ((7, 9), 0.02233176),
                            ((7, 10), 0.02233176), ((8, 1), 0.02233176),
                            ((8, 2), 0.02233176), ((8, 3), 0.02233176),
                            ((8, 4), 0.02233176), ((8, 5), 0.02233176),
                            ((8, 9), 0.02233176), ((8, 10), 0.02233176),
                            ((9, 2), 0.12156038), ((9, 3), 0.49337324),
                            ((9, 4), 0.09108125), ((9, 5), 0.04953655),
                            ((9, 10), 0.99783862)]))

    names = ['sine', 'cosine']
    supergraph = get_supergraph(names, DAG1, DAG2)
    supergraph_round1 = [(supergraph[0][i][0], (round(supergraph[0][i][1][0],
                         for i in range(len(supergraph[0]))]
    supergraph_round2 = [(supergraph[1][i][0], (round(supergraph[1][i][1][0],
                         for i in range(len(supergraph[1]))]
    supergraph_round3 = round(supergraph[2], 8)
    supergraph_round = (supergraph_round1, supergraph_round2,
    assert (supergraph_round == ([
        (('sine', 'min'), (0.4997868, 0.4997868)),
        (('sine', 'max'), (0.99974843, 0.99974843)),
        (('sine', 'min'), (0.99974843, 0.99974843)),
        (('sine', 'max'), (0.45841693, 0.49996163)),
        (('sine', 'min'), (0, 0.09108125)), (('sine', 'max'), (0, 0.04953655)),
        (('cosine', 'max'), (0.99956758, 0.99956758)),
        (('cosine', 'min'), (0, 0.02233176)),
        (('cosine', 'max'), (0, 0.02233176)),
        (('cosine', 'min'), (0.99956758, 0.99956758)),
        (('cosine', 'max'), (0.99783862, 0.99783862))
    ], [((0, 1), (0.4997868, 0.4997868)), ((0, 2), (0.4997868, 0.4997868)),
        ((0, 3), (0.45841693, 0.4997868)), ((0, 4), (0, 0.09108125)),
        ((0, 5), (0, 0.04953655)), ((0, 7), (0, 0.01236504)),
        ((0, 8), (0, 0.02233176)), ((0, 9), (0.49272486, 0.49272486)),
        ((0, 10), (0.4997868, 0.4997868)), ((1, 2), (0.99974843, 0.99974843)),
        ((1, 3), (0.45841693, 0.49996163)), ((1, 4), (0, 0.09108125)),
        ((1, 5), (0, 0.04953655)), ((1, 9), (0.1269342, 0.1269342)),
        ((1, 10), (0.82509286, 0.82509286)),
        ((2, 3), (0.45841693, 0.49996163)), ((2, 4), (0, 0.09108125)),
        ((2, 5), (0, 0.04953655)), ((2, 10), (0.11357939, 0.11357939)),
        ((3, 4), (0, 0.09108125)), ((3, 5), (0, 0.04953655)),
        ((4, 5), (0, 0.04953655)), ((6, 1), (0.11757891, 0.11757891)),
        ((6, 2), (0.83313801, 0.83313801)), ((6, 3), (0.45841693, 0.49996163)),
        ((6, 4), (0, 0.09108125)), ((6, 5), (0, 0.04953655)),
        ((6, 7), (0, 0.02233176)), ((6, 8), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((6, 9), (0.99956758, 0.99956758)),
        ((6, 10), (0.99783862, 0.99783862)), ((7, 1), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((7, 2), (0, 0.02233176)), ((7, 3), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((7, 4), (0, 0.02233176)), ((7, 5), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((7, 8), (0, 0.02233176)), ((7, 9), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((7, 10), (0, 0.02233176)), ((8, 1), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((8, 2), (0, 0.02233176)), ((8, 3), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((8, 4), (0, 0.02233176)), ((8, 5), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((8, 9), (0, 0.02233176)), ((8, 10), (0, 0.02233176)),
        ((9, 2), (0.12156038, 0.12156038)), ((9, 3), (0.4565376, 0.49337324)),
        ((9, 4), (0, 0.09108125)), ((9, 5), (0, 0.04953655)),
        ((9, 10), (0.99783862, 0.99783862))], 1.73724564))
def test3():
    c3 = Curve({0: 0, 1: 2, 4: 5, 5: 1, 7: 10, 10: 7})
    nodelives = get_node_lives(c3)
    assert (nodelives == {0: 5.0, 5: 2.0, 10: 1.5, 4: 2.0, 7: 5.0})
def test1():
    c1 = Curve({0: 1, 5: 10, 10: 3})
    nodelives = get_node_lives(c1)
    assert (nodelives == {0: 4.5, 10: 3.5, 5: 4.5})
Esempio n. 24
         0.99994, 0.99962, 0.99756, 0.98532, 0.91946, 0.67207, 0.28714,
         0.07560, 0.01584, 0.00308, 0.00058, 0.00013, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
         0.00000, 0.00107, 0.35730, 0.71137, 0.87486, 0.94705, 0.97871,
         0.99257, 0.99857, 1.00000, 0.99171, 0.93604, 0.72910, 0.41881,
         0.20017, 0.08941, 0.03903, 0.01689, 0.00728, 0.00313, 0.00134,
         0.00056, 0.00023, 0.00009, 0.00002, 0.00000, 0.00614, 0.41342,
         0.73857, 0.88694, 0.95236, 0.98103, 0.99359, 0.99898, 0.99978,
         0.98900, 0.92145, 0.69287, 0.38598, 0.18221, 0.08105, 0.03532,
         0.01528, 0.00659, 0.00283, 0.00121, 0.00051, 0.00021, 0.00008, 0.00002

names = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
curves = [
    Curve(data[k, :] / sum(data[k, :]), times, True)
    for k in range(data.shape[0])
c = dict(zip(names, curves))

def test1():
    eps = 0.05

    solns = {
        "A": [((0.0, 4.0), ('A', 'min')), ((0.0, 8.0), ('A', 'max')),
              ((24.0, 104.0), ('A', 'min')), ((100.0, 108.0), ('A', 'max')),
              ((120.0, 196.0), ('A', 'min'))],
        "B": [((0.0, 4.0), ('B', 'min')), ((4.0, 32.0), ('B', 'max')),
              ((76.0, 104.0), ('B', 'min')), ((104.0, 132.0), ('B', 'max')),
              ((176.0, 196.0), ('B', 'min'))],
def col(filename):
    names,data = extractdata(filename)
    times = data[:,0]
    curves = [Curve(data[1:,k],times,True) for k in range(data.shape[1])]
    return dict(zip(names,curves))
def test():
    # integer curve 1
    curve = Curve({0: -2, 1: 2, 2: 0, 3: 3, 4: -4, 5: 1, 6: -7})
    births_only_merge_tree = tmt.births_only(curve.curve)
    ti = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve.curve, 0.75)
    assert (ti == {0: (0, 1), 2: (1, 3), 4: (3, 5), 6: (5, 6)})
    ti = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve.curve, 2)
    assert (ti == {0: (0, 1), 4: (3, 5), 6: (5, 6)})
    ti = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve.curve, 3)
    assert (ti == {6: (5, 6)})

    # integer curve 2
    curve2 = Curve({0: 0, 1: -1, 2: -2, 3: 1, 4: 3, 5: 6, 6: 2})
    births_only_merge_tree = tmt.births_only(curve2.curve)
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve2.curve, 0.75)
    assert (time_ints == {2: (0, 3), 6: (5, 6)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve2.curve, 1)
    assert (time_ints == {2: (0, 3), 6: (5, 6)})
    ti = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve2.curve, 3)
    assert (ti == {2: (0, 5)})

    # curve 3 with 3 equal points
    curve3 = Curve({
        0: 2,
        1: 0,
        2: 0,
        3: 0,
        4: 2,
        5: 3,
        6: 3,
        7: 3,
        8: 1.5,
        9: 0
    births_only_merge_tree = tmt.births_only(curve3.curve)
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve3.curve, 0.5)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 4), 9: (8, 9)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve3.curve, 1.1)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 5), 9: (7, 9)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve3.curve, 1.5)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 5), 9: (7, 9)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve3.curve, 1.6)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 9)})

    # find maxima
    curve4 = Curve(curve3.reflect())
    births_only_merge_tree = tmt.births_only(curve4.curve)
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve4.curve, 0.5)
    assert (time_ints == {0: (0, 1), 5: (4, 8)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve4.curve, 1.1)
    assert (time_ints == {5: (3, 9)})

    # curve 3 with 2 equal points
    curve5 = Curve({0: 2, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 3, 6: 1.5, 7: 0})
    births_only_merge_tree = tmt.births_only(curve5.curve)
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve5.curve, 0.5)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 3), 7: (6, 7)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve5.curve, 1.1)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 4), 7: (5, 7)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve5.curve, 1.5)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 4), 7: (5, 7)})
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve5.curve, 1.6)
    assert (time_ints == {1: (0, 7)})

    # constant curve
    curve6 = Curve({0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2, 6: 2, 7: 2})
    births_only_merge_tree = tmt.births_only(curve6.curve)
    time_ints = get_sublevel_sets(births_only_merge_tree, curve6.curve, 0.5)
    assert (time_ints == {0: (0, 7)})
def test():
    curve = Curve({0: -2, 1: 2, 2: 0, 3: 1, 4: -2, 5: 1, 6: -7})
    assert (curve.curve == Curve(curve.reflect()).reflect())
    assert (curve.normalize() == Curve(curve.normalize()).normalize())
    assert (curve.normalize_reflect() == Curve(curve.normalize()).reflect())
    assert (min([c for k, c in curve.normalize().items()]) == -0.5)
    assert (max([c for k, c in curve.normalize().items()]) == 0.5)
    curve = Curve({7: -2, 8: 2, 9: 0, 10: 1, 11: -2, 12: 1, 13: -7})
    tcurve = curve.trim(8.5, 11)
    assert (min(tcurve.keys()) == 9)
    assert (max(tcurve.keys()) == 11)