def __init__(self, summary_dir, data, network, activation_fn):

        check_value_type("data", data, tuple)
        if len(data) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Argument data is not a tuple with 2 elements")
        check_value_type("data[0]", data[0], Dataset)
        check_value_type("data[1]", data[1], list)
        if not all(isinstance(ele, str) for ele in data[1]):
            raise ValueError("Argument data[1] is not list of str.")

        check_value_type("summary_dir", summary_dir, str)
        check_value_type("network", network, Cell)
        check_value_type("activation_fn", activation_fn, Cell)

        self._summary_dir = summary_dir
        self._dataset = data[0]
        self._labels = data[1]
        self._network = network
        self._explainers = None
        self._benchmarkers = None
        self._uncertainty = None
        self._hoc_searcher = None
        self._summary_timestamp = None
        self._sample_index = -1

        self._full_network = SequentialCell([self._network, activation_fn])

        self._manifest = None

Esempio n. 2
class ImageClassificationRunner:
    A high-level API for users to generate and store results of the explanation methods and the evaluation methods.

    Update in 2020.11: Adjust the storage structure and format of the data. Summary files generated by previous version
    will be deprecated and will not be supported in MindInsight of current version.

        summary_dir (str): The directory path to save the summary files which store the generated results.
        data (tuple[Dataset, list[str]]): Tuple of dataset and the corresponding class label list. The dataset
            should provides [images], [images, labels] or [images, labels, bboxes] as columns. The label list must
            share the exact same length and order of the network outputs.
        network (Cell): The network(with logit outputs) to be explained.
        activation_fn (Cell): The activation layer that transforms logits to prediction probabilities. For
            single label classification tasks, `nn.Softmax` is usually applied. As for multi-label classification tasks,
            `nn.Sigmoid` is usually be applied. Users can also pass their own customized `activation_fn` as long as
            when combining this function with network, the final output is the probability of the input.

        >>> from mindspore.explainer import ImageClassificationRunner
        >>> from mindspore.explainer.explanation import GuidedBackprop, Gradient
        >>> from mindspore.explainer.benchmark import Faithfulness
        >>> from mindspore.nn import Softmax
        >>> from mindspore.train.serialization import load_checkpoint, load_param_into_net
        >>> # The detail of AlexNet is shown in
        >>> net = AlexNet(10)
        >>> # Load the checkpoint
        >>> param_dict = load_checkpoint("/path/to/checkpoint")
        >>> load_param_into_net(net, param_dict)
        >>> # Prepare the dataset for explaining and evaluation.
        >>> # The detail of create_dataset_cifar10 method is shown in
        >>> dataset = create_dataset_cifar10("/path/to/cifar/dataset", 1)
        >>> labels = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
        >>> activation_fn = Softmax()
        >>> gbp = GuidedBackprop(net)
        >>> gradient = Gradient(net)
        >>> explainers = [gbp, gradient]
        >>> faithfulness = Faithfulness(len(labels), activation_fn, "NaiveFaithfulness")
        >>> benchmarkers = [faithfulness]
        >>> runner = ImageClassificationRunner("./summary_dir", (dataset, labels), net, activation_fn)
        >>> runner.register_saliency(explainers=explainers, benchmarkers=benchmarkers)
        >>> runner.register_uncertainty()
        >>> runner.register_hierarchical_occlusion()

    # datafile directory names
    _DATAFILE_DIRNAME_PREFIX = "_explain_"
    _ORIGINAL_IMAGE_DIRNAME = "origin_images"
    _HEATMAP_DIRNAME = "heatmap"
    # specfial filenames
    _MANIFEST_FILENAME = "manifest.json"
    # max. no. of sample per directory
    _SAMPLE_PER_DIR = 1000
    # seed for fixing the iterating order of the dataset
    _DATASET_SEED = 58
    # printing spacer
    _SPACER = "{:120}\r"
    # datafile directory's permission
    _DIR_MODE = 0o750
    # datafile's permission
    _FILE_MODE = 0o600

    def __init__(self,

        check_value_type("data", data, tuple)
        if len(data) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Argument data is not a tuple with 2 elements")
        check_value_type("data[0]", data[0], Dataset)
        check_value_type("data[1]", data[1], list)
        if not all(isinstance(ele, str) for ele in data[1]):
            raise ValueError("Argument data[1] is not list of str.")

        check_value_type("summary_dir", summary_dir, str)
        check_value_type("network", network, Cell)
        check_value_type("activation_fn", activation_fn, Cell)

        self._summary_dir = summary_dir
        self._dataset = data[0]
        self._labels = data[1]
        self._network = network
        self._explainers = None
        self._benchmarkers = None
        self._uncertainty = None
        self._hoc_searcher = None
        self._summary_timestamp = None
        self._sample_index = -1

        self._full_network = SequentialCell([self._network, activation_fn])

        self._manifest = None


    def register_saliency(self,
        Register saliency explanation instances.

            This function can not be invoked more than once on each runner.

            explainers (list[Attribution]): The explainers to be evaluated,
                see `mindspore.explainer.explanation`. All explainers' class must be distinct and their network
                must be the exact same instance of the runner's network.
            benchmarkers (list[AttributionMetric], optional): The benchmarkers for scoring the explainers,
                see `mindspore.explainer.benchmark`. All benchmarkers' class must be distinct.

            ValueError: Be raised for any data or settings' value problem.
            TypeError: Be raised for any data or settings' type problem.
            RuntimeError: Be raised if this function was invoked before.
        check_value_type("explainers", explainers, list)
        if not all(isinstance(ele, Attribution) for ele in explainers):
            raise TypeError("Argument explainers is not list of mindspore.explainer.explanation .")

        if not explainers:
            raise ValueError("Argument explainers is empty.")

        if benchmarkers is not None:
            check_value_type("benchmarkers", benchmarkers, list)
            if not all(isinstance(ele, AttributionMetric) for ele in benchmarkers):
                raise TypeError("Argument benchmarkers is not list of mindspore.explainer.benchmark .")

        if self._explainers is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("Function register_saliency() was invoked already.")

        self._explainers = explainers
        self._benchmarkers = benchmarkers

            self._verify_data_n_settings(check_saliency=True, check_environment=True)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            self._explainers = None
            self._benchmarkers = None

    def register_hierarchical_occlusion(self):
        Register hierarchical occlusion instances.

            Input images are required to be in 3 channels formats and the length of side short must be equals to or
            greater than 56 pixels. This function can not be invoked more than once on each runner.

            ValueError: Be raised for any data or settings' value problem.
            RuntimeError: Be raised if the function was called already.
        if self._hoc_searcher is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("Function register_hierarchical_occlusion() was invoked already.")

        self._hoc_searcher = hoc.Searcher(self._full_network)

            self._verify_data_n_settings(check_hoc=True, check_environment=True)
        except ValueError:
            self._hoc_searcher = None

    def register_uncertainty(self):
        Register uncertainty instance to compute the epistemic uncertainty base on the Bayes' theorem.

            Please refer to the documentation of mindspore.nn.probability.toolbox.uncertainty_evaluation for the
            details. The actual output is standard deviation of the classification predictions and the corresponding
            95% confidence intervals. Users have to invoke register_saliency() as well for the uncertainty results are
            going to be shown on the saliency map page in MindInsight. This function can not be invoked more then once
            on each runner.

            RuntimeError: Be raised if the function was called already.
        if self._uncertainty is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("Function register_uncertainty() was invoked already.")

        self._uncertainty = UncertaintyEvaluation(model=self._full_network,

    def run(self):
        Run the explain job and save the result as a summary in summary_dir.

            User should call register_saliency() once before running this function.

            ValueError: Be raised for any data or settings' value problem.
            TypeError: Be raised for any data or settings' type problem.
            RuntimeError: Be raised for any runtime problem.
        self._manifest = {"saliency_map": False,
                          "benchmark": False,
                          "uncertainty": False,
                          "hierarchical_occlusion": False}
        with SummaryRecord(self._summary_dir, raise_exception=True) as summary:
            print("Start running and writing......")
            begin = time()

            self._summary_timestamp = self._extract_timestamp(summary.event_file_name)
            if self._summary_timestamp is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot extract timestamp from summary filename!"
                                   " It should contains a timestamp after 'summary.' .")


            imageid_labels = self._run_inference(summary)
            sample_count = self._sample_index
            if self._is_saliency_registered:
                self._run_saliency(summary, imageid_labels)
                if not self._manifest["saliency_map"]:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"No saliency map was generated in {sample_count} samples. "
                        f"Please make sure the dataset, labels, activation function and network are properly trained "
                        f"and configured.")

            if self._is_hoc_registered and not self._manifest["hierarchical_occlusion"]:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"No Hierarchical Occlusion result was found in {sample_count} samples. "
                    f"Please make sure the dataset, labels, activation function and network are properly trained "
                    f"and configured.")


            print("Finish running and writing. Total time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(time() - begin))

    def _is_hoc_registered(self):
        """Check if HOC module is registered."""
        return self._hoc_searcher is not None

    def _is_saliency_registered(self):
        """Check if saliency module is registered."""
        return bool(self._explainers)

    def _is_uncertainty_registered(self):
        """Check if uncertainty module is registered."""
        return self._uncertainty is not None

    def _save_metadata(self, summary):
        """Save metadata of the explain job to summary."""
        print("Start writing metadata......")

        explain = Explain()

        if self._is_saliency_registered:
            exp_names = [exp.__class__.__name__ for exp in self._explainers]
            if self._benchmarkers is not None:
                bench_names = [bench.__class__.__name__ for bench in self._benchmarkers]

        summary.add_value("explainer", "metadata", explain)

        print("Finish writing metadata.")

    def _run_inference(self, summary, threshold=0.5):
        Run inference for the dataset and write the inference related data into summary.

            summary (SummaryRecord): The summary object to store the data.
            threshold (float): The threshold for prediction.

            dict, The map of sample d to the union of its ground truth and predicted labels.
        has_uncertainty_rec = False
        sample_id_labels = {}
        self._sample_index = 0
        for j, next_element in enumerate(self._dataset):
            now = time()
            inputs, labels, _ = self._unpack_next_element(next_element)
            prob = self._full_network(inputs).asnumpy()

            if self._uncertainty is not None:
                prob_var = self._uncertainty.eval_epistemic_uncertainty(inputs)
                prob_var = None

            for idx, inp in enumerate(inputs):
                gt_labels = labels[idx]
                gt_probs = [float(prob[idx][i]) for i in gt_labels]

                if prob_var is not None:
                    gt_prob_vars = [float(prob_var[idx][i]) for i in gt_labels]
                    gt_itl_lows, gt_itl_his, gt_prob_sds = \
                        self._calc_beta_intervals(gt_probs, gt_prob_vars)

                data_np = _convert_image_format(np.expand_dims(inp.asnumpy(), 0), 'NCHW')
                original_image = _np_to_image(_normalize(data_np), mode='RGB')
                original_image_path = self._save_original_image(self._sample_index, original_image)

                predicted_labels = [int(i) for i in (prob[idx] > threshold).nonzero()[0]]
                predicted_probs = [float(prob[idx][i]) for i in predicted_labels]

                if prob_var is not None:
                    predicted_prob_vars = [float(prob_var[idx][i]) for i in predicted_labels]
                    predicted_itl_lows, predicted_itl_his, predicted_prob_sds = \
                        self._calc_beta_intervals(predicted_probs, predicted_prob_vars)

                union_labs = list(set(gt_labels + predicted_labels))
                sample_id_labels[str(self._sample_index)] = union_labs

                explain = Explain()
                explain.sample_id = self._sample_index
                explain.image_path = original_image_path
                summary.add_value("explainer", "sample", explain)

                explain = Explain()
                explain.sample_id = self._sample_index

                if prob_var is not None:

                    has_uncertainty_rec = True

                summary.add_value("explainer", "inference", explain)

                if self._is_hoc_registered:
                    self._run_hoc(summary, self._sample_index, inputs[idx], prob[idx])

                self._sample_index += 1
            self._spaced_print("Finish running and writing {}-th batch inference data."
                               " Time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(j, time() - now))

        if has_uncertainty_rec:
            self._manifest["uncertainty"] = True

        return sample_id_labels

    def _run_saliency(self, summary, sample_id_labels):
        """Run the saliency explanations."""
        if self._benchmarkers is None or not self._benchmarkers:
            for exp in self._explainers:
                start = time()
                print("Start running and writing explanation data for {}......".format(exp.__class__.__name__))
                self._sample_index = 0
                for idx, next_element in enumerate(self._dataset):
                    now = time()
                    self._spaced_print("Start running {}-th explanation data for {}......".format(
                        idx, exp.__class__.__name__))
                    self._run_exp_step(next_element, exp, sample_id_labels, summary)
                    self._spaced_print("Finish writing {}-th explanation data for {}. Time elapsed: "
                                       "{:.3f} s".format(idx, exp.__class__.__name__, time() - now))
                    "Finish running and writing explanation data for {}. Time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(
                        exp.__class__.__name__, time() - start))
            for exp in self._explainers:
                explain = Explain()
                for bench in self._benchmarkers:
                print(f"Start running and writing explanation and "
                      f"benchmark data for {exp.__class__.__name__}......")
                self._sample_index = 0
                start = time()
                for idx, next_element in enumerate(self._dataset):
                    now = time()
                    self._spaced_print("Start running {}-th explanation data for {}......".format(
                        idx, exp.__class__.__name__))
                    saliency_dict_lst = self._run_exp_step(next_element, exp, sample_id_labels, summary)
                        "Finish writing {}-th batch explanation data for {}. Time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(
                            idx, exp.__class__.__name__, time() - now))
                    for bench in self._benchmarkers:
                        now = time()
                            "Start running {}-th batch {} data for {}......".format(
                                idx, bench.__class__.__name__, exp.__class__.__name__))
                        self._run_exp_benchmark_step(next_element, exp, bench, saliency_dict_lst)
                            "Finish running {}-th batch {} data for {}. Time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(
                                idx, bench.__class__.__name__, exp.__class__.__name__, time() - now))

                for bench in self._benchmarkers:
                    benchmark = explain.benchmark.add()
                    benchmark.explain_method = exp.__class__.__name__
                    benchmark.benchmark_method = bench.__class__.__name__

                    benchmark.total_score = bench.performance
                    if isinstance(bench, LabelSensitiveMetric):

                self._spaced_print("Finish running and writing explanation and benchmark data for {}. "
                                   "Time elapsed: {:.3f} s".format(exp.__class__.__name__, time() - start))
                summary.add_value('explainer', 'benchmark', explain)

    def _run_hoc(self, summary, sample_id, sample_input, prob):
        Run HOC search for a sample image, and then save the result to summary.

            summary (SummaryRecord): The summary object to store the data.
            sample_id (int): The sample ID.
            sample_input (Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]): Sample image tensor in CHW or NCWH(N=1).
            prob (Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]): List of sample's classification prediction output, HOC will run for
                labels with prediction output strictly larger then HOC searcher's threshold(0.5 by default).
        if isinstance(sample_input, ms.Tensor):
            sample_input = sample_input.asnumpy()
        if len(sample_input.shape) == 3:
            sample_input = np.expand_dims(sample_input, axis=0)
        has_rec = False
        explain = Explain()
        explain.sample_id = sample_id
        str_mask = hoc.auto_str_mask(sample_input)
        compiled_mask = None
        for label_idx, label_prob in enumerate(prob):
            if label_prob > self._hoc_searcher.threshold:
                if compiled_mask is None:
                    compiled_mask = hoc.compile_mask(str_mask, sample_input)
                    edit_tree, layer_outputs =, label_idx, compiled_mask)
                except hoc.NoValidResultError:
                    log.warning(f"No Hierarchical Occlusion result was found in sample#{sample_id} "
                                f"label:{self._labels[label_idx]}, skipped.")
                has_rec = True
                hoc_rec = explain.hoc.add()
                hoc_rec.label = label_idx
                hoc_rec.mask = str_mask
                layer_count = edit_tree.max_layer + 1
                for layer in range(layer_count):
                    steps = edit_tree.get_layer_or_leaf_steps(layer)
                    layer_output = layer_outputs[layer]
                    hoc_layer = hoc_rec.layer.add()
                    hoc_layer.prob = layer_output
                    for step in steps:
        if has_rec:
            summary.add_value("explainer", "hoc", explain)
            self._manifest['hierarchical_occlusion'] = True

    def _run_exp_step(self, next_element, explainer, sample_id_labels, summary):
        Run the explanation for each step and write explanation results into summary.

            next_element (Tuple): Data of one step
            explainer (_Attribution): An Attribution object to generate saliency maps.
            sample_id_labels (dict): A dict that maps the sample id and its union labels.
            summary (SummaryRecord): The summary object to store the data.

            list, List of dict that maps label to its corresponding saliency map.
        has_saliency_rec = False
        inputs, labels, _ = self._unpack_next_element(next_element)
        sample_index = self._sample_index
        unions = []
        for _ in range(len(labels)):
            unions_labels = sample_id_labels[str(sample_index)]
            sample_index += 1

        batch_unions = self._make_label_batch(unions)
        saliency_dict_lst = []

        if isinstance(explainer, RISE):
            batch_saliency_full = explainer(inputs, batch_unions)
            batch_saliency_full = []
            for i in range(len(batch_unions[0])):
                batch_saliency = explainer(inputs, batch_unions[:, i])
            concat = ms.ops.operations.Concat(1)
            batch_saliency_full = concat(tuple(batch_saliency_full))

        for idx, union in enumerate(unions):
            saliency_dict = {}
            explain = Explain()
            explain.sample_id = self._sample_index
            for k, lab in enumerate(union):
                saliency = batch_saliency_full[idx:idx + 1, k:k + 1]
                saliency_dict[lab] = saliency

                saliency_np = _normalize(saliency.asnumpy().squeeze())
                saliency_image = _np_to_image(saliency_np, mode='L')
                heatmap_path = self._save_heatmap(explainer.__class__.__name__, lab, self._sample_index, saliency_image)

                explanation = explain.explanation.add()
                explanation.explain_method = explainer.__class__.__name__
                explanation.heatmap_path = heatmap_path
                explanation.label = lab

                has_saliency_rec = True

            summary.add_value("explainer", "explanation", explain)

            self._sample_index += 1

        if has_saliency_rec:
            self._manifest['saliency_map'] = True

        return saliency_dict_lst

    def _run_exp_benchmark_step(self, next_element, explainer, benchmarker, saliency_dict_lst):
        """Run the explanation and evaluation for each step and write explanation results into summary."""
        inputs, labels, _ = self._unpack_next_element(next_element)
        for idx, inp in enumerate(inputs):
            inp = _EXPAND_DIMS(inp, 0)
            if isinstance(benchmarker, LabelAgnosticMetric):
                res = benchmarker.evaluate(explainer, inp)
                saliency_dict = saliency_dict_lst[idx]
                for label, saliency in saliency_dict.items():
                    if isinstance(benchmarker, Localization):
                        _, _, bboxes = self._unpack_next_element(next_element, True)
                        if label in labels[idx]:
                            res = benchmarker.evaluate(explainer, inp, targets=label, mask=bboxes[idx][label],
                            benchmarker.aggregate(res, label)
                    elif isinstance(benchmarker, LabelSensitiveMetric):
                        res = benchmarker.evaluate(explainer, inp, targets=label, saliency=saliency)
                        benchmarker.aggregate(res, label)
                        raise TypeError('Benchmarker must be one of LabelSensitiveMetric or LabelAgnosticMetric, but'
                                        'receive {}'.format(type(benchmarker)))
            self._manifest['benchmark'] = True

    def _calc_beta_intervals(means, variances, prob=0.95):
        """Calculate confidence interval of beta distributions."""
        if not isinstance(means, np.ndarray):
            means = np.array(means)
        if not isinstance(variances, np.ndarray):
            variances = np.array(variances)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            coef_a = ((means ** 2) * (1 - means) / variances) - means
            coef_b = (coef_a * (1 - means)) / means
            itl_lows, itl_his = beta.interval(prob, coef_a, coef_b)
            sds = np.sqrt(variances)
        for i in range(itl_lows.shape[0]):
            if not np.isfinite(sds[i]) or not np.isfinite(itl_lows[i]) or not np.isfinite(itl_his[i]):
                itl_lows[i] = means[i]
                itl_his[i] = means[i]
                sds[i] = 0
        return itl_lows, itl_his, sds

    def _verify_labels(self):
        """Verify labels."""
        label_set = set()
        if not self._labels:
            raise ValueError(f"The label list provided is empty.")
        for i, label in enumerate(self._labels):
            if label.strip() == "":
                raise ValueError(f"Label [{i}] is all whitespaces or empty. Please make sure there is "
                                 f"no empty label.")
            if label in label_set:
                raise ValueError(f"Duplicated label:{label}! Please make sure all labels are unique.")

    def _verify_ds_sample(self, sample):
        """Verify a dataset sample."""
        if len(sample) not in [1, 2, 3]:
            raise ValueError("The dataset should provide [images] or [images, labels], [images, labels, bboxes]"
                             " as columns.")

        if len(sample) == 3:
            inputs, labels, bboxes = sample
            if bboxes.shape[-1] != 4:
                raise ValueError("The third element of dataset should be bounding boxes with shape of "
                                 "[batch_size, num_ground_truth, 4].")
            if self._benchmarkers is not None:
                if any([isinstance(bench, Localization) for bench in self._benchmarkers]):
                    raise ValueError("The dataset must provide bboxes if Localization is to be computed.")

            if len(sample) == 2:
                inputs, labels = sample
            if len(sample) == 1:
                inputs = sample[0]

        if len(inputs.shape) > 4 or len(inputs.shape) < 3 or inputs.shape[-3] not in [1, 3, 4]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Image shape {} is unrecognizable: the dimension of image can only be CHW or NCHW.".format(
        if len(inputs.shape) == 3:
                "Image shape {} is 3-dimensional. All the data will be automatically unsqueezed at the 0-th"
                " dimension as batch data.".format(inputs.shape))
        if len(sample) > 1:
            if len(labels.shape) > 2 and (np.array(labels.shape[1:]) > 1).sum() > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Labels shape {} is unrecognizable: outputs should not have more than two dimensions"
                    " with length greater than 1.".format(labels.shape))

        if self._is_hoc_registered:
            if inputs.shape[-3] != 3:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Hierarchical occlusion is registered, images must be in 3 channels format, but "
                    "{} channel(s) is(are) encountered.".format(inputs.shape[-3]))
            short_side = min(inputs.shape[-2:])
            if short_side < hoc.AUTO_IMAGE_SHORT_SIDE_MIN:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Hierarchical occlusion is registered, images' short side must be equals to or greater then "
                    "{}, but {} is encountered.".format(hoc.AUTO_IMAGE_SHORT_SIDE_MIN, short_side))

    def _verify_data(self):
        """Verify dataset and labels."""

            sample = next(self._dataset.create_tuple_iterator())
        except StopIteration:
            raise ValueError("The dataset provided is empty.")


    def _verify_network(self):
        """Verify the network."""
        next_element = next(self._dataset.create_tuple_iterator())
        inputs, _, _ = self._unpack_next_element(next_element)
        prop_test = self._full_network(inputs)
        check_value_type("output of network in explainer", prop_test, ms.Tensor)
        if prop_test.shape[1] != len(self._labels):
            raise ValueError("The dimension of network output does not match the no. of classes. Please "
                             "check labels or the network in the explainer again.")

    def _verify_saliency(self):
        """Verify the saliency settings."""
        if self._explainers:
            explainer_classes = []
            for explainer in self._explainers:
                if explainer.__class__ in explainer_classes:
                    raise ValueError(f"Repeated {explainer.__class__.__name__} explainer! "
                                     "Please make sure all explainers' class is distinct.")
                if is not self._network:
                    raise ValueError(f"The network of {explainer.__class__.__name__} explainer is different "
                                     "instance from network of runner. Please make sure they are the same "
        if self._benchmarkers:
            benchmarker_classes = []
            for benchmarker in self._benchmarkers:
                if benchmarker.__class__ in benchmarker_classes:
                    raise ValueError(f"Repeated {benchmarker.__class__.__name__} benchmarker! "
                                     "Please make sure all benchmarkers' class is distinct.")
                if isinstance(benchmarker, LabelSensitiveMetric) and benchmarker.num_labels != len(self._labels):
                    raise ValueError(f"The num_labels of {benchmarker.__class__.__name__} benchmarker is different "
                                     "from no. of labels of runner. Please make them are the same.")

    def _verify_data_n_settings(self,
        Verify the validity of dataset and other settings.

            check_all (bool): Set it True for checking everything.
            check_registration (bool): Set it True for checking registrations, check if it is enough to invoke run().
            check_data_n_network (bool): Set it True for checking data and network.
            check_saliency (bool): Set it True for checking saliency related settings.
            check_hoc (bool): Set it True for checking HOC related settings.
            check_environment (bool): Set it True for checking environment conditions.

            ValueError: Be raised for any data or settings' value problem.
            TypeError: Be raised for any data or settings' type problem.
            RuntimeError: Be raised for any runtime problem.
        if check_all:
            check_registration = True
            check_data_n_network = True
            check_saliency = True
            check_hoc = True
            check_environment = True

        if check_environment:
            device_target = context.get_context('device_target')
            if device_target not in ("Ascend", "GPU"):
                raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported device_target: '{device_target}', "
                                   f"only 'Ascend' or 'GPU' is supported. "
                                   f"Please call context.set_context(device_target='Ascend') or "
        if check_environment or check_saliency:
            if self._is_saliency_registered:
                mode = context.get_context('mode')
                if mode != context.PYNATIVE_MODE:
                    raise RuntimeError("Context mode: GRAPH_MODE is not supported, "
                                       "please call context.set_context(mode=context.PYNATIVE_MODE).")

        if check_registration:
            if self._is_uncertainty_registered and not self._is_saliency_registered:
                raise ValueError("Function register_uncertainty() is called but register_saliency() is not.")
            if not self._is_saliency_registered and not self._is_hoc_registered:
                raise ValueError("No explanation module was registered, user should at least call register_saliency() "
                                 "or register_hierarchical_occlusion() once with proper arguments.")

        if check_data_n_network or check_saliency or check_hoc:

        if check_data_n_network:

        if check_saliency:

    def _transform_data(self, inputs, labels, bboxes, ifbbox):
        Transform the data from one iteration of dataset to a unifying form for the follow-up operations.

            inputs (Tensor): the image data
            labels (Tensor): the labels
            bboxes (Tensor): the boudnding boxes data
            ifbbox (bool): whether to preprocess bboxes. If True, a dictionary that indicates bounding boxes w.r.t
                label id will be returned. If False, the returned bboxes is the the parsed bboxes.

            inputs (Tensor): the image data, unified to a 4D Tensor.
            labels (list[list[int]]): the ground truth labels.
            bboxes (Union[list[dict], None, Tensor]): the bounding boxes
        inputs = ms.Tensor(inputs, ms.float32)
        if len(inputs.shape) == 3:
            inputs = _EXPAND_DIMS(inputs, 0)
            if isinstance(labels, ms.Tensor):
                labels = ms.Tensor(labels, ms.int32)
                labels = _EXPAND_DIMS(labels, 0)
            if isinstance(bboxes, ms.Tensor):
                bboxes = ms.Tensor(bboxes, ms.int32)
                bboxes = _EXPAND_DIMS(bboxes, 0)

        input_len = len(inputs)
        if bboxes is not None and ifbbox:
            bboxes = ms.Tensor(bboxes, ms.int32)
            masks_lst = []
            labels = labels.asnumpy().reshape([input_len, -1])
            bboxes = bboxes.asnumpy().reshape([input_len, -1, 4])
            for idx, label in enumerate(labels):
                height, width = inputs[idx].shape[-2], inputs[idx].shape[-1]
                masks = {}
                for j, label_item in enumerate(label):
                    target = int(label_item)
                    if -1 < target < len(self._labels):
                        if target not in masks:
                            mask = np.zeros((1, 1, height, width))
                            mask = masks[target]
                        x_min, y_min, x_len, y_len = bboxes[idx][j].astype(int)
                        mask[:, :, x_min:x_min + x_len, y_min:y_min + y_len] = 1
                        masks[target] = mask

            bboxes = masks_lst

        labels = ms.Tensor(labels, ms.int32)
        if len(labels.shape) == 1:
            labels_lst = [[int(i)] for i in labels.asnumpy()]
            labels = labels.asnumpy().reshape([input_len, -1])
            labels_lst = []
            for item in labels:
                labels_lst.append(list(set(int(i) for i in item if -1 < int(i) < len(self._labels))))
        labels = labels_lst
        return inputs, labels, bboxes

    def _unpack_next_element(self, next_element, ifbbox=False):
        Unpack a single iteration of dataset.

            next_element (Tuple): a single element iterated from dataset object.
            ifbbox (bool): whether to preprocess bboxes in self._transform_data.

            tuple, a unified Tuple contains image_data, labels, and bounding boxes.
        if len(next_element) == 3:
            inputs, labels, bboxes = next_element
        elif len(next_element) == 2:
            inputs, labels = next_element
            bboxes = None
            inputs = next_element[0]
            labels = [[] for _ in inputs]
            bboxes = None
        inputs, labels, bboxes = self._transform_data(inputs, labels, bboxes, ifbbox)
        return inputs, labels, bboxes

    def _make_label_batch(labels):
        Unify a List of List of labels to be a 2D Tensor with shape (b, m), where b = len(labels) and m is the max
        length of all the rows in labels.

            labels (List[List]): the union labels of a data batch.

            2D Tensor.
        max_len = max([len(label) for label in labels])
        batch_labels = np.zeros((len(labels), max_len))

        for idx, _ in enumerate(batch_labels):
            length = len(labels[idx])
            batch_labels[idx, :length] = np.array(labels[idx])

        return ms.Tensor(batch_labels, ms.int32)

    def _save_manifest(self):
        """Save manifest.json underneath datafile directory."""
        if self._manifest is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Manifest not yet be initialized.")
        path_tokens = [self._summary_dir,
                       self._DATAFILE_DIRNAME_PREFIX + str(self._summary_timestamp)]
        abs_dir_path = self._create_subdir(*path_tokens)
        save_path = os.path.join(abs_dir_path, self._MANIFEST_FILENAME)
        with open(save_path, 'w') as file:
            json.dump(self._manifest, file, indent=4)
        os.chmod(save_path, self._FILE_MODE)

    def _save_original_image(self, sample_id, image):
        """Save an image to summary directory."""
        id_dirname = self._get_sample_dirname(sample_id)
        path_tokens = [self._summary_dir,
                       self._DATAFILE_DIRNAME_PREFIX + str(self._summary_timestamp),

        abs_dir_path = self._create_subdir(*path_tokens)
        filename = f"{sample_id}.jpg"
        save_path = os.path.join(abs_dir_path, filename)
        os.chmod(save_path, self._FILE_MODE)
        return os.path.join(*path_tokens[1:], filename)

    def _save_heatmap(self, explain_method, class_id, sample_id, image):
        """Save heatmap image to summary directory."""
        id_dirname = self._get_sample_dirname(sample_id)
        path_tokens = [self._summary_dir,
                       self._DATAFILE_DIRNAME_PREFIX + str(self._summary_timestamp),

        abs_dir_path = self._create_subdir(*path_tokens)
        filename = f"{sample_id}_{class_id}.jpg"
        save_path = os.path.join(abs_dir_path, filename), optimize=True)
        os.chmod(save_path, self._FILE_MODE)
        return os.path.join(*path_tokens[1:], filename)

    def _create_subdir(self, *args):
        """Recursively create subdirectories."""
        abs_path = None
        for token in args:
            if abs_path is None:
                abs_path = os.path.realpath(token)
                abs_path = os.path.join(abs_path, token)
            # os.makedirs() don't set intermediate dir permission properly, we mkdir() one by one
                os.mkdir(abs_path, mode=self._DIR_MODE)
                # In some platform, mode may be ignored in os.mkdir(), we have to chmod() again to make sure
                os.chmod(abs_path, mode=self._DIR_MODE)
            except FileExistsError:
        return abs_path

    def _get_sample_dirname(cls, sample_id):
        """Get the name of parent directory of the image id."""
        return str(int(sample_id / cls._SAMPLE_PER_DIR) * cls._SAMPLE_PER_DIR)

    def _extract_timestamp(filename):
        """Extract timestamp from summary filename."""
        matched ="summary\.(\d+)", filename)
        if matched:
            return int(
        return None

    def _spaced_print(cls, message):
        """Spaced message printing."""
        # workaround to print logs starting new line in case line width mismatch.
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self):
     self.seq = SequentialCell([AvgPool2d(3, 1), ReLU(), Flatten()])
     self.values = list(self.seq._cells.values())