class AutonomousCar: def __init__(self, settings): self.settings = settings self.go_ahead = True self.turn = False self.turn_angle = 30 if bool(random.getrandbits(1)): self.turn_angle *= -1 self.initiate_objects() if settings['run_test']: self.test_function() else: self.calibrate() self.the_loop() def initiate_objects(self): self.hub = MSHub() self.hub.status_light.on('orange') self.motor_front = Motor(self.settings['motor_front_port']) self.motor_rear = Motor(self.settings['motor_rear_port']) self.dist_sens = DistanceSensor(self.settings['dist_sens_port']) def calibrate(self): self.motor_front.run_to_position(self.settings['motor_front_angle']) def test_function(self): self.hub.light_matrix.show_image('PACMAN') sounds_and_colors = [(65, "blue"), (70, "azure"), (60, "cyan")] for i in sounds_and_colors: self.hub.speaker.beep(i[0], 0.3) self.hub.status_light.on(i[1]) def end_turn(self): self.turn = False self.motor_front.run_for_degrees(self.turn_angle * -1) def the_loop(self): self.hub.light_matrix.write('GO') self.hub.status_light.on('green') loop_time_diff = 0 loop_start_time = time.time() turn_time_diff = 0 turn_start_time = None while loop_time_diff < self.settings['how_long_run']: how_far = self.dist_sens.get_distance_cm() rear_speed = self.settings.get('motor_rear_speed') if self.turn: self.hub.status_light.on('yellow') turn_time_control = time.time() turn_time_diff = turn_time_control - turn_start_time if isinstance( how_far, int ) and how_far <= self.settings['dist_threshold_low']: self.go_ahead = False self.end_turn() elif turn_time_diff >= self.settings['turn_in_seconds']: self.end_turn() elif self.go_ahead: self.hub.status_light.on('green') rear_speed = rear_speed * -1 if isinstance( how_far, int ) and how_far <= self.settings['dist_threshold_low']: self.go_ahead = False else: self.hub.status_light.on('blue') if isinstance( how_far, int ) and how_far >= self.settings['dist_threshold_high']: self.turn = True turn_start_time = time.time() self.motor_front.run_for_degrees(self.turn_angle) self.go_ahead = True self.motor_rear.start(rear_speed) wait_for_seconds(0.25) loop_time_control = time.time() loop_time_diff = loop_time_control - loop_start_time self.motor_rear.stop() self.calibrate() self.hub.light_matrix.write('STOP')
# # Set arm motors to starting position # %% print("Setting arm motors to position 0...") motor_left_arm.run_to_position(0) motor_right_arm.run_to_position(0) print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # Configure sensor # %% print("Configuring sensors...") color_sensor = ColorSensor('C') distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('D') distance_sensor.light_up_all() print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # Make Charlie roam around # %% print("Roaming...") # While testing, it can be quite annoying having Charlie moving around. # If you wish, you can just comment the following line. This way, # Charlie will stay still while you test your program. motors_wheels.start() # %% [markdown]
def initiate_objects(self): self.hub = MSHub() self.hub.status_light.on('orange') self.motor_front = Motor(self.settings['motor_front_port']) self.motor_rear = Motor(self.settings['motor_rear_port']) self.dist_sens = DistanceSensor(self.settings['dist_sens_port'])
# # This code is meant to run on a LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Snake # Connect to it using a steering wheel or app: # # Building instructions for the snake: # from hub import port from time import sleep_ms import math from projects.mpy_robot_tools.rc import RCReceiver, R_STICK_VER, L_STICK_HOR, SETTING2 from projects.mpy_robot_tools.motor_sync import Mechanism, AMHTimer from mindstorms import DistanceSensor ds = DistanceSensor('A') rcv = RCReceiver(name="snake") motors = [ port.C.motor, port.D.motor, port.E.motor, port.F.motor, ] def sine_wave_w_params(amplitude=100, period=1000, offset_factor=0): def function(x, delay_setting=0, baseline=0): # global baseline, delay_setting return baseline + math.sin((x - delay_setting * offset_factor) / period * 2 * math.pi) * amplitude
motor_turret = Motor('B') # Turrent spinning # %% print("Setting motors to position 0...") motor_steer.run_to_position(45, speed=100) motor_steer.run_to_position(0, speed=100) motor_turret.run_to_position(0, speed=75) print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # Initialize distance sensor # %% print("Initializing distance sensor...") distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('D') print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # Put the AAT MS5 in motion # # The tank will move until the distance sensor detects an obstacle. # # The steering is given by `POSITION`. # * A value between `0` and `90` will steer the tank to the left. # - A value closer to `0` will make the tank turn wider. # - A value closer to `90` will make the tank turn tighter. # # * A value between `270` and `360` will steer the tank to the right. # - A value closer to `270` will make the tank turn tighter. # - A value closer to `360` will make the tank turn wider.
# Radar car - this car drives only north<->south or east<->west, when hitting a wall rotating to where is the most space. from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, DistanceSensor import math import sys # Setup hardware hub = MSHub() mradar = Motor("C") sradar = DistanceSensor("F") mdrive = MotorPair("A", "B") # Lights up 5x5 matrix. # Parameter `bits` is a 25 bits vector: a 1 switches on that led. # Bit 24 is upper left, bit 0 is lower right. def set_image(bits): cur = 1 << 24 for y in range(5): for x in range(5): if bits & cur: hub.light_matrix.set_pixel(x, y, 100) cur >>= 1 # Emits 3 tone fancy beep def beep(): hub.speaker.beep(60, 0.1) hub.speaker.beep(70, 0.1) hub.speaker.beep(62, 0.1)
# %% [markdown] # # Set arm motors to starting position # %% print("Setting arm motors to position 0...") motor_left_arm.run_to_position(0) motor_right_arm.run_to_position(0) print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # Make Charlie shy # %% # Initialize the distance sensor. print("Initializing the distance sensor...") distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('D') print("DONE!") # %% # Turn on the lights of the distance sensor. print("Turning on the distance sensor...") distance_sensor.light_up_all(100) print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # Define Charlie's shy reaction. # %% while True: # Get distance measurement.
# %% [markdown] # # Set arm motors to starting position # %% print("Setting arm motors to position 0...") motor_left_arm.run_to_position(0) motor_right_arm.run_to_position(0) print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # Configure sensor # %% print("Configuring distance sensor...") distance_sensor = DistanceSensor('D') distance_sensor.light_up_all() print("DONE!") # %% [markdown] # # High five! # %% print("Waiting for high five intention...") distance_sensor.wait_for_distance_closer_than(12, unit='cm') distance_sensor.light_up_all(0) print("DONE!") # %% print("Let's high five!") motor_right_arm.run_for_degrees(-120)