Esempio n. 1
    def get_pool_stats(self, results, miner, worker, algo, pool_id, pool_url):

        if algo == 'ethash':
            algo_idx = get_algo_index('daggerhashimoto')
            algo_idx = get_algo_index(algo)

        if algo_idx is -1:
            return False

        coin_idx = get_coin_index(self._DEFAULT_COIN_)

        # get the cost of the coin
        # TODO - get the currency from the config, do not assume USD
        coin_cost = get_coin_cost(self._DEFAULT_COIN_, 'USD')

        success = False

        json = self.get_worker_stats(miner, worker)

        if json:
            success = self.parse_json(json, results, miner, worker, pool_id,
                                      algo, algo_idx, coin_idx, coin_cost)

        return success
Esempio n. 2
    def get_pool_stats(self, results, miner, worker, algo, pool_id, pool_url):

        # ensure we have an ALGO IDX (i.e. it is known by the system)
        algo_idx = get_algo_index(algo)

        if algo_idx is None:
            # TODO - throw an exception
            return False

        coin_idx = get_coin_index(self._DEFAULT_COIN_)

        # get the cost of the coin
        # TODO - get the currency from the config, do not assume USD
        # TODO - cache coin_cost for a period... (or implement REST API result cache)

        coin_cost = get_coin_cost(self._DEFAULT_COIN_, 'USD')

        success = False

        # build the miner URL
        url = self._MINER_URL.replace("{MINER}", miner.coin_address)

        # create an API object
        api = RestAPI(url=url, port=80)

        # get the data
        json = api.get_json()

        if json:
            success = self.parse_json(json, results, miner, worker, pool_id,
                                      algo, algo_idx, coin_idx, coin_cost)

        return success
Esempio n. 3
    def __process_hashrate_calculations(self, miner, hashrate_ghs5s, algo):

        # it is possible with multi-algo miners and pools to switch the ALGO
        # let us double check the current algo vs the algo stored in the results
        # since the hashrate calcs depend on the ALGO

            algo_idx = get_algo_index(algo)
            algo_idx_from_pool = self.get_result(, 'algo')
            if algo_idx == -1 or (algo_idx_from_pool
                                  and algo_idx != algo_idx_from_pool):
                # get the changed algo
                algo = get_algo_by_index(algo_idx_from_pool)

            # do all hashrate stuff
            calculate_hashrates(self, miner, hashrate_ghs5s, algo)
            logger.error("Problem processing hashrate for "
                         "miner '{}' hashrate '{}'".format(
                   , hashrate_ghs5s))
Esempio n. 4
    def parse_json(self, json, results, miner, worker, pool, algo, algo_idx,
                   coin_idx, coin_cost):

        success = False

        # get the records
        records = json['miningRigs']

        for record in records:

            if record.get('stats') is None:
                # TODO - should we log a warning no stats on NiceHash for this Coin / Address ?

                # get the NH algo key
                nice_algo_key = record['stats'][0]['algorithm']['enumName']

                # make sure we are looking at the correct algo
                nice_algo_idx = get_algo_index(nice_algo_key)

                # ensure the algo in this record matches the algo that we passed into the parse for this miner
                if nice_algo_idx == algo_idx:


                        # get units suffix for this ALGO / Miner combo
                        speed_suffix = self.get_algo_units(
                            nice_algo_key, results, miner, algo)

                        # get accepted hashrate to use in our profitability calcs

                        # NH is reporting as string (Big decimal scaled to 8 decimal points)
                        speed_accepted = float(

                        # profitability is a measure of COIN / speed suffix / per DAY

                        # sometimes the profitability is in the actual stats record
                        stats = record['stats'][0]
                        profitability = stats.get('profitability')

                        if profitability is None:
                            # otherwise it is one level up in the algo record
                            profitability = record['profitability']

                        # NH is reporting profitability as (COIN / day) and the Results needs (COIN / hashrate / day)
                        # so also divide by the hashrate as our the populate method multiplies it back in later
                        profitability = float(profitability) / speed_accepted


                        speed_accepted = 0.0
                        profitability = 0.0

                    # finally set the API results into the main results object
                    results.populate_pool_results(miner, worker, pool, algo,
                                                  algo_idx, coin_idx,
                                                  coin_cost, profitability,
                                                  speed_accepted, None,

                    # break out of the loop
                    success = True

        return success
Esempio n. 5
    def get_pool_stats(self, results, miner, worker, algo, pool_id, pool_url):

        # initialize with a 0 hashrate
        hashrate = 0.0

        # profit on MPOS site is measured in BTC/GH/DAY
        profit_btc_gh_day = 0.0

        if self._pool_info is None:
            # we are SOL
            logger.error("Cannot get needed POOL DATA from (getminingandprofitsstatistics) API call.")
            return False

        # get the API KEY and USER ID
        api_key, user_id = self._get_api_key_and_user_id()

        if api_key is None or len(api_key)==0 or user_id is None or user_id == 0:
            warn_msg = "MINING POOL HUB Needs API_KEY and USER_ID"
            warn_msg += " in order to retrieve Miner Data. Set using UI or .INI file"
            return False

        # Get the pool info, should be a list of potential multialgo pools based on port
        for pool in self._pool_info:
            algo = pool['algo']
            coin = pool['coin_name']

            # profit == BTC / GH / DAY
            profit_btc_gh_day = pool['profit']

            # try to build a URL:
            url = self._build_api_hashrate_url(api_key, user_id, coin)

            # create an API object
            api = RestAPI(url=url, port=80)

            # get the data
            json = api.get_json()
            if json:
                hashrate = json['getuserhashrate']['data']
                if hashrate > 0:
                    # this must be the right pool

        # get the algo
        algo_idx = get_algo_index(algo)
        if algo_idx == -1:
            return False

        # get the index and cost of the coin
        coin_idx = get_coin_index(coin)
        coin_cost = get_coin_cost_by_index(coin_idx,'USD')
        coin_cost_btc = get_coin_cost('BTC', 'USD')

        coin_cost_ratio = coin_cost_btc/coin_cost

        # The API is returning a number 1000 times larger than the WEB Dashboard, which is reporting in MH/S
        # We are going to surmise that the hashrate is reported in KH/s from the API

        # BUT we want to convert to GH/s to be consistent with profitability here
        # so force suffix to be GH
        speed_suffix = "GH"

        # and divide by 1M to get hashrate expressed in GH
        hashrate_ghs = (hashrate / 1000000)

        # We need the profitability to be in: COIN / speed_suffix / day
        # multiply by ratio of 'COIN' to BTC
        profit_coin_gh_day = profit_btc_gh_day * coin_cost_ratio

        # finally set the API results into the main results object
        results.populate_pool_results(miner, worker, pool_id, algo, algo_idx, coin_idx, coin_cost,
                                      profit_coin_gh_day, hashrate_ghs, None, speed_suffix)

        return True
Esempio n. 6
    def get_pool_stats(self, results, miner, worker, algo, pool_id, pool_url):

        # initialize with a 0 hashrate
        hashrate = 0.0

        # get the coin from the pool URL
        # should be the format of: ""

        pool_coin = pool_url.split(".")[0]
        if "-" in pool_coin:
            # seems pool location may be inside, remove that
            pool_coin = pool_coin.split("-")[0]

        # The F2Pool uses the CURRENCY in the API call but requires currency name
        # instead of the actual symbol - so we need to translate.
        # For example:
        # ltc == litecoin
        # btc == bitcoin
        # eth == ethereum

        # get the coin
        coin = get_coin_name_by_symbol(pool_coin)

        if coin is not None:

            # try to build a URL:
            url = self._build_api_hashrate_url(miner.coin_address, coin)

            # create an API object
            api = RestAPI(url=url, port=80)

            # get the data
            json = api.get_json()

            # hashrate from history - don't need this right now
            # hashrate = self.get_last_complete_hashrate_from_history(json)

            workers = json['workers']
            for worker_record in workers:
                if worker_record[0] == worker:
                    # current hashrate per worker
                    hashrate = float(worker_record[1])

        # get the algo
        algo_idx = get_algo_index(algo)
        if algo_idx == -1:
            return False

        # get the index and cost of the coin
        coin_idx = get_coin_index(pool_coin)
        coin_cost = get_coin_cost_by_index(coin_idx, 'USD')
        coin_cost_btc = get_coin_cost('BTC', 'USD')
        coin_cost_ratio = coin_cost_btc / coin_cost

        # profit == BTC / GH / DAY
        # profit_btc_gh_day = pool['profit']

        # BUT we want to convert to GH/s to be consistent with profitability here
        # so force suffix to be GH
        speed_suffix = "GH"

        # must divide by 1G to get hashrate expressed in GH
        hashrate_ghs = (hashrate / 1000000000)

        # hack to get profit per day - need to verify with F2Pool support what this means and the units
        # would be better to get the value earned per worker rather than total value for all miners
        worker_count = int(json['worker_length'])
        profit_btc_gh_day = float(json['value_last_day']) / worker_count

        # We need the profitability to be in: COIN / speed_suffix / day
        # multiply by ratio of 'COIN' to BTC
        profit_coin_gh_day = profit_btc_gh_day * coin_cost_ratio

        # finally set the API results into the main results object
        results.populate_pool_results(miner, worker, pool_id, algo, algo_idx,
                                      coin_idx, coin_cost, profit_coin_gh_day,
                                      hashrate_ghs, None, speed_suffix)

        return True