Esempio n. 1
 def __iter__(self):
    # this enables converting the task into a tuple() type so that
    # the priority queue can just cast it to tuple before comparison.
    # it depends on the policy
    if (self.scheme == 'FCFS'):
       t = (self.release, self.last_dispatched_time)  # example, but you may want a secondary
         # priority for tie-breaker. if so, just add them to the tuple.
    elif (self.scheme == 'SJF'): # shortest job first
        # tuple that defines priority in terms of "job length"
           # or is it really job length?
       t = (self.cpuBurst, self.last_dispatched_time)
    elif (self.scheme == 'RR'): # round robin
        # define round robin priority if you use a MinHeap;
           # or you could just use a FIFO.
       t = MinHeap()
       t.put((self.last_dispatched_time, self.remaining_time))
       raise ValueError("Unknown scheme %s" % self.scheme)
    for i in t:
       yield i
Esempio n. 2
class NPScheduler:
    def __init__(self, N, policy='SJF'):
        self.N = N  # number of time steps to schedule
        self.running = None
        self.clock = 0
        self.policy = policy
        # instantiate the readyQueue, which may be a FIFO or MinHeap
        # you may need additional queues for
        # - tasks that have been added but not released yet
        # - tasks that have been completed
        # - the Gantt chart
        self.readyQueue = MinHeap()
        self.notReadyQueue = FIFO()
        self.doneQueue = list()
        self.ganttChart = list()

    def addTask(self, task):
        # if the release time of the new task is not in the future, then
        # put it in ready queue; otherwise, put into not-ready queue.
        # you may need to copy the scheduler policy into the task

        if task.releaseTime() <= self.clock:  #release

    def dispatch(self, task):
        # dispatch here means assign the chosen task as the one to run
        # in the current time step.
        # the task should be removed from ready-queue by caller;
        # The task may be empty (None).
        # This method will make an entry into the Gantt chart and perform
        # bookkeeping, including
        ## - recording the last dispatched time of this task,
        # - increment the wait times of those tasks not scheduled
        #   but in the ready queue
        if task is None:

        task.last_dispatched = self.clock
        for task_wait in self.readyQueue:

    def releaseTasks(self):
        this is called at the beginning of scheduling each time step to see
        if new tasks became ready to be released to ready queue, when their
        release time is no later than the current clock.
        while True:
            r = self.notReadyQueue.head()
            # assuming the notReadyQueue outputs by release time
            if r is None or r.releaseTime() > self.clock:
            r = self.notReadyQueue.get()

    def checkTaskCompletion(self):
        # if there is a current running task, check if it has just finished.
        # (i.e., decrement remaining time and see if it has more work to do.  ??
        # If so, perform bookkeeping for completing the task,  ???
        # - move task to done-queue, set its completion time and lastrun time ???
        # set the scheduler running task to None, and return True
        # (so that a new task may be picked.)

        # but if not completed, return False.
        # If there is no current running task, also return True.
        if self.running is None:
            return True
        # your code here
        task = self.running
        if task.done():
            self.running = None
            return True

        # for future use
        if task is None: return True
        return False

    def schedule(self):
        # scheduler that handles nonpreemptive scheduling.
        # the policy such as RR, SJF, or FCFS is handled by the task as it
        # defines the attribute to compare (in its __iter__() method)
        # first, check if added but unreleased tasks may now be released
        # (i.e., added to ready queue)

        if self.checkTaskCompletion() == False:  # get task status
            # There is a current running task and it is not done yet!
            # the same task will continue running to its completion.
            # simply redispatch the current running task.
            ## redispatch the current running task, we have current ruuing task

            # task completed or no running task.
            # get the next task from priority queue and dispatch it.

            # add None
            if len(self.readyQueue) == 0:
            # pop finishing
            if len(self.readyQueue) > 0:
                task = self.readyQueue.get()
                # another turn to run
                self.running = task

    def clockGen(self):
        for self.clock in range(self.N):
            # now run scheduler here
            yield self.clock

    def getSchedule(self):
        return '-'.join(map(str, self.ganttChart))
        # return self.ganttChart

    def getThroughput(self):
        # calculate and return throughput as a tuple
        numerator = len(self.doneQueue)
        denominator = self.doneQueue[-1].completion
        return (numerator, denominator)

    def getWaitTime(self):
        # calculate and return
        numerator = sum([task.wait_time for task in self.doneQueue])
        denominator = len(self.doneQueue)
        return (numerator, denominator)

    def getTurnaroundTime(self):
        # calculate the turnaround time in terms of a tuple with
        #  separate turnaround times, #processes
        #print([task.turnaroundTime() for task in self.doneQueue])
        numerator = sum([task.turnaroundTime() for task in self.doneQueue])
        denominator = len(self.doneQueue)
        return (numerator, denominator)
Esempio n. 3
class NPScheduler:
    def __init__(self, N, policy='SJF'):
        self.N = N  # number of time steps to schedule
        self.running = None
        self.clock = 0
        self.policy = policy
        self.readyQueue = MinHeap()
        self.notReadyQueue = FIFO()
        self.ganttChart = FIFO()
        # instantiate the readyQueue, which may be a FIFO or MinHeap
        # you may need additional queues for
        # - tasks that have been added but not released yet
        # - tasks that have been completed
        # - the Gantt chart
        self.lastruntime = 0
        self.numOfTask = 0

    def addTask(self, task):
        task.scheme = self.policy
        # for statistic
        self.numOfTask = self.numOfTask + 1

        if task.releaseTime() <= self.clock:


        # if the release time of the new task is not in the future, then
        # put it in ready queue; otherwise, put into not-ready queue.
        # you may need to copy the scheduler policy into the task

    def dispatch(self, task):
        r = self.readyQueue.head()
        if r == None:
        self.running = task

        self.readyQueue.get().lastDispatchedTime = self.clock


        for i in self.readyQueue:
        # dispatch here means assign the chosen task as the one to run
        # in the current time step.
        # the task should be removed from ready-queue by caller;
        # The task may be empty (None).
        # This method will make an entry into the Gantt chart and perform
        # bookkeeping, including
        # - recording the last dispatched time of this task,
        # - increment the wait times of those tasks not scheduled
        #   but in the ready queue

    def releaseTasks(self):
        this is called at the beginning of scheduling each time step to see
        if new tasks became ready to be released to ready queue, when their
        release time is no later than the current clock.
        while True:
            r = self.notReadyQueue.head()
            # assuming the notReadyQueue outputs by release time
            if r is None or r.releaseTime() > self.clock:
            r = self.notReadyQueue.get()
            #r.setPriorityScheme(self.policy) little weird in my opinion
            r.scheme = self.policy

            if r:
                r.fifo_prio = self.clock


    def checkTaskCompletion(self):
        # if there is a current running task, check if it has just finished.
        # (i.e., decrement remaining time and see if it has more work to do.
        # If so, perform bookkeeping for completing the task,
        # - move task to done-queue, set its completion time and lastrun time
        # set the scheduler running task to None, and return True
        # (so that a new task may be picked.)
        # but if not completed, return False.
        # If there is no current running task, also return True.
        if self.running is None:
            return True
        # your code here
        if self.running.done() == True:
            self.running.completionTime = self.clock
            self.running.lastDispatchedTime = self.clock

            #for statistic
            self.lastruntime = self.clock
            return True
            return False

    def schedule(self):
        # scheduler that handles nonpreemptive scheduling.
        # the policy such as RR, SJF, or FCFS is handled by the task as it
        # defines the attribute to compare (in its __iter__() method)
        # first, check if added but unreleased tasks may now be released
        # (i.e., added to ready queue)
        if self.checkTaskCompletion() == False:

            for i in self.readyQueue:

            # There is a current running task and it is not done yet!
            # the same task will continue running to its completion.
            # simply redispatch the current running task.
            self.running = self.readyQueue.head()
            # task completed or no running task.
            # get the next task from priority queue and dispatch it.

    def clockGen(self):
        for self.clock in range(self.N):
            # now run scheduler here
            yield self.clock

    def getSchedule(self):
        return '-'.join(map(str, self.ganttChart))
        # return self.ganttChart

    def getThroughput(self):
        return (self.numOfTask, self.lastruntime)
        # calculate and return throughput as a tuple

    def getWaitTime(self):
        # calculate and return
        s = set(self.ganttChart)
        total_waiting_time = 0
        for i in s:
            if i:
                total_waiting_time = total_waiting_time + i.waitingTime

        return (total_waiting_time, self.numOfTask)

    def getTurnaroundTime(self):
        # calculate the turnaround time in terms of a tuple with
        #  separate turnaround times, #processes
        s = set(self.ganttChart)
        total_turnaround_time = 0
        for i in s:
            if i:
                total_turnaround_time = total_turnaround_time + i.completionTime - i.release
        return (total_turnaround_time, self.numOfTask)