def setupPing(hosts, strategy): for host in hosts: host.cmd('mkdir -p ping-data') Nfdc.setStrategy(host, '/ndn/', strategy) prefix = getSafeName('/ndn/{}-site/{}'.format(, NDNPing.startPingServer(host, prefix)
def configureUsers(self): for user in self.users: host = self.users[user]['host'] userName = userPrefix = self.users[user]['userPrefix'] serviceGroup = '/discovery/{}'.format(self.users[user]['service']) print("Starting user node:{}".format(userPrefix)) cmd = 'export NDN_LOG=ndnsd.*=TRACE' #:psync.*=TRACE' host.cmd(cmd) host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}'.format(userPrefix)) host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}'.format(serviceGroup)) Nfdc.setStrategy(host, serviceGroup, Nfdc.STRATEGY_MULTICAST) self.users[user]["logFile"] = '{}/{}/{}.log'.format( self.args.workDir, userName, 'ndnsd') # Consumer discovers repo and prefixes repo serves using ndnsd cmd = 'ndnsd-consumer -s {} -c 1 -p 1 &> {} &'.format( "repo", self.users[user]['logFile']) host.cmd(cmd) time.sleep(3)
def configureSensor(self): for sensor in self.sensors: host = self.sensors[sensor]['host'] sensorName = sensorPrefix = self.sensors[sensor]['sensorPrefix'] serviceGroup = '/discovery/{}'.format( self.sensors[sensor]['service']) print("starting sensor {}".format(sensorName)) cmd = 'export NDN_LOG=ndnsd.*=TRACE' #:psync.*=TRACE' host.cmd(cmd) host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}'.format(sensorPrefix)) host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}'.format(serviceGroup)) Nfdc.setStrategy(host, serviceGroup, Nfdc.STRATEGY_MULTICAST) self.sensors[sensor]["logFile"] = '{}/{}/{}.log'.format( self.args.workDir, sensorName, 'ndnsd') # Sensor discovers repo using ndnsd cmd = 'ndnsd-consumer -s {} -c 1 -p 1 &> {} &'.format( "repo", self.sensors[sensor]['logFile']) host.cmd(cmd) time.sleep(3)
def configureRepo(self): # Configure repo for service-group: "/discovery/repo/" for repo in self.repos: #repo is a dictionary host = self.repos[repo]['host'] repoName = hostInfoFile = '{}/{}/ndnsd_{}.info'.format( self.args.workDir, repoName, repoName) repoAppPrefix = self.repos[repo]['repoPrefix'] servedPrefix = self.repos[repo]['servedPrefixes'] Popen( ['cp', '/usr/local/etc/ndn/', hostInfoFile], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() editNdnsdConf(host, hostInfoFile, 'required.serviceName', "repo") editNdnsdConf(host, hostInfoFile, 'required.appPrefix', repoAppPrefix) editNdnsdConf(host, hostInfoFile, 'details.appPrefix', repoAppPrefix) # send the list of servedPrefix, and editNdnsdConf will handle the rest editNdnsdConf(host, hostInfoFile, 'details.servedPrefix', servedPrefix, True) host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}'.format(self.repo_group)) host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}'.format(repoAppPrefix)) # host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}/insert'.format(repoAppPrefix)) # host.cmd('nlsrc advertise {}/delete'.format(repoAppPrefix)) Nfdc.setStrategy(host, self.repo_group, Nfdc.STRATEGY_MULTICAST) cmd = 'export NDN_LOG=ndnsd.*=TRACE' host.cmd(cmd) cmd = 'ndnsd-producer {} 1 &> ndnsd.log &'.format(hostInfoFile) host.cmd(cmd) time.sleep(3) # start repo on the repo node self.repo_obj.startRepo(host, repoAppPrefix)
def setupPing(hosts, strategy): for host in hosts: host.cmd('mkdir -p ping-data') Nfdc.setStrategy(host, '/ndn/', strategy) host.cmd('ndnpingserver /ndn/{}-site/{} > ping-server &'.format(,
grh = NdnRoutingHelper( for host in exp.producer_nodes: hostName = appPrefix = '/ndnsd/{}/service-info'.format(hostName) discoveryPrefix = '/discovery/{}'.format(exp.producers[hostName][0]) print("Add routes for: ", hostName, appPrefix, discoveryPrefix) grh.addOrigin([host], [appPrefix, discoveryPrefix]) grh.calculateNPossibleRoutes() # ----------------------------- adding static routes using ndn routing helper END----------------------- exp.startProducer() exp.startConsumer() time.sleep(10) # set /discovery/printers to multicast on all the nodes. for host in Nfdc.setStrategy(host, '/discovery/printer', Nfdc.STRATEGY_MULTICAST) time.sleep(1) #setTsharkLog(ndn) #time.sleep(1) # need to run reload at producers node print( "Staring experiment, i.e. reloading producers, approximate time to complete: {} seconds" .format(2 * (numberOfUpdates + jitter))) for host in exp.producer_nodes: appPrefix = '/ndnsd/{}/service-info'.format( cmd = 'ndnsd-reload -c {} -i {} -r {} -p {} &> {}/{}/reload.log &'.format( numberOfUpdates, exp.producers[][1] - 10, 50, appPrefix, ndn.args.workDir, host.cmd(cmd)
if __name__ == '__main__': setLogLevel('info') ndn = Minindn() args = ndn.args ndn.start() nfds = AppManager(ndn,, Nfd) syncPrefix = "/sync" numUserPrefixesPerNode = 2 maxUpdatesPerUserPrefixPerNode = 3 for host in Nfdc.setStrategy(host, syncPrefix, Nfdc.STRATEGY_MULTICAST) registerRouteToAllNeighbors(ndn, host, syncPrefix) info('Starting psync-full-sync on all the nodes\n') for host in host.cmd('export NDN_LOG=examples.FullSyncApp=INFO') host.cmd('psync-full-sync {} {} {} {} &> psync.logs &'.format( syncPrefix,, numUserPrefixesPerNode, maxUpdatesPerUserPrefixPerNode)) info('Sleeping 5 minutes for convergence\n') # Estimated time for 4 node default topology time.sleep(300) totalUpdates = int( host.cmd('grep -r Update {}/*/psync.logs | wc -l'.format(
elif protocol == 'P2P': nameComponents = server[5].split("/") names = [ '/'.join(nameComponents[:i]) for i in range(3, len(nameComponents) + 1) ] grh.addOrigin([server[0]], names) grh.calculateNPossibleRoutes(nFaces=1) if protocol == 'StateVector': # State vector requires multicast as FW Strategy # nfdc strategy set / /localhost/nfd/strategy/multicast/%FD%03 for host in Nfdc.setStrategy(host, "/", Nfdc.STRATEGY_MULTICAST) ################### IP Routing ################### if is_ip_eval: info("Adding IP routes") IPRoutingHelper.calcAllRoutes( ################### Start game servers ################### # Start all game server apps for server in servers: if protocol == "QuadTree": AppManager(ndn, [server[0]], QuadTreeGameServer, responsibility=server[6], logFolder=logDir, prefix=prefix,