Esempio n. 1
    def optimizeTimePoly(self):
        graph = minisam.FactorGraph()
        #loss = minisam.CauchyLoss.Cauchy(0.) # TODO: Options Struct
        loss = None
            TimePolyFactor(minisam.key('p', 0),

        init_values = minisam.Variables()

        opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
        #opt_param.verbosity_level = minisam.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
        opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)
        values = minisam.Variables()
        init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((2, )))

        opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
        self.timePolyCoeffs = Flight.gen5thTimePoly(
  'p', 0)), self.duration)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.prior_cov = minisam.DiagonalLoss.Sigmas(
            np.array([1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4]))
        self.const_cov = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
        self.odom_cov = minisam.DiagonalLoss.Sigmas(self.const_cov)
        self.loop_cov = minisam.DiagonalLoss.Sigmas(self.const_cov)

        self.graph_factors = minisam.FactorGraph()
        self.graph_initials = minisam.Variables()

        self.opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
        self.opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(self.opt_param)

        self.curr_se3 = None
        self.curr_node_idx = None
        self.prev_node_idx = None

        self.graph_optimized = None
    def __init__(self, px, pcf, config,
                 expected_lane_extractor, expected_pole_extractor, expected_rs_stop_extractor,
        """Constructor method.

            px (float): Distance from rear axle to front bumper.
            pcf (flaot): Distace from camera to front bumper.
            config (dict): Container for all configurations related to factor graph based localization.
                This should be read from the configuration .yaml file.
            expected_lane_extractor: Expected lane extractor for lane boundary factor.
                This is for lane boundary factors to query the map for expected lane boundaries.
            expected_pole_extractor: Expected pole extractor for pole factor.
            first_node_idx (int): Index of the first node.
                Sometimes it is more convenient to let indices consistent with recorded data.
                Especially when performing localization using only part of data that don't start from
                the beginning of the recording.
        self.px = px
        self.pcf = pcf
        # Config
        self.config = config

        # Initialize factors
        LaneBoundaryFactor.initialize(expected_lane_extractor, px)
        GNNLaneBoundaryFactor.initialize(expected_lane_extractor, px)
        PoleFactor.initialize(self.px, self.pcf)
        RSStopFactor.initialize(expected_rs_stop_extractor, px)

        # Flag to be burried into MMPriorFactor.
        # It indicates if MMPriorFactor experiences a mode switching.
        self.prior_switch_flag = SwitchFlag(False)

        # Instead of performing map pole queries in pole factors, graph manager
        # queries map poles in advance and only feeds map poles in the neighborhood
        # to the relevant pole factor. The pole factors are responsible for transforming
        # map poles into their own frame.
        self.expected_pole_extractor = expected_pole_extractor

        # Factor graph
        self.graph = ms.FactorGraph()
        # Initial guess
        self.initials = ms.Variables()
        # Window size
        self.win_size = config['graph']['win_size']
        #: bool: True to use previous a posteriori as a priori
        self.use_prev_posteriori = config['graph']['use_prev_posteriori']

        # Optimizer parameter
        self.opt_params = ms.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
        self.opt_params.verbosity_level = ms.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
        self.opt_params.max_iterations = 5
        # Optimizer
        self.opt = ms.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(self.opt_params)

        # # Optimizer parameter
        # self.opt_params = ms.GaussNewtonOptimizerParams()
        # self.opt_params.verbosity_level = ms.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
        # self.opt_params.max_iterations = 5
        # # Optimizer
        # self.opt = ms.GaussNewtonOptimizer(self.opt_params)

        # Marginal covarnaince solver
        self.mcov_solver = ms.MarginalCovarianceSolver()

        #: int: Index for the prior node
        self.prior_node_idx = first_node_idx
        #: int: Index for the next node to be added
        self.next_node_idx = first_node_idx + 1

        #: deque of pose node indices (including prior node)
        self._idc_in_graph = deque()
        #: deque of tuples: Each contains the state and noise model of the a posteriori of the last pose of each step
        # Tuple: (index, ms.SE2, ms.GaussianModel)
        self._history_a_posteriori = deque(maxlen=self.win_size-1)

        #: ms.Variables(): Result of optimization
        self.optimized_results = None
        #: ms.sophus.SE2: Last optimized SE2 pose
        self.last_optimized_se2 = None
        #: np.ndarray: Covariance matrix of last optimized pose
        self.last_optimized_cov = None

        #: np.ndarray: Stores the covariance matrix of the new node predicted using CTRV model.
        # This is used for gating and computing weights for data association
        self.pred_cov = None

        #: bool: True if new pose node already has a corresponding initial guess
        self.new_node_guessed = False
        #: bool: True if odom factor has been added at the current time step.
        # As in the current implementation, a odom factor should be added as the first operation
        # at every time step to introduce a new node. This flag is used to check the abovementioned
        # is not violated.
        # This flag is set to False after optimization is carried out in the end of every time step.
        # When trying to add a factor other than a odom factor without already adding a odom factor,
        # an Exceptio will be raised.
        self.odom_added = False
Esempio n. 4
    def optimizeBezierPath(self):
        if (self.bezier.order == 3 and self.optParams.init != None
                and != None):
            self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                self.duration * np.array([
                    self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order,
           / self.bezier.order
            graph = minisam.FactorGraph()
            #loss = minisam.CauchyLoss.Cauchy(0.) # TODO: Options Struct
            loss = None
                BezierCurveFactor(minisam.key('p', 0),

            init_values = minisam.Variables()

            opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
            #opt_param.verbosity_level = minisam.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
            opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)
            values = minisam.Variables()

            linePts = self.startPose.getTranslation() + \
                np.arange(0,1+1/(self.bezier.order),1/(self.bezier.order))*(self.endPose.getTranslation()- self.startPose.getTranslation())

            if (self.optParams.init != None and == None):
                # TODO: Initial Conditions
                initialGuess = np.hstack((linePts[3:-2].reshape((1, -1)), 1))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((1+self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), initialGuess)

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                d = np.array([self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order])
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    np.hstack((d,'p', 0)))))

            elif (self.optParams.init != None
                  and != None):
                print("Both Constrained")
                initialGuess = linePts[:, 2:-2].reshape((1, -1))
                d = self.duration * np.array([
                    self.optParams.init / self.bezier.order,
           / self.bezier.order
                unit = np.zeros((self.dimension))
                unit[0] = 1
                pos2 = self.startPose * (d[0] * unit)
                pos3 = self.endPose * (-d[1] * unit)
                v = (pos3 - pos2) / (self.bezier.order - 2)
                initialGuess = pos2 + np.multiply(
                    np.arange(1, self.bezier.order - 3 + 1), v)
                initialGuess = initialGuess.reshape((1, -1))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.squeeze(initialGuess))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
                    np.hstack((d,'p', 0)))))
                initialGuess = np.hstack((linePts[3:-2].reshape((1, -1))))
                #init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((2+self.dimension*(self.bezier.order-3),)))
                init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), initialGuess)

                opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
                self.bezier = Bezier.constructBezierPath(
                    self.startPose, self.endPose, self.bezier.order,
          'p', 0)))
Esempio n. 5
end = SE2(R=R, x=x)
order = 6

graph = minisam.FactorGraph()

graph.add(BezierCurveFactor(minisam.key('p', 0), start, end, order, loss))

init_values = minisam.Variables()
init_values.add(minisam.key('p', 0), np.ones((2 + 2 * (order - 3), )))

print("initial curve parameters :",'p', 0)))

opt_param = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizerParams()
#opt_param.verbosity_level = minisam.NonlinearOptimizerVerbosityLevel.ITERATION
opt = minisam.LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer(opt_param)

values = minisam.Variables()

tic = perf_counter()
status = opt.optimize(graph, init_values, values)
toc = perf_counter()

print("opitmized curve parameters :",'p', 0)))
print("Optimization took: ", toc - tic)

b = Bezier.constructBezierPath(start, end, order,
                     'p', 0)))

dt = 0.01
t = np.arange(0, 1, dt)